Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
I'm sure I'll forget something off the list but...

#1 An affidavit explaining how we met/our relationship
#2 Notarized letters from both sets of parents saying the approve of the marriage
#3 Engagement ceremony info including where, when, pics, and a list of all attendees including their addresses and phone numbers
#4 general relationship evidence including letters, emails, pics, phone records from before and after the engagement
#5 my SO's voter card and other voter card info

He had #2, #4, and the card from #5 with him at the interveiw but the CO said that he should get the rest and resubmit everything.

We didn't have an engagement ceremony so I'll be collecting even more letters from friends and family stating that they know about our engagement and approve.

So - I'll be busy over the next couple of days. I want to fedex this stuff out as soon as possible.

catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-16 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
Well - we got a 221(g) for more paperwork - proof of relationship, etc etc. Typical for New Delhi but still stings. We were hoping we had that figured out....

I'm trying to get the info out to him this weekend so he can hand it in next week.

Thanks for all the well wishes and the great chats!

catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-16 06:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
I have not butterflies but freaking pterodactyls in my stomach! Only 11 hours until his interview...
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-15 10:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
Ok - so this will give you insight to my state of mind this week - I read this thinking wednesday night and not tuesday night due to the time difference. Yeah - I'm not all with it right now. I'll be on the hot seat wednesday going into thursday [thursday india time]. I will definately be there to offer support. The nerves are crazy bad!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-13 20:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
Mind if I stop by??? I'll be waiting too helpsmilie.gif - hopefully a good phone call by 7am....
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-13 10:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA APPROVED!!
Congrats!!! That's such great news!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-15 10:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Old Wives tales
From the ex's family [they were sort of sweet when they weren't insanely crazy]:

Sleeping with socks on leads to blindness.
Sleeping with your stomach uncovered will cause diarrhea.

Evidently, you can do a lot of damage while sleeping...
catknitFemaleIndia2008-12-18 19:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday!

Good luck with WeightWatcher's - I've been using them for the last maybe 13-14 weeks and it's still working! I thought my metabolism was beyond shot after some medical issues but it appears I was just eating I can look back and say - yup was eating beyond horribly. I love that there is a lot of flexibility in the plan...
catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-09 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
She seemed to know her stuff - compared with the both Senators liasons - our new congressman "inherited" a lot of staff from what his other staffers said. She began to change her tune a little when I posed the joint second interview question...

I will be the first to say I have red flags - lots of them and big ones at that. It also appears that all the Indian consulates are currently on a denial binge. In all the months I've been here I haven't seen as many denials in that whole time as in the last month or so.

Tomorrow is a new day - I'll just keep on the phones and the prayers hoping that they will agree to the second interview and that we can wow them with our relationship. Worst case, at least I get to see my man sooner than planned.

catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-15 23:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Well - after getting word of the denial last night...Gee - January 2009 is looking like it's shaping up to be a stellar month already.

The congressman's aide looked at the info I sent and said "lots of red flags - looks like fraud or setting up for a marriage of convenience" because just hearing the denial wasn't bad enough...

Having a great night over here - can't you tell????
catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-15 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Scarlet fever was Little Women.

And can I just say - crying.gif seriously why can't this just be simple? grrrr - I hate being a "fraud".
catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-15 21:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday
ZaidsMommy -

That's exactly what I love about weightwatchers too - not trying to sound like an infommercial either! I've been on for maybe 14 weeks now - I'm done 20+ pounds after thinking for years my metabolism was a mess from some Rxs I was on...I've had just about anything I've wanted, including cake or cookies or ice cream but in moderation or with the remainder of the day planned around what I chose to eat.

Some of the health insurance policy will even reimburse part of the membership fees.
catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-16 22:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaWho are you??
I despise bad chocolate now. Any of that stuff labelled "chocolate flavored coating" etc I can't deal with. I can only handle chocolate in general in moderation but I think that has more to do with how it makes me feel than how much I'd want to eat.

I firmly believe there is a chocolate for everyone. Some people love Hershey's, others think it tastes like it has sour milk in it. Some people love Godiva, I know choc lovers who think it's absolutely disgusting.

I have a thing for Dove dark chocolate - there are some smaller choc producers that have great dark choc too.

I had a reading teacher in the 7th grade who would work at a fudge shop over the summer and after the first month never tasted fudge again because he was allowed to eat as much as he wanted while on the clock. I guess you can burn out on something.

When I worked on ready to drink iced teas I HATED them - didn't drink them anyway and had to test maybe 3-4 batches a week which would equal something like 36 taste tests? That wasn't fun...

We did sometimes have flavored vodka day - that was always good fun...
catknitFemaleIndia2008-12-29 18:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaWho are you??
I loved the chocolate tasting job - it was for m&m/mars - even worked in their r&d labs with all the new candies.

I was mortified that we were expected to spit most of the time - think wine tasting or coffee tasting.

You really get close to your coworkers when you stand around and taste/spit out food next to each other all day.

In a boutique/store setting, I'm not sure what they would have done...
catknitFemaleIndia2008-12-29 17:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaWho are you??
I lurk in MENA because you all get me to laugh every day and my ex is a 1st generation Jordanian-American so a lot of the stories make me laugh harder since I've been there - plus my fiance is Muslim so in certain ways I fit in MENA better than the South Asia Forum [which almost NEVER has any activity anyway].

I sell big scary electrical equipment - like for oil rigs and sub stations.

AlHayatZween - I was a chocolate taste tester...good gig if you can get it!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-12-29 16:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA FOOD
QUOTE (ARALB @ Jan 23 2009, 10:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (amal @ Jan 21 2009, 07:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we're not that picky lol. We do our absolute best to check the packaging that it doesn't show any known pork products. We don't go around making excuses to eat pork, I promise!!! but it's just that we know that god knows we do our best to check and that is as good as we can do. We don't have the time to call on every product we consume.

I know that u have to be careful with marshmallows. Be careful with the hot dogs and sausages coz they're oftentimes cased in pork intestines but it's not written on the label.

My husband is not picky about going out to eat as long as we don't physically order pork. I do know others though whose husbands refuse to eat take-out just because there's a chance that pork may have been cooked on or near the place the beef and/or chicken was cooked or prepared..OR the worry that they could use the same utensils to prepare them. It's all really up to the non-pork eater and their preferences. Definitely talk to him about how he feels. Explain the ways restaurants prepare things and there are codes and what not and just see how he feels. Good Luck!

OH, and anything that has not ok. Gelatin (at least from what I've read) is made from pork.

Not all Gelatin is made from pork. Starbursts candies for instance--AND I HAVE CALLED M&M&Mars,-- are made from beef gelatin, and many things can have chicken gelatin in them, but STAY AWAY FROM STARBURSTS JELLY BEANS! So if you're worried about it, then call about the type of gelatin. It would be nice if the different manufacturers would clairify, and WHY if the whole line of products is already made with beef gelatin, did they decide it necessary to make something with PORK?! UGH!

Two reasons - cost and functionality. The pork gelatin may have slightly different qualities - depends on the specs of the specific ingredient.

On the cost front, that's why you'll see labels that say "vegetable oil [cottonseed and/or soybean oil]". Depends on the commodity market, capacity in refineries,etc - also it can be very seasonal if an ingredient is botantically based [I know, I know - pigs aren't seasonal smile.gif ].

Food companies will go with what is cheapest and easiest to source that won't change the label. First and foremost, they are a commercial business. Unfortunately, the outcry for halal foods in the US has historically been rather weak. I know that isn't true with many of you here. But, if a company isn't going with a kosher label [by the way, a lot of koshering organizations recognize the fact that other groups look at their labels and "talk up" that point for selling their services], unless the company is specifically marketing to some group [Muslims, vegetarians, raw food people, organic consumers, 7th day adventists, or macrobiotic diet keepers just as examples] - the company will use whatever works and fits the cost structure for a product.

UmmSqueaker - there is a great vanilla bean store on ebay - I forget the name but can hunt it down for you - super reasonable prices!!!

catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-24 23:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA FOOD
2ond journey - I just looked at your link - great tool!!! But I'm confused by what you said about the McDonald's french fries - the site claims the following:


That is not the same as containing a pork product.

In food labelling lard [pork based shortening] must be labelled as lard or animal based fat. That will be a huge tip off for anyone trying to avoid questionable animal based fats - the law plainly states it:

(14) Each individual fat and/or oil ingredient of a food intended
for human consumption shall be declared by its specific common or usual
name (e.g., "beef fat", "cottonseed oil") in its order of
predominance in the food except that blends of fats and/or oils may be
designated in their order of predominance in the foods as "------
shortening" or "blend of ------ oils", the blank to be filled in with
the word "vegetable", "animal", "marine", with or without the
terms "fat" or "oils", or combination of these, whichever is
applicable if, immediately following the term, the common or usual name
of each individual vegetable, animal, or marine fat or oil is given in
parentheses, e.g., "vegetable oil shortening (soybean and cottonseed
oil)". For products that are blends of fats and/or oils and for foods
in which fats and/or oils constitute the predominant ingredient, i.e.,
in which the combined weight of all fat and/or oil ingredients equals or
exceeds the weight of the most predominant ingredient that is not a fat
or oil, the listing of the common or usual names of such fats and/or
oils in parentheses shall be in descending order of predominance.

So - if a label says "animal fat" it can be ANY animal. If it states "beef fat" or "beef tallow" it HAS to be from a cow.

The same nomenclature rules are followed for flavors. If a label states Natural Beef Flavor - it CAN NOT contain flavoring items not from a cow [that being said non-flavoring items like salts, solvents, and preservatives may come from other sources...Ethyl Alcohol is a solvent, so be warned]. If a label states Natural Beef Flavor with Other Natural Flavors, the flavor will contain ingredients from other flavoring sources [like garlic or onion or autolyzed yeast proteins - possibly even other meat sources!].

I know labels and ingredient statements in the US are tough to follow. Improvements are being made ALL the time. But it's just like everything else, industry fights it because of the costs associated with changing the way of doing things...
catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-23 11:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA FOOD
I wish there was an easy can do a lot research online. Some - and I say this as literally as possible - some people follow kosher markings as an indicator that no pork products are present. However, and this again is a big however, different koshering unions follow different rules.

Years ago, there were some koshering unions that allowed gelatin from pork sources to be labeled kosher because of the process rendering one of the mid-process components was inedible; thus making a new "start point" for the process - in their minds making it no longer pork based.

There are kosher rules pertaining to alcohol but not the lack of alcohol.

Religious food regs are beyond touchy because just as you see in all religions a lot of arguments about what is right or wrong about anything and everything, it rolls right over into food rules too.

A "for instance" - let's say there is an enzyme that helps make cheese taste better. The enzyme comes from the digestive system of a pig. For years, the enzyme was "harvested" from slaughtered pigs. With all the new fangled science, biochemists are able to figure out the structure of the enzyme and use biotech to make the enzyme in a lab using microbes. But, they have to use the genetic info from a pig to do it...the enzyme isn't coming out of a pig anymore - it's coming out of a petridish. But, the microbes used have a piece of genetic material from a pig - is that halal or not?

A few years back there was an agency out of Chicago that was trying to mark foods as Halal with a crescent moon. I don't know how wide spread the marking is.

You're going to have to try the best you can, read labels, find out which koshering unions are more strict and look for their marks on food...

Edited by milo75, 21 January 2009 - 10:00 PM.

catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-21 21:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeeding a good lawyer....
I had a phone consult with Marc Ellis last week - I was very impressed and will be using him.

We have a returned K1 we're trying to deal with.

I interveiwed/consulted with many offices...Ellis seemed fair and logical. One of the few that asked specifics about the interview and my case's actual issues not just what "may" happen without knowing about my relationship. That truly bugged me about the other consults I had. How can an attorney give you any feedback or strategy without know the specifics of a case???
catknitFemaleIndia2009-02-04 19:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Jackie!!!
Happy Birthday Jackie!

Seriously, how many Aquariuses [Aquari?] are there in MENA? Seems like a ton a bdays lately!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-02-05 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday!!!
Thanks for the well wishes - I'm not the best flyer in the world but you gotta do what you gotta do...I will definitely be farming from India too - so ADDICTIVE!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-02-27 15:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday!!!
Afternoon - T-minus 7 hours until my flight to see my SO - it's been a year blink.gif .
catknitFemaleIndia2009-02-27 13:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
The first thing I thought after seeing the rice was - I NEED to build a moat...I so understand Jackie.
catknitFemaleIndia2009-02-26 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA fB gals addicted to myFarm
OK the addictiveness of this is amazing...I'd be happy to help grow your farm if you'll help me grow mine biggrin.gif .

Send me a pm and I'll add you to my fb.
catknitFemaleIndia2009-02-25 19:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot sure if Attorney gave me good advice.
Ok - maybe I'm not explaining this in a way that makes sense - I would highly suggest you read the article posted earlier.

CO's do not have a complete say in the matter - USCIS can [and historically has] followed up on cases - if you look in the returned petition thread [sticky noted in MENA] you'll see a lot of info including the latest from USCIS which states that both service centers may just allow K1 petitions to be expired and not readjudicated.

In short, your case may still be "alive" as far as USCIS is concerned - and what you want to do now is tie it up as best you can so that your second case has no issues.

You need to rebut the original finding because if you ignore requests to do so you will, by default, be agreeing to the CO's findings [I beleive you will only get this request if the petition isn't allowed to expire]. Then if you have a new case saying you don't agree with his findings you are on the record agreeing with the CO [because you didn't rebut] and disagreeing with the CO [filing a new case stating you've married and all is well in your relationship] is true and the other can be construed as a misrepresentation. Does that make sense?

In your case, the rebuttal may be super simple. I'm sure that there are some examples out there to use for the cover letters, etc.

It took about 6 weeks for my petition to return from India - I got an email from VSC when it arrived back - supposedly it's based on whether or not enough paperwork has warranted a shipment back to the US from that specific embassy.
catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-23 14:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot sure if Attorney gave me good advice.
Many people - especially those on vj - are very successful with filing on their own. But, and this is a HUGE but in those cases, it's for a single, original petition.

In the OP's case, they have a denial and returned petition. Will she be successful rebutting the K1 findings and starting a new petition for a K3 or CR1 - sure, it's possible however it will depend on the specifics of the case.

She is in a very sticky position here. One mistep and it will cost her YEARS maybe even a bar...that's not saying attorneys are perfect and for straight forward cases I totally agree that the average person can do it on their own. The OP's case is no longer straight forward.

catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-23 09:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot sure if Attorney gave me good advice.
Sylvia-n-Joseph's advice is spot on from what I've read and have had a few attorney consults tell me... You should never cancel/withdraw a K1 petition even if you've married. A good attorney will respond with a rebuttal to the K1 that will include your marriage information - the attorney should be addressing 2 things - the K1 return and the new I130.

You do NOT want to set up yourself in a situation where you've created a misrepresentation.

At the end of the day, it's up to you on whether or not you want to use an attorney - there are loads of sources for information both here on vj and other internet sources. If money is an issue, legal help may be available to you thru other sources at a minimal rate. But with all of that said, even a small slip up, especially after a returned petition, can lead to a longer wait at the minimum - or in the case of some misrepresentations the need to file waivers, bars, etc etc.

I realize that for many people throwing around $1500-$2500 or whatever is a lot of cash. Trust me, it hurts to be writing out that check, I know!!! And I know Morroco is notorious for returned petitions, but I would not screw around with a returned petition. You have a HUGE strike against you already. HUGE. And, as sad as it is to say, you may have a storybook relationship - a great match etc etc...but from a legal standpoint, for whatever reason [and maybe nothing more than the CO waking up on the wrong side of bed] you have a record that states it didn't pass the test. And trust me, from someone who knows, it is heartwrenching to have some 3rd party who doesn't know you or your relationship randomly crush your's been months for me and I still cry over it.

Find out all you can, research, get in touch with your elected people - see what you find out. If, after all of that you feel comfortable doing all the paperwork - great. For me - even though I feel like [after filing the I129 and a year of research/vj/attorney calls/badgering my elected peeps liasons] I'm sort of well versed in this and typically feel ok with forms, personally I don't want to screw things up more than they are.
catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-22 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaster spouse visa? Apply in Egypt after 6 months or apply from USA?
You need to meet within the last 2 years regardless - unless you have very extreme circumstances. I mean crazy extreme - well documented religious/cultural reasons that can be confirmed.

I've always wondered if maybe the Amish would fall into that catergory...
catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-24 17:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaster spouse visa? Apply in Egypt after 6 months or apply from USA?
That's it! Wow - flood of random Happy Days thoughts - they used a phone too - maybe to exchange vows?
catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-24 17:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaster spouse visa? Apply in Egypt after 6 months or apply from USA?
Caybee - I totally remember that episode too! Someone was stationed in Greenland??? They had the proxy wedding in the family's living room.... I feel old.
catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-24 16:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaster spouse visa? Apply in Egypt after 6 months or apply from USA?
QUOTE (Staashi @ Mar 24 2009, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (milo75 @ Mar 24 2009, 04:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now - for homework - I would highly suggest looking at the fun that is AP. If you think this is frustrating...oh, and going thru Egypt - I'm betting on AP.

Excellent post Milo - furthermore, Dreamscometrue, with a fiance or spouse in Egypt, you're not only looking at AP, but possibly Administrative Review aka AR, which is a whole other nightmare where the DOS does family interviews, questions neighbors, etc - not a pretty sight.

You're in for a very rude awakening if you think there is a fast route with all of this. The USEM in Cairo is probably one of the top 5 highest fraud embassies in the world - right up there with Lagos, Manila, Changdou, and Casablanca. If you have ANY red flags, and I mean ANY, you will be facing an uphill battle in bringing your spouse to the US. Remember, this is a privilege not a right...the USCIS/DOS do not owe you anything other than a timely review of your application, but this operates on their timeframe not yours.

Best of luck, you're going to need it. good.gif

You left out my absolute favorite embassy from the list : New Delhi luv.gif They are happily giving out 221(g)s left and right these days luv.gif luv.gif [sorry - I'm bitter]

Dreamscometrue - there is no fast way. There are both hard and fast rules as well as bizarro-but-that-isn't-what's-suppose-to-happen rules that govern this process.

First step would be to decide if you are willing to live overseas for an indefinite period of time - no less than 6 months up to 3+ years....if the answer is a straight out no, then you know DCF is NOT the path for you.

The fact you have another case in the mix - well there will be some explaining to do down the road with a new case and at the interveiw.

Proxy marriage? The infamous Orfi/Orfy thing? Seriously, look at old threads or this one will turn into more of a trainwreck...

Or is he thinking he can "marry" you while you are in the US and he is in Morroco/Egypt??? That will NOT fly.
catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-24 16:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaFaster spouse visa? Apply in Egypt after 6 months or apply from USA?
There is no simple answer but a quick and dirty:

K3 for CSC ~ 100 days for the NOA2 + 30 days at NVC + 30 days till interview = 160 days
CR1 for CSC ~ 70 days for the NOA2 + 60 days at NVC + 30 days till interview = 160 days

K3 for VSC ~ 130 days for the NOA2 + 30 days at NVC + 30 days till interview = 190 days
CRI for VSC ~170 days fir NOA2 + 60 days at NVC + 30 days till interview = 260 days

DCF - 180 day residency needed and 30 days until interview = 210 days

This is making some wild@ss assumptions and having the centers working off of the time lines they are currently running as of today's date.

#1 - that you have no RFEs
#2 - that you don't get help up in security checks
#3 - your on TOP of every detail or have an attorney who doesn't sit on paperwork
#4 - that ABSOLUTELY everything runs like clockwork

To say these are absolute rough estimates is an understatement....

Now - for homework - I would highly suggest looking at the fun that is AP. If you think this is frustrating...oh, and going thru Egypt - I'm betting on AP.

Edited by milo75, 24 March 2009 - 03:29 PM.

catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-24 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Is anyone here a fan of Little Mosque on the Prairie [from cbc canada]?

My sis and I usually chat about the lastest goings on in Mercy but she's soooooooo behind this season!

I just saw this week's episode and am blabbering to anyone who'll listen - all of whom stand there are say "who?, what?, wait, it's a tv show???"

catknitFemaleIndia2009-03-26 11:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaWensday
I tried to respond before but I think the post was eaten by my touchy laptop...

My mom has struggled with Fibromyalgia for over a decade. She has a host of autoimmune disorders but certain symptoms didn't fit certain other diseases. In her case, as with many many people, FMis diagnosed by when all other tests/scans/diagnosis lead to dead ends. Fibromyalgia for many years had no definitive test - still doesn't. Unlike some other disorders, there is no blood test or scan that proves you have it and I think that's where it can get fuzzy with respect to the law. If there isn't a scientifically proven test that has real data behind it, maybe the disease really doesn't exist or even if it does exist how do you know person X has it etc etc etc...

That being said - when living with someone with the disease it's easy to see how absolutely devastating it can be. Simple daily chores become crazy hard. For my mom, she would literally "stiffen" when she'd flare up, unable to move without immense pain.

There may be a connection between depression and anxiety and FM but it may be a chicken/egg - which came first - kind of arguement. Some people respond really well to cymbalta/lyrica or other drugs with SSRI components. A lot of people associate SSRIs with anti-depressive drugs [which they are too] but most people don't realize that the majority of the serotonin in the body is in and around the digestive tract - not in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter but you have nerve endings everywhere...Other people do fabulous with one of the decongestants - I forget the name, it was one of the active ingredients in robitussin for years but then got off the market [probably because the pharm co involved wanted to study it to become a script drug for treating FM and/or similar diseases].

Humpkin - my heart goes out to you - it's a rough road trying to deal with FM but it can be managable. My mom now goes months/years without flare ups and when they do occur she has a method for dealing...
catknitFemaleIndia2009-04-02 17:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaWensday
Give the Cymblta 6-8 weeks if you can before tossing it to the side - your biochem mix needs to regulate and it can take up to 2 months...any reason they didn't go with Lyrica?
catknitFemaleIndia2009-04-01 16:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase sent back to Washington... What do we do Now?
Sorry Charles blush.gif! You'd think I'd know that by now!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-04-21 18:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase sent back to Washington... What do we do Now?
I'm betting a mod will be moving this to either MENA or to the Waivers and AP forum.

Start by reading this sticky in MENA - around page 10 it gets into specifics:


Also, read this:


Get in touch with your congressman/woman and senators.

Right now your goal is to keep the case there and try to get it reopened/readjudicated....

There are a handful of us who've are going thru this or have come thru it [some with Morrocan fiances/husbands]. I'm sure they will be more than happy to chime in...
catknitFemaleIndia2009-04-21 17:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
If it's purely lactose intolerance and you want something with milk you can try Lactaid. BUT, with the hives historically - it may be an actual food allergy [like to the casein in the milk]. That completely stinks either way you look at it but you should totally listen to your body!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-04-28 17:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaStaashi's back with baby in tow...
Such a cute baby! Heal fast!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-04-08 19:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaAfter getting an email from the embassy...
Congrat Jackie - you must be sooooooooo excited!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-04-29 10:59:00