K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSC - Bankruptcy & K1 Visa
No one?
JBSteven27Not TellingMexico2013-04-10 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSC - Bankruptcy & K1 Visa
First of all I would like to introduce myself and thank you all for your advice & input in advance.

I am 27 years old and have been dating my fiancé for almost a year now. We have decided to start a life together and feel that the K-1 Visa is our best option as opposed to marrying in our home country of Mexico and waiting for that much longer process.

My verifiable income (before any performance bonus) is around 60k so I do have a decent job which would serve to support my fiancé and myself.

The problem is that a few years ago when the recession took place I was unemployed due to a layover at my job and I was also a full time college student so I accumulated too much debt. It has been about 2 years or so that I have not been late to pay my bills but at the same time I am barely making it week after week, without being able to do any savings or even live as well as most of my co-workers.

If I file for Bankruptcy I should be able to quickly save in order for me to follow through with the plans of bringing my future wife over, but at the same time would I be hurting our chances? Would a bankruptcy so recent on my record affect our process? I have not started any filing yet, to be honest I can't until I save up at least a few thousand dollars for all the expenses that go with this.
JBSteven27Not TellingMexico2013-04-09 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere did you gether the documents before you sent them to the USCIS?? folder? Binder??

I just had everything binder clipped together.  I used those little post-it flags so I could differentiate all the different forms.  For the interview, I took several pages of pictures in a collage printed off on a colored printer.  I used Photoshop to label all the different pictures with the people and date.  

MonneyNot TellingMexico2013-07-15 15:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures6 months stay and applying for K-1?

Are you a Canadian Citizen?  You already have a B2 by virtue of having a Canadian passport.  You can apply for K-1 at any time.  One has nothing to do with the other.


Ooops, I just realized that after I posted! I edited my topic. Thanks for reminding me. I guess that still leaves the question of being in the US for 6 months and what the next steps are. Do I have to go back to Canada and wait until the next year, several months, or can I just do it while I'm in the States?

joniluiNot TellingCanada2013-06-13 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures6 months stay and applying for K-1?



My boyfriend lives in Dallas Fort-Worth, TX. I live in Toronto, Canada. I've never lived with him and that is something that is important to me. There seems to be no way to do that unless one of us gets a job offer (chances are slim for me, better for him but a bad time to do so). I was curious if I just stayed in the US for 6 months... how long after could I apply for the K-1? I'm assuming I'd obviously have to come back to Canada first. Do I have to wait until the next year? Or can I just do that while I'm in the States?


Any help would be appreciated!

Edited by jonilui, 13 June 2013 - 06:03 PM.

joniluiNot TellingCanada2013-06-13 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused by all the information
Thanks guys

All the feedback is greatly appreciated. Long road ahead at least it's realistic now!

SkinnysilentbobNot TellingIreland2013-06-28 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused by all the information
Hi all

I have just joined as I am completely overwhelmed by the volume of information online regarding the K-1 process. My problem and perhaps many others have experienced this is that the range of answers concerning questions are wide apart. This is especially true with application times. While no-one can give a specific time relating to another person's case, I am looking to see if anyone out there would share their time-frame with me. I would be very grateful.

Myself and my fiance have just started the I-129f application. She is the US citizen I am from Ireland. We met in Ireland and were living together for over a year. She left 6 weeks ago and has started back to work etc. Basically what I need from anyone who has the time or knowledge, is a realistic expectation (from someone who is after or currently completing the K-1) of what we are looking at in terms of waiting time and potential bumps in the road that we should prepare for. We personally much prefer to know what we will be going through rather than living in false hope.

Thanks in advance for anyone who offers their time and advice to us

SkinnysilentbobNot TellingIreland2013-06-28 03:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa concerns

First visit was 9 days, we stayed in a hotel together in the city she went to school. Her parents came to meet me for two days of the visit, they were happy about the engagement because their daughter was happy and in love with me. We talk online for around 10-12 hours a day, from when we wake up til one of us needs sleep and vice versa. We've known each other for over a year.

Great. I'm sure you'll enjoy your next visit. FYI, although Guangzhou requires two Chinese characters, it is only one word, so the Pinyin I'm using to spell it is correct including the capitalization.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-07-27 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa concerns

Thanks, I sent them messages hope they can help me

No matter what other evidence of relationship you have, the evidence of time spent together in person, is by far the strongest. By all means, go see your fiancee again, whether in the middle or at the end of the process. Whatever works for you. Minimum requirements for getting a petition filed and approved have been met but an approved petition is far from an approved visa.

How long was your first visit? Are there other concerns or red flags in your relationship? All this makes a difference.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-07-27 06:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnce i have k1 can i still enter on my b2 or crewman visa?

Ok some confusion. Once I enter the USA when I'm ready to come live with my partner I won't be leaving the USA till I get ap or even much longer. I will have left my airline job too so won't even need the crew visa . What I was asking was for the period (4 weeks) immediately after I resign from my job and have interview at london embassy until I do my last day of duty. My job requires me to travel to USA on a c1/d I think the visa is called. I'm going to go with the majority and opt not to do these US flights for my final month of working just in case they look at the k1 and start fussing.
I could even resign 4 weeks before my interview but I don't want to take any chances, I'm going to earn the money while I still have a job as I've looked at US jobs market and doesn't seem like a great deal available for me.

Expect your crew visa and/or any other US visa to be invalid beginning the day your K1 is approved and plan accordingly.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-02 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnce i have k1 can i still enter on my b2 or crewman visa?

Sorry but to clarify, y will enter the usa before settling down and getting married, is it correct.

The only issue i can see is to have two valid visas on yr passport which the usa might have a problem.As i said i will advise y to email them instead of speaking as y have proof.
When clarify, make sure they do not cancel visa by putting a post it note.

When y are travelling in the usa, are y in transit or y leave the airport?

Sorry to ask but just want to give y a good answer. The usa embassy in london is very helpful and nice so y will have no pb to deal with them. I used to deal with them alot.

There will not be two valid visas in the passport if the K1 is issued. K1 is a bad idea for this couple.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-02 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnce i have k1 can i still enter on my b2 or crewman visa?

Just as an FYI, given the above posts..... Quite a number of us were allowed to enter the US with the K-1 visa in our passports without having to have them endorsed. When I asked the officer at the Consulate about it he said that there is no policy that a visa must be used at the POE, but that the CBP Officer always has the final say. If that Officer has their own interpretation of policy then that's the scenario which will play out. The Officer I had was a bit wary, but once I explained the reasons and my intended entry date I was allowed to enter. If you are going through a pre-clearance centre or are close to a land border then it's not as much of a risk as if you are turned back on US soil after a long flight.

Having said all that, Canadians are in a very different class of relationship with the US than other countries. There is the possibility that the K-1 visa will cancel out any other visa which you may have. In order to minimize problems at the POE, your best bet is to delay the interview or to request a delay of issuance of the visa at the interview.

The K1 process, requires a period from K1 entry which must occur PRIOR to marriage, until marriage, AOS filing and AP or Green Card received, where the foreigner cannot re-enter the USA if they leave. If this minimum of about 4 months land locked in the USA, will not work for you, have the US Citizen withdraw the I-129F petition, then marry and follow the spouse visa route. Once you use the CR1 visa to enter the USA, you may travel freely as soon as you wish.

K1 visas do not work if you need to be free to travel internationally soon after entry.

Edited by pushbrk, 02 August 2012 - 10:17 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-02 10:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Embassy in GHANA-where does package go?

Okay, thanks! I sent an e-mail and will wait to hear back. Just want to make sure we get the packets!!

Oh, btw, do any of you know if my fiance (ghanaian) needs to bring an original copy of MY birth certificate to the interview? Thanks!

The US Citizen's birth certificate is not needed at the interview. Petitioner's citizenship status has already been adjudicated.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-08 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS Embassy in GHANA-where does package go?

Hi everyone!

So I received a letter from the NVC here in the States saying that the fiance petition has been or will be sent to the US Embassy in Ghana. My question is, what part of the US Embassy in Ghana receives the petition? This is a USCIS office in the US Embassy, however on their website they have a list of forms/petitions that they deal with and I did not see I-129f on there. I want to know so that we know what office to call/e-mail to find out if the package has been received. Could anyone help me out with this? THANK YOU!!!!


Your case file goes to the Immigrant Visa Unit in Accra. USCIS is finished with the visa portion of your case unless the visa is denied and the file sent back to them. If successful obtaining a visa, you won't deal with USCIS again until your then spouse adjusts status after marriage in the USA.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-07-22 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

:rofl: Sorry, out of topic, but I couldn't stop laughing out loud when I read the trademark symbol right beside The Bible. We make the book our, we always forget it is a TM of someone else's work.

I see the humor but I think the minister was simply saying it would be nice if the man came to the USA, so they could meet and have a courtship. He simply didn't understand anything about how that is accomplished.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-08 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

I fully understand what you are saying, but I disagree with the premise that most people are not aware that they are being scammed even while it is happening. I used the shell game as an example because it is one of the oldest scams in the world, it's been around for centuries and everyone knows about it, yet people still line up to be play it. Why do they do that? What allows people to put themselves in situations where they know they are vulnerable? I believe it's a feeling of false hope. Hope that maybe today is "my day" where things go right for me and I can beat that scammer at the shell game and win some money, even though I know it's a scam and my gut instinct tells me not to, I'm going to do it anyway because I'm feeling empowered today.

Everyone in the world is also aware about the romance scams from countries such as Nigeria, but we see people everyday falling victim to this same scam over and over. Why? Because that feeling of false hope has creeped in and "this guy just might be real", even though the feeling inside is telling me something is just not right. "I've been down on my luck lately and have had a string of bad relationships and I know that this is probably too good to be true, but he said he loves me". And another scam is hatched, not because of the victim's lack of knowledge of Nigerian culture, but because of the victim's vulnerability and sense of false hope.

Scammers prey on the weak and vulnerable, most of the time the signs are there, but unfortunately people choose to ignore them. No amount of wordly travel will change that.

Maybe stop with the absolutes like "everyone in the world" etc. and your ideas will have more credibility. No, not everybody in the world knows about the romance scams. THAT is WHY people fall victim to the scam on a regular basis. I actually hear of more romance scams from Ghana than Nigeria but those generally never get to the petition filing stage because they never meet. They are just about stringing the sucker along for as much money as possible.

It might be time to start considering you don't have as broad a frame of reference or experience in these matters as some of the rest of us here. Did you ever consider that for even just a second or two?

Please get off the worldly travel issue. It was put to bed pages ago. In and of itself it is an extremely minor issue but a red FLAG, that will bring additional scrutiny to a case. Lots of cases with MANY red "flags" pass scrutiny.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-08 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

That translates as a reluctance to take Greek compliments seriously, since they throw them about so easily.

Another example: many of my Arab students told me they loved me. Did they? Of course not, they throw love in very fast in most dealings they have with people. In my culture, we hardly ever say those words, so an Arab professing his love to me so fast would have moved me, had I not met so many.

Like it or not, we tend to judge other cultures by our own standards.

Those of us in relationships with Chinese women are wise to learn early that they "decide" to whom to GIVE their love, as opposed to "falling in love". The romantic love usually comes later. It's a little like how an American woman might decide about a second date.

Most of the people I know would NEVER consider marrying somebody they hadn't already determined through direct experience was "sexually compatible", yet there's a whole vast world of cultures out there that wouldn't think of having sex before or outside marriage. Some will condemn you to death for it. Most people I know are not much like me and only I, actually AM me.

Again, traditional in person, meetings (bar, party, wedding, workplace) are a minority of VJ members.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-07 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

It's really not a good idea to get immigration advice through private message. It's discouraged in most communities because of the level of error involved. It's far better to hash out questions in an open forum, where bad advice can be corrected by good.

That's correct. Don't know why Gary said that. If he has a question he sends me an email. When people PM me for advice I encourage them to post their questions in the applicable public forum where others can benefit from the discussion. Then, if they want to PM me a link to the question, I'll take a look.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-07 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Why do you keep responding?

Because I want to. Do you have something to add to the conversation?

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-07 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Most people I know would never think of committing to marriage without meeting their future spouse prior to their wedding day.

Stick around a while and you'll find most VJ members have not only thought of but already done the kind of things most of your, my or their friends don't think they would ever think of doing. Until shortly before I did it, I never thought of committing to marriage under the circumstances I did either. Probably most VJ members' friends and family at least at one time thought they were crazy for doing what they did. Some of them were. Most of the members here are engaged or married to people from a country without a border touching the USA, whom they met on the internet. For VJ,.....YOU....have the minority oddball relationship. When you get your head around that, you'll at least be reading from the same book even if not on the same page.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-07 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

My last sentence is completely true. The world is full of people with false hope, these are the people that are most susceptable to scams, it doesn't matter if they've never travelled or if they're globetrotters, if they are naive enough to be scammed, they will be. Have you ever seen scammers on the street playing the "shell game"? That game has been around for centuries and everyone knows it's a scam, yet everytime the scammer sets up his game, there are people lined up to play it. How can you sit here and tell me that scams are one of the reasons for minimum requirements such as meeting your fiance, which you chose not to do, and then proceed to tell me I sound clueless for pointing this very same thing out to you?

You're not a detail person, are you?

The people that fall for the Nigeria money scams don''t know they are scams. I didn't say anything about shell games. Your sentence was false and contradicted itself.

Read the minimum requirements again. I met them. I did not "chose not to do".

We have literally thousands, and perhaps the majority of members of VJ, (now and in the past) who made their "decision" to become engaged or "decision"" to marry prior to having met their loved one in person. In EACH case, they first met the requirements for filing a petition. (or they were not successful) In EACH case, they could change their minds after meeting. It is not our business to judge HOW they conducted their courtships and frankly, to make such judgmental comments is a violation of the terms of service for VJ. So, please STOP, immediately.

The discussion in these "upper" visa forums is to be confined to immigration matters. Judgmental relationship comments are out of line.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-07 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Really? Cause having met in person before you get married is a requirement for a K-1 visa. It just so happens that you chose to get married outside of the US where it's not as much a factor, but I guarantee it was looked at. Is name calling something you can't control?

Seems you have your blinders on. The things we're discussing have a broader context than you seem willing to embrace.

Actually, the requirement is to meet your fiance prior to filing a petition. For a spouse, the requirement is to legally marry AND consummate the marriage prior to filing a petition. I met my wife before we married.

Edited by pushbrk, 07 August 2012 - 07:51 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-07 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

If a person is naive enough to be scammed in this manner, no matter how many times they have traveled, they will still be susceptable to it. Every story you hear about people being scammed for immigration purposes they most always say that there were signs beforehand, requests for money, or an uneasy feeling in their gut that something isn't right, but they choose to ignore them. Most of these people know deep down that something just aint right, but they choose continue on anyway with the outside hope that it is all real. There is nothing any USCIS officer can do to change their minds. I don't believe a persons travel experience will have any sway in whether they are susceptable to being scammed.

It's just like the Nigerian e-mail scams that claim you've won the lottery or that you've inherited a ton of money. Everyone walking the face of the earth knows that they are fake, but people still fall for them every day.

Your last sentence is false. It is not possible to "fall for something" if you know it's fake. As for your first paragraph, "Hindsight is 20/20." Not sure why you're pursuing this line of argument. Scams are one of the reasons for the minimum requirements like meeting your fiance(e) or consummating a marriage prior to filing a petition.

Three indisputable facts coexist in the instant context.

1. People will ignore obvious signs something is wrong, when they think they're in love.
2. People will take what seem to many and even themselves to be significant risks that DO pay off.
3. About half all marriages eventually end in divorce, regardless of how the couple met or courted.

Again, the "never traveled" issue is small by itself but usually doesn't exist by itself. Those people are good "targets". Consular officers are on alert to signs of targets, so they can dig deeper to determine if the potential target is actually a victim. Sometimes they are and sometimes they're not.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-07 07:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Meeting your wife for the first time on your wedding day would be much more of a red flag than not having travel experience. And you called me naive? Wow!

Actually it's not but neither fact exists in a vacuum. My wife had one of easiest interviews I've ever heard of in Guangzhou and there are plenty of bad ones. I suggest you do more listening that talking for a while. You seem clueless.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-07 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Joining this site has been an eye opening experience. At first I thought it was a bit strange that someone who could not meet the poverty guidlines would want to bring a mate from a foreign country to start a new life here (the U.S. is expensive!)And, now to read about people who have never ever met in person wanting to commit their life and love to that person. While I'm sure it can work from time to time, it just sounds like a recipe for disaster from the start. You're picking a mate for life with a completely different cultural upbringing and set of values, sounds tough to me.

It IS tough, but the site is full of success stories. My wife and I married nearly 7 years ago. She's from a completely different cultural upbringing but not so completely different values. We decided to marry BEFORE meeting in person, and arrived at the marriage office the morning after my arrival in China. Lots of stories like that here. Lots of the others too.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-06 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

I originally asked for clarification on the issue, which I have received. I personally don't see the connection, and don't necessarily agree with it, but I can see how some might. You clarified it by stating it was a very small part by itself, but when combined with other issues, it could cause further scrutiny. That much, I can agree with.

The only "eyes" that matter in this circumstance are the eyes of a Consular Officer. They "see it" quite well.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-06 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Thank you, that's all I was saying.

But it isn't what you said. You said you didn't see it, not that it was small. Perhaps you misunderstand the meaning of "red flag". Red flags bring extra scrutiny to the whole case.

Edited by pushbrk, 06 August 2012 - 02:39 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-06 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

If they've never left the country, then where would they be spotted? If a person is naive, then they are naive, they can be scammed anywhere. In my opinion, (which is just my opinion), whether or not they have prior travel experience does not play a role in how easily a person can be scammed. I would think that the country the intending immigrant is from would weigh far more heavily than the petitioners prior travel experience.

They both have weight. YOUR naivety is showing now. That you do not see, does not mean it's not there to BE seen. By itself, the lack of prior international travel experience is a very small issue. There are usually other issues, which when combined, become more weighty.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-06 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

I'm not making the connection between travel experience and being scammed. How does a person's lack of travel experience make them more susceptible to being scammed?

Perhaps if you think about how more travel and worldly experience would help one avoid being scammed, some light might start to shine. That said, it's just one of a number of factors that scammers look for.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-06 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Just curious Harpa, how does the petitioner never being outside of the US before send up a red flag to USCIS?

It's a target profile. Lot's of scammers look for people with no international travel experience for immigration and other scams. It's easier to fool them because of their inexperience. USCIS doesn't care about this for petition approval but the Consular Officer will consider it.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-06 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Hi man, what if they have met in person and eventually meet the requirements of the USCIS, do such flags still be raised especailly age difference?

Yes, absolutely. Meeting in person and being free to marry are minimum requirements for getting a petition approved. An approved petition is not a visa. It's just something that happens BEFORE the foreigner applies for a visa. The foreigner must then convince a consular officer the relationship is genuine. That's where the red flags come in.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-02 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 denied :(

Don't let a pastor advise you on immigration. Is this by chance a church with many Nigerian immigrants here? I'm thinking the pastor might somehow be trying to facilitate immigration fraud...

If I'm wrong, you're in for perhaps the most difficult US consulate to interview in the world, and this will likely be a very difficult process for you. You need to extensively prepare.

Prepare first, then go see him in Nigeria, then file a new petition. Maybe the pastor will reimburse you the wasted I-129F filing fee.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-02 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 affidavit of support

i received my NOA2 text Aug 7 that i am approved and now i am preparing for the next steps, gathering documents that i will be sending to her in the Philippines, but i have a few questions about this Affidavit of Support and couple things.

Affidavit of Support--- year 2011 i only worked for 7 months and made &13,760, and that shows on my tax, the rest of the year i was in Philippines from Aug 2011- Jan 2012, but NOW i have a full time job and a part time job where i make more than the poverty that is required, do i need to have a co- sponsor? or my CURRENT jobs will fullfil this problem?

Employment Letter--- i know it has to have a SALARY, FULL-TIME/PART-TIME, HOW LONG HAVE BEEN WORKING, ANYTHing else? and how far back this have to be from the interview?

Pay stubs---already have this since jan until present

is this ok? am i missing anything?

I say skip the employer letter and just use one current pay stub that shows year to date income. If you use an employer letter, it should be as current as possible.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-10 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, Question ??!!

If you are over 125% in either case, just use your adjusted gross income from the previous year's tax return. Makes it simpler.

NO, you do not. They are asking for current income, which may or may not have ANYTHING to do with how much you made in 2011. Also, when asked for past income later on the I-864, use line 22 total income, not adjusted gross income, unless you filed a 1040EZ.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-10 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134, Question ??!!

I'm filling out the remaining paperwork that I have to do on my end, and I have a quick question about #7. Where it asks about 'I derive an annual income of:' do I put what I had made as of last year or what my posistion is scaled at? Either way I make above the required 125%.

Appreciate any replies, Thanks.

It's a present tense question. If you're hourly and full time, take the gross hourly times 40 times 52.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-10 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnvc has wrong birth date!

Hello!! I experienced the same thing. I am the petioner and our choice of agent was rejected because of incorrect date of birth for myself. I was told I need to forward a copy of my birtcertificate along with the rejection email and mailed it today. I am wondering if we have to do email the choice of agent again even though it was not our mistake.

Call NVC. The original poster here has a K1 case, where there is no choice of agent or other need to communicate with NVC. Don't know why this thread wasn't moved to the K1 forum.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-11 05:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnvc has wrong birth date!

thank you, but my fiance already did it..and uscis said, our application was sent already at the nvc and they don't have our papers anymore and they don't have any connection for them to correct the error, they will just simply forward the cases and that's it. so its all about in the nvc. my concern is the processing time for our application @ nvc, i hope it will not cause any delays.

So, contact NVC to correct the name.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-07-29 06:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnvc has wrong birth date!

july 6, 2012 uscis approved our case, after 21 days, my fiance tried to contact nvc to ask about our case status many times, then a call agent answered the phone and asked the case no./receipt no. for our case, petitioner's name and birth date, and beneficiary's name and birth date, my fiance found out that nvc has a wrong beneficiary's birth date and they could not tell any info unless he could give the right birth date. in our noa1 which uscis had, my birthday was correct. nvc told him, he could change the wrong birth date by sending a copy of my passport front page (which he did it rightaway), to verify the right one, and he has to wait 20 days for them to correct it. my question is, will it affects the processing time for our case? what if my fiance did not call the nvc, will we be able to know the wrong entry of my birth date? im tired of wating, and i hate errors! but i have nothing to do but wait :(

No. It will just impact your ability to get information by phone or email unless NVC initiates it.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-07-27 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSomeone on disability and K-1 Visa

My K-1'er friend's fiancée submitted an I-864 from my friend's joint sponsor and the U.S. Embassy Manila accepted it. Other VJ'ers in Manila have done the same thing.

It is actually against the law to accept the binding I-864 in a K visa case. It's also against the policies of the Field Adjudicator's Manual. Don't count on trying this. Marry and do it right.

pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-11 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSomeone on disability and K-1 Visa

K3 visas are no longer in effect. He will have to apply for a IR-1 / CR-1 visa.

Here's the comparison between these visas http://www.visajourn...t/compare#ircr1

Yes and no. K3 visas are not available but US Citizens don't apply for visas. He would file a petition to start the process that would lead to the foreign spouse applying for a CR1 visa.

If it's the Philippines, he needs to get back there and get married. First check the requirements as it takes a couple weeks and some hoop jumping to accomplish it. He can then be successful with a qualified joint sponsor.

hello everyone.i am from the philippines and entered the united states on a k1 visa.i have a daughter who came in a k2 fiance <now my husband>is under disability.we had our interview at the u.s. embassy in manila without a co-sponsor. and we passed that interview and was issued a visa.

Not all disability is the same. If the disability income is sufficient to qualify, no problem. The subject at hand here is a petitioner without sufficient income.
pushbrkMaleChina2012-08-10 11:25:00