K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!!!!!!!!!!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-03-09 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiling K1 petition day after my divorce is official?
Oh and another thing, even if they could make notes on you it would not be uncommon for you to be visiting your "girlfriend" and not be educated with the laws of immigration. As long as you can prove the validity of your relationship with visits, letters and all that, then it should be ok. Obviously you are not doing it illegally so it would hold no realy baring to your actual case. All it does is prove that you were going to see her and that can't be seen as bad despite what you say at customs. Your action to petition for her shows that you indend on doing it legally.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-14 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiling K1 petition day after my divorce is official?
I got divorced on 12/19/06 and re-married on 01/25/07 and everything went okay for me.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-14 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresshould I wait for files??
Once you get the letter from the NVC, they send your paperwork to your embassey in Japan or whichever country you were married and that is where packet 3 is generated. You are supposed to send the DS-230 back right away and then send a followup letter to them when you are ready with all the requirements on the checklist. What I recommend is that you have someone check your mail for you and forward the embassy packet to you. You should at least get the DS-230 back to them right away and then you can wait to do your followup letter until you are ready, but you should e-mail your consulate and ask either way. They normally take 2-3 days to reply, but every consulate is different so you should check with them on if they have any time limitations in order to ease your mind.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-15 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnewbie need help/advice
Gah 12/19/06 <-- divorce
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-18 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnewbie need help/advice
If it was never a legal marriage then I do not think you have to even technically say that she was married despite her having klids. I was divorced on 12/19/07 and remarried on 01/25/07 and they honored our petition despite me getting divorced and married within a month. However, if there was something legally binding them even if it was through common law (I don't know if that is practiced in her country or not) then she may have to at least go through a legal separation. I mean, if there was paperwork involved.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-18 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLet me know if this is the one ?
The divorce Decree is still legally binding even if she does not appear in court. The judge has signed it and it is official, but if you are worried, you can take a trip back to the courthouse and get a certified copy of it from the records department at a fairly low cost. They will stamp it for you right there and sign it.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 00:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLet me know if this is the one ?

Why not blur out the personal info.........

It does look to be correct.

You need those signatures, yours, your ex-husbands, and THE JUDGE, or you'll get a REF

Uhhhh, I know.................he is posting personal info, just looking out for him. He could have blurred them out for the purpose of this post.

I agree he should remove them for safety :unsure: *worries*
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 00:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLet me know if this is the one ?
Those are the right documents, but you should edit your post and delete them now because you do not want random people having that information. Now that you know they are right you should remove them for safety. *hugs*

Edited by Rings, 26 June 2007 - 12:31 AM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 00:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs K-1 better option in my case?
Eeeeeww.. wow.
Uhhh would you let you into your country after knowing the full story?

Not to be rude or misleading, but really all you have to do is ask yourself that question.

I agree that you will not be able to fight the case alone. Even so, the chances are slim for you and I honestly think that you will be denied even with a lawyer. Most lawyers will probably tell you that during a consultation.

Not that I do not want to think positively for you, but the governement does not see you as a person.. You are a number with a history and that history matters to them. They look at thousands and thousands of cases and stories... when you sit your case in front of a guy who had a shitty morning, your chances are less than slim to none. Unless you have very valid reason for your actions that you can prove on an actual piece of paper...then your story is heresay (you word against your actions)
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm a student
yes the I-134 and the I-864 are different forms, but you still want to be sure that you have a co-sponsor if you cannot prove income. They want to be sure that she does not become a public charge and all that. It is always better to be safe than sorry too *hugs*
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-05 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about "proof oh having met within 2 years"
They are usually okay with the travel documents to and from his country, phone bills and stuff... I don't think it would hurt to supply anything that helps your case.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-04 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate & Court Records
He still has an incident that has required him to go to court in order for him to be put onto probation. He could not have been put on probation without a court order. He still has a police record and that will show up on his police clearance that he HAS to get in order to get a visa. If he shows up without the police clearance, then they will not issue him the visa. If he shows up with a police clearance that indicates an incident, then he will have to bring the documents pertaining to that incident.

You should look in detail at that link I gave you up there because it holds valuable information. If he feels that his incident will subject him to denial, then you should prepare the I-601 waiver and be ready to deal with that. See that link and it will help you a great deal.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-09 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate & Court Records
That depends really on the crime commited.

I am positive that it will show up on the report because if you are arrested, then a report is written up. Even if the charges are dropped, there is still a report on the incident. If you cannot for some reason obtain the actual report, then you should ask them for an incident report. They have to keep track of all incidents. You should get this either way because if they ask you for it, then you need to have it and if you do not have it then that could be at the cost of your visa.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-09 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate & Court Records
You will need a police clearance from every country or province/state that you have lived in for over a year at any given time. You will have to have the police records for the interview. When you receive the packet from the Embassy, it should give you a list of requirements that you must follow.

If you have records, then you must be honest because they will look at you badly if they find out and you are not truthful. You should obtain any police records or court documents with regard to any case that was filed against you in a court of the law and any ruling against that case. You should be able to obtain these doctuments at the city/county/state building of the place(s) that the case was brought against you at. Go to the same place you went to court at and ask to see the person in charge of records and you will have to pay a fee for them to pull the records out for you, have them stamp this record as a certified copy. Do not forget that.

The Embassy may or may not like what they have to see, this is a fact. You have to provide them with this information because the police clearance will be a requirement in order to get a visa and if you have something on your record and you are not honest, then it will be worse for you than if you are honest. Some charges are looked at in a better light than other charges. You should look at this link here if you have any sort of crminal record against you:

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-09 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met in person w/in the last 2 yrs
I was stupid when I first started so I did not send a photo at all with the I-130, but I only sent one photo with the I-129F

However I did have sworn affidavits from all sorts of people and I had every one of them notarized. We got those from both sides of the family. We also each made a one page description of our story and signed it and then we included all travel documents, but that was basically it.

The more that you can offer them the better in my opinionfor peace of mind really because when I did get smart (after I filed) I completely fretting and was sweating and totally hacked off at myself for not making sure that I had sent more. In an effor to feel better about the petitions, I would have liked to have submitted more than I need to avoid worry (I think I gave myself an ulcer :P )

Anyway we didn't have problems in the end and that was a relief, but still ... lol
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-10 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnew to the forum
Read This Thread

RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-10 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresArgghhhhh
:( So sorry to hear, but good thing you made copies of everything *hugs*
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-10 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresscared I have screwed up
Let us know how the calls go! Good Luck!
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-15 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew to the Forum - New to it all Actually

3. Does every form/paper have to be translated in both languages (Translate into English all forms by a certified translator)

"Any document not in the English language must be accompanied by a certified English translation" is the terminology used throughout the USCIS website. This means the translation must be certified as authentic, not that the translator must be certified.


Gah she's right that's what I meant
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-11 00:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew to the Forum - New to it all Actually
I will answer the best way I can for you, but input from others will be needed on some of these.

3. Does every form/paper have to be translated in both languages (Translate into English all forms by a certified translator)
4. when providing phone records should they be from both sides (I ask bc as of today's date he has only received our first months bill - the billing cycles are strange over there) (The more the merry)
5. Is it true I should have 3 original packages prepared? (YES - You will be hacked off if you don't because i didn't do it and I was hacked off)
6. What are NOA's i think you call them? (Notice of Action - Document that comes from the USCIS stating that they have taken some for of action on your case.)
7. HELP!!! (I Hope it helps)
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-07-10 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFIANCEE WANTS TO RETURN TO KOREA!!
I am not going to pretend that I know your story or your hardships or your love. I am not going to sit here and tell you what to do in an effort to steer or guide you in what I think is the appropriate way to go. I am not going to tell you that your mistrust is some sort of issue or that he hasn’t committed a serious enough offense toward you to create that for begins on a foundation. If you build that foundation starting with lies and mistrust, then it is simply like building a home on cracked concrete. I am not going to tell you anything but this....

You are you and he is he. People are human and they have human flaws. Love is unconditional and if you have a strong enough love, then you can beat any war together on any battle field. Although you love someone does not entitle you to ownership of their person... It means that you are a team walking together in the battle field of life. To love a human is to love them for their human and this also means their human flaws. If you cannot love this particular humans flaws, maybe you cannot love this human whole...

Do not walk behind me for I may not see that you have stopped for a rest.
I may walk to fast and never know and then we would be parted forever.
Do not walk too far ahead because then you may look so small.
I can’t keep up... Where did you go?
Walk this walk aside me, help me stand and guide me
and if you shall fall, then I will pick you up and you can then lean on me
Walk this walk with me.. You and I and I and you
We are two
Nevertheless as we walk, we become a strong one.

Can you survive this battle? Can you or will you survive the next one that presents itself? Is your love strong enough to endure or are you in love with the idea of being in love?

... A picture painted so beautifully on the canvas of life.

You know who you are inside.. No one knows you like yourself. You know the answers are within you and you know how you feel. Ask yourself the questions and simply answer them.

Is he or she being honest?
Did he file the petition?
Have you made the best decisions for yourself?
Has he?
Do you really want this?
Is this really that big of a deal?
Has he really let you down?
Has she?

There are more questions... But they are your questions to ask yourself. You know what truth is and you know what you feel inside. None of these people here can help you understand your relationship. None of these people here hold the answers for you. You can hold this love and understand each other or you cannot... There is no such thing as “I think I understand the love of my life”

Do or do not... And even if you may not, then understand that you don’t have to understand in order to be understanding. People are people and let them be themselves... After all, isn’t that who you fell in love with? If happiness is a choice and your love makes a choice for happiness... Should you selfishly not let the love of your life choose to be happy? Should you build a wall for them to climb in an effort to keep them locked in where you would like them to be? And at the end of the day.... Will they still see your you and your love or will they simply be staring at a wall?

Do for each other and for the love that you have. She is a queen and he is your king... Walk together or admit defeat in the battle and move on to find someone who will walk with you. Because you deserve it.
RingsFemaleAustralia2007-08-26 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignatures must be in English on G-325A and other forms?
you should sign in both
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-08 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm falling apart pls
In your signature, what does "No more USCIS until October 28, 2009" mean??

I filed K3 (I was already married so K1 didn't apply to me) My husband is in America now and has been for two years (almost) No more USCIS till October 28th means that is the date I will file to remove the 2 year condition off my husbands Greencard so he can get his ten year.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-30 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm falling apart pls
Well have you looked at the other timelines of people? It may be that they are backed up and slow on interviews. You can call the USCIS and check on the status of your case
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-30 19:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm falling apart pls
Well it should have a case number on it. Have you logged into and added your case to check the status?
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-30 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIm falling apart pls
Did you get an NOA1? If so, have you checked online at USCIS to check your case? It's probably still pending. Look at some Canadians timelines that will help you tons.

RingsFemaleAustralia2009-09-30 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 help required !!!
Your american spouse mails it and you still bring copies lol never be too safe always have everything! Good luck!
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-05 19:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 3 help required !!!
QUOTE (mimi2005 @ Sep 19 2006, 06:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (englishamericanvisa @ Sep 19 2006, 07:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry, I have used the Search Forum section to search for info. on packet 3 and 4 but it say s'Error occurred' and won't let me search.

So could someone please tell me what's in the packet 3 and 4, so I can prepare? I have sent off for my police cert, long birth cert, filled out a DS-230 downloaded from the NVC site. Anything else I can do?

Many thanks for helping me.

NVC will forward your case to the UK embassy/consulate. They will send you Packet 3. Includes a checklist with documents you will need at the interview and some forms to fill out. After returning the checklist/forms you will get Packet 4 with an interview appointment.
Have a look at the embassy info:

Packet 3 contents:
DS-230-I Part I
DS-156 x2 (Full out online to generate barcode http://www.usembassy...electronic.html - Add photo to each, do not sign)
DS-156K (Do not sign)
DS-157 (Male only)
IV-15 Checklist
Information on how to book your medical

Packet 4 contents:
Appointment Letter
Instructions for interview/medical
Medical Questionnaire
Payment slip for £65 for visa processing

Hope that will help you! Good luck!

Read this and yes bring the affidavit of support with you. Even if they do not ask to see it, you should have it in case they do.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-05 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about forms sent to fiance
Honestly I would do both. Make a copy send it in with the form and make her bring a copy (better safe than sorry honesttly)
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about forms sent to fiance
Loke took his Affidavit of support copies with him to the interview regardless. They asked for them when he was there. Have her bring copies and if they ask for them then she will have them, if not then it didn't hurt. You don't have to send them, just have her bring them to the interview anyway.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 00:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about forms sent to fiance
Man I am telling you if USCIS asks for something..send them too much. It does nothing to harm your case. Send them a freaking box. I won't risk my baby over some dumb crappy paperwork. If they ask me to jump I am asking "how high" and this immigration ####### is no game to play. Send them everything..send them double copies.. annoy them and I assure you that it's not going to hurt you, but help you.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 00:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about forms sent to fiance
Always always always go the extra mile.. your love is worth it. file everything they asak for and more.. why not? My USCIS file was like 2 feet tall when I got to AOS lol and that immigration lawer was like... dude you are legit.. get out of my office already hahaha.. that's a good feeling
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about forms sent to fiance
Good advice here but hey if you are way worried and nervous, you just make sure both you and your spouse have copies of everything and that way there is no question. Carry a suitcase of paperwork around with you if it makes you feel better... I had a box *hugs*
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of legal status
^ the above post is correct and you should not worry because they have all your information on file at their fingertips. If you have the proof of visa's then it should be enough. If you have your stamps in your passport it should also be enough. If you have changed or renewed your passport at anytime, then you should bring the old passport with you as well. They normally return old passports with a hole stamped in them.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know for sure. If the name on her BIRTH CERTIFICATE is in Farsi then she must sign the form in both Farsi and in her english signature (BOTH) and if her name on her birth certificate is in english then she can simply sign in English.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-07 00:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nevertheless the advice on how to sign the forms I have given is correct lol.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 23:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the name on her birth certificate is listed in Farsi, then have her write it in that language and then sign it in her current english signature (both). If it is not, then she should sign as normal.

Edited by Rings, 06 October 2009 - 10:16 PM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-06 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused Please help
Also I would like to say that I am sorry about the comment about coming into America, but the OP was from Canada and so I had Canada in my brain while I was posting. I should have looked closer to the poster of that question so for that I appologize.
RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-07 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused Please help
Ok first I want to say I am sorry I was not trying to confuse anyone or give incorrect information. I will be more careful on how I phrase things.

I was trying to explain that the spouse has to show the income he is being paid as part of his total income and also show that the child support he pays out that is deducted automatically from his paycheck supports that he cares for additional children that are not listed on his current tax forms because he cannot claim them. He still “supports” these children and therefore can claim them as additional members, which will help him in the poverty guidelines. I was trying to say that he can obtain the documents online from the Child Support Enforcement Agency and that he should show them that information so that the amount of people he supports has legitimate paperwork to back it up.

A divorced parent's dependent children are members of his or her household, even if they live part of the time with the former spouse. A parent almost always has a legal obligation to support his or her children. Although only one of the parents may be legally entitled to claim the child as a dependent on tax returns (1040), the child must be considered as part of both parents' households for purposes of the Affidavit of Support, unless a parent can show that he or she no longer has a legal obligation to support the child.

After calculating household income, the sponsor must determine
whether his or her total income level meets or exceeds the poverty
guidelines, based on the applicable household size, including family
members residing with the sponsor, dependents, and any immigrants
sponsored in the Form I-864 being filed or in a previous Form I-864
where the obliagion has not terminated. There may be instances in which
an Immigration or Consular Officer may question the sponsor's ability
to maintain income based on the sponsor's current employment situation,
on the Federal income tax returns for the 3 most recent tax years, or
on receipt of welfare benefits.

Immigration or Consular Officer's determination of insufficient
income and/or assets. Notwithstanding paragraphs ©(2 )(iii ) © and
©(2 )(iv ) (A ) and (B ) of this section, an Immigration Officer or
Consular Officer may determine the income and/or assets of the sponsor
or a joint sponsor to be insufficient if the Immigration Officer or
Consular Officer determines, based on the sponsor's or joint sponsor's
employment situation, income for the previous 3 years, assets, or
receipt of welfare benefits, that the sponsor or joint sponsor cannot
maintain his or her income at the required level.
(vi) Verification of employment, income and assets. The Government
may pursue verification of any information provided on or with Form I-
864, including information on employment, income, or assets, with the
employer, financial or other institutions, the Internal Revenue
Service, or the Social Security Administration.
(vii) Effect of fraud or material concealment or misrepresentation.
If the Consular Officer or Immigration Officer finds that the sponsor
or joint sponsor has concealed or misrepresented facts concerning
income, or household size, or any other material fact, the Consular
Officer or Immigration Officer shall conclude that the affidavit of
support is not sufficient to establish that the sponsored immigrant is
not likely to become a public charge, and the sponsor or joint sponsor
may be liable for criminal prosecution under the laws of the United

Edited by Rings, 07 October 2009 - 11:53 AM.

RingsFemaleAustralia2009-10-07 11:48:00