United KingdomDid anyone watch Posh's TV show last night?
I have to admit that I enjoyed it and caught myself laughing quite a bit. I like that she doesn't seem to take herself all that seriously!

I agree with the comment about Cat Deeley being annoying. I don't know why, but she drives me nuts. And she is always sitting with her legs all curled up underneath her, seriously, sit like a lady at least!!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-19 12:30:00
United KingdomWohoo! + Doh = Monday
Wow TD, that is such great news. I've been following what is going on and was very happy to see your post! Congratulations!!

Rich's interview is on Friday and I am so excited but also nervous, because I don't want to fall into some unexplainable delay. I'm sure it will be fine though.

Congrats again :dance:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-16 12:27:00
United KingdomAny UK folks NOT applying for US citizenship?
Rich has always said he won't become a citizen because we thought he would have to give up his British citizenship. I guess we are wrong and really should do more research. If I had to give up my American citizenship to become a British citizen I don't think there is any way I could do it!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-20 17:18:00
United KingdomGood luck to Jennymc11!
We've been approved!!! Woohoo! I am so relieved and excited. Now if we can just get his passport back in time for his flight on the 31st. We took a risk and booked it awhile ago!

Thanks everyone, and good luck to the interviews coming up soon :dance:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-20 10:56:00
United KingdomGood luck to Jennymc11!
I am sure you are right. I'm just finding things to worry about. For example, I've been back in the US for a month now and still haven't found a job, so I am worried they will ask Rich what I do and he has to say "nothing." My parents filled out the I-134, and he is also bringing copies of his savings account statements and his house deeds so we should be fine, but still...

Anyway, thank you for the vote of confidence!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-19 12:41:00
United KingdomGood luck to Jennymc11!
Wow you guys, thank you so much for the best wishes. I just logged on to start a thread about being NERVOUS! I wish I could be at the interview with him, I just really keep picturing him leaving our big file folder on the tube!

I am hoping for the best and am expecting a phone call when he gets out of the embassy sometime in the middle of the night tonight. I'll let you all know :thumbs:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-19 12:26:00
United KingdomGood luck tomorrow, halcut!
Good luck on the interview! You'll be just fine!!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-23 19:12:00
United KingdomGood Luck, Selly!
Wow, congrats! I get goosebumps reading this because Rich and I are so close! Good luck with your big move:)
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-19 12:32:00
United KingdomThe mysterious brown envelope
Thanks for the advice everyone. It's so hard not being able to be there and control everything! Ha ha ha :wacko:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-24 18:30:00
United KingdomThe mysterious brown envelope
Hello everyone,

Now that Rich's interview has come and gone I have found something else to worry about. The courier service said they are delivering it to him tomorrow morning. I have warned Rich repeatedly about not opening the MBE! But I am wondering, how does it work? Is the visa/passport in a seperate envelope? Are two packages delivered? I am probably making a big deal out of this but I want him to know what to expect and what he SHOULD NOT open.

Thanks all:)

Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-24 16:53:00
United KingdomIt's Jake & Ali's Interview Day!
Good luck you guys, let us know the good news!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-25 14:13:00
United KingdomOne more hour
Congratulations to you both! Have a great time together :dance:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-25 14:10:00
United KingdomVISA approved
Congratulations! It's such a relief isn't it?
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-26 12:45:00
United KingdomAny news from halcut?
Awesome! Congratulations :dance:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-27 11:39:00
United KingdomHow did you guys do it?
I know this is silly, but I just spoke with Rich who has been having a blast the last few days. He and his friends have been hanging out, going out on the town, and I'm actually a bit jealous! What??

I'm bored and lonely and have little to no social life anymore. He sure is having a lot of fun without me!! I'm just really feeling sorry for myself and feel like a bit of a dork with no friends and no job. I want him to have fun though, I really do, because he's gonna miss his lads.

Big sigh...

Then I remember he will be here on Tuesday night and I feel better!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-27 14:41:00
United KingdomHow did you guys do it?

After nine glorious weeks together, Griff went back to the UK this past Sunday. It really stinks. I always find that the early days of the separation are the hardest. I mean, I always miss him when he's not with me, but you get used to it after a while.

Since we just sent off the petition, we preparing for a long separation since both service centers seem to be very slow at the moment. I hate the thought of it, but we just have to forge ahead.

We'll be thinking of you Julezabelle. I was actually wondering when you were getting that all sent off. Maybe Vermont will be quick for you!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-27 11:37:00
United KingdomHow did you guys do it?
Thats true Mags, he hasn't got too long to go and believe me, he is enjoying his last few nights in Leeds with "the boys." They better be behaving themselves:)

I have been keeping myself busy, mostly actually with my mom. I'm also trying to just enjoy this week I have in my apartment on my own. I've always lived with roommates, up until I went to England so I have never lived alone. Its definitely nice, but I know I will prefer it when my "permanent roomie" gets here.
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-26 22:40:00
United KingdomHow did you guys do it?

everyday I hear "so have you heard anything on his visa yet?" "when is he going to be here?" :( :( what do you say to these people? same story everyday.. nothing yet... coming up on day 94 since NOA1 and almost 6 months since I have even seen him... :( :( :(
the black hole is getting bigger and is about to swallow me up in it.... :(

It is hard to try and explain the visa process to others that aren't going through it. "NOA what??" I guess that's why VJ is a blessing.

Hang in there:) (like I can talk) :blush:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-26 13:10:00
United KingdomHow did you guys do it?
Thanks for all the reassurances that I'm not a whiner, but I sure feel like it sometimes. I agree that although we've been apart for 5 weeks I can't believe that he will be here on Tuesday.

I think the hardest thing for me is coming home to virtually no social life. Things have changed a lot in the last year. A few of my good friends moved out of state, others are now in serious relationships and are busy with that (understandable:) and people are just wrapped up in their own lives and aren't interested in going out for drinks or just hangin out. I understand, because when Rich gets here I will be wrapped up in him too.

Plus, I need a job and wasn't expecting this job search to be so challenging. I guess I have never had to search for a job when I wasn't already working, so it wasn't as urgent. At least I came back from England with enough money for a few months rent, because I don't think I could have lived with my parents for too long, bless em.
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-26 12:35:00
United KingdomHow did you guys do it?
I am sitting here in my new lonely apartment dying for Rich to get here and we've only been apart for 5 weeks today! He gets here a week from today and that still seems so far away. Anyway, everytime I start to feel sorry for myself I think of all you people on VJ that have been apart from their fiance's for months and months! As cheesy as this sounds, I really do think you guys rock and are really tough.

I don't know how you do it, but I know if I had to I would wait as long as it takes to get Rich here. I just wanted to say I admire those of you that are enduring and have endured a REAL long distance relationship.(I was in England for the last year with him) I just needed to write this to shut my whiny ### up!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-25 21:47:00
United KingdomSafe journey to America for Chas!
Oh my gosh, how sweet and wonderful. Congratulations!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-28 21:18:00
United KingdomSafe journey to America for Chas!
Aww, how exciting and wonderful! Congratulations to you both and hopefully the flight is pleasant and non-turbulent :dance:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-24 11:04:00
United KingdomI've got the date!!!!
Oh my gosh, that's so soon! You'll be ready:)
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-27 14:42:00
United KingdomOceans Apart...

An aquaintance of mine is getting married in Jamaica and really is having her and husbands first dance song "My Humps." Seriously!! Ha Ha!

For reals? :wacko:

Oh yes, they are a wacky couple. I am not going but I think it would be hilarious. Everyone would be expecting some romantic song and here they are, grinding to "My Humps."
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-26 17:55:00
United KingdomOceans Apart...
An aquaintance of mine is getting married in Jamaica and really is having her and husbands first dance song "My Humps." Seriously!! Ha Ha!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-26 17:44:00
United KingdomWhat's "your" song?
Wow, I was just thinking about posting the same sort of question last night. Weird.

Our song is "Follow Through" by Gavin Degraw. When Rich first came to visit we went to the mountains and it was the only CD in my car and we listened to it all weekend. It is so appropriate, because my moving to England for the last year was a big risk and I was scared to death, but he was counting on me to follow through and thank God I did. He also followed through on his part of the deal, which was, if I come to England and it all goes smooth and works fabulously, then we move permanently back to Colorado.

If you haven't heard this song, listen to it, its great. It's going to be our first dance!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-26 12:52:00
United KingdomGood Luck Dan & Tiffany and psho tomorrow
Yay! Congrats to both the happy couples!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-31 11:22:00
United KingdomGood Luck Dan & Tiffany and psho tomorrow
I bet you are all so excited! Good luck with the interviews and we'll be waiting to hear the good news!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-30 11:31:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol

But aren't the reallllly bad "documentaries" worth watching every so often? The one about people who love their life-sized dolls was classic! Or the I'm-a-sex-addict episode!?

I absolutely loved watching all those documentaries when I was in England. I saw the life-sized doll one!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-31 11:26:00
United KingdomGood Luck dropinboy tomorrow
Good luck on the interview and make sure to let us know the good news!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-31 19:13:00
United KingdomPOE was piece of cake
That so rocks! I'm so happy you guys are together after all the BS. Have fun :thumbs:
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-27 14:49:00
United KingdomFinally on his way...
Isn't it just the best to finally be together and not have to dread the days when one of you has to leave? Congrats on the big day on Saturday:)
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-08-06 13:22:00
United KingdomWe are APPROVED
Congratulations to all those with recent approvals. What great news! Good luck with the rest of your journey!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-08-10 20:06:00
United KingdomGood Luck adi77 tomorrow
Hope everything went really well. Make sure to let us know!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-08-15 17:45:00
United KingdomWorst Mistake Ever...
Just so I have this straight... Is the passport actually inside the package with the other documents that you cannot open? I wouldn't think so, since you need to show a passport when you check in at the airline, but just thought I'd check. Sorry if its an obvious answer!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-06-22 22:44:00
United KingdomHow Did You Meet Your USC/UKC?
I had just graduated from college and decided to go to Australia and Fiji for three weeks. 2 days before I was to fly home, I met Rich. He was also travelling in Australia and had been there for almost a year and was working at a hostel I stayed at in Cairns. We really only had one night together, most of which took place at a bar called "The Woolshed." I had a huge crush on him but realized that I would probably never see him again. He took me to the airport after an amazing night together and that was that.

For the next two years, we kept in touch with an occasional email and phone call, all the while being in serious relationships with others. He randomly decided to come visit me last February and we immediately became attached over the 7 days we had together. He returned to England after asking me to consider going there for an extended amount of time, which I was scared to do but ended up doing just that.

He'll be here in 5 days and we are getting married on October 4th, his parents and grandparents anniversary! Who would've thought?
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-26 17:53:00
United KingdomSomeone, please buy our house!
That is a nice house! Rich finally gave up trying to sell his house in Leeds and is just renting it out for a year (his Dad is nearby in case there's a problem). Maybe thats an option for you?
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-19 21:11:00
United KingdomInterview tomorrow at London embassy
Sounds like you are all set. Good luck:)
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-08-20 16:52:00
United KingdomUS Banks - WTF???
Wait, is it really called "Chevy Chase" bank? I thought you were making a joke, like the actors name. I've definitely heard of Chase bank...
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-07-30 22:20:00
United KingdomBon Voyage to elmcitymaven
Yippee! Have a great flight and have a wonderful time together in the good ole USA!
Jennymc11FemaleEngland2007-08-18 12:03:00