United KingdomEver had a package to UK lost?

I think the collective power of people thinking about my package sped it along its journey! Andy called me to say that it arrived today! Better late than never i guess. I hope the UK to US service is a bit more reliable because I want Andy's mom to send us Jaffa Cakes and Bueno Bars :D


The package I was worrying about as well showed up at Adam's place today. Royal Mail must've read the thread! :P
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-01-19 22:05:00
United KingdomEver had a package to UK lost?
I have had one, possibly two gone missing.

The first one I forget how I shipped it-- I want to guess it was by boat but I could be wrong. I forget the contents besides a card with a very heartfelt message.

We did think it was possible that the neighbors stole it or his mum kept it from him (as this was back when she was very intent on breaking us up), but we had no proof either way.

I sent a package a little over a week ago as well that I very highly considered insuring due to it having his birthday and valentines gifts inside, but I was talked out of it by the post office guy. It should've arrived on the 15th-- something like 7 days after shipping (was quoted 4-7, Global Priority Mail), which was nearly the same for the K1 papers I sent over the same day. The forms arrived a few days ago, with no sign of the other package. I'm hoping it's just stuck in customs since it was a slightly higher valued thing, but I'm really starting to worry!

I still have the receipt with the customs form number and some other number which I was told I could track the item with (A label #, says the receipt), but stupid doesn't recognize it as a trackable number so I don't know what to think yet. I'm hoping it'll arrive by tomorrow, if not I don't know what to do.

Edited by jezebelseven, 18 January 2007 - 12:30 AM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-01-18 00:28:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?

Your fiance will need your original birth certificate.

I feel quite silly asking this, because I swear I read elsewhere that they don't need the birth certificate this far along. I don't remember why, nor do I remember what topic I read it in, but this has me worried thinking I misinterpreted it or just got some bogus info.

Do they absolutely need the petitioners Birth Certificate? I know they don't need the passport at all, but, If it makes any difference, I did send a copy of it with the original I-129F stuff (along with copies of every page of my passport). If it's often (or even rarely) asked for, I will have to send yet another package over there... which is annoying because I have nothing else to send so it will be the worlds smallest packet ever. But I'd rather know for sure from everyone else while the topic is here than assume I was right before and end up denied at the interview.

To think I almost sent it anyway with the rest of the support papers, just in case, but ended up not doing it... :bonk:
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-01-28 12:42:00
United KingdomInterview date
Congrats! But I thought you might like to know that you put your interview date in your timeline wrong-- You have it as next year. :P
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-01-31 19:52:00
United Kingdoma few questions on packet 3

You'll notice I'm one of three claiming the ONE package that arrived at London on Dec 4th. It's fun. :D

You know it was so MY package showing up on Dec 4th! :bonk: You are SO wrong! :P
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-02-02 17:23:00
United KingdomDo you think this is realistic??
I sent mine in mid-August thinking I would be okay for a mid-March wedding. His interview is Monday, when all is said and done, so we had to throw the March date out the window. Although he may have gotten here in time, it would've been very rushed, and nothing could go wrong. If his visa took more than 4 days to arrive, if he didn't have enough time to pack up his stuff, if his flight was delayed, we couldn't get the marriage license on a certain day... It just became too stressful to keep hoping it would happen with no hiccups. We've instead settled on June 26. Gives us time to book a flight and shop around for prices, get his stuff packed up and shipped here, give his month notice at his job, and tie up any loose ends, as well as giving us time to get our marriage license when he gets here. It's not a super long wait, but it feels like a comfortable time period for us.

While June might be possible for you, it's really hard to tell, and if it's possible, it sounds like it might be a bit rushed-- everything will have to be right on time, you aren't leaving yourself any room for movement. You need to consider how long it takes you in his state to get a marriage license, how long it'll take for the visa to arrive to your doorstep, how long it'll take you to pack up stuff and mail it (or however you're moving your things here), how long it'll take you to quit a job if that's the case, prepare for a possible long wait for interview date (I was sure we'd have a mid-Feb interview date and was shocked when we got early March).

That being said, it's been said a billion times before, but touches are not the be all end all. I got touched once. When they cashed my check, I can only assume. Never again. But I still got approved, right around the same time as my fellow Augusters.

If I were you, I'd start making some back up plans, but it all depends how good you and your SO are with time management.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-03 15:58:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!
Yayyy, flight booked. April 28!

Thank you for all the congrats! :D

*happy dance*
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-07 15:47:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!

I am so happy for you guys :D. Major CONGRATS!!! :dance:

ps. What are tax transcripts? I was thinking you didn't need tax returns for UK embassy? :wacko:,00.html Free tax transcripts-- Basically the tax returns in simple paper form, all compiled together. We weren't sure if we would need them, I think it just depends what other evidence you have... for us, the tax transcripts were easiest since my mom's financial situation is very detailed to say the least. I figured I'd send them along just in case, and it worked well enough, it seems! :)

Now get over here and get married!!! You've got the rest of your lives to start together.

Hehe, we're workin on it! ;) We're looking for a flight around April 30 (gives him time to work a little longer, save up some more cash, put in his notice, and get things all finished up), then planning to get married on our 5th anniversary, June 26. April 30 sounded good before, but now it sounds like an eternity! :lol:
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-05 10:45:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!
Adam had his interview this morning, and while I will leave the details for him to post, it was surprisingly easy despite our complicated-ish financial situation, which we were reasonably concerned would cause some sort of long explanation with lots of papers.

Only needed my co sponsors affidavit of support, a notarized letter from her, and her tax transcripts. Standard questions asked (last time we met, what he plans to do in the us, what he currently does, etc, etc)... And that's that! Nothing out of the ordinary compared to the other reviews I've read!

:luv: So... yay! We couldn't have done it without everyone at VJ's help, so a huge thank you to all of you who've been there to help me out with some of my quite confusing questions!
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-05 06:49:00
United KingdomEntry troubles?
I'm one of the rare cases here on VJ who have had a problem nearly every time I went over.

I was young and still in school some of the times. Homeschooled. Made it easier for me to pick when and where I went over there as I could basically just bring my books with me. I also had no job due to the age thing. Thanks to that and I imagine a few other minor things (I overpacked, had never travelled before so I had no idea how much was 'too much', among other things), I guess it raised some red flags or something because I was questioned at the standard desk thing for at least an hour or so. The man I was first interviewed by was also training a younger woman so I think that caused more issues-- After I answered all the questions for him I had to do the same thing for her for some reason despite her being there the whole time. I told them I was visiting a friend (Which at the time it was a very casual relationship so I was hesitant to call him a boyfriend anyway), I had to tell them how much luggage I'd brought, how much money I'd brought, what my plans were, explain in detail the school situation, why I didn't have a job, the whole lot. I kept telling them I had a return ticket but they insisted that wasn't enough and finally after spending entirely too much time trying to convince them that I wasn't trying to do anything dodgy they let me go with a very stern warning that I was not to stay a day over 2 weeks (which was how long the return ticket was for) or I would face severe punishment.

I was quite shaken after that as, like I've said, that was my first time travelling by plane ever, and I knew something wasn't right when everyone else on my plane was getting approved in 2 seconds and walking away. I probably got nervous talking to them because of that and they thought something *else* was wrong. Plus I was nervous from the start as I don't do well in large crowds and whatnot. It was all in all a horrible time.

Thanks to that whole kerfluffle, I was apparently red flagged in their system for the next few years, and had to go through the same ####### each time. I didn't understand it until one very nice woman on one of my trips explained to me why this kept happening to me. She did have to do the same kind of stuff but she was very casual and friendly and though I had to wait nearly an hour and a half for her to be able to use a phone to call out to Adam's mobile to confirm he was there to pick me up, she did warn me nicely to expect this in the future on my visits as I have some sort of note on my passport info to verify everything. That being said, the last time I went it was the standard 'Business or pleasure, Family or Friends?' 'Pleasure, Boyfriend' *stampstamp* "Have a nice trip", so that was a great suprise.

If you're *really* worried about it, get a letter from your employer, but don't offer it up unless they ask or if they seem to be hesitant or anything. Plus, if you've had trips over there with no problem, hopefully that would continue. It seems like most people really do not have any problems but in my case, it was better to be prepared just in case. I wouldn't worry too much about it because my story tends to really be the rare side of it!
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-02-02 17:32:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?

Well, Angela if all of the above is true (and I have absolutely no reason to believe it's why I said that, I dunno!) I feel very sorry for you...and even worse for Adam as her son...only because I'm sure it's going to make this move SO much tougher on him.

I don't blame anyone if they choose not to believe it. To this day, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it myself!

As much as I hate that she hates me, I'd deal with it (and have been) as long as she'd just not make him feel miserable too. This is mostly coming out because of some things she's done in the last two weeks to him-- before that things had gone back to something resembling civility for us all. Gift giving, card sending, semi-hollow greetings and messages, etc. It'####### Adam and I pretty hard. Thanks for the thoughts-- And I'm so glad most of you seem to have great relationships with your inlaws! I'm jealous, but hopefully someday (maybe when grandkids are involved! Hah!) this can all be forgotten drama.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-16 03:37:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?

I realize this might sound horrible, but my first thought upon reading this topic with our situation was 'His mother doesn't deserve anything anyway.'

How can you possibly say this? Does she deserve nothing for at least bringing the man you love in to this world and raising him to adulthood; capeable and confident to make the choice to start a new life in another country......? She may not be handling the immigration process well-true-but try and see her point of view. She MUST be hurt and from your description of all this is sounds like she has mostly tried to slow or stop the actual logistics of him moving than personal attacks on you. Your fiance is still coming here and you will have a life together, so why not just try and be the bigger person and ignore her...after all she is HIS mother, let him deal with the fall out of him moving and comfort her...It's just your place to support your fiance, during his life changing move. Not join forces against his mother.

I won't go into total details here, but regarding her not 'personally attacking' me, it's quite the opposite. She's tried to break us up several times. Going through my personal belongings when she originally invited me into her home (yes, she actually broke into my luggage and went through it, including a notepad I kept with old notes which she then twisted *completely* around, lying to my fiance saying I was cheating on him), and everything else under the sun. This has been personal from the very start with her. The 'slowing the logistics' of him moving here has merely been one more last ditch attempt to derail our relationship. Par for the course.

I have tried to be the bigger person the entire time with her, I have sent her letters (long, handwritten, genuine) apologizing for what she interpreted as 'rude' behavior my first trip (which was nothing of the sort, it was her standard 'find something to complain about and blow it out of proportion'-- her complaint of rudeness was because I was shy and didn't talk a lot!), trying to mend the relationship. She sent me a nasty, spiteful, hate filled one back telling me that I don't deserve her son and that I was never welcome in their home again, and that I was 'luring him into bed', among other things.

She abandoned all chances of being adult then, so since then I have been generally avoiding her. Which, again, she feels is me being rude, when it's really me trying to maintain some level of civility with my FMIL. She will try to do little things to spark it off again, though, whenever she would be given the chance.

She IS his mother, and it is up to him how he deals with her during this, but my point remains that he shouldn't be having to deal with a fall out period from her. She is raising spite in him, and that is not the man who I know and love. He is not spiteful. So no, at this point in time, I am not fond of the example she is setting as his mother. Whereas I don't expect her to pack his bags for him and shove him out the door with a smile, she is being bitter towards him, when she should be enjoying her 'last days' with him. I am doing my best to support him and tell him I will help him through this transition, but if his mum is allowed to rant to friends, and Adam is, does that mean I am not? I feel it's better served here than telling Adam it all and making him stress over it.

I don't appreciate the idea that I am 'joining forces' against her, either. Neither of us are against her. We're just done with trying to bend over backwards for her. I'm done making this easy for her-- I'm going to get what my fiance needs done. She refuses to support him in the slightest in regards to this relationship, so I don't see a need to return the favor. As per usual, the ball is in her court.

Be the bigger person, buy a card and thank her for having such a wonderful man who is willing to move half way around the world for you

Again, as I said, I've tried that, even in the beginning before things got rough. Thanking her for bringing such a great guy into the world, apologizing for anything she may have thought I did wrong... Throwing my humility aside and telling her I didn't want her to be angry with me (even though at that point I was still completely lost as to WHY she hated me). She returned it with a spiteful, nasty letter, informing me what a horrible person I was. That's putting it nicely. I imagine the card I would receive back this time would say I was rubbing my 'stealing' her son in her face, among other choice 'go to hell you #######'-s.

She'll still get a mothers day card, again, as I've said, but it's a damn shame that we have to be sending her a card on a certain date as a precautionary measure, so that she doesn't blow a gasket on how this is all my fault and how I have ruined her life, versus a heartfelt 'Love ya, mum! You're the best!'.

I don't expect you all to know the whole situation, but it's not as simple as some of you think it is, I'll leave it at that. Feel I'm a horrible person if you must, but not all mums/mils are created equal.

I wish we could send her flowers. His mum's specifically told me she hates having flowers sent. Choccies/Sweets/Cookies/Etc, too. What else can you order and have sent as a gift easily?
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-15 13:41:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Awesome news mate! Congratulations!! so happy for you! I just sent it all of my P3 last friday so hopefully my date wont be too long away... im nervous thinking about the interview! haha :)

Thanks :) let us all know when your interview is... maybe we'll have to have a beer to celebrate :)

Congratulations :D Soon as you get your visa there's nothing stopping you!! Such an amazing feeling :D Start packing!!!

LOL.... I have been packing all ready ;)

Congratulations! thats amazing :)

Thank you! :)

I pick him up tomorrow!! The day doesn't seem real! :D

Awesome news... will make all this paperwork and waiting worth it huh? Can't wait till I land in the US and my fiancee gets to come pick me up and give me lots of cuddles too :)
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-18 04:28:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
:dance: Yay Yay Yay!!! I got approved... now just waiting on the consulate to mail me back my passport and visa!!!! :dance:

Thankyou so much to all the people here who have helped me in this journey :)
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-17 02:18:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Heya, I am planning to call them tomorrow after my 2nd chicken pox shot, so that I can update Dr. Millar that I did it and if they want me to send any additinal documents to them etc...I'll update you about it tomorrow :)

Good luck on your interview tomorrow!!! let us know how it goes :)

Awesome.... thank you!!!! :D
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-16 08:30:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Now I just gotta make it to an NFL game ;)

When I was in Dayton last time, on my birthday there was a game between Miami Dolphins (my old team from the 80's) & Cincinnati Bengals (guess they're my new team)... I soooo wanted to go, until I looked up the tickets and saw the prices LOL
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-14 19:43:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I havent got NOA2 yet......but i've already bought an interview outfit, black dress pants, nice blouse and some nice ballet flats. dont know if that really helps since im female but i try, lol......i also colour coordinated my blouse with me folders of evidence etc :whistle: but then im odd, lol

LOL I'm a bit odd to sometimes, but at least we can admit it :)
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-14 09:30:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

clean jeans with a dress shirt and business-y shoes would be fine. Or dress pants and a shirt (no tie). it's like "relaxed formal" or something.

I personally did dress pant and a pretty blouse, no jacket so it was relaxed yet showed I cared enough to try (well.. I also smacked my head on the railing and wrenched my arm that morning so I'm sure I didn't look as good as I wanted to :P)

Yeah I was thinking pants and a shirt... just some of the threads I read were saying a suit was a must, others were saying it was a no-go... I have two nice Thai silk shirts here, one black & one silver. Think I'll go with one of them,don't think the interviewer would appreciate me showig up in a blouse lmao.

Sounds like you had a painfull morning though, how dd you manage to do that to yourself???
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-14 05:30:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Interested to get everyone's oppinions too, my visa interview is this coming tuesday and I know it's been covered in other threads, but they are a bit old... what to wear???

I am comfortable in everything from jeans and tshirt to formal wear and I know jeans & tshirt aren't the thing to wear, but dont want to over dress either.
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-13 08:05:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Hi, I also went to Dr. Millar and had Tdap and Varicella ticked under 'insufficient time interval'
I would understand for Varicella since I'm still getting the 2nd shot this 16th May...
So, is there anything we need to do or update in the form before flying to US?
But I guess I will have to call Dr. Millar too for clarifications

Did you get into contact with Dr. Millar? I had the same thing on my forms, but have since completed all my shots with my local GP who has kindly given me a medical certificate stating the shots I was given, the dates i had them and certifying that I am now up to date :)
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-13 08:02:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

ok, medical got done today, no drama's, hopefully wont take long to get the results back... and recieved my police report today also.... am i allowed to look at either of them before i send it to the embassy?


Hey :) Medical results didn't take long, think i had them within about a week, all you're waiting on really is the blood test. as for opening the envelopes, I don't think theres any problems.

As far as the police check goes, well you need to supply the consulate the original and a photocopy, so you kinda have to open that one.
Medical... mmm well i opened mine, because the receptionist at Dr Millar's office told me to, as she said before left she'd be enclosing copies of the paperwork for my own personal records.

So, as far as I am aware - theres no problem with us opening either envelope. but maybe wait till someone more experienced answers....
Regards, Wayne.
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-03 07:18:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

My lady is in a small little town called Elgin, which is about 20 mins from Columbia South Carolina... nice little town, defenitely different from the gold coast haha but all good i like it! hey mate, i know its a bit of a different question, but have you looked into health care over there by any chance or are you going to get travelling insurance? Im going to look into it abit more before i go, just wondering if you have thought about it or anyone else on here...

Not going to worry about travel insurance I don't think, but not getting it is always a risk i guess... as for health insurance, then yep, thats on the must-have list as soon as i can get it. one trip to the gp when i was there last time cost me $150 just for the consultation :(
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-02 08:57:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

thanks mate, glad i got it to the right place then.... :) glad im going through this with someone around the same time... haha now just gotta get a few more things next week like medical and police and paper work from my missus and ill be sweet to get my interview date :)

All good mate :) I've had a lot of help and advice from here also... happy to help. So where abouts in the US is your lady? mine is in Dayton, OH
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-05-01 06:43:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi


i sent my form yesterday, and tracked it, and it said sent to

29/04/11 11:43

Delivered to R ALCHURIAT


Is that the embassy? how do you know? hope it went to the right place...

Yep, you're all good mate, mine was T Smith at Alexandria PDC. I was confused too , so I called Aus Post to double check on 13 76 78 and the lady i spoke to said a lot of people make this call. T Smith was the name of the person at the embassy that signed for the registered mail and Alexandria PDC s the name of the "Postal delivery centre" that sorted at before it's final journey to the embassy.

When I explained what was inside the package, she said "well no wonder you're concerned, but i can assure ou it got to the embassy you addressed it to..."

Hope this helps, Wayne.

Edited by Wayne-Rachel, 29 April 2011 - 03:51 AM.

Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-29 03:50:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Yep, the stuff on DSL-1076 needs to all be sent, except for the things that don't apply... yeah, if the military one doesnt apply, tick the not applicable box. For documents where it doesn't specify original or copy only (ie: police certificates) you need to send them the original *and* a photocopy. don't forget all the other forms too, DS-230; DS-156 (two copies); ds-156k; DSL-1076.

By the time you get your interview letter, all you should need is your passport, visa issuance fee receipt, 3kg express post bag, and your evidence of a ongoing relationship.
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-27 09:49:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

ok cheers.. i think they/saw somewhere it was 28 days and its been over that now.. mmmm maybe i should call up

Yeah, I think probably you should...
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-26 06:20:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi


how long should you wait till you give the police a call about your police check? i put mine in on the 23rd of March 2011 and still havent heard a thing... i got my medical booked in for next week on tuesday :D

Not sure how long they are supposed to take, but I got mine in about two and a bit weeks if that helps????
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-26 06:12:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

my medical is $271, X-ray $110, Blood Test $75.00 plus any vaccinations... i have them all as far as i know, tetanus i havent had for a few years but im going to my dr soon so i might see if i can get another one or get proof

I am pretty sure you should be able to get it free under medicare from your GP??? I paid for mine, but only because it was contained in the boostrix shot that had other i had to have. I know last time I had a tetanus shot because I was injured, it was free, but not sure for those of us who just wander in and lasked to be jabbed LOL (then again, I got MMR & Varicella free that way)

but i suppose only one dr i can go to unless i fly to cairns in qld or some other state!!

Fly to Sydney and have Dr. Millar do it :D They are really nice and everything you need is in the one building... Dr. Millar has a really strange sense of humor though LOL
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-21 16:50:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Random qn... have you had your second varicella shot? Or are you waiting till you get to the US? While you are up to date enough to get the K1 you'll need to see a CS in the US to get your shots (including the 2nd varicella shot) transcribed into an I-693 (Part 1, Part 2 (vaccination table only) and Part 5). Whether you have the next varicella shot in Aus or the US (I'd do it in Aus if you haven't left yet 'cause it's not cheap here I'm sure) you'll need to take proof of that shot as well as your copy DS-3025 to the CS. You probably already knew this but just a heads up for you and anyone else if you/they didn't.

As far as I was aware, I only needed to start the courses and they didn't need to be completed? This is from the technical instructions for civil surgeons on the CDC website:

Because completion of the vaccine series often requires several months, applicants are not required to have received all doses of the ACIP-recommended vaccines to fulfill the vaccination requirements for adjustment of status to U.S. permanent residence. Rather, they are required to have received at least one dose of each recommended vaccine, and they are encouraged to follow up with their primary health-care provider to complete the series.

Also, I think (if memory serves me correctly) from the info I was given by my gp, the second Varicella shot was 6 mth's after the first one, so with my current time line I'll be over there by then. So if I end up having to get it, it will be mega-expensive :angry:
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-21 16:43:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

all booked in for May 3rd.. so not too far away.. i asked about the price and i was shocked as when she said arond $500 all up, im like wow man, i thought maybe 300 something but for that.. gees louise! but i suppose only one dr i can go to unless i fly to cairns in qld or some other state!! #######! now just gotta wait for this police check that has been 31 days already since i done it :blink: and for my P3 to come... theres another fee ill have to pay at the post office.. is that much??


Fee at the post-office for visa issuance is USD$350...

as for the medical fee's, I paid: $445 in total, comprising of:
$242 - Medical examination
$25 - Flu shot (new requirement for all applicants, regardless of age from April 1st)
$31 - Pathology lab for blood tests
$65 - Chest X-Ray for TB
$82 - Boostrix shot (Pertutis, tetanus, polio & Diptheria, since my childhood vaccinations were incomplete)
$0 - MMR shot, free on medicare(Measles, Mumps & Rubella, same reason as Boostrix)
$0 - Varilix shot, free on medicare (Varicella, same reason as Boostrix)

Regards, Wayne.
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-21 07:07:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

thanks mate... i have all that stuff on the website all filled in and ready to go... on the DS-230 form.. question 30, asks to list all places you live for at least 6 months since the age of 16... now ive lived only on the Gold Coast since i was 4yrs old, but have lived in a few different houses... do i have to put all those addresses there? because it only has city, province, country and dates from and to.. all i put was from the age of 16 till present in the 1 line.. i dont see a point in repeating it 5 times haha..

I have lived in Melbourne, Sydney, Townsville & Cairns since age 16 and several addresses at each city due to rental housing. I only put the cities and it got accepted (so far at least, guess I'll find out more at the interview lol)

Good luck mate, keep us informed on how it goes, im sure you will be fine :)

:) Thanks!!! will keep posting here... gotta stop worrying tho LOL

Edited by Wayne-Rachel, 20 April 2011 - 07:11 AM.

Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-20 07:10:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
@Vanessa&Tony :) thankyou! but yeah, I am kinda picturing it in my mind as more like a courtcase/spanish inquisition LOL

@curvebell :D congrats on your recent approval... flying out soon?

@KiwiBird :/ passport & nz gov't dramas you guys are having stink... hope it's all sorted for you soon :D
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-19 05:41:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Dates are in my signature somewhere. And it's an email. :)

Thanks for the reply kiwi :) And I got my interview date by e-mail this morning :D yay yay yay!!! Roll on May 17th! (I'm kinda stressed now though lol)
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-18 08:47:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Ok, so I posted the packet 3 information on the 9th of April and aust post tracking says it was signed for on the 12th. Any one know how long on average it takes for them to send the interview date? Also, is this sent as an email or a letter?
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-16 04:55:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Dave and Shannon: no worries mate :D
KiwiBird: yay yay yay!!! awesome news! :D

Edited by Wayne-Rachel, 11 April 2011 - 02:50 AM.

Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-11 02:48:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

5. You will likely need at a minimum (for the above form) two to three of your most recent pay stubs and a signed letter from your employer listing you job title, start date, your salary, and the status (full-time) of your position. Begin collecting these ASAP after your NOA2 arrives. You will also probably want to include other evidence such as your banking information and other assets as required by the I-134.

Thanks heaps guys! muchly appreciated.. We have a co-sponsor, so we just got a letter from her work stating how many hours she works, pay rate, how long she been employed etc and her w2 i think thats it... hope thats enough

i have printed out and filled in the DS-230, with the DS-156, Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, it says i need internet explorer 5 at least i have like version 8 i think it is, theres a form down the bottom of the page saying ds-156, im guessing thats the one i fill in correct? do i need to fill in the Form DS-156K, Nonimmigrant Fiancé(e) Visa Application form? to me it will really only have a couple lines filled in as i dont have kids and never been married..

We got no problems with proof, i called her on her cell and home phone every day quiet a few times (i look obsessed by the phone records haha) since like i started talking to her on the phone a couple years back and pictures.. do you think its a good idea to have all her original copies of like bag tags from plane trips and cards and all that sort of stuff she has collected when she came over here to see me? i have photocopies of them but thats all.. thanks so much for the help

Here's the packet three instructions: Canberra Embassy
Don't forget you need two copies of DS-156, and yes, you also must do DS-256k
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-09 23:48:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

and is there any forms that my fiance (us citizen) need to fill out and send to me that i will need in my P3?? if so what forms?

From this page...
What to send to your fiance(e) once the I-129F is approved (Receive NOA2):
1. A copy of the entire I-129f package (that you made when you sent the petition in) and a copy of information that you sent back due to an RFE (if you received one).
2. Send all originals of the documentary proof that you submitted for the I-129F to your fiance(e) for their interview at the embassy.
3. Send an original letter affirming your desire to marry your fiance(e) and your continued support of the K-1 Visa. Sign and date the form. This will be similar to the letter you provided with the I-129F, but dated much closer to the interview (it will have most likely been several months since you submitted your I-129F).
4. I-134 Affidavit of Support form. Ensure it is signed, with all required supporting evidence. Begin collecting the required information ahead of time, as it can often take several weeks to collect it all.
5. You will likely need at a minimum (for the above form) two to three of your most recent pay stubs and a signed letter from your employer listing you job title, start date, your salary, and the status (full-time) of your position. Begin collecting these ASAP after your NOA2 arrives. You will also probably want to include other evidence such as your banking information and other assets as required by the I-134. Specifically you will need at least 2 of the 4 options mentioned in Section II-Supporting Evidence of the I-134. See this FAQ for more tips and ueful information on the Affidavit of Support Form.
6. A copy of the NOA2 that you received in the mail.
7. Proof of your ongoing relationship. This needs to be taken to the interview! Include photos, travel documents, emails, etc from between the time you filed and present (NOA1 date-now).

Examples: Copies of phone bills, cell phone bills, emails (you can edit personal info with a marker), letters (edit personal info also), stamps on the letters (to document the date they were sent), and other written documentary proof. Provide a reasonable amount; two to four of each type. Pick a range of dates up to and including the present. You can also include a copy of engagement ring receipt (this is something that is a big optional - do not worry if you do not have a ring yet!)
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-09 09:42:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

We got approved!! yayyyyyyyy!!!! now what to dooooooooooooo!! i wanna go now!! i hope everyones hurries up to! :dance:

Congrats guys.... well done :) Hope to be posting the same real soon!
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-08 03:56:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
In the k-1 section, there is a posting about a "letter to certify pregnancy"... and since my fiancee in the US is 5 months pregnant, it piqued my interest. (Even though the original post was a bit strange)

Then I saw Kiwibird posted this:

Posted Today, 02:48 PM
Previous posters are correct. All USCIS cares about is if you get married. Whether she's having your baby or not... they don't care. Might be a different story when it gets to the Consulate level... but for the I-129F petition, the pregnancy part is worthless.

Originaly, I was hoping the fact she is pregnant would either be something to help our case, or at the worst, they simply wouldn't care. Now I'm not so sure, am stressing that it may go against us... can anyone confirm either way?
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-02 03:47:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

He has tried the number. Said it was an info line and he couldn't find a way to get in touch with a real person. :(

Figured as much, but worth a try I guess.... sucks they shut us out like that :(
Wayne-RachelMaleAustralia2011-04-01 23:07:00