PhilippinesWhen Mother-in-Law arrives
Thank you very much!

That helps me plan things much better.

So, back to my first question now.

Once her mother gets here, will she be issued a green card or will she need to apply for one?

If so, what form is used?



Yes, true. But this is an I-130 petition. So, after USCIS approval, then you will have about 2 months processing at NVC. Then when your case is complete at NVC, there is about 2 months time to wait for your visa interview. Thus, the 8-10 months to get immigrant visa.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-07-27 16:27:00
PhilippinesWhen Mother-in-Law arrives
I understand this.

But there is no waiting for her visa. She does not go on a waiting list.

As a parent of a USC, she is granted a visa without any waiting.


5 months is the USCIS approval....that is just one step of the process.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-07-26 14:51:00
PhilippinesWhen Mother-in-Law arrives
My major issue here is when we file the I-130 for her, and she arrives, do we need to file for her green card or is one issued to her?

If we need to file for a card, what form is used?

Are we adjusting her status or what?


Yes, I understand all about the citizenship vs green card.

She filed her N-400 about 3 weeks ago. We have a biometrics appt in August.

From what I read on the USCIS.GOV web site, they are processing I-130's, for parents, in 5 months.

Where did you see the 6 to 10 month numbers?


PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-07-26 14:49:00
PhilippinesWhen Mother-in-Law arrives
Yes, I understand all about the citizenship vs green card.

She filed her N-400 about 3 weeks ago. We have a biometrics appt in August.

From what I read on the USCIS.GOV web site, they are processing I-130's, for parents, in 5 months.

Where did you see the 6 to 10 month numbers?


You will need to file an I-130. If everything goes well, 6 - 10 months. About the same as for a K-1. And this requires citizenship, not just a green card. So after 3 years of residency, your spouse can become a citizen, then it is another 6 - 10 months for the parent to arrive.

Best of luck

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-07-26 14:41:00
PhilippinesWhen Mother-in-Law arrives
When my wife completes her citizenship and brings her mother here will her mother be issued a green card or will we need to apply for one?


PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-07-25 16:28:00
I would suggest you get your facts straight. Its not a 'hippie' issue.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, the federal agency with responsibility of regulating pesticides before the formation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, began regulatory actions in the late 1950s and 1960s to prohibit many of DDT's uses because of mounting evidence of the pesticide's declining benefits and environmental and toxicological effects. Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring in 1962 stimulated widespread public concern over the dangers of improper pesticide use and the need for better pesticide controls.

In 1972, EPA issued a cancellation order for DDT based on adverse environmental effects of its use, such as those to wildlife, as well as DDT’s potential human health risks. Since then, studies have continued, and a causal relationship between DDT exposure and reproductive effects is suspected. Today, DDT is classified as a probable human carcinogen by U.S. and international authorities. This classification is based on animal studies in which some animals developed liver tumors.

DDT is known to be very persistent in the environment, will accumulate in fatty tissues, and can travel long distances in the upper atmosphere. Since the use of DDT was discontinued in the United States, its concentration in the environment and animals has decreased, but because of its persistence, residues of concern from historical use still remain.


People exposed to DDT while working with the chemical or by accidental exposure report a prickling sensation of the mouth, nausea, dizziness, confusion, headache, lethargy, incoordination, vomiting, fatigue, and tremors.

One of the breakdown products of DDT, DDE3, causes thinning of eggshells in birds. This almost wiped out the Eagle populations here in the US.

Blame the hippies for giving DDT a bad name. It really is safe to use, inexpensive to make and disperse, and extremely effective.


PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-08-07 14:32:00
PhilippinesCitizenship Interview question
Thank you all for your replies.

I was hoping we would not need to make a trip to Chicago till next spring.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-10-16 14:28:00
PhilippinesCitizenship Interview question
Hello Everyone

My wife just got her citizenship interview notice yesterday!

Way Cool!

We also discovered that her Filipino passport has also expired.

Is that going to be a problem?

Not only for the interview but also for her to maintain her status here in the US??

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-10-16 11:42:00
PhilippinesPermanent Resident - US citizenship

I got my green card last April 2012 through the F2A petition of my wife, she too WAS a green card then. Yesterday she became a naturalized US Citizen, am I included to the provision in which I can file for naturalization as well after 3 years,..?

* You may also apply for citizenship if
1. you have been a lawful permanent resident for 3 years if you obtained LPR status based on a marriage to a U.S. citizen, and you have been married to and living with the same citizen for the past three years (Note that the 3-year period starts with the date your green card is approved, even if it is a conditional green card);

Do I qualify for this,..?
Or I really have to wait out the full 5 years before I can file for my naturalization,...

Would love to hear your experiences,
I'll be calling USCIS in a while to inquire, will update the forum later just in case,...

After your wife has been a USC for 3 years you can file.

Otherwise you need to wait for 5 years.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-10-25 10:02:00
PhilippinesPhilippine Departure Card

Hi! We'll be flying off to San Francisco this coming November 29th, 2012.
Here's my question:

The address on our Immigrant Data Summary is in Snelling, CA but my mom just got a new apartment in Merced,CA. Can I just put the Snelling address in our Phil Departure Card or can we change it to our new address mismo at the airport?

Submit an AR-11 form as soon as possible.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-11-12 11:27:00
PhilippinesMy wife is going to her N-400 interview in 3 weeks

The CD came with the booklet that they hand out after Biometrics.

They did not give us any CD....

Just the booklet...


Edited by PhiLandShiR, 29 October 2012 - 05:01 PM.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-10-29 17:00:00
PhilippinesMy wife is going to her N-400 interview in 3 weeks

She'll be fine :). I did it. The questions are based on the 100 questions in the CD. I agree with the person above.


What CD??

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-10-26 16:56:00
PhilippinesMy wife is going to her N-400 interview in 3 weeks
Hello Everyone,

My wife is going to her Citizenship interview in 3 weeks.
We have been going over the 100 questions she could be asked. She made flash cards and we go through them each night.

She is worried about what would happen if she missed an answer. Would they deny her for not getting all 10 of her questions correct?

Can she miss a couple and still be OK?

I expect she will do well but she tends to worry.

Anyone been through this?


PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-10-26 15:47:00
Philippinesrequirements to get marry in the philippines

hi i am a us citizen and want to marry my fiancee in the philippines what are the documents and requirements to get married in the philippines? do i need to go there twice to receive all my requirements needed

I am thinking there is a 21 day requirment to be in the counrty be for you can get a church wedding...

As well as posting notices and attending counseling sessions...
PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2010-02-24 11:41:00
Just dropped in to say that Shirryl got her notice for Oath Taking yesterday!


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: NBC***********


Your Case Status: Oath Ceremony

On December 19, 2012, we scheduled you for your oath ceremony and sent a notice providing the date, time, and location. If you move prior to the scheduled ceremony, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

Most likely Jan 18th but still waiting on the actual paperwork.

Here's hoping everyone's journey is safe and fast!

Merry Christmas to All!!!

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-12-20 11:14:00
PhilippinesWhat's everyone doing on 12/21/12?
Planning for the 22nd...

Shoveling snow.... :crying:
PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-12-20 12:35:00
PhilippinesTo flee poverty, Filipinas marry foreigners
QUOTE (Eros_the_Plumber @ Feb 17 2009, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Economy is BAD everywhere now....and it will get worst for the next 3 to 4 years...

If there is not a little bit of love, marrying to escape poverty may not be a great option anymore...

Why would it get worse? blink.gif

We finally got rid of the moron headbonk.gif who caused all of this...
PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2009-02-17 11:31:00
PhilippinesTo flee poverty, Filipinas marry foreigners
QUOTE (MMW @ Feb 5 2009, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well to address the question as to why we are choosing to go to the states instead of remaining in the Philippines. There are several. First of all I have a good retirement and could give my wife any kind of life she wants here in the Philippines but for me since i love her so much i wanted to share our love with my family in the states and I want her to experience my family and my culture and my roots. I have spent over a year with her and her family here in the Philippines and have loved the life here. But for me I believe i owe it to my wife to let her experience all life has to offer and travel and allowing her to be a part of my state side family is a high priority for me. I am not so sheltered in my life to not know there are some people that choose to marry a foreigner to improve their life and the family. My experience with people i know that have chose to marry a Filipina have had very good experiences with their choice and I am far from perfect in the time i have been blessed with life to be judging others about their choices in life. I love my wife very much and i know she feels the same for me. So me choosing to have her experience life in the states is something i am doing out of my love for her. We have known each other for 4 yrs and been married almost 2 and even before we married i have helped with her family's needs because of my feelings for her not out of a desire to get laid as was suggested in another post. Everyone's story is different but I know I am not Qualified to judge others motives so i just speak for myself. And we have goals to return to the Philippines in the future to open a business for our family here so that future generations can have a good quality of life while remaining in the Philippines if they so choose. Sorry for the tone of this but i have a lot of PRIDE in my Filipina wife and the culture she comes from. On a side note it doesn't hurt the culture in the states to have a little Filipino culture injected there Lord knows we could use it!

What he said!!! good.gif yes.gif
PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2009-02-05 09:32:00
PhilippinesPetitioning My Parents

What was stamped in his passport? And did he sign any papers admitting to working in the USA?
Its a very very long wait to bring a sibling from the Philippines. Its generally faster to bring in a parent, then have the parent petition for their children.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-01-14 17:32:00
PhilippinesWhat will I be asked for next?

Just mailed off the I-130 for my wife's mom.

What will the next step be?

I want to be ready to send back the next forms ASAP.

Any thoughts on what the next forms will be?

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-02-08 12:49:00
PhilippinesI-130 questions

Read up on the required documents for DS-230 packet: http://travel.state..../info_3195.html

Yup. I have read through all that and its just as confusing as most other government pages I have read.

That is why I asked my questions here....
PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-02-14 17:41:00
PhilippinesI-130 questions

We just filed for Mom-in-Law and I am starting work on the DS-230 paperwork.

As I expect that we will handle all of the paperwork we can from this end, should we be requesting passport style photos from Mom?

If so, should they have the Royal Blue background as required in the Philippines or should we tell her to get white backgrounds?

We plan to fill out the form and email it to Mom so she can print it, sign it and snail mail it back to us.

How many copies should she send us? Of the DS-230 as well as how many photos??

Also, my wife takes care of the kids and does not work so how should we go about filling out the I-864 form?

Use my info's for income and such??

Thanks for any help you may give.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-02-14 17:04:00
PhilippinesWhen can Mom-In-Law file
I did read that. Very carefully in fact, when we applied for MiL.

I guess we will need to wait till we can get copies of her passport stamps showing entry. :(


I suggest reading the instructions for the i-130.

she has to be a LPR before she can petition for her child. an A# number goes not give LPR status. it is simply an alien registration number. your MIL first needs to obtain her visa, then enter the USA before she can petition her child. don't do anything that would delay the process for the daughter.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-03-05 17:58:00
PhilippinesWhen can Mom-In-Law file
Daughter will turn 20 this July.
Daughter is still single.

I have looked everywhere but have not found any solid timeline that states MiL needs to wait till she gets here to file.

I want to get the paperwork moving as fast as possible because of the ticking clock for the daughter.


Mom can only file i-130 AFTER she receives her green card.

How old is the daughter? Is she single or married?

F2A category (Unmarried Child below 21 of a Lawful Permanent Resident) has a waiting time of 2-3 years.

F2B category (Unmarried Son/Daughter over 21 of a Lawful Permanent Resident) has a waiting time of 11 years.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-03-05 16:32:00
PhilippinesWhen can Mom-In-Law file
Hello Everyone,

We filed for my Mother-in-Law to come over here and received our NOA1 for the I-130.

Now we wait for the application to be forwarded to NVC.

In the mean time we are getting the DS-230 forms signed and mailed back to us here in the US.

My question now is this:

How soon can MiL file for her youngest daughter?

I see from the I-130 form, the only information needed from Mom is her 'A' number.

I would expect she will have that assigned from NVC shortly.

Can she file once she has that?

It would be before she has had her interview in Manila however....

Any thoughts?


PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-03-04 17:43:00
PhilippinesTranslation questions

I will look around.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-03-15 14:24:00
PhilippinesTranslation questions
So this all must be done by a specialist then...

Any ideas on where one can be found?

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-03-15 13:00:00
PhilippinesTranslation questions
Hello Everyone,

I have a friend who is filing AOS paperwork.

He has a divorce paper that was issued in Germany so of course, its in German.

He needs to submit it with his AOS paperwork and it will need to be translated.


Just who can do the translating?

My wife has a friend who came over from Germany a few years back. She of course speaks German, being native.

Can she do the translation?

Or is some sort of specialist required to do the translation?

Thanks for your replies.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-03-15 10:48:00
PhilippinesDid you report the birth of your US born child to the Philippine Government?
What a truly helpful reply...

What can they do you say??

If you ever visit the Philippines with your child and they see that your wife/husdand is a citizen of the Philippines and you are bringing a child they could throw you into jail or deny you entry.

Not that is is likely to happen but it could if you pissed some one off....


There isn't anything they can use as extortion to force us, so no we have not.

I realize this is not the correct attitude of an ignorant child ward of the government. We should be showing them our poopies and asking permission to have sex because not every person can handle sex psychologically and sometimes sex is actually abuse (like abuse of a corpse when a young Filipina does an old Americano). So we should get our certificate of completion for counseling each time we take a poopie or have sex.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-06-08 15:14:00
PhilippinesDid you report the birth of your US born child to the Philippine Government?

I found this:

Reporting Births of Children of Filipino Citizens

The Report of Birth is a declaration of the person furnishing information on the birth abroad of a Filipino child. It is important for Filipinos permanently residing abroad to promptly register with the Consulate the birth of a child in order for such a birth to be registered with the Office of the Civil Registrar General in Manila.

When a child is born abroad to parents who are both Filipino citizens or to one (1) parent who is a Filipino citizen, i.e. one who has not been naturalized as a citizen of a foreign country, the child's birth must be immediately reported to the Philippine Embassy or Consulate which exercises jurisdiction over the place of birth.

Ideally, the birth must be reported to the Consulate within twelve (12) months after its occurrence. When the parents neglect to report the birth within twelve (12), the birth may, nevertheless be recorded upon the determination of the consular officer of satisfactory evidence on the authenticity of the report. In these cases, the person who executed the report shall furnish the Consulate with an explanation surrounding the delay in reporting the birth.
PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2012-06-08 14:55:00
PhilippinesI-130 was approved

NVC 603-334-0700 M-F 730am-12am.
I already received my NOA2 since Feb28 but unluckily my case is not yet with NVC. There are also a couple of VJ members like me, who are also waiting for like 30-50 days for our cases to be received by NVC.

I would call them again today as I just received and email from NVC that stated: "The NVC recently received this petition."

I plan to call them ASAP.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-17 16:26:00
PhilippinesI-130 was approved

You can actually call now and ask about your case, much better if you already have your NOA2 hardcopy.. Start reading NVC April thread for more info.. I have been waiting for 48 days and counting for my case to be received at NVC. I have been calling weekly since March. Just like your wife, I also received an RFE (Birth Cert). Mil is the beneficiary,your step-daughter?

We are planning to get MiL here so MiL can apply for youngest daughter, my Sister-in-Law.

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-17 15:59:00
PhilippinesI-130 was approved
I will start watching that thread for sure!

We used Shirryls baptismal cert and her old CENOMAR as both listed her mom as... well, her mom!

It was accepted and on to NVC we go!

Was your case sent already or are you still waiting for approval?

Oh, do you have the phone number for NVC?



You can actually call now and ask about your case, much better if you already have your NOA2 hardcopy.. Start reading NVC April thread for more info.. I have been waiting for 48 days and counting for my case to be received at NVC. I have been calling weekly since March. Just like your wife, I also received an RFE (Birth Cert).

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-17 15:57:00
PhilippinesI-130 was approved

Our I-130 application for MiL was approved about 2 weeks ago. Only had one RFE and that was because Shirryls birth certificate was not very clear.

When can I start calling to NVC to get the next step started?

What information do I need to provide to NVC?


PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-17 15:10:00
PhilippinesTraveling next week - Cash & WiFi question
I just exchange cash at the airport while waiting for bags.

Not sure if its a good deal or not but its something to do while waiting.

Travellers Checks are a royal pain. VERY few places will take them.

Cash is King!

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-19 16:32:00
PhilippinesNBI clearance for My Mom...
We are in this process as well.

Did NVC request the NBI clearence?

Why do you need to send this to NVC?


PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-19 16:24:00
PhilippinesVacation in the Philippines

Hi guys! I have another question for upcoming vacation in the Philippines. I am trying to list the things I needed for my little one when we have our vacation in the Philippines.

For those who bring their kids in the Philippines. Did you guys bring a car seat for your kid/s during your vacation in the Philippines? What other stuff you guys bring with you? I am bringing my one year old then baby to the Philippines.

Appreciate suggestions. :lol:

We did this with our oldest.

We used China Air as they had bulkhead cribs that were a life saver!!

A car seat would have been pointless as there were no seat belts in the van we hired and the in-laws would never have allowed her to sit in it anyway as they were too busy passing her around.

Our daughter just loved it! She was the center of attension and just sucked it in!

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-26 10:06:00
PhilippinesHeading to the Philippines
While not needed for your I-129F, get copies of her birth certificate, maybe 2 or more copies.

If her birth certificate is not VERY clean, with clear print, also get her baptismal certificate from the church.

Get copies of her High School graduation diploma.

Get copies of her college transcripts if she has them.

After she gets here and is looking for work you will need them.

Its cheaper to grab them now.
PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-04-16 16:36:00
PhilippinesPetitioning my older sister
I don't understand that...

He has a visa any time he wants but he only wants to visit. Not live here.


With a wife, daughter, SIL, and grandchild already in the US, I would say it is almost nil. He would have to have a good paying job, or property he would loose if he stayed in the US. You can try, but do not expect him to receive a tourist visa.


PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-03-26 16:29:00
PhilippinesPetitioning my older sister
"Every alien shall be presumed to be an immigrant until he establishes to the satisfaction of the officer, at the time of the application for a visa . . . that he is entitled to nonimmigrant status . . .”

Interesting... My Father-in-Law has an immigrant visa guaranteed as his daughter is a USC. My Mother-in-Law has been petitioned by my wife and that process is going well. My FiL is not overly interested in living in this country but would like to visit his grandchildren. My MiL is comming over to help with the children for a few years with my FiL's blessing. MiL may stay long enough to get USC but I expect she will want to spend her last days back in RoP.

What are the chances that my FiL can get a tourist visa?

Just thinking out loud...

PhiLandShiRFemalePhilippines2013-03-26 16:08:00