Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hmm...guess it would have to be a bit more complicated than just showing up at the embassy, approval letter in hand, and demanding his visa, as I guess I was thinking...silly me! blush.gif

Well, here's hoping it's not too much more complicated or time consuming than that anyways! You two have waited long enough!

Thanks for the good luck wishes...I'm kinda looking forward to getting back to school actually. I'm so used to having my nose in a book all the time (and absolutely NO social life to speak of) that I kinda don't know what to do with myself when I don't have anything to study for!


QUOTE (wendya @ Dec 30 2008, 07:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Tanya,

I am not sure of the date of Yilmaz's arrival to the U.S. I have just e-mailed Ankara for our next step. I don't know if we just pick up from where we left off or what. I am a little confused as to what we do next. I hope Ankara can be helpful!!

Good luck on your next step in nursing!! I think it will be very interesting. smile.gif

QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Dec 30 2008, 09:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh great...I'm feeling an odd mixture of relief and nausea.... unsure.gif blink.gif

Happy New Year to you too & everyone! Yeni y?l?n kutlu olsun!!

So Wendy, does Yilmaz know when he can come yet? I'm so excited for you to be together finally! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 30 2008, 05:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tanya...yes psych is pretty much poo-free unless ya come across the ones who like to paint alone in their rooms...... ya always hear about one of those rofl.gif Psych is very interesting and I wish I had my pics from my rotation ....they are funny as hell...when I fix the virus on my other computer I will show I fit right in....anyhow, I know you will enjoy this semester....interesting if nothing else laughing.gif

Mina where art thou?


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-01-02 21:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh great...I'm feeling an odd mixture of relief and nausea.... unsure.gif blink.gif

Happy New Year to you too & everyone! Yeni y?l?n kutlu olsun!!

So Wendy, does Yilmaz know when he can come yet? I'm so excited for you to be together finally! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 30 2008, 05:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tanya...yes psych is pretty much poo-free unless ya come across the ones who like to paint alone in their rooms...... ya always hear about one of those rofl.gif Psych is very interesting and I wish I had my pics from my rotation ....they are funny as hell...when I fix the virus on my other computer I will show I fit right in....anyhow, I know you will enjoy this semester....interesting if nothing else laughing.gif

Mina where art thou?


Edited by tanyakaraman, 30 December 2008 - 09:24 AM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2008-12-30 09:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hahaha you're too funny Erika rofl.gif

My vacation from poo has been wonderful, but short-lived...the new semester starts up in ~2 weeks crying.gif I'll be doing my psych rotation this semester, so should be interesting! Hopefully the level of poo will be less in the psych ward, but then again, who knows... wacko.gif

GL with your forms prep!

Congratulations to Deb & Res on your new son! Wow, what a surprise in the delivery room! So happy to hear he's healthy and perfect and wow, such a beautiful Turkish name! star_smile.gif Can't wait to see pics!

Best wishes to all!


QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 29 2008, 02:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
awatwerlily your "baby" is almost not a baby anymore and still oh so cute-you going to have more? biggrin.gif

I just cannot get over Wendy and her good fortune...I am so happy for you two! I am thinking of Julia and Onur too and waiting to hear the good news someday soon! Meanwhile, I know you two are spending much needed time together after this AP slap in the face!

I am still working on the document package that we need to return to Ankara so we can get an interview and am starting to save for Ankara. I hope to go in 6-8 weeks and we are hoping to get that interview lined up for the same time...insallah!

Deb and Resul-wheres your sweet baby pics? I am so happy for you. What a most sweet 2008 surprise. are you enjoying your time off from poo?? offtopic45vn.gif I'm still swimming in it until I can escape to Ankara! rofl.gif

Everyone have a happy new year!!! My thoughts are with you all!!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2008-12-29 09:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hey Erika!

Thanks smile.gif As Ozzy says, "Of course she looks like me....not like the milk man" LOL

As for the job issue...maybe check out this association...might be a good place for him to make some contacts?

As for the infertility issue...Turkey's proximity to Chernobyl comes to mind, but I'm not sure if that would have any impact at all. I'm sure it would be a very widespread problem if it did. Mumps is probably a far more likely culprit. Anyways, I hope you two can find a solution...



QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 24 2009, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Go the nearest "Application support center" (although help me with this guys, can a K1 go in or you have to be in AOS?) and walk in and change your address. I also called 18003755283 and let them know as well. We had changed apartments, but had the same address and our NOA for AOS got sent back, but we got the appointment notice for AOS. This put things at a standstill for a few weeks only and had no problems since! As long as you tell them your address change you will be fine!

Tanya! So nice to see baby Defne! What a wonderful picture! They look like age seperated fraternal twins!!! Figure that one out ha ha

Hamit still is jobless BTW...any ideas anyone? It has been 9 months.

BTW anyone know of any genetic disorders etc in Turkey that would cause infertility? We found out we need IVF! This sucks. sad.gif( I just cannot for the life of me find anything besides mumps in childhood that would predispose a Turkish man to be virtually infertile? My hubby would kill me if he knew I posted this, but I would like to know if it is something we can fix. He will have genetic testing, but this may take a month or so.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-29 13:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Merry Christmas Everyone! Just thought I'd share a pic of Ozzy and baby Defne smile.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-23 10:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Wow Jenn, your butterfly story gave me goosebumps too! Such a beautiful thing to come out of a tragedy. That is a story to tell your kids & grandkids for sure!! star_smile.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-20 11:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hmmm... well that's stinky. Did those other ppl in his class speak Spanish? From what I hear (not sure if it is the same in AZ as in DE) but while the English version of the driver's test has a huge question bank (so if you take the test more than once, chances are you won't get the same questions the next time), the Spanish version has set questions; i.e., you get the same questions each time. So if you take the Spanish version and you fail the exam the first time, you can just pay attention when it tells you the correct answer (or write them on your hand!) and pass the next time. Not fair really....and even less fair that they cater to Spanish speaking ppl and not ALL of those who are learning English as a second language...but what can ya do? Tell him not to give up...he'll get it eventually. It is sooo frustrating tho, I know. crying.gif

As for the NICU, it's looking unlikely to happen for me as well. I applied for a NICU internship at the local large medical center (which is pretty much the only way you can get in to the NICU without prior experience...and how do you GET experience if everyone wants to hire only experienced nurses??) and didn't even get an interview. Oh well....I'll be applying at nursing homes and psych wards eventually, even tho they are my absolute last picks. I'll definitely take whatever I can get!

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 12 2009, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Tanya! OMG! Sounds like you can't stay outta the hospital...geesh..that is alot to deal with, but good that everyone now is goodness lol

I would LOVE to work in the NICU...but so far no luck since graduating! The economy sucks right now so ANY position is tough to get even for us nurses! I am so freaking bummed that I cannot get overtime as we desperately need it right now. I hope you can find something you like Tanya...hope you get lucky in that you get a NICU position!

I signed Hamit up for ESL classes and he just finished the basic course, but it also does not help that all the people in his class have Arizona drivers licenses (so they say) and their English also happens to suck and told Hamit that the test was easy!!!! I think they are lying. It didn't help matters as far as his morale went.

Anywho, hope all is well in everyone else's neck of the woods!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-13 14:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Maybe sign him up for an English as a second language course at your local community college...that's what I did for Ozzy and it helped him enormously I think...not only with his English, but getting him out there and meeting people and feeling productive while he's waiting for a job offer. Yeah, the drivers test is rediculously freakin hard (like you said, even if you speak English fluently its hard)...Ozzy failed it a few times too before he got it right. Do they have good public transportation where you are? Here in Delaware it pretty much sucks unless you live in the city, which we don't. Ozzy was riding a bicycle for quite some time when he first came just so he could get around somewhat independently. smile.gif

As for jobs, my first choice is peds or NICU, but I'll take whatever I can get and I've already applied for lots of jobs. The recruiter at the hospital I got laid off from is keeping in touch with me but so far they don't have openings for a new grad. I have sort of an offer from the medical aid unit I just did a rotation at but they only need someone like one Sunday a month. Still, that'll keep things fresh in my mind I guess. I'm hoping not to have to commute too far, but there are a couple big hospitals in the neighboring states (Philly, Baltimore and DC) and I'll consider them if I absolutely can't find something closer to home....

On that note, I've spent 2 of the past 5 nights in the ER of our local pediatric hospital...Monday night, my son konked the baby in the head with a toy (accidentally). It was a superficial boo boo fortunately, but we took her in anyway to get checked out, being a head injury and since I didn't see it happen to know how hard she got hit. Then Wednesday evening, the same kid fell of his scooter and broke his arm! Sheesh! Maybe its a sign....that I'm meant to be an ER nurse or something.... wacko.gif who knows??

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 11 2009, 09:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nope no Turkish people yet, although I know there are quite a few students and others...we hear about them, but have never seen them!

Jobwise, we have sent out numerous resumes and not one person has called back yet for Hamit...he's getting a bit down at times. He cannot get a drivers license because it is hard enough when you know english to take the test and that is the only option. His english is improving quickly, but not quick enough to do anything in htis economy yet obviously. I feel so bad for him as he is kinda stuck for now.

I also got the stinking cheapy ribbon/pin deal and went. So where are you going to look for job first? (area)

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-12 12:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks Erika...I decided to go to the pinning ceremony after all... found out its not that formal, they just want us to wear black & white, and I bought a pin on eBay for $5.99....LOL I'm such a cheapskate, huh? As far as the restaurant, it's just a little mom & pop place and they got it pretty cheap, maybe a $13K initial investment split between the 2 of them, so not bad. Fortunately, his business partner has lots of experience, having lived in the US for 20 years or so and has had other restaurants, and knew what to do. He's trying to buy equipment to make it a pizza delivery place, but is finding it hard to get a loan with his limited credit history (and me not having a job, I can't help at all...).

Has Hamit located any Turkish ppl in your area yet? Ozzy can spot a Turk a mile away and he'll just go up and talk to them. He's made a lot of contacts that way. On the other hand, he gets mistaken for Hispanic, Italian, or Russian (I don't get that one).... blink.gif

I'll try to post a new pic crying now...guess I better go! helpsmilie.gif

Hope to hear news of a new addition for you guys soon!!


Wow, what luck to have a restaurant in this economy and actually do well AND be in partnership with a Turkish cool! Did he need a loan and how did he go about it being new here? I know Hamit would love to start a resaurant!

As for the pinning ceremony, it is an old, long tradition that goes back to I think Florence Nightingale-a kinda right of passage. Not important really...kinda like going to your know you have the diploma, but just for tradition sake do people go. I did go, but did not waste money on a pin. We had an option of a ribbon to be pinned if we didn't want to buy a pin...and hell no, I didn't want to waste anymore money. Really, I was so burnt out, I only went for my kids! Nobody came to mine

I hope we can add to our family too and I hope ours will be as cute as your princess Tanya!

Congratulations on finishing nursing school!!!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-11 19:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hey Erika!

Glad to hear all's well...well mostly...when the marriage is good it just makes the other stuff that much more bearable!

Yes, my last clinicals are monday & tuesday and then final exams are thursday and the following monday....then it's time to burn my student nurse uniform and get ready for NCLEX!! biggrin.gif Amazingly, I haven't seen much poo this semester, but I'll still be very glad to put my student days behind me and start getting PAID for all this stuff I've learned! Now if I can just find a job.....

I have a question for you though...what exactly is the significance of the "pinning ceremony"? Mine is coming up and now I'm learning I need to buy a $45 pin (ya think they could just GIVE us the stinkin pin after all the ####### we've gone through to graduate - but no) and wear a "formal black & white" outfit...and I'm thinking that's going to be a lot of $$$$$'s for what I'm not Ozzy is out of town that day and can't even go to it. Do you think it's worth all that and do ya think I'd regret it later if I just skipped it?

As for the restaurant, they have slow days and better days, and Ozzy is there 16 hours a day 6 days a week (I'm amazed that he hasn't burned out yet!) but it's paying for itself and our bills too, thank god. I think it gives him a great sense of pride and accomplishment as well and his business partner is a Turkish guy too, so it gives him a chance to speak Turkish and have the cultural stuff in common with someone. It's all good smile.gif

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 4 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Tanya! Married life is very good..other things not so good, but as far as marriage: all hunky dory! So you are almost finished with nursing school? How is the restaurant?

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-06 10:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thank you smile.gif How is everything going with you 2? Enjoying married life?

QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Dec 2 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hey Tanya, good luck with your removal of conditions and your baby once again she is a doll!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-03 19:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks Awaterlily....great info to know! Yes, I figured Defne's birth certificate would be our best proof of validity LOL! And its a good thing we have her, because other than our lease and a couple minor utility bills...oh and Ozzy's car title...we don't have much else in both our names. I don't like mixing bank accounts and most of our bills only allow one person's name on them. Well if there were ever any question, I suppose my older kids would be all to happy to testify all about how Ozzy bosses them around at home! tongue.gif He runs a tight ship & is much more strict with them than I am (not entirely a bad thing either, IMO).

Did you have to go for an interview? I'm hoping we won't have to...not that it would be a problem but just kind of a PITA schedule-wise. We didnt have one for the 2 year GC. Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see if we luck out twice!

Take care!


PS: OMG this website is slow today...or maybe its my connection, I dunno....but sheesh!! This is like my 4th time trying to reply! wacko.gif

QUOTE (awaterlily @ Nov 30 2009, 07:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Tanya - for the purpose of removal of conditions, you must have your application sent in the 90-day window before your three year anniversary of entry to the US as identified on his GC. Do not wait until the last minute. Supporting docs can be sent in with or later but before the interview date. (See the application instructions FMI) Be sure to include your A number and other pertinent info if you do send supporting docs at a later time. GL!!

As far as the letters go (are these even mandatory? I can't remember) - anyone that witnesses the two of you in the capacity of marriage such as friends, coworkers, neighbors or relatives, you do not need them notarized. A simple letter, typed or hand written, but signed, is perfectly fine. BTW, Your best asset in terms of proving 'validity' of marriage is your new LO, Defne star_smile.gif Be sure to include a copy of her birth certificate.

QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Nov 29 2009, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi All,

How is everyone? I guess I haven't been online much lately owing to my hectic life! Just 2 more weeks and I'll be done with nursing school & Defne is almost 2 months old already and getting sooo big (way over 10 lbs I'm sure!) & starting to smile and coo. We're also getting ready to start the paperwork for Ozzy's 10-year GC next month. The instructions say to file "during the 3 months prior to the expiration" of the 2-year card. Anyone know if that means anytime during the 3 months prior or if I need to file the papers before the 3-month mark? I'm hoping to file before or right at 3 months prior, which will be Dec. 20th, but with Christmas and me still not working, I'm thinking money might be an issue....

Also, for those who know, is there a particular form for the affidavits that need to be filed by 2 friends or relatives who know us, or do they need to just write a letter? I know, I'm lazy and could prolly just look it up, but I figured since I'm here, might as well ask smile.gif

Well, somebody (a particular spoiled little princess) is crying to be picked up, so I better go for now! blush.gif



tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-12-01 09:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi All,

How is everyone? I guess I haven't been online much lately owing to my hectic life! Just 2 more weeks and I'll be done with nursing school & Defne is almost 2 months old already and getting sooo big (way over 10 lbs I'm sure!) & starting to smile and coo. We're also getting ready to start the paperwork for Ozzy's 10-year GC next month. The instructions say to file "during the 3 months prior to the expiration" of the 2-year card. Anyone know if that means anytime during the 3 months prior or if I need to file the papers before the 3-month mark? I'm hoping to file before or right at 3 months prior, which will be Dec. 20th, but with Christmas and me still not working, I'm thinking money might be an issue....

Also, for those who know, is there a particular form for the affidavits that need to be filed by 2 friends or relatives who know us, or do they need to just write a letter? I know, I'm lazy and could prolly just look it up, but I figured since I'm here, might as well ask smile.gif

Well, somebody (a particular spoiled little princess) is crying to be picked up, so I better go for now! blush.gif


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-11-29 14:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh.. just thought of another question. I am filling out all the forms for him, as I know many other people have done, but someone told me that I should NOT list myself on the DS forms as having assisted in completing them.. and just have him sign them. Well, I could understand this if we were filing for a visitor visa.. but why not this time? He is obviously intending to come here to stay with me, so why wouldn't I want to list myself on the forms as having assisted in preparing them? Yes, it was a red flag on our first visitor visa application, but I don't see the problem with it now.

It would be obvious he didn't do it anyway, as I don't have Turkish characters on my keyboard and the "i" in his family name would be wrong.. as well as a few letters in the addresses.

If that is going to cause an issue I will download a Turkish Key board and use the Turkish Charachters instead of the English ones.

I downloaded and filled my (now) husband's packet 3 forms for him and listed myself as the person who did it (he was my fiance at the time, he was living in Istanbul and I was living here in the US). There was no problem whatsoever.

I would also love to know some of the questions people were asked for the K1 visa. Fuat is so nervous about remembering dates and such things. I'm nervous about him remembering them too, since I usually need to remind him of family members birthdays. etc.

Click on my timeline and scroll down a bit....there's a pretty detailed account of our interview on there. Definitely practice beforehand. The questions might be different, but he'll get a good idea of what to expect. Try to put yourself in the interviewer's shoes and look at your relationship from that perspective...its a good way to anticipate what things they might ask about. good.gif

Best of luck!
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-10-30 09:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Julia, the pics of your wedding are absolutely gorgeous!! Tebrikler!

And babies Iyanna and Mehmet are just so beautiful! I can't believe how big Mehmet is getting! I guess I will be saying the same about Defne before we know it!

Thanks for the congrats & well wishes!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-10-17 10:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I know what you just makes me sad to see little kids living like that. I've heard that in Istanbul, parents send them out on the street 'cause they know the tourists will feel sorry for them. I've been told its better not to buy things from them or give them money because that encourages the practice, but its hard to resist. I just want to take them home and give them a big meal and a warm bath...

Come to think of it, I've only ever seen one transvestite that I was aware of in was about 3 am (we were driving to the airport to catch an early flight home) and we saw a shadow running into a house. Ozzy said it was a transvestite running indoors so as not to be seen by the police. Funny that it's so "underground" yet several popular singers in Turkey are openly gay/transvestite...

name='awaterlily' date='Oct 16 2009, 05:32 PM' post='3410486']
I know, they really pull on your heart. You want to help & 'save' them all - but how?

I've hear in Italy the kids actually will try to take money right out of your pockets. Friends that have travelled there said they had to slap their hands away otherwise they'll keep reaching in. Very brave little ones.

They're like little gangs....and, unfortunately, shady adults 'take them in' and abuse & exploit them....kind of like slaves.

What I found interesting was the pics of the transvestites. I mean, I heard there was a big community of them, mostly in Izmir (correct me if I'm wrong in this one). I don't recall seeing any of these people (unless I was mistaken b/c they looked so much like the real deal LOL).

Anyway, like Turkey, I suppose there are many countries where homosexuality is still illegal or mostly underground.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-10-17 07:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
I finally located the cable for my camera so here's a pic of our little peanut... smile.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-10-17 07:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Oct 5 2009, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was just looking at this story on CNN and found it very interesting. I praise this guy for bringing attention to the underside of 'cosmopolitan' Istanbul - these issues effect so many places, globally.

Cabbie photographs the underbelly of Istanbul

here's his personal photo gallery website


Thanks for posting Awaterlily. He's quite a photographer and his photos bring attention to an issue that really needs it. I've noticed a lot of ppl begging in the streets, not just in Istanbul but elsewhere in Turkey also. The children are the ones that really get to me...the ones selling tissues, etc., in the streets with the big sad eyes... Of course it is a global problem as well, especially in big cities like Istanbul, but you don't see the little children so much here in the US. Their situation really touched me...
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-10-16 10:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi everyone! I know it has been awhile since I have posted....between internet/computer troubles & my hectic school schedule right now...but anyway, I just wanted to tell you all that our daughter, Defne Azra Karaman, was born on Oct 1st weighing 8 lb 2 oz! All's well and she's as healthy as can be smile.gif I'll try to post a picture soon but I have had more troubles in that department as my digital camera so conveniently broke 2 days before her birth ( ranting33va.gif) so the only pics we have are on our phones and an old digital camera that I have lost the cable for! sad.gif

Hope everyone is well!


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-10-14 09:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Aug 26 2009, 05:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh yea, Hamit's green card was approved...should be getting it in a week or so, but there isn't much work here or anywhere I think for that matter. Julia, and wendy: Onur and Yilmaz having an easy time looking for work or is it just as difficult? Yea, tanya soun ds like your house will be getting pretty interesting! Good luck with everything! ( I don't mean that sarcastically) lol

Congrats on the GC approval! Yeah, work is scarce, as I am finding out. Hopefully this economy will start to pick up soon!

Wendy, that's too funny about Yilmaz's sister! I assume everything went fine though? Docs here I think are overanxious to perform c-sections but I never heard of anyone getting one just because they asked for it! I'm due Sept 25th, but hoping to go early (which would be *very* unusual for me). I am so uncomfortable (read: HUGE) and I don't know how I will survive in clinicals in my current condition. On the other hand, once the baby is here, I will have the issue of a needing a sitter everytime I have to be in school. My kids are old enough to stay by themselves if need be (my oldest is 14) so I've kinda become accustomed to being able to just up and go when I need to. That's all about to change! Ozzy has committed to watching the baby when I need to be in school, but he and his partner have just opened a restaurant together and he has a huge time committment there...the subject has already come up about finding an alternate sitter.... helpsmilie.gif I'm not so sure how comfortable I am with that.....
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-08-26 23:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi everyone...I'm still hanging in here. There's some kind of problem with my laptop( overly sensitive mouse pad I think) and I have tried numerous times to post and have been unable to...I'll write a big paragraph and just as I'm about to post, the whole thing disappears...VERY frustrating!! Giving it one more try...

Julia, do you mean Onur needs a new Turkish passport? Ozzy needs one too. His expires in December. I would imagine it could be gotten at the Turkish embassy, but I'm not sure. Its something we need to check into as well.

Wendy, congrats to Yilmaz's sister! I wish I were giving birth this week! I'm so tired of being pregnant!!!

Erika...try not to be so depressed. I think the sooner you stop stressing about it, the sooner it will happen for you. Sometimes it just takes time. My advice is just relax and enjoy your some memories, just the 2 of you... and sooner or later, you'll be pleasantly surprised smile.gif You know what they say about a watched pot...tongue.gif

Well, nursing school is starting back up this week (my last semester!) and with the baby due soon, things are getting ready to get really "interesting" around my house!!

Take care everyone!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-08-22 13:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Jul 29 2009, 11:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Tanya - how long has Ozzy been able to postpone for? I take it this hasn't caused a problem for him when he has returned to Turkey to visit? What are your long term plans - will he have to do his military service or pay that hefty fee at some point?

Hi Julia,

Ozzy was able to postpone his military for 2 years at a time. We are getting ready to have to do it again this coming fall/winter for 2 more years. He has had absolutely no problem visiting Turkey in the meantime, although we had a tense moment during this last trip when soldiers stopped our bus and asked to see everyone's ID! I remembered at that moment that I had forgotten to bring his postponement papers and had visions of them hauling him off the bus and away from me for god knows how long! Fortunately all was well tho... whistling.gif

I think his longterm plans are to naturalize and that will relieve him of his obligation completely (if I understand it correctly)...although he also talks about the day when we move back to Turkey together I'm not sure how it's all going to end up. As far as I know though, the only way to get out of both doing the service and paying the fee is to change his citizenship.

Oh, and congratulations on your new job BTW!! smile.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-30 12:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Necmi&Annette @ Jul 20 2009, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all,i have question about Turkish military,i came to Us 3 monhts ago with K-1 ,then got marryed and Sent my AOS,So what should i do for extension my military?What about translation our document to Turkish can i do it by myself?Thank you!!!!

You can postpone your military duty at the Turkish embassy in your area once you receive youir employment authorization card (there are also other ways but employment in the US is one of them). Since your visa was a k1, you'll also need to register your marriage at the Turkish embassy that has jurisdiction over the area where you got married (this can be different than the embassy you actually visit to get the military postponement papers...for example, we live in Delaware so we had to visit the Turkish embassy in New York to postpone my husband's military duty; however, because we got married in Las Vegas, we had to register our marriage with the Turkish embassy in California). It's a good idea to give the embassy a call prior to going there to make sure you have it all straight...we made several trips to New York before we got it straightened out.

I'm not sure what document you need to translate into Turkish....
Good Luck!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-28 16:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Congrats Erika!! That's so exciting! star_smile.gif star_smile.gif

...and OMG Awaterlily, your little girl is BEAUTIFUL!!! Those pics are absolutely precious yes.gif
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-17 17:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (wendya @ Jul 14 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Jul 13 2009, 05:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wendya @ Jul 13 2009, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, Yilmaz and I sent our AOS papers via FedEx yesterday. They should receive tomorrow morning smile.gif

Almost made the biggest error, I was sitting at my desk at work and thinking about the money I needed to deposit to cover the cost of AOS and realized the check was still in my purse!!!!! I frantically called FedEx and luckily the package had not been picked up! I rushed down and was able to put the check in before it was picked up today! Thank the Lord!!!!!! I prayed all the way back to the office thanking God I was able to advert this catastrophe!! Lately I don't know where my head has been!

Hope everyone is doing well smile.gif

Haha well glad you realized it and all is well smile.gif The AOS process is stressful & expensive enough! Should go MUCH faster and easier than the visa tho ?n?allah (and at least you are together while you're waiting)!

Best Wishes

You are right, at least we are together smile.gif How long did it take for your AOS? Did you and Ozzy have to go to an interview?

Hi Wendy,

We filed for AOS in Nov of 2007 and he received the GC at the end of March 2008...but things were backed up at that time because it was around the time when they raised the rates and lots of ppl filed at the last minute to avoid the big rate hike. I'm not sure how long it is currently taking...hopefully not as long as ours did. Our Advance Parole and Employment Auth came really fast though...within about 2 months. Ozzy did not have to go for an interview for AOS...just biometrics.

Good Luck!!


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-17 17:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (wendya @ Jul 13 2009, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, Yilmaz and I sent our AOS papers via FedEx yesterday. They should receive tomorrow morning smile.gif

Almost made the biggest error, I was sitting at my desk at work and thinking about the money I needed to deposit to cover the cost of AOS and realized the check was still in my purse!!!!! I frantically called FedEx and luckily the package had not been picked up! I rushed down and was able to put the check in before it was picked up today! Thank the Lord!!!!!! I prayed all the way back to the office thanking God I was able to advert this catastrophe!! Lately I don't know where my head has been!

Hope everyone is doing well smile.gif

Haha well glad you realized it and all is well smile.gif The AOS process is stressful & expensive enough! Should go MUCH faster and easier than the visa tho ?n?allah (and at least you are together while you're waiting)!

Best Wishes

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-13 16:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (internetkafe @ Jul 6 2009, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Jul 6 2009, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (internetkafe @ Jul 6 2009, 02:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Tanyakaraman,

So your husband is from Izmit? I had been living in Izmit before coming to the US.

Hi, yes, his parents live in ?zmit in De?irmendere (spelling?)...they are originally from Malatya but moved to ?zmit when he was little. What part of ?zmit are you from? Its a really nice place smile.gif

Central Izmit. smile.gif Thanks, yes, it is a nice place smile.gif My father used to work at a place very close to Degirmendere (Bahcecik).

These areas were all affected by the earthquake in 1999. I miss Izmit's unique SiMiT biggrin.gif

Please say hi to your husband.

Thanks, I will tell him hello from you. He talks a lot about the earthquake...he was about 20 years old at that time and he was attending university in ?stanbul when it happened but his family was in ?zmit and several of his cousins died in the earthquake when their house fell on them....among the thousands of others who found the same fate. So very tragic!
tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-07 11:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (wendya @ Jul 6 2009, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Jul 4 2009, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Wendy! Great to hear from you...I hope your heel is better soon! Yes, I definitely want to do dinner soon. I am not due until September so we have time but my belly is getting so big its starting to restrict my ability to eat very much at the same time, which was a bit frustrating in Turkey when I wanted to put away as much delicious food as I could! I found myself completely stuffed way before I was done tasting things... blush.gif Do you have any pics from your wedding to share? I bet it was gorgeous!! So it sounds like Yilmaz is working already? Thats awesome!! By the way, I loved your solution to the BO discussion! Who could resist a hot bath ready and waiting? And no need to risk hurt feelings, perfect!

Well I got around to posting some of the pics from my trip. Here are some from my digital camera. We brought a couple disposable waterproof cameras too that I still need to get developed and ended up taking pics with our phones one day when my camera battery suddenly went dead, but these are most of them smile.gif


Also, there was a photographer at our hotel and he took us to a nearby park one evening and did a little photo shoot with us in the park and on the beach. The pics were cheap...only 5 lira each (no sitting fee)...but Ozzy struck a deal with him and we got all 150 or so pics on disc for only 125 lira! Here are some of the better ones....




Your pictures are cok, cok, guzel!!! What a lovely couple you make and Tanya, you look FANTASTIC!!!

Thank you for posting smile.gif

blush.gif Çok te?ekkurler Wendy but I swear that photographer had a ''skinny'' lens on his camera....haha not that I mind or anything....because I am getting as big as a house!!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-07 08:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (DieNörglerin @ Jul 7 2009, 12:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all. To those of you that did DCF thru Ankara: Did you mail your I-130 packet in or take it in person. I don't want to book an appointment at the embassy just to take the long train ride from Istanbul to Ankara just to drop off the packet and turn right back around. But I'm also worried about mailing such sensitive information thru the postal service. I would freak out if it got lost in the mail. Did anyone else mail theirs in? Maybe I will send it via UPS. I'm sure the consulate in Istanbul wouldn't send it for me.

I think you have to send it via UPS....unless the rules are different for K3 than K1 (or they've changed in the past 2-3 years...which is entirely possible!). Either way, I would trust UPS rather than the postal service...good luck!!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-07 08:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (internetkafe @ Jul 6 2009, 02:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Tanyakaraman,

So your husband is from Izmit? I had been living in Izmit before coming to the US.

Hi, yes, his parents live in ?zmit in De?irmendere (spelling?)...they are originally from Malatya but moved to ?zmit when he was little. What part of ?zmit are you from? Its a really nice place smile.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-06 15:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Wendy! Great to hear from you...I hope your heel is better soon! Yes, I definitely want to do dinner soon. I am not due until September so we have time but my belly is getting so big its starting to restrict my ability to eat very much at the same time, which was a bit frustrating in Turkey when I wanted to put away as much delicious food as I could! I found myself completely stuffed way before I was done tasting things... blush.gif Do you have any pics from your wedding to share? I bet it was gorgeous!! So it sounds like Yilmaz is working already? Thats awesome!! By the way, I loved your solution to the BO discussion! Who could resist a hot bath ready and waiting? And no need to risk hurt feelings, perfect!

Well I got around to posting some of the pics from my trip. Here are some from my digital camera. We brought a couple disposable waterproof cameras too that I still need to get developed and ended up taking pics with our phones one day when my camera battery suddenly went dead, but these are most of them smile.gif


Also, there was a photographer at our hotel and he took us to a nearby park one evening and did a little photo shoot with us in the park and on the beach. The pics were cheap...only 5 lira each (no sitting fee)...but Ozzy struck a deal with him and we got all 150 or so pics on disc for only 125 lira! Here are some of the better ones....




tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-04 17:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Erika...I know what you mean about not wanting to be like his mother. It is for that reason that I sometimes dont say anything, cause I dont want to be a nag, ya know? It bugs me tho when I take the time to wash and change the sheets and he comes home after a hard day at work and goes to bed with no shower....ugh. Before I know it, they need to be washed again....

Haha, funny you should mention the part about us Americans cleaning ourselves with just 10 year old son had his first run in with the Turkish toilet while we were there and after one visit to a public WC, he confided to me that he still needed to get to the bathroom at home to clean himself because there was no paper in there. The look on his face was priceless when I explained what the faucet on the wall was for!! blink.gif Needless to say, we carried some emergency paper with us after that!!

Thanks for the welcome home Julia....I'll post pics from my vacation as soon as I locate the cable for my digital camera so I can transfer the pics to my computer!

I watched the best Turkish movie last night, Güne?i Gördüm (I Saw the Sun) and its on Youtube so I thought I would post a link for anyone interested in watching. Its in Turkish but with English subtitles....made me cry crying.gif

The link is for part 1 of 11...after each part just look for the next one (part 2 of 11, etc.)

Dont forget to have a box of tissues handy!!



tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-02 19:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Jun 11 2009, 10:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Jun 11 2009, 05:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wendy? I forgot to ask about you laughing.gif headbonk.gif

You must be in either heaven or hell to not write so

You still in orgasmic bliss after Hawaii or?

Totally off topic: How do we get our guys to wear deodorant regularly? Anyone have luck? blink.gif I know the norm in America is to wear deodorant almost obsessively, but can we have some middle ground? unsure.gif

I realized today, after being largely unsuccessful in this department, that I often find myself trying to rush home when out together before "this" becomes rofl.gif rofl.gif secret7vf.gif tongue_ss.gif helpsmilie.gif dead.gif ph34r.gif

Haha! I take the direct approach of " smell...go put on some deodorant." The first few weeks he was here I would ask him almost everyday after he showered, "Did you put on deodorant?" He has finally gotten into the habit - thank goodness!

Haha this cracked me up! rofl.gif Ppl are definitely less...shall we say aware...of BO in other countries, Turkey included. One of the first things I noticed on my first visit to ?stanbul was the smell of Turkish men wafting in the air...very distinctive! I guess its due to all the spices etc. in the food. I try to take the direct approach as well and just say ''Honey you smell like sweat...go take a shower!'' I cant say the problem is completely in the past but we'll get there... someday.... tongue_ss.gif

Well we arrived home from Turkey late yesterday. We had a fabulous time but the traveling was very difficult for me...two 12 hour plane rides and two 15 hour bus rides (and a few shorter ones) definitely took their toll and my ankles swelled up for a day or so after each trip. Alanya was beautiful though and we had a really nice time staying for several days in ?zmit with his family and 2 days in ?stanbul as well. I am glad to be back home tho and I am going to be spending the next few days wading thru the mountains of dirty laundry we brought back with us... helpsmilie.gif

Hope all is well with everyone!!


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-07-01 15:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Congrats on your graduation and wedding Julia!! star_smile.gif Good luck with the job hunt too!

I guess I havent written in a while either...I think I hit a little depression after getting laid off from my job last month. I guess Im just one of those people who need that 'sense of purpose' or whatever and didnt know quite what to do with all that time on my hands. Feeling better now tho, now that the kids are out of school and are at home driving me crazy every day LOL. Im getting excited about our upcoming trip too...we are leaving next Tuesday for 2 weeks in Turkey! All is well on the baby front too...September still seems so far away though!

How is everyone else? Wendy? Erika? Filiz? Awaterlily? Others??

Hope all is well!


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-06-10 19:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ May 11 2009, 06:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I am getting ready for work, but yea he is snoring again wow.gif laughing.gif and yea he steals covers too. You must be getting close to your trip right? Hows pregnancy going? You enjoy being a domestic goddess so far? You are having a boy or? OK enough questions I gotta go put on my face and tackle some patients today....and poo helpsmilie.gif

Hey Erika, yeah I am enjoying the domest?c goddess deal a lot star_smile.gif It used to be my dream to be a stay at home mom but unfortunately I never found myself a r?ch man LOL so I eventually gave up on that and decided I m?ght as well have a I guess I get to live the dream for a few months smile.gif It hasnt even been a week yet and my laundry ?s caught up (for the f?rst t?me ?n...god knows how long) and my house has never been so clean! Im even cooking again on a regular basis...Ozzys pretty happy about that...I think he was starting to wonder if I would ever start cooking again, poor man.... tongue.gif

Yeah our tr?p will be June 16-30....I cant wa?t!! Just hope I dont get too is much bigger before then or Im afra?d that long plane r?de ?s go?ng to be REALLY uncomfortable..... blink.gif The pregnancy is going perfectly now that the morning sickness is over....we had an ultrasound last week and it looks like a baby GIRL smile.gif smile.gif

Well have fun in poo-ville haha!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-05-11 13:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi everyone! Well Ozzy has so kindly ?nstalled an old laptop in the place of my work computer so at least I have something to surf w? has a Turkish keyboard tho so pls excuse ?f I get my ?s and is m?xed up LOL...and I st?ll havent found the apostrophe on th?s th?ng!

Erika, glad to hear all ?s well w?th you (well except Ham?ts snoring LOL...Ozzy does the same...and is the worlds biggest cover stealer, and sleeps rather v?olently LOL. Im afraid to sleep with my belly toward him for fear he w?ll jab the bebek w?th a knee or an elbow ?n the m?ddle of the n?ght!). It was good to read your interview story. Sorry his family is being a pain...yes Americas reputation as a gold m?ne is overinflated in my opinion too. I think its largely because of our mortgage system and car loan system etc. They are just now getting those th?ngs ?n Turkey and for years ppl had to save for decades to buy a house or a car - or could never afford those th?ngs - while those ?n the US just need to have a steady job and halfway decent credit. No one cons?ders that the bank really owns most of our stuff...they think we are all r?ch here! Tell them that Hamit ?s not allowed to work yet and that even when he is, jobs are scarce here and it will take time (lots of ?t) before he will be able to support his parents. Ozzy does send money - occas?onally - when his parents need someth?ng, but ?t ?s certa?nly not a regular occurrence and he has been here a year and a half.

Wendy, your wedding is go?ng to be fantast?c I th?nk! Sounds l?ke a dream wedd?ng/honeymoon combo! Take lots of pictures!

Hope all ?s well w?th everyone else. I am doing f?ne....dont m?ss my job one b?t now that I am done there. I need to get myself into an exerc?se rout?ne tho before I pack on too many pounds here relaxing around the house!


tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-05-11 06:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks Awaterlily...and you read my mind about the yoga classes! It's something I've been wanting to do and just haven't had the time.

Just a question for those who've been thru the process of applying for the 10-year there an affidavit of support with that? I'm just a little worried that I'll need to show an income for something USCIS related in the next few months and (except for my severance pay & unemployment), I won't have one/enough of one.

Thanks smile.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-05-03 15:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Debra N CandemiR @ May 2 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Julia....

Alhamdulillah...Yes, almost done.

Dual Citizenship, no because we didn't file it correctly before N-400 from what I understand. Candemir can apply for Dual Citizenship after his oath if he choose too. Does anyone know what happens now if one has not completed his military duty? Can travel back and forth to Turkey be an issue? Or does one still need the Military clearance from the Embassy here in the states first?

Congratuations Debra & Candemir!

Once he is a US Citizen, it shouldn't matter about his military duty any more. I'm not sure if that changes if he's a dual citizen tho. I'd imagine it would. He can file at the Turkish Embassy here in the US to delay his military duty so he can travel to Turkey with no problems. Ozzy was able to delay his for 2 years based on his Employment Auth here in the States. Thats just a temporary fix tho until he can apply for citizenship.

I didn't know one was able to keep dual citizenship...interesting!

Well I found out this week that I will be joining the many others in this economic downturn and will be laid off from my job effective this Tuesday. I am sad 'cause I really loved my job & the ppl I work with, but I'm not totally heartbroken. Fortunately, they are giving me a really nice severance package and what will basically amount to a paid 9-month vacation smile.gif I could sure use a little downtime with the baby coming in September and just the craziness that has been my life for the past couple years trying to work and go to school and take care of my family, etc. There are a lot of things that have fallen thru the cracks and I'll finally have some time to do some catching up, spending more time with my kids, and just relaxing a little!

The downside is, I have to give back my computer (it is a work-owned computer that they gave me so I can work from home sometimes), so I don't know how much internet access I will have for the next few weeks until I can get another one (I am internet addicted so i'm sure I'm going to be going crazy!).

But take care everyone & I will check in and post when I can!


Edited by tanyakaraman, 02 May 2009 - 01:01 PM.

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-05-02 12:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Apr 16 2009, 08:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations Filiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wishing Wendy a wonderful reunion!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Tanya!! Glad youre hanging in there!!

Wow...everyone's getting pregnant now- laughing.gif Hope I am next!! I am better thanks, but still not 100% We went to get Hamit's SSN, but of course as VJ predicted they did not understand the concept of K-1 and eligibility to obtain a SSN without an EAD.....what did you all do? Or did you come across more intelligent SSA staff than I? I was pissed...he wouldn't even listen to me....sigh I am tired.....

Keep trying at the SS office. Ask to speak to the manager if need be. We got puzzled looks too as if no one had ever heard of a K1 visa before... rolleyes.gif but fortunately we finally got a person who knew what was up. Unless his I-94 card is stamped as eligible for employment (it probably isn't unless you came through JFK airport in New York), he should be eligibe for a SS# that is not valid for employment (until after his EAD is approved) but can be used for other things (for example, in our state, you can't get a driver's permit/license without a SS#). Good luck. I know they are a PITA.

Thanks! Yes I feel so much better & have so much more energy now that I can eat again!! eb0dfafc.gif

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-04-17 08:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh tebrikler Filiz!! That's such wonderful news!! I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm sorry you are feeling so sick! I was the same way with this fact, I haven't cooked anything in 3 months now because I just can't stand to smell the food cooking! Poor Ozzy brings food home or cooks something for the kids and himself every night. I hope it passes soon for you. Just be sure to drink...or chew on ice...or anything to keep yourself hydrated. I know it's difficult now but there's such a wonderful reward at the end of the journey! star_smile.gif


QUOTE (sardes @ Apr 16 2009, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Merhaba herkese,

Sorry for not writing in a while..I have been sick for 2 weeks..I have been exhausted, my stomach is too bad..I think you can guess what is happening to me smile.gif I took home pregnancy test 2 times..result is positive..I was very suprised when i figured out i might be a pregnant smile.gif I know it is early to give this news but i couldn't stop myself to share with you..My hubby is taking me under his health insurance, so we'll go to the doctor soon..Baby should be 5 weeks now..I felt unprepared..i didn't do even any research..didn't take folic acid or something... also i have morning sickness that lasts all day.. I can't get in the kitchen make something to eat..Hope this ends soon.. I can't believe i am being a mother! smile.gif Insallah everything goes well..It will be a Christmas baby smile.gif

Erica! Finally you are home with your hubby..Congrats! I am so happy for you guys..Can't wait to see the wedding pics. Sibel..It is great to hear that you took such a nice vacation..I have a theory..I think if you don't think ap anymore your hubby will be here sooner smile.gif Tanya I wish you a wonderful vac in Turkey..I already miss it so much! Julia I wish you best of luck with the job and yes it is a great idea to live in a warmer place..Albany will be too cold next winter smile.gif and wendy it is really so exciting to see him after a long time and now you won't be apart anymore! yayy!!

I wish you all really a wonderful life with your loved ones!

Keep in touch!

tanyakaramanFemaleTurkey2009-04-16 15:13:00