K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????
There are way too many people who jump into a relationship for various reasons and bring a non-USC to the US and then realize it's not the what they thought it was..

she isn't barefoot and pregnant and waiting for you to come home with her lengerie and your slippers. Since it's not ameicas job to act as your counselor or your bank, that's the reason for the 864.

If the relationship turns out bad due to unrealistic expectations or simply incompatiblity, they feel they can simply treat thier forreign spouse like a peice of merchandise and ship'r back. The 864 is designed to keep immature people from making mistakes out of hasty thoughtless descisions and then leaving the rest of Americans responsible for someone who wouldnt be here had it not been for a rash descission by a thoughtless American..

If petitioners aren't in this for the right reasons, why would you want to let otheres pay for your mistakes...

Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 02:26 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho in their right mind would sign the I-864????

Good intentions or not, you're already considering the worst case scenerio.. you need to have not only good intentions, but you also need to trust your wife.. And if you can't trust her, then you should continue your search whether it's someone at home or someone abroad..

My last comment is; if you simply cant get past the responsiblity that the 864 brings, this stuff isn't for you...

Welcome to the immigration process...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence

Are you saying that the evidence of on-going relationship is only limited to how often the couple see each other in person?

Thank you for the concern, really appreciate it. But we just can't go that route. As of now I wanna stay positive and hope for the best :)

This evidense is a collection of things.. Visits and showing you've "been together" Shows commitment and can be a part of displaying the emotional aspect of a genuine relationship...

The thing you've got to prove; to someone who doesnt know you and automatically suspects that everyone is a scammer, is that your submittal is based on a real relationship and not one of a business arrangement...

I dont have the Counselor manual, but I imagine, that they can see that anyone who hasnt spent time together may not be in a real relationship... so they may wonder; How can they be planning to get married if they hardly know each other? Unless it's for fraudulaent reasons, this relationship is not real...

You've got to be prepared to circumvent this doubt...

Edited by kennym, 15 October 2011 - 07:31 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-15 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence

Already got our NOA2 and the reason why we only met once was our financial status. Flying from Japan to Oklahoma is expensive, my fiance and I are poor lol. I can provide emails from 2007 up to present though, skype call logs and snapshots, facebook screenshots.

What else can we provide?

I understand the financial burden this seems like.. Did you and your fiance think this through completely? It may be important enough to each of you that you prepare yourself ahead of time for the requirements of obtaining the VISA..

At this point, you should make sure you're both there for the Interview, at least several days in advance of the interview to gather more evidense.. It seems this may or may not help, but it will be better than arriving at the Interview with no new evidense of an on-going relationship...

Edited by kennym, 15 October 2011 - 06:21 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-15 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence

He said the guy said, I do not have enough evidence to give you a visa. I am going to send your file back to the U.S.

You know, just from the surface, it seems your denial was un-fair.. I wouldnt know if there were other red-flags in your case, only you or your fiancee, would know.. If you feel there has been an in-justice, you should contact the US representative in your area..

It would seem there is more going on than we know..

Was it discussed during the interview, if they had an issue with the number of visits?

Edited by kennym, 15 October 2011 - 12:31 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-15 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence

What people don't know are that when I came to the US I had family issues. In 2003 I reconnected with him, I graduated from high, I went to Jamaica 2003 for an entire month, I went to college wasn't working at the time then started working part time, 14 hrs every 2 weeks, graduated in 2007, got a job in the mental health field in 2007 and at the time it was paying 22,000, in 2009 the job title change and salary increase to 35K.

What people don't know are that when I came to the US I had family issues. In 2003 I reconnected with him, I graduated from high, I went to Jamaica 2003 for an entire month, I went to college wasn't working at the time then started working part 14 hrs every 2 weeks, graduated in 2007, got a job in the mental health field in 2007 and at the time it was paying 22,000, in 2009 the job title change and salary increase to 35K.

The reasons for why you didn't visit isnt the point,

the point is; what kind of relationship can develop with only one visit in 2 years? CO would think of only 2 possible answers..

a: this relationship isnt really grounded...


b: it's for the purpose of immigration benefits...

The thing you have to remember is; CO's dont need to have a great reason, in fact, they really dont need any reason at all, but you can certainly overcome this hurdle by showing overwhelming evidense of how you guys are unseparable, or have made great sacrifices to be together..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-15 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence

Isn't once enough? You are really scaring me :(


You are confusing two diferent things..

The Petition and the Visa Application.. It is completely diferent standard of proof.. For the Petition (The I-129-F) one meeting qualifies you to petition for the visa, and approval of the I129-f.. It has nothing to do with the the Visa Application and the interview.. The next step, after the Petition is approved, is to apply for the visa and prepare for the interview which is where you will need convince the Counselor Officer at the Embassy,
during the Interview, that the relationship is genuine..

The objective for the interview at the Embassy, is to prove the relationship is genuine.. Be prepared to show how you relationship is absolutely genuine to someone who believes that we are all scammers..

The individual Embassies and the Individual CO's have a lot of discretion.. Each Embassy seems to have a diferent set of standards in what consitutes a genuine relationship and what red flags are.. In PI, this may not be an issue, but the same case, and same circumstances, in another country may very will seem suspicious..

Edited by kennym, 14 October 2011 - 10:36 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-14 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

Thank you for your answer to my first question. On your second point, I consider my second question within the scope of this discussion since it is a part of the emigration process for my fiance, her daughter, and myself, given that our approach will change depending on the answer to the second question. All the more, people here are likely to be knowledgeable about my second question.

As pushbrk said, this is a Rwanda immigration issue because, You will need to get some type of visa for your wife to stay in Rwanda..

If your wife has a legal status in Rwanda, then it's possible to do a Direct Counselor Filing at the US Embassy in Rwanda and you will be able to have the interview and all the medicals in Rwanda.. You need to check the Rwanda Embassy Website to determine if this is possible there..

Here is where it gets complex.. 1st, is if Rwanda is a high fraud Country, If this is the case, your case will likely be held to same standard as if you were petitioning for a Rwanda Citizen, and this may include Rwanda Cultural specific items, this stuf is really Country Specific.. 2nd, is the Documentation.. Most Embassies need recent Documents such as Birth Certificates, Police Certificates from all countries she has lived for 6 months or so, over the last 10 years.. You will need to coordinate this so when you have your Interview in Rwanda, you have her recent Colombian Documents...

There maybe other items that could complicate this, but that is where you need to do your research...

Edited by kennym, 20 October 2011 - 09:30 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-20 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

Colombia has some extremely strict laws regarding one parent taking their child out of the country. He needs a highly qualified Colombian attorney. Asking questions here and getting answers here is really speculative. At the end of the day, the father either gives the permission or he doesn't. Child support is a non-issue. The father holds all the cards, act accordingly and be very nice because you want him to do something for you. If you screw it up and he takes a machista attitude that kid will never leave the country of Colombia.


Edited by kennym, 20 October 2011 - 08:11 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-20 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

No, you would NOT need to adopt. How two Colombians travel to other countries besides the USA is outside my expertise and not immigration related. However, since there is no immediate intention to immigrate to the USA, the permission letter would need to address the mother's intention to leave Colombia permanently with the child rather than to specifically address immigration to the USA.

What about when the child leaves any other country with the mom... Are the same questions going to be asked by the local Immigration.. It doesnt seem to be an issue in the USA, because the only checks are by the airlines ensuring you have a passport, but other coutries have Immigration checking documents...

If we could get legal document from the father saying that the daughter can leave Colombia and enter any country with her mother, or with her mother's permission, then obviously I would need to adopt. But is that type of document possible?

Another question I have: Even if we married, if my company wants to book her flight through the US or Europe, she would need a transit funds. I know she does not have sufficient proof of funds, but even if she is married and going to live with someone who has sufficient funds, she would get denied a transit visa? What if I put money into her bank? In general, I don't get it... Many women stay at home and don't work, how do they ever travel? (I actually want my fiance to work when she has the opportunity, but that's a different story)

If she is traveling through certain countries with Colombian Documents, she may need some sort of a transit visa...

Edited by kennym, 18 October 2011 - 11:00 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-18 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

I must have missed something and probably did. Adoption is not a requirement for the child to immigrate. If it's a condition of yours or key to your decision, that's another matter. To immigrate as your step child, the child only needs permission, not a loss of parental rights.

Yea, I dont get the sense he feels that is needed.. My sense is, he thinks the father would be willing to give up parental rights if he could.. Its actually a bit confusing...

But in our case, all we went after was permission..

There is no legal agreement, but just a promise from us that we would be willing to travel back once or twice a year to make it possible for the daughter to spend her summers with the father...

But we never considered trying to get fathers rights terminated... That was simply not something we would've ever succeeded with..

I dont beleive it's something anyone (at least in Colombia) could get away with.. The courts typically dont consider this.. however, some Colombian men, given the oppuritunity would give up thier rights if they could.. But I get the sense, this is a very small percentage...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-18 00:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

You misunderstood me :) But I can tell you we are 100% in agreement

Maybe a better way to explain what I was saying: Imagine you are the biological father of a child, and there is no other man with your ex-girlfriend. Can you request a document that you can sign in order to give up your legal right of that child? Of course not! How can a father just renounce his child?

All I am saying is for adoption to even be possible, I FIRST need to be married to her! Otherwise, the father cannot voluntarily give up his rights to his child! If that was possible, every single man paying child support would simply sign a document saying they are no longer the child's father...

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

I think the father will cooperate. There will be a lot of pressure on him to "do the right thing," from his family, my fiance's family, and from his friends. There could also be a money incentive, etc.

With regards to what I was trying to say earlier: The only way the judge takes away his legal title as father, even if he cooperates 100%, is if the judge knows there is another person (me) ready to step in. In other words, the father can cooperate 100% all he wants, but the judge is not going to allow a father to just relinquish his legal connection to his daughter unless there is a good reason to do so (me stepping in, for example).

Maybe I am still misunderstanding you, but from my experience there is no chance any Colombian Judge is going to take away a Colombian Man's title as the "father" regardless (unless the father is completely out of the picture, ie; dead) if he is not willing to let it happen... Otherwise, his cooperation is the only chance you have..

So, that said.. Working this in the most amicable manner is the difenitely the way to go,,, Because, otherwise the odds are not in your favor.. Regardless if you have a better life for the child or not.. It simply doesn't work that way, and definitely not in Colombia... The men traditionally have the upper-hand in Colombia.. Americans, and the better oppuritunity, have absolutely no influence on the outcome...

Working this with his family is a good approach as long as he doesnt feel he's cornered, because for typical Colombian men, they know they have control and they know they are not going to loose the Father's rights, unless they (the father) agree to it,,

If I misuderstood you, and responded inappropriately. my appologies.. just want to make sure you dont have any unrealistic expectations..

In our experience, we made sure not to approach this confrontationally... it worked out best for us..

Edited by kennym, 17 October 2011 - 09:34 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

What I meant was: Unless we are married, I see no way for the judge to allow the biological father to relinquish his rights to be the father. Even if the father cooperates, why would the judge allow him to relinquish his rights unless he sees that there is a clear alternative for the child (being me wanting to adopt the child, which would only make sense after I marry the mother). What I am saying is the logical first step, in my opinion, would be to marry and THEN to adopt the child (with the father's cooperation).

With the father's cooperation, it's fine, but without it, it is a long and likely a loosing battle..

I don't see thay you're saying this, but, if you feel the judge will take the fathers rights away simply because there is more oppuritunity with you, then that's likely not going to happen... Dont beleive this is what you mean, but, just in case you thought this...

If the father is cooperative, no judge is needed... Maybe a lawyer to put the documents together...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

Wouldn't it make more sense for us to first marry so then there is a clear reason for him to relinquish his rights?

The answer here really depends on how you and your wife would survive this kind of an event in your relationship should things not work out... If you're certain that the husbands acceptance is gonna happen, then I would think being married offers much more advantage then simply being engaged, when it comes to employers, and health insurance etc, but when it comes to immigration benefits offered by other foriegn countries asside from her home country and asside from the USA, it has no benefit unless you have the proper documents from the respective governments...

Even if the mother consents to him relinquishing his rights, doesn't the judge have to judge in the best interest of the child, and how could he then say that it would be wise for the father to lose his legal rights?

The answer is absoulutely has no bearing on foriegn law... As you know, the only things that matter is local law.. And unless there is overwhelmning proof that the biological father is bad, then it is doubtful that you are going to get a Colombian Judge to award sole custody to the mom, and your likely not going to be able to convince the judge that the father has no rights to the child...

You're going to need the father's cooperation...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

start doing this, you do need a lawyer, but not like for fighting is more for the paperwork, prices.... i dont want to give misinformation but between 2k and 3k is a reasonable number. at the beginning dont mention nationalities, they are very willing to drain you,

Atty's in Colombia dont charge very much.. In our case we paid about 600.00 USD.. Ours was fairly straight forward with no fights, it was only about getting the Paperwork straight.. In the end, we found we could have done the samething by going to the local notoria.. They have a generic form.. But it only serves as a basic exit and not a document relinquishing all rights...

I would highly recommend, however, that you let your Fiancee do the all talking and you basically act like you're not there.. In fact, I wouldnt mention anything about you until you're sure the attorney is legit and you have a comitment on the price.. Just have your your fiancee explain truthfully, but don't have her emphasize it's an American Fiance, until after you establish the relationship with the Attorney.. That way the attorney feels he is dealling with a regular Colombiana with limited resources...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?
The father may not have interest in the child, and he may see the benefit to the child being gone, and lifting any concern he had about the welfare of the child, but this isnt thier motivation.. Many times, it's simply a means to control the Mom... And to a macho Colombiano, that is priceless...

My wife felt offering to pay the dad off would insult him... and would ruin any chance to get the father to sign..

In the end, we didnt pay anything, we simply appealed to the father and used the grandmother to talk sense into her son... :bonk:

Edited by kennym, 17 October 2011 - 10:44 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

BTW, it's common in situations like this to have to pay off the child's father. Ask first without offering any money. If they refuse then make a cash offer. If they are hesitant then bring up child support. That's usually enough to get them to accept the offer.

If you go this route, make sure you use an Attorney (preferably a Colombian Attorney) you need to have the agreement that the father relinquish all rights to the child.. Otherwise, he can bleed you for money foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Then addopt the child...

One other item... Finding a good attorney in Colombia is crucial... There are some crooks and scammers especially when it comes to foriegners... Get referals..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

1. I don't think there is child support because they were never married

2. Should I get her an attorney to talk to even before she tries to negotiate anything with him? That is, should he act 100% as her negotiating agent?

3. Would it be wise to first go to a Bienstar Familiar office to get some practical information?

4. What are the costs of attorneys in Colombia?

5. She is in Bucaramanga.

Thanks for all the help, keep it coming :)

One key part to your specific situation, is the fact you are going to be traveling internationally... The need for an Iron Clad, agreement that can function, not only for Colombia, but everywhere, is going to be absolutely critical...

Because, potentially, with you and your wife, you will need to show this each time you leave any country...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

This should be the first thing you look into. I am almost positive that the law in Colombia requires the father to give permission. It is irrelevant who has custody. If the father says "No," then the kid aint leaving Colombia. It'd suck to go through the whole process of getting paperwork for them to go to Rwanda with you, or even the US and the father refuse to allow the child to leave Colombia.

For the OP, this is true in Colombia... My wife and I dealt with this.. It doesn't matter who has custody... YOu will need to have the fathers permission, or proof he isnt around anymore...

You can fight this in the courts in Colombia, but likely you'll loose...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-17 01:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

Correction : An Alien can only apply for US Citizenship after 4 yrs 6 mths of being a Permanent Resident (Green Card ) .Check the USCIS website .

Correction, Unless you're the spouse of a USC...

See USCIS Website... Click Here

In general, you may qualify for naturalization under Section 319(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) if you
  • Have been a permanent resident (green card holder) for at least 3 years
  • Have been living in marital union with the same U.S. citizen spouse during such time
  • Meet all other eligibility requirements under this section

Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 11:53 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

These things can be difficult & possibly different in different countries but it would be a good idea to check with the embassy in Colombia to make sure they would accept the custody agreement of the court.
If there is no problem having him sign then there wont be a problem. I hope that the case for the sake of the child.

Guys, one factor is; the father's permission.. The place they check this is not the embassy.. In Colombia, it is at the airport on the way to the plane.. Make sure you have the documents to show DAS officials that the father has given his permission...


Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 11:06 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 23:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?
Another thought is;

the cultural aspect.. It could be very very dificult for your spouse in Rwanda.. My wife came to see me in Trinidad a few times, and frankly, that country was simply not the place for her.. Although, where we stayed was safe, she was basically confined to a very small area while I was at work and quiet boring for her there.. that was one of the reasons we didn't consider doing the DCF in Trinidad.. And it makes it much more dificult with children..

There is a lot to think about it.. The last consideration is to not take the assignment in Rwanda.. For me, it was easier, since I was allowed to fly to Colombia on a monthly basis.. My wife and I kept an appartment in Colombia where we lived and we called that home until my assignment ended...

Does you assignment have home travel options? could you do the same thing I did?

It was a wonderful way for us to develop our relationship.. At times, I would fly her to Trinidad where she could spend a few weeks at a time there as well... But then she returned home.. It was better than her living there because it simply was not a good place for a Colombianna..

Edited by kennym, 16 October 2011 - 03:03 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this marriage feasible?

Is there any alternative to this? (Marrying in Rwanda, then moving to the U.S. later with a K-3 spouse visa or something?... And if we did that, of what country would she be a citizen of after marriage?)

Thank you!

A couple of thoughts..

I also had this same situation.. I worked in Trinidad and Tobago for about 3 years.. My wife and I waited to file the Paperwork until I returned to the US...

We considered that we could marry outside the US, she could come live with me and we could do a Direct Counselor filing prior to wrapping up in T&T.. However, we decided to wait.. Thankfully, my company flew me home monthly, so I changed my residense with my job to Colombia... All along, my income was considered as US income and I filed US Taxes showing that income...

The option for you may be to consider the possiblity of getting your wife legal status in Rwanda, then wait until a year or so, before your assignment wraps up in RWANDA then file directly at the Embassy there..

Alternately, she could either stay in Colombia or Come to the US and simply live in the US with your family.. She cannot live outside the US while she has a GC since she could loose here residency status...

Otherwise, you will need to consider waiting until you're ready to move to the US to file the Petition..

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-16 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied, Devastated, Please HELP!!!

Last Monday when I started this thread, I came here looking for some help and advise on how to move on now that I had been denied my fiancee' visa. Instead of receiving support and empathy I was bombarded with sarcasm and disrespect. That Monday was a really bad day for me and I had received enough sarcasm and disrespect from the consulate's officers to come here and receive the same treatment. So, I decided to stop reading any response to my post. Why would I come here with lies? This site have helped me A LOT in this process and I am grateful for that. I am an honest person and would have appreciated to be believed.

Next day, feeling as sad as the day before but with the same questions and need of some answers, I started to read again. Thanks God, this time other people wiser and more compassionate posted their comments and gave me some valuable advise without hurting me. I am happy to reassure that VisaJourney is a great site with great people that take their time and effort to help other people that are strangers to them. And those that uses this site to be rude and arrogant with others are just MINORITY. I want to thanks everyone that kindly tried to help me (especially, Kathryn41, kennyM, tero, rLogan, Joe_Robin, mochamich and I & JJ). I will take some of your advise and will keep fighting to bring my beloved fiancee to USA which is my home. I will keep you informed of the outcome of my case. Again, thanks!

Hey... Stay strong, I know this setback isn't what any of us hoped for, but there's got to be a way to fight this.. I am so sorry that you're going through this.. I would have been devastated just as much as you.. I feel there is somewhat of a family atmosphere here on VJ, and I hope you know you're in our prayers.. God Bless you and hoping that you can keep fighting for your fiancee and your relationship.. You have to beleive in the fact that the truth is on your side...

kennymMaleColombia2010-12-01 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied, Devastated, Please HELP!!!

Try making your font bigger so we can see


Can you be a little more insensitive.. You may not be very intuitive, but these guys are going through a huge emotional trial.. Try thinking before posting stupid sarcastic remarks

kennymMaleColombia2010-11-30 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending in I129F Before Divorce Final
Look at what's at stake and the potential hurdles down the road.. Remember; you're swearing to; "you free to marry when filling your petition". If you feel the potential problems down the road are significant enough and the impact to you and your relationship is severe enough, then I would cancel the petition and wait until the divorce is final..

You're gonna be sweating this for a long time otherwise...
kennymMaleColombia2012-06-30 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I go with fiance visa, or just get married first? (baby involved, too!)

I think it's 90 days. The problem is that other posts are suggesting that this would be visa fraud.

If they do, they are wrong !! But, not sure I've seen anyone say that..

It's only fraud if you use the Visa with the intention of staying...

THere is no Fraud to enter the country, then get married and have the baby, If she returns before her time expires..
kennymMaleColombia2012-07-24 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I go with fiance visa, or just get married first? (baby involved, too!)

So here is my question: When the child is born, what do I have to do?

My current plan (based on what I learned today) is as follows:

I will go to albania in a few weeks (waiting on my NYC long form birth certifcate/apostille). I will marry her right away. Then, I guess it is looking like 10 months or so to get her into US, at which point baby is born.

How do I then get baby in? Is it a 10 month process?

thanks.. I hadn't considered the tax angle before.

Tax issue is not always true.. Recent tax laws make it very hard to claim a wife or a dependant from most countries..

Just went through this with my step daughter. My wife cannot claim her daughter on our tax return...
kennymMaleColombia2012-07-24 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I go with fiance visa, or just get married first? (baby involved, too!)
How long can they stay on a Diplomat Visa?

Couldn't she come in on her Diplomat Visa, stay the max amount of time, have the baby, get married, and return home before she overstays?

Certainly needs to be home for the Interview, but would that work?

kennymMaleColombia2012-07-24 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this enough to establish I have seen her within 2 years?
The only thing I would add is any Credit Card reciepts, ATM Receipts, but if you don't have those, you still should be fine..

The Passport stamps is huge coupled with photos, you should be good...
kennymMaleColombia2012-08-15 00:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMissing Information for K1 Visa G-325A Form
is he on the bene's birth certificate? if not put father not known, otherwise I would include a short explaination as to the details why it's not known.. Shouldn't be an issue..
kennymMaleColombia2012-08-22 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo Packet 3 received
Send the Cousulate IV section an email.. they will responde and provide further instructions..
kennymMaleColombia2012-08-22 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo originals pay stubs and company letter for interview

Original and quantity of items the discretion of the immigration agent they could ask for more or not ask for any so pretty much you are at the mercy of the interviewing agent. Generally the most recent 3 pay stubs even if its a copy is fine, originals are rairerly requested unless they suspect that you are providing false documentation.If you have changed jobs in the past year then they usually look for 3 pays. But as a general rule in the world of finance to prove income any pay stub within past 45 days is fine.


Just be prepared..

I went to the Interview with my wife.. The P3 said one year tax return.. But when we were entering the Embassy, we were asked for 3 years.. Oh #######.. but thankfully I had em..

kennymMaleColombia2012-08-24 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo originals pay stubs and company letter for interview
You dont need originals.. take 12 months worth of paystubs and your job letter.. Some Embassies will ask for 3 years tax returns, be prepared..

Originals not needed.. Copies, scanned or whatever should be fine..
kennymMaleColombia2012-08-23 23:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWork permission after arrival
Most people apply for the Employment Authorization when filing the Adjustment of status package after your married... It takes about 2-3 months to recieve the the Employment Authorization once you submit the form..
kennymMaleColombia2012-08-24 01:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on I-134

Pay stubs, job letter, 3 years taxes, not just one...

What country?
kennymMaleColombia2012-08-23 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year requirement?

How long does it take to receive GC once AOS has been filed?

About 4-6 months...
kennymMaleColombia2012-08-24 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year requirement?

apparently i do not understand the process. she is coming to the usa in november and we will marry in december. we then file for aos --adjustment of status but then what is ead and ap?

what else needs to happen?

EAD is a seperate form submitted with your AOS Package.. It is the Employment Authorization Document...
AP is Advance Parole.. Also filed with your AOS Package if you like.. Used to travel outside the US while waiting for Green Card.. Generally intended for emergency travel...
GC - Green Card.. your fiancees.. This is the Card that you will receive after your AOS is approved.. She will be a Legal Permanent Resident (LPR).. Green Card is the proof of her LPR Status..

Chech the Guides section for "Adjustment of Status" for all the steps.. Sounds like you have some research to do.. Better get busy..

Edited by kennym, 23 August 2012 - 10:52 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2012-08-23 22:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 year requirement?
Like Gowan said, AP takes generally 2-3 months and can be used to travel.. GC can take 4 months, after filing, or more depending on the USCIS workload.

My suggestions is to plan to wait 4-6 months...

Edited by kennym, 23 August 2012 - 10:45 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2012-08-23 22:45:00