CanadaGoing to miss Canada

I could go for some vegetarian sushi as all the sushi places here have very limited options or you pay like $5 buck for a 6 piece maki roll.



Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-17 20:46:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

I'd have to save SoCal is probably on the list of places I'd never want to live. I hate hot weather, the beach, the dry-dessert like heat. I'm happy to be moving to Portland haha much more similar to the climate I'm used to :P

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-16 23:35:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

Haha I don't think I've lived here long enough for many southern things to stick with me before I move thankfully.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-16 18:29:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

I still don't say it really (lol oops) but I plan to try my hardest to remember when I'm working. We're only going to live here for a few more months anyways, then back to the lovely and familiar west coast!

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-16 14:39:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

I moved to the deep south and I thought I had moved into a different world.  I couldn't understand the accents, I hated the food, and I cried every day for 2 weeks.


It gets better, you meet people and get new experiences.


Now I go home and say "y'all"




Hahaha sometimes I catch myself saying y'all when I'm in a group of people. A big thing here is everyone says yes ma'am or no sir or whatever instead of just yes please or no thank you and since I'm going to be working soon I have to remember to try and say it otherwise it's not considered polite and I don't want to come off as rude when I'm trying to get hired somewhere even though I don't personally consider myself rude. Just a custom thing in the south.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-16 14:06:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada


With my hubby living in Canada (for not very much longer)... the most amazing thing Americans have heard us say is that Taco Bell as french fries. I know he will miss that ha. The fry supremes are amazingness.


One time I told someone I was going to bring Mushroom Poutine to a party and they thought I was talking about drugs LOL


And yeah most people down here are always surpised that I don't have an accent because they assume everyone talks like they're from Newfoundland or Nova Scotia.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-14 14:31:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

LOL oh my god, that's ace.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-13 14:00:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

I've had so many people here ask me questions about Canada that it almost seemed like a scene out of a movie. We went to a BBQ and I literally was drinking beers and playing a Q&A game with everyone and they were genuinely so amazed at some of the things I told them.


This probably is just a southern thing but people always compliment my green hair, my piercings and my gauged ears. Or ask me lots of questions about body modification. In Vancouver, a lot of people walk around like this, so when people first started asking I thought it was weird they were so intrigued by something I view as normal :P

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-13 13:47:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

Erica & Lily - you are right about the long distance thing creating an even stronger bond between 2 people. It's not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. I can't begin to imagine living in Alabama as a gay couple,it must be so very challenging.
Portland is a GREAT city, I'm sure you guys will be so happy there and you must be looking so forward to relocating there!

I shall miss the west coast & BC too, I've lived here all my life (last 20 years in Kelowna) and all my family are in Vancouver. I keep reminding myself it's only a plane flight away.

NLR - my hubby and I are best friends too, thankfully. That being said, it's going to be important for me to have hobbies and things that I can do without him. He has many that don't include me. I expect to be doing a lot of gardening! LOL



It's more infuriating than anything haha but I'm used to being in Vancouver, which for the most part, is a very progressive and open-minded city. I haven't had any terrible experiences or anything but we definitely do not want to live in the south for any longer than we have to. Confused to why people stay here, tbh. To each their own I guess!

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-12 19:33:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

Erica - I"m happy you're finally able to get working and you guys have some plans.  I know it took a while for you guys to get stuff rolling but I'm so happy for you that is has! 


Ugh thank you!! I'm so happy about it too. It did seem to take forever but hopefully next week I'll get my EAD, head straight to the Social Security office and get an SSN so I can start appying for jobs as soon as possible. I know a couple people that put in a good word for me and their boss told them to tell me to contact them once I have all my stuff in order for any positions they have open still, so fingers crossed! :)

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-12 17:11:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

Thank you, and ah I'm sorry to hear that. That just seems so silly though! They shouldn't automatically disqualify someone because of their health issues, if you are in a legitimate marriage it should be obvious that he's not just solely going up there for the medical benefits.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-12 16:46:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

I'm born and raised in Vancouver, BC but I've been here for almost 11 months. I miss Canada a lot. My wife and I both don't like living in Alabama (we didn't really have much choice as we currently live in a suite rented by my mother-in-law or else we couldn't really afford normal renting circumstances on one barely above minimum wage income) but we are moving to Portland in a couple months! As you can imagine, being a gay couple in the middle of the bible belt has it's moments.


I miss my friends a lot. It was really hard and I had a lot of days that I curled up in a ball and cried and hugged my wife because I'd see something on Facebook or talk to them and it would just make me so sad that I couldn't be there. We are friends with people here but my wife works a lot and they don't live within walking-distance. There's no public transit here so I can't really go out, go the store, go to the mall etc to occupy myself because we don't live within walking distance of anything and it has been 11 really longs months without being able to have any employment. I miss feeling like an independent, functioning adult. I've lived on my own and supported myself for the past 6 years and to suddenly have to rely on my in laws to support us in some aspects and provide a roof over our head essentially hasn't been the easiest situation. Like, it makes me feel awful about myself some days but at the same time we are stuck.


On the bright side, I got my EAD approved and will be working asap so we can finally have two incomes coming in! And my wife's family is moving to Texas in 3-4 months, we are sort of on a timeline to save up enough money to start our life in Portland. Even though I don't have my GC, my friends can drive down and visit with us, when I get my GC we can go up to Vancouver to visit them and I'm really excited. We'll have our own little apartment and everything and I will finally start feeling like a human being again!


My wife LOVES Canada, like probably more than I do :P Loves my friends more than most of her friends down here. Loves the west coast in general and she had never left the south until she came up to meet me. We plan to move back there eventually but because schooling and the cost of living is cheaper in the US, we think it's best to finish up all of that and settle back down and go through Canadian immigration once we both have careers etc. She's been my rock throughout this entire process and always been on my side whenever I was feeling down in the dumps. I think has hard as this process has been, it's never taken a toll on our relationship. In a few months we will look back and think about the last year as something we pushed through and accomplished together and I think that's a bond a lot of us on here can share that a lot of other couples can't experience :)

Edited by Erica & Lily, 12 April 2014 - 04:11 PM.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-12 16:04:00
CanadaGoing to Canada to meet...but with DUI...advice?

When my wife came up to visit me for the first time, she flew and being that we didn't really know how seriously they take the POE at that point in time, we weren't really thinking about it.


She didn't have a return ticket (because her job gave her leave and we didn't know how long she was going to be visiting for before we were going to visit her family and friends in the US) and she was travelling alone and with an extremely large bag of clothes (she just loves clothes and has a million different outfits, again, weren't really thinking about it.)


I went to the airport to pick her up at midnight and everyone else came through the gates except for her. I was told that they were trying to find her luggage (which ended up being sent to the wrong airport) and then she was texting me and told me she was in customs. They held her in there for 45 minutes asking her questions and and being suspicious, they asked to see her phone so they could read her texts that we were actually communicating, and then the officer called my phone and asked me all these questions to confirm that she was my girlfriend and she was coming to visit me. He was super nice to me on the phone, and after that, he let her go through. He apparently wasn't too pleasant to her though, which now that I know more about the immigration system, it totally makes sense.


However, we realized after that her DUI with possession she had when she was 18 (will be 5 years this December) even though it was expunged, might have shown up on her record and they just didn't say anything to her. 


I guess it just depends on who you deal with. 


We were considering pursing immigration in Canada at one point but her DUI won't be legible for rehabillitation until December and overall it would be more affordable to live in the US until we can go to school and get good jobs.


But anyways, that was my experience. Good luck!

Edited by Erica & Lily, 25 April 2014 - 03:34 PM.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-25 15:32:00


It was more to put the thread back on topic. As you said in your original post, you're not very close with your parents and I am extremely close with mine. Our experiences are different and I'm not asking about whether I want to stay in the US as my long term goal or if I thought that through. That wasn't the question or the focus of my topic.


I will admit, your first response could have been taken wrongly not just by me but by other posters as well. You were just wanting to give your two cents, and as I said I appreciate that. But your assumption that most people who move to the US are only doing it temporarily and will eventually go back in Canada is not factual. And the way you said it was a bit condescending like "are you sure you want to stay in the US? You must've not thought that through because Canada is much better and has more options." There are posters here who have made huge sacrifices to leave Canada and live in the US with it not being a short term idea. So, I can see why it wasn't taken the right way when what you meant was to just give your side of the opinion. 


I really didn't mean to come off as condescending at all, that was not my intention. I apologize if it seemed that way. 


I just asked a lady (US born citizen) I know through my mother-in-law who's husband (Canadian born citizen) sponsored his parents to move to the US (Louisiana) and she told me that because of the distance away from the border, they chose that as the more appropriate option as his job did not delegate times to go up to Canada for 6 month periods and his mother is very agoraphobic and refused to leave her house most days.


They said the downfall was that his parents weren't in a happy marriage but because they sold their home (that was basically in shambles) and had joint assets together and due to their age, they didn't have anyway to support themselves during the process if they separated and going through a divorce while adjusting status would have made things more complicated.


That the process took a lot out on his mother's condition and her and her husband's marriage.


That at one point her marriage was rocky because of all the stress to do with his parents (who apparently aren't the easiest to get along with at the best of times)


I'd have to ask her about the pension situation, I totally spaced but I'm sure that's available on the CRA somewhere?


She said overall that if they were closer to the Canadian border, they would have just visited as opposed to going through the process. His parents also changed their minds several times throughout the process as they come from a small town in Manitoba in which they had never left before. Ultimately everything worked out but her husband feels like he "tried to fix something that wasn't broken by bringing them down here and made it worse."


It just comes down to preferences, situations and circumstances, which are different for everybody. Hope that was a little more helpful. Good luck OP.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-26 13:20:00

No, you didn't say "everyone", but you did say "most". In your second post, you said "many" which is a much more reasonable.


Why are you making it such a big deal? It's a word. Chill out and stop getting so bent out of shape over how I chose to word something because for some reason you seem really upset about  it.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-26 07:51:00

With a life decision like this... I tend not to care about what most or many people do and worry about what feels right for me. I appreciate your opinion because you feel that Canada has more options for you. But that's not really what I'm asking nor is it really the case for me. I am pretty successful in Vancouver and have bought a home and was comfortable. I could see myself living in Vancouver my whole life... since I was born and raised here. But now that I have the opportunity to relocate, I feel that California has a lot more to offer me and the cost of living is not much different from Vancouver and SoCal. But that's me and my circumstances, which led me to ask my original questions about my parents and their inevitable retirement plan. 


I understand that it's an ordeal but as I mentioned in my original post, my parents have always considered moving south for stretches of time when they retire. At first it was maybe a few weeks every few months. However this was an idea based on not having a daughter move down to California. Now that I am, it changes our dynamic a bit. They want to be around and I love them for that. My brother is also considering med school in the US, but likely not for another 2 years. Also, with my fiance and I planning on having children in the next 3-4 years, they definitely want to be around much more. It would be different, I suppose, if it were Seattle and Vancouver. Where we could drive back and forth every few weekends. But we're a plane ride away and yes, we could go back and forth every month or two, but when my parents retire, why not have them around especially when they WANT to as well. The only thing that is of concern, is what happens to their retirement plan, their health care, and their investments. Would they still be eligible to receive their RRSP and such while living outside of Canada? Should they spend half the time in Canada and keep their house as their primary residence? Obviously they wouldn't be working in the US as when they're ready they'd be retired by then. They would buy a place in California and in Canada, but does that complicate things when they are just Canadians who so happens to spend a lot of time in the US (legal amount of time)? 


So, I appreciate your opinion based on your experiences but I'm not asking what most people have expressed and to second guess where I want to live. I know what's best for me and I'm just asking for information based on my situation and hoping to get insight on people who did remain in the US and who were close with their families and how did they manage that. 

Was this directed at me? My second post wasn't directed at you at all! It was directed at the other poster who is seemingly uptight about the words I chose to use in my first post.


By all means, do what s best for you! My post was just my two cents and only that. If your circumstances are better in the US and if your parents want to immigrate there's no reason why you shouldn't look into it further once you're done with your immigration process. 

Edited by Erica & Lily, 26 April 2014 - 07:58 AM.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-26 07:48:00

Gross exaggeration there, I'd say, that "most Canadian posters on here..would like to..go back to Canada." I, for one, will not be going back.


A lot of people and threads I've posted in many Canadian posters have said they'd rather be back in Canada or would like to go back at some point. Obviously I wasn't referring to *everyone* when I said most. No need to take the post so literally or act personally offended. Geez.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-25 23:24:00

Vancouverite here!


I don't have a close relationship with 98% of my family, so I can't really speak from experience, but unless you plan to stay in the US for the rest of your life, going through that whole process might be much more trouble than it's worth. Especially since Canada is just over the border, not across the ocean. Most Canadian posters on here, myself included, would like to eventually go back to Canada, so I mean I guess it depends on what your long term plans are, if you can see yourself living in the US permanently or not. Canada has a lot more to offer, in my opinion. The US just has a lower cost of living.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-25 15:23:00
CanadaCanadians Obtaining US Health Insurance

Ah yes, another loophole! :P

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-05-07 08:43:00
CanadaCanadians Obtaining US Health Insurance

Thanks for the help, guys! In my orientation today they said they offer health care for same-sex partners, so we're going to look into it and compare to see which company is better or if her's even can offer me anything as her spouse.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-05-07 00:14:00
CanadaCanadians Obtaining US Health Insurance


(Portland, in Oregon right?)  Oregon doesn't actually ban same sex marriage by law, they just don't allow them to be performed, if that makes sense. They do however recognize same sex marriages performed legally where allowed, so you can file taxes together as married, [and I believe] your spouse can include you in her health plan if she works for company that has a self-funded benefit plan. How soon are you moving? When your wife gets her plan you should still check to see if you can receive benefits too.

Yes haha Oregon! Oh really? That's great, I didn't know that. I'll have to do some more research. We're planning to move in the next 3 months ideally, and it's going to take about 2 more months before my wife qualifies for benefits through her job. If she stays with that job, since they have an office near Portland in Vancouver, Washington and allow her to transfer, she could still look into it but it may make more sense to wait perhaps.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-05-06 13:13:00
CanadaCanadians Obtaining US Health Insurance


I have to quote myself because I've made too many edits...


So, did you get married in one of the 17 states that allows same sex marriage? Well duh, of course you did! What I meant to ask is if Alabama recognizes the marriage, if not then I'm afraid you're out of luck :(



We were married in Maryland.


We are planning to move to Portland in a few months, which also doesn't recognize our marriage, but it's a lot more progressive of a state that currently down in the south at the moment, so I suspect it won't be too long before Oregon establishes new equality laws.


With that being said, is our only option for my wife to get insurance through her work and then I just get insurance independently as well? or through my job (if they offer it, I'll have to find out)


Since we're moving I didn't know if it was better to hold off, that maybe there are more health insurance options that cover the state of Oregon that won't cover Alabama?

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-05-06 12:49:00
CanadaCanadians Obtaining US Health Insurance

Being a gay couple in a state that doesn't recognize our marriage though, I don't know if I can be added to her insurance or not? I don't know if the federal or state law comes into play when it comes to health insurance.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-05-05 16:15:00
CanadaCanadians Obtaining US Health Insurance

You can't get medicaid.  She can but you cannot. 


I've heard the obamacare website is rather difficult to use. 


Yeah I just called medicaid and they could finally tell me after 4 months that she wasn't approved and yet they never sent out anything saying why or even letting us know.


The Obama Care website is total garbage, we tried applying on there, didn't work, tried over the phone, didn't work, and eventually we had to send in a paper application and she was approved it was just expensive still, more than what her work will be offering.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-05-05 16:01:00
CanadaCanadians Obtaining US Health Insurance

Hey everyone,


I was just about to do some research on this but I figured I'd start off by asking what all you guys did/will be doing for health coverage here in the US.


If anyone has any specific companies they plan to use or are using, feel free to share!


I just got my SSN a week and a bit ago and I was unsure if this gave me grounds to apply for health insurance?


My wife currently does not have any health insurance she can add me to. Her new job offers benefits but not for 3 months and she only started 3 weeks ago. Before that we applied (for her) through the Healthcare Market Place (Obama Care) and the premium was ridiculously high. We then applied to Medicaid of Alabama about 3 months ago and still haven't heard anything despite numerous phone calls and inquiries.


I'm not one to get sick often but it would be nice to have the peace of mind now that I'm somewhat further in my AOS progress. 


If anyone has any ideas or thoughts I'd love to hear 'em!

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-05-05 14:31:00
CanadaBirth Certificate for Interview

I had to order mine as well from BC and I'm in Alabama, and it only took about a week. Just to give you a bit of a timeline. They are sent out from Victoria I believe.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-05-14 18:55:00
CanadaAOS application question

It can take up to a month before receiving your NOA1.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-07-14 17:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDo Not Use USPS

USPS has never really given me issues. My AOS package got there next day delivery no problem. Currently having some issue with UPS though in an un-related situation, so I'm not pleased with them at the moment. But I used to work for Canada Post so I'm well aware that every company has their downfalls.

Edited by Erica & Lily, 19 April 2014 - 02:32 AM.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-19 02:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsquestion about i130


I love how people complain about proper English on an immigration web site.


This. But being rude is still unnecessary, no matter how ESL.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-03-08 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAfter entering at US whats next for marriage?

Call around to the different county clerk offices because at some of them it is much cheaper or have shorter waiting times in between obtaining the license and getting married. Or you'll get one that cheaper with a shorter wait time, or vise-versa. Just see what the best option is for you and where you're located, it may be worth it to get married out of your county.

Edited by Erica & Lily, 16 April 2014 - 05:21 PM.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-16 17:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPlease help... All Fees after NOA2 approval


230 for IV, fwiw.  


think of the immigrant fee this way - 


it's another 165 bucks to get a green card - but ...     your foreign spouse gets a stamp in the passport that validates the visa stamp to be used as an I-551 document, a temporary green card with 1 year duration on it, from POE-date forward. 


I know money is tight for you - but this is actually one thing you can delay for months after arrival.  



Thanks!  Good to know!!

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-06-04 14:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPlease help... All Fees after NOA2 approval

You will also need to pay $165 new immigrant fee once you enter the U.S. This is in order for them to create and send you your green card.


Ok, great, thank you for all your help!  The only thing it looks like we are missing is the $165 immigrant we pay this at the POE?

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-06-03 10:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPlease help... All Fees after NOA2 approval

Thank you!  I didn't think about flu season and it not costing as much...looks like that is through August 20th.  I will keep that in mind.  He may not be getting his medical until after that time, depending how this all plays out.  Still waiting for papers to show up at the NVC so I can get a case # and get the ball rolling.  I'm guessing that our interview may be after this time.  Thanks again!  biggrin.png

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-05-30 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPlease help... All Fees after NOA2 approval

Hello helpsmilie.gif  


I am trying to make clear what is due after the NOA2 approval.  If I understand correctly, it is the following:


Medical Exam:  $180 (Dominican Republic)

Vaccinations:  $170  (Dominican Republic)

IV Bill:  $404 ?

AOS bill:  $88


For anyone familiar with the fees we pay the day of the interview in Santo Domingo, could you help with that as well.  


I just want to make sure we are prepared for all upcoming fees and that I am not missing anything.


Thank you!goofy.gif

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-05-30 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAm I waiting too long for NOA2?

They received my I 130 January 22, 2013.  It was approved May 10 and my understanding that was earlier than most.  So, you are still good.

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-06-05 10:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGOING INSANE!! HAVE NOT RECEIVED AOS INVOICE!

I'd just like to get a Case #!!!  LOL   NOA2 approved May 10 and getting ready to really push why it still hasn't even been received at NVC....Best of Luck to you!

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-06-06 16:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase Complete!


trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-06-05 09:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE MADE IT!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-06-07 09:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC said to scan NOA2 approval notice for research

unfortunately, I am a believer in the steps, I would definitely take an infopass, contact congressman or representative, do the nvc research, contact the omnibudsman to file a claim, and definitely scan and send to nvc.

if you can locate your file.. you might be able to do this by phone with the right officer at uscis, then I would go nuts.  so far out of a dozen calls only one officer would take the time to go through the half dozen screens to find it.

I was focused on the "sent to nvc" wording after I found it.

good luck .. I know it is hard

the local offices are kind of stuck in the middle of the mess

what they are doing is holding the files and batching them out every 30-60 days


Thank you for your input!!  I appreciate it and best of luck to you!!! content.gif

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-06-06 15:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC said to scan NOA2 approval notice for research

my deal..

nvc research sent 5/13

nvc confirmed not at office 5/23

nvc reconfirmed not at office 6/6

congressman consent form filed - wait two to three weeks

representative - no return calls after two messages

SCOPSSCATA - not my job

omnibudsman - we are looking into it

uscis - wait 90 days until you can make inquiry (yeah whatever)


screw this I am taking an infopass

5/28 - oh wow, it is still at our office, I will try to get it out of here, but can not tell you how long it will take


5/29 started to research how to shake the tree harder

directly emailed USCIS director and director of NBC

heard back in less than 24 hours, they will look into it

6/4 USCIS rep emails me to confirm it was sent to NVC, due for intake on 6/6, and will make sure it is there before getting back to me


it is at your local office just like mine was


So, how did you get in touch with the USCIS director and NVC director?  Do you suggest I cut all the stuff prior to that and go directly to emailing them?  Do you feel it was even worth scanning and sending to NVC?  Or would you suggest doing an InfoPass first? And do you feel it helps to get a congressman involved?  Sorry, just want to cut through the ####### with them and get to someone who will get me somewhere.  

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-06-06 13:41:00