K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEXTREMELY Nervous
I will add something that I cut and pasted from a previous "Pushbrk" posting. (He is a respected member of this forum.) There are some countries that are considered "high fraud" and it mostly involves the fiance/e's...not the government. (Remember, you are going to an American Embassy/Consulate...not something run by Nambia, Nigeria or Vietnam.) Perhaps the reason these people were denied is something they don't want you to know about??? The list is as follows...
1. India
2. China
3. Vietnam
4. Nigeria
5. Philippines
6. Brazil
7. Colombia
8. Russia

I personally went through this with a woman from Colombia. My mind is still reeling from the experience...and my wallet hurts too!! LOLOL I went through the same emotions..."we are MEANT for each other" etc. But, in the end I figured out the scam and ended it. (Unfortunately, I married in Colombia because I was "impatient and in love"...and paid the price! The old saying goes...Marry in haste, repent at leisure!!!
A good friend of mine did the same thing with a woman from Russia...she bolted the moment her feet touched the shores of the USA. Filed abuse charges the first week and generally messed up his life.
Another lawyer acquaintence of mine did the K-1 thing with a Colombian woman. She too bolted within the first weeks of arrival...went to visit "a friend." Appeared at his doorstep on the 87th day and wanted to get married. He bought her a ticket to Bogota and put her on the plane! End of stories. Be careful.

Best Wishes, :thumbs:
PS I suggest that you do NOT get married in Gambia/Nigeria or anywhere at this time. Please read some more postings especially those from Pushbrk which pertain to this subject.

Edited by FrancElsie, 04 April 2010 - 04:57 PM.

FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-04 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for thoughts / advice on timing
I went through this process in Colombia in 2007/2008. When your case is forwarded from the NVC to the Embassy in Bogota, they will send Packet #3 to your fiancee'. There will be a list of things she will need to bring to the interview and full instructions on how to complete Spanish. When she is ready with all the items, she will FAX in the OF-169, DS-156 and DS-156K forms which indicate that she is "ready" to have the interview scheduled. When the Embassy receives this FAX, they will generate a letter stating when the interview is scheduled. They sent me a copy which I still says:

Estimado (Name)
Esta oficina esta lista para iniciar los tramites finales sobre la solicitud de visa inmigrand de (de los) solicitante(s) que aparece(n) a continuation en esta expediente. Se ha concertado una cita para llevar a cabo la entrevista de solicitud de visa en la seccion de visas de inmigrante en la fecha que aparece al pie de la pagina. Se debe presentar esta carta al llegar a la oficing en el dia de la cita.

Sirvase examinar la informacion adjunta para obtener mayor informacion acerca de examen medico al que deben someterse todos los futuros inmigrantes. Asegurese de leer toda la informacion adjunta y sequier muy cuidadosamente las instrucciones contenidas en la misma. Al comunicarse con esta oficina, bien sea, por telefono o por carta, debera referirse siempre a su nombre y numero de expediente, tal y como aparecen al pie de la pagina.
Jefe Seccion de visas de Inmigrante

Cita para la solicitud de visado
Date: 12 Marzo 2008 Time: 07:00
Numero de Caso: BGT2007XXXXX
Fiance': (Her Name) DOB: xx/xxx/xxxx
Child: (Child's Name) DOB: xx/xx/xxxx

Well, all this process fell apart a few weeks prior to her interview. I discovered that she had a boyfriend and was cheating on me. Sooooooo....I promptly FAXed a "Withdrawal of Petition" letter to the Embassy and cancelled everything. This information is relatively recent and the $131 fee has not changed. So, I hope that in some way I was able to help you.
Best Wishes, :thumbs:
PS Oh...and I divorced her immediately.

Edited by FrancElsie, 04 April 2010 - 09:09 PM.

FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-04 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Member!!! So far, faster than average time

Please..... nothing in the OP's post would imply anything like that...

Ummm...I disagree. Obviously he has some concerns about this or he would not have written: "My concern is: On question 18 on how I met my fiancee, I only put a brief description, I filled the size of the space allowed on the form itself. I read here that I should have put at least one page.
Will I get an RFE? You see I met my fiancee through a marriage broker: affiliated with So I also put the marriage agency information..."

Please read the Definition: "International Marriage Broker” is defined as an entity (whether or not U.S.-based) that charges fees for providing matchmaking services or social referrals between U.S. citizens/permanent residents and foreign nationals.

What have you read about "arranged marriages" or "mail-order brides," etc. What I have read indicates that there is a problem with this type of activity and it does raise concerns (red flags) during the process. We're all trying to help one another in this forum so I answered his question/concern to the best of my ability. So, we will see what happens during his VisaJourney in the future.

Best Wishes to you payxibka,
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-04 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Member!!! So far, faster than average time
Hello and welcome to VisaJourney,
Congratulations on embarking on your marriage adventure with your fiancee'. It should be interesting to see your postings in the future. Incidentally, the NOA-1 usually comes within the time frame you noted as it is basically a "receipt" stating that we have your petition and cashed your check. Let us know when you receive your NOA-2. I have not read a lot about the fiance/e'/marriage broker thing on Visa Journey. But, it seems that this might "raise some red flags" for the USCIS. They will be looking for the evidence of a "bona-fide" relationship, etc. Anyway, good luck and we're here for you if you have additional questions. And, I'm sure you will! No one can tell you "if you will get a RFE" because every case is different. Everything is dependent on who is reviewing your petition and what they want to see from you. Just many times have you visited your fiancee' in the Ukraine? The reason I ask is because your situation seems to imply a "financial arrangement" by using the marriage broker. I'm sure you will get some additional responses to your posting...these were my thoughts on the matter.
Best Wishes, :thumbs:
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-03 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 sent in without supporting documents

Let me show you what she have send now ,

(She Allready send the l-129F before With check they opened the file on 3rd FEB , then now on 23rd of feb she send those all things were neended right? IS it all we needed to send em right Its saying Initial review on site like i told u before, This is what she sent now :( is it all good now?[b]

2.Cover Letter (see example). Should include a description of what your are petitioning for (I-129F), a table of contents (list everything in the packet). If you need additional room to explain your case, attach a separate sheet (list the attachment on the cover sheet). Make sure to sign and date the cover sheet.
4.Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years. This should be a single typed page attachment regarding question 18 of the I-129F. Make sure to sign and date it.
5.Original statements (from both the US Citizen and foreign fiance) certifying an intent to marry within 90 days of entering the US on a valid K-1. (see example)
6.Proof of having met in past two years. (click here for examples)
7.G-325A filled out by the US Citizen signed and dated (see example).
8.One passport-type photo (see specification) of the US Citizen. Write the full name of the US citizen on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of <Insert US Citizen's Name>". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.
9.G-325A filled out by the foreign fiance(e) signed and dated (see example).
10.One passport-type photo (see specification) of the foreign fiance(e). Write the full name of the foreign fiance(e) on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of (insert foreign fiance(e) name) ". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.
11.Copy of the Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen or a copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen's passport issued with a validity of at least 5 years or a copy of the US Citizen's naturalization certificate (front and back). This is used to establish citizenship.
12.Copy of final Divorce Decree(s) or Certificate(s) for the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) if either has been previously married. If the previous marriage of the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) ended due to the death of their spouse then include a Copy of Death Certificate(s) documenting that fact.
13.Proof of Legal Name Change if either the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) is using a name other than that shown on the relevant documents. You must give USCIS copies of the legal documents that made the change, such as a marriage certificate, adoption decree or court order.
14.In regards to Section C Question 2, if applicable provide certified copies of all court and police records showing the charges and dispositions for any specified conviction(s) (in accordance with the IMBRA). See section 9 of the I-129f instructions for more information.

To answer your question: [b]"is it all good now?"
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-02 21:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestravel to other country to see each other while K1 in process

Hello everyone,
we sent our petition on the 31st of march(but no Noa1 yet:( -is that unusual?).
My fiancee(USC) can`t get a vacation for another 6 months so he can only have weekens off but that`s not enough to travel to Romania, spend time together and still get to work on monday.
He makes 3 hours to Mexico so we thought about us flying to meet in Mexico, that would give us more time together.
Is that allright to do while K1 is in process?Will that cause problems?
Thank you in advance!

Hi and welcome to VisaJourney
Typically the NOA-1 comes pretty quickly...the US Gov't does not hesitate to cash checks! :star: Did you send your petition with delivery tracking? Can you access the back of your check from your bank? You are within the "normal" timeframe for the NOA-1 which is basically a receipt for your money. Should be there very soon. Be patient.

The USC can go pretty much wherever he/she wants with their U.S. Passport. If your Romanian Passport permits travel to Mexico...there is no reason you can't meet up for a weekend at the beach if his financial resources permit. How long is a flight from Romania to Mexico? I don't know? There is no problem with this, in fact I think it's great!!! The only thing that cannot be done (obviously) is to meet up with your fiance' in the USA.

You'll find a lot of fine and helpful people on this forum. Good luck with your VisaJourney.
Best Wishes, :thumbs:

Edited by FrancElsie, 08 April 2010 - 02:46 PM.

FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-08 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP HELP PLEASE!!!

When "helping" I find it far more helpful to apply practical on the ground experience, than to quote minimum requirements that generally are NOT sufficient to achieve the success one hopes to "help" achieve.

Did I not make myself clear that I was only giving the minimum requirements and that I agreed with TracyTN in my last sentence? If so, sorry.
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-08 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP HELP PLEASE!!!

Yes, but consulates take it upon themselves often times to apply 125% (London does this). I'm not sure what Costa Rica does. But also, as you must have 125% for the affidavit of support that accompanies the adjustment of status application (once he arrives in the US), it's best to get that in line now anyway.

My posting was to assist the OP with their question. The K-1 is a technically a "non-immigrant" type of visa and technically the I-134 is used. That was my only point.

And, I am aware that various consulates look for a higher % level than just the 100%. But, how did Costa Rica enter this discussion? The question was the OP's, not mine.

Since you brought up London, are you telling the group that the consulate there will deny the K-1 to a beneficiary if the petitioner earns over the poverty level plateau but not quite 125% at that moment? Which form do they ask for at the interview...I'm curious? Do they not give consideration to the fact that the petitioner or sponsor may receive a raise in pay/income, take a second job after their loved one arrives and they marry...or whatever?

Finally, I agree with the other poster who said that the K-1 is virtually a guaranteed immigrant situation. However, there are cases where the couple decides not to marry, the beneficiary runs off with another person, they find that the person is not who they thought them to be, etc. etc. etc. I know of a few cases where the petitioner has sent their fiance/e packing once they lived together for a little while.

I do have a question. Are there any other "VisaJourney" types of forums out there? Seems that there is a LooooooonnnnnGGGGGG immigration line to get into the United States of America. Just look at the frustrated and upset people on this forum!!!! Is there a VisaJourney for people wanting to immigrate to the Ukraine, China, Vietnam, India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, etc.? (examples get the idea) I wonder how long the immigration lines are to get into some of these other countries?

To the OP, I agree with TracyTN..."it is better to get things in line now anyway." I was answering your question because you are K-1 now and not in the AOS phase. :thumbs:


Edited by FrancElsie, 08 April 2010 - 11:41 AM.

FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-08 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP HELP PLEASE!!!

You're right - thanks for clarifying my clarification! :D

The requirement of the I-134 is: "Applicants using the I-134 will need to show that their sponsor's income is 100 percent of federal poverty guidelines as required under Section 212(a)(4) of the INA."
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-08 07:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLost my job.....

Your cosponsor will have to prove that they meet the requirements for their family(let's say a family of 3) PLUS your fiance. So that would mean they must meet 125% of the poverty guidelines for a family of 4.

And yes, if you have a cosponsor that meets the eligibility requirements your income doesn't matter. There have been some couples here in which the petitioner was in school and didn't have a job. As long as they've had a cosponsor that met the requirements, they were approved.

The requirement of the I-134 is: "Applicants using the I-134 will need to show that their sponsor's income is 100 percent of federal poverty guidelines as required under Section 212(a)(4) of the INA."
Good Luck....sounds like you are on your way!! :thumbs:
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-04 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresadvice needed please

hello all,
am new to this website and its my first time posting and i need ur advice please..i want to file for my fiance with the i-129 form who is back home in Nigeria, we used to date years back in high school, about 15 yrs ago and we did keep in touch once in a while after i moved to the US,we lost contact and now we are back together and we want to get married, we love each other.we've been keeping in touch via email, phone and webcam through yahoo and skype...the problem is i have not visited home since i left in 2007 and he has never been to the states since i left due to the fact that plane ticket is very expensive and i cannot afford it... is this going to be a problem with immigration since it says on the i-129 form, we have to have met at least within 2 yrs of filing the form? i need advice please. am a US citizen, was born here but lived part of my life in Nigeria.

Yes...definite problem. You MUST have met within the two years prior to petition for the visa.
Best wishes and welcome to VJ
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-18 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce in Thailand

I have met a new Thai fiancee but I have a small problem. I am still legally married to my ex wife. We were married in Thailand five years ago. I haven't seen her for three years. Now I want to apply for a K1 Visa in Thailand. How do I get a divorce in Thailand? I really want to apply quickly for the K1 Visa.

Hi...welcome to Visa Journey,
First, you cannot PETITION for a new K-1 until you are LEGALLY FREE TO MARRY. (You aren't.) Secondly, if you an USC, you can divorce her here in the USA in the state where you reside. You will need to consult a lawyer for the specifics. Third, no matter how much you "really want" to PETITION for your new Thai fiancee, you do not have a small is a BIG problem which will take considerable time to resolve.
Good Luck,

Edited by FrancElsie, 19 April 2010 - 05:33 AM.

FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-04-19 05:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope

Seconded. +1

I agree with "Just Bob"...and frankly, the severity of this is addressed time and time again on this forum.

At our interview a month ago, the San Jose Embassy emphasized this with BLUNT CLARITY along with a printed form which was given to my fiancee' at the interview. The form specifically stated: "Al momento de su ingreso, recuerde que es necesario presentar su pasaporte visado y el sobre de manila que le fue entregado por el Consulado de Estados Unidos en San Jose. El sobre debe mantenerse CERRADO y en perfectas condiciones y debe ser entregado al Oficial de Inmigracion en el puerto de entrada de EE.UU. que usted seleccione. A su entrada a los Estados Unidos, el sobre de ser llevado en sus manos, NO dentro de equipaje."

The underscoring is mine but the translation is as follows: The envelope must be kept CLOSED and in perfect condition and must be given to the Immigration Official at the port of entry into the USA that you selected."

All I can say is good luck...this problem that this created will cost you lost time and more money...
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-06-06 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 denial? how long before filing for a CR1 spouse

Does anyone know how long I should wait to file for a CR1 after being denied for a fiance K1 visa? Is there a waiting period or do I need to submit any form to USCIS before I began the spouse visa? please let me know because i have to start looking at my options and getting married overseas.

Hello Sandy 36: As stated by others on this can apply as soon as you are eligible. However, what makes you think your fiance will be approved for a spousal K-3 visa???????? Most likely the reasons for the denial have not changed...just something for you to think about.
Best Wishes,
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-06-10 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 denied should I marry & K3 petition??
I'm not understanding "why?" you would even bother to petition for a K-1 Visa since you knew that your fiance' had entered the USA illegally and lived here for six years. How did he support himself/herself during that time? I agree that the chance of your fiance' getting the VISA are between slim and none. As stated by another poster, IF he is denied for the K-1, the same thing would have happened with the K-3 petition. Getting married would only complicate the situation and IF this does not work out for the both of you, a divorce becomes necessary. You've spent the money, it is a little late to be asking a question such as this.
Good Luck

Edited by FrancElsie, 20 March 2010 - 12:22 PM.

FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2010-03-20 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAP needed or not????
My wife has her US Permanent Resident card and SSN already. We are in the process of getting her son's (Age 10) Permanent Resident card but have not received it yet. (We applied at different times even though it cost a little more to do it that way.)

My question is: Do we need to apply for AP for them to visit Costa Rica for a few weeks? Should we just wait until our son has his Permanent Resident card and SSN? I'm pretty sure that AP is not needed for my wife but I am "unsure" about son.


PS The reason I'm asking is for financial reasons...don't want to pay the $360 AP Processing Fee if all it takes is a few more weeks of waiting for the boy's Permanent Resident card...another week or two for the SSN.
FrancElsieMaleCosta Rica2012-05-12 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few G325 and AOS questions

Try this awesome website ***removed*** will help you out with all your questions!

No offense, not trying to be ungrateful here, but erm, it seems to have the exact same info as visajourney, just harder to find. Even their example forms were identically worded. Doesn't exactly answer my question :unsure: . I was looking more for something that clarified whether they should be originally worded (As the INSTRUCTIONS on I-129F, Rule 7B says), or whether they can be identical form letters that we filled in.

Edit: Thanks again mew! :) We were worried, he leaves tomorrow evening to go home so we wanted to be sure!

Edited by jezebelseven, 02 August 2006 - 09:13 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-02 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few G325 and AOS questions
Thanks again!

One more probably silly question to add regarding the Fiance Letter of Intent. I've got the example letter and I know there are basically just 'fill in the blank' spots, but I wanted to clarify: Should we leave these verbatim ("do hereby state that I am legally able and willing" and all), only filling in the spots in red, or should we be changing the wording slightly (like "fully intend to marry Angela and move to the US" or whatever) so that he and I are not sending in the exact same letter?
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-02 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few G325 and AOS questions
And adding another question to the pile:

We had a concern tonight filling out a few things about dating some of the forms (Namely, ones he has to sign, like the biographical info).

We filled out the I-129F, question 12 ('If your fiance is currently in the US, complete the following'), as if he is not currently here (As when I read the guide, it sounded like I should only complete that part if we were filing it when he was here.) He's leaving in 2 days and I don't plan on filing until the 20th or so (When I will have new checks and will have all the evidence we need ready like photo prints). Therefore, I won't be printing it out until around the date I plan on actually sending it out, so the date will read something like August 21.

Is it going to be a problem if the attached letter of intent from my fiance (and anything else he has to sign, like the biographical info form) is then dated from, say, August 3? Or should every form be dated closer together or on the same date?

Basically I'm just not sure whether I should:
1) fill them all out to say we filled them out today (which is true) while leaving question 12 as N/A
2) whether I should postdate them for when I think I'm going to mail it (which might look strange if he's signed something dated after he left? Or maybe I'm overthinking it...)
3) whether I should just date them seperately so it appears that I mailed them to him to fill out (Or alternatively if I should just fill out that question 12 as if he is currently in the US, even though he will not be when I file them.).

Or if that's too confusing, basically, does question 12 on the I-129F get filled out if my fiance is here when filling them out, or only if when filling out AND filing them?
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-02 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few G325 and AOS questions

1. This can help you find the answer to your question: http://travel.state....nfo_1328.html#2

I believe I read that before, just wasn't sure if that was ONLY for the I-864, or any of the affidavits of support, including the I-134. Thanks :)
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-01 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few G325 and AOS questions
Checked the guides and did a quick search so hopefully these aren't covered somewhere I missed, if so, I apologize.

My fiance and I are FINALLY finishing up our forms (We've been trying to get on it for nearly a year now with various interuptions). We just have a few loose ends to tie up and a few questions that might be us being overly worried about stupid things that don't make a difference, but I figure it's better to check if anyone knows better than us.

G-325 questions:

1) We're using the fillin-able forms on the uscis site, and they've worked great except for one thing-- In the "Applicant's Last Address outside the US" bit, where the "from" and "to" boxes are, we want to put 'Present' as the example form has, but it keeps yelling at us saying it needs to be a date (or it automatically changes it to 0). Should we just print it blank and neatly handwrite in ink 'Present'?

2) My fiance is 20 years old. He has listed his current and previous jobs, however, he was unemployed (as in too young to get a job or just barely 16) before those, so we assume we have to list unemployed. However, what should we put as the beginning date? Whatever takes us back to the 5 year mark, or just his month/year of birth?
In case that isn't clear (reading back it looks a bit confusing): His first ever job was in 7/2002. Should unemployed be listed as '7/2001 - 7/2002', or '1/1986 - 7/2002'?

Also as a subquestion of this, but regarding the Affidavit of Support, I am currently unemployed, and have listed so on the G-325 and I-129F, but this will be changing within a month. Is this a problem, or will it present one later? We'll have a cosponsor, for the record.

3) I'm guessing this one might be splitting hairs but... Country. We put in what his passport says on one page, which is 'Great Britain', but I wasn't sure if we should instead be putting 'United Kingdom' or 'United Kingdom/Great Britain' or 'England' some other form of it. To be clear, he's from just near London.

Affidavit of Support questions:

I know this is jumping the gun a bit but it's important as it will make a difference in who will be sponsoring me as my ideal sponsor may not make enough to cover what needs to be covered.
1) I've read a few threads about the income needed, but I had a few questions that I imagine are answered somewhere but I have missed it, so sorry for what I am guessing is a repeat/common knowlege question:
What counts as a 'family/household unit' (In reference to this thread: http://www.visajourn...h...ic=4054&st= )? My current living situation- I am living with my mother and her roommate (not a dependant). Fiance will be moving here. Does that mean my household unit is 2 (Mother and Myself), 3 (Mother, Roommate, Myself), or 4 (Mother, Roommate, Myself, Fiance who will be moving here)?

2) Which affidavit of support is meant to be used? I could've sworn before I read that I needed the I-134 for a British consolate but I can't remember for the life of me where I read that, so assumably someone here can tell me if I need the 134 or the 864 for the London consolate, so I don't actually have to phone the consolate for that.

3) I'm sure this is covered somewhere, and I used search, found a few answers, but wanted to clarify: I am currently unemployed, but will be getting a job in the next month if all goes according to plan, so all the forms I am going to submit say I am currently unemployed. Will this cause a problem when it comes to the Affidavit of Support forms, because the information will have changed? I'm guessing not, but I just want to be sure.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give us, we're both really excited to finally, after 4 years of long distance dating, get the ball rolling. He's leaving on Thursday to go home (for what should be the final time! :luv:), so we'll both be feeling a lot better about saying goodbye if we both know we have these papers right.

Edited by jezebelseven, 01 August 2006 - 09:07 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-01 21:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyer?

More often than not, lawyers delay cases more than help.

If I had went with the lawyer I saw months ago, this would've been true in my case as well, I'm certain. I only saw her for a first visit to see if she might be able to help me so thankfully I only lost like $60 for a conference fee, but during it she basically told us to just 'sneak him in the country and get married (ie enter with intent to stay)' and she'd 'take care of the rest'. Thank god I knew about visajourney because I was able to find out that she was about as far from correct as possible before I did something that could've ruined things for us.

Now that my fiance and I have sat down and done the papers and are getting ready to mail off the first bit, we've gained the confidence on our own that this is a lot easier than we were convinced. That's not to say some people won't have problems but our case is fairly straightforward, the only problem we might bump into is with a cosponsor.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-04 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing a cancelled flight as Documentary Proof

Damn, I wish I had that much evidence on hand!! And I lived with my SO, for 3 years, on two different continents!!!

Thanks! It's one of the few times in my life I've felt proud to be a packrat! :lol:

One more question while I'm thinking of it-- On the forms, I don't have to send out the like 9 pages of 'instructions' on how to fill them out, do I? Just the form parts after that? I've been assuming I don't have to, but I'd feel like an idiot if I sent it and found out I did the wrong thing after putting everything else right. :P
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-05 00:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing a cancelled flight as Documentary Proof
Just wanted to get a few people's opinions on this. I'm sorting through all the boarding passes I still have from my fiance's flights and mine. I've sorted and clipped them all together so I can make copies of them for the evidence pages.

My first question is about his last trip here. He was meant to fly out on June 19, and he got as far as boarding the plane and everything, then they sat there because there was a problem with something on the plane (I'm thinking he said the brakes, I forget). They sat waiting for a replacement part or plane (again I can't remember) for hours before finally just cancelling the flight and rescheduling people as nessessary. Adam was put up in a hilton at the airport overnight, and flew out the next day (June 20).

I have both boarding passes from both days, as well as a voucher for the hotel, and an itnerary from expedia which shows the date of the 19th. Should I include all four of these, including the cancelled flight, or should I just omit the information about the flight being cancelled and just include the one boarding pass from the day he ACTUALLY flew out, leaving out the itinerary and hotel voucher and original boarding pass? I don't want to confuse the people at CSC, or get RFE'd because of it, but I don't know if this is really important info for them.

Secondly, I have a lot of proof I want to use. I've grouped them into the 6 visits we've had in the last 2 years, so they're easier to see how they go together. Various boarding passes, 1 photo from each visit, a few train and underground passes from London with dates on them. Would it be okay if when I photocopy these, I put them all on one page together per date (with each photo attached by paperclip to the correct date) for easier navigation (And less paper to mail)? Like rather than 1 page for each boarding pass, I can fit 2 train tickets and 4 boarding passes, and one page of a passport scan, all on one or two papers?
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-05 00:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Signatures

I hear ya', my friend. But hang in there. We're all in this together. Based on what I just read, I'm now expecting to see an RFE, too...I should have known that Laurent's desire to be creative with his signature would catch up with us on this little bureaucratic journey...ARGH! :(

I really hope we're wrong about this, too, my fingers are crossed for you! My mother (who had to go through a visa process with her ex husband) has said that I was stupid to think a first initial was enough (Nevermind that she doesn't typically sign her full name either!!) but to me it seems almost suspicious to sign differently than we do on our passports, IDs, cheques, and everything else, so I'm really not sure what to think!

Ooh, and just saw cristy's reply, and I'm hopeful that works out for us as well!!
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-06 01:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Signatures
(Hate double posting but I can't seem to edit my last post)

Does this include middle names as well, or just first name and last? Cause if I have to include middle as well, I'll have to redo all of mine as well... not as big of a deal, but I wanted to be sure... I always use my middle initial in my signature, same one on my passport and ID.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-05 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Signatures

Just a note of advice.
When you sign your signature ensure you sign with your full name.
Do not use any abbreviation or else you can get an RFE for your signature.
Good luck :thumbs:

:unsure: #######. Has anyone gotten through with no RFE with an abbreviated signature? My fiance always signs with just his first letter and last name, and we didn't think twice about it, but reading this makes me worried. Dunno if I should send him copies again and have his proper signature on it, or risk getting an RFE. :(
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-05 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur interview!
According to this page, the London Embassy does allow the Fiance or Spouce to attend the interview.

I'd also suggest checking out the links on the page to reviews of the London Embassy to see what you're looking foward to.

Edited by jezebelseven, 07 August 2006 - 03:34 AM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-07 03:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice PRONTO

If you are planning on using that co-sponsor for your AOS I-864, that does make them legally responsible. It is only the I-134 that is not legally binding.

I wasn't planning on using the same cosponsor (Unless I have to, I hadn't read that far into it) My mother is in a bad spot now but should be back on her feet by then, and I'm trying to check every route I can, backups, and whatnot. So far we're looking into her as a cosponsor, as well as my fiance self-sponsoring. Aside from that, I'm talking to my brother and sister, but they're too scared to even talk about it. Showing them this will allow me to be able to actually sit down and *explain* it to them, versus being ignored at my first question.

Mew: Thanks! Should've thought of that :blush:

Edited by jezebelseven, 08 August 2006 - 05:47 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-08 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice PRONTO

From USCIS.......
Such affidavits, although helpful in judging financial ability, are not legally binding.

From a lawyers site....
Effect on the sponsor: The Affidavit of support form I-134 is not legally binding on the sponsor. This means that neither the sponsored immigrant nor the government can sue the sponsor to recover the cost of public benefits paid to the sponsored immigrant.

Out of curiousity, what lawyers site was that, if you still have the link? I've been trying to explain how its not a legally binding form for my possible cosponsors, they keep writing me off thinking it means they "Have to give us money and buy us a house". I'm hoping maybe if I show them that lawyers site, they'll believe me and be more open to the idea of being my cosponsor. I'll look on the USCIS site for the same wording as well, but if you happen to know exactly where it said that it'd be helpful as well.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-08 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE help! its Urgent!

I dont get it.... the G325A form consists of 4 pages ...that ask the same exact information... and it asks for alien number and things like that... so isnt that for the beneficiary only then?
does the benificiary have to fill out those 4 pages and sign.. and the USC has to fill out his own 4 pages and that makes the total of 8 pages?

Correct. If you fill them out online here ( ) it'll fill it in on all 4 pages for you, so all you and your USC have to do is sign the pages and date them. Be sure to print all 4 pages-- Although the info is the same on all 4, if you look at the bottom of each page, there are different boxes on each for different people in the agency. Don't print out 4 copies of the first page.

It will be a total of 8 pages. 4 for you and 4 for the USC.

Look at the example forms here on visajourney (located here: http://www.visajourn...p;page=examples ) if you're confused about things like alien number-- For most people, that part will say 'None' as you aren't assigned one yet but I'm not sure if that's correct as you appearntly sent in your first forms already.

no they asked for 2 pictures of us together in the last 2 years with dates on them...
so do I just make up approxiamte dates?

If the pics of you together are located on your computer chances are you can find out when they were originally taken-- Click on the picture and get the file info on it (Mine was in the details tab, but I imagine this depends on your operating system and hwo you have your windows set up). All my digital camera photos told me exact dates of when they were taken. If you don't have the exact dates I would personally either just put the Month and year, or make a guess closest to which date it was taken.

Edited by jezebelseven, 07 August 2006 - 06:39 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-07 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures as evidence with engagement ring visible

Ok, breathe. You are overthinking this. It's perfectly reasonable to be wearing an engagement ring. You're engaged, for crying out loud.

Get that packet in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm just really paranoid by nature. :whistle: I was just worried because it's part of a wedding band set, so I was thinking it could be mistaken as a wedding band, and on and on. So yes. Overthinking it. Exactly. :lol:

Again worry more about filling out the forms right and getting the right documents included.

Yeah, I've gone over them about 10 times every night just in case, and I'm sure I'll go over them about 100 times more before I get the nerve to pop it in the mail :lol:

Edited by jezebelseven, 08 August 2006 - 10:18 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-08 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures as evidence with engagement ring visible
I'm probably worrying about nothing, but a few recent topics here have me slightly worried, and I just thought I'd run it past a few of you to see if I'm really just being paranoid or if it's actually something to be concerned about.

Going over my packet of things to get copies of and send out tomorrow, I looked at the 5 pictures I selected to send with my packet. We picked out one in particular because it clearly shows the engagement ring I am wearing on my left ring finger. We thought it would be good proof to show we're truely engaged, not just friends or whatever the other case may be.

However, I have read several topics where people mention you don't want to give the person reviewing your case the wrong idea in case they will think you already got married.

Should I omit the pic where my ring is visible, or am I overcomplicating things? I have others I can put in from this time (Including one of us kissing but I'm really shy about that and it almost feels like I'd be 'trying too hard' to prove my case with that one, so I chose to leave it out previously) if I have to. If I have to replace it, should I include kissing pic :blush: or just yet another one of us smiling together?

If it makes a difference, neither of us are dressed up or anything it in so it doesn't look like a wedding. He's wearing a green tshirt and me a black sweater and cat ears, and we both look quite sad in it (he was leaving for the airport).
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-08 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you put if you have no middle name?


How about a squiggly line? Avoids the potential for a word such as 'none' to be mistaken for a name and also makes clear that the item was not overlooked.


I have no middle name (strange as it seems). I was thinking putting "None" for the middle name in the forms, but would they mistake you as (for ex.) "John None Doe?" as "None" in actually your middle name? Hmm....

This is what I would suggest as well, for the exact same reason, None being your middle name. I'd just put a ---- in the box or something, that seems to cover all bases to me.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-09 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresback of birth certificate- to include or not?

Not necessarily. As both front and back of a BC is required and RFE's have been issued for only submitting the front......once you sumbit something even with the added extra of the passport pages to show US citizenship, I would not put it past them to still send an RFE for the back of the BC.

That was my concern mostly, I'll go ahead and attach a note to the back about it being blank, and send it that way. Thanks again guys :)
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-15 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresback of birth certificate- to include or not?
Okay, hoping to finally have everything ready to mail by tomorrow. For reference, I'm sending BOTH a copy of every page of my passport AND my copy of a birth certificate, just to cover all bases, so maybe that's really the answer to my own question.

I went out earlier this week and copied the front of my birth certificate, and didn't copy the back. I didn't remember if we had to, and seeing as there's not a single thing besides a bunch of white and off white lines on the back of it, I figured I didn't need to. Well, I read in the guides I needed to, so I went back today and made a copy.

The problem is, the white and off white lines basically don't show up on the printer. One or two of them did, but it's really impossible to tell what the hell the paper is. Just random artifacts on a sheet of paper. I'm worried if I include this in the packet, it's going to confuse someone more than help.

Should I just leave it out, should I write on the bottom of it 'Back of US Citizen's Birth Certificate', or should I include it with no explanation? Like I said, I'm including all of my passport as well, so...
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-15 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould I get some opinions on this?

For that matter. I shouldnt say this, but I will. Those that know our frustration could be a little more understanding...the 'approved in 15 days' or 'i love the vsc' is unnecessary. You are approved, congratulations. Dont brag about the short term when we are suffering and having to tell our fiancees to be patient.

Going on the 'I shouldn't say this but I will'--

I don't think people posting the 'approved in 15 days' or anything is trying to upset you. They're more likely excited for themselves and are hoping they can somehow give you some hope that there is actually *something* going on if anything. I'd rather see someone getting approved, despite the date, versus no one getting approved... You act as if they're rubbing it in your face, when I assure you none of them are trying to. No one here is excited that people are being left behind, but can you blame them for being excited that they got somewhere? :(
Don't make people feel bad for celebrating their own good news just because the USCIS is making your case go slower than desired... It's not our fault, and I'd say we all sympathize with you, but there's nothing we can do personally to make your case get picked before ours... Just please don't make us feel bad for being happy for our own situations. :unsure:

Be angry with USCIS, not the people here, basically. If I were in your spot I'd be furious too, but it's no one's fault here.

Edited by jezebelseven, 15 August 2006 - 04:10 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-15 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Service Center do we have to use????
If the forms still say Nebraska when you're filing in November, then send it to Nebraska as they will send it to the appropriate place. However, by then, they may have reedited the papers to make people send it directly to somewhere else-- There's no real way to tell now, as far as I know.

I'd fill out the forms for Nebraska for now but be prepared to fix it later if any major changes go on.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-15 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust mailed out my I-129F

Good luck to you two as well! :thumbs:

Thanks! :D


Erm? Neither the OP, or me the 'I just sent mine too' are going to Vermont, we're both Nebraska (and then California).
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-16 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust mailed out my I-129F
Good Luck, I just mailed mine out today too, but not overnight, just priority mail certified with return reciept (I hope I did that okay, I forgot which way people kept suggesting on here, whoops). So you'll probably beat me there by a few days! :)
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-16 20:14:00