Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Finally Visa in Hand after 221g
Congrats! Surprised it took so long for such a minor issue but I'd be willing to bet the holiday season still has Mumbai behind...

Best of luck!
catknitFemaleIndia2013-01-18 07:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Easy US embassy in Moscow

Some of it seems just wrong, you do not get a second free interview anywhere.

Depends - our second interview with a re-affirmation almost 1 year after our first interview had no fee. I even brought it up to the CO, the fee was waived...technically the same case therefore no additional fee for the interview. Totally different circumstance than what is outlined in this blog but still shocked me that they didn't request the fee again.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-05-10 12:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is there any hope for 221 (g)

This is a standard refusal for MENA countries, they state they believe your relationship is fake. Typically people try and stop it from returning to USCIS, or wait until USCIS contacts them to re-validate, or re-file. Yes, people overcome this. It won't be simple, it won't be quick, and it won't be cheap, but it's not impossible.


In addition, about your red exactly does Iraq play into this? Did you study there at some point or are you studying about Iraq? In general, this shouldn't cause a CO to "flip"...

You mentioned needing to marry immediately due to the potential of adultery, etc. None of her family came for the visit or acted as a guardian that could have mitigated this issue for at least part of the trip? Is your wife a recent convert or a born/raised Muslim who happened to have a prior divorce? These type of small details really do help paint the complete picture as to why a CO would lean one way or the other...

Other than getting the new trip set up, you will want your wife to be collecting any additional proofs/evidence for when the NOIR/NOID comes in. It's usually a tight deadline to get the packet turned around. Also, have your wife get release forms into her Senators and Congressperson so she has their immigration liaisons available to do research on the case if needed [an example, you know the case is back at the service center but you haven't received the NOIR/NOID yet - the liaison can call in for a status update].

Best of luck!
catknitFemaleIndia2013-02-18 08:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Not Issued- I did not get the visa on my interview at delhi consulate
It appears that many people get a response in 1-2 weeks via email from the embassy if you have an inquiry.

Your wife can get an answer right away if she calls DOS during regular office hours to find out if it is AP or not. Again, look at my earlier responses - have her call the number, talk to a visa specialist [she'll need the case number, both your names, and both your dates of birth], and they will tell her if it is AP. Or, get your attorney to call and find out.

The time frame is completely up in the air for AP. Many cases are resolved in 3 months. However, there are cases that stay in AP for over a year or longer.

The embassy will contact you to let you know when they want your passport. Please be advised that IF you are in AP for an extended amount of time [like a year or longer], they will need you to retake the medical exam and resubmit other documents too. I'm not saying that your AP will be that long, but in case it is - this is something to keep in the back of your head as needing down the road....
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-10 21:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Not Issued- I did not get the visa on my interview at delhi consulate
Since they didn't take your passport, they will be in touch via post to have you send it in when they are ready to issue the visa.

Because you didn't get the instruction sheet, have your wife email the consulate to give you further instructions. Please keep in mind - the instructions will most likely say "please wait while we due further processing, we'll let you know when to send in your passport". But, I completely understand that having some direction from the consulate will help ease your mind :) .
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-08 07:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Not Issued- I did not get the visa on my interview at delhi consulate
The time frame is completely unknown. Some people get out of AP in as little as 2 weeks and others wait over a year.

The embassy is doing something, what that is could be any of a list of things - running your name through different databases, authenticating paperwork through channels in India, or your case could be waiting for a few phone calls to family to confirm your marriage. Honestly, it could be just about anything. There is no way to know - that's the annoying part of a 221(g). Sorry.

Since you have an attorney [and hopefully one worth his/her cost] you should be asking them what their opinion is of this situation. Maybe there is something about your case that they know could cause the hold up???

Also, I refer you back to my last post. Have your wife get in touch with her congress person and both senators. All three will have immigration liaisons who may be able to check in to see what's going on with your case. And, have her call DOS once a week for a follow up. You may hear something a little more quickly through these channels than through the consulate itself, especially since they changed up the VFS system with respect to tracking your passport.

Take some time to read both in this forum and the India forum for more details about AP/221(g). You'll see a lot of experiences, many with less than 3 months of wait time.

Also, people will be VERY confused about your vj profile listing a K1 visa [look at the info under your name and above the Indian flag]. You did not apply for a K1 [fiance visa] per your earlier answers. You should switch that to CR1/IR1 or people will call you out on it and ask again [and again] if that is what is causing your case to be held up.

Chin up - you should be fine!
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-07 20:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Not Issued- I did not get the visa on my interview at delhi consulate
Seriously - do not worry about the lack of a slip of paper, regardless of color. This is the absolute least of your worries.

There is nothing you can do at this point. You must wait for the consulate to make a decision. If they get in touch with you regarding additional paperwork, follow up as soon as possible. Since you were sent to the fraud unit I would suspect there is a good chance there may be a home visit or calls to your family. Again, there is no telling when this may happen.

Two things your wife can do:

#1 - Get in touch with her Senators and Congressperson, fill out their consent forms, and then speak with their immigration liaisons. The liaisons will then have permission to contact the consulate on your behalf. Please keep in mind that the liaisons can't influence any decisions. Depending on the liaison and consulate involved, you may get answers communicated to your wife back faster than waiting for letters/emails from the consulate itself.

#2 - Have your wife start calling DOS once a week for status updates. 603-334-0700 dialing 1 then 0. She will be able to speak to a visa specialist at this number and can ask for a case update. She will need your case number and your birth date. The operators at DOS will be able to tell her if the case is still undergoing AP or if the visa has been issued. Again, depending on the consulate, this may get the information to you faster than their mail/email/courier methods once the visa has been issued.

Please keep in mind that this decision making process may take a lot of time. There are couples who wait months and years for a decision - especially when the CO thinks something is up. The best thing you can do at this point of time is hope for the best, have your wife make regular contact with DOS, and try to keep your relationship as normal as possible [have her continue to visit as much as she can].

Best of luck!
catknitFemaleIndia2012-09-21 09:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Not Issued- I did not get the visa on my interview at delhi consulate
Well, first things first - if you did marry, you shouldn't have filed for a K1 visa as listed in your profile.

An older woman involved with a younger man in India just isn't seen as "normal" - especially if she is beyond child-bearing age [not saying your wife is - just throwing that out there]. The fact that you two were sent to the fraud unit should tell you that your relationship is seen as suspicious. Why? Because younger Indian men have scammed older wives time and again for green cards. Please don't take this as an accusation - you two may have a wonderful, bona-fied relationship. But, your internet meeting and age difference are red flags.

There isn't much you can do at this time except wait it out. If you did file for a K1 and did marry before getting the visa there is a whole nother host of problems. It appears you have a lot of face-to-face time and that is important. What other info did you present at the interview? Did large sums of money change hands for any reason and did you show proof of that? That can be a big no-no too.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-09-20 19:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Mandatory Administrative Process New Delhi Consulate

Unfortunately, no one can answer that question. I'm sure you've done a lot of research on 221(g)s out of Delhi here on vj. I know a lot of the people who post about this subject are in the K1 or CR1/IR1 categories and not your category but the same general principles apply. You were given mandatory AP and you've found out from DOS that it is at the consular level [good job that - some people here think when vj members recommend calling DOS we are just pulling their chains :lol: ]. This could mean any list of possibilities - maybe you have the same name as someone on a database and they want to clear that up, maybe you come from an area known to get easily faked paperwork [birth certificates or school certs], maybe they think it's odd given your station in life/age/family status that you are still single and want to try and confirm that in your home town/village [you are an FB-1, right? you are listed as an F1 in your filed for status [student visa] but it appears you've posted to the FB-1 topics too - so I'm going with that as what you really applied for...].

Typically - meaning for the majority of people - AP in Delhi runs no shorter than 2 weeks [ie, paperwork request that was super simple to fix] to about 3-ish months. There are many, many people for whom AP lasts 3-5 months. It is rarely more than 6 months BUT that does happen.

So, back to my crazy assumption you are actually an FB-1 - you can actually have your mom/dad [whomever is the USC] get in touch with their Congressperson's or Senator's office to have their immigration liaison look into your case too. This will NOT speed up the process but it will be another avenue to get information about what is happening.

Best of luck!
catknitFemaleIndia2012-12-20 08:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Mumbai 221g Tracker

Forum ppl, my wife received a letter from consulate requesting a new medical and also returned my wife's passport, saying the processing has NOT been completed. so, they asked to submit a new medical only and NOT the passport. I will hire a lawyer now to get this completed. Hope, you guys don't have any difficulties with your processing. Good luck.

While looking for an attorney - especially if you are going to file the writ [which is your next step] - make sure they have done it before. Ask about how many, which consulates, how many actually went to court as opposed to resolving in the 90 day notice period...

There is a good chance some attorneys will say "give it more time". It is totally your call whether or not you want to go down the writ path but I'd hear out those who say "not yet". Ask all the pros and cons - why they are agreeing right off the bat to file it or why they are saying no. You don't want to go into this blind.

Some may say they will send an attorney letter first to complain about the wait prior to filing the writ. It could work, or not, or by dumb luck your case may make its way through the system at the same time and you find out right after that letter is filed. Also, it will take the attorney time to write the writ - and your case could resolve during that time.

Make sure you have the retainer/payment explained to you from the get go. Personally, I'd be pissed if I gave a $5k retainer, had 1 attorney letter written, the visa approved, and you then find out the attorney had put 20 hours into writing the writ that wipes out a good portion of the retainer...

You may want to look through the ALIA website for attorneys who specialize in immigration and not just go with some friend's bro who happens to be an attorney in your town....

Keep us posted how it goes!
catknitFemaleIndia2013-02-14 19:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Mumbai 221g Tracker
An attorney can file a writ of mandamus. Actually, you could file a writ of mandamus on your own technically speaking...but, and here's the but, looking at case history on writs you'll see that this is the last-ditch effort legal maneuver that usually happens after extreme circumstances. Meaning, waiting YEARS in AP, not months [one of the more famous writ cases out of India had a family waiting 8 years prior to the writ being filed].

What it does, in essence, is force a decision. Please note, it doesn't force an approval. It just forces a decision. All interested US government parties can say "thanks for forcing our hand, you're denied".

In many cases, the costs [I've seen $10k quoted in the past] and time for a writ become moot because you would have cleared AP anyway within the time frame.

But, it is an option for those who want to pursue it.
catknitFemaleIndia2013-01-02 19:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Mumbai 221g Tracker

Guys, I was in touch with the senators's office since the submission of my wife passport and I called this morning to get the update. They said they got a response from the U.S. embassy saying my wife's case was put back into administrative processing. This is so F*$ing frustrating and depressing. However, I checked the status on the webiste and it still shows as "Ready". I don't know what to make of this situation and I am on the verge of hiring a immigration lawyer. Just wanted to update you guys who are waiting on the 221g form as well

Save your money - an attorney will not be able to do anything about a case sitting in AP. Continue to call DOS and request updates from your Senator or Congressperson monthly. I know how frustrating AP is but sadly there is nothing you can do except wait.
catknitFemaleIndia2013-01-02 18:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP tracker for India

Well, it wasn't really good news.  Today it shows that our case was "Returned to NVC" which I can only assume is a denial.  I am going to do a lot of research now to see what is the next step.  Most likely we will reapply.  The only other option is to get married in India, but I'm not sure I can do that.  For a court marriage I would have to be there for at least 5 weeks.  It's too expensive and I really can't take that much time off from work.  I'm not sure if a Hindu marriage is an option or the time it would take to do it.  I have so much going through my mind right now and I'm really frustrated with the whole process.   


Oh Falene - I'm so sorry.  That just sucks!!!


Hindu marriage is totally doable, there is a "conversion" ceremony you can do that will get you a certificate and then you can go ahead and marry immediately.  I can't recall the name of it.  Hopefully someone here knows it [user TwistedK did that after her denial a few years back].


Also, depending on where your fiance lives and what his marriage office allows, you may not need to be there for the 30-day notice period on the Special Marriage Act.  Some do allow the Indian half of the couple to post the notice alone.


Best of luck!!!

catknitFemaleIndia2013-07-09 10:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP tracker for India

Brief interview

Interviewer CO was not rude not even helpful.
Co: when u got married?
Co: when was your son born?
CO: how come son born before marriage
Wife: when she started telling she was my girlfriend and CO stopped her and said that no that is not the story, I tell u what happened:
First I got married to my wife & then got married to us citizen to get citizenship & got married to u again.
Wife: no that's not true
Co: keep on insisting that accept what CO was saying
Wife : no that's not true, she tried to explain but CO didnot listen,
CO: if u don't accept it then we have to do DNA
& it is very costly. It will cost u approx 1000.
Wife: that's ok but what ever u said is not true.
Co: then I have to put u in AP and we will call u within 1 or 2 week. So u don't accept it.
Wife: no I don't accept it
CO: he handed white paper stating as follows;
We have retained your passport to more quickly process your visa when the processing has been completed.

My real story : she was my girlfriend & my baby was born & after that I got married .
We r just married just once ,she is just 24 right now& I am 27 yrs old.
Everything CO said was wrong,
When I checked ceac website it says AP.
CO didnot see any evidence, marriage album, nothing.

My question is what should I do?
Wait for call from embassy.
Anyone had same situation please share ur experience.
May be they will ask for DNA, how long it will it take?


DNA can take a few weeks at the least.  Most of the information found on vj about the DNA test can be found in the Philippines Forum.


Here's the potential issue from your interview run down:  How, exactly, is your wife a US citizen?  It appears the CO was trying to figure this out and/or confuse your wife into admitting some rather scandalous accusations.


If she did have a previous marriage that granted her US citizenship, you may be in AP for quite a while complete with home visits, etc.

catknitFemaleIndia2013-06-20 12:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
The link you posted is about 601 waivers - for those immediate family members that have overstayed in the US prior to being petitioned by their family member.

Unfortunately, those here stuck in AP with only a 221g/mandatory AP are not addressed by this new rule.

It is great news for those family members that do need a 601 waiver but it isn't fixing the 221g/AP nightmare that many of you are currently living through...
catknitFemaleIndia2013-01-02 22:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
601 Waivers are handled at specific regional USCIS consulate-based offices. In the case of Maanf2a, because his F2A case is going through Islamabad, the regional USCIS office that handles the 601 waiver is New Delhi. I'd be willing to bet just about everyone in South Asia who must provide a 601 waiver goes through New Delhi - it's analogous to people in Europe having their 601s forwarded to Rome (I think)or East Asia [which I believe goes through Seoul, Korea].

To Maanf2a - this thread will give you the best information about handling a 221g through Islamabad. The posters on this topic show perseverance and their patience is astounding!
catknitFemaleIndia2012-12-02 11:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After US Visa interview FB1
Sorry to see this...

212 is for misrepresentation. Waivers can be tricky business! There is a sticky at the top of this forum that explains some of the issues, but at this point I think it behooves you to start researching at That site is chock full of people with waiver issues [whether due to overstays, entry without inspection, misreps].

Also, there are attorneys that specialize in waivers including Laurel Scott who has an open/free chat session on Wednsedays on her site. Google her.

As to what the misrep may be - I would go through every single shred of paperwork ever sent to USCIS or the consulate by you, your mom, and your ex and see if something jumps out at you. Unfortunately, you do not have access currently to what was found during the home investigation - maybe something was found out then that the older [your mom's] file contradicted but was only researched now that that case is active?
catknitFemaleIndia2012-12-11 09:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After US Visa interview FB1
You can request your passport back from the consulate.

Because of the switchover from VFS to ustraveldocs [or whatever the new outsourcing company is called] I have not yet seen anyone here post how they requested back their passport. I would start with an email to both ustraveldocs and the consulate and see what they say about getting the passport back. Make sure you include your case number in the subject line.

Best of luck.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-30 21:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After US Visa interview FB1
The fact that you had a field investigation for fraud at your family village is a HUGE piece to this puzzle - that would explain why there was no follow up from USCIS. It is not "normal" for the consulate to go out to someone's village and ask around. This happens very rarely.

I would say without a doubt they are looking into your past case. You are, in essence, in a hold pattern until they either ask for more information or come to some decision. This could take weeks, months,'s really up to the discretion of the consulate.

Are you using an attorney? You may want to know all of your options going forward and a very good immigration attorney may be in your best interest....
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-29 08:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After US Visa interview FB1

It sounds to me like they are checking if you comitted fraud/ material missrepresentation in your spousal visa case. They basically re-opened that case. If they find material missrep was created, that may carry a lifetime ban.

I think so, too.

The thing that keeps sticking out to me is the fact that nothing happened after the 221(g)and return to USCIS. SOP has been a NOID/NOIR [probably 9 out of 10 times] or a reaffirmation [1 out of 10-ish times with no NOID/NOIR]. I will wholly admit that anything that was typical before 2008-2009 I personally don't know since I didn't start needing to research this all before that time. Maybe in 2007-2008 they didn't have the same process??? It just seems off to me. And, the OP may not know since the NOID/NOIR or reaffirmation would have gone back to the wife to proceed, not him.

OP did mention that it was years later that they divorced. Did the wife live with you in Australia and the divorce happened due to typical marriage breakup reasons?????
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-28 17:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After US Visa interview FB1
If you filed for an IR1 then after the denial more happened - your USC wife should have received either a reaffirmation or a NOID/NOIR to provide additional support for your case. Did either of these things happen?
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-26 14:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After US Visa interview FB1
If memory serves - K3 could expire, I think. So, if he was trying for a K3 in 2007, got denied at the embassy with the 221g due to a "hunch" about the relationship, the embassy sat on the case file until it hit the expiration date and sent it back to USCIS, that would be that.

It would be very similar to a K1 being sent back to expire - which happens with regular frequency from certain consulates.

That doesn't mean there is fraud per se. It means the CO wasn't convinced of the circumstances.

Now, if the fraud unit was involved or the statement received with the returned petition were a bit more damning [for lack of a better word] - I would think fraud was in the mix.

Again, this is just speculation as to why he wasn't hit right off the bat with - "ummm, dude, you're banned".
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-26 07:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After US Visa interview FB1

Sounds like they're investigating the old case from 4 years ago. Getting married for immigration purposes is fraud, and carries a lifetime bar. I'm surprised they approved your visa in the first place.

What happened 4 years ago?

That is what makes this so curious...Delhi [at least] likes to use 221g as a catch-all for "questionable relationship". What ends up being the disposition if a CR1 is sent back to USCIS, there is a reaffirmation without a NOID/NOIR [which happens] but the beneficiary drops the ball thinking they were "found out" and divorces? All signs point toward the beneficiary figuring out that the bonafides were being questioned and it looked like fraud but maybe it didn't pan out that way....

On the flip side - one would hope - that if a NOIR/NOID had been generated and ignored it would seal the fraud deal. But, does anyone know if that is true?
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-25 18:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After US Visa interview FB1
It takes time when additional paperwork is requested. Some people receive their passport/visa in a week, some it's 5-6 weeks, some it's 3 months.

As to whether or not you are on AP - the easiest way to confirm that is to call DOS and inquire about your case.

I'm sure you've read here time and again that it can take forever to get a response from the embassy or VFS. You will easily get an answer by calling DOS [please note it is normal business hours for the US]. 603-334-0700 dialing 1 then 0.

Given your history with the denial and subsequent divorce, I would be curious to see if they are researching what happened that first go around...were there any comments/statements that they were investigating for fraud or misrepresentation with that file?
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-25 08:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Good News!

We have visa in hand!

Delhi asked for new local police certificate and passport - time in their hands was about 1 week - pick up this morning.

I wasn't expecting such a short turn around [once bitten twice shy] - so only 1 year and 12 days after the first interveiw we finally can move on!

I've got a wedding to plan...
catknitFemaleIndia2009-10-27 23:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
You know - the whole AP thing is getting on my nerves today. Usually I'm ok, patient, etc etc etc but it'll be 1 year since the 1st interview in just a couple of weeks and I think that's hitting me. I'm going to the consulate yet again on Thursday to see if they will tell me anything. I know I'm in a very lucky situation to be able to spend an extended amount of time with my SO - to those of you waiting apart, my heart goes out to you!

Hot Guy - it sounds like you did fine on the second interview and I'm sure your fiancee will confirm everything. You'd hope the COs would have enough common sense to know that the average person can not go jetting around the world frequently.

WhidbeyGirl - congrats on the visa.

To everyone else waiting - here's hoping for some more approvals this week!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-09-29 18:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Well - we're back on AP. This time we were told nothing is needed just mandatory AP. Here's hoping the CO's comment about "as little as a few weeks" holds true [I know, I know - just being very optimistic!].
catknitFemaleIndia2009-09-04 02:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

So, earlier this week I filled out the AR11 to change my address. Not even 3 days later we got a re-affirmation on our original petition and we're headed back to NVC. We're back on the K1 track!

Nevermind the fact I gave up my job last week, handed in my keys to my apartment today, and have a 1 way ticket to Delhi on the 28th. Yeah - we were ready to just marry there, get my residency, and file DCF.

I'm just - ugh - speechless!!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-06-20 20:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Wish this was good news but our case is being returned...after 2 separate 221(g)s we've been denied. Anyone have good attorney reccommendations for returned petitions?

catknitFemaleIndia2009-01-15 00:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
hyd617 - Congrats!!! Must be such a great relief!!!!!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-12-19 10:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
No joke - we just found out that we got a 2nd 221(g) - I have a sinking feeling we are going for a trifecta before all is said and done.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-11-26 17:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
For general India information with a nice number of expats from the US and a good handful of people in inter-cultural relationships try; there are a lot of general tourist questions and threads but if you dig thru you'll find expats, Indian visa issues, expat job package info, every day living issues. There are ocassional threads about flats available, parts of the major cities that are most expat friendly, etc. A good general guide to potentially moving to India.

Indianheart, I'm working off of vague memory here so bear with me... smile.gif you're a nurse? There are a ton of med related jobs in the mid east but the pay scale may not be in line with what you're accustomed to and the quality of life for expat workers there may not be what you are looking for. Maybe ask in MENA or even the Philipines forum about that? Then again, a lot of what I've heard is 3rd person and from mainly NRIs so maybe they have a completely different veiw of the mid east. But if the goal is to be there with your man, then maybe it is an angle to view the mid east thru...I've done preliminary research with Canada and New Zealand at this point. New Zealand is definately looking for health care workers. [My SO works in health care and his skills are a ton more marketable than mine]. Let me work on a list of sites I've been visiting/researching...
catknitFemaleIndia2008-11-25 22:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Indianheart -

I'm so sorry to hear this has been tangled up in yet another nightmare. My prayers go out to you. There is a sticky in the MENA thread about 221(g) denials and the next steps to take. I know that one of the women there has had luck in having a denial for a CR1 overturned [martiniolive] in the last month, she ended up speaking with the Consule General for that specific embassy/consulate I believe - somehow got him a third interview and it was resolved. Also, a few of the women have attorneys' names who handle denials specifically....I want to say Khia or Kia?

Anyway, take a look over there.

I also know a couple of good expat sites for Americans living in India if you're interested. Not knowing what may happen, I've been researching the move too...

Feel free to send me a pm.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-11-24 21:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Hi All!

You can add my name to the tracker too - we got a 221g for more relationship info. The good news for us is that there is something we can do - hand in the paperwork they are requesting. But, we don't know how long it will take them to make a decision and I think there is still a strong possibility that even after we do hand in the required info they can send us right back into AP for security/name checks/doc verification.

It's like the saga that nevers ends...
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-17 20:40:00
Asia: SouthHow tough is it really to get a K1 in Delhi?
Thanks so much for the reply and wishes of good luck.

I guess I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed and ignorant right now when it comes to this. I've never done the whole lets-try-to-get-a-visa thing. To add copious amounts of paperwork on top of missing my guy seems almost unbearable!

You mentioned affidavits - like sworn statements from our immediate families stating that we intend to marry or that we have a legitimate relationship? My big fear is that we do ok with the paperwork and get to the interview process and then here we sit without the typical engagement party/family meeting pics. Heck, I have pics of my soon-to-be's brother's engagement party [which I wasn't at] seems so typical to have one.

Unfortunately I blew thru almost all my vaca time from work on the last trip and given the cost of traveling on a whim to India, I don't see realistically getting back there still this year. We tried getting him a tourist visa back in October 2007 and he was rejected under the grounds of insufficiant evidence that he'd return [his job and immediate family weren't considered enough to make him return]. Plus, once I get the paperwork filed for the K1, I'd guess getting a tourist visa would be a tough proposition. Again, I don't know since I'm not familiar with this whole thing.

I was debating trying to get us together in a neutral [read not super tough to get a tourist visa] place, maybe with a few family members for something that could result in more pics and pic with family. It seems so contrived to me. Of course, I'd do anything to spend time with him. But then there is that part of me that feels like doing that would be insane - too orchestrated and weird. Never mind the expense involved in that...

Then again there is the part of me that says screw it - just move to India to be with him, marry there and then work on getting back here. I've tried looking into that and what I've found is sketchy at best and it seems to me I really wouldn't be able to work there??? I know we'd need to wait the 30 days for the special marriage act rule [he's muslim and I'm christian so we fall under that]. Then I guess I can try to get my visa changed to an X visa - but my understanding is that I can't work under that. Then I can try for a PIO card at some point, but then again, I still can't work with that. Am I mistaken?

Again thanks for the help...I just want to somehow be with him and it just seems so overwhelming.
catknitFemaleIndia3/29/2008 21:49
Asia: SouthHow tough is it really to get a K1 in Delhi?
The more I read/talk to people, the more worried I get!!!!

My fiance and I are in the process of collecting paperwork to begin the K1 journey.

I've got a ton of NRI friends, most of whom have said it's really hard to get a K1 visa from India. In most of their cases, the stories they've heard have been trickled down, 3rd party horror stories that even to me sound fishy.

But, now after reading all this info, I feel like I've done most things wrong.

Case in point, I was just in India to meet and spend time with him at the end of February. We didn't take a ton of pictures together. To be perfectly honest, we were busy spending time together and it just didn't really hit us to take pic after pic together. Never mind the fact I made all the hotel reservations in my name, not both. Oh, and I tossed my boarding passes at the airport while cleaning out my purse waiting for the car service to pick me up at the unholy hour of 4:30am. We didn't have time to go to his family's city and get that type of photo-op nor did we have an engagement party.

I have cards and letters from him but never thought to keep the envelopes.

Yes, we talk on the phone a few times a day but not for hours at a clip [neither of us is independently wealthy....I go thru way too much $$$ on calls as it stands].

I never thought to keep chat logs. I have a few recent ones but nothing too crazy.

I don't know, we were much more relationship centric than "Hey, lets make sure to get a ton of evidence", and now I'm worried this may come back and bite me in the backside. Add that feeling to the horror stories and now I'm worried. Little things start to haunt my thoughts like, but we only met once, I only have emails going back 2 years....

Should I be worried?
catknitFemaleIndia3/28/2008 16:08
Asia: Southkshatriya, can you share details on K-1 interview status?
What a roller coaster ride! You know some days I feel like we have everything we need [129 should be going in the mail Monday] and then somedays I freak out thinking something like the whole engagement party request will come up. Looks like I'm heading back to India for the interview - I'd be mortified if that happened to my guy and I wasn't there to remedy the situation [or try really really hard to remedy the situation]!!!

I'd love to hear any other K1 interview information from New Dehli.
catknitFemaleIndia4/12/2008 15:26
Asia: SouthMarriage License in India
I've researched a little about marrying in India. My understanding is that you just need to prove you are able to marry legally. You have proof you are able to marry - the divorce decree. If either one of you are not Hindu, you'll have to follow the special marriage act which I think means registering at the FRRO office 30 days ahead of your intended marriage date.

As for Sam - you can try the birth certificate. Is it from his municipality or a hospital based certificate?

I'm sure someone with better info will be along shortly - but I did want to warn you about the potential 30 day wait!
catknitFemaleIndia5/12/2008 20:11
Asia: SouthI hate the Post Office - other suggestions?
I totally agree with using UPS/Fedex for important documents and high ticket items.

I'm just looking for a way that is a little more reasonably priced than Fedex for average, run-of-the-mill care packages. Nothing that would be impossible to easily replace or worth a lot of money - just little gifts and books I've read and want him to read too, local magazines, pretty simple stuff but things that help the two of us feel more involved in each others lives given the distance.

Honestly, waiting a couple of weeks isn't too bad - but, like I said, I'm looking for a service that's reliable, we've have packages go missing thru the postal service.
catknitFemaleIndia6/10/2008 9:01
Asia: SouthI hate the Post Office - other suggestions?
I was talking to my SO last night and with the strike called over fuel prices I wanted to know if the package would be delayed even more!!!! He's claiming the mail system shouldn't be effected but I'm figuring if the package does make it up to Kashmir it will be sitting until next week to be delivered.
catknitFemaleIndia6/10/2008 8:38