IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC expedite and Interview Expedite?
Hey Redneck... Sorry about your daugter.. please keep us posted on her progress..

contact NVC if you haven't already... However, unless you get put in AP, NVC stage should move thru quickly.. otherwise you'll need to work with Montreal to get the process for the expidite..

Also, some like to give unsolicited advice even though they jump down others throat for doing the same thing.. please forgive Jill, you'll learn to love her..

Let us know how things go with your daugther.. we're all concerned and praying for her.. How old is she?
kennymMaleColombia2010-11-05 00:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Affidavits

I wasn't really sure myself. I ended up printing them out on a color printer, two to a page, with the date and caption immediately below. I'm thinking that either of the ways you mentioned would work fine.



My photos were 4x6 printed from my Memory Stick at a Photo Lab, I printed descriptions on Sticky Labels with with my Printer and placed the Labels on the back of each Photo. The Photos were all placed in a Zip Lock Bag... Each Photo had My Name and the Beneficiary's name.

Although Photos are Secondary Evidence, they go a long way towards making your case, and would never send any petition in without photos..

kennymMaleColombia2010-12-05 17:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved in Bogota
Hey Guys

Great News!!


:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
kennymMaleColombia2010-12-16 13:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE.. .. then GOT RFE?

Hello beancare, thank you for the response... well some of my friends here they said this is a late emailed..according to NVC operator when I asked my concern, they said nothing to worry because my case complete...but this is scary because some vj members advices..really scared for me... I wish and pray my our papers will be fine.

Ray & Ces

You have not read our posts very carefully... You are NOT fine!

If you want to suceeed at the Interview, you absolutely need to take steps to either show more income or get a qualified Co-Sponser.. Your mother-in-Law is not qualified to be your Co-Sponser since she has no income and insufficient assets and cash..

Your husband either needs a job showing a minimum of 18,212.00 of annual income or if falls short, can make up the diference by showing 3 times cash value in assets.. If you have a co-sponser, they need to show proof of sufficient income for household size (including yourself) or 5 times cash value in assets.. They have to prove they have sole ownership of those assets..

Dont get the false impression you are ok, those posts are WRONG!

If your co-sponser is using cash or assets as proof, they need to have a minimum of ~92,000.00 in cash or assets with proof of sole custody of those assets...

Please take pushbrk's posts seriously.. Your husband needs to get a second job, or a better job, or a qualified co-sponser, or your VISA will be denied at your interview..


Edited by kennym, 22 December 2010 - 12:20 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-12-22 12:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE.. .. then GOT RFE?

Hello pushbrk, the sad part my husband stepdad don't want to fill-up the AOS, he told to my Mom in-law he don't to be liable with me in 2 years..what can I do? I don't want to push him... but I am really disappointed to my husband stepdad..for me his very selfish....arrrrrg!

What I don't understand, to earn an income of 19K isn't that hard.. it seems he could work at WalMart or McDonalds or any job like that to meet minimum income requirements. Is it not possible for your husband to take on a second job or find a diferent job, this isn't a big deal...

Ussually most people are hesitant to co-sponser due to the responsibility that it brings.. And showing sufficient assets can be dificult to show ownership and availibilty.. I would think it would be easier to meet the income requirement by simply taking on another job...

You can't expect anyone to feel sympathetic even if it is family since most responsible adults should be able to stand on thier own..


Edited by kennym, 21 December 2010 - 10:24 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-12-21 22:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE.. .. then GOT RFE?

When sponsoring your own spouse or fiance it's three times but this cosponsor would be sponsoring a son in-law, so five to one. Mom would have to show the assets were in her name and her name alone or her husband would need to provide an affidavit as well.

Thanks pusbrk...

so, OP, your Mother in Law needs to have $91,100.00 cash in the bank. Or your husband needs to get a job paying $18300.00 or you need to get another Co Sponser with the assets, or cash, or the needed combination of both...


Edited by kennym, 21 December 2010 - 06:38 PM.

kennymMaleColombia2010-12-21 18:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE.. .. then GOT RFE?

I think you'll feel much better just calling NVC and asking them, rather than relying on our guesses! Good luck!

uhhhh 'Kikapoo', thats why people are on here.. The forms are clear if you follow them... otherwise there are people here who
've done it before and know it.. and relying on NVC for a correct answer is almost as scary as using "guesses" anyway...

kennymMaleColombia2010-12-21 18:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE COMPLETE.. .. then GOT RFE?
The requirement is 18212.00 anuall income for household of 2.. since you husband is effectively not counted on the household size..

You said your mother in law isn't working, so If she is using only assets then she needs to show assets of 3 times that of the Anual income requirement meaning she's need to show assets/cash of $54700.00.

Can someone clarify if assets are 3 times or 5 times the Poverty Line? It apears to be 3 times from the 864 form.. Regardless, it appears your mother in law doesn't meet the requirement either, so you should find someone who does..

Someone correct me if I'm calculating this wrong...

kennymMaleColombia2010-12-21 18:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYES, OUR IR1 APPROVED!!!
Very Awesome...

Congrats!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

:dance: :dance:
kennymMaleColombia2010-12-02 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProving - Single Status
This was the first thing we had to work though in our relationship, which is one of the reasons we had delayed the K1 Application.. We have been engaged since Christmas 2008, however, early last year we experienced some concern over the fathers intent to give permission.. We've since have worked with the father to pursue this issue in a peaceful manner and, working with the father, we came up with our plan..

I strongly believe that my Fiance (Maritza) would not consider leaving her country if she felt the father would in anyway jeopardize the relationship she has with her daughter.. Maritza has a high level of peace about the fathers intentions at this point.. I know everyon realize how complex these issues are. They are certainly not easy for any of the people involved, as there are many conflicting issues involved (mothers love for here daughter, Fathers love for daughter, My Relationship with Maritza and her daughter).. It has always been my feeling that the relationship between Mother and Daughter was first and foremost. Maritza and I have talked about this at great length and feel that all the relationships (Daughters, mother/father myself/my fiancee) have been developed to the point where we can consider moving forward with the VISA Process..

Thanks for those thoughts and we are always open to hearing those kinds of concerns so we can address them.. I am certain that if she attempted to obtain 100% custody, we would have a fight that we may not win due to some of the cultural issues here.. My feelings are we continue to pursue the peaceful route rather than try to start a huge and painful battle.. I sincerely believe the father has his daughters best interest in mind and won't do anything to ruin the relationship that the daughter has with her mom..

Any comments are welcome

Thank you all for your responses...

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-16 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProving - Single Status

Thanks for your quick response.. I am really nervous about getting this right the first time, so I am trying to make sure I identify all the potential obstacles...

Thank you
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-16 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProving - Single Status
Good afternoon all..

I am engaged to a Colombian woman and am begining the K1 Process.. I am not sure what to expect, so this site seems to be a wonderful place for help..
I have been engaged for over 1 year and met my fiance in Nov 2006.. I have made at least 20 trips to visit her in Colombia and currently share an apartment.. I currenlty have a job which requires extensive travel, so it provides the flexibility to travel to see my fiancee often.. I still maintain a home in the US.. I have known her for quiet some time and feel strongly that our relationship is ready for the next steps..

I have 2 questions..

  • My first question is what is needed for my fiance to show she has never been married.. She has a child, but was never married to the father..
  • The Second question involves the k1/k2 Visa.. I have an agreement with the daughters father that we would not take her to the US at least until he is comfortable that her mom is settled in and doesn't ecounter any issues durring the transition.. I think this is a reasonable request, and have discussed this at great length with my fiancee. So, how would I go about completing the K1/K2 Visa application and how would this affect the success of the visa process?

I simply want to understand the issues and be prepared on how to address each of these questions.. Any thoughts would be helpful...

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-16 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich Service Center?
Hello all

I live in Texas. I was looking at processing times and noticed that the Texas Service Center does not appear to show recent data releated to K1 Visas? Does that mean anything in particular.. That seems surprizing to being on the Mexico Border... anyhow... Should I be concerned about sending the application to the Texas Service Center or do I have a choice? Can I send my K1 Application to any service center?

If I have a choice, which one has the best track record and best to work with?

Thank you in advance for any help..


kennymMaleColombia2010-02-17 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotarized Statements
I noticed on another website that we may need Notarized Statements from Friends and Family...

  • Is this needed?
  • What language should it be in?
  • If the original is in Spanish (Colombia) should I get it translated?
  • Should all Documents be Notorized including the G-325A?

Anyone have any thoughts?

I am currently in Colombia all this week and am working to get these documents together for the Initial K1 Visa Submission..

Thanks again for everyones help...
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-17 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDaugter of My Fiancee
Also to add..

We do not anticipate have the Permission of the Father until at least 6 months after the mother and I are married and she is settled in the US...

I hope to avoid any surprises as a result of this issue, so I want to be proactive in addressing this from the start...

Thanks again for everyone great support!!

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-17 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDaugter of My Fiancee

I am engaged to a Colombian woman and am begining the K1 Process.. I have been engaged for over 1 year. I met my fiancee in Nov 2006.. I have made at least 20 trips to visit her in Colombia since 2006

More clarification needed regarding the K2 Part of the process for her daughter..

I have an agreement with the daughters father that we would not take her to the US at least until he is comfortable that her mom is settled in and doesn't encounter any issues durring the transition.. I think this is a reasonable request, and have discussed this at great length with my fiancee. So, how would I go about completing the K1/K2 Visa application and how would this affect the success of the visa process?

  • If we are not going to have permission of the father for My Fiance's Daughter to Enter the US with her mom, how do I indicate that we are only seeking the VISA for my Fiancee only at this time?
  • Do we submit the K1/K2 I-129 Application with the Daughters name knowing we don't have permission from the father at this point?
  • How exactly does this work for her daughter? Do we need the letter at the time of the I-129 Submission or at the Interview?

I appologize if this question is a bit redundant? But I simply am not clear on this issue..

Any help is greatly Appreciated
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-17 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of having met in Person

Me again with another basic question...

I have been rather negligent (stupid is a better word) about keeping my Boarding passes when I've travelled to Colombia.. I always stay at our apartment, so no hotel receipts...


I have dozens of stamps in my passport, all the correspondence from the travel agency including my iteneraies, and litterally hundreds of ATM and Credit Card Reciepts from Groceries, hardware stores, etc.. Also tons of digital photos..

Will I be in trouble without the copies of my boarding passes?

I am in Colombia this week and return late next week.. I will keep the return boarding pass for the trip back. Will this be enough?

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-18 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForiegn Fiancee Signatures LOI/G-325A

I am concerned about the signatures on the G325 and the LOI... My Fiancee signs everything in Block Letters.. Not the normal for a "Signature"..

So it poses some concern that the USCIS may not feel the Signatures are authentic.. Should I get her to notarize those items to add some level of validation to both the letter of intent and the G325A?

I realize from previous posts, notary is not needed, but just dont want to add any delays due to raised eyebrows at the USCIS...

Also, I wrote the Letters in English for my Fiancee to sign and although she clearly understands what she is signing, is this a factor?

By the way she is Colombian and I am in Colombia this week working on the paperwork...


kennymMaleColombia2010-02-19 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFathers Permission - For Fiancee's Child

If you do not follow thorugh getting the K-2 Visa for your fiancee's daughter together with the K-1, you would need to wait for your fiancee to become a Permanent Resident which would then allow her to file for a different visa for her daughter to come live permanently in the USA once you and your fiancee are adequately settled.

Thanks Audy_Rob and Thanks again all, everyone is extremely helpful here (VJ)...

I feel there would be no way for us to seek permanent custody in anyway as there is no basis for us to win that battle..
So, What if we go a diferent route.. how could we get a VISA for the Daughter once the mother has Permanent Residence that would not require getting the father's permission for permantly moving to the US.. What I mean is, I am certain we could get his permission for his daughter to travel to the US, but not if he feels he'll never see her again..

Any thoughts on what we can do?

For example a Visitors Visa for the daughter?

I am completely unfamiliar with Immigration and what options are available to us...

The mother is ok if we don't have the daughter with us permanently, but would certainly like for the daughter to come for her holidays and other various occasions then return to Colombia...
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-19 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFathers Permission - For Fiancee's Child

Another major question came up as I was reading through some of the other posts on VJ..

My Colombian Fiancee has a 7 yo Daughter who has an father actively involved in her life.. My impression is from reading through the posts is, in order for the daughter to receive the K2 VISA, the father must effectively allow permanent custody to the mother..

As I stated in a prior post, It is our hope to have the daughter follow at a later time when my fiancee is settled in the USA and the father is comfortable that all is stable here...

I am concerned that if we attempt to ask the father to allow permanent custody, he would become threatened that he would never see his daughter again.. This is not our intent nor the mothers or daughters desire.. So, is this the case? Will he need to provide a letter saying he is allowing his daughter to permanently enter the US with his mother?

We had hoped that we could get the K1 Visa for my Fiancee then have the K2 Visa available then have the daughter come to the USA later, maybe 1 year later.. But our intent is to allow the father to still maintain a good relationship with his daughter.. We certainly don't want to scare him by making him feel he is relinquishing all rights to his daughter.. I don't know of any descent father that would ever do that..

Do we have other options? For example, could we seek the K2 Visa without such a scary request to the father? On the basis that he would still be a part of his daughter's life and his daughter would spend time in both the US and Colombia.. Summer Vacations, Holidays etc..

Is there a diferent VISA the daughter that we can seek? Based on the daughter of a k1 Recipient that is in the custody of the other parent?

Can we also possibly seek a visitor VISA for the Father to come to the US based on the Relationship he has with a K2 Recipient...

I am looking for ideas...

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-19 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI129 and IMBRA
I know there is an IMBRA Forum, but this question could go both ways, so I posted it here...

Here is a question about the IMBRA Item on the I129.. I inititally went to Colombia in Nov 2006 with a Math Making/Tour Company, however, I actually met my Fiancee through a Friend that I made while in Colombia not though the the Match Making Tour...

I checked "NO" on Item "19. Did you meet your fiancé(e) or spouse through the services of an international marriage broker?"..

Is that the proper response.. I don't have any issues with IMBRA but not sure if there could be a corelation made to my Tour and Meeting my Fiancee, even if we did not meet through the Tour Service...

Not sure if I properly posed the question, but any ideas on this?

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-21 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325 - Past Employment and Past Addresses
Good Morning all

This question is regarding my address on the G325 and listing employment for past 5 Years.. I am wondering if this will raise any concerns with USCIS..

I had 2 home addresses in the last five years, both in Del Rio Texas, However all of My employers were located in either Washington State or Dallas, Texas (400 Miles Away) or San Antonio (150 Miles Away - 6 Year Employment)

The reason is, I was remotely located by my employer in 2001 to manage a large rural Teritory. In nov 2006, I was laid off.. I was hired by a company located in Dallas which was extensive travel, then several months later I was hired by a company in Washington State (Current Employer Past 3 Years) where it is 100% Travel - home on weekends...

Since my employers were all in other Cities, would this create any issues with USCIS or Colombian Embassy down the road?

Would they notice that my home address doesn't match the City where I was employed? Would they care?

I know this is not an uncommon situation, so does anyone have any thoughts on how this would affect my I129 application?

If this is a concern, can I do anything in advance, with my submission of the G325, to better address this and avoid a delay?

Thanks again for everyones help...
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-21 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat else do I need to know..

I have been hammering away at all the paper work for my I 129 Application and feel that I've got it together and ready to submit..

SO, As I look into the rest of the process what thing are going to bite me in the behind down the road...

I make well above the 125% Poverty level... I do have some major debt that I am working clearing up, but could be years before that is behind me.. I've filed all taxes, but have a large debt to the IRS and am on a payment Plan..

No Criminal History, Fairly consistent employment (thank god).. Simple Life. Regular w-2 Employee..

I am looking at the AOS Process and so forth.. Anything I should be concerned about or need to know about the rest of the process?

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-21 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone Familiar with DS-1350 / FS-240 - Birth Certificates
I should add, My father was serving in the US Armed Forces station in Germany when I was born..
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-22 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone Familiar with DS-1350 / FS-240 - Birth Certificates

As I was reviewing my completed I129 Form, I am not sure if I've answered this correctly

I was born in Nurmberg, Germany in 1964.. I have an Original of the DS1350 "Certificate of Birth" Issued by Department of State. I have a copy of an FS-240 "Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America". I also have a US Issued Passport which expires in 2016. The issue is, I am not sure which of the options to select in question #10. None of the options seem to apply to my situation.

Of course, I could be wrong, so again I come to VJ for your help..


10. My citizenship was acquired through (check one)

Options are:

Option 1 - Birth in the U.S.

Option 2 - Naturalization
Give number of certificate, date and place it was issued.

Option 3 - Parents
If "Yes," give certificate number, date and place it was issued.

How should I respond to this Item?
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-22 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHome Address Question
Thats something I was thinking about.. I was wondering if it would be ok to use a Mail Box Plus or something like that, where a friend or a relative could check my mail for me and forward important items to me... I just don't know if the address is a critical thing for USCIS in thier evaluation process..
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-23 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHome Address Question

Need your help on this.. I not asking if I should lie, I am wondering how I can be sure I will recieve my Mail...

Thanks again in advance for your help...
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-23 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHome Address Question

Since I am never home, due to excessive travel, is there any reason I can't put a relatives address on my I129F and G325 for a current address so I am sure I will receive any mail regarding my Application...

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-22 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmails / Phone Calls / Plane Tickets - Colombian Fiancee
Skype? Ok, let me check that out...

Thanks for everyones help...

I feel a little more relaxed now...

Thank You
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-23 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmails / Phone Calls / Plane Tickets - Colombian Fiancee
Alan and everyone

I cant say enough about how nice the help is on this forum.. I hope I haven't reached my question limit yet...

Thank You all, for your help..

Although my fiancee any I know we're in love, we both understand that we need to prove it to a complete stranger..

My intent is to do what it takes, starting now, to ensure that when we go to the interview, that we'll have a slam-dunk approval.

So, My Fiancee and I understand that we need to start emailing each other frequently.. We also have talked about using the Vonage lines to call each other frequently will also help make our case stronger..

Will the Interviewer accept the record from the Vonage Line (Account in My Name) at her apartment showing calls to my cell phone?

I already have a ton of ATM Reciepts and photos at various places in Colombia, malls etc... I intend to make a couple more trips before the interview and will absolutely be at the Interview... which, by the way, brings up this question; If I am at the interview, doesn't that automatically constitute evidence of an ongoing relationship? (just a thought)

I don't have access to unlimted funds, but short of that, what else can I do to ensure that we will be able to prove that we have maintained an on-going relationship for the interview?

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-23 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmails / Phone Calls / Plane Tickets - Colombian Fiancee

Maybe my paranoia is getting the best of me or I have a real concern about not being more aware of the records I needed to keep. But I have a couple of questions about proving our on-going relationship..

1st, a little of my story.. I met my fiance in Nov 2006, we started talking but really didn't start a serious relationship for some time early 2008 (the relationship evolved slowly at first).. I've made numerous trips to Colombia since 2006. I proposed to her in May 2009.. She has also visited me three times while I was on a project in Trinidad & Tobago.. Her and I speak on the phone 5 or more times per day.. I have a Vonage phone at the apartment in Medellin Colombia, where she calls me and of course I call her either at the Vonage Line, her regular apartment line or her cell phone.

My proof I've rounded up is:

Passport Stamps
A number of photos from My trips
EMAILs from a Travel Agency showing Confirmation of Ticket Purchases
I only have my boarding pass from My most recent trip - Return Trip only
I only have my boarding pass from My Thanksgiving 2009 trip - Return Trip only
I can pull Phone Call Records from the Vonage Line at her apartment
I also have a vonage Softphone which I can pull Record for.
Numerous (Piles) Credit Card Receipts from Grocery Stores, Restuarants, Clothing Hardware for Repairs on the apartment..
Receipts of short term apartment rentals
Receipt of Engagement Ring Purchase

What i dont have...

Although we have some (few) email between each other, there aren't many... Since we began our relationship the majority of our contact has been to or from my cell phone.. My cell phone is paid by my employer so I don't get the call details.

I did not keep all my boading passes (But Passport stamps should overcome that - I Hope)...

Cell Service in Colombia is mostly prepaid so there is no Details of call she makes to me from her Cell Phone..

I havent stayed at a hotel in some time since I always stay at my fiancee's apartment.


I am simply trying to find out if I have enough proof to get through the K1 Acceptance and the Visa Interview, or am I in Trouble because I don't have cell phone records or emails...

Can I change anything I am doing to improve my chances of Satisfying the need of proving the on-going relationship..

I realize since I've joined this forum, I should have kept better track of all my activities and the importance of doing so in effort to succeed, but am I really in bad shape or should I be ok?

You know, I would love to hear I'm in good shape, but tell me how it is..
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-23 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmunization Confusion
Thanks everone for your replies..

It would help me to better understand that part of the process.. I am not at the stage yet, but just want to understand it better..

How does it work?

Once the K1 petition is approved, when do you find out about the shots you need? Do you need to have all your shots before the interview? If you dont have the shots, will you be required to return for another interview before your fiancee is approved for the VISA?

Can someone better explain this process to me?

Sorry for sounding stupid, but I have searched the Bogota Embassy and really cant find anything on this subject.. I am not sure if I'm looking in the right place..

Anyhow, I would love to have a better understanding of that part of the process.. If any of you have an experience with this, please let me know how the process works..

Thanks again all, for your help...
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-24 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmunization Confusion

A question regarding Immunizations..

Trying to prepare my fiancee for the required immunizations, the only information I found was the following..



Is this the pertinent information we should use?

I asked my fiancee to gather her records and see her doctor about making sure all her vaccines are recorded and to get whatever vaccines she's missing done before we go for our interview..

Did I instruct her correctly? Is there a better way to handle this?

I've not found any clear direction on the consequences of bad vacination records or not having the required vaccines.. Can anyone clear this up for me or direct me to a source that clearly explains this particular subject?

Has anyone had any experience with this? ...and particularly with Colombia?

Thanks everyone..
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-24 00:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129-F - Copy of USC Passport
Great thank you for the Quick Reply...
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-27 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129-F - Copy of USC Passport
Quick Question

I am using my Passport Stamps as part of my proof of meeting within past 2 years, so I have copied almost all my Visa Pages along with the Photo Page of My passport and am assembling that along with other Documents.. However I am also using my passport as part of my proof of US Citizenship along with a Birth Certificate and form FS-240 Report of Birth of Abroad..

Do I need to include copies of all the pages of the passport.. I recently added visa pages to my passport since the original pages were full.. Do I also need to include copies of all of those pages as well? Or is it only the Photo Page which needs to be included?

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-27 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCertificate of Citizenship (form N-560)
Hey Kathryn41

Thanks for your reply...

I wonder if I actually need the certificate since I have a US Issued Passport, Birth Certificate and Report of Birth Abroad...

I will simply answer the question on the I - 129F (Have you obtained a Certificate of Citizenship in your name?) "YES"...

But I believe my other documents should suffice as proof... Am I correct?

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-26 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCertificate of Citizenship (form N-560)

Good Evening..

Back again with another question... What's the question limit? lol... I hope you're not getting tired of me... I have a long way to go, so many more questions to follow...

As I was discussing my application with my dear dad, I learned in fact, I do have a certificate of citizenship.. (N-560), Which is good to know, because I had assumed that since I met the definition of a US Citizen, (born to US Citizen on Foriegn Soil) that I did not have or need a Certificate of Citizenship.. While chatting with my father, I learned I did in fact have one. He drove down to the safe deposit box and dug it out..

Knowing this is good, because, I don't want any problems once my I-129 is off to the USCIS.

I will need to change my answer to the Citizenship Question, My question is, what number do I put down...

There are two numbers on the Certificate:

1st is a number with the following structure AA-###### (Not sure what this number is called)
2nd is a number with the following structure A####### (called the Application Number)

I dont have a copy of this Certificate to see it first hand, since I am currently working out of the country at the moment, and my father won't scan it and send it to me due to fear of violating the restiction on copies, so maybe someone can tell me how to answer the question and which number to put..

The Second part of the question is, Do I need a copy of this form for anything.. THere is only one Copy (Original Copy) in my fathers possesion, so I don't want to take a chance in losing it..

Keep in mind, I have all the following documents already in my possesion:
  • a passport (US Issued)
  • Birth Certificate - Original Certified Copy (DS-1350 - Issued by Department of State)
  • Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States - Copy - Non Original - (Form FS-240)

As always, I look forward to your responses.. Thanks again for everyone's wonderful help...

kennymMaleColombia2010-02-26 19:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInitial Submission - Question

You send the petition and supporting documents, some of which will be originals and some copies. The second "copy" of the package is for you to keep. The new G325a is one page. You send one original for each of you and one photo. The photo has nothing whatsoever to do with the G325a as both are sent in support of the petition itself.

Hello pushbrk

Thank You, or as they say in Colombia, "Muchas Gracias"

Hope you're doing well... Thanks for all your help...
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-28 21:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInitial Submission - Question

Don't worry about it. I sent to my fiance just 2 passport photos (remember to look at the guide so as u said you will follow it won't be any problem). What you have to do is like putting together two identical packages. Remember not to do a photocopy because the signature must be original.

Ok, Thanks, that clears up the question.. I only have two Passport photos in my possession which fits the Requirements.. That makes me nervous, I wonder if I can legitimately make a copy of that photo just in case...

Oh! Remember that you have to print and send as well the instructions for the G-325 A when you download the G-325 A it has two pages, one is the form and another the instructions so you have to print and send both.

This is good to know, I was not planning to include the instructions, so now I will include the instruction page with my Submittal.. Thanks so much for sharing this, because I would have messed this one up..

Ok, so don't panic! just read carefully everything, do everything following the instructions and thousand check all before sending! I was panicking before we sent the package and some good person from here told me to not she's my visa angel counselor.

No Panic??? lol... :) - Not sure if I can avoid that, but sure is good to know I'm not the only one... :)

Thank you for your help...
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-28 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInitial Submission - Question
Thanks Guys...

In the guides of K1 here in this website you will see where says fiance passport type photo there's a link to specifications.

The Passport Photo in my passport is what got me confused, it does not match the example in the Document. However the second set of passport photos I took in Colombia is the same as the Photo in My Passport, but does not match the specs in the document referenced above.. So that's the reason it was confusing to me... No Problem now, I'll follow the Document for Dept of State and send the 2" x 2" Photos...

However, the second half of my confusion is as follows...

Make TWO copies of the entire package before you send it in. This includes the money orders too. You want to have a perfect replica of the package you are sending in. All Forms that you submit must be originals with original signatures. Supporting Evidence that you submit may be photocopies. Retain ALL original supporting Evidence since the USCIS has the right to check them by issuing an RFE (Request For Evidence). If you receive an RFE, follow the direction exactly, and make two copies of what you sent back. During any future interviews the USCIS may also want to examine the original supporting evidence.

In the guides it says to make two copies.. No Problem, Done... I've got more than 2 copies, so real good shape there,...... But do I need to send a copy to the USCIS or is one orginal ok? And if I need to send additional copies, do I need to send additonal passport photos as well to go along with each copy.. This is why I'm concerened.. I have only 2 Passport Photos of my fiancee which matches the documentation above.. so if I need more, can I have the photo's copied at a photo center?

Sorry if I seem slow, but really want to get this submittal right...

Thanks Again
kennymMaleColombia2010-02-28 20:40:00