Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh tebrikler Filiz!! That's such wonderful news!! I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm sorry you are feeling so sick! I was the same way with this fact, I haven't cooked anything in 3 months now because I just can't stand to smell the food cooking! Poor Ozzy brings food home or cooks something for the kids and himself every night. I hope it passes soon for you. Just be sure to drink...or chew on ice...or anything to keep yourself hydrated. I know it's difficult now but there's such a wonderful reward at the end of the journey! star_smile.gif


QUOTE (sardes @ Apr 16 2009, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Merhaba herkese,

Sorry for not writing in a while..I have been sick for 2 weeks..I have been exhausted, my stomach is too bad..I think you can guess what is happening to me smile.gif I took home pregnancy test 2 times..result is positive..I was very suprised when i figured out i might be a pregnant smile.gif I know it is early to give this news but i couldn't stop myself to share with you..My hubby is taking me under his health insurance, so we'll go to the doctor soon..Baby should be 5 weeks now..I felt unprepared..i didn't do even any research..didn't take folic acid or something... also i have morning sickness that lasts all day.. I can't get in the kitchen make something to eat..Hope this ends soon.. I can't believe i am being a mother! smile.gif Insallah everything goes well..It will be a Christmas baby smile.gif

Erica! Finally you are home with your hubby..Congrats! I am so happy for you guys..Can't wait to see the wedding pics. Sibel..It is great to hear that you took such a nice vacation..I have a theory..I think if you don't think ap anymore your hubby will be here sooner smile.gif Tanya I wish you a wonderful vac in Turkey..I already miss it so much! Julia I wish you best of luck with the job and yes it is a great idea to live in a warmer place..Albany will be too cold next winter smile.gif and wendy it is really so exciting to see him after a long time and now you won't be apart anymore! yayy!!

I wish you all really a wonderful life with your loved ones!

Keep in touch!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-04-16 15:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Wow girlie, hope you are feeling better soon! Hope that Hamit is taking good care of you... smile.gif Congratulations on your wedding!!

Wendy's big day is coming this weekend! Have a safe drive to NYC & hope Yilmaz has a safe, comfy (riiight, like there is a such thing as a comfy flight...unless you happen to be sitting in first class!) flight to the US!!!! Hope you two have a wonderful weekend together star_smile.gif

Sibel, I'm glad you got to get away and take a cruise! It sounds lovely and I'm sure you needed it....

As for me, I'm doing fine, hanging in there & feeling much better for the most part. My semester in school is almost over & I'm soooo looking forward to the summer and getting a little vacation time of my own. We are planning and re-planning our trip to Turkey this June...there are so many wonderful sounding places I haven't been to yet. The original plan was to spend the majority of our vacation relaxing at the beach in Istanbul, but now Ozzy wants to take me to Alanya...and I wanna see Ephesus...and of course visit his parents in Izmit...and maybe Oludeniz??? I don't want to overdo it, but I just can't make up my mind!!! wacko.gif

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Apr 15 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (miamiwife @ Apr 13 2009, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all! So I am back from a one week cruise with my mom and I had a great time. This was actually the first week in two years where I did not cry for a week! I went to Honduras, Belize, Mexico, and the Bahamas. I got to swim with the dolphins, see monkeys, and not think too much about AP and visas.

Julia--I want to know all about the wedding plans (both the official and ceremonial!) Glad things are going well for Onur and you. Let me know also about the job hunting, and just keep in mind that you usually won't find out until the summer, so don't get too nervous.

I am so hppy for you Sibel! You needed and deserved that. I hope you feel like you now havea second wind to see this through with a little less stress. One day you will look back on all of this and it will be but only a memory an you will be enjoying the rest of your lives together.

I kno owe everyone pics and stories, bt I keep geting sick....rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 3 times to the ER!......all that stress over this damned visa keeps haunting me laughing.gif sick yes...but I am happy

Take care everyone and see ya here soon!!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-04-16 09:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Mar 31 2009, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are here in America now! We got an apartment and are getting everything together and organized. We are enjoying our time together and I don't work until the 17th. We are getting married on the 2nd and that is about it for now. My children totally are happy for us. Everything is so fantabulous and went so smoothly I still don't believe it.
I know I still have to write about our experience, but I have so much to do and will fill you in asap!
Yes, we MUST get together when Sibel and Muhammet are together. We are waiting with you Sibel!
Congrats awaterlily!

How's everyone?

Congrats you two lovebirds!! And I know you must be crazy busy, but pls update us soon! I for one am dying to hear about your trip (& wedding!) !! whistling.gif


PS: Wendy, just another week & a half!!! kicking.gif

Edited by tanyakaraman, 07 April 2009 - 08:16 AM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-04-07 08:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Necmi&Annette @ Apr 6 2009, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If someone can help us out with a question, we would really appreciate it!!

If you have 2 stops when entering the US before your final destination.....once you get to your second stop, are you allowed to leave the airport and then return when it's time for your flight to leave? Necmi has a very long layover on his second stop and would be nice to get some sleep at a hotel instead of waiting at the airport.

Thank you in advance!

I wouldn't think it would be a problem at the second stop, as he'll go thru immigration at the first stop (assuming both stops are within the US). After that, he should be able to come and go as he pleases.

Hope that helps...


QUOTE (awaterlily @ Apr 2 2009, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wonderful! and how exciting getting the place and just BEING together! I can't wait to hear about your experience!

Congrats star_smile.gif

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Mar 31 2009, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are here in America now! We got an apartment and are getting everything together and organized. We are enjoying our time together and I don't work until the 17th. We are getting married on the 2nd and that is about it for now. My children totally are happy for us. Everything is so fantabulous and went so smoothly I still don't believe it.
I know I still have to write about our experience, but I have so much to do and will fill you in asap!
Yes, we MUST get together when Sibel and Muhammet are together. We are waiting with you Sibel!
Congrats awaterlily!

How's everyone?

Thank you to all for the congrats. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that this VJ is really and truely OVER. Having spent years living in a VJ and now, in a day, in a matter of hours, we're finished.

Our celebration will be shredding all of the files of GC documents this weekend. *YAY* kicking.gif

Congratulations Awaterlily! That must be a *wonderful* feeling!! star_smile.gif


Edited by tanyakaraman, 07 April 2009 - 08:03 AM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-04-07 08:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Mar 27 2009, 10:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Erika!

As soon as Sibel's Muhammet gets his visa we'll have to start planning our meet-up smile.gif

Yess! That sounds like a fantastic idea... star_smile.gif
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-27 18:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
This damned cough is never going to get better with all the smoking I am around blink.gif

OMG I so know what you mean! All the indoor smoking is the *one and only* thing I really can't stand about being in Turkey. Does Hamit smoke? How about everyone else's SO? Ozzy smoked like a chimney before (and for awhile after) he got here and saw nothing wrong with doing it indoors, in bed, or in front of me or the kids...and my lease at the time specifically prohibited smoking in the house. The moment he was added to my health insurance, I got him to the Dr. and got him a prescription for Chantix...worked like a charm, but he starts up again every time we go back to Turkey for a visit...grrrr. All that peer pressure I guess... dry.gif

Actually I'm pretty sure he sneaks one or a couple here when I'm not around too....but as long as it's not wafting in my face, I don't complain...much. innocent.gif
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-27 18:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Erika & Hamit...congrats on receiving the visa!! Now you can relax (& enjoy alllll those guests!!) and get ready for the long journey home. Have a safe trip!!

Wendy, congrats as well!! Your plan sounds perfect (practical and kind of romantic actually!) & I'm sure Yilmaz will appreciate the chance to relax in a nice hotel after his long plane ride!

Julia & Onur, congratulations on the arrival of your newest family member...that's so sweet smile.gif

BayunAltun...congratulations on receiving your interview date!! I know it seems like a long time away but it'll come smile.gif

Gosh, so many congratulations today!! star_smile.gif


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-26 13:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh, and Erika, I forgot to say, I hope your cough gets better!!
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-25 10:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Mar 25 2009, 08:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello again everyone!

Still no visa, but ? called Ankara and they printed it on Monday-so maybe tomorrrow. Anyhow, we fly out to Ankara on the 28th staying overnight and flying into Belgium and then Chicago and then finally Tucson on the 29th!
We spent the whole day driving around Batman yesterday so ? could get a break from the billions of guests. We went to Hansankeyf, but ? didn't want to get out of the car because I stick out like a sore thumb here laughing.gif ? cannot get used to the staring.....grrrrrr helpsmilie.gif wow.gif blink.gif unsure.gif no0pb.gif ranting33va.gif
? am taking p?cs for everyone and videos for you all. I have a horrid cough and am tired so it is making my be?ng gracious as of late difficult, but ? am holding up allright.
Tanya they do not have Albuterol here and ? have been so desperate that ? am taking anything and everything from the eczane....including del?cious mucomyst dead.gif ? need to get back to the US so ? can breathe again.....sigh
We are now sitting around waiting for me to have more energy and of course later it will be round 1001 of guests to be cheery for. ? feel like a b*tch, but ? am exhausted. I do love them however-? am just spent.....trying to remember Turkish and getting mixed up with Spanish and...... laughing.gif
OK ? am going to go-just wanted to update you all and keep my m?nd off of coughing.


Oh my...well I hope you get it in time! I'm sure you will and everything will be ok so try not to stress about it!

laughing.gif I do the same thing with getting my Turkish and Spanish words mixed up....especially if I'm trying to say something in Turkish and I don't know the Turkish word but I know the Spanish word, I just want to stick it in there, as if it will somehow make sense tongue.gif

Interestingly, I had a Turkish patient in the hospital the past couple nights. She is from Giresun (there is a somewhat large Turkish population in myarea apparently all from Giresun) and spoke no English, so I had a good time speaking with her (well trying to! smile.gif) and brushing up on some words. Ozzy helped me put together a list of translated questions for the nursing staff (basic stuff like "do you have any pain?" and "do you need to use the bathroom?") so they can communicate with her. I still screw up my verbs one point I wanted to ask her if she needed to use the bathroom, and realized that I had actually asked her if I needed to use the bathrooom headbonk.gif Like she's supposed to know that... blush.gif She was very sweet though & I'm going to miss her....we kinda bonded smile.gif

Anyways, Erika, I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit and have a safe trip home!!!

Edited by tanyakaraman, 25 March 2009 - 08:43 AM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-25 08:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Mar 22 2009, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

D?d Y?lmaz get h?s v?sa yet? we are st?ll wa?t?ng for ours to come. There was a lot of people ?n the embassy because of damned Obama cancell?ng a lot of peoples appo?ntments. I hope ?t comes before we leave on the 28th? There wa sl?ke 30-50 people ?ns?de. I wonder ?f UPS w?ll take 10 b?ll?on years laughing.gif
Anyhow, st?ll enjoy?ng Batman and the culture. So d?fferent from the USA. I want to wr?te more,but you never know when a guest w?ll arrr?ve or the electr?c w?ll go out. laughing.gif

W?ll wr?te more when were at home.

Congrats to everyone and S?bel I am st?ll pray?ng for you! heart.gif

Er?ka and Ham?t

Ozzy's took 3 business days and I think that's the norm (I was seated next to a lady who worked at the embassy on my flight home after his visa interview and she told me this) if your interview was on Wednesday, I'd be looking for it tomorrow or so...unless it takes UPS extra long to make it out to Batman. I'd definitely be expecting it next week tho...

Glad to hear you're enjoying your stay...can't wait to hear more! star_smile.gif


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-22 18:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
OMG Erika (& Hamit)!!! I'm so happy for you two!! I've been checking and checking and hoping to see your good news on here!!!

Tebrikler!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

How are you liking Batman?? Are you getting a chance to know his family and stuff?

I wanna hear all about it as soon as you have time!!! star_smile.gif



QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Mar 20 2009, 07:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone!!

I am here ?n Batman and YES we have our v?sa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wendy, I seen Y?lmaz, but I was busy try?ng to keep Ham?t from be?ng nervous. I w?ll tell you everyth?ng later!!

Love you all!

Er?ka and Ham?t

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-20 07:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Yay Wendy! I'm so happy for you guys!! Let us know when he's coming...I'm sure you will!

There has been so much good news around here lately...I hope it keeps coming!


QUOTE (wendya @ Mar 18 2009, 07:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

I just got off the phone with Yilmaz and he has received his visa to come to the U.S.!!!!

Finally, this leg of the journey is over. I know we have more ahead, but at least he will be here!!

I hope Erika and Hamit have wonderful news to post too!!!

Thanks for all your continued support!!! It really means a lot!! smile.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-18 07:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts about my instructor...its still under investigation but they're preliminarily calling it a murder-suicide by her husband (he was found alive at the scene but was gravely injured and died later at the hospital). She had 3 children too, one of whom was still in high school. Very sad for them especially to lose both parents in such a terrible way.

As for the amnio, noooo I'm not getting one! I think they just scheduled a different patient's procedure under my name, but still scary to think they would have done it to me had I been there on the scheduled day for something else! Yes, its because of my age....I'm I went for genetic counseling & a screening ultrasound with a finger stick, etc. on Friday. I don't have the finger stick results back yet, but everything on the screening ultrasound looked great (they measured the fluid at the back of the baby's neck as well as the nasal bone; apparently abnormal measurements of either would be suspicious for Down's or another trisomy, but both were perfectly normal). I'll also get a level 2 ultrasound in a month or so to look for problems. Like you, Awaterlily, I wouldn't go for any invasive testing unless there were a lot of suspicion that something was drastically wrong.

Well, fingers crossed for Erika & Hamit and Wendy & Yilmaz!! Tomorrow's the big day for the 4 of you!! (Hope Erika's not too exhausted to make it to the embassy after her airport marathon!!)

Wendy -- yes, you'd love Turkey in the summertime! Maybe next summer for you two, after AOS and all that fun stuff ~ Inshallah!!

Filiz, so happy to hear you had a safe (if long!) journey and are enjoying life with your husband!!

Best wishes everyone!
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-17 07:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oooh, 6 whole hours in our favorite airport (Frankfurt)? You lucky girl you!! tongue.gif

Well this past week has been beyond surreal in my world. I had an exam at school last Thursday and showed up to take it, only to learn that one of my nursing instructors had been murdered the night before. Absolutely horrible. Then I went for my 1st trimester screening ultrasound on Friday...everything looked excellent with the bebek and my spirits were lifted from my horror and depression regarding my instructor, but now I am receiving calls from the Dr's office telling me that they need to reschedule my amnio for this Friday. AMNIO?!? I was never scheduled for an amnio, nor do I need or want one....and it kinda scares me to think that had I actually had an appointment there for this Friday, somebody would have walked into my exam room with a huge needle in their hand, intent on puncturing my belly with it! Scary, scary world I tell you....

I will be soo beyond happy when this semester is over and I can put all this craziness behind me and start baby planning and looking forward to soaking my toes in the Marmara for a couple weeks this June!!

I need a break! dead.gif


QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Mar 16 2009, 02:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everybody!

It is 1130 at night here in Arizona. My flight leaves at 5am and I have a layover in Dallas for 6 hours and another layover in Frankfurt for 6 hours! Not the most efficient flight, but my other choice was 1 hour between connections...nice huh? We may see Yilmaz, but my voice is near I am going to be beyond myself with anxiety...pray for us and of course Wendy and Yilmaz too!
If all goes well, I will let you all know within days. I have so much to do tonight. I am near finished packing and I don't think I will be going to sleep as I slept all day. I will be in Ankara at 6:25pm Tuesday!
I'm praying all goes well. Love you guys! Have a wonderful 2 weeks until I return!


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-16 08:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Erika, hope you have a safe trip tomorrow & a happy ending (i.e., Hamit's company on the trip home!!). I'll be thinking of you (and Wendy & Yilmaz) on Wednesday & hoping to read good news from both of you!

Julia, you and Onur look so cute & happy together! Glad to hear he is adjusting well!!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-15 11:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (BayanAltun @ Mar 3 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone! I have a couple questions if you don't mind:

We received our 'packet' of instructions via email from Ankara yesterday.

1. Do all the documents have to be in English? Or are Turkish ones (i.e. police record, birth certificate, marriage document) acceptable? In one section, it says documents not in English or Turkish need to be translated; then in another section, it says all documents to be translated to English.

2. It says to send the original and copies of the marriage certificate. Do we really need to send our marriage book? Or do they accept certified copies and my husband can take the book to the interview?

Any insight is appreciated!


Hi Deanna,

Unless they have changed the rules, all documents not in English (i.e., police report, birth certificate, etc.) need to be translated into English and the English translation sent along with the foreign language document.

Not sure about the marriage this a Turkish document? If they say they want the original, I'm pretty sure they want the original, but maybe someone else who went the K3 route could clarify....

Best of luck,
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-03 13:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Erika, my fingers are crossed for you guys!! Try not to stress, though I know it is hard......when Ozzy and I went for our interview, I had no clue about all the things that could go wrong (I had found this site just about a week before our interview and didn't know about AP and all the other pitfalls you can run into).....I can only imagine what your stress level is going into this with eyes wide open! We are all here to support you though and wish you the best with the interview and your travels. Try to keep a smile on your face and think positive!

heart.gif Tanya
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-02 10:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
So excited for you both Tanya...congratulations again. Oh and by the way you look WONDERFUL for having 3 kids already! yes.gif
I hope you continue to feel better.

Awww...I LoVe you Debra! luv.gif Thank you!

Sibel, don't lose're next I'm sure! You and Wendy and Erika...

Keeping you all in my prayers.


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-03-01 16:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I can't remember if you posted it before or not but when are you due? Congrats, again...and glad to hear you're feeling a little better!

Oh, did you find a good deal on yor tix?

My official due date is Sept. 25th...but I am what my midwife calls a "slow cooker" LOL (based on past experience, 3 of my 3 kids had to be induced for postdates), so I'm thinking it might be early October instead.

And thanks! It's good to feel like a semi-normal human being again.... blush.gif

As for the tix, I think I found a pretty decent deal, considering the time of year...$992 per adult and $826 per child on Swiss Airlines (check their website). That's the cheapest I've seen in a while for summertime. Lufthansa has good deals in May, but we couldn't go in May with the kids still in school and stuff.

I can't wait...this is the longest I've gone in 3 years without getting a little "Turkey fix".... smile.gif


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-28 13:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Wendy, I am feeling ok, thanks for asking! I'm still a little nauseous and tired (just going to work and back every day drains me, and it takes me a day or 2 to recover from the nights I have school), but basically as good as can be expected I guess.

I am excited right now though...I just bought tickets yesterday for Ozzy and I and my son to spend 2 weeks in Turkey this June! We're planning to stay at "our" hotel by the beach in Istanbul and of course travel to see his parents in Izmit and possibly spend a day in Ephesus too! I can't wait...I just hope I'm not overestimating the energy I'll have at that point! Well anyway, I plan to spend most of the time laying on the beach relaxing & I think I'll be able to handle that!

Filiz, it was so nice to read your account of your interview! Gave me chills and reminded me of ours. I can't believe they changed the rules about letting spouses in, but I'm glad they let your husband come inside after all so he didn't freeze outside!! I hope you have a wonderful time in Turkey together and a safe trip home next week!!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-27 13:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
whoohoo! kicking.gif kicking.gif

That's great news Filiz! Congratulations and have a wonderful & safe trip to the US!!! star_smile.gif


QUOTE (sardes @ Feb 26 2009, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I just wanted give you the great news quickly! I'll write my experience very soon.. visa approved today..and i got a message from the UPS a few hours ago that says the visa will be delivered tomorow!!!! we are flying on march 5th...yeahhhhh smile.gif I can't tell you how much happy i am.. Thanks to you all for the support..I'll write again..i should take care of my hubby now smile.gif


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-26 16:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Feb 23 2009, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we got our interview appointment letter! kicking.gif woo-hoo!

Wow, congrats & good luck! You'll have to let us know what it's like. I'm pretty sure Ozzy wants to do the naturalization thing when he is eligible.
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-24 08:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Feb 22 2009, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone! Onur got in Friday night and it is so good to have him here...that's an understatement! I don't think it has sunk in for either of us yet that this isn't just another visit with eachother - we're done with those! He kept asking me, "So...this is my house too?" Hehe. He is also already in love with my cat (I have a cat that behaves much like a dog)...he likes to speak to him in Turkish and call him his little lion son. laughing.gif

Will share more later! We're drinking cay and watching the Oscars smile.gif

Haha That is so cute about your cat! laughing.gif

So happy for you guys!!

QUOTE (sardes @ Feb 23 2009, 06:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Julia I am so happy for both of you!!!

I am also very excited because my husband will be here tomorrow... I asked him last night what he wants me to cook for him..He wanted biber dolma, ayran corbasi ve tulumba tatlisi smile.gif

We are going to Ankara on Wednesday... interview is on Thursday at 9 a.m.. Finally this long wait will be over.. Insallah.. Please include us in your prayers..


Good luck Filiz! We are thinking of you!! star_smile.gif

Your meal sounds delicious by the way. You're making me hungry!!


Edited by tanyakaraman, 23 February 2009 - 08:41 AM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-23 08:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Hoomsfuturewife @ Feb 22 2009, 12:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just want to ask a 'hypothetical' question. What would you do if you were living in Turkey and your husband was being sort of blackmailed by a fellow countryman that was angry that you didn't want to start a business with him as partner. Who would you talk to? Keep in mind that the 'blackmailer' has contacts back in their country that are hassling your husband's family?

If it's not something the police could handle, I wouldn't know what else to suggest....unless my husband had contacts as well who could place some pressure on said blackmailer. Sounds like a potentially sticky situation. Hope you guys are ok....

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-22 19:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hoping Onur has a safe, comfy flight & welcome to the US! Congratulations you two!! star_smile.gif star_smile.gif
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-20 16:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Hoomsfuturewife @ Feb 19 2009, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Note to self...and everyone else: Quit being so curious about strange foods, especially when they come in a toothpaste tube. hehehe

Ayran to me is tolerable but I'd rather just have water or wine with my meals. I just need to quit buying the cheap wine and try one of the more expensive Turkish wines to see if it tastes better.

How expensive are the "expensive" Turkish wines??

My first trip to Turkey, I was shocked at how expensive wine (really any alcohol) is there! I went out with friends in Istanbul, we paid $20 for a really tiny little bottle (like 2 glasses worth). Ozzy, on the other hand, was pleasantly surprised at how cheap it is here....

Back when I was still flying over there to see him (back in the good old days when you could still take liquids in your carry-on luggage), I would bring a couple bottles with me so we wouldn't have to buy it there....

(Gosh, I make sound like alcoholics, don't I? LOL)

Edited by tanyakaraman, 19 February 2009 - 02:00 PM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-19 13:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

PS-What's the most disgusting Turkish food item you ever ate? I bought this fish pate that comes in a tube, sort of like a toothpaste tube. It was made out of pureed sardines and other stuff. It was so disgusting...sort of like vomit in a tube. *blech*

Ewww...that sounds disgusting! Well, the first time I ever drank ayran, I was completely repulsed. It was warm and I thought it tasted like sweat. I love it now though...and pretty much every other Turkish food I've ever tried....I even love hamsi. I don't think I wanna try the pureed sardines tho! blink.gif
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-02-19 08:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Tourist Visa overstayed, is Marriage visa possibe?
Ok here's the situation: A friend of mine's husband originally came to the US from Turkey on a tourist visa, which he overstayed. He stayed here for like 10 years during which time he got married and had a child with his wife (who he married here). In 2008, he was deported back to Turkey. His wife and son are still here in the US and are determined to stay here but it is difficult for them to be without their husband and father. Is there any chance of him being approved for a marriage based visa? His wife and son are US citizens. I know it would be a long drawn out process. Has anyone heard of an approval in this type of situation?
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2012-03-06 10:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Obtaining Turkish police record
Hi there,
My fiance also lives in Istanbul and he received his police report quite quickly and easily by just visiting the local police station and asking for it. I think he received it in one day. Just remember to have it translated into English before submitting it. My fiance informed me that was very expensive! I think he paid $178 to have the police report and nufus kayit ornegi translated into English.

Best of luck with everything!!


Hi all,

I am about to file the K-1 paperwork for my Turkish fiance. I know that before the visa interview (hopefully in October!), we have to obtain clear police reports from everywhere that Sansal has lived since he was 16. He went to grad school in the U.S. and Canada, and I have just written to his university towns to ask about how to get his clear police record.

Sansal is under the impression that it is VERY difficult to obtain the corresponding info from the Turkish police. He normally lives in Istanbul and went to undergrad in Ankara. He is currently finishing up his mandatory service in the Turkish Navy and will be out in September. I hoped he could get his Turkish police records by mail, but he believes that he will need a bunch of weekdays to stand in line, give fingerprints, etc. So he thinks he'll have to wait until he is out of the Navy and has an actual weekday free. I would like to do this ASAP, this summer if possible. I don't want this to delay his visa interview date when fall arrives.

Has anybody been through this procedure and can let us know what is involved? I would love to have addresses that he can write to obtain the Turkish police reports, but a general description of what needs to be done and how long it takes would be great!


Sharon in Missouri
& Sansal in Turkey

Timeline: Waiting for Sansal's passport photos to arrive in the mail... then ready to file this week.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2007-06-29 12:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hey everybody. How's it going? Our baby, Nora, was born on Sept 4 so we've been pretty busy for the past month. My wife and mom are going to take the baby to Turkey some time around April 2011 (tax return time!!!) so that she can spend a while with her other half of the family. I wish I could go too, but Nora had some issues that landed her in the NICU for antibiotics during her first few days, so most of my vacation time is gone already. She weighed 5lbs 13oz when she was born, but already she's past 7lbs as of a week ago.

Come February we'll file for removal of conditions for Handan. I hope everybody has a good week.

OMG Kenny and Handan, your little princess is sooo adorable! Tebrikler!! I'm glad to hear that she is doing well now despite her rough start! :)

Tanya & Ozzy
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-10-09 11:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

I hope everybody is doing well. I haven't stopped by here for a really long time. Everything is going well for us here. Handan is almost 5 months pregnant now and in a couple of weeks we hope to find out if it's a boy or girl. VJ sent me an email about some site improvements so I wanted to come by to check them out. We went to the Turkish embassy in Los Angeles a couple of months ago to register our marriage and that was an interesting experience. It's in a highrise office building and there are no lines or anything. We went in, talked to the guy at the counter, paid our money, and left :)

The Anatolian festival is coming in May if anybody is in the area. We'll probably check that out.

Congratulations Kenny and Handan! Good to hear from you!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-04-09 05:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hmmm. It has been four weeks and I still haven't received my Social Security card. I received my welcome letter but that's it. There isn't a whole lot we can do until I get my SS and Greencard in the mail. I can't even get my driver's license yet until our marriage license and birth cert. are translated by a state run school. I thought having to get an International marriage license translated, when the English translations are already in the back, was kind of a silly requirement. So once we get the translations back I can at least get my license.
My wife's bank won't even add me to her account until we get those documents back. So of course we can't even begin looking for work either. <_<

You should check with the social security office to see if there is a problem. My husband had a similar thing happen to him and it turns out the SS card was lost in the mail...they had to send out another one. It shouldn't take 4 weeks....

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-03-12 17:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yay, congratulations!! So happy for you! :)


Er?ka thank you SO MUCH for lett?ng me know you had ema?led the consulate about attend?ng the ?nterv?ew and hav?ng the ema?l w?th you. I dont know ?f I would have thought to do that ?f you hadnt sa?d you d?d ?t.. they were NOT go?ng to let me ?n. Fuat kept say?ng that I should just do what they say and wa?t outs?de.. but I refused and by the th?rd person I talked to they f?nally agreed to look at the ema?l and let me ?n.

They asked h?m two quest?ons.. asked me two quest?ons and then they sa?d yes.

On our way to the bus to Istanbul now. W?ll wr?te more when I have t?me and when I am not on a Turk?sh keyboard


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-23 07:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Good luck Jenn...we're all rooting for ya!
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-22 20:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Thanks for your info! We got married in Turkey. Do we still need to register with the embassy?? If so, how? The old man (Consulate General in Chicago) told Ramazan that it didn't matter about his marriage and his visa...that he must work for them to defer his military. I say that is BS, but he is the only person they put us through to. And, the guy refuses to talk to me.

This is what infuriates me: In October, we paid $145 online to renew the passport for 4-5 years. After that, we learned that we needed to submit proof that he filed for AOS. So, once we received the USCIS receipt, we sent his passport again, but since they raised their fee to $165, we sent an additional $20. Then, we got into this issue of the Consulate General telling him he must work....blah blah. So, he said he will extend it for 6 months, but we need to send in $34. Why the h*** can't they just take the $34 from the flipping $165 they already have?!?!?!! We must send a petition for them to refund that money. You are kidding me. So, my husband won't argue with the old man, and the old man WILL NOT talk to me.

We live in Indiana, so I figured the Chicago Consulate was the logical choice, but would we be better off getting his passport back and trying a different consulate?? This is ridiculous! I am so frustrated.

If you got married in Turkey, you shouldn't have to register your marriage as they should already have it registered. Sorry, I didn't realize that.

Ugh, it sounds like they're really giving you the run around. I've never been successful at talking to anyone at the Turkish embassy either...they only talk to my husband...& he just flips out on everyone he talks to until they give him what he wants LOL. Last time he had to defer his military/extend his passport, he was in the Turkish embassy in NYC shouting at the top of his lungs "I'll change my citizenship!! All because of this bull (you know what)!!

I'm thinking maybe you could try calling a different embassy...maybe New York or Washington DC...get a different answer out of them, then call back the consulate in Chicago and tell him "well the consulate general in NY said this...." Sounds like the guy in Chicago has his mind made up that your husband can only defer his military by working and he's not willing to consider that he might be wrong. I guess you could also just give him what he wants...wait for the employment auth card to come and get your husband the first measly job he can get just to defer the military....

The first time we had to do this, we had to send a bunch of money/photos and my husband's Turkish ID to the embassy in California (we got married in Nevada, so had to register our marriage with the consulate that had jurisdiction, which was Cali) to register our marriage...they were supposed to send me a Turkish ID card...but we never got anything. They never even sent my husband's Turkish ID back. He had to pay to get another one in NY the last time he deferred his military.

This stuff is such a pain...and so expensive! I can't wait until my husband naturalizes so we can stop having to deal with it all! :wacko:

Good Luck...


Edited by tanyakaraman, 18 February 2010 - 08:58 AM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-18 08:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Congrats!! I am so happy for you! Have you had any luck finding a position? It went very smooth Monday:) He didn't show up. I have to go to the court house to get a certified copy. I was happy to hear it will cost only $140:) $10 each page!!
I am so happy for you! I know the relief when you see that you have passed:)

$10 a page?!? Wow, there must be gold leaf on that paper :) Thanks for the congrats & glad to hear all went well for you too. Gotta love it when they don't show up...makes everything that much easier. I found a temp position that'll last me from March until mid-May. Have you ever heard of the HEDIS project? Basically just doing chart patient care or anything, but pays like a nurse's salary, so I'll take it! I'm applying like crazy for patient care jobs too, so hopefully something will materialize between now and June!


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-14 20:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Good luck tomorrow Tayna!! I know you will do well!!

Thanks Melinda...I took the NCLEX on Tuesday, Feb 9th (the testing center shut down on Monday the 8th due to the snow in our area) and I learned on Thursday that I passed! So I'm an RN now, yay!! :) Hopefully all went well for you on Monday also!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-13 13:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Please welcome the newest addition to our family - a furry little four-legged blue eyed pure breed Turk... :star:
Posted Image

Posted Image

What an absolutely beautiful kitty! :star:
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-13 11:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted. Ramazan came here in June and things have been going well, with the expected bumps along the way. We've applied for AOS and are still waiting. Anyway, here is our latest issue:

His passport expires in March. We sent it to the Turkish consulate in Chicago for renewal. The problem is his military deferrment expired in October. The consulate general told my husband that he must provide the Employment Authorization (of which we are still waiting to receive) and that he must start working, but they'll give my husband 6 more months to get a job. If he is here in the U.S legally, why does it matter that he has a job in order to renew his passport??? He came on a spouse visa, not a work visa. He is legally living here and is adjusting status (we provided the USCIS AOS and EAD recipts), so why must he show that he is working in order to defer military again?! So, if he gets is EAD, but can't find employment until after 7 months (you never know with the job situations here right now), they'll flat out refuse to renew his passport?!

Yes, we are kicking ourselves for not renewing BEFORE he came.....:)

Anyone ever have to deal with one of the Turkish consulates here in the States?


He can defer his military based on your marriage (the conditions of his visa) and not employment. You need to first register your marriage with the Turkish embassy that has jurisdiction over the state where you got married, then his military can be deferred. This is what we did. I think people at the embassy are unfamiliar with the K1/K3 visas and you may need to talk to different people at the embassy before you find someone who truly understands your situation. I know this can be frustrating but keep calling them until you find someone who knows what they're talking about...
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-13 11:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish

Our interview is in 18 days and I'm leaving in 14.. reading a lot of the consulate reviews again and, for some reason, they are giving me small panic attacks tonight. I know there is no reason to panic, but I am sure I am not the only one who has gone through this.

I know they will allow me into the embassy with him, and I have read that some of you were actually asked questions as well, but I guess I am wondering if I will be allowed to stand with him during his interview. When he is called to the window, can I go up with him? Will I be given instructions, beforehand, that I need to sit and wait? Will I walk up to the window with him and they will tell me to go sit down? We are both hoping and praying that I will be allowed to stand there with him for the whole thing.. but there more I am reading in the reviews, the more I think this won't happen.

What should I expect?

I was allowed to go up with Ozzy and stand there the whole time. The CO alternately asked questions of me and him. However, others have had different experiences and even others who were there the same day and interveiwed by the same CO as us were asked to sit down while the fiance was being interviewed. I think it depends on the CO and what mood he or she is in at that particular moment. As Erika said, you can hear everything though (and everyone else in the room can hear everything too!) and you will likely have a chance to speak or clarify anything that needs clarifying....
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2010-02-05 16:56:00