K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLiving abroad while app is pending
Just to let you know.....I understand all cases are different but do consider......the foreign embassy did call to my home to interview me to say only his fiance will be interviewed may not be correct.......I was questioned almost an hour on the phone, while my fiance was being questioned in a room at the embassy.....

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-07-04 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSenator DeWine replay

Hi there,

After my fiance wrote twice to senator DeWine (Ohio) and called a few times, the senator finally said he gave us a caseworker. Hmmm.... I'm a suspicious and I wonder if this wasn't just something to get rid of us. Did anyone had this kind of experience? Did it do any good? Please let me know. Many thanks!

I talked to the caseworker there multiple times. If it is "Joe" dont count on anything happening. He has pushed me off on 4 occasions. When I told the congressmans (Debra Pryce) office of my situation, she was completely unaware of IMBRA all together. I even sent a copy of Urlings list because she was under the impression that they 'only process by receive dates'. When I told her of contacting DeWines office she goes who did you talk to, Joe?'. I didnt think that was good...over all nothing from either of them wait.

Good luck but the Ohio representatives are worthless.


Joe is the one I dealt with too and I found him to be uncaring and rude. Ive never asked any one, embassy, congressman, or the senators office to do any "special favors" or to "move my petition ahead " all ive ever sought is some assistance in finding out why we were not getting ANY information on our case after being on AP for almost eight months, and getting a little empathy for what we are dealing with. I have never EVER been made to feel less a human than when dealing with immigration and when seeking help from elected officials. My only support has been here on this forum, and I appreciate what everyone is going thru, and I certainly appreciate all the good advice I have received.

Best of luck to all

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-09-01 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSenator DeWine replay
hmmm I wrote senator dewines office an email and got a letter by post two days later, thanking me for giving them the opportunity to help with my case. The "aide" did call and make an inquiry for us, and he was told the very same thing we had been hearing for seven months, and said he would call back in 30 days. Well before that my fiance was called in for second interview, which was a horrible experience for him , (I want bore everyone with the details again). I immediately called this aide again and by the time I reached him a few days later, I got hateful replies and no sympthay at all from him. He also told me that there was nothing in the constitution that said I had a right to bring my foreign fiance here. I gave up at that point and decided to get an attorney. Oh yeah, and the aide said that "senators do not have any more power over immigration than we do, all they can do is make inquires for us."

I really hope your more successful than I was but I have found when it come to immigration, there is not anyone willing or able to help you, other than to make "inquiries" which I can do myself. In all fairness others have said that contacting these officals have been helpful in speedig things up.

Good luck

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-09-01 05:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresage difference?

The lesson that I see in vicki/bala's situation is that the best 'evidence' is the person themself. Everything else can be manufactured by a person who has the ambition, the patience, and in this electronic age only a minimum of knowledge. It doesn't take true love of another person to spend hours on the phone with them or write hundreds of e-mails to them - it only takes time and a desire to have someone get you into the USA.

Consular officers know this, at many posts they see it all the time. At some posts it's most of what they see.

The consular officer's approach at Bala's interview was possibly not taken for him specifically, it was probably the approach that that officer, or perhaps most officers at that post, takes with most visa applicants. It is a confrontational approach designed to get a reaction from the visa applicant. A 'gut' reaction, stirred by emotion, to get spontaneous answers rather than planned answers to questions. And the questions and answers themselves are often not as significant as the applicant's demeanor as a means of divining the applicant's true intent.


There is no "general" answer for any question here at vj. My fiance and I have 15 years age difference me being the oldest. We have known each other for four years and been romantically involved two of those years. He took tons and tons of documents with him to interviews, phone records, emails, chats, flight tickets, pictures, letter from friends, etc.. and they were never considered. When my fiance sat down in the chair across from the first CO at his first interview the very words out of her mouth was "If you think you are getting a free ride to America you can forget it". From there it was just down hill for us. Funny thing is my fiance in the entire four years ive known him had NEVER expressed a desire to come to America for anything, much less to live here. In fact we had plans for me to live there with him and run our own business for which he had already taken a huge loan out just months before I applied for the visa. After my first visit there I realized that I would rather live here and approached him with the ideal of living here in the U S with me. So you see it really doesnt matter in some instances how much proof you have, it really depends on the CO and their preceived notions about the situation. After being here at vj for over a year now, I realize our case is not the norm, but it does happen for some that the CO's determine a case by their opinions and not the reality of the situation . I wish you much luck and pray that your journey is smooth, but just want you to be prepared for the reality.

God Bless


Yodrak , I agree with you completely,, but i really dont know what else Bala could have done. He begged and pleaded with them to just hear him out and look at his proofs, he declared over and over his true love for me and with every word out of his mouth they would say "Sir we dont believe you". As you have seen from my previous posts they even blackmailed and told him to admit fraud or they would go to his family and make it ugly for him. But still he held his ground, he told them he refused to admit a lie and they could go and speak with his family all they wanted. He left his home a few days after that last interview and has not returned. He is living 12 hours away from everything and everyone hes ever known just because he refused to admit their lies that they made up for him. Im sorry, but i still believe that no m atter what some of us do or how well we present an argument if the CO's have prejudices and pre conceived notions then we dont stand a chance.

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-09-21 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresage difference?
There is no "general" answer for any question here at vj. My fiance and I have 15 years age difference me being the oldest. We have known each other for four years and been romantically involved two of those years. He took tons and tons of documents with him to interviews, phone records, emails, chats, flight tickets, pictures, letter from friends, etc.. and they were never considered. When my fiance sat down in the chair across from the first CO at his first interview the very words out of her mouth was "If you think you are getting a free ride to America you can forget it". From there it was just down hill for us. Funny thing is my fiance in the entire four years ive known him had NEVER expressed a desire to come to America for anything, much less to live here. In fact we had plans for me to live there with him and run our own business for which he had already taken a huge loan out just months before I applied for the visa. After my first visit there I realized that I would rather live here and approached him with the ideal of living here in the U S with me. So you see it really doesnt matter in some instances how much proof you have, it really depends on the CO and their preceived notions about the situation. After being here at vj for over a year now, I realize our case is not the norm, but it does happen for some that the CO's determine a case by their opinions and not the reality of the situation . I wish you much luck and pray that your journey is smooth, but just want you to be prepared for the reality.

God Bless

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-09-21 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhite slipped
Hey Chilton,

My fiance Bala, and I also are going thru the exact same thing you are. Our petition was sent back to the states in July after Bala had his second interview. The reason was same as yours and we also had lots of proofs of which they were not interested in seeing.

All I can tell you is that I contacted a lawyer, and we are expecting to recive a NOID (Notice of Intent to Deny ) letter which I have heard can take anywhere from a few months to even a year or longer. So I would suggest contacting an attorney for at least some advice on how to proceed. I do know of one other petitioner who didnt reply to her NOID letter, instead she opted to marry and now they are in a mess of trouble.

Apparently the way I understand it, is that if you dont respond to the NOID letter then they will deny you and it can be seen as fraud, which we all know is not good.

You are welcome to PM me and I can give you some more information that I have received on this situation.

Best of luck to you and yours!!!

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-09-24 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage and Divorce Decrees
After Bala's first interview they asked for my marriage liscense to show proof of name change. So its possible they will ask for it.

good luck

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-11-07 05:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome not so good news for those with ...
Bala and I knew each other four years , two of which was in a romantic relationship. I am 15 years older than he is and thus begins the problem. We filed the petition in 06/05 had interview in 10/05 the first words out of the interviewers mouth was "if you think you are getting a free ride to america you can forget it" .. Bala was told i was not pretty enough, so how could he possibly love me and lots of other horrible things. After that interview we were placed on AP for nearly 8 months. They then called Bala back for another interview and it was even worse than the first. They threatened to take pics of he and I to his family and friends and "make it ugly for him" if he didnt admit fraud. They said they had proof I was living with a man in america (they had called my house at 4a m and my 18 year old son answered and told them I was alseep). They tried evey tatic in the book to make bala say he was a fraud and he refused. So they couldnt get him to admit it. They couldnt find any proof to their allegations so the did the next best thing. They sent the petition back. The rest you know.

now some will say it was up to us to prove our relationship ,, we had tons of proof.. They refused to look at it. Everytime bala tried to tell them something he was met with the same words "sir we do not believe you".

I still talk with bala occasionally and each time he begs me to come there and live with him.. He doesnt care about coming to America all he cares about is being with me. But i have Children, i have grandchildren, I have bills to pay, so its not so easy.

It was a hard decision to let bala go. I love him with all my heart and soul. But I also know the fight we had before us.. I fought it for nearly two years and I thought it best to just let bala get on with his life there.

HOpe this explains things better.

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2007-04-10 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome not so good news for those with ...
Sorry guys, I should have been more clearer.. Bala and I split in late december. I just posted this update because I knew that others have recently had petitions sent back. Just wanted them to be prepared for what is to come. My petition has been back at USCIS for almost 6 months now without a word from them. I got my info relayed to me secondhand... from the governors office.

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2007-04-09 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome not so good news for those with ...
Just wanted to give those of you who have had their petiton returned to CSC with the intent to deny issue. My petiton was returned in Oct of 2006 and over the weekend I received a letter from my governor (mind you I had inquired with them back in dec!!! Gives new meaning to slow reply), saying that they had been contacted by CSC and was informed they DO NOT send out noid letters and that all the petitions are EXPIRED by the time they are sent back, and I could reapply (start all over) if I wanted too. My original petition was sent in June of 2005 almost two years ago.

So all this time and effort for nothing.

Best of luck to all

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2007-04-09 10:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsMillion Fiance/Spouse March on Washington
count me in.........!! can we bring family and friends to help support us too???
Something needs to be done to change the way this system runs!

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-07-19 18:36:00
USCIS Service CentersPetition is back at USCIS
Trust me Yodrak, Bala has begged me to do just that. He would prefer i just come there and we could forget all this hassle of immigration. I have three sons here and five grandchildren ranging in age from 2 months to 6 years.. I would not want to be so far away from them if they needed me. Also its not so easy for a mixed couple to be there in india, they are the most close minded people ive ever seen. When I was there visiting Bala and I were just talking in the train station (no public affection ) and an employee tried to make us leave because he did not like the fact that an indian was talking and laughing with a "white" woman.

Thank you for reminding me of my quote.. But I really dont see it as letting Bala go..I see it as they are ripping us apart.

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-11-14 14:31:00
USCIS Service CentersPetition is back at USCIS
Limah I sent a fax to the consulate general himself within a few days of learning our petiton was being sent back. As far as our long history of waiting it goes like this. Balas first interview was one year ago tomorrow, then we were put on AP for nearly 8 months. He was called for second interview, where they acused Bala of fraud and tried to get him to admit it ..Any way when after a couple of hours of this, Bala refused to give in .....they sent our petition back. It arrived in USCIS on 17th of October,(about three months for it to make the trip back), and its been sitting there ever since. Yesterday they said to allow 180 days (6 months) before inquiring again. So if yours is sent back you can expect many months of delays.

Private it was same with us. They have never told us either what their findings are. In fact Bala challenged them to show their proofs to him.. He told them if you will show me your proofs then I will admit fraud. When he was told by the CO's that they had proof i was living with a man .. he demanded "show me ".. their reply was "sir its her private affair, we cant show you".... they had no proof , that is why they didnt deny us out right. All they had was their own prejudices. Even once they told Bala that they knew he was a fraud because he had not informed his neighbors about his relationship. I cant figure that one out. I didnt know there was a law that said you must inform your neighbors or else its not real .... heck Ive lived here in my apartment for over two years and I dont even know my neighbors, much less inform them of my love life.

Anyway....good luck to both of you... keep in touch so that we may help support each other thru all this...

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-11-14 07:18:00
USCIS Service CentersPetition is back at USCIS
I sent a fax to the consulate general at the chennai embassy and i got a reply from them, but only to tell me that they had already sent my petition back (which wasnt true)... but i would suggest trying anything at this point.

It will be exactly one year tomorrow (indian time) that we had our interview. I hope that you are successful in stopping the return. But if your not. Dont lose faith, you will (as I did )learn that you do what you have to do to get by. Some days my strength is almost gone. Some days are so hard to get through without losing my sanity. But what is my alternative? I love Bala, its either fight this thing no matter how long it takes or lose him forever.

Limah feel free to chat with me anytime you like. Keep strong

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-11-13 20:09:00
USCIS Service CentersPetition is back at USCIS
Well I called the USCIS today and was told to wait 180 days (6months) from the date that it was returned (10/17/06) before contacting them again.
Im wondering if we should just get married and apply for a K3 instead. Wondering if it would be faster.

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-11-13 10:38:00
USCIS Service CentersPetition is back at USCIS
Ok, so our petition has been back at California service center since 10/17/06... sent back by Chennai Embassy.... Our regular service center is Nebraska. The day after tomorrow will be one year since Bala's initial interview. So what now??

Ive heard from several that CSC may not send out a NOID letter. Ive heard that its possible we will get a letter saying our petition has expired. If I call the USCIS will they tell me which they plan to send?? Im concerned that its been just sitting there for nearly a month without any touches.

Any Suggestions??

Yodrak , where are ya?? (smile)

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-11-13 06:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Section 221 (g) question

Thanks for the advice.

I am now checking for airfare for Hong.

Mark, I don't mean to alarm you, and frankly I admire your confidence here, but why are you under the impression that once you provide these transcripts that your fiance will be instantly given her visa? If you check the postings of others who have been given blue slips and have been asked to provide the exact same thing you have to the HCMC consulate, it is months before their case is re-reviewed, and yet you are already planning on plane tickets and filing AOS.

Did they tell you specifically that your case is going to be different? Really, I hope it does go this easy for you.

Thats exactly what happened with us. Bala had interview on Nov. 15, 2005 they asked for transcripts from IRS. I sent those and its now been 5 months that we have been waiting. I hope it moves much faster for you, but just know it may not be.

Good luck to all

vicki /Bala
vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-04-25 13:25:00
Asia: SouthStrange question I know
Sounds as if the two of you are on the right track. Its nice your husband understands your feelings and are responding to them. He is to be commended and so are you for your patience. Good luck to the both of you!! As for me and My ex we are much better suited to be friends. At times I look at him and feel so sad for the love lost, I know in the end we made the right choice by ending the marriage. He is free to move on and find someone who can accept him for who he is and Ive met a wonderful man who is as affectionate as I am (and he is hindu ! )....

vicki/balaFemaleIndia5/12/2006 17:55
Asia: SouthStrange question I know

He IS making progress! This week has been wonderful, we have been really giving each other a lot of hugs. He had a very hard work day today, where he got yelled at, and I asked him if he needed a hug and he said "YES!".
Its not that he doesnt like it, he says he "forgets" as he never grew up with it, and it takes reminding. He is lovely with children tho, he plays with his nieces and nephews when he is around them a LOT, tickling, and throwing them and horsing around. And we had talked before we ever married, I knew he grew up without any affection, but I asked him if he had children, wouldnt HE play with them and hug them and he told me he definately thought children NEED that, and thats its sad that children feel unwanted back where he came from in Guyana sometimes. So many have so many children that I guess sometimes it leads to resentment when you cant afford to feed them all. He has a lot of ideas that are very forward thinking for his country, like a man shouldnt have 8 children if they cant afford to feed them, etc.
And Elizabeth, he has occasionally started saying "thank you". It was not so much that they considered doing stuff out of love with him, he just grew up in a pretty cold family. The first time he said it, I bout fell outta my chair. Its lovely to hear. :thumbs:
Thanks for all your replies, is a work in progress. :lol:

I was very sad reading this thread. I was married to a wonderful man who was hindu, (Sri Lankan). I can relate to all the women here who find themselves in marriage where there is no affection shown. My marriage lasted a little over six years. I tried everything possible to make it work, including a marriage counselor. In the end I wasnt able to accept that my husband would never be able to show me the affection I needed. We came from two different worlds. I was very open and affectionate with all those that I loved. He was raised to show no affection at all. We didnt celebrate bds, anniversaries, Christmas, etc, and growing up those were all big deals to me. We all, as human beings have our needs, and if those needs are not met for whatever reason , then we hurt. My ex husband and I remain the best of friends, we go out to dinners, see movies, all the things that friends do with each other. But we both have moved on to seperate lives. I hope that each of you ladies are able to resolve this issue without taking the road I did, but just understand one thing that my marriage counselor helped me to realize. If you are waiting for these men to become what you need, it may never happen. For me it didnt. At least not before I no longer cared. Each time I reached out for affection, just to be denied.... it was harder and harder to reach out again. As I said my ex husband was a wonderful, kind, man. In the end it will all come down to what are you needs, and are they being met.

Good Luck
vicki/balaFemaleIndia5/12/2006 5:47
Asia: East and PacificThis is a sad sad day!!!!
Just a little heads up guys. Our petition was sent back to CSC in early October. To date has not received one touch! And another thing you should be prepared for, CSC is notorious for not sending out NOIDS, they simply hold the petition for ahwile then send out a letter saying your petition has expired and you have a choice to start over from the very begining.

Good Luck, however it goes.

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2007-03-26 11:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAR/AP Timeline for All
We are on AR/AP 6 months as of today!

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-05-15 03:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAR procedures- how long will it take
7 months 6 days and sill counting! (sigh)
vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-06-21 03:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 VISA APPROVED!
:dance: congratulations!!! Best wishes !!
vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-06-29 16:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis is too much to even believe

WOW! This is nightmarish! BUT I think your fiance' did the right thing by not conceding even the slightest bit to the blackmail -- esp. considering that if the consulate HAD shown photos to his family he may have been kicked out of his home/business. That was brave of him, I think!

Also, question: did the CO have a converstion with this mythical "Asian Man" that lives in your house (I guess he must live in your closet or under your bed, right? :rolleyes:)? Or did they just call, hear a man pick up, and assume 1) that he is Asian, 2) that he lives with you, 3) that they didn't misdial the telephone number and 4) that even if it IS your house, that this guy CANNOT just be a friend?

Yikes! I would like to know what kind of conversation went on between the CO and this Asian Housemate of yours and who exactly they spoke with when the CO called. Could they be saying that you live with another man just to fake your fiance' out and see what his reaction is? Head-games like that are upsetting, but I think that considering the fact that they tried to blackmail him, there's a good chance they know that you live alone and are just testing Bala.

It's funny because you told the truth! I feel like if someone were trying to defraud the government, the response to "do your families know about your relationship?" would have been something like "Oh yes! They know and they simply CANNOT WAIT til we get married! :yes: ;) :yes: :D "

Anyway, good luck! Going to India is probably VERY impractical for you, as much as you'd probably love to go, but right now, try and contact a congressman's office and explain your situation. Also, get hold of a lawyer. Catholic charities offers free (or very inexpensive?) legal services and I hear they're good at what they do.


We figured out the man im living with !!! My 18 year old son came for a visit on May 29th he stayed thru June 9th. Yesterday I remembered suddenly that one morning he was yelling at me.. he said, "Mom Bala called last night in middle of the night and asked me to wake you , and I told him no and hung up", I told him yeah at times if he misses me he will call just to chat for a minute or two. I never really thought any more about it.. But today I called my son and asked him to think back on that night, I asked him if the caller said he was Bala and he said no,, I just heard indian voice and assumed it was Bala. there ya go guys....proof postitive that Im living with a man !!!! my how wonderful the human mind is at assuming !

Vicki /bala
vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-07-09 10:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis is too much to even believe

vicki---this is pretty shocking (duh).
But a glimmer of hope--- maybe they are trying to rattle his cage one last time. Maybe Bala shouldn't do anything too drastic at home just yet.

Doesn't it seem that IF they really thought they had a fraud case, that the petition would be denied? That the visa application would be outright denied? Why would they continue to have this discussion with him?

Can you get on the horn and the the CO to give you some further information? As in, an official response?

I think user Jaci might have some insight for you.

I have to agree with meauxna. If they had actual evidence do you think they would waste their time playing this game? Remain calm, I do believe it is a bluff.

I have some possible contacts:

Dale Rumbarger
Julia Furuta-Toy
Director of Public and Diplomatic Liaison Visa Services
Washington, D.C. 20520

You can also write to:

Maura Harty
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20520

Or try calling:


Director Julie Furuta-Toy 202-663-3579

Public Inquiries Division Chief Karla Gentile 202-663-3623

Diplomatic Liaison Division Chief Dale Rumbarger 202-663-3211

I hope this helps, good luck.

Thank you ,,,,,I will give these a try on Monday. Yea I agree they dont have any proof, but they are sure making our life miserable. Our biggest fear is that they will drag this out for many months and already we have been 8 months on AP... Over a year since we filed.

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-07-08 19:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThis is too much to even believe


Was Bala given ANYTHING at the interview? (denial, refusal, 221g?)

An attorney with proper experience can contact the embassy for you, possibly even the CO who's on your case, and try and smooth things out or at least get further info. You can try and do this yourself too. IT's a matter of simply refusing to stop calling until they are so sick of you they put you through.(That's how I was able to get through.. I called about 30 times and asked to speak with the consul general by name.. eventually they put me through to the CO who refused to issue the visa) I warn you that to resolve the matter yourself you must stay calm and not lose your temper or be hysterical. (I wasn't able to do that, and we are still separated) Other ideas are to try and contact your consul general by fax. I would personally like to Consul general to know if I had caught the CO lying about me. I'd be shocked if the comment about the Asian man answering your phone was anything more than complete fabrication.

I'd just like you to know that in my experience it's not so unusual for CO's to tell applicants over and over they are going to be denied but eventually issue the visa. If they are still interviewing/investigating you, then you may still get it.

I doubt CO's are technically allowed to do what you are describing, but as a practical matter they have free reign. Mine stopped short of actually outright lying to me about my husband, but definitely led me to believe there is something really terrible about him that I don't know. I suspect it is routine for them to lie, instigate, and use a variety of psychological torture tactics ( the least of which is telling you over and over you are going to be denied) to try and ferret out fraud in some cases, in some countries. I don't think any of it is particularly effective in reality, but it certainly is painful to go through. That said, not all CO's are like that.

My consulting atty told me that sometimes CO's, for whatever reason, are "overzealous" about fraud. It's been my experience older (than their partners) USC females and their foreign fiances/spouses are prime (but certainly not the only) targets. It's not fair but it's the way it is.

Our CO told us she wanted to deny us outright but instead was returning our petition. I assume that it is possible to outright deny a case with evidence of fraud, but there would have to be some kind of evidence beyond a red flag or conjecture, or it would have happened to us. I agree with Meauxna that if they haven't outright denied you they don't have any evidence of anything.

They don't have to outright deny you to refuse to issue a visa, though, so evidence of fraud doesn't seem to be necessary to keep a fiance(e) or spouse from entering the US.
As long as your petition is still at the consulate there is still a chance you might receive the visa "soon", or at least sooner than later. You need to know whether your petition was returned stateside or not. There is a nasty trap set by the FAM for those with returned petitions that you will definitely want to avoid.

Maybe Gary is right about the bribe, but I hate to think so. I've wondered myself about whether that might have been what was missing in our case.

here are 2 must read articles for you and/or your attorney.

Find out where your petition is if you can. If it's being returned, prepare now to respond. If you can't get anywhere by yourself or with an attorney, write your congressional representative and let them initiate a congressional inquiry for you. The congressman can't fix it, but they can get you some info.

God bless you.


No he was not. They basically said at last to "decide now to drop this case or we will go to your family and friends and interview them and even then we will not guarantee you the visa". So he told them to give him time to leave his home (and everything he has ) and then they could go and question all they wanted, because he was not going to give into their threats. He told them he was ready to stand anything to prove his love. But you see everyone keeps saying over and over here that Bala wasnt able to prove his case. HOw could he?? They wouldnt even look at our proofs. As ive said over and over and over again.......we had tons ,,,,,,four years worth of converstations, emails, plane tickets (two visits) train tickets, hotel receipts, phone bills, pictures, names of people we visited t here they could call and verify , my son wrote a letter,,,,,,we had stacks and stacks of proofs...only to be told when he offered them " do you think a few converstations and pictures prove a relationship".. So dont tell me that he couldnt convince them! If they refuse to see our proof how can we do that?

Im sorry if its a crime to fall in love after you have been married before, or to someone younger than you. No one told me or Bala the rules of Love, somewhere along the way we missed them.. Ive never said I was against the investigation.. we hid nothing, we were h onest in saying we hid from his family... other than that our lives have been an open book. We waited for them to investigate all they wanted, every month I sent email and I asked.. Is there anything I can give you or send to you to help prove our case.
We waited all this time, only to be confronted in the end with blatant lies and blackmail.

Jaci thank you so much for your kind words. Who should I ask to speak with at the consulate? Im still waiting to hear back from my senator, they have been so helpful to us in the last month, Im hoping they can direct us in the right way to handle this.

vicki/balaFemaleIndia2006-07-08 07:47:00