
So we just got done talking to a supervisor, unfortunately it was a different one than last time 
And we pretty much got the response I thought we would get We were told to wait till the 11th of December, and if we don't hear anything by then call back once again.
This is just so ridiculous at this point!!!! Every time we are told to wait another 10 days, another 30 days, the days pass and once again nothing has happened!

I am really considering to get a lawyer/attorney, I am just unsure what else they could do then what we are already doing, calling calling calling and getting the sam BS answers every time...

WOW! Yes I totally agree!! It's getting ridiculous! I would like to know why?! What's there problem to just send all the information that they have in their system and send it once again to the NVC what's the problem on this?!? How can it get lost all the time?!?!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-12-02 12:02:00
What would you do at this moment? What is your fiance suggesting?
Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-12-02 11:51:00
This is unbelievable!! I would to 1000% recommend you an attorney!

This is not acceptable anylonger! I know you have been going through a lot and this is so horrible!

I really wish you all the best but please talk to a lawyer!! :*

Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-12-02 11:42:00
USCIS Service CentersANYONE EVER HAD THIS???Need Help

5 months is a goal, not a guarantee.  6-7 months is still normal.
After that then I'd start thinking of service requests.

I see ya'll were getting approved after 4 months..... It's easier then! We already got a service request again! Uscis told us on the phone they are after our noa1 date (working on petitions)! So we got the service request!

My question is what can we do now? We already invited our senator........ His secretary told us on january 27th 2014, that we should hear something withing the next 30 business days ...... Until YET nothing!!! What else are our options besides writing the secretary again that there wasn't a case update in this 30 days (when we really don't hear anything by the end of this month)!?!?

Would it. Be helpful to invite the congressman? Or is it useless because the senator is already involved and he is a higher person ast the congressman?

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-11 10:01:00
USCIS Service CentersANYONE EVER HAD THIS???Need Help


6 months is still inside normal processing times.


Why is 6 months still normal processing times?! When the official website says 5 months?! And on the phone the people from uscis already told us they are working on petitions right now, after our NOA1 Date!! So we got a very helpful service request.............................................. see signature

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-10 14:25:00
USCIS Service CentersANYONE EVER HAD THIS???Need Help

Hey I tried to respond you your message but it won't let me private message you back. Maybe you have the option switched off. There isn't much you can do other than have a senators office call the USCIS and put in a inquiry. You can call and ask to speak to a supervisor but they will most properly tell u too wait more and a service request I found to be a waste of time as they just tell you what you already know. I know how frustrating the wait is and it lead to me and my fiancée arguing and everything. We was told we was delayed because of my B2 denial and the fact that my fiancée is divorced but if that's true or not I don't know as congress person we 1st had 'helping' was useless and really could not be bothered to help us very much hence why the senators office we got to help was much better and quicker. Have u tried emailing USCIS head office yet? After I emailed head office with what was going on we was approved a few days later. Maybe just a coincidence but I still feel that it helped.

Hey, yeah I don't know what happend? One day I came online and it was changed..... I can't write anyone anymore either.... I didn't changed anything... Hm anyways.

Well, on january 27th, 2014 the secretary of the senator wrote us an E-Mail that we should hear something in the next 30 business days.... (We contacted the senator already two months ago; for help) .... So we decided to give them the chance to work on our petition in the next 30 days from january 27th on......

If we don't hear anything until the end of february 2014 we will write the head office of USCIS.

We are tired of waiting :-(

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-06 16:23:00
USCIS Service CentersANYONE EVER HAD THIS???Need Help

how much month has your petition being with the uscis before you put in service request

We got the service request on january 23rd 2014!
Our noa1 date was august 12th, 2013 so on january 12th, 2014 we were at the 5 months processing time! But they told us on the phone that they actually work on july 16th, 2013 petitions (by the way, uscis isn't updating after every day they have finished, their system with the actually date they work on, so they were probably already further then that date)!

On januar 23rd, 2014 we called again to get the actually processing date they work on and they said they would work now already on august 16th, 2013 petitions. Which would mean they have passed our Noa1 date of august 12th, 2013 and we were getting the service request.....

Edited by Trisha89, 06 February 2014 - 01:52 PM.

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-06 13:50:00
USCIS Service CentersANYONE EVER HAD THIS???Need Help

You are going to need to be a little more patient.  There really isn't anything else you can do but wait.  If you believe the processing is considerably outside the time window you can get a congressman/senator involved to see if they can help.  But for now, you have your answer - still in processing.

Thank you very much for your response. We just got this service request because they were working over a week ago on august 16th, 2013 petitions and our noa1 date was august 12th, 2013! So they passed our date....

We already involved the senator over two months ago, by telling him that we then and then have reached the 5 months mark of processing time...his secretary is in contact via E-Mail with my fiance.

I guess We will wait a little more like you said and see what's happening... :-/

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-06 05:32:00
USCIS Service CentersANYONE EVER HAD THIS???Need Help
We just received our service request answer yesterday.... It is not what we were looking for! After almost 6 months of waiting for the NOA2!


Here the response from them:

The status of this service request is:

On 01/23/2014, you or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your I129F to notify us that you believe your case is outside of our normal processing time. Below is a summary of what we found and how the issue has been or may be resolved.

Your petition/application is still pending consideration. We regret that we are not able to give you a timeframe for when we will complete the review of your petition/application.

What You Can Do
Please see the "Online Services" below to check the status of your case in the near future. We apologize for the delay.

We hope this information is helpful to you.

Edited by Trisha89, 06 February 2014 - 05:06 AM.

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-06 05:05:00
USCIS Service CentersProcessing times for NOA2

Thanks for the reply, we haven't got it yet but we got an estimate of Feb 10th from this site.  Im hoping we will get NOA2 in the next 2 - 4 weeks.

We are in TSC and tomorrow we wait 6 endless months for NOA2.

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-11 13:10:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?

Ah, then your case is definitely more complicated than I first thought..  It's possible it has been assigned to a special person for extra scrutiny or something.  I would still keep on your current course, trying to hold them to account, but it's definitely not the same as if you had not had any previous troubles

So you think my denial is the reason why we are still waiting?? My lawyer told me it doesn't affect our visa and some people from VJ here told me the same... :-/ it is really hard because I really just wanted to see him for another two months... I understand it is their job to look for people who want to immigrate without a visa (at poe) but we us tey really took the wrong ones! :-C I wish so much to finally get approved.... We keep calling them

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-27 07:38:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?

I am very sorry for your misfortune. Yeah my fiance always got a hard time from customs but luckily was let through every time. But yeah I don't see why this would hinder immigration.

Thank you. I hope y'all get your good news soon too! Hang in there! It is really the hardest part this waiting but totally worth it when you always know you'll spend the rest of your life with this person <3 Love is always the strongest!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 18:20:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?
I never had applied for a visa before and he neither! I was getting denied because they thought that we were trying to get married when I would come there a 2nd time for two months! We bith didn't informed us that you have to stay at least 3 months in your country before you can come back! There was at no time for us the idea to get married when I visit him again for so long.... I just wanted to spend my time with him but oh well it's their job!

It was just really hard and unfair when you know so many people are in the US without a visa and they don't get this people! And me they are catching where I just wanted to spend time with him :'(!
For us it was always for sure that we will make everything on a legal way with applying for a visa

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 18:07:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?

You were denied for what? I-129F petition previously?

I came in the us on march 25th, 2013 I was spending 84 days with my at that time still boyfriend, NO VISA i just came with the Visa Waiver Program! I staied two weeks at my parents house in germany and wanted to go back in the US on june 30th, 2013. i told the officer I want to spend another 2 months with my boyfriend but they didn't let me in the country.... :-( I didn't know you have to stay for at least 3 months in your country before you can come back! We didn't had any intention to get married just spending time together! And another thing that was making them looking like a red flag was that i had no job and lived at my parents house at that time because my job as flight attendant ended in the end of march 2013 because my company was getting bankruppt.....

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 18:02:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?
The lawyer, can't really help much, he said it is a long process and we can't do anything as wait! My fiancé and me already asked for a service request! We will see what they have for us.... If that is not helping us and the USCIS wants to tell us to wait another 6 months before calling again, because of "background checks" (that's what I always read here on VJ when people asked for service request), than we will ask. For an INFOPASS!

We already contactedtge senator of Alabama and the congressman too (just wrote the congressman yesterday - no reply yet) and the ombudsman too!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 17:58:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?

You need to call again or get a lawyer. Do you check on your case status? If you go here: https://egov.uscis.g...d/ and type in your case number you should be able to find out where you're at.

1. YES we have a lawyer, immigration lawyer, we fillet with him the petition!

2. i check the website of the gov. 20 times a day.... Still initial review!

I had the thought already that they haven't approved us because of my denial on june 30, 2013! But the lawyer told us that this WILL NOT affect our petition and I asked here on VJ already too and got from the people here said too that it has no influance on the I-129f petition!

Plus I have here seen a person getting denied before to from the UK an he got still approved the k1 so I don't know, maybe i am just worried about something that really doesn't affect the visa..... Probably our case haven't been touched yet :-/ I hope

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 17:53:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?

That is weird I wonder why some cases don't take as long as others. Did you get a RFE? Ever been previously married?

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 17:45:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?
No criminal backgrounds, no kids, both haven't been married before! We are both same age, 24, he is getting in march 25 and me in july!
I am totally upset and don't understand it! We have a service request pending.... Told us that they come back to us in 15 days or less ... Service request is pending since last thursday... They have passed our date of august 12th,2013! Told us on the phone that they actually work on august 16th, 2013 cases!(LOL I KNOW MAKES SENSE WHEN YOU SEE ON IGOR'S List always people getting approved from december and november 2013!!) but well, that's what they tell us on the phone! Can't change it...

We never got an RFE! But could be also that they were sending it but never got it????? Worried about so much right now,..... Maybe lost our petition??? omg..

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 17:38:00
USCIS Service CentersK-1 process going faster?
Still waiting since august 12, 2013!
Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 17:29:00
USCIS Service CentersFast NOA 2 Times

There are a lot VJ members who have been approved less than a month. Unfortunately there is no certain answer when your alien registration number has changed. My I-129F approved 2 weeks after my alien registration number was changed but one of my friends here had to wait almost 3 months to get approved after his fiance alien registration was changed.
You were got your NOA-1 January 14. I know CSC is well known on VJ for being fast for approval and consider yourself lucky since there are a lot VJers here still waiting their NOA-2, those who filed from May last year.

I agree with this!
We filled in August last year and are still waiting for our NOA2,.... But we are in TSC not CSC.

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-13 16:28:00
USCIS Service CentersPLEASE HELP! Infopass helpfull?
My question is, if it's helpfull to ask for an infopass because of our I-129f case? Right now we have a service request pending, can we still ask although the service request is pending or would it make sense to wait and ask for the infopass after the service request?

The USCIS told us on the phone that TSC has passed our receipt date (NOA1) of august, 12, 2013! They would actually work on august 16,2013 that's why we were getting the service request from them.....

I was reading a lot that they give you the response of this service request with "background checks" and to call back in 6 months, so that's why I'm asking if people have made here good experiences with an INFOPASS and if it's helpfull...

I appreciate your help really so much! Thank you all

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-26 14:23:00
USCIS Service CentersDon't know what to do anymore! Pls over 5 months since NOA1-> TSC
We are in TSC but this doesn't matter I think! They will contact them hopefully and maybe we will hear some good news soon :) thank you for your help! I'll let y'all know if anything new has happend

Edited by Trisha89, 13 February 2014 - 09:23 AM.

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-13 09:23:00
USCIS Service CentersDon't know what to do anymore! Pls over 5 months since NOA1-> TSC

There normally answer within a few days but the us citizen needs to be there one who emails them from there registered email.

Ooohh, :(! I think if nothing is coming from them, then he is going to write them again in the end of february....

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-13 09:03:00
USCIS Service CentersDon't know what to do anymore! Pls over 5 months since NOA1-> TSC

Or you can email the head office of the USCIS

Hey I just wrote to the head office! I hope to hear something still today...... It is here in Germany 2 p.m.
When were you getting an E-Mail from them back? On the same day you wrote them? Thank you so much for your help.

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-13 08:01:00
USCIS Service CentersDon't know what to do anymore! Pls over 5 months since NOA1-> TSC
This is really NOT FUN anymore!!!! TSC is after our NOA1 date, last time we called they worked on august 16, 2013 petitions and that's a week ago! We have NOA1 date of august 12,2013!

On February 12th, 2014 we are already waiting 6 months just for our NOA2 in our K1 process and it is getting really ridiculous in my eyes now! People already get approved from november and december 2013 and I know two other couples that are still waiting that, filled in AUGUST 2013 too!!

We already asked for a service request and never got a response, same for ombudsman! I wrote the congressman and senator.... I'm just asking whatelse are we having for choices if the senator can't help us?
USCIS is giving you on the phone not much information at all...... We are getting out of ideas and would like to get to know more what we can do if all this isn't working....

Thank you.

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-01-31 14:10:00
USCIS Service CentersSeems mostly Filipinos K1 fiancees have gotten NOA2 for Dec/13 filers

With the hurricane devastation Philippine had experienced last year,
it appears USCIS is expediting Filipino visa processing. 
I am totally happy for them...
It's just that in the meanwhile...I'm still waiting for NOA2
after receiving NOA1 on Dec/19. 
Any non Filipino December filers being processed at TSC get NOA2 yet?
Good luck everyone. 

Also that you just ask for people who already have their NOA2,...

We are still waiting since august 12, 2013!


Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-02-10 01:46:00
USCIS Service CentersIs here somebody who is waiting more than 5 months (Texas Service Centre)
Ours took 6 months and 2 days before we got NOA2 on February 14th this year.... :) and we were TSC too!
Still in process no visa in hand yet!

Trisha89FemaleGermany2014-03-21 12:43:00
United KingdomInterview in an hour!

Thanks for the luck guys! He was approved! Managed to get home by 9:30am even! SUPER HAPPY :D

?????? Congratulations!!! ??????

Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-09-19 03:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNoa2 When should i expect?
We are waiting for NOA2 since august 12, 2013 almost 4 months but we are in Texas Service Center... It's frustrating. :-(
Trisha89FemaleGermany2013-12-06 16:19:00