US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Can anyone tell me if I can carry a small bag or briefcase into the interview.. I have a ton of documents, and was hoping I could carry a small gym bag or computor bag or something like that into the Embassy..

kennymMaleColombia2010-10-05 21:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hello All

well we are here in Bogota since sunday night, and the last couple of days have been quiet productive.. We didn't realize that the lab was only open from 7am - 10am, but really wasn't am huge impact.. After 2 full days, we've completed the Vaccines, Lab, Medical, and Paid the Visa Fee. So, we really have a free day tomorrow..

One issue with the DS156 that caught us off-gaurd. We learned when we went to pay the Visa Fee, that the Passport number is not the number on the Passport that says "Passport Number" in fact its a number in Red Ink on the Inside Cover of the Passport.. The bank would not take the DS156, so we went to an Internet Cafe just down the street and completed another form online, then went back to pay the Visa Fee with no issue..

Other than that, things have gone really smooth.. (knock on wood)

We also picked up the DAS Carta Migratorio, which was a huge worry for me, but thankfully, we found that to be no problem.. didn't even have to wait in line..

So now, all that's left is the Interview itself.. I think we are ready.. Although, I warned my fiancee that once we here the words "Approved - Welcome to America" she just might see a grown man cry.. She said, she may also shed a tear or two...

Hopefully all goes well on thursday..


Edited by kennym, 05 October 2010 - 07:43 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-10-05 19:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hey everyone,

We're getting down to the wire here and have a couple more questions, specifically about the I-134...

The infamous Question 11, "I __ intend __ do not intend to make specific contributions..."

Which should I, the sponsor, check?

Also, I am waiting to receive word on a new job, hopefully before I leave next week for Bogotá (although it may be too late to update my I-134 in time), so I am also preparing a co-sponsor I-134 just in case.

Which should the co-sponsor check?

I want to know what the consulate in Bogotá expects to see here. I've seen so many answers here on VJ but don't know what our consulate wants to see.


Ryna, check the Example forms up top of the page, there's an excellent example for the I-134.. I've copied those specific answers word for word...
kennymMaleColombia2010-10-05 14:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hello everyone,

I'm sitting at Tocumen International in Panama wiating for my 6:45 pm flight to Medellin, Colombia..

The interview date of 7 Oct, is approaching fast, ...

Hope everyone is praying for us..

kennymMaleColombia2010-10-01 15:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hey Kenny, could you please update your timeline. You're not showing up on the list of future interviewees.

Hey Robert de Bonda


kennymMaleColombia2010-09-28 08:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Next week is my interview...

A while back, I posted a request regarding required shots...

? yakad ? responded with the following, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), tetanus,and varicella,

Link - Immunization Confusion

My fiancee is planning to go to the Red Cross to get shots, is this list still correct? Are there any other shots we'll need? Any idea how much the shots will cost at the Red Cross?

Thanks everyone

Edited by kennym, 27 September 2010 - 11:17 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-27 23:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Friday, Leaving for Medellin... Interview is Oct 7th... Excited about finally getting this part of the journey behind us, but Scared as can be..

I beleive I am well prepared, but still very nervous.. I know that this is by no means a rubber stamp, so Not sure what to expect.. Everyone, continue to keep us in your prayers...

Anxiety is kind of my nature anyway... :unsure:

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-25 15:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II


The US citizen does not need to get a DAS certificate unless the CO asks for one and they rarely do. The only reason they may ask for one is if something does not make sense in the petitioner's background, kind of like a red flag type of thing. If you're clear of all this, which most people are, then you're fine without one.


Hi Diana

Thanks.. As always, you come through with your wonderful help..

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-20 16:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Review #6101 on May 20, 2010:

Review Topic: K1 Visa
Consulate: Bogota, Colombia

Got there at 5:30 AM and they started letting people in at 6:00 AM. I had a 7AM appt. and did not get seen till 1PM. Had a real dikhead for an interviewer.. Had us at the window for 30+ minutes telling us to each take turns stitting down then bringing us back to the window only to be told we are put on hold till I the USC goes to DAS for a police certificate..Now this is on hold till we buy a Pin to re-schedule a second appt. Expect anything there...

All I found the comment above on more than 1 Review of Colombia Consulate. Does the USC need a DAS Certificate.. If so, how do I get it?

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-19 01:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Per the Bogota embassy website, our interview is scheduled for October 19th!!!:dance:

Ryna. That's awesome.
kennymMaleColombia2010-09-17 15:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

what do you guys use to talk back and forth with? you use calling card or what? i have a couple of suggestions. i have vonage and you can call landlines for free in colombia and 5 cents to cell phones. i sent sandra magic jack and that works excellent and she can call anyone in the usa for free. just some ideas if anyone is interested

Same here.. I use a VOIP App on my IPhone which connects to a service called Broadvoice and gives me free calls to any landline and very cheap calls to Cell Phones all over the world, and I have a Vonage Phone Adapter in my Fiancee's apartment in Medellin.. Both works great...


Edited by kennym, 16 September 2010 - 04:02 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-16 16:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hey Ryna

Just give them a week or 10 Days, then call NVC, they will know the Interview Date...

In the mean time, make sure she has all her documents from DAS..

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-15 13:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I wouldn't ever think of letting her go to the interview alone either but it's still good to see someone who went solo get approved because you just never know what could prevent it from happening. I've learned to expect the unexpected more than normal throughout this process, whether I like it or not.

In my case, I got a bad vibe a week and a half ago when I entered Colombia - 30 day visa instead of the usual 60 they've always given me and the DAS agent finished reading her address for me (as if to say, "The same place, again? For tourism? Are you really living here or something?") I've just been lucky enough to have been able to make 6 trips since January, 4 of which have been for two-three weeks at a time. It's just good to see that someone got approved solo because I have this fear (probably unfounded) that I may be calling her from El Dorado airport saying that they're putting me on the next plane back to the U.S. and that she's on her own at the interview! I wonder if the consulate will accept "He came to Colombia for the interview but the DAS wouldn't let him in because we've seen each other too many times this year?":unsure:

Maybe it'll be a good thing if we miss the 9/15 cutoff for the September interview scheduling cycle because of the delivery delay from NVC. A few extra weeks outside of Colombia probably helps the chances that I get in again... that's if it really is an issue after all.

Hey Ryna

Man, I really doubt that they'll keep you out.. I guess it really depends on the Immigration Office, but I've defintely seen diferences in one IO or another.. Usually they grump an moan a little, but for the most part, they're happy to let foriegners in.. If all else fails, you can usually get a visa at the airport or they'll send you to the DAS office during your visit...

I wouldn't worry about it though.. It never hurts to be prepared if all else fails though...

Hope you're enjoying your trip.. Did you ever hear back form the Embassy about your paperwork arriving?

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-13 11:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Well, third time was the charm.. I received the read receipt, then a few minutes later, a response. They told me 2 to 3 weeks is within the norm for delivery so they would expect to have it by the end of next week.

At least it was a response...

Whew man!, for a minute there I was starting to think they just had it out for you..

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-10 17:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Are you writing to them in English? Seriously, it's like a black hole when I send them an email using my roadrunner account (the address they have on file.) It's been over 4 days since the first email and now a full business day since the second.

Since I was able to find a thread here on VJ that shows how to track the DHL shipments from NVC to Bogotá, and every shipment within +/- 3 days from the date they told me it went out has already arrived, I think it never made it into the package shipped out by NVC. But, NVC won't investigate for me. Only Bogota can ask them to do that and Bogota just won't respond..

I'm starting to get a bad feeling that it was misplaced at NVC and they only think that it went out. And, that they're going to tell us we have to go back to VSC from the beginning again with an entirely new I-129F petition.., probably complete with waiver for a second time in two years...

Is the correct address? The fact that others get answered rather quickly makes me think I'm not sending it to the right place... is Correct..

Yea, I write to them in english..

Maybe you should go down there and kick their butts since you're in Bogota, but make sure you don't mention me.. :rofl: :rofl:

Anyhow, I also get a "read" confirmation using outlook options "request read confirmation" on my email client.. And I have always gotten a response..

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-10 16:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Geez Ryna

It's crazy how they're treating you.

I consitently get responses to my emails, and I've sent them a half dozen emails and various questions... I would certainly attempt to email them.. Are you by chance using like a hotmail or yahoo account? if so, they may block those (just guessing) but you may try getting an email account from a regular ISP like timewarner, roadrunner, or a company email account..

I beleive if you tell them in an email that it's been sent sometime ago, they should take some steps to track it...

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-10 12:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
fingers are crossed there buddy...
kennymMaleColombia2010-09-07 14:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hey Ryan

Do you have your BGT Case Number? They've been responding to emails within a day or so and ussually the same day.

Good Luck...

It's really cool that you clear AP soo quickly...
kennymMaleColombia2010-09-07 14:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hey Kennym my boyfriend is also from Bello Medellin, what a small world! he just got here to Ft lauderdale Florida last week. he loves it here he misses his family and all that stuff u and ken talked about but so far he loves it. once he starts working is when i know he will be 100% happy here :)

Yea, Bello is a cool little community, I like the way the people are there.. Whenever, I would go there, I would stay in my fiancee's apartment.. When she went to work, I would get out and walk around.. I gotta tell you, my fiancee used to worry about me a little, and I probably shouldn't have done it, but I really enjoyed visiting with the people in the nieghborhoods there.. It was amazing how warm and friendly everyone was...

It was kinda cool when they saw a gringo walking around.. they were interested to see what the gringo was doing in the area, but that was what started some interesting conversations... I may have been niave, but I certainly never felt threatened or unwelcome... We currently don't live in Bello anymore, we have in a apartment in Calasanz now which is near Diamonte Mall...

Anyhow, congrats on getting your boyfriend here and Best wishes..

Edited by kennym, 07 September 2010 - 10:16 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-07 10:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
That's some good stuff Ken...

I often worry how my Fiancee will adjust.. I am with you on the support and patience thing... I live in a small Texas Border Town, (Del Rio) which is about 98% hispanic, so the language thing isnt such a worry...

My concern; some of the first things you pointed out; the way friends and people hang out on the street inmost places in Colombia, shes from Medellin, Bello area, the way you can just walk out of your apratment down 1 or 2 doors and buy an Aguila - Cerveza or a carton of milk and hang out and chat with the store owner and run into an aunt or uncle on the way back... Just simple things that we don't find in the US, at least not where I live...

I also travel extensively with my job, ussually fly out on monday mornings and return friday night.. I will leave her home many times alone... (I am a work for a Manufacturer as a Field Engineer.) I do however, intend to take a couple weeks vacation once she arrives, and maybe, her and I will drive to my assignments instead of me flying every week at least maybe for the first few weeks..

I wonder how I'll keep her from getting to bored.. I know she wants to continue to improve her english, so classes will keep her busy a few days a week, she'll enjoy the fitness center as well, but I am sure she'll have her moments strugling with the boredom. It'll be some time before she can work, so we'll need to be creative...

I can't nor do I expect her to be suzie homemaker, so her and I will try to come up with somethings to keep her occupied...

Anyhow, really nice photos of you and your wife and your friends... Keep in touch..

Hey, one other thought, I will be in the LA Area in a few weeks, maybe we can meet. As it looks now, I'll be there for a couple weeks.. Actually the interesting things, I'll be there right up until the time I leave for Colombia for the interview...


Posted Image

Edited by kennym, 07 September 2010 - 12:17 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-07 00:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I had a great time in Bogota for the Interview (October 7, 2009). I'd love to relive that couple of weeks again. But, I have my Leidys here to talk about it over dinner and laugh about the weather and how cold both of us were.

Life is very good for both of us here, and I thank God :innocent: that we met when and how we did that summer day in Barranquilla. :dance:


That's great.. How was the adjustment to the US for her.. what are the main things she misses from Colombia?

I know Colombianas love to just get out and have drinks with family and listen to music, how do you and her deal with some of those things?

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-06 21:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Your check to USCIS was for $425,000.00 instead of $425? :rofl: :help: :bonk: :wacko:

I wonder if the Bogota embassy will catch that mistake?? :whistle: :no: :lol:

Yea the would have been a problem, then I'm sure I would have been dealing with a Felony Theft charge.. :rofl:

Yea, it doesn't appear they caught it since they scheduled the appointment.. Her age is entered correctly.. Maybe it's no big deal... I just hope I didn't make it worse by sending in the corrected forms by email...

Anyhow, hope all is well with you and your wife...

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-06 20:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I made a very VERY VERY STUUUUUPPPPPID Mistake on the DS230 which I noticed today...

Keep in mind, I sent this in on Aug 17th, and already have my Interview date for Oct 7...

The Mistake: I put the wrong DOB for my Fiancee... Instead of putting the correct year, I put 2010... I sent an email to the Embassy, with the corrected form already.. I must've checked and rechecked the form a million times, and I thought I was sure that I had corrected this very same error before sending, but today I looked at the form and noticed the error..

Man I hope this doesn't cause me any problems!!!

I would think this is relatively minor mistake, but does anyone have any thoughts..

Can someone reassure me that the CO's aren't soo critical of stupid errors.. I already sent the correction by email,,, :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-06 20:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hey ryna, good to hear from you, have a wonderful time... It seems like you spend much more time down there than me.. Either way, it's a wonderful place to be...


Edited by kennym, 03 September 2010 - 09:57 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-03 09:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hi Kenny,
don't worry if your fiancee never gets the appointment letter, she can check the list of appointments and print the page with your BGT number, this is enough to show the doctor, to pay the visa fee and bring the day of the interview.
List of scheduled appointments
packet 4

Hello ? yakad ? and Everyone

Thanks for your responses..

We're pretty anxious...

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-02 23:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I have our Appointment, but we're concerned about pkt 4.. Since we never received pkt 3, I doubt we'll receive pkt 4 either.. Do they send this to the Petitioner as well...

I spoke to DOS, they gave us our appointment date, and advised we must have a copy of our Appointment Letter, but to date, my fiancee has never recieved any documents from the US Embassy...

What if we never receive packet 4, how do we get in to the Medical, the Embassy, and Pay the Visa Fee?

Thanks in advance for everyone's help...

kennymMaleColombia2010-09-02 13:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I called the DOS today and was told our Visa Appointment is on 7 Oct, ooooh man am I nervous...


:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
kennymMaleColombia2010-09-02 12:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Leidys learned that the mountains of Southern California are much colder than Bogota as well. :rofl:
Posted Image

Ohh man, that looks like fun ! ! !
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-31 00:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hi Colombia Club i am so excited my love arrives today at the ft lauderdale airport. i will let everyone know how it goes for him! :dance:

Very Cool! The day all of us dream of! Let us know how it goes..

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-30 09:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hey Kevinn

Good report! Thanks for the information.. I am planning to be at the interview.. I still don't have a date, I expect early October.. I am waiting to make travel arrangements, but hopefully, it wont be short notice...


kennymMaleColombia2010-08-25 10:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

First interview = Fail

Second interview = APPROVED!

More on it later.

Hey Kevinn!! Great news..

I hope you can share the details on your first interview as well, I am waiting for our interview date, but hope that I can understand what happened to cause your denial...

Congratulations on your approval!!
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-24 22:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hey Ryan

Most Embassy's allow USC's to stop in, usually for specific services.. Not sure if you have plans to speak to anyone in particular, but keep in mind all embassies have two sections, Embassy and Counsulate, the Embassy handles items specific to USC's such as crisis of americans while traveling, passport issues, notory services, and other US services.. The Counsulate usually takes care of issues related to that countries citizens such as visas and so forth..

Chances are, you wont be able to enter the Embassy or Counsulate without have specific intentions.. Especially if you intend to speak to anyone..

Check out their website and see if there is a way to visit..

Hope you have a good time and still waiting to hear good news about your petition...
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-18 18:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Kennym my fiance also lives in Medellin and what he did to get those documents was go to the DAS office,your fiancee should know where this is at in Medellin. all they ask for at the interview are the certificado migratorio y el certificado judicial. my fiance when to the DAS office and he asked what he had to do and they told him he had to write a letter they explain and they can also do it for your and they charge you like 5 dollars for it and than once you have everything ready you can go back and take the letter and you also have to go pay at the certificate at banco de bogota and take the recipt and than they will give you the option that you can pick up the certificates in Medellin or you can pick them up in Bogota's DAS office once you go for the interview. if she wants to pick it up in Medellin it takes about 8-10 days for her to receive. this are the phone numbers for the DAS offices in medellin have her call and ask so they can give her more info if she is confused (57-4) 3405800/3405809. goodluck!

Thank you for your reply

Did your fiance need an appointment? or did he go to DAS and request it in person?

kennymMaleColombia2010-08-13 15:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Kennyn, she needs 'Registros de inmigracion'? because this document is for applicants who have been denied admission to the United States, requested extensions, changed status, applied for asylum, been deported. It is different from "Certificado del DAS" (Entries and exits to and from Colombia for the past 10 years) this document take 1 week

appointment package

? yakad ?

Hello, Thank you very much for all your wonderful help...

I did not realize the document was not needed.. Then she only needs "Certificado del DAS"??

Does she need an appointment.. She tells me it's very dificult to call them to make an appointment...

Is there a better method to get an appointment?

Thank you'
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-13 15:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

you can send the the file now to the embassy and get the ball rolling. from what i remember you do not have to sent i134 with you but someone can correct me if i am wrong. i think it took sandra less than 2 weeks to get the docoment but i do not remember how long.


We were thinking it would be ok, but didn't want to end up at our appointment without these documents.. Hopefully it's quick...
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-12 23:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

we have a more serious issue so hopefully vanessa doesnt have anything seriously wrong with her

I hope everything goes well for vanessa.. Let us know how she's doing.. best wishes, Kenny
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-12 23:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Anyone know, how long does it take to get these 2 documents from DAS...

My Fiancee lives in Medellin

Is an appointment required? How dificult is to make an appointment?
Once the document is requested, how long does it take to receive it?

I wonder if I can send in the 1-134, DS156, DS156K, DS230 now and start the ball rolling on getting our appointment while we wait on these 2 documents.. We have everything else, including all birth certificates, Police Certificate, passports, my financial docs, Tax Returns and Transcripts, Paystubs, Employment Letter... I really would like to get the appointment scheduled, but we don't know if we're jumping the gun waiting for the DAS Documents..

Thanks again all..
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-12 23:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

We got a tentative YES, but with a slight technical delay. Officially a 221G, but with assurances that it is only for this one item and the approval will be given as soon as it is corrected. Some of the medical tests had to be redone,

Hey Guys,,,

Great news, hopefully you can return after your medical appointment and get a quick approval...

Is the issue with the medical personal? can you expand on the issue so we can do our best to ensure we dont run into the same delay?

Once again, very happy that your interview went well... Congratulations...
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-12 22:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

The lab tests and medical exam need to be scheduled about 2-3 days before the interview. She can get her lab work done early in the morning and get her medical done that same day in the afternoon so that the lab has enough time to send her results to the doctor doing the medical. The reason why it needs to be done 2-3 days before the interview is so that you can have enough time between the two in case something comes up and you need to take care of it before the interview.

The medical exam is valid for 12 months so her daughter can get it done the same day as her mom. BUT keep in mind that she will most likely need to get another medical exam here in the US for her AOS because in order to file for Adjustment of Status each applicant needs a medical exam if the one they got in their country was done more than 12 months earlier. It can only be done by an approved surgeon here in the US and it can cost between $200-$500. Just an FYI.


My appologies for having a thick skull...

anyone knowledgable regarding this item, please give me some of your thoughts...

On the DS156K, do I correctly understand this...

For my fiancee's daughter...

Item #5 List name, date and place of birth of all unmarried children under 21 years of age.

  • Will Accompany You Yes/No
  • Will Follow You Yes/No

"Will Accompany You" If we select No, then "Will Follow You" we select yes, how long does her daughter have to enter the US?
also, we intend for her to do the medical at the same time her mom goes for her medical and Interview...
Will we need to Pay the K2 Visa at the same time as her mom? If not when? Will her daughter be included in the approval for the K1/K2 Visa, or will we need to do additonal items later for her daughter...

Basically, it would be Ideal if we can have her daughter's paperwork/k2 approval all done prior to mom leaving to come to the US, but we need a little more than 6 months before her daughter can travel.. 1 year would be Ideal, but we're trying to avoid doing a seperate visa for her daughter..

Does that make sense to everyone? if not, ask me questions, I'll try to clarify my concerns..
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-11 20:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

The lab tests and medical exam need to be scheduled about 2-3 days before the interview. She can get her lab work done early in the morning and get her medical done that same day in the afternoon so that the lab has enough time to send her results to the doctor doing the medical. The reason why it needs to be done 2-3 days before the interview is so that you can have enough time between the two in case something comes up and you need to take care of it before the interview.

The medical exam is valid for 12 months so her daughter can get it done the same day as her mom. BUT keep in mind that she will most likely need to get another medical exam here in the US for her AOS because in order to file for Adjustment of Status each applicant needs a medical exam if the one they got in their country was done more than 12 months earlier. It can only be done by an approved surgeon here in the US and it can cost between $200-$500. Just an FYI.



Thank you very VERY Much for your reply.. This is exactly the kind of information I was needing...

Muchisimo Gracias...
kennymMaleColombia2010-08-10 15:18:00