US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling everyone going through new delhi,chennai ,mumbai,consulate.

:dance: :dance: My wait is almost over... he will be here TOMORROW... woo hoo... can't wait to see him :P

Hey, Shalz, looks like you guys made it! Less than 2 hours to go, congrats.....

By the way, I guess I am going to have to wait, since the embassy in Delhi is not entertaining any requests for information in person like the one I have without a case pending eith them, I had already visited them last week, anyway, I guess I will make it.

Best of luck to everyone here, and lets keep sharing information as and when it comes along.
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-09-01 10:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling everyone going through new delhi,chennai ,mumbai,consulate.
Thanks. Shalz.

Well, the embassy page for K-1 states that I would have to get the police certificate from my local district police station, so I hope I dont want to have to go to Mumbai, although i was looking for someone who had go their packet 3 and packet 4 and had this same problem. In fact, maybe I don't really, becasue I just got my new passport made, so I might not need any police cerftificate.

Thanks for all the info guys, I did mail the embassy a couple of times in the past 2 days but they never answered my mails so I will just keep my fingers crossed that I don't have to do too much running around and just write down my Mumbai address, which I think is fair since I shouldn't hide anything from them.
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-31 09:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioncalling everyone going through new delhi,chennai ,mumbai,consulate.
Hi All,

I have tried to get these answers through other topics but seem to be only getting conflicting reports and am still confused, but not generally getting answers from India VJers, so here goes again:

1. Does anyone have experience where they used a co-sponsor only? My fiance (USC) was working for her Dad so didnt file taxes and now is at B-school so can't show income. The co-sponsor will be my godfather who has more than ample income and is a recognised academician, so i was wondering whether that would be enough since I read somewhere they are throwing out people with only co-sponsors, or at least there is a chance of that, especially in Inda?

2. My permanent address is in Delhi, which is also on my passport and is my current address. However, I have stayed in Mumbai for 2 years during the past 5 years. My lawyer (not very confident about his response) has advised me to just add my permanent address even though my job history clearly shows Mumbai. Two questions would be:
a) Should I show the Mumbai address on my biographic form?
B) Will they ask me to get a police certificate from Mumbai for those 2 years, or will my passport certificate and current address police certifcate be enough? Please keep in mind that I have a new passport so maybe I wont need the police certificate?

Thanks to all those who have already replied (Shalz and KP especially), and my apologies for being a pain in the wrong areas to ask these questions again, but i am getting completely confused due to the conflicting answers I am getting.
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-31 04:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinding Work in the US
Just thought this would be an interesting topic to read since I plan to go to the States on a student visa next year.

I feel it depends a lot on the work experience etc. even though not knowing people in the business can also adversly affect the job prospects. being an operations and business deelopement manager myself, which depnds a lot on the local business style, I am guessing it would be difficult for a person like me to get a job in the US directly. But I do plan to do my MBA there, so I am sure that will help, with their placement services et all....
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-12-02 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp-Please advise
Hi Meauxne,

Thanks for the advice, but I just wanted to mention here that its the other way around, I am the foreigner here, in India and my fiancee's parents are the ones we are trying not to notify about this, for now. So, does anyone have any experience where they ahve gone to a USC's parents/family to ask questions?

And thanks everyone, for the help, and like I said I agree with the deception bit, but dont want to go into the long description of why we are doing so as of now...maybe someday :)
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-20 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp-Please advise

If she's a legal adult, she doesn't have to disclose anything to her parents. Period. Deception isn't a great way to start a marriage, but that's your issue, not USCIS's.

Filing income tax would be a problem, even were you to file seperate returns it still has to be marked as "Married Filing Seperately".

Not having pictures of an engagement ceremony probably won't hurt your chances.

A passport is sufficient proof that one is a citizen.

Thanks Gwen, I agree that not letting her parents know is not an ideal thing, and it isn't for us, but I would rather not go into the details of this since its a long story, however, I feel it is the right thing to do, for us. One of the major reasons why they do not want us to go ahead is kind of what you can "racial" but not exaclty. In India, we ahve different communities and the fact is that her parents think that the community I belong to is not good enough, which is a laughable but very truthful fact of Indian traditionalist thinking.

Thanks for the replies, I am sure we will manage the filing of returns pretty easily though.

And if anyone can answer these as well:

1) I am getting confused as to the documents I would require to file at the embassy, so if someone has already done so, please advise so I can have them ready beforehand. I ahve laready gone through the guide section?

2) Do we really need to go through an immigration lawyer since the forms are pretty clear in waht is required and after consulting with one lawyer, I found her information to be outdated in fact?
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-19 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp-Please advise

Ours is a unique situation. My fiancée (American citizen) and I, are of both Indian origin, and come from very conservative families. Her family is completely against us getting married and of course, we do not want to spoil our relationship with them. being here in India, I have applied for B-school for next year but that would only get me there by August of next year if I get through and we would like to be together before that.

Hence we have thought of going for the fiancé visa, though we don’t want to tell her parents about us getting married till I reach there.

1) My question for anyone who has been through the process is whether it is possible for us to go through the whole process, including until getting the Green Card 2 yrs from marriage, without letting her parents know about it. She lives separately but files her income tax along with her Dad's company CA so it would not be possible for us to file taxes collectively later. Please advise.....I have an uncle there who would easily be able to sign the affidavit of support….

2) We had no engagement ceremony as such so don't have pictures of that even though we have enough pictures of us together as documentary evidence of being together. Will this affect our chances?

3) Would be all right for her to only show her passport as citizen proof since her naturalization certificate is not with her and it would take a long time-period to obtain the same?

Please advise....
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-19 05:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick question

Has anybody got an RFE where they had sent the passport as proof of citizenship but teh USCIS asked for the naturalisation certificate or other proof?

Yes, there has been members who have received an RFE from USCIS for the naturalization certificate. You also may not get an RFE. For peace of mind I would suggest starting the process to obtain the naturalization certificate to save time if you do indeed receive a request for it. Never hurts to be prepared.

Thanks for the replies...

Now I am getting worried, since we also don't have the certificate number, exact date or place of issue, whereas that is asked in the I-129 form. From what I understand after researching, I found out that it takes upto an year just to replace the certificate. I hope this wont be a petition stopper, should we just apply for the certificate and attach the receipt or whatever?
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-26 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuick question
My fiancée (USC) naturalised to a USC long back as a kid. She has always held an American passport, however has lost her naturalisation certificate. As per the I-129 form, we can send in the passport in lieu of naturalisation certificate as proof of citizenship, however, I had read somewhere that the naturalisation certificate would be required at the time of the embassy interview. Is this true or has anybody gone through this before?

Has anybody got an RFE where they had sent the passport as proof of citizenship but teh USCIS asked for the naturalisation certificate or other proof?

Thanks in advance for all answers/suggestions
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-26 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne more question
my passport won't be required to show any proof of meeting. And I agree there's no harm in sending it and I would ahve, but I wont get the corrected the passport for another 2-3 weeks and was wondering whether it would be ok to send our petition as is...since we don't want to waste time waiting for it if its not required as of now....
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-29 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne more question
Thanks everyone for the reply. We haven't sent in our form yet, so we can send in ours now. I was also under the impression we do not need to send in the beneficiary's passport copies, even though I ahve been to the States in transit a long time abck, 6 years ago. I think our lawyer is just trying to be extra careful with extra docs.

Maybe some of you were not clear by the way, I am the beneficiary :)

But thanks again,for all your answers.
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-29 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne more question
Hi All,

Our lawyer in the States in his checklist of documents to supply with the I-129 form has asked me to submit my Indian passport copies to him. I have not seen this anywhere else being mentioned, but since my passport has been sent to the passport office here, for some corrections, I can't send my passport copies right now. However, I do have my Indian birth certificate and its translations ready and can send them to him. Since we don't want to wait for the passport to come back before we apply for the I-129, I was wondering, if anyone has any experience in this? Do we need my passport to apply or can we go ahead with just my birth certificate for now? Has anybody receied an RFE for this?

Thanks in advance

Indian fiance
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-29 05:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about biographic info
Thanks everyone, I did agree but wanted to cehck anyway, thanks a ton.

Stupid lawyer, what do they know, right? I knew I could trust teh people here :)
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-30 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about biographic info
I am not sure if non-Indians would understand this concept so here is the background: In India we have a concept of permanent address. For example you could be living in a rented place right now but your permanent residence which gnerally is your parents' place or your own place, is which is on your passport.

Now, my permanent residence is in Delhi, where I currently live. This is my parents' place and has been on my passport as well, since 1994. However, on the I-129, they have asked me to state last 5 years' residence. As per Indian way, the permanent address remains the same, even though i was in Mumbai, living in a rented apmt. for 2 years in-between.

So, my question is, should I show Mumbai residence as well or just state my permanent residence?

My employee infromation clearly shows that I have worked in Mumbai as well in-between.

My lawyer says I can put in just the permanent address, but I am not so sure. After reading this forum, I am more inclined to get my doubts clarifed here :)
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-08-30 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regd. Indian birth certificate
I have sent my birth certificate along with the other required I-129 docs to my US fiance but she has not sent it in yet.

However, I was just looking at my birth certifcate again and realised that for the name of the child (me, of course) the answer written was "Not written". This is since birth certificates were, at that time, registered without names of the babies as Hindu norms required their names to be decided after about 10 days in a ceremony. My father's and mother's names are there of course. Since my passport is under renewal, I didn't send the passport copies and am now getting worried about the certifcate, will that be aceptable????

Maybe I should ask my fiance to write about the Hindu norm and why the name isnt the cover letter for the package, what do you think?

Also, the back pages of the certificates are blank - do i need to send that too - stating that is the back copy ?

I have added an English translation for the birth certifacte, in fact, I got it done by the registrar of births and deaths himself, so its an English translation of the birth certifcate by the same authority, even though that also does not state my name.
DelhiguyMaleIndia2006-10-18 07:39:00