PhilippinesWhen to buy plane tickets through K1 process

hi! caryh my situation now is same as yours. My fiance already bought ticket 30 days before my interview on the 29th. I just want to ask what did your fiance answered in Q#18 in DS 157 "Have you made specific travel arrangements?"...if i answer yes will this affect my visa approval? Im really confuse now what to answer coz in the K1 packet there's a reminder not to make any travel arrangements until visa approval :wacko: thanks in advance... Good day!

I'd just tell the truth. I don't think they can stop your visa because you bought a plane ticket....
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-03 20:28:00
PhilippinesPOE: Touch Down
I love to hear it. Congrats. :dance:

Let us know how things are going in a week - I always like to hear how adjustment goes so I can help my fiance adjust too.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-03 20:24:00
PhilippinesShe will Arrive in less thatn 24 hours
Hey, super big congrats - I'm sure it's a great feeling and you have all of our best wishes. Stay in touch. :dance:
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-04 16:15:00
PhilippinesProof of Genuine Engagement

Make sure you sent an updated letter of intent from you that you will marry your fiancee in 90 days upon her arrival.

That's a good idea. But I used the original letter of intent dated Feb 28 in our interview Oct 1 and it was ok. Still, good idea - might as well do that.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-05 07:19:00
PhilippinesProof of Genuine Engagement

Hey VJ'rs, I am officially done with the I-134. It is an overkill preparation. Here is a background on my initial application I-129F that was filed on 06/14. To make the story short, I front loaded. I sent a ton of pictures (48 pictures to be exact)and any receipts, boarding passes, and itineraries relating to us meeting in person in 12/2010 and 04/2012. We scheduled an interview on 10/25/2012 and medical appointment on 10/16/2012.Thank you again for your patience in answering my question.

Concern #1: Do we need to write another letter of intent with a more recent date? A letter of intent was already included in the application dated 06/01/2012.

Concern #2: Yahoo Chats - What else should I include to provide proof of genuine engagement? I am about to print out some of our chats. I will restrain myself and keep it to a couple of days per month. Is that enough? Do I have to print all the way back to when we first met online (2008)? At the time of the application (06/2012)? or After NOA2 (dated 09/18/2012)?

Concern #3: Phone Records - About a year ago, I started to subscribe to DUO International, phone service that allows me to talk to my fiancee everyday. If proof they want, we talk like hours. How do I document this as evidence? I still have the proof of monthly subscription. and of course my phone bills that enumerate the number of times I call that number. Because of this subscription, emails and yahoo chats have decreased drastically.

Concern #4: Remittance - I do send remittances once in a while to my fiancee through Xoom. I am still on the fence whether this type of evidence is actually helpful to the genuine engagement. There are stories that can be misconstrued as something else.

Concern #5: Photographs - I submitted 48 pictures. Should I tell my fiancee to bring more?

Concern #6: Letters & Cards - When I did feel like it, I do send her letters, it is not a lot. I plan to just make copies of those letters. Should I include the a photocopy of the envelope???

Uh, I am sure you are way overthinking all of this. If your relationship is real, the embassy is not going to pose a problem. The interviewer is not going to read emails. They aren't going to read letters and cards. They might look at photos, glance at phone records. Mainly they are going to talk to your fiance and ask about your relationship. That's what I've heard over the last 8 months. So I think the proof you mention is more than enough - a waste of paper really. I am sure it'll be fine - bring photos of you together or with her family - that's the best proof I think. I've read so many interview experiences and often the interviewer doesn't look at any proof - but if they do then photos are usually the proof they look at. :yes:
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-04 23:13:00
PhilippinesOMG...after all this sacrifice
Hey that's happy news to hear. We're all excited for you - congrats! :dance:
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-05 12:05:00
PhilippinesFiance living with his parents
I am only guessing. But I think it won't matter. First of all I think they won't ask that. If they do and you tell them he lives with his family I don't think that's grounds to deny the Visa as long as he has sufficient income. But again I'm only guessing.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-05 19:35:00
Philippinesis this the normal waiting time for Visa?
Thanks Hank but when I call the (214) number it feels like I'm talking to robots, not someone at the actual embassy. The post before mine seemed to indicate that there were alternate ways to reach the embassy itself. Your post just re-iterates the (214) number I was already using. Thanks though - but maybe someone has another method?
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-07 21:22:00
Philippinesis this the normal waiting time for Visa?


When you call the embassy did you use the 9029830 number? Or were you able to speak somebody from the US Embassy itself? (in case the US EMbassy itself what number did you use?

What's the best way to call them? I've been using the answering service that they have, using this number from the U.S. (214) 571-1600

Is there a better way to reach someone from the embassy?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-07 19:48:00
Philippinesis this the normal waiting time for Visa?

18 days seemed like a lot of time, no one that I'd heard was reporting a wait that long. So it seemed like a safe bet. Of course now that we're 6 days out from the interview and the automated email system says it's "still with post" I'm starting to get nervous. :wacko:

I was interviewed last September 10. It's been 20 days and still don't receive it yet. I really hope to have it this week. I've been calling the embassy for updates and informed me to follow up again this week.

Wow, that's a really long wait. I didn't think it would even be possible to have so much delay. I'm sorry u have to wait so long. I really hope ours doesn't take that long. :( :huh:

Edited by newbster, 07 October 2012 - 08:56 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-07 08:56:00
Philippinesis this the normal waiting time for Visa?

just the numbers

18 days seemed like a lot of time, no one that I'd heard was reporting a wait that long. So it seemed like a safe bet. Of course now that we're 6 days out from the interview and the automated email system says it's "still with post" I'm starting to get nervous. :wacko:
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-06 23:33:00
Philippinesis this the normal waiting time for Visa?

Confucius say, never make travel plans or buy plane ticket until visa in hand.

Yah, but I'm sure he didn't have to wait 8 or 9 months apart from his love haha. :rofl:

He might sing a different tune after so long apart. :thumbs:

I'm in the same situation as you - bought airplane tickets 3 weeks after interview. When you try to track using MNL do you include "MNL" or just the numbers in your MNL?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-06 21:09:00
PhilippinesHotels near Manila airport?

I always use The Manila Airport Hotel, walking distance to terminal 1, about $50/night.

Ok I'll check out Heritage and also Manila Airport.

I looked up Manila Airport Hotel, and it says they have a shuttle. If you fly in will their shuttle take you from your arrival terminal to the hotel? Or is this only to go from the hotel to your departure terminal?

If it will pick you up on arrival how do you find it or summon it?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-09 06:25:00
PhilippinesHotels near Manila airport?

My fiance and her daughter are flying into Manila late on a Friday night then depart very early the next morning. Can anyone recommend a Manila hotel that is: safe, close to the airport, and reasonably priced?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-09 00:45:00
nvm - just answered my own question.

Edited by newbster, 09 October 2012 - 01:16 PM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-09 13:15:00
Philippineswaiting for K1 visa
When you try to track it with 2GO what are the ways you can track it?

1) Passport number. Is it like "EBXXXXXXX" or some other form?
2) MNL number. Do you use "MNLXXXXXXXXXX" or just "XXXXXXXXXX"?

When I emailed USEM the message I get is "in transit from post" but I'm not able to track it with 2GO. I guess maybe there is a day of delay or something before I can track it?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-09 00:29:00
Philippineswaiting for K1 visa

Thank you;) My fiance called the embassy and they are waiting for the clearance to release the visa. Do you have any idea what clearance is that?

Hi Sincere, what number did he call? Can you ask him for me?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-08 00:27:00
PhilippinesKorean Air vs Delta to Manilla

We're in the planning stages of going to get Rovie. I have been flying Korean Air to and from Cebu and just love them. looking at airfare for the first of December, there is a huge difference between Korean and Delta. Flying Delta in the states, IMHO, sucks. I avoid them when ever I can for domestic travel. So can someone tell me how they are on the overseas routes? Anyone with experience with both?


All the U.S. airlines stink compared to the Asian airlines like Korean, Singapore, etc. The U.S. plane interiors don't have individual TV's (usually), don't have plug-ins for your electrical devices. In general the interior and the service is not up to the standard of the Asian airlines. However their redeeming feature is that they are much cheaper. So it's a choice of priorities. I always go for the cheap flight provided that the airline safety record and the plane safety record is ok. So I generally choose the U.S. airlines.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-06 22:23:00
PhilippinesInspection at a U.S. Port-of-Entry:

how bout payments/taxes in airport i dont clearly understand in cfo.

You won't have to make any payments or taxes in US airports. In fact I've flown around the world to many countries and Philippines is the only country I have ever been to that charges so many fees and taxes. No other airport charges you a special fee before the gate to fly. No other airport has a huge line that charges their citizens whatever it is (4000p maybe?) to leave the country. No other airport makes you pay money to shuttle from one terminal to another terminal when transferring planes. It's all a bit odd really. :bonk: So once you leave phils you won't need money for any fees or taxes that I'm aware of. :dance:

However, be careful because at Manila airport you need lots of pesos to pay fees and taxes there when leaving the country and to pay taxi or shuttle to transfer you between terminals if necessary. :blink: :crying:

Edited by newbster, 01 October 2012 - 08:51 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-01 08:50:00
PhilippinesCFO - Seminar in Manila, Sticker in Cebu...possible?
Just a warning. I hear horror stories about the SMEF-COW CFO class in Cebu, so taking it in Manila might be preferred if you can swing it. But either way we'd all be grateful if you'd write about your experience. I think it's harder at CFO if the lady going is less than 25 or her fiance has a prior divorce or any sort of criminal record.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-01 20:12:00
PhilippinesBooking Manila hotel online for fiance
I always book Gran Prix Manila using It is clean, close to both USEM and SLEC, about $26/night, and she likes the breakfast there.

I put my fiance's name as "lead guest" and my email address. Then when they send me the confirmation email with an attached pdf (usually takes about 15 minutes to get it), I forward that email to her so she can print out the .pdf file that's attached and take it to check in. It works fine.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-11 21:58:00
PhilippinesFilipinas in or near Denver?

My fiance is arriving next weekend and I'm hoping to introduce her to some Filipinas in Denver who are nice people. I already met Kathy here on VJ, who seems like a great person. But it would be nice to find other Filipinas also in Denver.

If anyone on here is in Denver or is coming to Denver, please message me and I'll introduce you to my fiance when she arrives. :star:

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-15 08:48:00
Philippinesupdate in CFO Seminar in CEBU!!!

I think you mean i-134. affidavit of support? Im sorry to hear about that from your fiance.. She actually texted me yesterday about it.. SHe said it was very difficult. and there are some women there who are crying because they hold them.. Wow! cant believe its happening in there. Hope she can get through it and finished it on Monday!

Oh yes you are right - I-134 it is. I have no idea where I got that other number haha. :rofl: :bonk:

Yah, if only she had gone last week it would have been easy but she was going to wait for her friend to get another ID to go with her. But our embassy interview is almost here so I asked her to go ahead on her own. I'm glad I did because it seems like this could be a long process. Based on what she told me I have my doubts whether she'll even get cleared next week when she goes back. I think they'll ask her to come back again for something else after that.

It seems like this new CFO process is hard because of only 12 slots per day and even worse the counselors there are very hard on the people who come there, asking all sorts of crazy questions and using no good reason to delay and cause trouble for them. There is no oversight of them it seems so it's abuse of power to make lives miserable for people who are forced to go there. It's not education, it's harassment. :wacko:

Thanks for your help on all of this AlohaBabes. I'm glad you made it through before all of these changes. At least that's one person out of their control. :thumbs:

Edited by newbster, 20 September 2012 - 11:06 PM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-20 23:06:00
Philippinesupdate in CFO Seminar in CEBU!!!

What is the I-342/I-394 ?

I don't know what I-342 is, never heard of it. I-394 is the U.S. govt form you submit at your embassy interview to show you make enough money to support your fiance.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-20 13:06:00
Philippinesupdate in CFO Seminar in CEBU!!!
Oh also she said they asked for form I-342 but I think she meant I-394 - another form she couldn't copy there for them.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-20 09:46:00
Philippinesupdate in CFO Seminar in CEBU!!!
My fiance went to CFO in Cebu yesterday. She was in line very early - I'm not sure exactly what time but I think maybe 4 am. They only allow 12 people per day to take the class so there is always a line now I guess.

As I think AlohaBabes said, they moved CFO counseling as of this Monday to a different place and SMEF-COW is no longer involved. This has made things worse overall I think because now the 12 person limit is a problem.

She said it was a very long day at CFO. She had a one-on-one interview for at least an hour. She said the counselor was not very nice and asked her questions like:
where did you meet?
why does he love you?
what are your fiance's parents background and jobs?
when did he propose and where?
why did your fiance get divorced?
how can your fiance support you as well as his children that he has already from previous marriage?
how much money does he make?

They also wanted copies of a lot of documents that she didn't have copies of (I'd told her she could make copies of things at CFO because I heard there were copy machines there) and she couldn't make copies because I think (?) there are no copy machines at the new office.

So she has a followup appointment to come back in a week with copies of some documents.

We hope that will close out the CFO experience - she said it was a very difficult and long day for her.

So I'd recommend getting into CFO and not waiting because apparently it can take some work depending on which counselor you get for your one-on-one session.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-20 09:21:00
Philippinesvisa delivery after interview

It's holiday on Monday. So, they're probably not releasing anything visas.

Today (Monday) is a Holiday? I checked PI holiday calendar and didn't see any holiday today. Sorry to hear it - 1 more day missed on processing. :crying:
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-08 16:18:00
Congrats! :dance:
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-10-15 08:54:00
PhilippinesEmas CFO experience
Great answer - thank you AlohaBabes - that really helps. :thumbs:
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-13 23:34:00
PhilippinesEmas CFO experience


ALL exiting required to attend. There have been changes regarding CFO so for sure read through their website.


Required documents & "OTHER DOCUMENTS" they ask for at CFO: copies of; CENOMAR, certified birth certificate, bio page of passport, visa page from passport, pictures together, from USC - bio page of passport, birth certificate, divorce decree (if been married before) are the most common. The "other documents" clause can be ANYTHING with those nit-wits at CFO.

** From the Family Code of the Philippines: it's 21-25 years old for advice and 18-21 years old for consent.

Art. 14. In case either or both of the contracting parties, not having been emancipated by a previous marriage, are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, they shall, in addition to the requirements of the preceding articles, exhibit to the local civil registrar, the consent to their marriage of their father, mother, surviving parent or guardian, or persons having legal charge of them, in the order mentioned. Such consent shall be manifested in writing by the interested party, who personally appears before the proper local civil registrar, or in the form of an affidavit made in the presence of two witnesses and attested before any official authorized by law to administer oaths. The personal manifestation shall be recorded in both applications for marriage license, and the affidavit, if one is executed instead, shall be attached to said applications. (61a)

Art. 15. Any contracting party between the age of twenty-one and twenty-five shall be obliged to ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the intended marriage. If they do not obtain such advice, or if it be unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be issued till after three months following the completion of the publication of the application therefor.A sworn statement by the contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought,together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to the application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian refuse to give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn statement.

Hank thanks for the reply but honestly it doesn't answer my questions. Reading those official CFO pages is nearly useless. It's still not clear to me where to go in Cebu, what time to go there (partly because the offical page says 2pm but Ema's experience was 8am so there are conflicting reports about what time to show up for the class), what docs you actually need copies of to give to CFO, how many copies of each doc, and which docs just need to be shown there to them but you don't need to arrive with a copy already made of..... :wacko:

Edited by newbster, 13 September 2012 - 10:07 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-13 10:05:00
PhilippinesEmas CFO experience
Do they just need to see stuff like fiance's divorce decree and birth cert at CFO or do they actually want a photocopy that you can give to them?

Also it's not clear to me what time you have to go to CFO in Cebu to take the class (or do you go somewhere else like SMEF-COW?). I've heard 8am and 1pm. Also I think that the CFO office and the place you actually take the class (SMEF-COW) are different places right? So where do you go exactly and what time exactly do you show up there in Cebu?

Lastly, I have prepared what I think is a list of things to take to CFO Cebu:

Passport with 2 photocopy of bio page
1 other photo ID with photocopy of that picture ID
1 photocopy of fiance passport bio page (you can photocopy this from the embassy packet but do NOT remove it from your embassy packet or folder)
CENOMAR with 2 photocopy
Birth certificate with 2 photocopy
2x2 passport size photos (3 of them I think)
Some pictures of you and your fiance together
Your entire embassy packet to show to them if they need anything like divorce decree, tax return, birth cert of fiance or anything else. But it's extremely important to not remove anything from your embassy packet - only show it to them at CFO or photocopy if they want any copies (still not sure if showing only or actual photocopies are required). Keep your embassy packet or folder intact so you don't fail your embassy interview due to lack of documents....

I hope that list helps someone else.


Edited by newbster, 13 September 2012 - 09:32 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-13 09:23:00
PhilippinesEmas CFO experience
Yes TY, no idea how I missed it.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-01 22:56:00
PhilippinesEmas CFO experience
Does anyone know what happened to the other CFO thread? The one talking about only 12 spots etc? I can't seem to find it now. If anyone can link to it, it'd be great - I've looked 5 pages deep on the forum with no luck but it's vanished or my brain's playing tricks.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-01 20:01:00
PhilippinesEmas CFO experience
Hi thanks very much for posting this. I have a question. You said she was told to bring:
" a photocopy of fiance's document showing his status"

What is this that you are referring to? What sort of document?

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-08-01 09:59:00
PhilippinesNOA2 and then what's next?


Thank u for your reply... So where do i get this interview confirmation page?

When you pay at the bank you get a receipt.

You use that receipt number to register for the interview online. (receipt number usually is just your passport number)

When you register for the interview online you print off the confirmation page after you schedule the interview.

Edited by newbster, 29 September 2012 - 08:49 PM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-29 20:44:00
PhilippinesCFO sticker at NAIA terminal 3?
It sounds like everyone is saying this but this topic is too much low-hanging fruit for me to hold back.

Don't try to get sticker at airport when you are trying to catch a flight, have paid $1000+ for a ticket, and are ready to leave. Get it done before - swing by the CFO office for the sticker. Funny topic because it's so absurd to go through all this Visa stuff go to airport then not be able to leave because you don't have a stupid little sticker required by PI. Only in phils. :rofl:

Edited by newbster, 13 September 2012 - 07:30 PM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-13 19:27:00
PhilippinesPhilippines: Custody Paperwork for Children Post-Annulment?
I hope I'm not interrupting this thread, but while we are discussing kids, my fiance has a 5 yr old. She was never married to the father and in fact he had a family (wife, kids) that he didn't tell her about. She has found out now and also found out that he apparently passed away (not confirmed though - just what she heard).

Anyway, what does she need to get so that her child can come with her as part of the K-1 Visa we are doing? I guess just a death certificate for the biological father? And does anyone know how to do that? He lived in Manila, she lives in Cebu. Does she have to go to Manila to do it?

If the OP doesn't want any interruption on this thread then I can edit this post to remove my question - but I thought that the ppl reading this thread might have this answer also.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-10 20:49:00 it reliable???

I am using

So far they are very good. They found many errors in my I-129F petition and assisted me in correcting them. They have everything online so that you and your fiance can both log in to answer questions then they generate your paperwork. They also will review your physical packet and mail it in for you (costs about $20 extra I think - but seems worth it as they found some errors in that final packet also). They also respond very quickly to all of my questions via their support email interface on the web site. I'd recommend them. Of course you're paying $500 for the service but to make your process go quick and painless and avoid RFI's it's worth it to me. Everyone has to decide for themselves because obviously it's possible to complete the process without any help other than what's available on this forum and from your own research.

I wanted to provide an update about this service. I ran into some complications with my Visa and they were not very helpful or knowledgeable (their basic service is very efficient though as I stated in my earlier post). I was able to get advice and assistance gratis from another visa service so I thought that I would let people know about these guys also. They are very friendly, extremely knowledgeable and respond very quickly. Based on my interactions with them I would recommend them if you think you might hit any complications with your visa due to their local expertise.

The original service that I commented on costs about $500 through the embassy interview. They then offer an additional service to file papers once you hit the U.S. which is also quite expensive.
This 2nd service that I'm mentioning charges $500 all the way to green card which is much cheaper overall since they take you aaaallllll the way through the process including all paperwork in the U.S. so I think it's much cheaper in the long run if you are going to use a service.

Good luck to all of you guys going through this whatever you decide about using or not using a service. This forum is a huge help. :)

Edited by newbster, 27 July 2012 - 10:06 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-27 10:02:00 it reliable???
I am using

So far they are very good. They found many errors in my I-129F petition and assisted me in correcting them. They have everything online so that you and your fiance can both log in to answer questions then they generate your paperwork. They also will review your physical packet and mail it in for you (costs about $20 extra I think - but seems worth it as they found some errors in that final packet also). They also respond very quickly to all of my questions via their support email interface on the web site. I'd recommend them. Of course you're paying $500 for the service but to make your process go quick and painless and avoid RFI's it's worth it to me. Everyone has to decide for themselves because obviously it's possible to complete the process without any help other than what's available on this forum and from your own research.
newbsterMalePhilippines2012-07-26 12:05:00
Philippines6 month TB treatment
Ah man I'm so sorry to hear this news. I wish it weren't true for you and I know it will be a hard 6 months.

But stay strong and be patient because you know in the end it will be all worth it and you will be together in 6 months.

Edited by newbster, 11 September 2012 - 12:17 AM.

newbsterMalePhilippines2012-09-11 00:12:00