Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
v333k, happilycontent, Yurika & Jim you guys and so many others at VJ do a great job! :thumbs:
ShamiMaleSri Lanka2010-02-24 22:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
Congrats Zahra! :dance: We are indeed moving along.
ShamiMaleSri Lanka2010-02-18 17:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
Contrats James77! :dance:

Congrats Carl & Susan! :dance:

Zahra should be next :thumbs:

Edited by Shami, 16 February 2010 - 09:52 PM.

ShamiMaleSri Lanka2010-02-16 21:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
As expected no NOA1. Received Biometric appointment notice today.

California Service Center (26 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
NECROTICA...........01/07/10..........01/11/10.......02/10/10........--/--/10.... (early bio on 1/28/10)
LISA AND PHIL.......01/11/10..........--/--/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....

Vermont Service Center (29 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
DUNNY...............01/04/10.........01/06/10.......02/04/10........--/--/10.... (early bio on 1/28/10)

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ShamiMaleSri Lanka2010-02-01 17:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
Gwen666, did your letter say your conditional residence status was extended for one year? It seems like we won't be getting a NOA either.
ShamiMaleSri Lanka2010-01-28 16:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
No NOA1 yet. CSC received our packet on the 14th, and cashed our check on the 19th.

Edited by Shami, 27 January 2010 - 10:50 PM.

ShamiMaleSri Lanka2010-01-27 22:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJAN 2010, FILERS
Adding Shami to CSC

California Service Center (15 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

LISA AND PHIL.......01/11/10..........--/--/10.......--/--/10........--/--/10....

Vermont Service Center (10applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

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Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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ShamiMaleSri Lanka2010-01-16 13:55:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?

That's really sad that your future mother-in-law feels like that. My first husband's mother was just like that and it really got me down. If he forgot a certain date or didn't call every day, it was all my fault. Truth is, she was jealous of us and hated the fact I took away her little boy.

You have 3000+ miles between you and her, so a little lip service will go a long way. Good idea on keeping spare mothers day cards, that way if your SO forgets, you can say "well I remembered" (she'll hate that!)

Can't think of any other dates, I believe father's day is the same.

ETA: It's also a good idea to get all of his family members birthday/anniversary dates and put them on a calender.. saves alot of hassle!

It's the same thing here. She feels like I am taking away her little boy. Little does she realize she's pushing him away with the little games she's trying to play.. which breaks my heart, even if I don't like her. I don't want him to be in a bad patch with his mum. If she wants to hate me, so be it, but she's making him suffer by putting him in the middle every chance she gets, and he's feeling completely unsupported. I've always tried to bend over backwards to make this easier for her, from waiting to file 'just a few more months' so she could see him go off to college, to planning a second wedding out of state (despite being seriously poor) so she could enjoy it as a vacation, etc, etc, but if she can't even pretend to be supportive of him, I'm not sure why I'm bothering to do things for her so much. I have to wonder if she's going to bother visiting him when he's here or if its going to be a one way street for the rest of her life. Anyhoo, I'm going off on a bit of a tangent here, aren't I? Oops!
The father's day won't be an issue for either of us as both of us lost our fathers in our early years... And at least Christmas is the same.

Great idea on the birthday date calendar. Thankfully he doesn't have a huge family but I have a horrible memory and really need to do the same thing for my own family, so I'll have him try to get that before he comes here so we can have all that sorted from the get go, and maybe will make her feel better about him staying connected to her and the other bits of family.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-13 02:22:00
United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?
I realize this might sound horrible, but my first thought upon reading this topic with our situation was 'His mother doesn't deserve anything anyway.'.

(Long story short, she's doing the same ####### she did when Adam and I first got together-- playing nice to our face, then when it comes down to the nitty gritty, she's being completely unreasonable and awful and backstabbing. She had the nerve to tell her neighbor that she 'hoped he would fail his visa interview' so he couldn't move here, and that she was 'angry that he passed' (she doesn't know that we know she said this.). She followed that up with trying to make it impossible for him to book his ticket here (Taken care of thanks to her much nicer fiance who treats us like the consenting adults we are). Par for the course for this woman, though, it's just taken us off guard because we thought she got over this 3 years ago and had decided to be adult about the whole situation. So we thought.)

But I'm sure this will be one of another things for her to throw a hissy about in the future. I'll have to buy a card box and some spare mothers day cards when the time comes just so we're prepared, I suppose. Any other holiday-dates that are different that we should be considering ahead of time?
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-12 23:43:00
United KingdomWhat Do You Consider "Packet 3 Sent"??
We submitted it all together, so technically I suppose we'd call that when the final checklist was sent in. :)
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-15 14:34:00
United KingdomMy interview this morning
Congrats FeatherB! Hurrah for another Londoner in Ohio!
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-15 14:32:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???
Adam and I are pretty close on what we listen to-- I'm slightly more varied than he is typically but it's all normally around the indie/alternative/rock/emo genres for the main parts. Theres a few bands we totally see eye to eye on (We're both nuts about Feeder, we've scheduled a flight or two on occasion to visit each other so we can catch a few gigs together, and together we own the largest collection of their memorabilia in the US-- We only know one or two people in the UK whos collection rivals ours too... it's become quite the hobby for us both when we have some extra cash!), and a few we're not so much in common on (Biffy Clyro, who I love to death, he only likes a song or two; Linkin Park he quite likes but I haven't listened to them in ages), but the tastes are close enough that we don't mind tagging along to concerts to appease the other in the event that there isn't a band playing that one likes and the other doesn't. He's being a doll and tagging along with me to see Biffy Clyro at the warped tour this summer, twice. :)

I have a little more of a metal & punk side to me than he does (was big into them when I was younger), and he tends to like some of the more popular rock that I don't like, but yeah, overall, we're music buddies. I don't think we'd be as close as we are if we didn't share that, because music's pretty big in both of our lives.

I do have him to thank for turning me into a lot of (if not the majority) of bands I am into now-- I seem to be very drawn to (typically mostly unknown) UK bands. Which normally doesn't work out so hot regarding US tours. It's actually one of the reasons I wish I was moving there instead from time to time.

Edited by jezebelseven, 21 March 2007 - 02:30 AM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-21 02:29:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US
We've found some good deals before on personally, but other people might have some better suggestions.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-08-26 22:15:00
United KingdomHot Plane Deals

I'm blessed that theres like 4 or 5 airports all within an hour or two's drive from here. That being said, we tend to go with Dayton or Cincinnati depending on the price.

Adam's just got his interview date so we're finally setting things in line. Looking for a deal in early/mid May didn't do so well, but we came across some decent ones on April 30th, nearly 100 quid difference from the dates we were looking at in May! Now we just need to decide if saving 20 quid is worth him traveling to Newark then Dayton, or if we should just go direct to Cincy.

Thanks to whoever provided that link to Never heard of it but it's so much easier than checking every one of those sites seperately!

YAY, congrats on the P4!! :dance:

Thaaaaaanks :D
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-02-07 02:04:00
United KingdomHot Plane Deals
I'm blessed that theres like 4 or 5 airports all within an hour or two's drive from here. That being said, we tend to go with Dayton or Cincinnati depending on the price.

Adam's just got his interview date so we're finally setting things in line. Looking for a deal in early/mid May didn't do so well, but we came across some decent ones on April 30th, nearly 100 quid difference from the dates we were looking at in May! Now we just need to decide if saving 20 quid is worth him traveling to Newark then Dayton, or if we should just go direct to Cincy.

Thanks to whoever provided that link to Never heard of it but it's so much easier than checking every one of those sites seperately!
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-02-05 16:05:00
United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!

I hate that I missed this! Feather and I were flying back to the states on the same day!? What a trip!!!!!! :D

I hope you had a safe journey, girlfriend. :) Welcome to America! :dance:

Adman was flying here (also to Cincy-- I wonder if he and FeatherB were on the same flight?? Delta, from Gatwick?) yesterday! If you weren't on the same flight, hope it was uneventful!
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-04-29 22:45:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I use fancy (As in, want/desire/etc), can't be arsed, bloody, for f*cks sake, having a laugh/was a laugh, lovely.. and, on the more vulgar side, ####, although I appear to say it like the Aussies do (but wikipedia says it was common pronounciation for brits in the past, so there!) I tried for the longest time not to use them, but it just happened. There's plenty of others that slip in on occasion, but those are the ones I can think of using most often.

I actually think I'm partial to scottish accents overall but my guy's a bit of mish mash of posh kentish londonish accents. mancunian is nice too. And I seem to like welsh singers, but then I had a welsh friend who I couldn't understand speaking for the life of me, so no idea what's the deal there.

Edited by jezebelseven, 13 March 2007 - 07:52 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-13 19:52:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
We'll be sending our p3 in in a day or two, but my head seems to think that it's completely unfair that we don't have p4 already. I mean, they should know we're sending it in with their psychic abilities. Geez.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-01-07 17:57:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?

My husband can't understand beans or cheese on toast.

At first, cheese on toast sounded strange and awful to me, but I tried it and was shocked at how nice it was. It only occurred to me afterwards that basically, it's an open faced grilled cheese sandwich. And I loves me some grilled cheese!

The beans though, I can't even think of touching that. Ughhhh. :P

I think Adam prefers food in the US *because* it's so sweet. His sweet tooth overpowers mine by a mile.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2007-03-08 21:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case number and waiting time

I want to join in this race-- heishe, you keep pulling ahead of me by a day or so each step of the way! At this rate Pigu and Adam will be fighting in line to see who gets their interview first. :P

I'll have to give them a call tomorrow and pray we don't have to go through any AP!

Let's make them cuddle instead! It would be so cute!

Haha, that probably works better for Adam anyhow, he's a lover, not a fighter. Or a pansy. Either way. :lol:
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-11-30 23:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case number and waiting time
I want to join in this race-- heishe, you keep pulling ahead of me by a day or so each step of the way! At this rate Pigu and Adam will be fighting in line to see who gets their interview first. :P

I'll have to give them a call tomorrow and pray we don't have to go through any AP!

Edited by jezebelseven, 30 November 2006 - 06:25 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-11-30 18:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What does your N0A2 say?

Has anyone else gotten an N0A2 like this or do all of your N0A2's say they were sent to the NVC?

Mine says it was sent to the NVC.

"The above petition has been approved. We have sent the original visa petition to the Department of State National Visa Center. (address here). The INS has completed all action. Further inquiries should be directed to the NVC.

The NVC now processes all approved fiance petitions. The NVC processing should be complete within two to four weeks after receiving the petition from INS. The NVC will create a case record with your petition information. NVC will then send the petition to the US Embassy or Consulate where you fiance will be interviewed for his or her visa.

You will receive notification by mail when NVC has sent your petition to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. The notification letter will provide you with a unique number for your case and the name and address of the US Embassy or consulate where your petition has been sent."

Goes on a few more lines, but does not say anything about it being forwarded already.

I ended up getting out of NVC in about a week as it goes, and got that letter mentioned above today.

That being said, my NOA2 already had the assigned A number on it (same place you mentioned), so I don't think the NVC is who generates the A number.

Edited by jezebelseven, 05 December 2006 - 12:20 AM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-05 00:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Tracking Instructions for DHL
If I missed this already being mentioned I apologize, just a little confused.

I was told by the NVC my case was sent out to the embassy on Nov 30, to London. A fellow VJer was told the same for her case. I checked DHL and there was only one shipment to London on Nov 30-- Is it possible both cases were shipped together? Or do they only ship them in single packages, alone?

The only other shipment since then was today, so I'm just curious if it's already there (Nov 30 shipment), or just on its way (Today's shipment). I believe there was also one for Nov 29, so maybe its one of those... and no, it doesn't really matter, I'm just curious :P
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-04 22:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresScrewed up big time

could it be possible that our dear friend cessna is a......TROLL??????

Oh, I'm nearly certain it is. But it's been the first troll here that's actually made me laugh. Although I think he wouldn't be half as interesting without Pigu and Heishe, so perhaps that's all I love this thread for. :)
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-14 12:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresScrewed up big time
I honestly cannot pick which part of this thread is my favorite. From the quoting of tupac, to fax the police, to all of the insane, hypocritical Lohanesque babblings of cessna, to I AM A ROBOT, I just don't think I can ever choose which part is my favorite.

I can however say that this is a very strong contender for my favorite VJ thread ever. :yes:
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-12 23:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI wish I found this site sooner
There's been a few threads on this in the UK section of the forum and the majority believe smart casual is the best way to go, but there are plenty of people who go in a full suit, and plenty who just go completely casual.

This is one of the ones I could find that asked the same question:
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-11-29 16:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI134 Help

It would be a good idea to add a note, but not the note that you suggest. Note that the sponsored alien is now a citizen. Let the consular officer apply the law and, given the information provided, determine that the affidavit is no longer in effect.

That was what I was thinking-- Adding a line that says he's now a US citizen. Thanks for the confirmation. :)

I imagine with my mother's lackluster organization skills (as well as her ex husbands) she won't have the information on when the old ones were submitted, so we may have to put an approximate date, hm. :/
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-01 16:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI134 Help


Haven't you answered your own question? There's no 'unless' in question #9.


Hello to all K'1,2,3 members. I have a couple of questions with regard to the I134 question #9.

My previous marriage required me to prepare a I134 for my x-husband. ...

Now the question ask if you ever filed for Aff. of Support previously. Should I be putting my x-husband's name there.


Pardon me for topic hijacking, but I have a similar question, regarding questions 9 and 10.

My mother, who is going to be cosponsoring my fiance, has a similar situation. I currently am trying to do a little footwork for her to lighten the paperwork load, so my facts about her situation aren't 100%, but I am assuming she also had to file a I-134 for her now ex husband (He was here on a work visa from Algeria, they got married, he is now a US citizen so she is no longer responsible for supporting him, nor has she been for several years.). We're unsure whether or not she should mention this in 9 and 10, as she doesn't want to confuse the officer into thinking that she is still responsible for him, ergo bumping up the household size another notch or causing it to look more complicated than it is.

Now, going by the rules of the I-864 (and yes, I realize it's a different form, but the rules for both seem to go hand in hand as far as I can tell), it sounded to me like you don't list things like these as they are no longer relevant ("Enter the number of lawful permanent residents whom you are currently obligated to support based on your previous submission of Form I-864 as a petitioning, substitute, or joint sponsor, or of Form I-864EZ as a petitioning sponsor....Do not include anyone for whom your obligation to support has ended through the sponsored immigrant'sacquisition of U.S. citizenship (and others)") I assumed this was the same for this form.

If we *are* meant to still list my mothers ex husband on these lines, should we make a notation about him no longer being an issue, and if so, how would one word that?

Edited by jezebelseven, 01 December 2006 - 03:23 AM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-01 03:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLiving Maintenance Wage Loss, Workmans Comp with I-134

Does she have an initial decision from back when she first filed this claim?

As I mentioned I would include that as well.

I asked her and she's fairly certain she does have that filed away somewhere-- if not she believes we may be able to get a copy of that from BWC, she spoke with someone today who mentioned a letter shouldn't be a problem (I wrote out an example one that was more for my mother to write out, but worded as from BWC, and they said it was fine and would draft it up for us) and they're willing to help us get whatever records we need for it, thankfully.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-05 19:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLiving Maintenance Wage Loss, Workmans Comp with I-134

Having gone through the London consulate, my take on this would be for your mother to explain this in an attachment to her I-134.

There was probably an initial decision on this matter. I would include that. Along with a recent letter from her doctor.

Include the letter from the stable and the most recent statement from BWC.

These in conjunction with her tax returns (which they may not want to see) seem reasonable to me.

Thanks :) I imagine it is probably loads easier for her to write out a statement versus having to attempt to get BWC to write out a letter to the specifics we need. I'm fairly sure she's got several recent statements that show she's getting paid on top of the job, so that could go to show the continuing pattern if there's any question of her statement's legitimacy. And we can definitely get the doctor to write out a note about it as well, as she's going to see him today to extend the current LMWLC as its set to expire in a few days.

Again, thanks!
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-05 14:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLiving Maintenance Wage Loss, Workmans Comp with I-134
Not sure if anyone has any experience with this, but hopefully someone out there's got some idea...

My mother is intending to be my cosponsor. As we're trying to get things together regarding the I-134, we've been gathering all the normal things, bank statements, tax returns, documents for her assets (home, two cars), etc.

The issue we're confused with at the moment, though, is a statement from her employer.

She is currently employed as a stable hand at a local horse stable. She was placed at this job as a low stress, short hour job through the bureau of workmans comp, as she was attacked on her old job and could no longer work there. The new job does not pay nearly the same amount the old job did, so my mother has been eligible for several years for Living Maintenance Wage Loss Compensation. Put simply, if her old job paid $15/hr and she used to get 40 hours, and her new one pays $7/hr and she only works 20 hours, LMWLC pays the difference. So she still makes the same amount she used to, but it comes from two different sources-- the initial payment through her current employment, and the compensation from BWC.

The only catch is that she needs an updated doctors record every 6 months or so which claims she still is not in condition to go back to her old job-- this has never been an issue as it's widely accepted there is no way she could go back. I'm nearly certain she has the records for the past which show she did earn LMWLC for the last few years.

My question is this: I assume she needs a statement from the horse stable (with date and nature of employment, salary paid, etc), which is not a problem, as this shows she is still employed, but what should we request from BWC?

Do we just need a simple statement saying that she qualifies for LMWLC and explaining how much they 'make up', or something more detailed explaining the whole situation? We don't know what to ask for or what it needs to explain-- These papers can get very thick if you include all the wage statements, so we don't want to send too much and make this even more confusing, but we don't want to miss anything that should be needed.

Any advice or ideas from anyone who's had similar issues with workmans comp or other programs would be majorly appreciated.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-05 04:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother I-134 Question regarding dependents on last years taxes

Total household size is just that. If you are counted as a dependent then you should not be counted again. In any case, if it is you, your fiancee and your mom the household size is 3

I *was* counted as a dependent but am *no longer* dependent. It was my understanding my the household size in regards to the poverty guidelines should only count those in the household that WILL BE dependent when papers are filed, IE, my mother (herself), and my fiance. Unless this is based purely on what last years tax statements say...

Why do you not include yourself? I am confused.....

I assume I shouldn't be included because I am no longer dependent, and the question asks for dependents, as rebeccajo mentioned, it does not mention household size in any way.

Looking at my mothers tax forms from 2005 (thanks again rebeccajo!), it looks like this isn't as much of an issue as I was concerned about, but I guess I am still curious as to whether or not I should be putting my name in that box. I don't want to leave it out and cause questions when it is cross referenced with the tax forms of last year, but I don't want to include it if it doesn't belong there.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-06 00:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother I-134 Question regarding dependents on last years taxes

Where on the I-134 do you see the mention of household size?

I was under the impression that they (at the embassy) compared the income that was listed on the form (question 7) to the household size list (determined, I assumed, by questions 3 and 8) and poverty income guidelines... Is this not the case? :blink:
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-05 22:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother I-134 Question regarding dependents on last years taxes

Total household size is just that. If you are counted as a dependent then you should not be counted again. In any case, if it is you, your fiancee and your mom the household size is 3

I *was* counted as a dependent but am *no longer* dependent. It was my understanding my the household size in regards to the poverty guidelines should only count those in the household that WILL BE dependent when papers are filed, IE, my mother (herself), and my fiance. Unless this is based purely on what last years tax statements say...
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-05 21:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother I-134 Question regarding dependents on last years taxes
A quick one that I can't seem to find an answer to. I think I already know the answer but I may be confusing things I've read about I-864 and I-134.

Last year my mother filed me as a dependent. I was not fully dependent on her-- I made my own money, but have been living with her, and I did not make enough to file my own taxes, so it was suggested she file with me as a dependent. Next year, she will not be doing so.

As she is cosponsoring my fiance, we are unsure how this adds up in calculating our household size. Do I count toward it as a dependent, as I *was* on last years taxes as so, or since I am no longer as of filling out these papers being considered dependent at this moment?

My gut feeling is that as question 8 doesn't mention *anything* about last years tax forms (let alone anything about taxes), that I would not be listed there, but I figure it is worth verifying, rather than assuming and finding out we are under the poverty line for 3 people, but above it for 2, and having this brought up as a problem at the interview.

As usual, thanks to everyone who can help me out here, and I apologize if this has been posted elsewhere and I missed it in my searches.

Edited by jezebelseven, 05 December 2006 - 07:59 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-05 19:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice certificate or CRB check?

Do I have to have an I-134 from my fiancee for the interview too? In the instructions on the embassy website it talks about the I-864 not being needed, so I'm a little confused. :blink:

You'll want the I-134. You and I sound like we're around the same timeline because these are all the same questions we've been asking the last few days! ;) Adam just applied for his police report today.

http://www.usembassy...faffidavit.html Should be able to explain to you what they need and why they want the 134 versus the 184.

Sorry I can't answer the question about the medical and interview-- I am curious to see the answer to the medical question though as we're hoping (as tight as it seems) to get him here by the beginning of March, so we want to get everything done as soon as possible.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-07 18:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioni-134 quick q?
You need to be patient-- You posted this in one of the least active time periods on the site. Check back in 24 hours and you may well have an answer, but a lot of people have already headed off to sleep. (This goes for other topics you've made and keep bumping-- You don't have to keep posting 'help' and '?', you just need to be patient!)

I have a feeling those who will be able to answer may need some more info from you to be certain, as some embassies and consulates are more strict compared to others in what exactly they require and will accept. (Obigatory :time: goes here)

That being said, my guess (and that's all it is as I am just now getting to the cosponsor research in my own case) is that if she makes zero income, she will possibly not be viewed as an ideal sponsor. Assets and savings do help, but they seem to be viewed as more of the 'icing upon the cake', when most (if not all) embassies are looking more for the cake. Again, I'm not sure, and others may have more ideas on how you can make this work.

I'd personally suggest finding out if you know anyone else with actual income that meets the levels you're in need of, but I understand that some peoples situations this isn't an option and you have to find a way to make it work with what you have.

Edited by jezebelseven, 08 December 2006 - 12:49 AM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-08 00:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134, questions 9 & 10 (submitted previous petitions)
Asking the ex husband, he's saying that she never filed a visa petition for him at all but she did support him, although he seemed very confused, but that's his nature, he doesn't listen to the question asked, and says yes when he means no and similar fun things.

So we're now really only worried about question 9 as we believe question 10 is going to be a 'n/a'.
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-09 23:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134, questions 9 & 10 (submitted previous petitions)
As mentioned in other threads, my mother is cosponsoring my fiance. Over 12 years ago, my mother married a man who was here on an overstayed work visa. They are now divorced, but he is a US citizen. I kind of doubt anyone will have a similar experience, but here's hoping.

Now, my mother is getting up there in her age and she has a few memory problems, so she can't be sure what she filed that many years ago, what with form name changes and general forgetfulness. So we're assuming they did do some sort of visa petition and submitted an affidavit of support for him, but we're not 100% certain. As much of a packrat as she is, she has went through nearly every last shred of paperwork she still has trying to find out for certain and to get a date for 'date submitted', but so far we've found absolutely nothing that helps us here.

Assuming the last few boxes we go through are just as unrewarding, any ideas as what to do? Is there a way to contact anyone, DOS, USCIS, whatever, to get copies of these ancient papers or find out when they were filed? If not, should we just guess on the date, leave the date blank, just put an approximate year (1993-1995 or so is our guess as they married in Nov 1994?)?

Asking the ex husband is unlikely to be much help-- he is known for being awful at bookkeeping and we believe he may have either thrown out these papers upon getting his citizenship, thinking he didn't need them, or he may have brought them back to Algeria as he had planned on moving back for a long while, but eventually moved back here.

So, any ideas? Thanks in advance as usual to those of you who've got a few nuggets of wisdom for us!
jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-09 22:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 & Pay stubs?

The topic of this thread specifically refers to the I-134, not other requirements that the particular consulate may or may not have on thier particular instrucion page.

I would imagine, however, that they're considering that they've seen lots of other people use pay stubs in combination WITH the I-134. As I quoted from London's page, those documents are for the I-134. "the sponsor should attached two or more of the following items to the affidavit". That says to me that it is a requirement for at least London's I-134, so you can't make a blanket statement that no one wants pay stubs.

I was merely giving an example of why some people may choose to use pay stubs, which you seemed to think was wrong or unnecessary-- It's actually correct with at least one major Embassy, probably more. I was not replying to the original post so much, but rather, to the question you asked.

I dont even believe the UK requires an affidavit of support, thus, they have established thier own rules.

Someone's visa in London was just temporarily denied pending an I-134, ergo, the I-134 is required at London. The person in question didn't have time to get one together and thought theycould get by without it. They didn't.

Even the embassy site says "Persons in the U.S. who wish to furnish sponsorship of a fiancee or Kii visa applicant in the form of an affidavit of support should use form I-134 which is available from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services." They also mention an option for a sworn affidavit, but I've never seen anyone go that route and the information on that particular piece of info on their website could be out of date. So, yes, although they have their own rules (as it seems every consulate does), my point still stands-- There ARE places that say "other evidence adequate to establish financial ability" or similar wording, so its not like some people are just completely making up the need for pay stubs and other 'useless' evidence.

Edited by jezebelseven, 17 December 2006 - 01:28 PM.

jezebelsevenFemaleEngland2006-12-17 13:26:00