US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

The lab tests and medical exam need to be scheduled about 2-3 days before the interview. She can get her lab work done early in the morning and get her medical done that same day in the afternoon so that the lab has enough time to send her results to the doctor doing the medical. The reason why it needs to be done 2-3 days before the interview is so that you can have enough time between the two in case something comes up and you need to take care of it before the interview.

The medical exam is valid for 12 months so her daughter can get it done the same day as her mom. BUT keep in mind that she will most likely need to get another medical exam here in the US for her AOS because in order to file for Adjustment of Status each applicant needs a medical exam if the one they got in their country was done more than 12 months earlier. It can only be done by an approved surgeon here in the US and it can cost between $200-$500. Just an FYI.



Thank you very VERY Much for your reply.. This is exactly the kind of information I was needing...

Muchisimo Gracias...
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-10 15:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II


As long as you put your fiancée's child's name in the I-129F you're fine. Don't pay for her visa yet or get her medical done. Your fiancée can tell the embassy during her interview that her child will follow at a later time. When you're ready all you have to do is send the embassy packet 3 and take it from there, pay for the visa and get her medical done. You only have 12 months to do this but after she gets her visa, she has another 6 months to use it.

As for the permission to leave the country, she will need one signed and notarized from each parent if she's going to travel alone (which I don't recommend since she's only 8 years old). It has to be issued 30 days before departure and it has to be done every time she leaves the country until she turns 18.



Thank you for your response.. I was really currious about how all that worked.. In the directions, it says young children do not need to attend the VISA Appoinment. I assume though that they need the Medical Exam..

I am a little concerned about the logistics to get that done.. My plans currently involve me being present with my fiancee for her interview.. Once she receives her Visa, we intend for her to travel to the US within 30 days or so...

How does the medical work? Since all the clinics are in Bogota, can the exam be done the same week or the day before? How much time should we allow for the medical exam?

What other items will we need to allow time for while in Bogota,.

The other item is the medical exam for her daughter.. If my fiancee is in the US, there won't be anyone to go with her daughter to bogota for the exam? Any ideas on how to get this done? Is it not possible to have the exam done the same time as her mom? What if she intends to follow as much as a year later, will the medical exam expire and need to be redone?

I appologize, but I wish I had more clarity on this?

Edited by kennym, 09 August 2010 - 05:38 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-09 17:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

We were super nervous because everyone before us got denied we were the first couple to get approved that day! We left the embassy at 11am. ? thank you everyone for all your help! We wouldn’t of been able to do it without you.

Hi... Great News!!! COngratulations

Any idea of the reasons why some of those others got denied?

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-09 16:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

The child not only needs a passport also needs permission from his father to leave the country

? yakad ?

Also, a friend in Colombia told me the permission for the child to travel is a standard form which can be gotten from a Notoria.. Are you familiar with that form?

Thanks again..
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-09 04:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Nice to hear from you and thanks for your reply..

Ok, so the permission from the father is needed for the Interview or before the daughter actually travels?

Just curious if they will require it grant the visa or simply need to show it when she is ready to travel...

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-09 04:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

You could do whats listed above, and sign for her. Email packet 3 info for a faster response. I had difficulties faxing the Embassy, probably because my Fax machine was on the fritz.

Great Thank You.. Will Do...

However, another question, I posted this question in another forum, but maybe someone here has some thoughts...

how many of you have dealt with a Beneficiary child who will follow mom at a later time?

I am a little confused regarding the completion of the DS-156.. In the Appointment package it says 2 copies for each family member including children..

We intend to have the child follow within 1 year of her mom.. Do I need to simply submit additional copies of the same form I completed for my fiancee or fill out a completely new DS-156 for her child? Her child is 8 years old..

Also, I hope you guys don't think this is extemely stupid, but does the child need a passport?
will there be a seperate visa in the childs passport?

Since we are submiting the DS-156K indicating the child will follow....,

Does she need to have her DS156 submitted at the same time as her mom?
Does the Visa Fee need to be paid at the same time or at a later time? when?

Just need a little clarification on how this actually works for her child..

Thanks again everyone...

Edited by kennym, 08 August 2010 - 12:00 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-07 23:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Has your Fiance tried different Internet cafes? My wife Leidys had problems on some computers (while in Barranquilla), and had to visit different Internet cafe's.

You should download the forms, fill them out, and send the .pdf files to her, and also scan the full-page documents to her. Could you also fill out the forms for her? Good luck.

Just Curious about something...

I am planning to fill in the DS-156 for my fiancee (with her help to make sure we get all the answers right).. Then I will print it, scan it and email her the forms where she can sign it and fax it to the Embassy.. is there any issues doing it that way?

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-07 00:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Best wishes for the both of you...

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-06 08:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
A question for all of you regarding IRS Debt..

Are IRS Debts of the petitioner questioned if you're in a payment plan with the IRS and currently in good standing except for monthly payment agreement?

I currently am in a Payment Plan with the IRS with a significant balance.. However, I am in good standing with my payment plan and even with my IRS debt (I beleive), am above the poverty line... How is this calculated to determine if your Debt puts you below the poverty line?

What if anything do I need to do to be prepared for this at our interview?
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-03 15:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hello All..

It seems like I am now part of the Club...

26 July - USCIS approved my Petition
today, i learned that my packet has been sent to Bogota...

I have a few questions now...

Reading thru the info it appears I have a couple of options at this point..

  • Option 1 - wait for confirmation from Embassy and Package 3 to be sent to my fiancee by mail, then, complete the package requirments, return to Embassy, then wait for appointment.
  • Option 2 - Confirm Embassy has my packet from NVC, then download Packet 3, complete the requirements, send to Embassy, wait for Appointment...

If this is the case, I kinda like the idea of doing option 2, since I don't need to wait.. Effectively, If this is true, it seems I have some control over the timeline at this point..

Is this accurate?
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-02 21:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWife's Daughter - "To Follow"
This is one tough subject to search for on the Forums...
kennymMaleColombia2011-08-15 01:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWife's Daughter - "To Follow"

Just a few more things to add..

My wife is here in the USA, her daugter had been staying with her biological father since my wife moved to the USA.. The Daughter is 8 years old.. I can understand all the relationship proof needed for my wife at her interview, but now, it's the daughter, so I can't imagine that we would need to have any evidence to prove the on-going relationship for the daughters interview..

I know only a few on here have gone through this since most dont have experince with a child "to follow", but seriously looking for advice and help...

kennymMaleColombia2011-08-15 00:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWife's Daughter - "To Follow"
Hello all once again...

A little background;

My wife was a K-1 Beneficiary who arrived in the US on Dec 2, 2010.. We married, AOS'd and she now has her green card.. During the Visa Stage, we indicated her daughter would follow. We have sent the request to the Embassy in Bogota and are waiting the Appointment..

Now, I have all the Documents ready for my Wife to take with her to the Visa Appointment, but am wondering, do I need to send any proof of the relationship... I suspect, the Marriage Certificate, and m last years Tx return showing her as my spouse, but do I need to really send anything else?

Your thoughts?


Edited by kennym, 14 August 2011 - 09:17 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-08-14 21:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived a Phone Call from the Consular Section of the US Embassy in Colombia

I'm impressed. I hope more people like him come along to help those that truly need it.

Hello Kali, it was a pure blessing, no other word for it...

It would be so cool if there were more people like this guy running things.. He truly seems like he's motiviated..

I did finally hear back, and was given an interview date of Sep 14th.. Thankfully, my wife was already in Medellin and is getting things ready on her end, and will fly to Bogota next week for the Medical.. I Overnighted the Documents to her that she'll need for the interview...
kennymMaleColombia2011-09-01 23:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived a Phone Call from the Consular Section of the US Embassy in Colombia
Yea, it seems that is the case.. Talking to the guy today by phone, he is new to this embassy, and he was talking about his plans to improve some of the less-than-efficient processes..

Let's hope he can get me the interview date.. I sent him the Medical Exam dates and called him later in the day to confirm he had recieved it..

He had received it and was trying to get some answers from his staff on how to get me the interview letter and so forth..
kennymMaleColombia2011-08-31 01:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived a Phone Call from the Consular Section of the US Embassy in Colombia

So much of this process is "don't call us, we'll call you." Only thing is you never really expect them to call. It's nice to hear that they sometimes do.

Yes, can you imagine?? I noticed in his email he's the IV Unit Chief.. I still am having trouble absorbing all this but, it was very cool..

Edited by kennym, 30 August 2011 - 10:46 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-08-30 22:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived a Phone Call from the Consular Section of the US Embassy in Colombia

my friend that was just great good luck

Yes it was, still in shock...

kennymMaleColombia2011-08-30 11:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionReceived a Phone Call from the Consular Section of the US Embassy in Colombia
Today. while having lunch with a Co-Worker on a business trip in BC, Canada, I recieved a phone call.. I notice the number came from a "202" area code.. I was thinking, Washington DC? who do I know in DC?

I answered and a mans voice said, "hello, I am calling from the Consular section of the US Embassy in Bogota, Colombia"...

I was sitting in a tall chair at the resturaunt and about fell over..

A little history...

My wife was the beneficiary of a K1 visa late last year (see timeline).. she arrived, in Dec 2010, we were married later that month, we've AOS'd and she is now a US Resident..

At the time of the visa application in Oct 2010, My wifes daughter was put on the DS156 as "will follow".. In June, of this year, I sent an email to the Embassy to ask about the next steps to complete the Visa for the K-2 of my Wife's daughter.. They simply replied, "You will be scheduled for an appointment".. (I hadn't requested the appointment, I was only asking about the next steps, what forms, etc)

I immediately replied and told them We were not requesting the appointment, simply looking for information.. they replied, "they would schedule the appointment when we notified them"

Unknown to us, the Embassy Scheduled the Appointment on August 1st.. I found out about the "august date" because I had sent the Contents of P3, by email on July 27th letting them know we were ready.. I panicked since, there was no way to get my wife to Colombia ontime for the Appointment and get all the documents printed and the Exams etc, I sent them an email immediately saying, "wait, there's no way we can make it.. And we hadn't sent them the Packet 3 to schedule the appointment".. They replied to my email and said there is no problem with missing the appointment, and that there were no negative concequences of not making the appointment..

After all that, I was very concerned that the next appointment would place on beyond the "one year" point from the mothers visa... I asked the Embassy, they told me that would not be a problem.. SInce then, I have been sending several emails each week explaining that I was concerned and would like to know if our appointment was scheduled..

That brings us to today.. The gentleman from the Embassy, was extremely friendly and told me he had noticed my emails and wanted to call me to discuss my situation and get some clarification. After going through the history with him, he told to make the appointment for the Medical and email him directly of the Appointment date.. He would make a special appointment for us to come to the embassy, he would make the appointment to coincide with the date of the Medical..

I was shocked and thrilled of the attention that my case was given.. I wouldn't have ever beleived that I would get a call from them, but thus has completely restored my faith on the system... He sent me a email confirming the details of the call later in the day..

I am soo happy to hear from them that I have been literally shaking all day.. It was such a relief, because even though I had an email from them saying that the "1 year rule" wouldn't be enforced, I had some doubts and was very worried that things would go teribly wrong with my wifes' daughter's visa..

All I can say, is "Thank God"!!!..

kennymMaleColombia2011-08-29 18:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

It was kind of difficult for me to figure out how to explain what a transcript is. Ultimately, I think I got it across, though she is asking me if it is a, b, or c. Does anyone know how to explain what a transcript is in Spanish. Heck, I'm not really sure what it even is in English.... something that shows all the courses one took in University and their grades? Is that correct?

I dont know.. I asked my wife about hers, she couldnt answer me or seemed to look at me funny.. My wife is hearing from the local adult ed ctr that she needs to take her GED..

Any experiences anyone else has with this?

kennymMaleColombia2011-11-01 07:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

We are using phone numbers from the immigrant visa packet 4 on the embassy website.


If she is in paisa teritory, Does she know she needs to dial the Bogota Area Code?

Also, they do ring busy often, but usually you can get through after a short time.. You have to keep trying..

Also, you could try calling them from the US as well..

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-31 10:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

Thanks Kenny and Diana!!

Kenny- when you say bring the X-ray from the medical, do you mean the "actual X-ray" or the synopsis written by the x-ray technician? Just making sure I don't forget anything


No, the actual X-Ray... Sometimes the Civil Surgeon will request it.. Ours asked for it, but thankfully we had it...

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-22 14:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

Could someone kindly post what us K-1 folks should make sure our fiance brings with them from Colombia (paperwork-wise) in order to marry in the US or in order to provide USCIS later in the process, after marriage etc. I want to make sure she remembers to bring everything she could possibly need and if any translations, notaries, etc are needed that she gets them done in Colombia

Ie. Birth-Certificate, Baptism Certificate, police reports, medical, vaccination records, etc. Originals, copies, or notarized copies? Translated into English?

What does she need to bring to the US?

Bring Multiple copies of the birth certificates, as many as she can... If she drives, there, and you plan for her to drive here in the USA, (I beleive you're from texas) then have her get a DL from there, or make sure it has at least 1 year left on the it, because she wont be able to get one here until she has her GC or EAD...

Shot Records, for the Civil Surgeon.. She'll need that to complete the AOS Package...

Her passport is obvious.. Make sure, she doesn't loose any of her docs as she comes through POE, sometimes in the excitemnt, stuff gets left behind.. Make sure she has her X-Ray from the Medical in Bogota...

That should cover it... If i think of anything else, I let you know..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-22 09:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

It is a lot more than that since the fee I paid includes the cost of the lawyer handling the waiver. The bad thing I used one of the highly recommended lawyers on all of these immigration related forums. All we can do now is hope and pray, it is all we could do anyway. If the lawyer does the job right when it comes to the waiver, ok.... but I am still praying we don't need the waiver. This all takes so long!

My fiancee is livid! The lawyer has made other typos on forms that we did notice, of course those came later or I probably would have found the errors on that letter.

Sometimes, you just wanna :bonk: pound these lawyers senseless... There is no way I would let one of these forms, go out the door without checking a zillion times...

The concequences for stupid oversight is simply to much...

All the horror stories about lawyers just makes you sick...

Edited by kennym, 18 October 2011 - 12:08 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-18 00:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

:(, that is bad.

Why is it bad?

Is it the conflicting data that concerns you? If so, send a corrected LOI, and if the question comes up, be honest... jast tell them if asked, it was a mistake, the other forms show the correct data.. the point is of the letter of intent is to affirm your intent to marry within the 90 days...


Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 10:49 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 10:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 10:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

So am I since I never noticed.

The diference is; you're paying him not to make stupid mistakes...

I assume the info was correct on the G-325 and the other forms as well?? Definetly make the corrections on the LOI regardless...

Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 09:19 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 09:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

I have to tell you something, that makes me shamefully feel like an idiot. I hope this doesn't matter at the interview time. I seen how some of you recommend updating the letter of intent for the interview. I opened up the file and I notice that the lawyer on the top of the letter had my address as the wrong state ( and correct in the main body), and when it stated my birthday it had the wrong day. I obviously was not paying attention when I signed that. I am surprised she got the petition.

Do you think this will be a problem at the interview? Or the waiver? The part I am wondering on is the birth date.

Why dont you re-do the letter? The lawyer is obviously a dumb @$$,,, Sounds like your lawyer could care less about the success of your immigration process..

Just redo the letter.. if you're in Bogota, go to a internet cafe and re-print it and have it ready at the interview...

Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 09:12 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 09:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III


They just changed the process it looks like effective Sept 28.

Ultimately it looks like things will be much easier for folks as there's no more DS2100, DS230, nor going to banks to pay. People will be able to pay by credit card on their website and set up the appointment on the internet on the date they want. ie. no more waiting for the embassy to set up the appointment. This looks like it significantly speeds things up as well. I which they would have started this 1 month earlier.

Very COOL!!!
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-15 19:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

Ok, here's what I have. You do not actually need the DS 156 filled out to register or make the appointment. They make it read that way though. Once you register, and navigate (the guide in the Packet 3/4 helped, but was not totally accurate) your way through the set up, you have the option to pay. Once the $350 or 700,000.00 pesos is paid, you can then move to the calendar to chose an appointment date.

We are not going to schedule the date yet until we get to talk to the doctors to see what kind of wait time there is for appointments.

I can tell you that as of tonight that these are the available appointment dates for interviews
Oct 19,20,21,26,27
Nov 1,3,4,7,8,9,10,15,16,17,21,22,23,28,29,30
Dec was not yet available

No, you dont need the DS156, just the DS2100, DS230 for each beneficiary...

Take the DS156 with you for the appointment, you'll need it when you go to Bancohelm to pay the fee..

Also, they will want the form printed 2 sided.. At least they made us do that...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-15 12:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

An update regarding our situation..

All of you have helped us get to this point.. Most of you know that My wife arrived last year on a K1, but were waiting for my wife's ex to allow her daughter, Valentina, to come to the US.. We received his promise that he would allow Valentina to come live in the US woth her mom.. We started the process to complete the "follow to join" visa for her.. Today, my wife attended the Interview in Bogota, and recieved the Approval for the Visa for Valentina...

We are extremely excited and anxious for Valentina to come to the US and begin her life here..

Thanks all of you for your support and help...

kennymMaleColombia2011-09-14 22:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

The DAS certificate for the petitioner is a new requirement but in all honesty many people have said the embassy has never asked for it. I also read from a member in another thread that all she had to do was pay the fee and submit the form signed by the petitioner without the power of attorney. It is my understanding that the DAS has been informed by the US embassy about this new requirement and has made it a bit easier on how to get it. The best way would be for someone to go to their local DAS office to get more information in detail. Here is the link to the form in case you want to see it:, it's the last one on the list. At the bottom of the form, you will see a section where you authorize another person to get the certificate for you. Find out from the DAS if this is all you need and if it's ok not to have it notarized. Like I said, someone else wrote that's all she needed.

Kenny, you would not need it in this case since your step-daughter's visa is based on her mother's requirements that you both already met when her K1 visa was approved. The girl however does need the DAS certificate to show all entries and exits information even if she has not traveled. This is different from the police certificate which is only needed for people who are over 18.


Hey Diana.

Thanks again for your help.

On another note, I am concerned about getting in the Embassy. We have an email from Bogota IV Unit with the date, but we aren't on the september schedule. This appointment was added after the schedule with help from the IV Chief I will just print the Email. But not sure if that will be enough. I sent an email to Bogota IV asking, but no reply yet.
kennymMaleColombia2011-08-31 13:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III


She will also need her DAS certificate (certificado del DAS) as well as her medical exam results. As for evidence, I seriously doubt they'll want to see any since her mother's K1 visa has already been approved.


Diana, I read in the Instrcutions, that the "certificado del DAS" is only if you're 18 or older. is that the case? We have requested the certificate from DAS, but was wondering if we needed it...

kennymMaleColombia2011-08-31 00:43:00
Vietnamclass action lawsuit for HCMC and K1 visa
Not being a lawyer, but just from the perspective of any lay-person on the streets, it seems that the CO feels they have way more power than the law actually gives them.. I think this lawsuit is great, and hopefully will cause the DOS to standardize there interview/denials processes and create more oversight..

Edited by kennym, 28 August 2010 - 10:41 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-28 10:40:00
VietnamWhat are my chances realistically?
This may not be the rignt time to say this, but I feel it's an important time for the two of you.. Not going to the interview is kind of like not going to the wedding (in my mind).. I've been telling my employer since before I started the Process that I would need this time to make the trip...

If your fiancee can't speak good English or Vietnamese, I would think you being there would be even more crucial since you may need to help her through the interview.. In addition, it may help her be more at ease through a rather stressful day.. Maybe it's just me and my particular situation, but with everything I've been through to get to this point, there's no way I would consider not being there.. I received my interview date late last week, I purchased the Plane tickets the next day...

It's My Opinion, Granted, but I believe, you gotta go man!

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-04 11:02:00
VietnamWhat are my chances realistically?
Are you considering being at the interview?

Being there may help a lot...

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-04 09:06:00
VietnamChild died in Vietnam before DNA sample

The consulate costed our baby her life because of their wrong judgment.

I don't know what to say that could help with the sadness or even the Anger you must feel towards the IV Process and the way the Embassy there puts the IV applicants through this kind of hell..

I can only say, that there are no words to adequetly express the sadness I have for you and your wife.. This is tragic and I hope you're able to get the visa for your wife so you can bring her back to the US with you and attempt to recover from this together as it should be...

Seek the strength you need to get through this and be there for your wife.. I seriously hope that the US Embassy can see how your case is an example of how playing senseless games with peoples lives can lead to tragic consequences..

Although, it can't be blamed directly the embassy, if they had not played around with the idea of a fraudulalent relationship when clearly it's not, you child would have been in the USA today...

My sincerest condolences and prayers go out to your family
kennymMaleColombia2011-09-17 13:14:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Hey "Christi and Ian"

I sure hope everything get's straightened out for you guys...


Thanks for the re-assurance.. I'm afraid of taking anti-anxiety meds anyway... I rather have a smooth journey through all this... ;)

Best wishes and looking forward to hearing how things go...

kennymMaleColombia2010-03-01 22:50:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInsanity is boring it's ugly head into my brain...
Ooooh Man!

All these posts have me worried and I havn't even sent my I-129F yet... Geez man, I need to stock up on prozac or something...

Let me ask everyone out there,,,

What causes the delays? Does anyone ever find out why there applications are held up?
I've never had to speak to a senator or congressman in my life and hope I don't have to resort to that here because, It seems to me that calling my congressman will get me to some recording saying "Sorry, Your congressman is to busy to deal with your little K1 Visa problem"... I would love to hear others experiences of what they've learned about avoiding delays, fixing delays, and dealing with representatives.

I am stressed already and I haven't even started yet.. My documents are spread out all over the dining room table and getting ready to stuff it into a FedEx envelope, but want to make sure I get this right and learn from everything you guys have been through...

We need to stick together...

kennymMaleColombia2010-03-01 21:05:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSent 129f Last August 30

Both I130 and 129F were touched last Oct. 3 :)

Everyone got touched that day, even the ones that have already been completed...
kennymMaleColombia2010-10-06 15:19:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSent 129f Last August 30
No trouble here, just think it hilarious that you seem to resent when help is given and using Religion as something to Create controversy.. None of us are arguing that God plays a role in everything we do, whether its Visa's, relationships, finances or just anything, it's just the way that so-called christians throw this around..

Darnell is suggesting you educate yourself and that's all.. It's called being a good steward.. So rather than being arrogant, take peoples suggestions graciously.. ok?

Peace back to you...
kennymMaleColombia2010-09-21 01:04:00