Philippines6 month TB treatment
Ah man I'm so sorry to hear this news. I wish it weren't true for you and I know it will be a hard 6 months.

But stay strong and be patient because you know in the end it will be all worth it and you will be together in 6 months.

Edited by newbster, 11 September 2012 - 12:17 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-11 00:12:00
PhilippinesCommission on filipinos overseas

Just a note about the CFO.

I think it's not ONLY a money making thing. If it was, they wouldn't be such a pain in the ####. I think it's a good thing. Now my fiancé teases me that if i'm not nice to her, she knows who to contact here in the US. All kidding aside, trying to educate Filipino women leaving their home for a new life here isn't a bad thing, especially arming them with knowledge of what to do should they find themselves in an abusive relationship. In as must as the CFO tries to do at least that, I think it's not a horrible thing.

But to the person saying it's a breeze and they just want your money, as if! The CFO can be intense. They asked my fiancé TONS of questions, wanted to know all sorts of things about me, my work address, my mother's maiden name, she had two interviews there, was there most of the day. By far it was more intense than our interview at the embassy which lasted all of 5 minutes. And my fiancé had her visa in hand!

So for whatever reason, that day, they took it all very seriously. It wasn't just 'pay your money and get a sticker'. Far from it.

The idea is good. I agree - it's great to educate Filipinas going abroad about possible dangers and ways to handle situations (who to contact etc) - great idea.

But I think there are 2 other things going on that are just ugly.

The first is the grasping for money - it seems clear to me that money is an objective of the program (although the basic premise as as I said is a good thing).

The second is that the people (nuns I think) who run the seminars have various beliefs and viewpoints that cause them to twist the intent - which is education - into something else. Why should my fiance need to know my mother's maiden name in order to be educated about the dangers of going abroad or how to react if she faces some abuse? This is just one of many questions that I think has no answer if the purpose is just education (and money) - it's the execution of the classes by prejudiced people that is the problem I think. Nuns can be great - everyone loves mother Theresa - but they are human and some have a very narrow view of things as well as severe prejudices.

Just my opinion - it's really too bad that this has to be such a negative experience for people from Phils and their intended spouses. The whole CFO process seems very disorganized, aggressive, unpredictable, and erratic. It should be a positive thing - an educational experience - not a barrier.

Edited by newbster, 02 August 2012 - 03:29 PM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-02 15:20:00
Philippinesmed, interview,and CFO experience
I couldn't read the original so I spent some time to format it for easier reading, at least for my tired eyes haha. It was really interesting. I'm posting re-formatted version in case it helps anyone else. Thanks for the post djames95. :-)

Don't know where else to post it, so I'm posting the entire thing here. My wife's personal experience with med, Interview, and CFO!

This week has been a very busy week for me. I felt the need to succeed in everything from my medical examination to my visa interview for my hardheaded husband already booked our flight upon knowing our interview date July 13, 2012. I can't afford to fail the medical examination, it's the deciding factor if i can proceed to interview or not.

July 9, 2012: (Monday)My flight from General Santos City to Manila was 10:00AM, I left the apartment at around 8:00AM riding a cab, we're almost halfway when my June-16-2012 x-ray film crossed my mind that I blurted out which made the cab driver jumped off his seat, so we went back our way to the apartment, I scurried away when I reached the gate,slamming it. I undergone x-ray a month out of my paranoia about my lungs.The airport is 30-minute drive away from the city and it's almost 9:00AM, i felt so restless I'm getting late, one wrong move and everything planned can be changed. But thank God I'm still on track. We landed NAIA at exactly 12 noon although the plane departed Gensan at 10:30

July 10, 2012: (Tuesday) I scheduled myself this day for my medical check up because as what I've read on VJ forums, Tuesday is not so busy. But few weeks before our interview date I have learned through here (PL) that i should have scheduled my medical check up one week before my interview date.

I had so many worries because I already booked my flight and my hotel room. So I called St. Lukes and inquire about my medical appointment closer like 3days before my interview and they said it's okay but still depends on the result,if it requires additional tests then my interview date has to be moved.

This step of visa processing, if only contagious and can cause disease, has made me sick already because I was and am so anxious about it. I woke up so early about 5:00AM (well that's too early for me already, I'm used to waking up 1hour before going to work 7:00AM)although I and my aunt slept late last night, my sleep was on and off not because of excitement but because of nervousness.

At 6:00AM, after getting dressed, I brisk-walked St.Lukes which is only along the hotel i stayed in at J. Bocobo St. Reaching there, several vendors were approaching me, selling passport covers,ballpens, offering photography services and saying stuffs that might distract you. I didnt pay them attention although some were helpful. I presented to the Guard at the entrance the following:
my passpoort, photocopy of the bio page of my passport,my appointment letter & 2 photocopies of it and 2 print outs of my online registation (PDS).

The guard stamped my posterior arm, gave me this laminated small card printed with "online 5" (yay i'm number 5) The guard ushered me to the reception waiting area, I took my seat in one of the chained stools there and didn't even start to wait when my number was called. I approached the window, the lady asked me few questions (i forgot already what were her questions.LOL!my mind is clouded now) She took one of my 2by2 pictures (with my name and birthdate written on the back) and stapled it to my appointment letter,she checked my passport, took me pictures through computer camera and my index finger scanned.
Afterwards she instructed me to proceed to 5th floor to pay the medical fee which was P9,589.00. After medical fee was being paid, i handed my official receipts at "Vital Signs" desk then took a seat,checked my mobile phone,texted my husband and bragged about how Miss Procrastination made it to number 5 on queue.He always teased me of being a procrastinator, even called me a "snail-passed-by-a-worm". He couldn't believe I made it early, was a good start.

Few minutes later, my name was called. I was asked of the first day and last day of my menstruation, my blood pressure was checked, my vision was checked through snellen chart and my height and weight was measured.Afterwards, the nurse instructed me to proceed to 3rd floor (X-ray).

This time the wait is a bit longer,like 20 minutes.We handed our OR with vital sign results to the radiologists,let us filled out some form, then he sorted the males from females and accommodated first the seniors citizens. I was asked again about my menstruation period and if i'm pregnant. If you have a long hair, you must tie it to the last strand, the x-ray machine might snapped a shot of your hair falling, and it can be a problem. I was x-rayed twice because my first one, the radiologist said, was not taken properly. So on my second one, she instructed me to inhale through my nose deeply and exhale when she told me to do so. I worried again after I went through x-ray, have gone 3 times now since last June and aside from that radiation thing, i was so anxious about the result. I've read one PL member's experience here that she was stressed when she underwent medical examination and so the result was not good.Although my June 16 x-ray result was clear & no other significant findings,even took it to another laboratory for a different readig and to a Lung/Heart Specialist,

I was still worrying because I feel like I was stressed for the last 3-4 weeks, from work, sleepless nights, from yesterday's tiring travel and from last night's inadequate sleep.Every now and then I murmured a prayer that everything will turn out fine. After the x-ray, I was told to proceed to 4th floor for my Blood test and Urinalysis, it's the dreaded needle pricking time, and I'm scared of bloods but I have no choice, they first took me blood and then urinalysis, I only peed a little , The last water I drunk was only half the glass and I forgot to bring a bottle of water with me. The very kind and soft spoken nurse attending on the urinalysis section instructed me to proceed to 5th floor USA Counter, I handed my official receipt there with other paper attached. The Physical examination did not start until 8:30AM, this time the waiting is much longer. ach applicant had undergone a thorough physical exam and many applicant got ahead of me already as senior citizens were being accommodated first, which should be.

I took a book (The Firm)from my bag and started reading to get rid of the boredom from waiting. When it was my turn, I felt so awkward undressing. But do I have a choice, while undressing the physician kept on asking questions like if i had been confined, undergone surgery, got pregnant, got crazy, exposed to people with TB and blah blah and my answers to each question was a big NO, NEVER, NONE! I was grinning behind the curtains because I felt like I was in a court proceedings plus the physician's voice sounded like a lawyer's,as if I'm a criminal.LOL! She checked my private parts, my neck, peek on my ___ and my behind. Aside from x-ray, this is the one thing I was soo anxious too because I have hemorrhoids, but I think it's too little yet because she did not say anything about it or her glasses didn't help. We finished quickly, its the dressing/undressing that took longer,she told me to proceed to 2nd floor for my Immunization Interview. I asked her if i can get the medical results right away because my Visa interview will be this July 13,so she said it depends on the result.

I proceed to 2nd floor for immunization/interview,the area is crowded, i ddnt have any idea where the people came from.LOL! I handed my official receipt to the front desk officer,he gave me a form to be filled up, it was like a waiver. I gave it back to him after filling it quickly, then looked for a vacant seat, waited for my name to be called. This time it was like a never ending waiting.I continued reading my book, texted my husband, read, texted my husband until i got a reply.LOL!He always calms me down. My paranoia started again, I was wondering why my name was not yet called for immunixation interview. Names passed by my names already and i hear this vague speaker calling names to pulmonary evaluation, you have to listen attentively,it just added to my anxieties but every now and then I' murmured a prayer.

Finally, my name was called for immunization interview. There's this incessant question about first and last day of last mentruation. The physician asked me about it again until i bleed.LOL! She explained to me the vaccines that i'll be getting ONCE the result of my medical is okey ( so that interview was not an assurance yet i can be immunized) It was quick after that, she told me to hand my official receipt back to the front desk, front desk officer wrote on it to return 7/11/12 9:00AM. I thought I will make it in one day, prolonging my agony. I met there Alfie Brennan, she's from Cagayan, one of members here too. It was around 11;00AM when I walked back to the hotel, starving,thirsty and tired so I ate my lunch alone.:

(July 11, 2012: (Wednesday) It's the dreaded result day, I wanted to go early but i was scared.My husband suggested to go back to the clinic earlier than stated on the OR like 7:00AM but i procrastinated again. I was at St. Lukes around 8:00AM. I was murmuring a prayer, believing I'll be fine. I presented the guard my OR and while he was looking for my records on hi computer, I was breathing deeply. I felt relief when he stamped my OR with for immunization. Thank God.

I uttered a prayer of gratitude for the good result and climbed my way up to the 2nd floor, I handed my OR to the front desk, didnt wait that long until i get my 4 shots. It's pricking needle again.Ouch! Ant bites. My shots were TDAP, MMR, Varicella and Flu. I asked the nurse if i really have to take the four shots and how about giving up the MMR because I was not yet sure that time if I already had chickenpox neither my mother remembers (but she said i had not yet but not sure) The nurse said I dont have any scar so therefore i have not experienced chicken pox yet. So i just gave up my other arm, poor arms. But anyway, no pain, no gain.I'm so thankful to our Dear Lord.

After the immunization, i was given ths small slip about post vaccination precautions then proceeded to the ground floor releasing area. I was being called to Counter A to sign some papers, I went back to my seat, in a little while I was called to Counter E, the releasing officer asked me 2 pieces 2by2 pictures with my name on its back. She gave me the CD of my medical result and explained to me what should i do with it. I asked her if I can hand the result personally to St.Lukes during my interview on Friday, July 13 but she said my medical results will be at the US Embassy early in the morning the next day, Thursday I was and am soo happy and thankful of the result to our God Almighty.

It was around 10:00AM when I get done.Before we (i and Alfie) parted ways, we planned of meetng again in the afternoon after getting rest. As I got into my room, I slumped myself into bed and sleep soundly zzzzzz.LOL! I was picked up by Ms Alfie with Ms Lorie Chatterton at my hotel around 3:00PM,then went to Robinsons' Faura, drunk little coffee, talked much,stayed in the former's hotel room for a while, talked much, then they send me back to my Hotel.

Some things I noticed at St.Lukes, staff are friendly and guards are always willing to assist you, will even usher you or perhaps I was just early. Nurses are approachable unlike what I read on forums that they are strict & snob, I guess thier attitude depends on your attitude too. And some tips to hasten your process: Register your medical appointment online, it gets you ahead.Better have your check ups middle of the week, clinic is not busy.Always take note of your first and last day of your last mentruation.Aside from very important requirements, don't forget black ballpen, nobody will lend you there. Wear a jacket, its freezing inside. Bring a bottle of water, your throat gets dry from waiting. And always hold on to your passport, the clinic will not be hold responsible if you lost it during your medical process.

July 13, 2012: CR1 Interview Day: My husband woke me up at 4:00AM and wished me best of luck for today. Around 5:00Am, I and my aunt were all set, she has to drop me at the US Embassy after having an early breakfast at McDonalds just one block away from the hotel. But before that I told my husband I will brisk-walk again US Embassy from the hotel but he just laughed at me and told Miss Procrastination does not know what she's talking about. He told it's probably noon when i get there.(exaggerating.LOL) After having breakfast at Mcdo, my tummy went bad, probably from hot choco, so we went back to the hotel, my butt is ashamed of public toilets.LOL! I felt like we're running out of time already. I spent 15 minutes at the toilet, I ran-walked the hallway while my aunt was waiting down the lobby. We took a cab, reaching the embassy at around 6:00AM, my aunt went straight to the university she's teaching.

There were queues for 7:30 appointment already. Vendors thought my appointment is for that queue,too early for Miss Procrastination.I hurried myself to the Immigrant/Fiance Visa line and joined the people there with me carrying a 6.6 pounder bag, too heavy. Some applicants were checking the documents they brought. And I noticed I dont have my wallet in my bag, my 2 valid ID's were there,though not really necessary, better to have it and not needed than not having it but badly needed. I hopped out of the line and took a cab back to the hotel. I was trying to calm myself and not to get panicked because there's still enough time, it was only 6:00AM. After that, I was back in track, I felt like I was in an Amazing Race game.LOL! I even had an argument with the cab driver i rode in going back to the embassy, his taxi doesn;t have a meter and was charging me P80.00. I told him that it's too much, because fare from Casa Bocobo to embassy is usually P50-55.00, but he insisted so I just shut up, arguing with a greedy taxi cab is not worth a peso or

So i fall back in queue, sweating cold, officers in blue polo shirt checked our passports and our appointment letters. We were given resealable trasnparent plastics to put our PP in. They put stickers on our PP and let us proceed. It was exactly 6:30AM when I entered the main gate. I was trying to look for that 15-peso coin (one 10peso, one 5peso) in my bag to hand it into the guard thinkng that it will delay me in the baggage scanner since coins are metals. When I hand it to the guard he was wondering what I was doing, but he said coins are okey, only electronic gadgets like cellphones and camera, flash drive, cologne are not allowed.We entered another door, fell in line again to get priority numbers to be used in the entire appointment.

There were three windows accommodating Immigrant/Fiance applicants so everything went quick.The lady at Window 1 rechecked my appointment letter and passport, removed the last 2 pages of my appointment letter which was nt needed , stapled my priority number to the first page of my letter and gave me the duplicate small slip of my prio number which was 6062, i was told to drop the appointment letter at window 39.There was another door like an airport scanner, my bag was checked by a guard and it went through a baggage x-ray. I finally get inside, i told myself "so this is how it looked inside" I dropped my appointmnt letter at Window 39 as what being told me then chose a seat at the first row between finger scanning windows and interview windows. I have learned to pay attentively to the queue-matic board for the numbers flashed randomly. I started to think why randomly and not on the first come first serve basis, then i guess it was based on the visa category, alphabetically or date of filing?hmm. I guess it was not just half an hour i was having stiff neck already from looking up at the queue-matic board.

Exactly 7:00AM on my wristwatch,my prio number flashed at the queue-matic board so i proceed to Window 41 for my biometrics, the woman in charge there was irritable because the applicant before me was having hard time scanning her fingers, she has wet palms. When it was my turn, i tried to calm the irritated staff by smiling and greeting her, I said thank you after my biometrics and she smiled and said "you're welcome'' A smile is really contagious.I went back to my seat with my newly found friend Michelle Pabalan, (unfortunately she's not a member here) who's patiently waiting for her number to be flashed too. She's a K1 applicant.

Exactly after an hour I did my biometrics, my number was flashed at the queuematic board again so i proceeded to Window 55. I greeted the Filipino Pre-Screener with "Good Morning Po'' and smiled. He's bald but cool. He greeted me back by asking "So Chiri, are you still working with Bounty Agro Ventures?" I said "Yes Sir, I'm on leave". It was like a casual conversation.He told me that his daughter is working in same company I'm working too but she's in Ortigas Main Office whereas I'm in Gensan Branch. We talked about my place and Manny Pacquiao, if we're neighbors, about Jinky and her hotel.LOL! Then he asked few questions about my husband, number of times he visited, when our relationship started, the number of times I get married, the number of times he's married, when did we get married, his job,asked for pictures but said he won't look for it anymore because my husband submitted many pictures too and showed it to me. He looked at the 2-inch file my husband made and said, okay.."you can go back to your seat now and wait for your number to be called". I said thank you and asked for his name since I already know his daughter's name. It's a small world after all.:)

On my seat, chatting with my seatmate Michelle now and then, It took almost 2 hours before my priority number flashed on the queue-matic board. I proceed to Window 64. I greeted the Consul and he greeted back. i was asked to raise my right hand and swore an oath to the tell nothing but the truth. He asked for my husband/petitioner's name, my husband's job, if he has previous marriage, date of divorce, number of kids and thier names, the last time i saw him (I was supposed to tell last night thru webcam) but i realized he meant in person. He asked for pictures so I slid down the window hole the first set of pictures we had togethr, the first time I and my husband met. The consul raised his eyebrow and asked " Were these pictures taken on the same date?" I said "No Sir, if you want i have another set of pictures here for his second visit". He refused to get another set of pictures and said "Okay, he wears different shirt in here".LOL I smirked (My hubby loves to wear plain polo shirt, and it looks like its all same shirt he's wearing, that's why on his second visit I was the one who always decide on what he's gonna wear.LOL)

The Consul took his time looking at our pictures, he showed me the picture he liked and said it's nice (the picture was taken at Isla Parilla Resort, where at our back were multiple cottages on water) Then he said "I have to keep one picture as our file" i wanted to see what picture did he took but he kept it right away.Then he tapped on his computer keyboard,stamped our documents and said "Enjoy the United States". I was speechless, my eyes were the only ones talking then as if the Consul understood my actions he said "Your visa has been appoved!" I blurted out "Thank You Sir" I cant wait to tell my husband about the good news.

I was a bit shivering from excitement, happiness, too much coldness inside the Embassy,and from the pee I've been holding since the last two hours. i hadn't gone to the CR thinking that I might miss my number at the queue-matic board. So I went straight to the Comfort Room first before going to the releasing area Windows 71-73.At the releasing area, my new found friend Michelle was done filling up her 2go slip and waved goodbye to me.Thinking that I might have missed my number on the queue board when I went to the Cr since she finished first when I was ahead of her in the interview portion by 10 people, and although I know numbers flashed randomly,I just wanted to make sure I was not being skipped so I approached Window 71 and asked if he already had flashed/called number 6062 at the queue-matic board.And explained what I did and might have missed it when I peed. He teased me by saying I'm just looking for alibis to get ahead.LOL So he checked on it, but my file is almost at the lowest bottom of the stack, I told him its okay sir, I really didnt missed it (still random even on releasing) I was about to move back to my seat when he said he will release it now so I can go home already (nga naman nagagawa ng pagiging polite) I thanked him and proceeded to Window 69.

The lady in charge there double checked my email address and my mobile number i filled in the 2go form and asked how do I say my Surname :DGod is soo great. he always listen to our prayers. I murmured a prayer of gratitude to our Dear Lord again. I was soo excited to tell my husband about the good news but I dont have my mobile phone with me so I hastily exited the embassy and pick a cab. Out of my excitement, I stumbled on the sidewalk, had it not been for the pole holding a sign "loading and unloading'" I already twisted my foot.

And I thank God again, He' always sending me an Angel to guide me, delivering me from harm. I am thanking my husband for being my constant WIKIpedia, he's like an encyclopedia too.The Entire visa process, he was the one feeding me information. I almost did nothing but show up on my medical exam,visa interview and soon my CFO.

And to all our sis here at PL who have started thier visa journey, good luck and God Bless us all!mine is not over yet too.

July 18, 2012: Wednesday: It's a short wait for any visa applicant, 3 working days after i was interviewed, finally, 2GO texted me (around 9:00AM) saying "<Subj: US VISA PASSPORT> Your passport is ready for pick up at 2Go outlet you selected" (although I felt it's been a long while because I wanted the visa right away so I can take the CFO seminar, get the sticker and go back to Gensan. Funny thing was, evey night since Monday we dropped by SM Fairview (after my Aunt's long day at Uni & since FX terminal was there) to check it at 2Go though I know that they will just inform me through text if they already have it (tigas kc ng ulo hehe). So three nights we checked the 2Go outlet there with same inquiry "Is there any visa delivery for blah blah?" with same answer "Nothing Ma'am". So on the 3rd night, i was still approaching when the officer asked me, "Visa po ba?" (hahaha!).I was so nervous peeling off the seal of the pouch worrying if I'm doing the right thing. It was a 2 layered pouch,the very first pouch contains: a)5-pages-note instructions about ssn application,on how to retrieve the passport which is inside the pouch too without tearing or opening the brown sealed envelope,information on the legal rights available to immigrant victims of domestic violence and counseling and registration requirements for CFO & b.) sealed pouch
which contains brown sealed envelope,passport and our pictures he sent to NVC put in a resealable plastic.You have to peel off too the second layered pouch to retrieve the PP but left the brown sealed envelope which has a slash opening on the upper left hand corner untouched.The Immigrant Data Summary is stapled to all my other docs inside the envelope but is on the outside part, I was wondering if I have to detach it but I preferred not. I noticed that my visa expiration date is 6 months from the date I took the medical examination,issue date was date of visa interview. So that was it so the next day..

July 19, 2012 (Thursday) CFO Seminar. I chose SMEF COW as my center for CFO seminar since I could have the certificate and the sticker all in one place. Less hassle, more convenient and just near the LRT-Katipunan Station.I get there very early around 6:00AM. And we're only 2 applicants bound for US and the other 1 was for UK. The receptionist/office did not open until 8:00AM. You have to logged on your name, country of destination & signature on thier checked in book located at the Cashier Counter after I presented my passport & 3 photocopies of its bio page,3 photocopies of my visa, 3 photocopies of my Immigrant Data Summary & a fee of P250.00. So far I did not noticed any "violent reaction" or "ugly gestures" from the people in the front desk. They seemed nice and approachable unlike what I've read on some forums.

After paying the fee, I was given 2 forms, one for Guidance and Counseling and the other one is Emigrant Registration form since I already have the visa.It took me almost 30-minutes to fill those forms up. I was called immediately after by this young cheerful counselor for one on one interview.I was wondering why interview was ahead, I was thinking of a group discussion first.LOL!But i just let it be.It was quick, most were questions about how,when,where and how many times me and my husband met. We climbed upstairs to 2nd floor for film viewing, but before that we introduced ourselves first and told our love stories.. <3, this portion took most of our time, we got carried away.LOL until only a little time left for film viewing. It was about Filipina wives who suffered from domestic violence from their foreign husbands. We were asked about our insights of what we have just watched. For me though being in a relationship is a never ending getting to know each other, everyday you'll discover something about your husband/wife and always anticipate some things to happen in the future...(2be continued later) :D

Here is our TimeLine:
Date of Marriage: October 8, 2011I-130
Sent: November 18, 2011I-130
NOA1: November 23, 2011I-130 RFE: NoneI-130 Approved: April 23, 2012
NVC Received: May 23, 2012
Received DS3032/I-864 Bill: May 24, 2012
Pay I-864 Bill: May 24, 2012
Received I-864 Package: May 25,2012
Return Completed I-864: May 29, 2012
Received IV Bill: June 1, 2012
Pay IV Bill: June 1, 2012
Received Instruction Package: June 6, 2012
Case Complete; June 12, 2012
Appointment Date Given: June 14, 2012
Interview Date: July 13, 2012
Medical Exam: July 10, 2012
Medical Result: July 11, 2012 (PASSED!)Interview Result: VISA APPROVED (Thank Your Lord!)
Visa on Hand: July 18, 2012 :)
CFO Seminar: July 19, 2012 8:30AM
CFO Certificate: July 19, 2012 11:00AM
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-20 23:18:00
PhilippinesPhilippines Stepchild Custody Question

sorry to hear about your problem.. i just like to ask if your Fiancee married the father of her daughter? because if they are never married then there will be no problem with child custody. here in the Philippines, if the child is illegitimate the sole custody of the child is in the mother. the father doesnt have the right for custody, only the right to visit.. If you like to find out about this, try to google it.. thanks
Good luck!

Hi AlohaBabes,

Thank you for your response. As you might guess this is very stressful since we are ready to schedule medical and embassy interview but now this came up so everything is stopped.

She was never married to her daughter's father. He had a secret family in Manila (i.e. he was married with family) and she was there for a month then back to Cebu where she had her baby and hasn't seen him since.

I have had different advice about this matter. One person told me that she must have a death certificate.

Another person said she also has to go to DSWD (dept of social welfare and development) to secure a certificate the child is in her custody (of course she is since she'd been her mother and with her since birth) and also to "inform" DSWD that the child will be leaving the Phils to go to the U.S.

Another person said I must get a lawyer and go to family court.

Another person said that no one at the embassy or anywhere else (including I guess CFO) will require any documentation of any kind - just the birth certificate showing her as mother, so don't worry about any of this.

Are you sure that nothing is needed? Do you know of anyone who has gone through the Visa process with a child (i.e. a single mom)? I'm not doubting what you're saying but also I don't want to go to the embassy interview and fail to pass it after spending all that money on the trip to Manila then face some longer delay.

Thank you very much.

Edited by newbster, 26 July 2012 - 08:18 PM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-26 20:17:00
PhilippinesPhilippines Stepchild Custody Question
Sorry to bump this but I'm really hoping anyone can point us in the right direction. My fiance went again to NSO Cebu yesterday and this time they told her they can never issue her a death certificate because she was not the legal wife of the deceased father of her child. Now we are really stuck. Even after 6 months we can't prove his death so that her daughter can leave the country as part of the K-1 Visa. We have our MNL# but it's pointless to schedule an embassy appointment until we get this custody matter resolved.

Someone also suggested that she has to go to DSWD (Dept of Social Welfare and Development) to get some registration from them that she is taking her child from the country and to the U.S.). I'm not really sure whether this is required or not as an additional requirement.

Does anyone have any advice at all? Does anyone know a reliable family lawyer in Cebu? I guess we might have to spend some money on this sad to say and pay some lawyer fees. :(

Edited by newbster, 26 July 2012 - 10:43 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-26 10:35:00
PhilippinesPhilippines Stepchild Custody Question

My fiance has a 5 year old daughter. The father was married in Manila (never told her this) and had a family (wife, kids, etc). She had her child back in Cebu and put his name on the birth cert for her daughter but he never provided any support nor was he involved in their lives in any way. He passed away Feb 22 of this year.

She went to NSO yesterday to try to get a certificate of death for him but they told her she probably has to wait at least 6 months go get one (not clear to me why).

What options do we have to get her through the embassy interview if they ask for some consent form from him? Does anyone know?

She said she heard there is some electronic/internet way to get a certificate of death (doubt it really though).

Also if she tried to file in family court I guess there is no one to file a case against since he's dead.

Does anyone know what is the easiest way to resolve this?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-24 18:58:00
PhilippinesBringing Filipino Parents To The United States
Does this mean bringing parent to visit for a few months or to live permanently?
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-23 07:53:00
PhilippinesSputum culture negative.. What's next?
Congrats on passing that test. How long did your sputum test take?

Do you know if kids take the sputum test too? Is it only given if skin test and chest X-ray fail?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-24 20:53:00
Philippines5 years old son positive in TST

Are u asking me? I came here on a K1 visa and few years later my USC husband file an I-130 for my two kids which was really our original plan before i even started the k1.

Oh I see. How was the I-130 process? Difficult or pretty easy? Thanks.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-26 22:43:00
Philippines5 years old son positive in TST

Your post is kinda confusing but i hope i understand it right. Here is my point of view. I had 2 kids ages 13 and 8yrs old that time when they had their medical exam at st. lukes. One of my child has positive skin test. Even if the skin test is positive and the xray result is negative then u are okay. Just pray that the xray is negative.

It is very common for us to have the positive on tb skin test. Pray na lng na negative ung xray result or if she has signs of TB pray that the consul will still issue her the visa and have the treatment here in the US.

My friend also has 2 kids. She was able to bring with her only one of her child coz the other one had to stay to complete the 9 month medication at St. Lukes.

I was lucky enough that i was able to bring my 2 kids and my daughter was issued a visa but she had to do her 9 month medication here in the US for Free which she already completed.

Pray that the xray result is negative. Prayers ,prayers.There is nothing impossible with him.

My fiance might also leave her daughter to complete treatment if it is needed. She already lives with her grandmother so she would keep her during treatment. Did you go for your Visa interview at U.S. Embassy with your medical clearance as normal then later do your child's K-2 as an attachment to your K-1? I read online that it is possible do attach the K-2 to K-1 within 1 year for a child. Will U.S. Embassy let you keep your scheduled K-1 appointment even if a K-2 child doesn't have medical clearance yet? Thanks for any insight and advice about this.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-25 23:53:00
Philippines5 years old son positive in TST
I'm in the same situation. 5 year old girl positive skin TB test. Now she is waiting for x-ray results to be given on Tuesday. If that is positive then like a previous poster said, I think there is a 7 or 8 week sputum test given. After that if positive then 6 months of treatment during which the child must be living in Manila the entire time to go to SLEC for treatment each day or week.

Please post your further experience here and I will do the same so that we can educate each other about the process.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-25 10:32:00
PhilippinesUSEM Manila Visa Interview
Great post. Congrats! And thanks for posting.

If you met any filipinas coming to Denver area have them get in touch with me. I'm sure my sweetie would like to speak Tagalog/visayan with other filipinas near Denver occasionally ;-)
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-23 19:01:00
PhilippinesSimple question about attaching 2x2 photos to docs for embassy interview

Should photos be taped, glued, or in a plastic Baggie then stapled to the doc?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-01 08:10:00
PhilippinesTravel Plans

thanks newbster. we need to reconsider other routes then...

I think base your decision on price. Get the cheapest route then if you don't make your connection (and you'll probably be fine to make it in most cases) you might have to sleep in the airport or read a book for 5 hours but the airline will get you there eventually and you can use the money you save to spend a couple nights in Vegas when you get here - romantic getaway money. haha. :)
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-09 00:06:00
PhilippinesTravel Plans

just updating.. so now i got my visa and looking for a good flight online. we're leaning towards MNL-HNL-SFO. My question is, is 1:50 enough for me to make it through the immigration going to my next flight? and also, should i get my checked in baggage when i land in HNL and check it again for the next flight? i need your opinions please. :)

1:50 is not a lot of time to do everything that you need to do. At Honolulu you have to ride a wiki wiki bus to the terminal where you go through customs. They'll take you directly from your plane to that terminal (at least that's how it was for me at my last trip through there a few days ago) on a bus. Then you have to get your bag and then go through customs where you'll get your POE processing. Then you have to take that bag and check it in for your next flight but usually there will be someone there to help you do that and you do it right where you go through customs (afterward). So yes you do have to get your bag then give it up again I think.

Personally I'd be cautious about a 1:50 layover if you have to do POE processing + the bus ride at Honolulu + customs + check-in/board your new flight. You'll _probably_ be ok but if you miss the flight it's going to be a hassle to get another flight and you'll be delayed. You can do it but it's a little risky.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-08 19:22:00
PhilippinesVisa issuance after approval
So I guess the safe thing to do is wait until you can track it through 2 GO before you book any airline tickets - ya? It sounds like 1 week to 4 week variable time from interview to visa in hand....
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-08 16:44:00
PhilippinesEvidence of Communication
This is a question for me too.

We communicate mainly by text and by facebook. We text each probably on avg 3-4 times per day. We probably email a few times each week, and communicate by facebook a few times each week and also have on average 1 chat session per week that's an hour+ (by YM). But we don't use phone calls. The connection always makes it hard to understand and hear each other very well.

So what should we take to interview? Just printouts of a sample of chat and texting? How much sampling? 1 or 2 screenshots per month is ok? We also have pics from my 2 trips to Cebu in Feb and in Aug-Sep. Is that enough?

Also what personal info should she memorize?

My family - names of sibling, parents
My demographics (name, phone, address)
My career (employer, job type, university degree type)
My previous marriage

Anything else? Someone said she needs to know my income but really what does that have to do with love? So she doesn't know my income. Is that fine? Are we missing any data she should have memorized?

Edited by newbster, 10 September 2012 - 01:20 PM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-10 13:13:00
PhilippinesWhich airline to choose?
Most of the Asian-based airlines have better coach accomodations - better service, food, electric outlets on seat backs, your own flat screen TV on seat back in front of you, ability to pick and choose which movies to watch from a wide range on your own seatback TV, etc. The U.S. carriers generally offer a LOT less luxury in the coach class seating areas. So if I were picking an airline to have an enjoyable flight I'd pick Asiana, Singapore, Cathay, Korean (I'm sure I'm forgetting a few asian-based carriers too). The U.S. airlines are pretty crummy when it comes to trans-pacific or trans-atlantic coach accomodations. The only plus for the U.S. - based carriers might be that they are all fairly safe and fly well-maintained planes. PAL I can't say that about as they have a lot of accidents with their planes. I met a guy in Cebu in Feb who was on a PAL flight that had an engine catch fire and crash-land but everyone survived.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-11 17:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEvidence requirements

Yes, it is along the same lines as those documents. By ROC time they like to see that these things span the marriage. But yeah... Same joint finances joint residence etc..Take a peek in any of the monthly ROC filer threads. There are multiple lists of what people have sent/planning to send.

Congrats on the approval! :thumbs:

Yes. :yes: Pretty much the same.

Thanks for the info guys, I guess I will just continue saving all those statements and gathering evidence like before.

I haven't done too much research into the ROC process just yet, but is there another interview requirement or is it just a random selection if you are called for one?

Also the CSC processing time is currently 6 months, is that fairly accurate for what you are currently seeing?

Are you guys seeing many denials or RFE's regarding ROC?
ChrisPGMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 18:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEvidence requirements
I have just been approved for my conditional GC and I am now starting to think ahead to the ROC stage in another 21 months and just wondered what other types of evidence they are looking for-- or is it more of the same-- (joint Mortgage, life insurance, utilities, checking/savings etc)?

The I-751 instructions make it sound like it has similar evidence requirements to that of the I-130, is that the case? I just want to start re-gathering new evidence now, rather than later.
ChrisPGMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 00:33:00
PhilippinesFinally coming to the USA
Hey can we hear an update on how it's gone for her in the U.S.? My fiance's English is medium-level as well so I'm really curious to hear how your fiance reacted to the transition to the U.S. - any tips or ideas that helped her get accustomed to things, etc. Plus I'm so excited to hear someone else got approved and traveled - the wait seems sooooo long.

Also if anyone knows of a site/resource that I could use to read about how to help a Filipina transition to the U.S. - read about others' experience/advice in this area, maybe find nice decent friends for her here, etc. Thanks for any tips/advice/resources/links.

Edited by newbster, 11 July 2012 - 04:04 PM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-11 16:03:00
PhilippinesLess and Less Communication
Uh yah, forget this guy. Just the fact that he wasn't communicating with you upsets me. I don't believe in "no time" for communication with your future spouse and your true love. He should have broken it off with you instead of just letting communication trickle off. You deserve to be treated fairly not strung along - and he's only interested in stringing you along selfishly. Move on and forget this loser.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-11 14:03:00
PhilippinesIs this typical for a Filipina?
I'm not a Filipina, I'm an Americano. :)

But something you might think about is just backing off on that topic, let her stay silent for now and open up in her own time. She might have several reasons for silence on that topic. Pressing in any relationship leads to strain I think, so just sit back and let her flower open in her own time. Be there to support her, but don't press at all or even have expectations in that area. Just a thought, unsolicited thought so I hope you don't mind. Good luck.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-20 15:48:00
PhilippinesU.S. Embassy Manila Fee change?
When you go to BPI to pay the fee do you pay it in USD or in PHP?

Also for a K-1 Visa the fee is $240. If there is a 5 year old child, does an additional $240 have to be paid? If so would you get 2 receipts from BPI one with child's passport # and another with mothers?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-25 20:34:00
PhilippinesPassed the CFO seminar
Wow this sounds awful. If anyone takes CFO at the main office instead of SMEF-COW or PRISM please let us all know that it's possible to do it there and if it is better and nicer there.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-26 23:36:00
PhilippinesEmbassy interview immediately following St. Luke's
I've heard people say to take the medical as far as possible before the embassy interview in case of problems or complications.

But if everything goes smoothly I've heard that one way to do it is:
Sun night fly to Manila
Mon-Tues medical at SLEC
Wed CFO class at CFO Manila or PRISM-Manila or SMEF-COW-Manila
Thu or Fri - embassy interview

Then all that you have to do is come back to CFO for a couple of hours later for your sticker if you can show your certificate that you've completed the class. This means that when you are ready to depart PI for the US you could fly to Manila and as long as you have a reasonable time before your connecting flight to the U.S. you can go get your CFO sticker placed on your passport. For example you could fly into Manila on Monday morning, go get your CFO sticker that day then depart for U.S. Monday night.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-27 09:53:00
PhilippinesDoes K-2 child need DS-156 and DS-157 forms?

I have been told that only my fiance needs to fill out forms DS-156 and DS-157 (and take 2 signed copies of each) for the embassy interview.

I think only my fiance needs DS-156K for sure.

Does her daughter (K-2 Visa) need these filled out for herself also? Or only the DS-230 for her daughter?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-27 14:00:00
PhilippinesReceipt Number for Visa Application
X is number, Z is letter in my reply below.

I think either it's your passport number which is format:

or it's this format:
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-30 16:14:00
PhilippinesMedical exam (St. Lukes)

Hi everyone... medical is complete... i havent got a real answer wether or not i passed but what nurse said was very convining that everything went well... :thumbs: Thank god!!! and to my loving and very supportive fiance.

Hi jadeanddash,

Congrats on your medical! :)

Can I ask you a little bit off-topic favor. Since you are getting close to your CFO time can you post your CFO experience here on visajourney? There is a lot of confusion and anxiety I think about the new CFO process. I think we'll try to do it at CFO instead of at SMEF-COW due to the bad stories about SMEF-COW. Also the number of spots each day for the CFO class seem to be very limited. Can you please do us all a favor and post her your CFO experience (where you went, how many spots were available, any tips, how long it took, etc) once you do CFO?

Thanks a lot!

Edited by newbster, 31 July 2012 - 10:20 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-31 10:20:00
PhilippinesReceived MNL Case Number... What's next?

Hello Everyone. I also received my MNL# but was told that it is in additional processing. Should I wait till additional processing is over or should I ignore and just schedule the appointments? Thanks.

That probably means they have it but haven't sent it to the embassy yet. You could wait 3 days and call back.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-01 13:47:00
PhilippinesReceived MNL Case Number... What's next?
Read the last post (currently) by Hank on this thread. He says you don't need physical docs to schedule medical exam. You just have to pay embassy fee and schedule embassy interview online then print out a copy of that embassy interview confirm to take to St Luke's with you.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-26 12:01:00
PhilippinesReceived MNL Case Number... What's next?
Hi Hank (or anyone else who knows)

I've got a few quick questions about the medical at SLEC.
In this thread it says you need your embassy appintment letter:

But you mentioned that you just have to print out your embassy appointment interview confirmation page that you can get when you book your embassy appointment online using your MNL#. Is that right? I just want to be sure so we don't book a flight to Manila and a hotel for nothing.

Then a 2nd question is - when you pay the fee at SLEC do you have to pay the $223 adult fee and $185 child fee in USD or will it be in equivalent PHP?

Another question is - when you pay at BPI for the embassy fee do you have to bring USD or PHP?

Thanks very much.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-25 21:14:00
Philippinesquestion for those applicant recently got their case# from nvc.
I'm curious - when you schedule the embassy interview do you get to pick a date or do they just assign you a date? Thanks.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-01 15:17:00
PhilippinesNvc mnl#
They got mine exactly 7 days after my NOA2 and were able to give me a case #. I'd suggest calling 7-10 days after your NOA2 based on my experience in the last 3 weeks.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-01 00:27:00
PhilippinesCFO: 12 slots per day?!
azar I don't think anyone really understands your question about waiting for processing. Perhaps you might create a new thread for that and give a more detailed explanation since this is a CFO thread.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-31 00:22:00
PhilippinesCFO: 12 slots per day?!
If anyone figures out any tips here or goes through the process I'd really like to hear from we have this coming up in the next month or so.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-30 16:34:00
PhilippinesCFO: 12 slots per day?!
I think never go to SMEF-COW Cebu. I've heard too many horror stories about that place.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-27 15:13:00
PhilippinesCFO: 12 slots per day?!
Hank, do you also read this as saying that the sessions at PRISM and SMEF-COW are being shut down and the only classes will be at the CFO facility?

12 seems like a very small number if there are 300 people going to the U.S. per day. It seems impossible if there are 2 locations doing 12 people per day (24 total) while 300 people per day are trying to leave for the U.S......
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-27 11:22:00
PhilippinesCFO: 12 slots per day?!

Wow those seem like big changes. I would love to read about people's experience at Cebu vs Manila and in general of their experiences doing the sessions at CFO instead of at SMEF-COW. I've read horror stories about SMEF-COW (particularly Cebu but also some about Manila) so I wonder if these are a little more rational than those? I read some people have spent weeks or months trying to get SMEF-COW approval. If this new process is more of an educational in-out in 3 hours session then that would be nice to know about.

I can't edit my original post but the way I read this is that after July 13 no more GCP classes at PRISM in Manila. After Sept 15 no more GCP classes at SMEF-COW in Manila and Cebu. After those dates all attendees must go to CFO Manila and CFO Cebu for the GCP classes.

It does seem like there are only 12 people allowed per day for US immigrants at each location. And it also seems like the class starts at 9am and lasts until noon (3 hours).

Is this how others read it as well?
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-27 09:21:00
PhilippinesCFO: 12 slots per day?!
Wow those seem like big changes. I would love to read about people's experience at Cebu vs Manila and in general of their experiences doing the sessions at CFO instead of at SMEF-COW. I've read horror stories about SMEF-COW (particularly Cebu but also some about Manila) so I wonder if these are a little more rational than those? I read some people have spent weeks or months trying to get SMEF-COW approval. If this new process is more of an educational in-out in 3 hours session then that would be nice to know about.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-27 01:03:00