IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen
Hey guys the embassy is officially open check out their website http://yemen.usembas...rant_visas.html
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-12-06 12:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

antisiar- they replied to me from her office and told me to sign the release form and im going to fax it yomorrow cuz i filled it out slready but i need to sign it then fax it. but i wanted to know are they going to just need my case number only nothing else besides that

they need your case number and a brief explanation of what's u are going through and they also need your social security number. I filled out the whatever was asked of me in the form then signed it. Insha'allah u will get good news soon.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-12-04 19:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

in the begining i wasnt anle to send her a message cuz the websites asks for ur zip code and the 4-extension and i had no idea wth is the extension i had to go to the us postal page and put my adress for me to get the extension and then i was able to send her a message but they dont let u see her email address u send the message threw her website and then a thank you letter shows up and she says she will try yo reply to me soon go to this website fill out the release form and print it out and sign it then fax it to her office this will be quicker don't forget to explain your situation.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-12-04 07:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

Missingyoubabe- yea im in yemen right now

antisar- i dnt know cuz im thinkin cuz since im in yemen she might not reply. and i sent the message threw her website i dont have her email it goes threw the website.

what is your congresswoman's name
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-12-04 06:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

Missingyoubabe- yea im in yemen right now

antisar- i dnt know cuz im thinkin cuz since im in yemen she might not reply. and i sent the message threw her website i dont have her email it goes threw the website.

I'm also in Yemen since January and I sent a message to my senators and mayor on their websites, my mayor replied by forwarding the email I sent to my congressman and they contacted me by email and my senators aide also send me an email and I had to sign a release form and send it back to her by email so she can contact NVC on my behalf I send my senators aide an email yesterday she told me if I don't hear from the embassy by January she would be happy to contact them on my behalf. Just keep trying insha'allah they will respond to you.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-12-04 06:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

Missing youbabe- he sent you mail to the U.S but i thought u were in yemen. i told my congresswomen that im in yemen so idk if thats the reason y she hasnt written back

she probably hasn't gotten to your email yet cause of their thanksgiving break she probably has a lot of emails just resend it to be safe.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-12-04 04:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

Your case is sent to Sanaa only when you have an appointment

Also, do you guys think it's okay if I go with my husband for his visa pickup??
I really want to go.

if u want to go why not
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-12-01 01:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

yea exacutly its like there mad at us. i just hope they are not the ones behind why our cases are behind. also i wonder who replies to ppl on the embassy website.

insha'allah we get calls soon to bring in the passports so we can be through with the embassy and relax
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-30 17:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

yea u cant blame them for asking for so much from us cuz they need proof and stuff and its because ppl take advantage. but i dont trust the yemeni ppl that work in embassy idk y . my neighbor has been in AP for like 3 years i think. its unbelivable. he can sue them after 3 years ofAP. but his wife dont speak or write english or arabic lol. and the first time she went to ameriica was after marriage.

the Yemeni ppl who work there treat us so badly I don't know what they have against us Americans. Wallah every time I go to the embassy I feel so disrespected and offended I hate going to the embassy.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-30 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

i think its a lie they can expedite cases when ever they want. and why is it that some cases take longer then others what information are they waiting for when they do background checks it should just take a day or to its like doing research and they shouldnt be lieing to us like that . cuz if they were in our shoes they would be pissed off.

Thats our embassy for yah this can only happen in yemen and they don't care how we feel cause so much people entered America the illegal way their the ones who should be punished not us why do we have to suffer for what they did INSHA'ALLAH one day they all will get kicked out of America and suffer like we are now. The embassy is already starting to take passports from people who entered America illegally so they can't go back there is 20 cases already. I'm mad caused they made it harder for the. Consular officers to believe anyone now they don't trust any Yemeni now I kinda don't blame them.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-30 15:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

i sent my congresswomen an email but she has not replied to me yet. i dont know what she will say back and if she will help me. my congresswomen is carolyn maloney. does anyone have the same congresswmen

my congressman contacted the embassy about my case 3 weeks ago this is what they replied to her.

Hi Shelly,

These cases are in "administrative processing" and that can take several months. We are currently working with Washington to speed up those that have been waiting for more than six months, but we can't request expedited processing for cases pending less than six months, such as these.



Hopefully now that it has been more than six months they'll speed it up insha'allah for us all.

AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-30 06:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

i sent my congresswomen an email but she has not replied to me yet. i dont know what she will say back and if she will help me. my congresswomen is carolyn maloney. does anyone have the same congresswmen

they have thanksgiving break they will return to work on Monday, insha'allah she will give u good news.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-30 06:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

No he went with the passport only but when the Yemeni dude asks him for documents he stood up for him self and ask I was only asked for the passport so alhumadllah.

good for him some people wouldn't know what to say but he told them. Do u check on the website does it say issued
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-29 06:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

No They ask him for his paper work he told them all I was asked for is the passport he only seen the yemeni man

did they take his original documents or did they just copy them at the interview
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-29 06:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

if ur asking me when we went to the interview they copied the documents and gave them back.

I'm sorry I sent u the question by mistake it was meant for missin u babe
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-28 19:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

im just worried she might say no she cant help but lets just see.

im just worried she might say no she cant help but lets just see.

insha'allah she will

They didn't tell him to renew his medical exam or his police record.

oh yeah one more thing did they take your original documents or did they copy them at the appointment
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-28 10:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

i just sent my congresswomen an email explainin my situation i hope she can help me with it while being in yemen .her website was giving me problems before but now it worked

Yes she can my congressman has been helping me even though I'm in Yemen but you might have to sign a release form so they can speak on your behalf.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-28 08:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

They called my husband on a Friday at 10:30 am
I thought he was joking I didn't believe he's talking an I'm smacking him like shut up stop lying it was a lady she said "?????? ????? ?????? ...... He answerd yes she said " ?? ????? he said it's him she asked how r u doing I'm from the visa office come to drop off ur passport on nov 21 at 8:00 am he said "only my passport that's all u need " she said " yes drop it off and Allah ma3ak"
He went dropped it off and got a pick up fat to dec 22 I was hoping to be in the USA before New Year's Eve

Inshallah ur next wallahy I'm praying for u habibty

They didn't tell him to renew his medical exam or his police record.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-28 08:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

Hi all.. great news today!  My fiancé FINALLY received his visa today!  We are so very excited!  Looks like "my visa journey" with this embassy at least, is complete! 
I wish everyone here luck and that your process goes quickly.  Hopefully they will work on the horribly long wait times. 
For those of you that are in the U.S. - please contact your congressman with your situation and explain the wait times/poor service that you are or have experienced.  Maybe they will eventually get a clue as to what actually happens there.  From my experience, it does help to contact your Congressman, as every time that I did it seemed that things started to move with our case.

Congrats Alhamdillah you are through with the embassy insha'allah your luck will rub off on all of us here :) I have been in contact with my congressman and senators for a while now they try their best but u know how it is with our embassy never help with anything. Allah Kareem
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-28 04:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

i filed at the end of december of 2010. i dont wanna sound noisy but im so curious of why u had ur kids in yemen . u dont have to answer that its just somethin i wanted to tell u.

I had my kids in Yemen cause I thought I could get them passports but it wasn't as easy as I thought. They were denied passports because I couldn't prove my residency. I left newyork when I was 16 that was in 1992 I have 5 children 2 from previous marriage and 3 from my current marriage my last child I had in Michigan didn't want to make the same mistake again and have him in Yemen. I applied for my 4 children and husband all at the same time but my older children were denied because I had gotten their birth certificates when they were older so USCIS asked for more evidence the only way I can prove they are my kids is by DNA and at that time the embassy wasn't testing anyone because of the shipping embargo and their wasn't any other way I can prove they're my kids I sent affidavits but that wasn't enough so they got denied but I appealed and the appeal worked and I got another chance to present evidence so we went with DNA. We sent the test kits to the embassy but they wouldn't test us because they have to go by the order they receive the cases even though my kids had a deadline to present the evidence the embassy didnt care. Now I'm waiting for what USCIS is going to respond to our evidence we sent the receipts of the DNA kits and DHL shippment info now I just have to pray. Can everyone please pray for my family I've been through so much only Allah knows. Thanks

So i refreshed my email a few mins ago and i see an email from Sanaaiv. it was sent to me at 11:34 lol so they r starting to respond to ppls emails.this is wat it says

Thank you for your inquiry. This case is still undergoing administrative processing to ensure it meets all qualifications for an immigrant visa.

We realize these extended time periods cause frustration for many individuals, and we are sensitive to the fact that the purpose of the immigrant visa program is to re-unite families. We cannot predict when the processing of the visas will be completed, but be assured that we are aware of your concerns and will do everything we can to adjudicate the visas as soon as all necessary processes are complete.


Sanaa IV Unit

sorry to tell u this but I got the exact email three months ago.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-27 17:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

i think u said u were applyin for ur husband snd kids right? that means u gave birth in yemen but when did u first apply for them cuz u said they r 3 and 4 i think .

November 2010
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-27 14:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

My wife just told me they approved my sons paperwork and they told my wife to come pick up the kids' passport in 3 Weeks. :)

AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-27 07:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

My fiancé finally got a call from the Embassy to come and pick up his passport/visa.  His appt. is tomorrow at 10am.  FINALLY going to be done dealing with this Embassy. 
I did have to contact my Congressman again to get this moving.  It seems that every time I contacted him there was movement with his case.  So, anyone who is having a hard time I suggest contacting your local representative. 
I told him to call me as soon as he gets done at his appointment, so I will post here to let everyone know how it went for him. :) 

Congrats your journey is finally over. Insha'allah we all get that call soon.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-27 00:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

Insallah ya rab we all get it


Yes inshallah kair for all of us and inshallah raby gets us through with this once and for all so we can finally breathe

Insha'allah soon cause the wait is killing me.

AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-26 17:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen

dam sorry to hear ur going threw this to. i guess maybe cuz the father is in ap they might want to put ur kids cases in ap as well . they might want to finish ur case all at once and not one then the other. thats just my opinion inshallah they give everyone in AP espacially the ones in may like us appointments and everyone else . sometimes i try ignoring the fact that we still have to wait but it gets worst over time

Thanks insha'allah
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-26 11:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterviews in San'a, Yemen
Hi guys I've been reading what everyone has been going through and it's really frustrating and stressful what the embassy is putting us through. My husband and two young children ages 3 and 4 have been in AP since May 19 of this year I understand them putting my husband in AP cause that's normal in Yemen but why my to kids anyone know cause the wait is killing me.
AntiseirFemaleYemen2013-11-26 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp with RFE!!!

My RFE never came . I called them and they're sending it again. Told me 15days or less. I hope its something as simple as letter of intent



When was the system updated for your RFE, i mean did you wait 30 days before you called them back because they wouldn't do anything for me until after 30 days?

03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-04 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp with RFE!!!

Called CSC yeaterday (8/2/13) and was told RFE was sent July 11 but i still haven't received anything yet - they said it might take up to 30 days. Should i panic? Do RFEs normally take 30 days to receive from CSC? Please advice cause i'm really worried.  Thanks

03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-03 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

Just wondering if anyone elses NOA2 said they've been sent to the US Embassy and to contact the consulate about further questions regarding our case... nothing about NVC or DOS... 


I just received the same letter today?  have you called or checked because from what i know, it has to go through the NVC but mine said it will be forwarded to the consulte.

03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-09-20 19:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

Finally got approved last night after almost 5 months.  Based on your experiences, how long does it take until NVC receives my file and issues me a case number?

03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-09-17 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

how long does it take to hear back once CSC receives my RFE response?  they received it 8/27.  this is ridiculous 

03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-09-12 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

how long does it take for CSC to make a decision once they receive my response to the RFE? they received mine yesterday so im excited to hear back from them

03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-28 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1
Guys how accurate is this timeline? Mine says august 8th to august 27th, should i really place my hope solely on this?
03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-19 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

Just got off the phone and spoke to someone who was very helpful.. He pulled the system and said the last case the CSC worked on was March 12 so at the very least it gives me an idea that my case is about a month away.  I filed on April 12.  Wish everyone the best of luck for those who are still waiting for approval.  It's not easy sitting through this with uncertainty.


03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-15 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

I couldn't track my status on their website so i called and they said your case was ordered on Jul11 and i havent received anything yet.  So i called them again and they said they will reach out to the CSC and put in a service request and that i should either receive a service request response (as to what is going on with my case) or an RFE by Aug 20.  Has anyone had this issue before or know what the heck is going on??

03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-06 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1

I'm watching the case of the filers after us 


693 - mine RFE JUL 31

694 - RFE JUL 29

695 - RFE JUL 11

696 - Approved JUL 12

698 - RFE JUL 16

699 - Approved JUL 22

700- Approved JUL 24

701- Approved JUL 22

702-Alien Reg Num. Apr 23

703-Approved JUL 12

704- Changed Add JUN 17



what does that mean for the Jul 11? can you share where you got this info from please?

03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-05 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filers 2013 K1
Called CSC yeaterday and was told RFE was sent July 11 but i still haven't received anything yet - they said it might take up to 30 days. Should i panic? Do RFEs normally take 30 days to receive? Please advice
03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-03 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

I couldn't track my status on their website so i called and they said your case was ordered on Jul11 and i havent received anything yet.  So i called them again and they said they will reach out to the CSC and put in a service request and that i should either receive a service request response (as to what is going on with my case) or an RFE by Aug 20.  Has anyone had this issue before or know what the heck is going on??


03182013Not TellingSaudi Arabia2013-08-06 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC March & April K-1 Filers

No expedite is a request to get yours processed faster than others - in other words, skip to the front of the line so to speak. There are certain situations where you can request this, such as being in the military. So I was wondering if you requested an expedite as to the reason why yours was processed so early.

Yeah i got what you meant but no, nothing of that sort was requested. I filled a normal K1 visa.

susumazenNot TellingYemen2013-07-05 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC March & April K-1 Filers

Wow congratulations. smile.png. Why did you get such an early approval? Do they expedite Sanas Yemen petitions?

Thanks:) and I'm not really sure but maybe it has to do with how much effort i put into it. I really worked to make it as perfect as possible and provided them with everything they needed and even more so maybe that helped:/ 


Hahaha expedite? You mean make more hectic and longer? Everyone i know has been given the hardest time... most have been waiting for years for an NO2. But i dont know why mine was approved so fast:/

susumazenNot TellingYemen2013-07-04 22:39:00