K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Delay

Hello, thank you for your reply.

My fiancee currently resides in Iraq. The RFE was about explaining why we have not had a face to face meeting. As far as the background checks go, I think they have more to do with me than with her. Her background checks will most likely take place when and if we ever get to the DOS level and she gets an interview for the visa. Then what they like to do is invoke the "AP" rule -additional processing -and once that happens, well, it takes quite a long time. In any case we knew it would be like this so it is not a surprise.

Thank you again for your interest and comments.

They do background checks on both of you but the response was clear about the checks on you not being complete. She will have background checks of one sort or another during at least three stages of the process.

It sounds like the combination of your own background and the request to waive the in-person meeting is the cause of the delay.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-06 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 fiancee intend to live

Hi guys how you all doing? This is about DS-230 questions 10 and 11.

10. Permanent address in the United States where you intend to live, if
(street address including ZIP code). Include the name of a person
who currently lives there.

11. Address in the United States where you want your Permanent
Resident Card (Green Card) mailed, if different from address in item #10
(include the name of a person who currently lives there).

Can I put my mother’s name and my mother’s address in California, when my fiancee arrives in the US, I will be going to California from washington and get married.

Thank you guys…

The part of your post I made bigger is the key to 10, so write "To Be Determined after Marriage". Sure, use your mother's name and address for 11.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-10 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquiz about package 3

hey friends :
i got my package 3 ( medical ) thank good :thumbs:

but i had a question now : there was some forums and application needs my fiancee sign !!!! so what i have 2 do now cuse my fiancee in usa now did she have 2 sign it and send it back 2 me by mail ???? :bonk:
help me in so confused :help:

The US citizen only signs the I-134 affidavit of support.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-09 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho do I write the check to? :P

Just wondering, about to send out our first K1 package, And I cannot see anywhere who exactly I make the check or money order out to?

You have your answer already but your question indicates you have not yet carefully read the I-129F instructions. By not doing so, there's no telling what else you've missed. Asking questions is fine but if you don't know what you don't know, you're likely to make critical mistakes. Before filing, carefully study every single word, sentence, paragraph and section of the I-129F instructions, then ask any remaining questions.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-10 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCannot Get Marriage Certificate From Past Marriage

My fiancee went to the registry in Kiev today to try to get a copy of her marriage certificate from her past marriage, so that we can send with the K-1 petition proving the name change. She said they instead gave her a sheet of paper which includes her maiden name, the date of her marriage, the date of divorce, the last name of her ex-husband and the date the paper was given to her. It also has the registry's letterhead, seal and signature. Her ex husband has the original marriage certificate but is not cooperating! Do you think this paper she got will be okay or should she try harder to get her marriage certificate?


That will do.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-09 09:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould I be hurting our chances if I applied for a K-1 now?


Bold thing#1 - It's not just Columbia (and you know that better than I do). We entertained the idea for my fiancee to try and get the visitor's visa, but we dismissed it right away, because no way she'd get one because, well, in Ukraine they don't like to give out visitor's visas to young single women (well, not so single, and we didn't want to lie about her being single, so that's why we dropped the tourist visa idea).

Bold thing#2 - Stop by RUB forum, we've discussed that there :P

Yes the list of countries this would be true of is quite long indeed but we're discussing a specific case from Colombia. No cookie for you. :rofl:
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-09 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould I be hurting our chances if I applied for a K-1 now?

I was pondering over this while enjoying a drink this evening, and my thoughts are that it boils down to an IJ being willing to allow the alien to adjust NOT because they are married (ie because there is some sort of defined legal status for an alien without a green card married to a USC), but because they know the law is complex and because they know dealing with DHS is not cheap.

That sounds like saying a judge is willing to overlook ignorance or dilitoriness of the law. Clearly that happened in the case of the Australian you cited in your post, because that gentleman stated he thought as long as he was married he was in the clear. Since we know ignorance of the law is no excuse, why would a judge allow the alien to correct the situation?

Probably because there is a wailing US citizen spouse in the other room. In other words, the IJ detects the relationship is bonafide.

*edited for clarity*

A US citizen spouse, ready and able to sponsor their foreign spouse to adjust status.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-08 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould I be hurting our chances if I applied for a K-1 now?

Yes, but I think the operative words here are "can affect" with the emphasis on "can". There really is nothing stopping a judge from ordering removal of ANY alien with an expired I94 and no I551. The marital status itself is not a protection from any order of removal.

Correct, BECAUSE the alien cannot adjust status on their own and is technically overdue for having done so with the needed cooperation. With the needed cooperation, deportation CAN BE not WILL BE avoided. Without the needed cooperation, deportation is virtually assured.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-08 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould I be hurting our chances if I applied for a K-1 now?

Since a spouse of a US citizen is eligible for immediate adjustment of status (Excepting, of course, EWI), they usually would immediately apply for adjustment rather than be deported. It's happened twice that I know of to VJ members - one from a visitor visa here, and one where I cannot find the thread - but he was travelling to renew his passport and got caught. He had come on a K-1, married on time, but was out of status without having filed AOS. Again, there, they were required to file AOS immediately to avoid further trouble.

So yes, marital status can affect the part of deportation where they put you on a one way trip home, but it is no protection to significant legal hassles leading up to that.

The Catch 22 in all this discussion of adjusting status is that the K1 after marriage, cannot adjust status on their own. They MUST have the cooperation of the original petitioner and a qualified sponsor. So, you betcha they are deportable after the I-94 expires. Those with a cooperative petitioner/spouse and qualified sponsor with the funds and wherewithal to accomplish an AOS filing, simply have a way to avoid deportation if the issue comes up. Who can guarantee a cooperative petitioner/spouse and qualified sponsor for any of these folks? Nobody? I thought so. As such, I think it's foolish to consider them anything but deportable.

We're way ahead of ourselves though as in the OP's case no petition has even been filed.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-08 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould I be hurting our chances if I applied for a K-1 now?

I am a firm believer to "things happen for a reason" for her to get denied, there is a purpose. sounds like you are to pushy and dont allow her to think for herself. you seem to want it your way and to convince her to come to America isnt a way to show her you care or love her. To try and come onto the forums with the mentality of "I BET THESE GUYS KNOW THE TRICKS OF THE TRADE" its not that people on here dont want to be helpful. but your pushing a BIG decision onto someone who isnt ready. Slow down, relax, breathe and either 1. work on yours and hers relationship and take it one step at a time, or 2. move on from her. If she isnt wanting the same thing you are.. then your spinning your wheels, plenty of people out there with similar interest as you..Sounds like her interest is her own independant life without needing someone to be there to take care of her.

Goodluck -K-1 isnt a way i would approach the problem.. focus on her feelings before yours at times.

A young single woman applying for a tourist visa from Colombia is almost surely going to be denied because of assumed immigrant intent and lack of strong ties to her home country. Navigating the interview is not an issue.

My point is that she hasn't accepted his proposal and he hasn't suggested she's willing to sign a letter saying she has. Without that letter of intent, a K1 visa is out of the question. Beyond that, people who decide to use the K1 visa as a 90 day trial period do so at their own risk.

Somewhere I saw something that indicated they risk (among other things) a "spanking" but I may have misinterpreted MOX on that. :innocent:
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-08 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould I be hurting our chances if I applied for a K-1 now?

If she has no intent to marry she cannot truthfully complete one of the requirements, the letter of intent to marry. He technically can't begin the process with success as an outcome if he doesn't have that letter from her. She should not write and sign that letter if it is not true.

Bingo! :thumbs:
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-08 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould I be hurting our chances if I applied for a K-1 now?

My Colombian girlfriend to whom I've proposed, has not yet accepted my proposal. She's hesitant because she's young and finishing law school within a few months and would have to essentially give up on her career, leave her family, and commit to living in a country she's never been to. We've been together for about 18 months, half of which I was actually living in Colombia. We still have a great relationship but the separation is taking a toll on us and I'm really getting concerned.

We tried twice to get a tourist visa so she could come see the USA, meet the family, and all that but she was denied without even having her documents looked at.... long story... but essentially based on a few oral questions they just assume she'd become an illegal immigrant because she's 24 and isn't working yet. We had a portfolio of documents and letters supporting her application that would have shown the interviewer that she was not an illegal immigration risk but they didn't want to see them.

My question is.... we're not engaged but I think a visit might be enough to put her fears to rest and seal the deal for her... can I apply for a K-1 visa in this circumstance and if so, would it hurt future visa related matters if we don't marry for up to a year later? Do I have any other visa options to get her here for even a short trip? Can a lawyer help in this case for a K-1 or even for the originally planned tourist visa?

Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


The required signed letter of intent would either be a deal killer for filing or an accepted proposal, wouldn't it?

A lawyer can't help her get a tourist visa she's ineligible for. Whether you need professional assistance for a K1 process depends on your own skill set, aptitude, dedication and available time.

Edited by pushbrk, 08 April 2010 - 12:51 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-08 00:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-2 Age Out

Things are never simple, are they !!

Here we are, about ready to start the paperwork for the K-1 and K-2 visas, and out of nowhere I have the possibility of working in Angola and/or Nigeria for a couple of years--a great job, and an exciting experience to be sure if it comes true. I won't know if I actually get an offer for another month or two, but it sure throws a wrench into our visa plans.

1) If we go down the K-1 route and assuming it is completed over the next six months or so, I can certainly be in the States to get married, and will be back and forth from Africa anyway. The primary question is can my new wife live with me in Africa, or are there no exceptions to the living in the States for three years (with some interruptions if they are short enough) to qualify for naturalization. And if she prefers to stay here once married (or must stay), will my being away several months at a time screw up the future AOS, not to mention it wouldn't be even one tiny bit romantic.

2) If instead we got married without filing for the K-1 and went through the IR-1 or CR-1 process later, where would we start the paperwork--in Costa Rica since that is her home country, or in Africa since that is where we would be living.

3) And do I have to be living in the States at the time the paperwork for IR-1 or CR-1 is being processed. Or said another way, if we got married once we know the Africa thing is real, could we start the paperwork say six months into the foreign assignment with the idea of getting approval towards the end of the two years before we came home.

4) And if all that makes sense, am I correct that the 3-year clock towards naturalization only starts once she is in the States as an LPR, or would it start running anyway since I am working outside the States once the IR-1 or CR-1 is approved.

Like I said, life is never simple !!

The K1 visa holder is pretty much locked-in to the USA until they have a green card in your scenario, which means you probably have to be there too, to show a bona fide relationship and pass an AOS interview after marriage. Not a good match for a two-year stay in Africa.

You start spouse visa paperwork from where you, the USC lives or if not there long enough to qualify for DCF, you file through a US service center and interview where SHE resides.

Sure, you can start from abroad but I would wait longer as the visa is only good for six months and it's likely to take no more than six months to obtain it if filing abroad.

The three year clock starts when permanent residency is effective. For an IR1 or CR1 visa, that's the US entry date.

In the spouse visa scenario the 20 year old daughter is left high and dry because the step-parent relationship must be established prior to age 18.

Edited by pushbrk, 11 April 2010 - 07:52 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-11 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-2 Age Out

This isn't entirely accurate. It states that the K-2 beneficiary must be under 21 and unmarried at the time the K-2 visa is issued, not the intial petition filed. The petition itself has nothing to do with the derivative K-2, but rather assesses the petitioner and their fiance/ee's eligibility to apply for a K-1 (namely, they have met in person within the past 2 years and are both free to marry at the time the petition is filed.)

Agreed, the case you have cited does indicate that since the consulate has to adjudicate the K-1/2 application as though it is a an immigrant visa, and argues that the adjustment filing serves only to prove that the qualifying condition to conditional permanent residence has been met (namely, the petitioner and the principal beneficiary have got married).

But, it looks like not only was the derivative K-2 in this case under 21 when he was issued the K-2, but was also under 21 when the marriage took place AND was under 21 when the AOS was filed.

In your situation, you are going to be very hard pushed to get to consulate interview before your fiancee's daughter reaches 21.

Which for all intents and purposes means the daughter will only manage to immigrate if her LPR parent files a petition and she remains unmarried for several more years. They won't be arriving together.

One other option for the daughter is a student visa. Perhaps she'll meet and marry the love of her life in the USA while a student.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-03 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding after visa in hand

Out of curiosity...when & if I get my visa in my hand, is it all possible to get married before POE? I would really love to get married on a beach at an all inclusive. After POE the options drop, & the prices go up (Hawaii, Puerto Rico, & no all inclusives)
Does the wedding need to happen after POE to keep the visa legit?

Another way of saying it is yes, sure marry before entering the USA is up to you. The result is you start over with a spouse visa process. Where to marry is a decision you make before you begin a visa process. Otherwise you start over.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-12 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding Date Set and No Visa - We need Help! Please.

Hi -

My fiance and I live in the UK and have been together over two years. I am a US Citizen and he's a Canadian. We somehow dropped the ball on the visa app and although the date is set (venue booked!) for our wedding in the US, Sept 2010, we've only just applied for the K-1 visa. Our intent was to move to the US shortly before the wedding. He could possibly be sponsored by his company if he gets an internal transfer but there are no guarantees and he is looking for other jobs in the US. I am recently unemployed as I am pursuing a new career and was intending to find a job in the US in August.

I have a few questions!
- If we don't get our visa in time for September, can we still go to the US and have an "unofficial" ceremony and then go back to the UK? Then, once we get the visa, go back to the US and get officially married at city hall?
- OR, could we just get married in the US, go back to the UK and then apply for a new K3 visa? Would they reject the application since we previously applied for a K1?
- Is my unemployment going to cause problems for sponsorship? I have assets that could sustain us for several years. Will they take that into consideration?
- Since we currently live together in the UK, is there another option for us? Do we need to file the K1? Would getting married here in a civil ceremony be easier?

Many thanks for all your help. These forums are so helpful.

K3 is dead. The spouse visa applicable to you is CR1. Looks like you'll need to alter your plans in order to comply with US immigration law. At the moment, you have the cart before the horse. You have not yet applied for any visa. At most, you've filed a petition which when approved, would allow the foreign fiancee to apply for a visa.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-12 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswho to inform if k-1 fiance goes back before marriage

If your fiancee leaves the country -prior- to the expiration of the K-1 you do not need to notify anyone. The visa will simply expire and that will be the end of it.

If your fiancee overstays the visa, you should notify USCIS that the beneficiary did not marry you and has overstayed their visa.

Sad that things worked out this way. Hope everything gets better for you!


If the fiancee leaves the country prior to the 90 day expiration of the I-94, you don't need to notify anyone. The visa expiration date has no meaning after entry. What to do in the event of an overstay is correct.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-04-12 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill we be able to use the I-864 form for the K-1 Visa?

It was my hope that the OP might re-read the instructions and realize she is not thinking through the basic concept of "income" as it relates to support of the alien.

I did not intend to over-react.

And I made it clear that this alien isn't a spouse yet. Two separate points made in an open discussion.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-11 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill we be able to use the I-864 form for the K-1 Visa?

Did I ask for your help?

I asked the OP to read the document.

It's an open discussion. I'm helping the readers.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-11 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill we be able to use the I-864 form for the K-1 Visa?

Read the I864 again. More carefully this time.

You can include income of the alien spouse if it is from legal employment. Will your fiance still have his present job when he moves here? Or will he (like most people) be needing a job in the US?

A fiancee isn't a spouse. The I-864 instructions regarding including spouse income do not apply in any way to a K1 visa applicant or petitioner.

The OP needs to use the I-134. If he doesn't qualify, he needs to get a job, or a cosponsor.

Edited by pushbrk, 11 March 2010 - 12:53 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-11 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill we be able to use the I-864 form for the K-1 Visa?

I'm not sure of the approval of the I-134F for the K-1 Visa. Can we use the I-864F instead of or with the I-134F?

Consulates are forbidden by law to accept the I-864 for a K visa. Use the I-134. You will use the I-864 when adjusting status after marriage.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-11 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican embassy or consulate

Yes, you can talk to a qualified immigration attorney if you wish, however we're telling you that if she had no intent to marry and stay during this visit, and your proposal to her after her arrival kind of suggests this, and if she can stay until all the paperwork is done before heading back to Canada (because she won't be able to leave the country until she does....) then just get married, and fill in the paperwork for AOS, see guides above. Or head over to the Adjustment of Status forum for other information. This is a self-help site, and your questions are answered by people who are or have done this before.

Just remember, that she won't be allowed back into Canada, for several months after marriage. She'll have to manage her affairs up there, via the internet and mail.

If she does decide to head back to Canada, she'll have to do this before her 180 days are up now. She'll have to go for an interview in Canada, after having her medical done in Canada etc. She can visit while the process is on-going, and in fact you could send in the package now if you wish, but no, she can't just stay and wait with you while all her application is in process.

The bold above is not correct. Citizens of Canada are always allowed back into Canada. The problem is if she leaves the US, she won't be allowed back in the USA without advance parole or a green card.

Edited by pushbrk, 12 March 2010 - 09:25 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican embassy or consulate

Ummm no. The Visa is valid for 6 months.. as the first part of your sentence says.. so what is the 12 month thing about?

That should read K2 enter up to 12 months after.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-11 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican embassy or consulate

I proposed to her in March, so yes, it was after she arrived in October.
Would we need to apply for a K3 spousal visa if she stays here, we marry and try to adjust her status?
Is there anyone we could talk to to confirm that this would be okay?
I don't want to risk her getting banned for overstaying.

Visas are used to enter countries. If she stays marries and adjusts status, there IS no visa. See the AOS guide. If she entered to visit with no intention of immigrating instead of visiting, then your decision to marry and have her stay qualifies her to stay and adjust status. To do so, she must stay and if your planned wedding date is after her granted six month stay, she must weigh the risk the marriage will get called off and she'll have an overstay that isn't forgiven and impacts her future privilege to visit the USA.

Study the AOS guide and do your homework before taking this path but it appears quite viable to me.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-11 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican embassy or consulate

Just a few questions about applying for the K-1 Visa.

I'm from Louisiana and she's from Ontario, Canada.
She's in Louisiana with me at the moment and we'll be getting married here.

We've been going through the I-129F form.
In question 20, "Your fiancé(e) will apply for a visa abroad at the American embassy or consulate at:" ...
We don't know which embassy or consulate she needs to apply at, and write down on the form.

Also wondering how long it usually takes.
Her stay in Louisiana as a visitor is almost up as she's been here since the end of October, 2009.
We're worried that even if we mail in these papers right away, she may have to go back to Canada until they're approved, or until we receive the visa in the mail.
How does this work?
If she ends up going back home, would we need to wait until we have the K-1 Visa in hand before she can come back?

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

If you take the fiancee visa route, she must not overstay her visitor privilege. She'll interview for the visa in Montreal 5 to 8 months after you file the petition. Carefully study the K1 visa guide here.

You may also want to evaluate whether your circumstances qualify her to simply, stay, get married and adjust status to permanent resident. This will depend on when you two made the decision to marry and for her to stay. Did you propose after her October arrival? Can she manage her affairs in such a way to stay here until about 4 months after the marriage takes place? If both are yes, you probably qualify to just have her stay, get married and adjust status but she does have to stay. The overstay is forgiven in these cases.

So there's absolutely no way for her to stay here with me while we wait for approval?

Not for the approval of a fiancee visa, no. To adjust status, maybe.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-11 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a residence last 5 years questions

I have been reading the info on this site for days and I either can't use the search correctly or my question(s) have not been asked yet. Any help is greatly appreciated I'd like to mail this bad boy out in the next few days. Here are my questions:
Does residence mean where you were registered or where you physically live. I've looked on different sites and get mixed answers.
For example I lived in Japan about 2 years then lived with a friend a little over a month and then lived in the netherlands for three months and am now in America again. Would I write my friends adress and the one I lived at in the Netherlands even though I didn't register anywhere? Or do I write my japan adress where my parents are because I have not yet registered in this state yet?
I'm also going back to the Netherlands for 3 months again in may. Would I attatch a note stating this for them to mail stuff to my adress there?
And this is a question that is probably obvious answer but I just want to get this correct. When I lived in Japan it was a military base so even though I had a street name and number my adress was APO AP and some numbers. So would I ignore the actual adress and write the street and number etc like the form asks?

Thanks for all the help with my noob questions.

I wouldn't think of "registering" as the key but if you stayed two years, you resided. If you visited for a month, you visited.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp

As you noticd i am male from Morooc my ex was from usa of course ;now i am with somone i love so much and i explain her evrything and what happend Sir if you do not mind what you advice me to do ?thank you take time to respond to me

I gave you my advice in the preceding post. Read it and follow it. The process starts in the USA with actions taken by the US Citizen.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp

I got the copy of letter she sent them to cancel her suport ;she told them the reason she borke is lack trsut and religion which is wrogn coz already she know my religion;after 8 months of our broke i noticed she wriet wrong case numbers only the name whihc is ok .my fear is she is who wnat broke not me .if i sent them letter they will say i play game and not serious in my relitionships .but i already have all arcives when she broke the real reson she broke hope you clarify me good if you do not mnd what iu ahve to do excately .coz i know guy which happend to the same for him and her exs coz probleme even if they broke

As you know, the first step in the process is for the US Citizen to file a petition. Make sure your fiancee knows the facts and has all the documents. She should probably at least come here for help or hire professional assistance. This process is best managed from the USA end and by somebody with excellent English language skills. The devil is in the details, so the language skill is critical.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-11 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp

Moving to K1 Process & Procedures from K1 Case Filing & Progress as this is not a K1 filing update but more of a question about the K1 itself. :)

It may need a move to the IMBRA forum depending on the OP's circumstances.

It has nothing to do with IMBRA, since the OP is the foreigner. The new fiancee will file a new petition. It's probably a good idea to explain the first immigration attempt in an included letter. Expect to face extra scrutiny of the relationship.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-10 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance with children

Yes, her kids are coming along. They are under 18, so they don't have to file separate. She has a sign and notarize by their biological father. Should that be enough to show the kids can come with her?

Sure but remember you first "get them here" then you "keep them here" then you "keep them here longer". You'll be involved in three separate immigration processes for each of them. At each stage except for petition filing, each person has their own paperwork and associated fees.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-08 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa

Oh wow.. I figured it would be something like that - but more well... intricate. Okay then I'm a little less worried...
Oh jolly officialese - hard to understand legal texts in your native language but foreign - nuh-uh.
Thanks a lot!! All of you. (F) VJ rocks!

And...dictionaries rock. If you had simply Googled "misrepresentation" you would have had a complete and instant definition before you in about 2 seconds. You might want to bear this in mind next time you're curious about the meaning of a word.

Edited by pushbrk, 12 March 2010 - 03:15 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa

What is wrong with you guys? Yes, it's friday but VJers are usually a whole lot more helpful than this and heck I'm asking nicely for someone to explain because I used a dictionary and google and asked Dr Phil... thanks a lot.

Can't speak for anybody else but a dictionary, online or otherwise will get you a more comprehensive answer to such a question. For any of us to do the same would require we use a dictionary then copy and paste the result. Better to do it yourself. Our role might be to explain that the penalty for a material misrepresentation is commonly a lifetime ban from entering the USA, for the foreigner.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa

I've gone through different pages and posts... sorry, not everyone's a native speaker around here.
Just trying to figure things out and calm down a bit - thanks a lot, ja mann. :thumbs:

When one wants to know the meaning of a word, it's customary to use a dictionary.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help me about visa 1 i have some question

One thing to remember about these difficult consulates, is that they think that they are doing a good thing. They sincerely believe, in the specific case of younger MENA men and older USC women, that they are protecting these American women from devious, conniving, desperate third-world "heartbreaker" con artists. The beneficiaries, in their eyes, are certainly guilty until proven innocent. And in an incredibly condescending attitude, when they are indifferent or even hostile to the wishes of the older female USC, they see themselves as protecting the USC petitioners from themselves, whether they have permission to or not.

My USC wife, who is no fan of bureaucratic paperwork, so whom I've done my best to insulate from the worst of this immigration process, once asked me why we had to do the Removal of Conditions after two years. I explained to her that it was really for her protection - that if I was a desperate third world con artist I might be willing to pretend to love her and stay married long enough to get through AOS, but that having to maintain a ruse like that for two years discourages a lot of desperate people who would otherwise give it a shot to get a GC. She felt, and rightly so, that it was a fairly condescending way for the government to treat the spouses of potential immigrants, but that the wisdom of it wasn't entirely misplaced. These difficult consulates just take the paternalism and condescension to a whole 'nother level.

Some Conoffs MAY be thinking they are protecting the USC petitioners but that's not their job or their primary focus. Their job, which they take very seriously, is to enforce US Immigration laws by denying visas to those who use fiance and spouse relationships with USC's to circumvent our laws. They are protecting our National sovereignty, enforcing our borders and helping to maintain our National security. Any individual protection afforded the petitioner is incidental to the reasons they do their job.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-13 09:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help me about visa 1 i have some question

From what I have seen on this site I would have thought this case was the norm, in fact I can not remember any that did not meet this profile.

VJ members represent an extremely small percentage of total cases for any Consulate.

The "norm" in Casablanca is denied fiance and spouse visas.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help me about visa 1 i have some question

Fair enough. I am very open minded, and do get easily offended when I see/hear comments that I veiw as close minded or ignorant. I am not educated on other customs and really dont have the right to an opinion in this matter. I guess I should be more aware that there are many users on this board, from all over the world and that not all have my upbringing. Im Canadian and therefore just assume that the processes are the same. I would just like to believe that at no time does age ( unless illegal ) come into play between two people who love each other.

As you learn more about the subject matter discussed here, you'll become aware that many discussions NEED to be carried on within a country or region specific context. Aside from that, be prepared for a lot of challenges to what you would "like to believe".
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help me about visa 1 i have some question

hard to say, with absolute certainty.

there's an age gap, and yer in a high fraud area.

IMO, all depends on:

1. the casefile prep prior to submittal
2. results of all namechecks on the beneficiary
3. how the VO 'feels' about the casefile, after its received in Morocco and also ON interview day
4. how the interview goes.

Yes, or... It isn't going to work as a way around US immigration laws. It will only work if the relationship is genuine, as in about far more than obtaining an immigration benefit. Sometimes the genuine relationships fail in the visa process too.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncreased VISA fee has taken effect!!!
This is another thread posted and continued in confusion because folks haven't understood the difference between filing a petition and applying for a visa. So, petition filing fees are confused with visa application fees.

If people would stop interchanging the terms, "file a petition" with "apply for a visa" there would be far less confusion and stress.

Please be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

Edited by pushbrk, 12 March 2010 - 09:57 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncreased VISA fee has taken effect!!!

The new cost is $400 (355+45) $45 is a security charge. This is what i see on Islamabad embassy's website:


Has anyone noticed this for other embassies?

That's been the "immigrant" visa application fee for quite some time. The new fees are for "non-immigrant" visa application fees. Apples and Oranges.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-12 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f's HARDSHIP of meeting in person request?

Assuming you start in Miami (based on earlier post), a total of eight flights ranging from 1:10 hours to 5:00 hours in length. Total trip time of about 81 hours with a night spent in Copenhagen and potentially a short night at a hotel in Dubai.

Depart Date: Apr 01, 2010
From: Miami, FL, USA
To: Boston, MA, USA
American Airlines (AA) Flight 1926
Depart: 3:55p - Miami International Apt
Arrive: 7:05p - Boston Logan International Apt
Airtime = 3:10

Depart Date: Apr 01, 2010
From: Boston, MA, USA
To: Reykjavik, Iceland
Icelandair (FI) Flight 630
Depart: 9:30p - Boston Logan International Apt
Arrive: 6:30a - Keflavik International Apt - Reykjavik
Airtime = 5:00

Depart Date: Apr 02, 2010
From: Reykjavik, Iceland
To: Copenhagen, Denmark
Icelandair (FI) Flight 212
Depart: 1:15p - Keflavik International Apt - Reykjavik
Arrive: 6:15p - Copenhagen Kastrup Apt
Airtime = 3:00

Depart Date: Apr 03, 2010
From: Copenhagen, Denmark
To: Istanbul, Turkey
Turkish Airlines (TK) Flight 1784
Depart: 12:10p - Copenhagen Kastrup Apt
Arrive: 4:20p - Istanbul Ataturk Airport
Airtime = 3:10

Depart Date: Apr 03, 2010
From: Istanbul, Turkey
To: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Emirates (EK) Flight 122
Depart: 7:25p - Istanbul Ataturk Airport
Arrive: 12:40a - Dubai International
Airtime = 4:15

Depart Date: Apr 04, 2010
From: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
To: Mumbai, India
Emirates (EK) Flight 502
Depart: 1:15p - Dubai International
Arrive: 5:35p - Mumbai, India
Airtime = 2:50

Depart Date: Apr 04, 2010
From: Mumbai, India
To: Bangkok, Thailand
Thai Airways International (TG) Flight 318
Depart: 11:35p - Mumbai, India
Arrive: 5:35a - Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Apt
Airtime = 4:30

Depart Date: Apr 05, 2010
From: Bangkok, Thailand
To: Vientiane, Lao P D R
Thai Airways International (TG) Flight 570
Depart: 11:45a - Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Apt
Arrive: 12:55p - Vientiane, Lao P D R
Airtime = 1:10

Even better than my suggestion but you must have spent 7 or 8 minutes while I only spent 5. :thumbs:
pushbrkMaleChina2010-03-04 15:51:00