Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Our interview is in 18 days and I'm leaving in 14.. reading a lot of the consulate reviews again and, for some reason, they are giving me small panic attacks tonight. I know there is no reason to panic, but I am sure I am not the only one who has gone through this.

I know they will allow me into the embassy with him, and I have read that some of you were actually asked questions as well, but I guess I am wondering if I will be allowed to stand with him during his interview. When he is called to the window, can I go up with him? Will I be given instructions, beforehand, that I need to sit and wait? Will I walk up to the window with him and they will tell me to go sit down? We are both hoping and praying that I will be allowed to stand there with him for the whole thing.. but there more I am reading in the reviews, the more I think this won't happen.

What should I expect?

I was allowed to go up with Ozzy and stand there the whole time. The CO alternately asked questions of me and him. However, others have had different experiences and even others who were there the same day and interveiwed by the same CO as us were asked to sit down while the fiance was being interviewed. I think it depends on the CO and what mood he or she is in at that particular moment. As Erika said, you can hear everything though (and everyone else in the room can hear everything too!) and you will likely have a chance to speak or clarify anything that needs clarifying....
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-05 16:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

hi everybody!

I hope everything is just fine with all you!

I sent my AOS application last week on tuesday.I keep checking my bank account but they haven't cashed the check you guys know how long it usually takes them to cash it???

It might take a week or two...don't worry though, they will take your money LOL! Did you send the package with delivery confirmation?
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-03 09:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

I've booked everything. B-) I picked a flight with a 20hr. layover in NY and booked a cheap hotel near the airport and a subway stop. Since we will probably arrive at our hotel when it is dark we might just get information on the top things to see and how to get there, starting with the statue of liberty, from the concierge. Then we'll just crash early for the night so we can get up at 6am, load up on the hotel's free breakfast and head out to sight-see until 11. Then we'll return to the hotel so we can freshen up and check out at noon and head back to the airport to catch our connecting flight at 3pm. We are so excited. I'm so glad the first thing he will see in the US is NY instead of my family's boring old small town in the south.

Sounds great!! If you want to see the statue of liberty, it's a good idea to book ferry tickets ahead of time as it actually sells's a link if you're interested. It gives ferry departure times, directions, and you can buy tickets online.... Keep in mind it's going to be Verrrry cold on that ferry in February!!! It takes time might be the only thing you have time to do if you need to head back to the hotel by 11.

Have a safe flight home & a great time in NYC!! :)

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-03 09:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hi all. B) My father in law arrives today. We can't wait. He's such a fun guy. He's in his 60s but acts more like a hippy teenager. He will stay for a full week and then we will all leave next Monday. :luv:

I still haven't decided if I want to brave a 1hr.50 min. layover in NY or book a longer layover. The flight would arrive at 5pm which is the start of the busy time at JFK. Even though there is a better schedule if we make a connecting flight in Amsterdam we're booking the direct flight from IST to JFK because we're worried about the transit visa issue. If I chicken out on the 110 min. layover then I think we will book one of the 20 hour NY layover flights and get a hotel room and see some more of NY than the 12 hour layover would allow.

If you want to see NYC it's very easy to get to the subway from the airport. Just take the airtrain (the tram that takes people to the different terminals at the airport) to Jamaica Station and you can connect to the NYC subway. You can download print a map of the city and the subway (or get one at the subway station) and it's very easy to get around as the whole city is just a big grid. Of course if you are reclaiming your bags at JFK, you might want to book a hotel room and take your bags there before you venture out to the city. You'll see what I mean when you get there, but there is really no "area" near the airport...JFK is HUGE and is more of a city unto itself...but it's just a 15 or so minute subway (or cab) ride to Manhattan. Definitely take the long layover and see the city! You'll have fun and create some great memories!! :)
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-02 13:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

How long a layover should I allow for at our POE before the connecting flight? Our POE will probably be NY. With the flights I'm looking at there is a 1 hr. 50 min. layover in NY before the next connecting flight. Otherwise, I'd have to choose a 12 hr. layover in NY which is a bit much sense we'll still need to make 2 more stops to arrive home. Should that be enough time for my husband to make it through customs?

You never know with New York. I'm assuming you're coming into JFK airport? Sometimes you can get right thru customs, sometimes it can take hours. It all depends on how many others are trying to get thru at the same time...and they don't care if you have another plane to catch. I'd personally be very uncomfortable with 1 hour 50 minutes. It would probably be fine if you were just changing planes, but your husband might not make it thru immigration in that time frame. I'd go for the 12 hour layover...maybe get a room at one of the airport hotels...catch a little sleep between planes...
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-31 17:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
If I were in your place, unless it is all too much to carry (or a ridiculously huge pile of papers :)), I would bring it all...or bring what you feel comfortable carrying. You probably will not need to show any of it to the CO but it will make you feel reassured to have it with you and will make you appear very professional and prepared. Of course that is just my opinion should do what feels right for you!

Good Luck!! :star:


Our interview is four weeks from tomorrow :) and I will be leaving for Turkey in about 3 weeks... I think we're ready, but both starting to get a little nervous.

I'm starting to reconsider how much proof I really should take with me. When I filed the petition I included every email, photo, MSN conversation, Skype SMS message, phone bill, facebook conversation, etc. from the day we met to the day I sent in the petition.

When we sent in Packet # 3, we included all the proof we had from the day of filing the petition to the day of sending packet # 3. The only thing they don't already have would be the phone bills, photos, MSN conversations, a few receipts from packages sent, SMS messages, etc. from the day we sent packet # 3 to the day we go to the interview... and some cards, etc. that we didn't send with the other stuff. We figured we would just take those with us.

Should I take copies of EVERYTHING with me, or just the proof from time of packet # 3 to the interview. I have everything prepared, and was going to take it ALL, but the MSN conversations alone fill a couple of binders... and we still have three weeks of daily MSN conversations ahead of us. It's a huge amount of stuff to try to take in there and they already have most of it.

But, if I should take it I definitely will! Any thoughts from the people who have gone through this already?

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-24 11:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Wow well I'd be excited if I were going to Turkey next month too! I miss it even though my hubby isn't living there anymore.... :)

I don't mean to be's really not that bad but we have our moments. And who knows, maybe Necmi and your kids will be a perfect fit... :) He sounds like a very understanding person. I too worried about whether or not Ozzy could be happy here where I live in a small suburban town and him coming from huge ?stanbul. I wondered if I was doing the right thing, etc., for myself and for him. I know now that I did but you're right, it is such a short time that they give you to 'be sure'. 90 days is nowhere near enough. I think its something you just have to dive into and make it work. Scary though for sure!

Yes I finally got my ATT....taking NCLEX on Feb 8th. So frustrating though 'cause they really emphasized that people score better if they take the exam within 30 days of graduation and I was determined to do that, then for that to not even be a possibility....grrr! It reminded me of the days of waiting for a NOA or an interview date...waiting and waiting for something to happen then when it does, you think ''Well damn it's about TIME!!!'' :ranting:

LOL well enough of my ranting!!

Sorry for the slow reply, work has been kicking me in the butt!! I'm working OT cuz I'm going to Turkey the 25 of February!! :) Sorry, a little excited:)
I can't imagine what it will be like for Necmi to walk into this family. My kids are so crazy:) I have sent him videos of our home life just so he can get an idea of what it will be like..but still nothing can prepare for this:) I am happy that the kids will be going to their dad's every other weekend and spending the evening with him on Tuesdays and will give Necmi a little break from the chaos:) and us a little alone time.
Necmi has surprised me before. I was in Turkey and upset with a choice one of my older daughters had made while I was gone. He was so sweet in saying to me "Honey, you are older than me. Maybe you have forgotten what it is like to be a young person." I didn't know what to say to that:) He gave me some really good advice for such a young guy;) I have asked that we don't marry for at least 80 days. I think we need the time to make sure he will be happy living in such a different enviornment. I wish the visa process was different...90 days is not enough time.
Any luck on the job hunt? Did you get your ATT yet?
Have a good weekend!! :)

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-21 08:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
As others have said, he should have a Nufus Kayit husband was born at home as well and has one. It shows all members of the family, not just him.


Everyone I know on the East coast keeps commenting on how frigid this winter has been. Right now it's snowing in Philadelphia and the 'feels like' temperature is 7 degrees F. I was actually in Kusadasi/Izmir for the past few months, and not a day goes by where I don't say 'I wish I was in Turkey, it's waayyyy too cold here in the US.'

Changing subjects a little bit, I was wondering if anyone might be able to provide some insight into my current K-1 dilemma. I was talking to my fiance the other day (he's the Turkish one), and I was telling him about the documents that he'll need to gather in the future. I mentioned that he'll need his birth certificate, and he said that because he was born at home (not in a hospital) that he doesn't have one. He says that his only form of ID is his identity card. He actually came to the US last summer on a temporary work visa (to VA Beach) so I assumed that he would have needed his birth certificate for that, but he said 'no, I only needed my identity card.' I was also thinking that his birth certificate has to be somewhere filed away in a government records office, but again he said no, and that he never had one. Is this normal? Any input would be greatly appreciated!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-04 09:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I'd say that counts. I'm sure they know it's difficult...not to mention expensive... to get kids halfway around the world to meet someone. I did manage to bring my kids to Turkey to meet Ozzy once, but it was only because I already had their passports...and that was only for a week, hardly enough for them to really know each other. I think the efforts to maintain a long term relationship via phone and IM and sending gifts count even more...and mention his attempts to get a visa to come here and meet them.

They certainly don't make it easy to ease kids into the new relationship with someone and there's not a lot you can really do about it other than what you're already doing.

It's not so much an issue for getting the visa, I think, as it will be something you may need to be sensitive to once he is here and you are married. There is a huge difference culturally between the way kids are raised in Turkey and here and that has been a big clashing point between my kids and Ozzy. He expects a lot of them and while I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, its difficult for them to understand that he is trying to help them become better people and not just being bossy or mean... :unsure: I am kind of caught in the middle of that sometimes, trying to explain them to him and him to them, and I'm not sure if they'll ever really come to understand each other, which makes me sad...

Thank you so much:) That is just what I needed!
I had read before that Ozzy had met your kids...did he come here or did you have to take them there? There is no way my ex will sign for the passports and Necmi can't get a visa:( They all talk to him on IM and Facebook etc. He sent them Christmas gifts and they sent him some as well. Do you think this would count for a relationship with them?
Oh, so much to think about!!

Edited by tanyakaraman, 03 January 2010 - 12:38 PM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-03 12:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Don't sweat it too much Melinda, I was in the same situation. My divorce was final one month before Ozzy and I got engaged and it was not an issue at all as far as getting the visa. It will likely be asked about at the interview, however, so just have an explanation ready. I just told the CO that my previous marriage was over for a long time before it was legally over & my ex and I had been separated for over a year before the divorce was final.

I think it's actually pretty commmon & they just want to know that you are not in the habit of marrying people to get them into the country. It would be more of an eyebrow raiser if you previously married and divorced another K1 visa recipient.

I have a question. I read on another thread that it could be a red flag at the embassy if there has been a recent divorce. Necmi and I will both be in this situation. Has anyone heard this before?? Gosh I have such a long time to be freaking about this one!! :huh:

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-03 07:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks Melinda....I'll try that! With my luck, there's some sort of mix up... :wacko: I gave my email address, so I assume the ATT would come by email...figured it would be super fast that way, but I guess not. Maybe the holidays are delaying things as well...

A lot of my classmates worked as externs or techs at the local hospitals and that gave them preference getting hired as nurses, and also with respect to the internship programs those hospitals offered. I thought my prior job at a pediatric hospital would do the same for me, but unfortunately, I think getting laid off hurt my chances & I no longer have those inside connections. I also ran into several RN's during my clinical rotation who were still working as externs or techs because they couldn't find an RN job....pretty discouraging!! I've been applying for lots of "entry level" jobs but they all say they want 6 months or 1 year of frustrating!

Thanks for the encouraging words though :)


Just another thought...did you log into the pearsonvue website to check on things? Maybe calling the state board of nursing to be sure everything is finished on their end might be helpful too. :)

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-02 09:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Fart poofs...Erika you crack me up :lol:

Does your health ins cover anything toward IVF? I heard some of them were moving in that direction. I also hear it's really cheap in Australia...haha....not that you wanna go through another immigration process!! :bonk: I have a step-brother who actually did that....moved him and his wife to the land down under just to undergo IVF. Worked tho...they have a 5 yo son and 4 yo triplets now. But seriously...wishing one nice healthy baby for you (at a time :))

& god bless us all in this horrible job market....

HEY...that gave me a great should apply for jobs as an IVF nurse!! Maybe get a discount rate :]

Just remember to always keep that sense of humor....helps one keep one's sanity, in the job market and the IVF process!! :yes:



Awww are having as much luck as I am finding a different job-well, I gave up on that after 6 months! i don't have many hospitals in my area though. How many near you? This economy sucks truly, but if your classmates have found jobs, it's just a matter of time for you too! Keep at it! As for the ATT, I don't remember how long afterwards...Melinda maybe you can help here?? BTW Tanya, can one collect unemployment after having a baby (or 2 or 8 ha ha) for a year? Pray I don't become octomom!

The mountain was stupid as all the fireworks looked like small fart poofs from where we where! No drunks thank goodness, in fact rather quiet this year...hmm? Need to finish saving for that IVF....THAT sucks not to mention still have to go through the craziness of it! We need to find decent housing after, busy year...and in between there help Hamit with finding a job so he doensn't get too depressed-oh, forgot he is there already! I need a vacation.

How is everyone else??

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-02 09:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hey Erika, that sounds like fun!! Just be careful of all those drunks when making your way back!! :] We just had a drink at home & fell asleep....ah, it doesn't take much these days I guess....

& May all your dreams come true too this year!! star_smile.gif

I have had absolutely no luck in the job department yet...I can't even get an interview and I have been applying like crazy (so tell Hamit not to feel bad!). I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with my resume. I think I'm the only person I know in my graduating class who doesn't have something lined up....pretty sad. I'm hoping to take NCLEX in the next week or 2...just waiting for my ATT to arrive so I can schedule it (how long does that take anyway? I paid the fees and stuff about 1 1/2 weeks ago....the board of nursing cashed my check and everything...and still no ATT). Of course, once I pass the boards, I'll really be feeling anxious about not having a job... crying.gif

ah well, I'm sure something will turn up least I can collect unemployment for another 6 months...I need a job soon tho. We have outgrown our house and our car (since Defne came along, we officially no longer can fit everyone in the same car together anymore...we've had to go several places with me and the kids in one car and Ozzy following behind in the other!!)

hoping for a better economy in 2010!! star_smile.gif


QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Jan 1 2010, 12:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for putting lil Defne there for us all to enjoy! We are going to drive up the mountain amongst the drunks of the city (Hamit's idea) to see the fireworks and madness from above! Hope we make it back! Ha ha I am such a worrywart! Hope everyone's dreams come true for this coming year!

Tanya, any luck in the job department? When do you take your NCLEX? It is cake compared to school, let me tell you! OK I did and once again....HAPPY NEW YEAR!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-01-01 02:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
yeni y?l?n kutlu olsun!! star_smile.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-31 20:28:00