K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsapproved

I was one of those approved on October 2nd!  So yes, they are!!

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-10-07 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Interview


trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2014-02-27 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat to expect from the NVC as a K-1

This is really just me asking the community for a double check on what I need to do with the NVC.


I know I need to call them relentlessly to get my case number and that they'll send me a bill. (I may be getting this confused with another visa process)


I got my NOA2 on May 13th so they should have it by now. Also, I thought they were supposed to notify me when things moved because I gave them a G-1145 but that only notified me for the NOA1. 


Don't know if this has be posted before. Anyone else find that the search bar on Visa Journey doesn't work?

newsboyMaleEl Salvador2013-05-27 03:20:00
Caribbeansame sex visa approved (lesbian couple) DR


Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-04-24 13:52:00
CanadaHas anyone regretted leaving Canada?

Canada is beautiful, but financially, and despite the minimum wage being lower here in the Southern US, everything seems over-all more affordable than my previous situation. I mean, I could have never thought in a million years I'd be able to buy a nice, upgraded house before I turned 30 that was under 600K MINIMUM. Most houses, in British Columbia (Vancouver area) are around a million dollars. Here, there are great places in new neighborhoods that are 100K-200K.


I didn't have many strong ties to Canada other than my friends, which were more like family. I miss them a lot, but we can visit once I get my GC and we get on our feet.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2013-10-25 18:11:00
CanadaI miss Canada a lot lately. I've started hoarding all the Canadiana I can to bring to the U.S. How do you commemorate your homeland?

I'm from BC and it's beautiful there but to be honest all I miss is the weather (summer is Alabama is disgusting humid) but more importantly, my friends. I've lived there all my life, but I mean, I didn't have many ties to the city let alone the country. And yes of course, can't forget Timmy's!


Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2013-10-25 18:43:00
CanadaCanadians Immigrating & Tax Question!

Reading further into that, I'm not sure if I would be an emigrant or a factual resident because I still have some residential ties to Canada now that I think about it and I'm technically here for part of the year or what would be considered a "vacation" as I haven't filed for AOS just yet?


Significant residential ties to Canada include:

  • a home in Canada; *I would still be able to rent part of a family members home I don't know if that would count*
  • spouse or common-law partner in Canada; and
  • dependants in Canada;

Secondary residential ties that may be relevant include:

  • personal property in Canada, such as a car or furniture;
  • social ties in Canada, such as memberships in Canadian recreational or religious organizations;
  • economic ties in Canada, such as Canadian bank accounts or credit cards;
  • a Canadian driver's licence;
  • a Canadian passport; and
  • health insurance with a Canadian province or territory. 

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-01-05 23:11:00
CanadaCanadians Immigrating & Tax Question!

When I spoke to someone on the phone from the CRA, they stated that you contact them once you have moved from Canada/emigrated, and they are then aware of your' non-resident status'.  He was very good at answering some specific questions related to my situation, so I suggest just giving them a call and asking if you can speak with an international advisor.


He also stated that you never fill out both Canadian and American tax forms in the same year, so I wonder if NLR should contact them for advice also.  My situation will include still having some incomes from Canada once I'm in the US (pensions and investment interest), to which the CRA said will be managed by my US tax forms when I'm in the US as a resident.  I would think that the first year requires both tax forms (Can & US) considering you spend part of the year in Can and the remainder in the US...


I'm still a little confused... ok, a lot confused lol, and will seek professional international accounting advice when filing for the year in which I move (which should be 2014), as there are many details which I won't know how to handle independently the first time.


Here are some links you may find interesting:






And if you wish to do some reading or ask questions on a forum, try http://forums.serbin...ewforum.php?f=2

Thank you for the links.


Would I not just file my Canadian taxes though because I'm not technically immigrated yet as I came down on a B2 visa, have overstayed my 6 months to pursue AOS (currently married to a USC) and therefore I haven't worked/had no income other then my wife's income. And I'm wondering if she would/could still claim me on her taxes this year since we can't file jointly with my lack of income?

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-01-05 22:52:00
CanadaCanadians Immigrating & Tax Question!

Yes if you work at anytime during the year you'll have to file Canadian taxes. The year you file you call it exit taxes as you are emigrating from Canada. Mine will be super fun as I have to do taxes in BOTH countries and hubs wants to do MFJ. Thankfully I have no property or rrsps in Canada and both my bank accounts up there contain very little money (they do not make interest.) I think I'll see if I can file electronically through h&r block but I may have to do it via paper.... not sure.


I believe the CRA has an option to e-file last time I looked but it says it wasn't open for use yet, I'm assuming that'll change around the beginning of February.


I don't have anything else in Canada other than the fact that I have a joint RBC Canada/US cross-border account which has 2K in the savings currently but that is all pretty much going towards immigration fees once I file.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-01-05 22:48:00
CanadaCanadians Immigrating & Tax Question!

It is my understanding that canadian taxes are based on residency, not citizenship. So if you still lived in canada in 2013, and made any income, you'll have to file canadian taxes. Get your t4s, rrsp stuff, etc, and you should be able to find an online tax preparation site. If you didn't earn income in canada in 2013, I don't think you have to file.
Is that what you're asking?


Yes! I just wasn't sure since I haven't been in Canada for 7 months, but I earned some income from January-March, I just might have to figure out if it was enough to even require me to file and I wasn't sure regardless if I could file anyways from the US.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-01-05 01:58:00
CanadaCanadians Immigrating & Tax Question!

Hey all,


I have no idea if I am posting this in the right forum so forgive me, but for any of you Canadians who are immigrating to the US, or already in the US filing for AOS etc, what is the situation for our Canadian taxes? Do we still have to file while we are in process, before we even send in the application, or even when we receive our green card?


I haven't applied for AOS yet (hopefully sending in soon once we get our co-sponsor issues figured out) but I know tax season is approaching and I just didn't know if I should contact my old employers for W2s ahead of time or if it's even possible to file from the US?


I'm sure this is a dumb question but any insight appreciated! Thanks!!

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-01-04 22:57:00
CanadaWhen you move what do you do with your Canadian finances and debt?

Regarding paying off your bills and debt in the easiest way, this is what my wife and I did:


Before we left Canada we set up a joint, cross-border account at RBC that allows you to have a Canadian bank account and a US bank account. You get a Canadian debit card while you're there and once you move to the US, you call or go in and get your American Debit/Visa card combo. I pay $7 a month for both accounts, $4 from one and $3 from the other as basic maintenance fees. I had to cancel my Rogers cellphone plan, my cable, and  I had two credit cards, and a SLOC.


I set up my bills and credit cards as payees on the Canadian account, and anytime I need to pay, the money my wife makes is transferred from RBC US to RBC Canada, it's unlimited transfers, and converts the money for you as well. It takes no more than one business day to show up in the Canadian side. I had an account with BMO that my credit cards were with and I closed that account down, and transferred any money I had into my RBC Canadian account before we left. I believe there is an initial deposit of $25 dollars and then you have a month to put $100 into your RBC US account so they know you're using it. 


You also get Canadian/American cheques, which is where the issue of a SLOC/LOC comes into play. For whatever reason, some SLOC/LOC cannot be made into payees with RBC, they're just not registered in their system. So what I had to do was send in a void cheque to my old bank (BMO) and then have them set up a pre-authorized debit from my RBC Canada account to be taken out monthly. Depending on what bank you use, you may have to do that or you may be lucky and your institution is registered under RBC and can just be added as a payee.


RBC branches/PNC ATMS are what can be used to deposit/go into in the US, so you'd have to double check where the nearest ones are to you of course.


Just a suggestion! My wife has been supporting me financially and if we hadn't set up this account before we left (we thought we were going to have to move back and forth between countries before DOMA was passed, so this made our finances seem easier) I would have had a really tough time paying all my bills or having to send in a cheque every single month which is a pain. It also conveniently helps are case for proof of a bona fide marriage etc.


Read up on it here:

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-01-13 23:01:00
Canadaif you could have the same job, same salary, would you choose Canada or the US?

My wife and I would love to eventually live back in Canada. I'm from Vancouver and when she first came up to visit me she totally fell in love with it, being from several small towns in the south and she never really realized the difference. And all my friends and a few family members all live there, and we miss them a lot. However, we both want to go back to school and move to Portland and even living in NW United States, our money will still go farther than if we were to attempt to start our lives in Vancouver. Maybe one day when we both have our degrees and Canada would actually want my wife, since it's a lot more difficult to immigrate there.


For me, it's more the people and the things to do there, not necessarily a job perspective. She would, however, probably make more money in Canada, I'd probably be making the same amount either way.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-04 08:29:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

Yeah it's better than nothing! At least it'll feel like I'm actually making a dent in the amount :)


I got my NOA text and emails today too and I know I still have a long way to go but any progress towards getting my EAD and being able to work is good news!

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-13 19:31:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

Oh, and that even if I wanted to file for bankruptcy, there wouldn't be a point because I could only file for my credit cards, not the SLOC or loan.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-12 17:25:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

Update: I spoke with Debt Canada and they told me they could help me with my credit cards, basically I'd be paying the same amount I usually pay but with 0% interest so they actually get paid off.


My student loan through the government can't be consolidated so they said to keep reapplying for repayment assistance.


My student line of credit can't be helped either because my uncle is a co-signer and putting me on any sort of payment plan could hurt his credit and I don't want to do that. So to keep making my payment.


So basically, that's all I can really do at this point. I guess it'll have to do until I can get my EAD.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-12 17:20:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

Being an honest person has a lot of value as well - running away from the debt in Canada isn't going to improve your money management skills now that you're in the US. $24K of student loan isn't that much and between you and your wife it won;t take as long as you think to pay off. If it was  brand new car would you feel like it was too much?


I certainly feel for you in terms of the family issues and stealing the credit card. There were legal avenues you could take or could have taken but I suspect it wouldn't make anyone feel good to turn their mother that just sucks.


PS: I have 3 kids 21, 22, 23 and 2 of the 3 have had some debt they needed to pay off - hence the reason I sound like a parent smile.png



Oh no I would never run away from any payments! That's why the past year has been such a struggle, not being able to work. Before when I worked, I still had all the debt, but I made all my payments on time and had good credit. We never had plans to stay in the US until DOMA was passed, or else I would have dealt with this before I left for sure, or tried to. Now my wife is using her paychecks to pay off my bills and honestly it makes me feel like total garbage. I know she says she doesn't mind and we share our finances etc but it still makes me feel bad, especially right now when I can't contribute and haven't been able to for 8 months+. That's the only reason I was even looking into it, to take some stress off her.


My student loan is: 9K (But it's under repayment assistance, so I don't have to make payments for now if they keep approving me.)

My student line of credit is: 15K

One credit card is: 2.5K

Another credit card is 3K

and then on top of all our other US expenses.


To me, right now, in my current situation, I guess those numbers seem really scary and depressing. I don't think I'd ever buy a 24K car, to be honest :P

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-08 17:46:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

You can't file for bankruptcy for student loans. It's too bad you didn't get debt reduction before you left, you won't qualify now that you are out of Canada. 

At the time, we thought we had to come back to Canada after 6 months because at the time, DOMA wasn't passed, and same-sex couples couldn't apply for immigration. But yes, it is too bad, sigh!

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-08 14:24:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

If you file for BK and the courts find out about your dad's inheritance (the $10 - 15 K) they might use that to pay off your debts. Be careful.


Ack, didn't think of that. Thank you!

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-08 12:45:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

I agree... The clean slate.. is SUPER appealling.


Why don't you just have a consultation with a bankruptcy trustee (it's free).. and ask them straight up about the re-assuming thing?

That was told to me by the BKO trustee.. but who knows.. maybe that was them just trying to sell me on doing it when i did.. ?


Worth a shot.



Yeah, I should do that. My wife just got an increase in her job, and we just had to finance a new car because her SUV crapped out and it wasn't worth putting more money into it. Plus we needed a reliable car to travel to Atlanta for our interview, and move to Portland hopefully in a few months.


I'm going to re-create our budget and see what I can do. I'm wondering if there is a trustee where I am in the US that knows more about the Canadian credit system.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-08 12:43:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

Hey smile.png

I'm going through something very similar.. and had a hard time researching this online.

I however.. and not yet in the US.. I just filed my K1 back in December..

I asked a bakruptcy trustee some of the things you are asking.

1. Can I file from the US? - Yes you can

2. Would it affect my US credit in the future?- Yes.. a lot of creditors in the US.. still have the ability to pull your canadian file. Not all do.

3. Would it affect my AOS process? - No- it has no impact on immigration what so ever. Only impacts your creditors. It is your fiance who would need to prove they are financially stable etc.. not you.

4. How long does the bankruptcy remain on your credit history? Um.. well filing for BKO in Canada.. it stays on your credit for about 7 years.. 9 months to be discharged if it's your first bankruptcy.. and then for 6 years after that.  So just about 7.. then it takes time to re-establish your credit etc. However.. I have heard that if you file BKO in Canada... while living in a different country.. that as soon as you re-enter Canada.. you re-assume that debt. That was told to me by the trustee.

5. My uncle co-signed on one of my student loans for me, would filing bankruptcy affect his credit or only if I abandoned my debt? Yes it would. Unfortunately he took on responsibiliy for that debt when he signed onto it. So really.. your creditor could go after him for that money... I'm pretty sure the bad debt will report on his credit bureau if you file as well.


I know how frustrating this is.. I thought of this now.. I have thought about filing for a long time.. And once i realized that I wasn't going to be able to work for quite a while after coming down there..My fiance and I talked about it in depth over like.. a month or two.. and  I just signed the papers on Wednesday to have it done. I'm not marrying a millionaire.. and I want to start the next chapter of my life without all this baggage and we don't need the added stress of me finally getting down there.. and then barely being able to make ends meet if he pays my debt. He offed to sell his truck etc.. broke my heart.. I'd never let him pay a dime... Mine wasn't even from school.. it was from Life... Shitty Life.. lol So I really feel for you.. I know how stressful this is.

Keep your chin up.. Hopefully my info helped a bit. I also was a loan officer before.. so I know what I'm talking about.. I'm not a rando saying whatever. everything I said was from what I know.. and talking to the BKO Trustee. Good luck. :/


Eek, so basically filing BKO from the US would be pointless because if 20 years down the road we wanted to move back to Canada, the debt would still be there? It would be re-assumed? Despite having the 7 year time span already passed?


I didn't know if the student loan co-signing would be the same situation if I filed because I am the main person on the agreement, and his is just the co-signer, but I guess that makes sense. I just didn't know if filing bankruptcy as opposed to abandoning the debt/agreement was a different matter entirely, and obviously I would never do that.


The only light at the end of my tunnel is that my dad (who I haven't seen since I was two) passed away a few months ago and I am to receive somewhere between 10k-15k from his estate, but I was told that could take up to a year or so to have it go through the system so I guess that could help me out as well. And by that time we will both have full time jobs. Maybe it's more of a waiting game and it's kind of a struggle now but it'll get easier once I get my EAD.


It's just so overwhelming! I just wish I could have a clean slate.

Edited by justfromerica, 08 February 2014 - 11:43 AM.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-08 11:38:00
CanadaFiling Bankruptcy in Canada - Affect on US Credit or Immigration?

Hey guys,


This is a question I've been pondering for a few days now and trying to do some research on it but I'd really like to ask your opinions of it too.


I've been in the US now for 8 months with my wife and we sent off our AOS + EAD + I-130 last week.


In Canada, I have accumulated a lot of debt in the past 3 years. I have around 24K in student loan debt, and around 5K in credit card debt. Basically, I spent a lot of money going to school under a subject that I thought I was interested in and could excel well academically, but turns out, just the opposite was true. My credit card debt, though I know is my responsibility, got so high due to family issues. My mom is an addict, stole from me, pawned my stuff, stole my credit/debit cards, cheques etc until I finally kicked her out of my life, changed the locks, basically took all the extremes I could but really the damage was already done. I had to use large amounts of my credit card to support myself for rent, bills, food and therefore kept having to ask for increases. I've lived on my own for 5 years and always supported myself which became harder when all or most of my savings were stolen.


3 years ago I had no student loan debt, and I had 1 credit card that I maybe used once or twice a month and paid off immediately. I'm only 22 and sometimes just thinking about all the debt I have makes me sick to my stomach. I'm a very responsible, organized person. I budget everything and I feel like a lot of my debt was out of my control, which is the really frustrating part.


My wife is the only one able to work right now, and luckily, I am able to make the minimum payments on all my debt, but because of how much I have, I feel like it's going to be forever before I am debt free and it's almost like we're paying into something monthly but it really isn't making a dent due to the interest. Also, for the first 3 months I was here, I wasn't able to make any payments, so I'm sure my Canadian credit is shot. I called all my loans and arranged special payment plans to get my debt out of collections. Even when I get my EAD and can work, so much of our paychecks will have to go to our debt regardless and it just feels so daunting, like we'll never be able to save properly.


I was seriously considering if filing bankruptcy in Canada would be a good option for me at this point, but I'm wondering...


1. Can I file from the US?

2. Would it affect my US credit in the future?

3. Would it affect my AOS process?

4. How long does the bankruptcy remain on your credit history? I've heard so many different time frames.

5. My uncle co-signed on one of my student loans for me, would filing bankruptcy affect his credit or only if I abandoned my debt? (Which I would never do!)


And yes, I'm aware that if I had to go back to Canada, that I wouldn't be in a good position, and even though I don't see that happening for a very long time when my wife and I have careers and can afford to move back, just the thought of filing for bankruptcy makes me really nervous. And part of me thinks that if I can make the minimum payments, then I should only use bankruptcy as a last resort.


Opinions? Thoughts?



Edited by justfromerica, 08 February 2014 - 10:52 AM.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-08 10:45:00
CanadaEntered on TN visa, Quit job, Married USC and applied for AOS

1. Like I said in my thread, 2012 returns and W2s (or transcripts) are just fine, as well any prior year returns. 2013 paperwork wasn't necessary but I don't think they will care they'll probably just not refer to it. :)


2. Not sure how that would play out. I might have attached a separate sheet explaining the circumstances to why you don't know it, but I mean, if you don't know it then you can't just force yourself to suddenly remember or put a set of numbers down.


3. Yes correct address.


4. I have been in overstay since December 24th, 2013 and wasn't able to mail mine out due to co-sponsor issues and money reasons and I did not apply for the I-131 AP because there really was no point since the grace period for being able to use it when you're already out of status was just cutting it too close. I saved money on the additional two passport photos that would have had to go with it too :P 


Overstay as a spouse is forgiven and they will process your case all the same. You've been out of status for a few months so it would not have been beneficial to you. Just gotta stay put until you get that GC in your hand!


Best of luck.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-02-19 15:21:00
CanadaCanadians and CRA t4s

If you still have a Canadian address you can use netfile, it's free.  You can also use H&R block online, it's also free. 

The best way for your wife to file is MFJ.  You made no income and that helps.  You'd need an SSN though... 


Yeah the woman I spoke to on the CRA said I could netfile or efile as well!


Well, we filed MFS for this year because by the time I put in all the effort to get an ITIN number etc and wait, I'd probably already get an SSN number but we can't afford to wait until that point because my wife has some back taxes she owes and we need to pay off ASAP (only around $300, but we're poor as can be right now) so we need her tax refund to be processed as quickly as possible so they can take what she owes off and then refund the rest.


We did MFS and put NRA for where my SSN was suppose to go. Just seemed like less hassle right now, we can always amend.

I worked 3 months from January-March 2013 which is the only thing I'm going to be riling on my Canadian taxes with my Canadian address.

Edited by Erica & Lily, 08 March 2014 - 05:55 PM.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-03-08 17:51:00
CanadaCanadians and CRA t4s

I think I'm going to file normally for this year since I still can be considered a "factual resident" instead of an "emigrant" but I'm going to call CRA this week and clarify a few questions. Between this and trying to figure out for the best way for my wife to file I am so over tax season.

Erica & LilyFemaleCanada2014-03-08 16:23:00
CaribbeanWhere's all the Dominican Republic people?

I haven't seen any posts from any fellow Dominican Republic cases lately.....feeling lonely crying.gif


Where is everyone and how is everyone doing??  I'm just stuck in the ol 30 business day wait to make sure my checklists are ok ranting33va.gif .  Did the DS 260 September 13 and they received the correct birth certificate September 9, so I'm not expecting any news until mid to late's driving me crazy because I was expecting to have an interview in October originally, now it seems I will be lucky to even get one this year.  Nothing left to do but pray.  

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-09-25 09:53:00

What's in packet 4?  Is it just the interview letter?  If so, our interview was scheduled BEFORE it was even sent to the embassy and I was notified by email that we had an interview date.  So, just wondering, is there anything else I should be expecting?

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-10-07 08:53:00
CaribbeanWhat's in Packet 4?


The beginning of November is prefectly fine! He does NOT need to make an appointment, but depends where he lives he will have to leave his house early, the consultorio de visa gets really packed, fast you have people standing in line as early as 5:00am. I believe they open at 7am.


Make sure he take with him Interview letter, 2-2X2 passport photos (or he will have to pay 650 peso at the consultorio for them), cedula, and passport, and of course $$$$$ the money for the coast of the medical exam.



Thank you so much!  That is all very helpful!!  smile.png

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-10-11 09:25:00
CaribbeanWhat's in Packet 4?


OP she is NOT a K-1 so her packet 4 will be sent directly to her via email, and the cita letter is on a regular white paper,  All her husband will need to get the medical exams is the cita letter all his information will be there case number, date of cita, etc...




You shouldn't wait 5 days before the cita to get the medicals done, the consultorio de visa in DR is a bit slow and sometime they don't send the result as fast to the Embassy. So I would sugguest you get the medicals as early as 2 wk before the interview. 


Thank you so much for the info!!  He will be getting his medical done the beginning of November and the Cita is November 20th, so we should be all good!  Does he call and schedule the medical or just show up with the letter early one morning?

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-10-10 16:48:00
CaribbeanWhat's in Packet 4?

My husband's interview was scheduled BEFORE it left the NVC and I found out by email.  The email is the Interview Letter.  Is this all we need for him to schedule his Medical Exam?  Or what is in the Packet 4 that everyone talks about.  I was told by the NVC that the interview letter is all we need, however, I'm not real confident in the information I receive from them.  no0pb.gif

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-10-08 10:07:00
CaribbeanOpinion...Pick the Visa up in Santo Domingo or Deliver to Punta Cana?



I have a friend who is picking up his visa today in Santo Domingo because they said it would take another week for a courier to have enough visas to deliver to his province (Bayaguana).  I'm wondering if that is the same with Punta Cana?  Anyone have any experience with having it delivered there as opposed to picking it up in Santo Domingo?  If it is going to save us a week, to me it's worth taking a bus up there and picking it up.   Thoughts?  Opinions?  


Interview is on the 18th and just being proactive!  Thanks everyone! goofy.gif

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-08 09:58:00
CaribbeanFor all that have had interviews in dominican republic

Mine is next Wednesday...I will let you know how long it takes to get his VISA....I don't anticipate getting it before I have to leave that Saturday...but I'm hoping soon after!!!  :)  Would love seeing a miracle and having him home with me for Thanksgiving!  I had friends that got approved on Oct 29 and he received his Visa on Nov 8th.  He picked it up too.

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-15 11:38:00
CaribbeanVISA ISSUED Nov 21st!! How long to Domex in SDO?



That is AWESOME!!!Felicidades!!!!! A Happy Thanksgiving indeed!! Celebrate joyously enough for those of us still waiting... Big Hugs!heart.gif


Thank you!!  You are still waiting?  You were approved November 7th....why don't you have your visa yet?  I pray it is soon!!!

Congrats!!! What a gift.


thank you!!  So much to be thankful for!!!

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-27 09:36:00
CaribbeanVISA ISSUED Nov 21st!! How long to Domex in SDO?

Visa is ready!!!!  He is picking it up TODAY and flying home TOMORROW...just in time for Thanksgiving!!!!  :) :) :)

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-26 09:55:00
CaribbeanVISA ISSUED Nov 21st!! How long to Domex in SDO?



Edited by trixiechick75, 26 November 2013 - 07:48 AM.

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-26 07:43:00
CaribbeanVISA ISSUED Nov 21st!! How long to Domex in SDO?

Congrats! Hopefully he can get it and you can find a last minute flight on and before Thursday.


Thanks!  That is exactly what I am hoping for!!  I already have flights lined up for Weds, Thurs or Sat....all we need is the Visa in hand to purchase one of them...Praying for Weds so he can meet my family on Thanksgiving!!!  :)

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-25 22:20:00
CaribbeanVISA ISSUED Nov 21st!! How long to Domex in SDO?

We do!  Thanks!  It's driving me nuts to be so close yet so far away!  :) :)  Staying positive and thankful though!

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-25 16:53:00
CaribbeanVISA ISSUED Nov 21st!! How long to Domex in SDO?

thanks!  I will keep a Mad Woman on a Misson!!!  jest.gif

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-25 10:54:00
CaribbeanVISA ISSUED Nov 21st!! How long to Domex in SDO?



I checked the DOS website and it says my husband's visa was issued November 21st.  However, I checked Domex today and it doesn't show that they received it yet.  My husband called also and they told him the same thing.  Shouldn't it be there by now?  He is picking it up at the Santo Domingo Domex.  I was crossing my fingers to have him here by Thanksgiving and we are sooooooooo close.  Anything else I should be doing to see if it has arrived and just not showing in the system yet?  I'm Antsy!!  LOL dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2013-11-25 10:32:00
Caribbeanvisa pickip at domex santo dom ingo

Our interview was on Nov 20th.  He picked his visa up in Santo Domingo on Nov 26 and flew back to the states on November 27th.

trixiechick75FemaleDominican Republic2014-03-10 11:22:00