K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
There must have been another handfull of approvals - we've moved up to 69 on Igor's list. Congrats to those getting the great news!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-07-18 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Oh my goodness! Looks like approvals are starting to roll in. Congrats to you all!

KimandRuss - I just noticed on Igor's List that I'm right next to's fingers-crossed we'll have good news soon too!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-07-14 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPRIL '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Count me in as an April filer. I truly believe I'll be a statistical outlyer. Given the specifics of our case and security clearances I'm estimating a very very very long wait. Oh well crying.gif . I love reading the updates though. It's really informative. We had one touch so far on 5-22.

Good luck to all!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-06-06 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG WE GOT IT WE GOT IT
Sara - I can't believe it either!!! K and I are so happy for you! We're praying for a smooth interview and to see you in Delhi soon!!
catknitFemaleIndia2009-09-01 01:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTravelling to India
You should be fine with the GC and passport.

When flying to India, the airline will want to see both the passport and GC prior to boarding.

In India, you will use your Indian passport to enter. When you leave India, you will need to show your passport again as well as your GC.

When you enter the US, you will enter on your GC.

No other paperwork is needed.
catknitFemaleIndia2011-12-06 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsREVOCATION
Just to be clear - he was denied the visa. The consulate is sending the petition back to USCIS with a recommendation to revoke the approval of the petition. He will most likely not receive a visa from this petition/visa application process. Since it is VSC there is a tiny, slim chance that they may re-approve the petition. But, I haven't heard of anyone having a re-approval in the last two years.

Yes, to go forward you will need to file again. Whether or not you choose to file a K1 or continue on with your lives and marry in Pakistan and go for a CR1 is up to you. The CR1 has a lot of benefits over the K1 and it shows that you are not allowing USCIS to dictate your lives, that you've gone that extra step and are now legally married, and he will not need to adjust status once in the US.

Good luck with what you decide to do....
catknitFemaleIndia2012-02-20 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsREVOCATION
I know that having your case sent back to USCIS feels like the end of the world - but it is not. BTDT. Did it add time to being together in the US? Yes.

What you've outlined can very well be the reason that they decided to send your case back. One of the hardest parts of this whole process is to look at things from an outside prospective. What the CO sees is a JUST divorced woman getting back in the saddle RIGHT AWAY. That's what the paperwork says. Now, your previous marriage may have been a hot mess, maybe you had been out of love with the ex for years and was just waiting for the cash to file...that isn't necessarily on paper somewhere and you weren't given a state issued by the state that said "marriage just fell apart but she's doing ok and may start looking for a new partner".

Something very similar happened to me - my marriage fell apart, I moved out, we filed for divorce, blah, blah, blah but even though I was out of the house for close to a year, had marriage counselling that went south a year before moving out, all the CO was fixated on was the fact that my divorce was finalized on a Thursday and I flew out to meet my now husband that Friday. That's right, 29 hours after having my divorce finalized I was on a flight to Delhi. That had NOT been the plan. The attorneys on both sides had assured both me and the ex we would be divorced months before [which is when I bought my tickets - we were told December, I bought tickets for February]. But, there you go - something seemingly innocent help send my case back to VSC. [I naively thought it would be understandable as I had all this other proof that showed I was out of my ex's life and that my current husband and I had a bonafied, legitimate relationship...]

You need to understand why your case was sent back [and I think your timing issues could be a good part of it] but you also need to focus on building a better, stronger case moving forward. Are there other red flags that need to be addressed? Are there age issues? Kids? Have you visited somewhat frequently? Has anyone from your family gone on any of the trips?
catknitFemaleIndia2012-02-20 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19
I moved to India in my thirties dropping a great job, nice apartment, paid-off car and with elderly parents still in the US because of a K1 denial.

Fast forward 3 years and we're here with 2 solidly-decent jobs, 2 cars, a house, and 2 extremely awesome cats. We didn't end up staying as long as we thought due to some extraordinary luck on the immigration side of things but I had committed to moving there permanently if need be.

You have to be flexible with this immigration stuff...or be willing to cut your losses. Well, I guess the third option would be loads of meds - because you'll drive yourself nuts.

OP- try to regroup. Get back to India for both your relationships sake as well as building a better case. Go this time with eyes wide open to what living there is like, that may be what is needed in the interim. I personally loved it there, but I know there are people who don't. Best of luck!
catknitFemaleIndia2012-04-22 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNightmare of an Interview @ Mumbai 4/19
sachinky hit the nail on the head. Obviously, that does not mean you all are perpetrating fraud or that he's using you....but, you guys have the exact same history [the visit length, the meeting online, the age difference] that is seen time and again in fraud cases.

The #1 thing you can do to overcome this is more face to face time. Get back on that plane and spend as much time in person as physically possible. More trips rank higher than long trips if getting large blocks of time off is a problem.

An attorney can't help in this situation. Depending on your congressperson's staff or senators' staff - again, you may not get much help.

You need to take a step back and look at how your case would look to a suspicious third party because a CO isn't going to spend the time to read through 3 years of emails or 3000 pages of chats or 200 skype screen shots of you making kissy faces at each other.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-04-20 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter two 221g's finally got visa in hand!! Yahoo!!
Excellent news! Congrats!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2012-06-14 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa waiting time after 221g
In general for both Indian consulates - 2 weeks to 3 months. Depends on the document and the reason. And, keep in mind the holiday season. We have a bunch of US and Indian holidays this time of year and it appears both consulates seem to slow down a bit.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-11-30 07:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCan you be Reaffirmed and closed by VSC before it's forwarded to Embassy?
When we were re-affirmed, and this goes back to 2010 so procedural differences may exist, we received a new NOA2. Same 797 form just with a new letter stating the case was re-affirmed [not just "approved"].

Actually, this was back in the "good old days" prior to online updates, text alerts, etc - I literally got a letter in the mail I was NOT expecting [thinking the case would be closed out].
catknitFemaleIndia2012-11-29 17:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsImplication on K1 application if passport has Iran stamps
Given your situation - namely being a Filipino working in the UAE, most likely not.

I've heard the exact opposite causing issues [having a visa to the US or a US passport and not being able to enter Iran].

Additionally, I would think some people may end up in AP for additional security scrutiny if they have traveled to Iran [if they otherwise fit a profile that would render their trips to Iran as suspicious]. However, given the specifics of your case - I wouldn't be too worried about it.

I'd be interested to see if any one else has more information about this....

Best of luck.
catknitFemaleIndia2013-01-25 08:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaNon-Muslims married to Muslim MENA
John Chapter 14 does open the proverbial can of worms on the Christian end of this argument as does the trinity question.

There is this whole concept of being what considered an Inclusive Christian - my understanding of this is limited but pretty much it's a school of thought [regardless of denomination] that looks at the promises of salvation by God pertaining to any man - inclusive of those thru time who had no way of knowing about Jesus and his teachings. Scholars working in this genre of theological thinking use the story of the Magi as their case in point. The Magi were thought to be Zoroastrians from Persia that God led to seek Jesus using their own method of religious practice - reading the stars. The conclusion drawn by the scholars pretty simple, God is everywhere and it's a work in progress to get all mankind on the same page - people not familiar with God may be asking for help but do not necessarily know they are asking the God we Christians know for help, and that God is listening and working thru them. Also, those who live righteously and had good lives will get saved by the grace of God, as promised.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the book of John isn't considered one of the synoptic books. If you read the books of the Gospel [Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John] and truly compare them you will see that John is written in a completely different style - chock full of "I am..." statements you see no where else. I'm not saying that what is said is to be out right questioned but it's not a historical type book, more of a tool to try and set up the trinity that was written much later than the other books of the Gosel. If you look thru Christian history, you can see that the trinity was a device created to help lay people understand the divinity of Jesus.

Plus, if you look at Acts 10, Peter with his vision about clean v. unclean, it's pretty clear that no man is considered unclean or unwelcomed. I guess you can argue whether that means they can marry a Christian...for me, personally the answer is yes. To be unevenly yoked [the battle cry of Christians who say you can NOT marry outside], I wonder if their spouse came from the exact same ethnic-racial background, the same socio-economic background, have the same level education, and the exact same spiritual/religious beliefs. Otherwise, I'd say they are unevenly yoked too. [King James Version 2Cor 6:14].
catknitFemaleIndia2008-04-19 18:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaNon-Muslims married to Muslim MENA
Thank you Virtual Wife - I feel a little vindicated, finally.

As I stated previously Im not Muslim or for that matter a scholar [of anything smile.gif ] but I did spend a lot of time in my first relationship studying, reading, and searching for clarity about Islam. And I would sit there and read one thing, read a jurists/scholars take on it and think - huh I kinda get how they may have gotten to that conclusion but I don't get that conclusion out of it personally - some would seem so off the mark or illogical.

According to the ex, which ever interpretation fit his needs that day [or for his side of any argument] it was the one that held the truth at that given moment.

Additionally, he was a huge proponent of Arabs being, by birth right, somehow better Muslims. Any non-Arab Muslim could never be considered for his sisters' hand in marriage - it didn't matter how devout they were, what a great job they had, what a good family they came from - it wasn't to be because they were not Arab. And I would say to the ex, whose occasional argument as to why I should convert was that Islam is such a welcoming faith-open to all-there is no race in Islam-we are all brothers and sisters; then why can't these good Muslim men marry your sisters. His response, well they aren't Arab, that's why. If I pushed it, the response would be "Don't lecture me about my own religion - you don't know and have no right to question it!!!".

Of course I had the added fun of a FIL who said there was no way I'd ever learn Arabic because there isn't a drop of Arab blood in me - he said this while flipping thru the couple of Arabic work books I had been slaving over for a few weeks trying to learn just basic vocabulary and simple grammar. Was it hard? Heck yeah. But I learned some, enough to sit thru family dinners and know roughly what was being discussed, to answer simple questions/commands, and I made sure thru google I knew profanity [their dinners were much more colorful than I originally thought tongue.gif ].

Because I was pretty isolated in my relationship and didn't have any friends in the same situation, I thought what I was reading and thinking hedged on crazy. The ex and his family were the only exposure I had to real life practicing Muslims and I couldn't get where they were coming from - I'd read one thing and be told something different.

My SO now is trying to deprogram me - that's at least the best way to explain it. I can't tell you how many times I've said to him "But isn't that haram????" and he just laughs no. He's taking things slowly and without the constant badgering to convert or yelling about what the "truth" really is.

Reading thru your posts, Virtual Wife, is like a breakthrough in clarity about a lot of these matters to me. Thanks!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-04-17 21:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaNon-Muslims married to Muslim MENA
I think it depends on the people in the relationship and how they choose to handle it.

A little background about me - I'm non-muslim who married a muslim [he is a 1st generation USC, his family is Palistinian], I didn't convert even though I was asked to constantly. I divorced him because he had control/anger issues - his religion had little to do with our relationship breaking down. Im no shrink but his dysfunctional family and cultural issues had a lot to do with his anger....being in a mixed marriage takes a ton of work and compromise is paramount.

I learned a lot about his faith/beliefs and will defend them whenever, where ever to whomever - even today.

As God would have it, or fate, or kismet, or whatever you want to call it- my SO is muslim also. And I must admit I've thought maybe this is a sign from God to convert. Then again my SO's ex is Christian, so maybe he's the one God's trying to speak to....
catknitFemaleIndia2008-04-15 19:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow is it possible!!
For me it came down to whether or not I wanted to live the rest of my life in fear. I decided not to.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-04-16 13:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow do you know if something's halal?
QUOTE (julianna @ May 5 2008, 08:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (milo75 @ May 4 2008, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gelatin can be from a slew of different sources and can be labeled kosher even if it's from pigs.

Then it is not kosher.

Actually it can be. That's why a kosher mark can be deceiving. Different koshering unions have different rules about what constitutes kosher. For the record I have spent numerous years working in food plants. Many were kosher facilities - I've spent countless hours with rabbis discussing these things because part of my job was coming up with formulations that can be acceptable to different markets.

There are certain bodies that will allow gelatin from pigs to be deemed kosher. Call them liberal minded, call them wrong, but they do exist.

The logic behind it is two fold. First, in order to get a purified gelatin from an animal source there are many steps including at least one that makes the inprocess material non-edible. Part of the logic that the resulting gelatin is kosher is that the step where the material in no longer a food becomes the new starting point of sourcing. It's something similar to this: Pig-hooves-slurry [totally can't be kosher to this point because it is clearly porcine] - Slurry to chemical brew that is non-edible and now no longer considered a food [grey area - is it still pig related or is it now a "new" entity] - Chemical brew to purified gelatin [can be kosher because the start point was a non-food chemical slurry]. The second argument is that gelatin ends up being a purified protein that has no characteristics of it's source - would a molecule of water that was extracted from an open sewer be any different than a molecule of water from a mountain fed stream?

There is a ton of debate about this. A ton - hundreds of pages of arguments and such according to the rabbis I've spoken to.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-05-05 08:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow do you know if something's halal?
I'd be super careful with the labels. Years ago I know there was a group out of Chicago that was trying to start a labeling union [similar to the kosher labels] for halal. Food ingredients are so varied and can be from a laundry list of sources [animal, plant, mineral]. Gelatin can be from a slew of different sources and can be labeled kosher even if it's from pigs. Any filled chocolates with marshmellow will have gelatin. Any flavored chocolates that have extracts as flavoring agents most likely have ethyl alcohol in them. Any label that reads "natural flavor" may have ethyl alcohol in it. If the stabilizers listed include glycerin - it may be from an animal source. It's sort of a ####### shoot if you go with processed food - then again who makes their own chocolate? Go with a local chocolate maker who may divulge what is in the mix and can help you pick a selection with the least questionable items or find a packaged mix with a label you can read and look up the ingredients.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-05-04 19:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd another Sunday has come
Ooooh, ok - that makes sense! I had only one cat that had any matting issues and would only clip out the individual mats. Thankfully, no flea issues or hotspots either with my guys.

I do usually comb them out every couple of weeks. Sometimes even with a flea comb which is great because this time of year the comb cleans up my marmie's under coat. I guess it sort of like that special shedding comb that was advertised on tv a few years back.

I had been thinking two things actually - that grooming cats was just getting popular and people are out there clipping and cutting for fun/fashion or that it was a heat/coat issue. Matting and other funky skin issues never even crossed my mind!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-06-08 21:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd another Sunday has come
Happy Sunday everyone...

I have a question about the shaved cats from earlier this week - figured I wouldn't dig out the other topics thinking amal and jackie maybe around...

Umm, I've never had my cats groomed/clipped for the summer. They are short-mid hair legnth cats. Never even contemplated it before. They seem ok, even in today's heat. What are the benefits of shaving the cats? Since they are older [10 and 7], I'm thinking even bringing it up at this point may be a little traumatic for them but if it makes them more comfy...

I don't know - I'm just a little confused.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-06-08 20:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaI am geting so discouraged
Hi Michelle,

It seems a lot of AR/AP waiters are anxious tonight!

I know what you mean about going over and waiting it out with him. I debate that every day and haven't even gotten past the NOA1 stage!

There are definately folks here with success stories or are in process with fiaces/spouses in Morroco.

I'm sure they will be by shortly.

You're in my thoughts!!!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-07-19 19:08:00
Middle East and North Africaneed support and information
Hi Wrestgirl,

There are a lot of women here who have gone thru administrative review/processing. I'm sure one will be along shortly to give you their take on it. If you could share what the email said/asks for - maybe that will give everyone a better idea of where you are/if it's a bad thing, etc.

I'm anticipating being in AR/AP eventually heart goes out to you!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-07-19 17:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlympics!!!
QUOTE (charles! @ Aug 9 2008, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i already participated in the olympics today - i got my pole saw (a chainsaw blade on a 10 pole with a weedeater motor at the other end) stuck in a tree about 20''off the ground. yes, i was standing on a ladder at the time. it took 2 chains, some rope, a regular pole saw, and a tractor to get it out of the tree (by pulling down the branch with the tractor).

Did you get the Gold? I heard the Icelandic team was a lock for that one laughing.gif
catknitFemaleIndia2008-08-09 14:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlympics!!!
I watched the opening ceremony last night too and was happy to see that some Iraqi athletes will be able to compete. The commentators had explained why the team was disqualified and then requalifed. I think it was a good move on the Olympics part to allow them back in....

Not really on topic - but some of those outfits??? seriously, #######? Did you check out Hungary's womens' essemble? They looked like bizarre floral flight attendents!
catknitFemaleIndia2008-08-09 11:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoes your muslim husband mind if you drink?
Inconsistency is the perfect word for it! When I explained to him the whole bread/yeast thing or the fact that the riper the fruit the more alcohol was naturally occuring or that some of his favorite stuff [soy sauce] naturally contains alcohol - he was mortified. But his favorite things were allowed to be consumed because there was no intent to get drunk. Me baking with good vanilla extract [instead of the crappy vanillin imitation stuff without alcohol] was a no-no. I would say to the man "it's 1/2 tsp for 36 cookies that are baked? you have got to be kidding me!" but he wasn't!!! I now have a nice madagascar bourbon bean extract I love [from trader joe's] and my SO knows there is no backing down on this.

This is also the good muslim man who I never saw pray once in the 10 years I knew/married/lived with him. Not once.

It was the inconsistencies that drove me nuts.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-08-08 00:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoes your muslim husband mind if you drink?
On another note, I agree that it is generally inappropriate to maintain close relationships with people of the opposite sex, outside of your family. But, that does not mean that it is inappropriate to interact with the opposite sex at all. Must we completely isolate ourselves from anyone other than our husbands and family members who possess a different bodily organ than ourselves? There is a difference between not entertaining close friendships with the opposite sex, and isolating yourself from any interaction with the opposite sex. One must have boundaries, but not necessarily a fortress!

This is something I always found so hard to come to grips with - where is the line here. My ex, who is arab, was very happy with me having no friends at all. He thought all I needed was family. He was rather intent with me having a fortress.

And, to stay on topic, with the ex there was to be no known alcohol in anything in our house, no beverages, no extracts, no food that contained extracts, no sauces/prepared food with anything vaguely alcoholic in them including extracts, no fake alcohol flavorings...he had a cousin who wouldn't use rubbing alcohol because it had the word alcohol on the bottle. Never mind it was isopropyl and couldn't be consumed....

Edited by milo75, 07 August 2008 - 08:58 PM.

catknitFemaleIndia2008-08-07 20:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaWorried (like always)

Do you have a timeline to find a job? Are they cutting your hours effective immediately? If you have some time [a week or so] definately try an agency like Nawal suggested. In many instances, you can be placed in days. Be prepared to take a couple of MS Office suite tests when you go in to meet the agencies. They are usually simple 20-30 task computer based test [like change the font of this paragraph or find the average of the cells listed in Excel].

Don't overlook area hospitals and school districts. My sister is in the midwest, ok school district [not completely title 1 but not a high money district either] and class aides make $10/hr [there may be a education minimum you need to meet]. You won't get a full 40 hours there but it could make up the difference.

Hospitals may not pay as well depending on the position but they are almost always looking for someone as an admission's clerk, patient paperwork helper [there's a real name for that I don't recall], and a variety of office jobs. The job postings out here are chock full of these types of positions.

Caybee's suggestion of going to places that are Muslim owned is also really, really good. But for smaller companies and stores, given this economy, don't be surprised if there isn't much out there. That will be true if a place is Muslim owned or not.

If you like kids, double check craigslist for sitter/nanny positions. I don't know what the going rate is in your neck of the woods but a family with a couple of kids [or even 3+] should be willing to pay $10/hr. This may get you flexibility in hours and the opportunity to pick up extra hours [the occasional date night for the parents etc]. Flip side of this would be elder companionship - there are typically families looking for that too. These may be enough hours to add to your parttime gig to help until you find something that's a more permanent fit.

Because of your drastic change in hours, also check with your local unemployment office to see if you qualify for anything there. It varies by state. If not a cash benefit, you may qualify for some sort of training program. Worst case, there are usually decent job boards in those offices - people looking to hire and to hire now.

I know that committing to hijab is a very important decision. And you've probably faced looks, comments, outright discrimination about it - but the comments and discrimination of some are not how all people think. If you get an interview/meeting with some one - go in there and wow them with you - what is or is not on your head shouldn't even enter the equation. If it does, it's someone you do NOT want to be working for in the first place.

Staashi - Strange but true - currently just for a couple - for a K1 it's $17,500 in income needed for the affadavit of support [that constitutes 125% of the poverty level]. I think he came over on a K1??? Personally, there is no way I could afford 2 people on that - or even myself alone [I'm in the corridor between Philadelphia and NYC]. But in different geographical areas I guess it's doable?
catknitFemaleIndia2008-09-07 16:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday in MENA
Hi Star Dragon - just because I love the snack food - it's Bugles. So salty and crunchy....
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-12 14:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Hump Day!
Hi Jackie - had to take an hour walk to try and settle my nerves!

Didn't work - but I saw a really cute squirrell.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-15 17:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Hump Day!

I could literally start to pull out my hair - or pace - or reorganize allllll my kitchen cabinets....(just saying)
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-15 12:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
Well - we sent in the following:

a year's worth of phone call records [about 100 pages worth]
sample emails - I think about 5
sample chats - I think about 5 also
postal receipts/greeting cards/letters between us
a letter from the JP who's agreed to marry us
a notarized letter from my dad saying he approves of the relationship and wants us to be together
2 letters [also notarized] from other close friends detailing our relationship
etickets from the trip
some pics

We have literally hundreds of emails we can print and if they are looking for volume - that's what they will get.

I was so mentally prepared to here security/name check AP - not insufficient relationship ap - so that was a blow.

I have a call in with my senator too - I signed off on the consent form a couple weeks ago thinking, again, security AP and that if we were out a couple of months I'd rattle thier cage. I'm hoping his immigration liason is on top of things.
catknitFemaleIndia2008-10-16 19:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Who had a returned K1 reaffirmed ?
Like I alluded to, it may have been something about a specific CO and they opted to re-eval all of his cases that were sent back or maybe someone at VSC was sick and tired of box after box of Delhi petitions being returned and decided to re-affirm those cases that they could and sent them back to the consulate as a snub.

IIRC, there were 4 of us who found each other on vj going through Delhi with denied K1s that ended up with reaffirmations. All our cases were very close to each other in interview date and all the reaffirmations were on the same day. I think this leads some weight to the VSC vs Delhi theory. Also, I think the whole thing was rare. Like I said before, I haven't really seen it happen since.

Best of luck with your case - weird and rare things DO happen. Be prepared for the worst, but don't stop hoping for the best.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-08-23 10:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Who had a returned K1 reaffirmed ?
Ours was returned in January 2009 to VSC. We were reaffirmed June 2009. We received no NOIR/NOID. I found out through both a consult with Marc Ellis and from users here on VJ also going through Delhi that VSC had reaffirmed a boat load of petitions from Delhi all at the same time [possibly as an inter-departmental squabble - perhaps an entire box of returned petitions were re-adjudicated and sent back for 2nd interviews...].

Though I read vj everday :blush: I can't say I've seen many K1 reaffirmed since, if any. CR1/IR1 visas, on the other hand, do not expire and do go through the NOIR/NOID or immediate reaffirmation process consistently. K1s, in many cases, expire out.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-08-23 09:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Passport expired during AP,
Slightly off topic - but if you've been in AP close to 2 years, you may want to consider speaking with an attorney about a writ of mandamus. To be waiting 9 months after giving the re-requested docs leads me to believe something is "stuck" with your case. Maybe there is someone on a list out there with a similar name or birth date and the consulate is dragging its feet. But, 2 years isn't "normal" and neither is an additional 9 months after supplying a new medical/pcc/photos.

Just adding my 2 cents - something to think about....
catknitFemaleIndia2012-08-26 12:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 approved but under admin processing at New Delhi

Hi, I just checked VFS website and our AP has been completed -it says that the passport was handed over to Blue dart. OH GOSH I"m hoping that the Visa is on the passport ready to be used. I'm SoOOO Happy this process has come to and end. Phew!

Excellent news! Fingers crossed that all is in order. :star: :star:
catknitFemaleIndia2012-07-03 14:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Dennied under 212 a 6 c 1 !! DON'T KNOW HOW TO PROVE I DIDN'T DO IT!

Every last soul on this board understands who hard it is to be separated from the one they love. Some for years and years.

You have unfortunately found this sub-forum. I get that you are hurting, are frustrated, and are confused on the next steps. You've gotten great advice from many members here on what to do next. But, please keep in mind what is quoted above. We've all been there, some with much, much, much tougher hoops to jump through....

Since you found this sub-forum, take a peek around. Really. I highly recommend the Islamabad AP thread. You know what happened, how the decisions were made, and [now] what your next steps are - your hands are not tied, you have a way forward. There are people here in the hellish pit of AP with no answers, no light at the end of the tunnel, no living with their loved one for a year and a half playing house, no tourist visas to be able to visit...we get it. Get on the phone and find a good attorney - you'll be back in the US before you know it.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-10-11 20:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Help please, 17 months still waiting; London
I'm sorry to hear of your frustration over this whole process.

Firstly, the more information the vj community gets, the easier it is to help give advice for your situation. Please file in your time line.

Secondly, especially in this sub-forum, you'll see a big mix of people who have been waiting for long periods of time based on a lot of reasons: previous overstays that require a waiver, AP for missing documents or additional sponsors, AP for name checks/security reasons, or extended AP based on individual consulates internal procedures. Once we know more about your specific case, we can help advise you.

#1 - Has your spouse called her senators/congress person to find out via their immigration liaisons what is happening with your case?
#2 - Has your spouse called DOS to inquire what is holding up the case?
#3 - Have you used an attorney with this case and been following up with their offices to see what is going on?
#4 - Were you given any paperwork at the end of the interview that explains what the next steps are?

Other things that will help us help you - is there anything about your case or relationship that could be seen as an outside factor. You mention you are a UK citizen born and bred - were your parents immigrants to the UK? We have seen a least one case [for a fiance visa] where the UK man is sitting in AP as his family is Pakistani and they have requested detailed travel information from him. How about anything that would be considered a "red flag"? This may include non-traditional age differences [usually the wife being older], multiple marriages [especially if past marriages gained the sponsor US citizenship], short trips or a very short courtship with marriage during the first trip?

In general, we need a little more info to help you out!
catknitFemaleIndia2012-11-26 14:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP after petition reaffirmed
When we had our K1 reaffirmed I called the embassy to see how quickly they would get us back into the interview queue. They swore up and down that our case had not made it back to the embassy. NVC swore up and down that the case was in Delhi. Never thought to call DOS to see if it was in AP again.

Prior to receiving the reaffirmation notice, I had planned to move to India to get on with our lives. Since I literally received the reaffirmation like 5 days before my flight [having quit my job and given up my apartment] I still moved over till all this visa stuff could get straight. After sleeping off the jetlag, maybe day 3 or 4 in Delhi, I hot-footed it down to the consulate to find out what was up. Magically, the CO confirmed that the case had arrived when NVC stated it had. Not only that, but if I didn't mind waiting for a bit, he would look into it. 2 hours later I had an interview appointment letter! [It was about 3-4 weeks out so we could get the PCC/Medical redone].

Here's the interesting part, through vj I knew a couple other people who were in the same reaffirmation group [it had appeared that VSC decided to reaffirm a bunch of Delhi K1s all on the same day]. Our interview was easily 3-4 months ahead of any of theirs. So maybe they were in AP during that time???? I was lucky enough to be able to go and get all the info I wanted from the horse's mouth, if you will. I know this isn't an option for everyone. After the interview we were placed on AP again [hubster is Muslim and Kashmiri - there is no way in hell he wasn't getting standard name check [aka muslim guy] AP]. Thankfully, that AP was only 7-ish weeks.
catknitFemaleIndia2012-09-24 08:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Finally Visa in Hand after 221g
Congrats! Surprised it took so long for such a minor issue but I'd be willing to bet the holiday season still has Mumbai behind...

Best of luck!
catknitFemaleIndia2013-01-18 07:57:00