US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III

It's great to see Colombia Club III Going.. I was wondering if it was going to get started..

I need help again..

As some of you know me, My wife arrived last year, we married and AOS'd and she now has her GC, but we are starting the Process for her daughter who was listed as "Will Follow" on the DS-156...

As you may remember, Valentina is 8 years old.. Her father has given us his permission..

So the question is, since my wife is now here and we're married, do we still need to submit any additional proof of the relationship?

I completed the DS156 Visa Application and am sending the Original DS 156K which we submitted for my wife.. Also the DS230, and so forth as well as the I-134, taxes, pay stub, job letters, Birth Certificate, Registrar Civil.. What else is needed?

What proof, of the relationship will the want for an 8 year old...


Thanks everyone...

kennymMaleColombia2011-08-15 01:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNeed an argument settled
Kick em to da curb,,, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
kennymMaleColombia2012-08-12 16:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionChildren of naturalized USC

Thanks Everyone...  I appreciate the replies...

kennymMaleColombia2013-05-06 19:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionChildren of naturalized USC

My wifes daughter lives outside the US with her father and currently has no legal status in the US.. My hope is that my wife will obtain her citizenship under the 3 year rule.. Will her daughter then be automatically a USC as well????


Thanks in advance...



kennymMaleColombia2013-05-05 20:59:00
Canadawhat to do about insurance in the states upon arrival?
If something life-threatening happens, you can get medical care... the emergency rooms wont turn you away.. you will get some high bills later, but can pay those off later over time...
kennymMaleColombia2011-09-30 11:07:00
Canadawhat to do about insurance in the states upon arrival?
When my fiancee arrived last year, I added her to my Policy at work after we were married. they asked for a SSN, but I explained we didn't have it yet.. They were able to add her without the SSN...
kennymMaleColombia2011-09-30 00:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorcing and Filing for Removal of Conditions

If they were married 5 years ago I do not understand how she ended up with conditional GC. If her AOS was approved after being married for 2 years, she would have had a 10 year GC. If her AOS was approved right before 2 years of marriage, her 2 year GC would have been 1 year expired by now.

Anyway, if all she has to do is to ROC, she is better off not claiming abuse. Just file with a divorce waiver and submit evidence of bona fide marriage (see I-751 instructions). If she claims abuse, she will have to prove BOTH abuse and bona fide marriage.

Seeing that they were married 5 years I do not think she'll have problems with ROC (unless her conditional GC already expired).

They were married in Mexico 5 years ago.. They waited some time to apply for the K3.. K3 was approved and she enterd the country about 2 years ago, they AOS'd on K3 (Was not CR1)...

That's the best understanding I have...

kennymMaleColombia2011-03-30 14:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorcing and Filing for Removal of Conditions

She doesn't need to claim abuse for immigration purposes and in fact if she does then she would be required to prove the abuse in addition to the Marriage in good faith.

She should just get divorced & file RoC without him.

Thanks all, All good information...

But just to be clear, is there a need to "Prove" Good Faith? if so, how do you do that?

kennymMaleColombia2011-03-30 13:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorcing and Filing for Removal of Conditions

All kinds of excuses to file for divorce will come into the pictures when its time to ROC, if you get my drift.


I would hope that there would be advise regarding my question without jumping to conclusions about fraud.. I know very little about this girl, but she spends a lot of time with my wife. I can see her sadness about her relationship is genuine... She has spent hours talking to my wife and I and is genuinly heartbroken that this side of her husband has surfaced. She didn't see this in him before she moved here.. She has repeatedly stressed how much she loves him, but can't live in a situation where she is treated with disrepect and abused verbally, not to mention the demands he places on her... I've personally seen it and I wish I could talk some sense into the husband, but it seems that his mindset and years of conditioning has made him what he is and I don't beleive I can do anything to change it...

So, if there are some real ideas about how to help this young woman, please share them.. I don't beleive there is any need to share comments about fraud.. we all know that it exists, but it's not the case here...

kennymMaleColombia2011-03-30 13:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorcing and Filing for Removal of Conditions

If she came in with a K3 visa, she is still a non-immigrant and doesn't even have a green card yet. She will have to adjust status to even apply for a green card. I have no idea how that even works. I would look at the specifications for Adjustment of Status (I-485) not removal of conditions.


She has her 2 year green card, and is preparing for her 10 year GC, Removal Of Conditions...
kennymMaleColombia2011-03-29 16:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorcing and Filing for Removal of Conditions
My wife and I know a couple who are having troubles in the marriage..

Without getting into too much details, because I simply don't know the details, This couple is considering a divorce.. My wife is very close friends to the woman and I've met the husband.. The wife is from Mexico, he's a US Citizen. They were married in Mexico about 5 years ago, and she came in on a K3 Visa less than 2 years ago. One other small factor is she is 24 years old and he's 60 years old.

The primary question I want to pose for my wife's friend is; can she file for removal of conditions if they divorce? If so, what items does she need to gather to successfully file?

Also, what constitutes abuse..

The reason I ask, is not soo much to antoginize, but he is rather agressive with her, not physically, but verbally? She possibly could save the messages he leaves her which is one of the reasons she is scared and wants to divorce him...

Thanks for everyones help!!
kennymMaleColombia2011-03-29 15:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMust she carry her green card daily?

:rofl: :rofl: JustBob, you are cracking me up sometimes!

Just Bob is Just Strange! :rofl:
kennymMaleColombia2011-05-28 21:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Listing Children



My wifes daughter has not yet entered the US and still has no legal status yet due to trouble with the dad Imy wife's ex) we are still fighting this..


However, we are filing for my wife's ROC..


On the form, the do we still put the Daughter's name or is this only children that are included in the ROC?





kennymMaleColombia2013-05-06 19:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionExpiring 2 year green card


Why do you insist on playing with this?

It's a soccer game, it's not as if it's a life threatening thing.



Good question.. 


It's not soo much about playing with fire as it is understand the potential for a bad outcome.. If I am going to put my foot down, I want to be sure I have a good reason.. You know, sometimes taking a stand can have consequences as well and I wanted to be sure if I needed too..



kennymMaleColombia2013-06-06 20:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionExpiring 2 year green card

No No, Kenny... What happened this weekend?  Tell all, and thanks in advance. 



All went well... My wife did go to Mexico, but still had time on her GC until sunday night...She carried everything I could think of.. Proof of delivery, copy of the I751, my cover letter, copy of the check, but never was asked a thing... I worry way more than she does, (and maybe rightfully so) Colombians are soo laid back and have way more confidence in the American system than i do.,, My wife doesnt understand why I worry soo much.. I tried to explain how bureaucrats can be unpredictable... She doesnt understand how much trouble "relying on government employees" can cause.. especially one having a bad day... he he..


But as ussual, and thankfully, everything went well...


Thanks everyone...

kennymMaleColombia2013-06-06 20:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionExpiring 2 year green card



how you doing?


Yea, United Express, cancelled the service into DRT.. we currently dont have any commercial service here.. Which would have killed me had I still been traveling weekly.. I dont travel anymore.. I am back to work for the Phone company.. So home every night.. it's still a problem for my wife though.. she still goes to Colombia frequently (4-5 times per year).. So we have to fly from SA...



kennymMaleColombia2013-06-06 20:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionExpiring 2 year green card

Hey Kenny - Good Morning ! 


Where are ya, and where's the wife ? 



Hey all


Thanks for everyones replies.. My wife and I live in Del Rio, Texas...


The Extension Letter arrived... The POE here is very helpful.. 


We should be good to go.. She is a Volleyball nut, and feels the teams here in Del Rio dont play with the same spirit... So she's involved with a team in Ciudad Acuna and really feels at home,,


Thanks again..



kennymMaleColombia2013-06-03 21:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionExpiring 2 year green card

Will they possibly, hassle her or worse, prevent her from returning, if she goes tomorrow for a couple hours? Being she will have only one day left...

kennymMaleColombia2013-05-31 21:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionExpiring 2 year green card

Thanks Darnell... You're helpful... My wife has a hard head.. I will explain this to her...



Feel stupid for asking, but, what is "IIRC"? 


kennymMaleColombia2013-05-31 21:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionExpiring 2 year green card

All, My wife's Green Card expires Jun 2, Sunday... we haven't received any documents.. The I-751 was recently sent in and we see from USPS, that they Arrived on 28 May..


do we need to worry?


We live on a mexico border town and my wife plays volleyball in Mexico and has games tomorrow and wants to attend.. Should she go? What happens after Jun 2nd? Can she be in trouble?


We were delayed filing because my wife was injured when she returned to Colombia a few months ago and resulted in major expenses which we had to steal money from our Renew Fund..


Anyhow, any help is appreciated...




kennymMaleColombia2013-05-31 20:44:00
PhilippinesIs my relationship hopeless??????

I'm curious if OP has made any financial commitments to this girl ...and... What is giving Mr. Germany the impression it's ok to go ahead with the visa. I think the OP needs to have a 1 on 1 talk with Mr. Germany.
I asked my wife if there is a term for a married woman engaged to another man...asawa ko said yes...the term is "#######".

WOWWWW! No you did'ant!

Jus doesnt seem nice...

Edited by kennym, 10 September 2011 - 11:57 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-09-10 11:55:00
PhilippinesIs my relationship hopeless??????

I don't see how a response like this helps the OP at all. Good for you and your morals (which I agree with) but I don't think the OP was asking if anybody here would make the same mistake he made.

First of all, it's an excellent point, CocoNUTS.. Secondly, it's funny, and 3rd, the OP hasnt shown good jusdgement...

Lighten up coco..
kennymMaleColombia2011-09-08 23:04:00
PhilippinesMarried or not?

If you are legally married, you MUST fill tax returns in the USA as join, married filing separate, or if not living together the last full 6 months of the year you might be able to file as head of household. With her and the child living in the Philippines, you will not get the same tax breaks as a couple living together in the USA. If you have filed tax returns for any year you are married as being single you will need to file an amendment to correct the return.

I am positive you can claim her on your return as your wife.. you need to check with the IRS, but you will need an ITIN (individual tax identification number) Number which can be a little complex to get because you need to prove valid forreign status of the individuals with original documents or certified copies of a foreign passport, birth certificate, etc...

quite dificult to do since you may not have those documents here in the US...
kennymMaleColombia2011-09-14 05:29:00
Philippineshelp with mama

Yep that's you admitting to stalking me now.

This post reported also.

Ha, funny, report away..

again, you are simply trying to have your freedom to attack people.. If the moderators fall for your games, then go for it..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 12:56:00
Philippineshelp with mama
I have no grudge against RJo, She simply needs to stop her abuse and sense of entitlement that she feels she has due to her time here at VJ...

I don't appreciate what's happening to posters that get overwhelmed with attacks over assumptions and twising of comments...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 12:53:00
Philippineshelp with mama

I would think the best advice Darren and Gretchen can consider would come from other Phil-Am couples. A few years ago I had a question specific to where my husband was going to have his interview. I had a lot of advice from all over the place....Ukraine, Phils, Canada....all of it was wrong. No one had any experience with the Congo and interveiws there. If I had a problem with my Danish in-laws, and I thought it might be a cultural issue, then I'm not going to ask for advice from anyone but other Dane's.

Darren's OP is in the Phil's forum.

Kenny - In my opinon, all you are doing is creating a name for yourself on VJ as a troll and a disrupter of threads. You've managed to turn this entire topic into something all about you and your grudge against RJo - back to topic, please!

Interesting that standing up for others, is considered; "making it about me".. Pretty warped thinking... Accusing somebody of trolling is simply a diversionary tacktic to discredit someone..

I can see that many of you are part of the same Springer audience...

Not at all trolling, Letting people know that abuse is going to be exposed.. You guys like to abuse people when it's completely destrucctive method to help people...

And those who enjoy abusing people are trying to make me look like the bad person.. Very good tactic... But now falling for it..

And nobody has answered the question.. Rebecca claims to have, but cant quote it..

I am going to mow the back yard now... but I'll be back.. If someone can give an answer, of how this is helping anybody, I will eat my shoe...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 12:44:00
Philippineshelp with mama
By the way, rebecca, you still havent answered my question...

You are making me think you really lied about your concern over the 19 year old wife..

Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 12:20 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 12:19:00
Philippineshelp with mama
I sure hope th moderators will find a way to elimnate this bashing... For now, this is wearing me out.. I used to really value VJ and the nature in which people were willing toi be helpful.. I still beleive that exists.. but man, a few weeks ago, someone created a thread about how VJ has turned into an abusive place.. (Paraphrasing).. I ademently defended VJ, but now not so sure..

It's been taken over by bore housewives with no life except VJ..

For the rest of VJ, The OP's of past present and future, the good guys, and the future VJ'rs, man, I am soo sorry that Moderators don't have the tools to minimize the bullies...

Also, Crashed~N2~Me, I did see some helpful stuff in your posts, so that seems positive.. I urge you not to get drug into the bashing campaign here or any other Thread..

I am going to mow the lawn.. I have to finish some work on my step daughters room, so, You guys have a wonderful time beating up on people.. For Rebecca, I will be on here to discredit your attacks when I see them.. I jsut hate bullies and you are a big one from the peace of your computor, you seem extremely entertained by abusing people.. Have fun, but I will be ther at times to let people know how you are..
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 12:16:00
Philippineshelp with mama

1) See post #177. :star:

2) Were you ever spanked as a child? Ever reprimanded by your wife or anybody? :wacko:

3) Your trolling is being exposed. :bonk:

Darren asked for "input". He got it.

The only thing being exposed is how you guys have no agenda but to make acusations and cynical comments to people who you claim to want to help.. your post 177 is full of those cynical comments...

Not a single constructive comment given in that post..

I don't need to know a thing about PI to realize when people are being bullies..

When you follow me up to the K1 forums and get into a thread about moving from the UK to the US, then yes I consider that stalking.

The comment was a general one.. about experiences I have had about living in diferent places.. we all have a right to make comments.. Grow up Rebecca.. Seriously,
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 12:05:00
Philippineshelp with mama

Because Darren says Gretchen is reading the thread, it might give her some food for thought if she reads what other people think.

God knows I am not the VJ savior.

But then neither are you, Kenny.

Knock off stalking me around the forums and via PM or I will report you.

Stalking on forums, that is funny,, you just seem to be the main offender and your upset because someone is exposing you..

How hilarious... :rofl: :rofl:

Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 11:59 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 11:59:00
Philippineshelp with mama
Rebecca, another Non Answer..

Are you saying you dont really intend to provide any guidance for the 19yo which you claim to care soo deeply about?

Or Is that because you dont have an answer?

Or more likely, is it's more fun to beat up on the OP than to make this a constructive discussion?

Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 11:57 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 11:56:00
Philippineshelp with mama

It's obvious why ranchers take care of their cattle. (but) The cattle only figure it out the day they are hoisted for slaughter.

What I dont get is; now that you have concluded that Darren is bad, is the bashing for the fun of it? or is something constructive going to come from it?

Waiting for an answer..

come'n man, You guys are letting me down...

I am starting to feel like you have no agenda except to bash on people...

Do you have reading comprehension difficulties? :blink: (or) are you in the mood to troll? :whistle:

I'm guessing troll. :yes:

Guys, insulting me is more evidense you have no agenda except to be abusive...

But this is good, your exposing yourselves...

Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 11:45 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 11:46:00
Philippineshelp with mama

I don't feel attacked.
I do, however, feel alittle sorry for you because you are posting on a topic you clearly have not read , and can't see that what you are posting is so hypocritical and self serving, it's making you look silly.

Self Serving, Doubtful.. I know you're attempts to discredit me is appealing to the springer fans, but not working for me..

There is nothing self serving about exposing bullies.. Good try though.. however ridiculous attempt it is..

I have read the entire thread.. took me a couple of hours, but I read every single posts before making any comments, and what I get out of this is very diferent than you.. And the reason is, I am not seeking a reason to create drama.. I see the same bored clan attacking people over and over, and I am making it my agenda to expose that..

I cant stand maury povich for the same reason, it is simply garbage and a room full of immmature people jumping to conclusions after conclusions for the benefit of getting some satisfaction of furthering feeling that they are better than the rest of the world..

You cant seem to get that satisfaction from your life, so you find a internet forum to create that for you.. And then you use the protection of the internet to accuse someone of control, abuse, or whatever to make yourself feel better about your pointless lives..

Again, answer the quesstion.. for those who think that; jumping to conclusions and accusing someone of robbing the craddle or controlling their SO, or whatever, how does it help? How do you or rebecca, or those bashing the OP propose to help the 19 year old wife or the supposedly screwed up OP?I've asked the question 3 times, and nobody has addressed it.. Why? Because you guys dont really care about helping anybody.. you simply love to bash on people because you have concluded they are bad.. without considering any of the explainations offered for the statements made, you have made your conclusion and now you propose to fix the OP or solve the 19 yo's problem by beating up on the OP?

I am anxiously waiting to hear how this is going to help anyone...

Common, anita, rebecca, tmma, Crashed~N2~Me, how does your bashing help anything..

There are ways to offer constructive advice, but that isnt happening here, it is a assualt on the OP and anyone who attempts to say wait a minute, lets help in a constuctive way...

The reason is, because you arent entertained unless you gang up on someone..

go ahead, answer the question...I doubt you can...

Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 11:39 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 11:38:00
Philippineshelp with mama

kenny, if you had cared enough to read darren's entire thread - you would have seen where I and many others HAVE given advice, but seeing as it appears you just jumped in like johnny come lately & used darren's situation for your own agenda- you missed it.

Good attempt to turn this around. Most people wouldnt see that. But keep in mind, I am not bashing the OP. I only attcking the "jerry springer" crowd who choose to pick on people. And yup, I am attacking you guys.

Again. For the Do-gooders...

(I believe Rebecca Jo says shes only concerned about the 19 yo wife, so she is also attacking the OP. )

Whats the plan? How does this help anyone? Other than the entertainment factor, what is tjis doing to help the 19 yo wife?

I am hoping you cam show the community how you plan to fix the problem ( real or not ).

Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 11:00 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 10:58:00
Philippineshelp with mama

Why are you throwing insults,assuming and adding to the thread derailment drama?
Also-I don't see anyone ' inventing' anything , all that is known and commented on is what DARREN has said himself.
Not everyone is of the mind to just type what they think the poster wants to hear when an opinion is asked for ( which darren did ask for opinions). It is fake and insincere to do so. Surely an honest answer is best and is deserved by the OP.

edit- based on past history that I've seen. It appears you are using this topic for your own reasons to have a hack at a poster you don't seem to like ( RJ). That's alittle hypocritical, really.

Good trick. Demonize my posts so you further your and others agenda who are bored and want create drama.

I dont believe this OP or anyone else is perfect including you rightous do-gooders. However how do you propose to fix any issues in this relationship or any other by bashing them. What is the plan? Seriously, explain how you propose to fix the problem. Real or imagined? I anxious to hear your plan, or anybody who thinks they can fix this guys issues or anyone elses issues.

I cant wait to hear how you plant to help the wife or fix the husband.

Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 10:22 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 10:20:00
Philippineshelp with mama

I don't care if Darren has communication issues.

I care about a 19 year old girl who has been brought over here to be kept a virtual prisoner by someone who is supposed to love her.

You can't blow sunshine up that no matter how hard you try.

There you go again... Inventing something you know nothing about and trying to make it about something rightous.. It's very possible Darren has issues, but again your assumptions, because you love the drama, is that his comments are literal and you wanna make yourself look like the VJ Saviour... Because if he has communcations issues, and all his statements can be atributed to his inabilty to express himself properly, then all the drama dispappears.. and that would be no fun you.. huh.. you'd have to go back to your boring life today and wait for the next opporitunity to creat drama,,,

And god knows you're good and creating reasons to have drama..

Edited by kennym, 08 October 2011 - 09:09 AM.

kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 09:05:00
Philippineshelp with mama
It's absolutely common for a women from PI to be involved with an older man even with an age gap that exists with Darren and his SO.. So why are so many of you critical of Darren for that?

I dont support anyone who feels they can bring a young woman into thier life to control them.. I assure you, you dont have to be involved with a forreigner to be in that situation.. I am not convinced that Darren has done that.. He may have badly expressed himself, but he attempted to explain himself.. You guys simply dismissed that as contradictions.. It seems like a witch hunt.. Once VJ'rs convict someone, it doesnt matter what they say, you will twist it around to demonize him..

I can honestly say, I am amazed about the mentality that seems to be surfacing here on VJ.. It seems soo much like Maury or Jerry Springer...
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 04:02:00
Philippineshelp with mama
:ot: :ot:
It is absolutely amazing how everyone jumps on the bandwagon (the mob mentality) and nit-piks posts to death... Admitedly some of his posts were alarming, but... There are way too many people on VJ that enjoy making people feel like #######..


not everyone here is a world class writer.. Darren may have communication issues, but it's insane how he's tried to clarify his posts numerous times, and people continue to bash him and nit-pik his comments to twist it around and show how he could be a freak of some kind...

He could be, but you've missed the whole darn point.. Anyone who's been around VJ for more than a day, knows this topic is a common issue when it comes to PI.. and although, darren wondered off into the weeds with his narative about villages and tribes, his point was effectively the same as others have posted numerous times..

It's good to see through the communication problem and attempt to isolate the issue.. instead of bashing someone to death.. Darren may have things to learn from others dealing with the stuff, but beating the ####### out of him with attacks and insults isnt going to teach him a darn thing.. Folks, #######?????

I simply feel like this Web Site has moved from one with genuine people to one where people with issues, use it beat up on others while taking advantage of the annonymity the internet.. One person makes a derogatory assesment, and before you know it everyone is jumpin in and adding their comment... Most of you wouldn't treat people like this in person and certainly wouldnt have the courage to treat your friends or family like this especially if you were face to face, but thank god for the internet.. It lets you bash people without fear of getting clocked....

Rather than try and understand that he may have challenges expressing himself, you quickly take every little comment he makes and find a way to critique it to show how screwed up he is, instead of understanding the point of his posts..

I applaud the few people who got in supported the possiblity that Darren had commuications issues, but 90% of you ignored those posts and continued to beat up on him..

Darren may not have all the answers, but I am confident that nobody else (especially the attackers) does either...

:wow: :wow:
kennymMaleColombia2011-10-08 03:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTHANK YOU - VJ !!!
Thank you to everyone who's responded to my numerous posts..

With the help I've received here, I am ready to submit my I129 and G325 and associated documents.. This process was extemely intimidating until I found out about VISA Journey.. I actually learned about it at a sidewalk cafe in Parque Lleras here in Medellin, Colombia, 2 weeks ago, from a Colombian Friend of mine.. AND With all the people willing to capitalize on the need for those of us who desparetly want to get our loved ones home to begin our lives, this site is so refreshing that there are people like VJ'ers willing to help others realize the joy of having your loved ones here without taking advantage of anyone..

Let me tell you, I came to Colombia for 2 reasons this trip.. one was to spend valentines day with my fiance and second was to complete all the paperwork for the K1. Now, I feel pretty good about how this week turned out.. I am excited and actually feel some peace about this whole K1 process.. I feel all of you are friends and I have some comfort knowing this group is here to help get us through this process.

I would still be completely confused and lost had I not learned about VJ. I already thanked my friend for sharing this site with me and I really want to send a special thanks for all the wonderful help I've received from all of you here.. I beleive the VJ community is wonderful group... It's hard to find dedicated people that offer sincere advise as all of you have done here..... and.... for the price.......

well... what else can I say..

I cant say this strongly enough.... THANK YOU!

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-21 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust Mailed Our Packet!!!!

BEST Wishes.. I'm right behind you.. I will be filing mine either by the end of the week or the first of next week with Vermont Service Center as well...

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-22 21:51:00