K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures125% above poverty line??

Pushbrk is right, previous years are OPTIONAL the most recent tax year is required. For this year it would be the 2010 filing. You do have to be current with no outstanding tax any previous years but they will know that. Also check the poverty guideline page carefully because they might mean for you to multiply the povertyline shown by 1.25 to arrive at the amount you need to be above. Some charts are alreday muliplied some are not if not it should say so in the fine print. It doesn't matter for yours as your way above but just putting it here anyway. Jim.

You do NOT have to be current on your taxes. A tax lien would be a problem but it takes years of past due to get to that point. Good clarification on the percentage though. It's 125% "of" not 125% "above" the poverty level.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-16 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures125% above poverty line??

They do need your three years of tax transcripts but from what I've seen ..they look at the past years but consider the last one the most important of previous earnings... 2010 so your way above in 2010 and in this current year they also look at closely so your way above in 2011 so you are fine....

so in other words considering yoru above poverty in 2010 and the current need for joint sponsor...

Get your fiance here and good luck!!!

Nothing on any affidavit of support asks for current year income. K1 applications do not use a "joint sponsor". That's a term that applies to the I-864, not the I-134 used in the K1 process.

The OP's current income qualifies them. They do NOT need three years of tax transcripts or copies of three tax returns. It's OK to provide them if it will help but no need if it won't. If I were the OP, I would state the current income and document it with a current pay stub, then also provide the 2010 tax return. No need for 2009 or 2008.

To clarify, current year income and current income are not the same thing.

Edited by pushbrk, 16 August 2011 - 10:19 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-16 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFirst week of app and already stressed/confused!

Thank you for the useful answer! I was freaking out a bit!

I did not specify signature! just delivery confirmation... I know there's no physical person to sign it at a PO BOX!

Thanks again!

But, did you use Express Mail or Priority Mail. Express Mail requires a signature but Priority Mail doesn't. If you used express mail and paid the extra, you can add yourself to the list of examples why Priority Mail is the ticket for USCIS PO Box delivery.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-19 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

I did read the whole thing, thanks. Did you read and see my posts, namely the ones explaining that AOS was a fine route to take and steering the thread in the right direction? My question is still relevant. The OP is from a VW country and got a B2. If they were asked if they had a bf in the states, and said no, it will be a problem. This probably didn't happen, but it is slightly unusual for a VWP country person to have a B2. Just curious about the circumstances of getting the B2. Your attitude is always a delight.

There are no "boyfriend" questions on B visa applications?

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

If OP does AOS then they also need I-130.

The only question I have is whether or not the OP disclosed a bf in the states when applying for a B2 visa, since they are from a VWP country.

No, that is NOT an issue. SHEESH! Does anybody read before they post?

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

I didn't say not try.
I'm the kind of person who likes to get it done the first time and done right. So I would weigh out my options. And if something caused doubt in my mind, I'd find another option. No one said anything about not trying.

There will be doubt in any immigration process until the process is successfully completed. Decide among options wisely.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

The bottom line is that nothing is a slam dunk.. K1 is not either. However, AOS after marriage to USC has no more risk than just applying for K1. Thus, in case of the OP (unless we do not know womething that was misrepresented) clearly AOS after marriage is the way to go.

Almost. For the last year or so, you would need to qualify that for those entering on the VWP and filing after 90 days. There's more risk there than with the K1, particularly if filing in So. Cal. The OP entered on a B visa though, so not an issue.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

I stand corrected. Understood. :thumbs:

Often the devil is in the details. Posted Image

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

This does not apply to this case as she is already here.

Correct, the situation is different but her story is meaningful to the discussion. In her case, had the last attempted entry been (ultimately after the questioning) successful AFTER SPECIFICALLY stating she had no intent to marry, THEN they marry and adjust status, could be a big problem. This is because they will have lied about a specific question that would have been noted in the file. That's the kind of case where marrying and adjusting status is a problem.

These discussions have happened numerous times over the years. In short, unless a material misrepresentation is made to a specific question, the spouse of a US Citizen who legally entered the USA on a B visa is entitled to marry and adjust status, even if they overstay the visa AND they have full rights to appeal.

Entry under the Visa Waiver Program essentially has the same entitlement regardless of intent on entry as long as there's no specific misrepresentation. The differences are that those folks have no right to appeal AND some cases (not sure of any from other than So. California) have been denied if they didn't get their AOS filed before their 90 day allowed stay ended. This started about a year ago in San Diego but I've seen plenty of other cases successful when filing after the 90 days, in other locations since then.

In this context, even the intent to marry and adjust status is not an issue as long as there was no specific misrepresentation. Omission or generic truthful answers for purpose of the visit are NOT considered misrepresentation in this context. All assertions to the contrary are due to misunderstanding or urban legend.

Some of us have been to many of these rodeos before. Trust me on this.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

lol This is the second time in under a month I've seen the same argument about Adjusting Status w/in the states after being on a different visa.

I think really, the only real worry is for people who've done something illegally (which OP has not done).
The rest is paranoia, and I think there ARE some cases that don't go through because maybe a CO thinks the person came in with an intent to marry. It's not a complete myth. How can it be if the paranoia exists? We see similar things happen in the visa process. Sometimes one out of hundreds of couples will be the one who has a visa denied cause the CO didn't think it was a bonafide relationship, when it in fact was. So who's to say this situation doesn't happen once in a while? Just saying.

But all in all, pretty darn safe to Adjust Status (as long as it's not in San Diego and the person isn't's harder over here.)

No "CO" is involved in making decisions about adjusting status. USCIS "adjudicators" do that. The paranoia exists because people either misunderstand circumstances or because they simply hear or read the false information from multiple sources.

There's lots of confusion on this issue. Those who don't really know, would be wise to read and learn instead of posting nonsense.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

I again disagree with this respectfuly. Lets Open that Can Of Worms like USCIS will later. The OP states: I really came to see my Fiance on a separate Visa than a K-1. There are exceptions as to marrying on a separate Visa when there was NO Intent to meet someone and marry here. These cases may require an Attorney just to prove that alone. The Attorney would be putting himself at risk if he/she knew it was not the truth. The Petitioner/Beneficiary would Suffer more so.

Never walk behind a blind man walking his Dog in the park and he's carrying a "Pouper Scouper" USCIS has a sense for smell.

You are just DEAD WRONG on this. Please drop this line of nonsense.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fiancè visa

I'm going to agree with Ryan on this. And disagree with Anh Map for these specific issues that will arrise later if you Marry on a Visitors Visa (when you stated I came really to see my Fiance) and now want to stay. If your Passport shows a Visitors Visa, Holiday, whatever and your true intent was to see your fiance and Marry and looking for a Loop-hole. To the System. RED FLAGS.
While your together get your paperwork together for either a K-1 or a Spousal Visa but you will still have to return to your Country and wait as we all do. You see, your real intent on your Visa was to see your fiance but you marked Visitor/Holiday (never heard of a 6 month Holiday Visa but I don't know everything.) How are you going to explain to USCIS this later? I strongly encourage Ryans advice and get your K-1 Petition going and Do not Attempt what you know is wrong or you would have never have asked "If We Know A Loophole." There is No answer to this but to me and I wish you luck would appear to be Visa Fraud and give your Fiance a big kiss if deported and banned. PLAY IT SAFE. Love Requires Rules and so does the System with USCIS.
I'm courious what Gary and Pushbrk will say. Just my thought.
Good Luck

All the potential problems mentioned above are myths. They do not apply to the OP's circumstances. Marrying and adjusting status while in the USA on a tourist visa is perfectly allowed. Intention upon entry is the only intention questioned. (If even that) In this circumstance intentions clearly changed AFTER entry. Unless the foreigner has a personal pressing need to leave the USA before they can complete AOS or obtain Advance Parole, they can confidently and safely choose the adjustment of status route.

May I respectfully suggest that when more senior members make recommendations, you think to LEARN from them, rather than confuse the new member with false arguments? You don't know as much as you think you do.

Edited by pushbrk, 04 August 2011 - 01:27 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-04 13:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 applied but met 4 yers ago and not in last 2 yers

These would've been cases from about 2000-20004.

Humorous typo, but I expect the same will continue to be true if USCIS is still around in 20004. Posted Image

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-18 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 applied but met 4 yers ago and not in last 2 yers

Your response doesn't seem appropriate. It was not a suggestion to be untruthful. The suggestion appears to be based on this comment from the OP:

It doesn't seem appropriate to YOU because you have no clue what you're talking about. "Due to the cultural values and customs he has not communicate with his finace", does not meet he is forbidden from meeting in person. They HAVE met and can meet again. The requirement will not be waived and what you suggested would be a lie.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-17 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 applied but met 4 yers ago and not in last 2 yers

Can't they send a letter specifying that cultural values forbade communication between them? I as because that is what the OP is implying. Is that not the only way to overcome the requirement for meeting in the past 2 yrs? I am not sure how that works which is why I am asking instead of telling them to do that.

No! Not only will this not work, it won't work because it isn't true. Telling such a lie is a very bad thing. A successful USA immigration process requires truth telling. All ideas of saying, writing or answering anything with something other than the truth must be vanquished from your mind. Otherwise, be ready to plan a life together outside the USA.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-17 15:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 applied but met 4 yers ago and not in last 2 yers

No, they wont accept that. The meeting had to occur before he applied for K1 visa.

No, the meeting had to occur before the petition was filed. Visas are applied for AFTER petitions are approved. Don't confuse petitions with visa applications.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-17 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 applied but met 4 yers ago and not in last 2 yers

One more thing to clarify. Can he visit her in next few weeks and then submitt that as a proof of meeting for RFE sent, will they accept it? or does he need to apply a brand new petition?

That won't work. The meeting must occur within the two years prior to filing the petition. I would respond to the RFE with a letter withdrawing the petition, then go meet and file again.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-17 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSingapore fiancee

To the point

Can my fiancee be with me in the USA while we are preparing her paperwork and filing for our K1?
Singapore is a visa exempt country and she has her visa waiver done and has been traveling back and fourth with me. I was told that she cannot file for K1 because this is considered a visa and you cannot hold one while filing for another

Thanks Chris

A visit is a visit and has its limitations. If your fiancee is in the USA on a visit on the day you file an I-129F petition, that's fine but he/she will need to avoid overstaying their allowed time. A fiancee visa is obtained outside the USA, usually about 8 to 10 months AFTER the petition is filed.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-21 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBinder Type

I was just curious to know if there are binders that are preferred by the USCIS for petition preparation.And also if there are binders that are frowned upon as well.

They prefer not to have to throw away your binder. Such a waste. Maybe use a "binder clip" to hold the papers in order when you place the stack in a Priority Mail "envelope".

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-21 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa financial Support evidence

Hi PushBrk,

Thanks for your insight. Maybe i wrote it in a bit wrong way, i do want to get setteled with my fiancee in USA thats what her parents want, i was looking to go back Singapore while my GC is being processed because i do not want to lose the source of income coz i be taking care of my faincee then and with no money in US waiting for EAD and GC done and then search for the job when market is not so good, i was just worried and wanted to know that that is why i thought its good to go back Singapore and wait till GC is done if i get a AP approved (If showing my Singapore employer letter is not a good reason i can say me and my fiancee are going to visit my parrents back in my country?) else i wont move.

Thanks a lot i do understand what you mean!

Chances are, you'll have a joint interview in the States just before your green card is issued. They'll want to see that you've been living together as husband and wife, in the USA during that time. Else you won't move where, to the US or won't go back and work in Singapore?

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-21 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa financial Support evidence

Hi Anh,

Thanks for the information, just wondering how much time it take to get AP? and on a condition that i may a lose a job in singapore will they approve my AP?

also i do not hold that much funds in singapore, her father is retired marine and he does get pension and mother work full time as Nurse at two places, she does earn almost ok to meet 125% poverty line its bit confusing for me now and really making me nervous...Thanks though i m going to think about it and all the best for you!!

It takes about three months to get AP. You have two huge hurdles. First, applying for AP is done concurrently with applying for Legal Permanent Resident status. This status is only granted to people actually residing in the USA. Your plan seems like one designed just to have a wedding in the USA and return to Singapore to live. If you do that, you'll need to start over again with a spouse visa before returning, and then only when you are ready to reside in the USA.

The financial issue must be solved with a sponsor living in the USA, using qualifying income or assets. As a spouse, YOUR assets can be considered but not YOUR income unless it will continue from the same source after immigrating to the USA.

If you don't plan to live in the USA, what's the point in taking the K1 visa route?

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-21 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat if you have been unemployed for more than 5 yrs

so it doesnt matter if beneficiary has been unemployed for more than 5 yrs?

she cant show proofs that she makes money, and been working abroad but cant locate employers address, they are not in google. Just few months of working abroad, and it was 3 yrs ago already.

"Proofs" are not needed. You stated you have a business. If asked about employment, provide the information about your business and as much information as available about any employment during the time asked for. Answer all specific questions as accurately as possible. Whether anybody will check or not is not the issue. Be truthful and accurate.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-22 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat if you have been unemployed for more than 5 yrs

How long ago was this? Can you not google them? I would just put the city if you trily cannot figure out the address.

Yes for employer address, company name, city and country are sufficient for a location.
Please note also that on a G325a form for foreigner OR USC, the last....abroad.... refers to OUTSIDE THE USA. So, for the foreigner, it's usually their current address unless they've been there less than a year and their current or most recent employment outside the USA.

Edited by pushbrk, 22 August 2011 - 07:45 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-22 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat if you have been unemployed for more than 5 yrs

If you made less than $18,400 you can make up for it with savings or property values. But the difference has to be multiplied by 3.

Yes, $3 in liquid assets can be used to make up an income shortfall but we have no idea what the household size is, so no idea what the income requirement is for this petitioner. When you don't know, you don't know, so ask.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-20 09:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat if you have been unemployed for more than 5 yrs

If you are self-employed you will have to provide your last year's tax returns and a bank letter with the I-134 to prove support once you get to the embassy interview stage. You must have made arround $18,400 last year. Otherwise you will need a co-sponser.

Good luck!

By "made around $18,400 last year" they mean you'll find a dollar figure at least that high on line 22 of your 2010 tax return 1040. That dollar figure goes up for each household member, so only applies if there's just you and your fiancee. If you haven't been filing tax returns. Do it now. If your income isn't that high, you'll need a cosponsor who DOES qualify for their own household size plus the intending immigrant.

Please complete your profile including which country your fiancee will be applying for a visa. Not all Consulates will accept a cosponsor for a K1 visa.

Edited by pushbrk, 20 August 2011 - 08:59 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-20 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI could not find this...Sorry if its a repeat.

Okay, I just want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. I have a signed with ink copy of the letter of intent from my fiance. I have a signed with ink original copy of my G25A. However, I don't have a signed with ink copy of his G25A. Should I:

  • submit an unsigned G25A for him stating "will sign at consulate"
  • Have him scan a signed copy and email it to me
  • or have him DHL/Fedex me the original signed copy

Just wanted some clarity. Thank everyone!!

What I am saying is that choices one and three above are fine. It's your choice. If it's belt and suspenders you prefer, choose option three.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-22 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI could not find this...Sorry if its a repeat.

A scanned copy is acceptable. However, Each letter of Intent must be Separate and Each signed in INK and Dated by both parties.

This answer is confusing. Technically, the G325a from a the foreigner can be submitted without signature. You can type or print, "Will sign at Consulate." in the signature space. However, since the letter of intent from each must bear an original signature and you need a passport photo too, it's usually quite practical to mail all three of those original items together.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-22 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngaged via email, wearing no wedding ring.

I am confused if a trip would be fruitful in the Philippines? Do you think I would get in? Do you think they would want to talk to me? From what I understand, it depends on the interviewer and I am not so informed as to how successful I would be. This is Philippines specific.

I said "at interview time", not to be a part of the interview. Time spent together in person is the strongest evidence of a genuine relationship. I suggested the timing so you would have more time to prepare and then it's nice to travel together.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-18 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngaged via email, wearing no wedding ring.

Pushbrk - I know one couple that just filed and they are using mostly Skype to communicate and visited only once. This might be enough if they are sincere and honest ?

I live in the real world and I am limited to one trip a year and being a key software engineer requires me to jump through hoops to get two weeks off straight and that is not always guaranteed. How people travel 3 times to meet their mate, I don't know but I wish I could.

We will be using every method possible (Phone logs, letters, cards, presents) on a continuing basis. My view is we will do far more than required and I actually think all the communication will strengthen our relationship. We are aware that it is the totallity of the evidence and how well the fiancee interviews which will make the case. I am so thankful to hear that there are many couples as crazy (or certain) about their choice that they Skyped for months, traveled only once and get engaged like we did. This was the most encouraging statement I have seen.

While lots of K1 visas are approved in Manila with only one visit, I still advise a second visit if possible. Perhaps you could go back at interview time.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-18 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngaged via email, wearing no wedding ring.

It doesn't matter if you have ring or not. As long as you have proofs like pictures of you together showing genuine relationship, you will be okay!! Goodluck and GOD bless!!

This is a dangerous statement. I would never presume to tell anybody what they need to be "okay". First, photographs are evidence, not proof. The decision is made on the totality of circumstances and evidence at a personal interview with a Consular officer. We on VJ, never know enough about any case (based only on what is posted here) to form any reliable opinion on whether a couple will be OK.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-18 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngaged via email, wearing no wedding ring.

in the philippines, it's really not a tradition to get engaged with a ring involved. my husband and i didnt have any engagement. it was our mutual decision to get married. what was important for us was that it was our mutual plan that we would like to get married. we are both philippine born, but husband is a USC. it was only a new fad here that getting a ring is followed... really, not part of our tradition.

in any event that uscis may require documentation, i feel it is better for you to write a statement saying, that you got engaged without a ring yet. and, it's just but sensible cause, i honestly dont think that you will get engaged upon the first date.. that's just my 2 cents worth...

US Citizens traveling to the Philippines after a few months of online communication then getting engaged during the first visit is extremely common and has been for several if not ten or more years.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-18 01:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngaged via email, wearing no wedding ring.
Just to be perfectly clear, a couple can be engaged to marry without any gift exchange of any kind. Unless the case will be going through a Consulate where a certain local custom needs to be followed before the engagement is considered legitimate, this is a non-issue. Certainly the presentation of a ring as part of the proposal is not a requirement ANYWHERE, in the context of securing a K1 visa.
pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-18 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngaged via email, wearing no wedding ring.

I met my fiance once. I did not ask her to marry me when I was there because it is customary to ask when you present a ring. I did not have a ring for her because we decided for her not to wear one.

Her parents live in a high risk area and a Filipina woman was just kidnapped from there the week before who was married to an American. We don't want to advertise that she is engaged for her family's safety. She is from Zamboanga City which is near Abu Sayyaf and his violent rebels.

We are now wondering if this was a mistake not to bring her a ring. Not to wear a ring. Also asking to be engaged over email. We are working hard to provide all the other support.

I am spendning a great deal of money on her teeth and maybe this would provide some evidence that we are serious.

Are there any couples out there that have been approved without a ring ? I realize that it says it is unneccessary but I want to hear from some that have been in the same situation.

No ring, no problem. Proposal by email or phone, no problem.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-17 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMPORTANT
Probably a bad scan of fingerprints. You'll know soon.
pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-21 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA NUMBER


It's the red one.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-15 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen does the CO reviews all documents


when NVC send your case to the embassy they will send you a letter stating that you are now elligible to call for an interview appointment, it also state the link of the instruction what next u do.when making an interview appointment u can do it online or by phone,(search for the phone numbers)then those pictures togther,chat,emails,snail maails,card and etc thats shows bonafide and on going relationship will bring during the interview you will have to handed those paper during the interview if CO will ask u.mostly co did.

no consular will handle the case start to end,people at nvc and consular are different,from what ive heard and know/.

NVC are not Consular Officers and have no decision making responsibility with regard to K1 visa issuance. Whether or when one or more Consular Officers and other staff will review the case file will vary with circumstances but it will be before AND during the interview. When and whether you can submit additional relationship evidence is up to the Consular Officer.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-24 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis this enough??

Has anybody gotten by without an EMPLOYMENT LETTER ?

My house is almost paid off and I have 3 years of proof of high income (pay stubs/IRS records) however I do work for the family and hate to ask them since they are only marginally supportive of me marrying a foriegner.

With pay stubs, I would skip the employer letter. Yes, many have done this successfully. I think a pay stub is better evidence of current employment than an employer letter.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-24 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis this enough??

Hi there! I have 2010 W-2'S, 3/4 months worth of paystubs and a letter from his employer. Will this be enough for the interview??

The best practice is to include at least the complete 2010 tax return, in addition to what you have listed. If the pay stub, shows year to date "YTD" income, you really only need the most recent one.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-24 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 received but I'm away from home.

We received the NOA2 back in June and I wont be back in Australia to open the letter they sent me until the 29th. Does it matter long it takes me to respond to that letter?

Strange answers here. An NOA2 is a petition approval notice mailed to the US Citizen petitioner and requires no action at all. If you mean the Consulate sent you something, just respond when you're ready. They'll automatically extend the validity of the petition approval.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-08-26 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration specialist to file a K1 petition

For you to bring up the issue of ability when that was not the concern of the OP, is nothing more than pure speculation. How you could read that post and somehow comprehend the OP was concerned with "ability" says more about you. You took away something there was never there, that is speculation.

My response was to those who were speculating on the abilities of the OP by saying "you can" when they have no clue whether "you can" or not. Enough. Point is made. I get that you don't like it. That is not my concern.

Edited by pushbrk, 01 September 2011 - 02:38 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-09-01 14:38:00