K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

Just got a video from us on the signature here :-) My Valentines Present for my Baby heart.gifblush.png

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-10 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers


We are getting out of ideas for what we can do to get finally our NOA2! In 2 days we wait 6 MONTHS!!!!!!!! OMG I NEED helpsmilie.gif


Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-10 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
Congratulations to your approval!

TODAY left the last couple that I knew here that was still waiting on noa2 like we do..... They were From august fillers 2013 and TSC too!

So my fiance and me are the only ones I know that wait since august now for NOA2 can anyone imagine how I feel??????? I feel I cry myself out,..... I can't hold it back anymore.... It's to much now, it is so unbelievable and to think we are alone now and wait for noa2 here..... I mean I don 't know how it is outside there in the whole world... if people still wait or not.... Probably.... But these people here were people that I was looking to a long time, because they were in the same situation as my fiance and I do, we also filled with a lawyer and now we are the only ones who still wait! Omg i'm sooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooo soooooooooooooo disappointed everybody....... Omg ??????????????

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-07 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
My fiance just called today and he asked the TIER2 Officer if we were ever getting a RFE since there were lately always people getting NO E-Mail about it or Letter! So we have no RFE so far and it's been almost 6 months that we wait for NOA2.

And they told my fiance that our case is still in TSC and in background checks.... Not Lost either she told him......
Omg I'm glad it's not lost!

So still waiting....

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-06 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
Hey people, that's what we got today when my fiance orderd a service request on january 23rd, 2014! Can't believe it! It's been already 6 months and they can't tell us when we get apporoved?!?!!

Here the E-Mail:

The status of this service request is:

On 01/23/2014, you or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your I129F to notify us that you believe your case is outside of our normal processing time. Below is a summary of what we found and how the issue has been or may be resolved.

Your petition/application is still pending consideration. We regret that we are not able to give you a timeframe for when we will complete the review of your petition/application.

What You Can Do
Please see the "Online Services" below to check the status of your case in the near future. We apologize for the delay.

We hope this information is helpful to you.


Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-05 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
YEEESS..... It is more as time that we finally get approved!!! Congratulations on your's, Sparkle Pony!
It is unbelievable....... I finally want to get approved, hope so much it comes next week!!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-31 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

Finally a good update for you!!!! I am crossing my fingers so hard that this will finally be it for you and you get that NOA2 very very quickly!

*.* thank you soooooooo much!! You are wonderful, i could hug the whole world right now and I'm not even approved yet! But alone this message got me sooooooooooooooooop much endless hope you can't imagine!!! I'm ao thankful for hearing something finally after all these saddness!! Unbelievable! I'm so speechless and happy to have this E-mail today omg!!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-27 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

The secretary from the senator we wrote an E-Mail and a letter too was writing us (my fiancé) an E-Mail!!!

She wrote him today this message:

I wanted to let you know that I had received an update from the TEXAS SERVICE CENTER.
USCIS has received your I-129F petition. - (OMG THANK GOD FOR THAT!!! Was my thought, when I read it, I thought it was lost!)
Currently your petition is being reviewed and a decision should be issued within 30 business days. I will check in with you again around March 17th. If you should receive notice of a change in status before then please let me know.

Thank you...

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OMG!!! After all that waiting!!!! And I was crying so much an hour ago and wanted to give up in everything i was so down with everything and my life and 20 mins ago I got this message I'm so unbelievable happy again! How close these both feelings are to each other!!! Please keep fingers crossed for us that it will be finally approved soon everybody <3

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-27 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-25 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
I think after almost 6 months we deserve a noa2 FINALLY!!
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-25 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

what is an ombudsman?

Someone who tries to help you when you are over normal processing time!!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-25 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
Thank you everybody! It means a lot to me, really really really! We are so tired of waiting and sometimes words like yours here are building me up and don't want to let me get sooo depressive
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-25 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

I remember seeing people post about it on here. It might definitely be worth a shot. As frustrated as I am that we haven't been approved yet, in all honesty, I want you guys to get approved NOW. It's not fair that you've been waiting for so long.

I just wrote the ombudsman and are waiting now for response.... I'm excited since I wrote it and not my fiancé ( he is the USC)

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-24 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

I can only imagine. :( Have you contacted the USCIS ombudsman yet?

No we didn't yet! Only senator/ congressman but I think that we are going to contact the ombudsman after these 15 days waiting for the service request!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-24 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
I understand everyone of y'all here that are still waiting! I was at that stage the same impatient! Right now my last hope is only that they didn't lost our case and that we will hear something soon from our service request.... Although I don't feel that there is coming anything soon :-( because the wait is already so long and it seems like something is wrong.... All these questions like maybe they sent us an RFE and we never got it or they lost our case or they just forgot us are going through my head....

Believe me that it is hard FOR ME when you see people getting approved after you SINCE AUGUST 2013! I don't know what we can do anymore,.... We contacted the senator over a month ago and have heard always only from his secretary that we are on their "watch list" then, called USCIS several times (and still do it) yesterday we were getting a service request because they are over our processing time from 5 months so another 15 days until we hear of them OR NOT.....

Right now I'm only alive, but I don't really life!! My body is numb from all this stress and I just walk through every day without any great feelings...

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-24 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
:'-( all of luck for y'all we will keep waiting...
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-23 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
Hello people,

my fiancé called USCIS today again and they told HIM that they actually work on august, 16th 2013 petitions!!!!
I know on igor's List you see people getting approved ALREADY from december 2013 but oh well, that's just the information I can give ya'll here that they told him!

Another fact is that they passed now our receipt date from august, 12th 2013!!!!!

My fiancé asked for a service request and they told him that they will contact him in the next 15 days or less to tell us what's going on!!! PLEASE PRAYERS PRAY FOR US TOO

I am so upset and frustrated at the same time!!! :'(((

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-23 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
Ok I got it!

SRC = Southern regional center so tsc
EAC = Eastern Adjudication Center so vermont....

Ohhhh this waiting is killing me :'(

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-21 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

Hope you had a wonderful, wonderful birthday!
You saw that BGT on Can1221's signature, correct? BGT refers to Bogota, which is the embassy their case is being processed at. :) Because your fiance is in South Africa, your case number will have different letters to it. :)

Are you talking from the three letters in the beginning of the case number? A good friend I met her here on VJ she is applying for an I-129F too and got her NOA2 after 5 months(but she applied last year in february2013).... We ar still waiting for NOA2 and applied in august 2013!!!

What I wanted to ask is because of this three letters, she had different letters in the beginning ALTHOUGH we are both from Germany AND we are both at TSC!!!

I have SRC in the beginning and her's started with E something!? How can this going on???
Maybe there happend a mistake from TSC and that's why we are still waiting???

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-21 05:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

i am running out of my patience crying.gif

I know how you feel! And I wish you really that you have a fast approval and doesn't wait so long anymore! You probably will get your approval really soon when I see all the people here getting approved from november and october.

Never give up and I REALLY know how annoying it is to hear all te time but "be patient" and keep thinking positive. You are for the rest of your life with this person. :-)

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-15 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

I think they just tell people things to shut them up.  I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to it.  Probably it just depends on whose desk your application ends up on..  Ah, bureaucracy!

Well we will see in the end when they have reached or passed august 12th so much longer I'll be patient and then we will see ??!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-15 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
I know another couple from the august fillers.... They were getting exactly the same thing told! They talked to uscis before we did! They called maybe 5 or 6 days before we did yesterday and were getting to know they work on july 13, 2013,.... So it is not just something they told only me!
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
I'm sorry for making you scared. It's just my case and from two other couples that I know from here that are still waiting like we do from august. But I'm sure all of you will be approved soon! Look only on igor's list for TSC..... But I hope our case wasn't getting lost pls don't say it like that? :-S i already thought about it so often...
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
The receipt date is your NOA1. I onky know that since they told us we should wait until january 12th then we have reached the 5 month mark. ( august 12th is the receipt date on the NOA1 hard copy)
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
I KNOW! And this is the big question that I'm asking myself the whole time.... I totally agree with you! It is weird and my last hope.... Because we haven't heard anything since october 9th where the Alien Number changed....... We call so long until they tell us they work on august 13th! Because if they passed august 12th and we didn't get anything by then next steps need to be processed.... iDK which ones that will be yet ;-(
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
Yesterday they told my fiance that they work on july 16th petitions from last year :-( we should keep calling she said and get to know always the actually date they work on....
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

Becoming very frustrated..  No word since ARN changed on 12/12, and VJ timeline keeps pushing back the date.. Looks like none of the other I-129fs around my same SRC# have been touched either since around 12/10 - 12/12 when the ARNs changed on all of them
My case should be very straightforward -- two young people with no previous marriages, no kids, no criminal record

Same for us, we have no children, no previous marriage and no criminal records..... It is unbelievable

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

I understand your frustration.....I just don't understand how USCIS works.  How is it possible that cases from September all the way to the first week of December 2013 are getting approved and there are some cases like yours still pending.  You would assume that the cases are handled by a first come first served basis like they state on their website  

I know :-(. I wish there would be an order... So many cases are already approved before and after us and we are still on initial review. I pray that they come to august 12,2013 soon and it doesn't take so long anymore for us....

The tier 2 officer told us, that we are NOT over normal processing time yet (LOL) as long as THEY haven't reached the date of august 12th, 2013 yet. And actually they work on JULY16th omfg

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

I was hoping by now you would have been approved... you've been waiting so long. :(

I called USCIS today. But I'm only the beneficiary and can't get any more detailed information about our case without the petitioner she said

I wanted to know on which date they are working today since my fiance (petitioner) called yesterday and it has been July 16... It was the first time for me that I called them.... Well it seems like I can't talk to them only when he is with me in the same room or we get a connection over our phones where we are both in line and can talk to someone over there... Idk if that is possible or not probably not...

I know patience is everything and we are not giving up, it's just disappointing and drives you on some days more crazy as on others. I don't want to wait so long anymore :-/ :'-C

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers
I could need some support too,... We were filling with help of a lawyer in august 2013 and in the forum of "august fillers 2013" are almost all couples approved just me and two others are still waiting :-( my fiancé and me are having a hard time. A lot of people that we know in august fillers are already approved and had their interview :'-( I wish each of them only the best and all luck on earth that they can be happy from now. I really do. It is in my eyes just a really hard time and I know we haven't wait long yet.... There have been people waiting longer then we do.

I just appreciate people here that could give us advice and help. We already called the USCIS (yesterday) and talked to a tier 2. it was just saying that they actually work on July16, 2013 (!)petitions. It is hard to believe that when you see on igor's list on TSC only people getting approved from october, november and december 2013. but who knows. I pray to god that all that is true what they tell us.

We contacted our senator too but he gave us to a person that is more qualified with the uscis and my fiancé is now in contact via E-Mail with his secretary. They haven't heard any updates on our case yet and next week the lady is out of office... :-(

Goodluck to all of y'all

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-14 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP PLS!!! Harder to get approved after you were denied???

Have you mentioned do you want to see your fiancé ? Maybe that's the reason you've been denied. I don't think your I-129f would get affected by you've denied entering US.
Unless you were trying to concealed what's the reason why you came to US before and they've found about that.Some people could go to see their fiancé (s) to US. Some others are not lucky enough. I was the one that not lucky enough.

I'm sorry to hear that! We are in the same boat and have to look forward....
I hope everyday that the days are passing by fast and we finally can start a life together.... I miss him since 3,5 months ??

But there will be a light on the end of the tunnel..

Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-09-15 06:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP PLS!!! Harder to get approved after you were denied???
?? Thank you soooo much for your help!
That makes me feel waaaayy better now!

I really never wanted to do anything bad, I didn't worked there or looked for jobs I was just with him and spent time with him....
I'm glad we got the attorney though and he helped us very good! Although that some people are saying you could keep the money because you can make it alone but after all what happend to us we didn't saw any other way as getting help from him....
I haven't seen him since 3,5 months and we finally see each other again on september 27th :-) like you said he is visiting me :-)))))!?

Thank you again!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-09-15 06:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP PLS!!! Harder to get approved after you were denied???
Hello everybody ??,

We sent our I-129f on August 9th 2013 and we got the NOA1 on August 15th 2013!
We had the help of an attorney because I was getting denied by the country on the end of June 2013!

They cancled my ESTA ?? and I didn't even get the chance to see my fiancée at the airport ???? they were sending me back to germany the next day,...... I can only say "What a horrible trip"!

The problem is that I wasn't doing anything bad! I stayed from the end of march 2013 until the middle of June 2013 with him so I was about 85 or 84 days in the US! But not over the 90 days that you can stay in the US!!! On June 30th I wanted to fly back to him for 2 months and they didn't let me in the country.... ?? Was I doing a mistake?? I didn't mean too!!! I didn't know that it would be a problem????O.o

Now we got the help of an attorney and since one month and 3 days we have the NOA1.
But could it happend that they denie our case just because of my try to see him again or is it making our CASE longer???????????

I really appreciate any help and comments for this!!! ?

All of you and hopefully us too, a stress free and short visa journey...

Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-09-15 05:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting DENIED because forgot to cancel returning ticket??????
Hello Visajourney members,

I have a really important question the story to it real quick:

This year I was flying to see my (at that time still) boyfriend in the usa!
We planned a round trip ticket from march 25th until april 7th 2013(I entered at poe with my two weeks stay)! While I was there we planned me staying longer so we booked a oneway returning ticket back on June 16th 2013! I was there only with my ESTA I didn't had a visa but I never came over the 90 days that you "can" stay in the usa with your ESTA.

The point is: We never cancelled the RETURNING flight on my first returning ticket!
I've been reading here that because of this people were getting denied when they were applying for their AOS when they came to the usa without cancelling their returning flight!
We are applying for a K1 and my question js could it be that we maybe never receive a NOA2 from the USCIS because of this?


Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-11-08 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a refusal at the POE contribue to the wait for an NOA2 (split topic)
I have an important question, I was getting denied on june 30, 2013 at POE and had to fly back to germany... I had a returning ticket and everything, i was just 2,5 months (without overstaying and VWP) in the US and than I staied 2 weeks in germany and wanted after this two weeks back to him for another 2 months..... So i was getting denied.... :-/ very bad experience!

We applied for a K1 Visa on August 09th 2012. Could be my denial the resaon why we still wait for our NOA2???O.o

Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-12-09 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - Sharing my story (7 days from NOA1 to NOA2) and looking for clarification!
Lucky you! Today we wait 4 months for NOA2! Good luck for the rest of your journey
Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-12-12 01:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long did you know your fiance before you filed your I-129F?
We met online july 18, 2012 and saw each other in person the first time on october 11th, 2012 since than saw each other several times.
Sent our I-129f on august 9th, 2013 it was getting to TSC, wait since than for NOA2!!! Grrrrrr!! -.-

Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-12-14 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 process
We wait already over 5 months...
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-13 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 process
We wait already over 5 months...
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-13 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED HELP! ITR Question!
Hello VJ members,

I have an important question about my fiance's tax return for 2013! He already went to his tax lady and she told him that something terribly went wrong and that he would probably have to pay back around 10K $!!! He has the money to pay at back at one time (for example they tell us at the interview he has to pay it back immediatley or I wouldn't get a visa; he would do it certainly) BUT he would rather do it little by little each month!

My question is how much can affect this our upcoming interview that is going to be scheduled in hopefully the next few months!! Can I get a denial because of this? His paystubs are all fine and he has all W2's from 2011 until 2012 and they are good!

PLS help me with this question, thank you for helping!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-03 04:46:00