K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressponsor is aunt of fiance/pregnancy

I'll have to talk to my fiance about this. Thank you very much for the answers!

Hopefully, your fiance's current job pays enough to qualify as it is rare for Manila to accept a cosponsor in a fiancee visa case. Current income is the key.

Edited by pushbrk, 05 November 2010 - 09:43 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-05 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEx husband as Co Sponsor?

It could financially advantageous to the Ex, swapping an actual expense for a theoretical one.

I would expect most people to think it somewhat odd, including the CO.

Whether anybody finds it odd is beside the point. It matches a common fraud scenario. Don't do it.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-08 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEx husband as Co Sponsor?

Hello to all,
I'm trying to find a Co Sponsor and I was wanting to ask if having my Ex Husband be the Co Sponsor is a good idea or not? Thanks In Advance :)

It's allowed but also is a recipe for failure, so BAAAADDD idea.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-08 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Papers

For the petition you need to submit a copy of the divorce decree. It should be signed by the judge and dated. You should take the original divorce decree to the interview.

For the petition, you submit a copy of the "certified copy of divorce decree". For Washington, this can be one page. For Texas it's everything, whether 2 or 100 pages. For other States, it is what it is. "Certified copy of divorce decree".
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-08 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo my own background check?

I'm fairly certain the attorney he's talking about is Marc Ellis, and he definitely knows the consulates in East Asia quite well.

The reason he's suggesting a background check is so that you'll know what the consulate knows about you. As I said, they can use this information to look for conflicts with the information provided on the government forms, or to come up with questions for the interview.

I recall one case that went into AP because the consulate said there was evidence that the petitioner was still living with his ex-wife when he filed the petition, even though the petitioner claimed to be living somewhere else on the forms. Turns out he had moved into his parents house. He never did a change of address with the post office to have his mail forwarded, and didn't have a new lease, so his ChoicePoint records showed him still living with his ex-wife. He'd also known the beneficiary's family in the US, was introduced by a relative of hers, and his income was barely enough to qualify, yet he'd made three trips to Vietnam in less than a year. These are all potential indicators of a classic form of visa fraud, where a USC is paid by the beneficiary's family to help the beneficiary immigrate, and they temporarily divorce their spouse in order to be eligible to submit the petition. The consulate requested proof of his residences for the past 10 years, and proof of his ex-wife's residences, so it was obvious what they were thinking.

If you pull a copy of your report and you find errors in it then you can request that the errors be corrected.

If his attorney is Marc Ellis then we should conclude the attorney knows more about his specific case than we do and has good reasons for what he's doing. Why do you think Ellis is the attorney?
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-08 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo my own background check?

Your attorney has no clue. Fire him and try to get your money back. If he won't give your money back, get your case back because he is going to mess it up.

You cannot do a background check they will accept. USCIS and NVC will do that. No extra charge. It will not benefit you in any way to do a background check yourself.

The death certificate is not needed. Your fiancee's marriage ended in DIVORCE it makes no difference if her former husband is alive or not. She is free to marry. Case closed. My wife was previously married, she was divorced, Her ex-husband is still alive. So what? The ONLY time a death certificate would be required is if that is how her marriage ended, OR if she had a child and needed to show she had full custody of the child. There is no other reason and your attorney's staff really doesn;t care how much running around they make YOU do.

Bankruptcy has nothing to do with this case and never will.

Items needed for the interview are not needed for the petition. She only needs to prove she is free to marry. USCIS accepts her divorce certificate for that purpose. Period.

BNot correct. You only need the death certificate if she states the marriage ended by death. Once divorced, the former husbands life status is irrelevent.

I can assure you Gary's answer is 100% correct for any country including China. Only if there could be a custody question regarding an immigrating child, would a death certificate for a husband she divorced when living be needed.

Sounds like you're not dealing directly with somebody who knows the process. It's more like an assistant reading from a list.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-08 02:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother I-134 question - assets

OK gang, here's the situation. I was recently let go from the firm I worked for for almost 10 years. My income for this year easily exceeds the 125% level even with the layoff. Howevever, the I-134 will need to be filled out and I may not be able to present any current proof of employment. I hope to find another position before that time but in my industry it is hit or miss. One can easily be out of work for 3 to 9 months. I will not be in any financial dire straights but I do not want anything to negatively impact our visa chances.

Here is my current situation regarding assests:

I am currently behind in my mortgage payments for the home I currently live in due to the loss of employment. This house will be a short sale or go to foreclosure. This is a non-issue in my book.

I own several other properties, the individual values of each well exceeds the 125% guidlines as well. I own these properties free and clear with no mortgages or other encumbrances. Since I recently acquired these properties, I can not show a history of cash flow from them. Obviously, I may well need to use one of them as my primary residence in the near future.

This brings me to the point of my posting. GUZ will be the arbitrator in this case and I need to know if they will consider my proerties or do I need to make sure I am employed before the I-134 gets to GUZ. This is very important and I do not want anyone to speculate here. If you are familiar with GUZ and ,more importantly, this specific type of situation, please feel free to respond. As we are all very well aware, GUZ makes up their own rules as they see fit.

A humble petitioner for my lao po in Sichuan.

Consulates handle each case individually but generally consider assets according to the I-864 guidelines, even for I-134. GUZ, definitely follows those guidelines. From the I-864 instructions. Remember for a spouse of US Citizen, $3 in liquid assets are needed to replace $1 of income shortfall.

How Can I Use Assets to Qualify?

Assets may supplement income if the consular or immigration officer is convinced that the monetary value of the asset could reasonably be made available to support the sponsored immigrant and converted to cash within one year without undue harm to the sponsor or his or her family members. You may not include an automobile unless you show that you own at least one working automobile that you have not included.

It should be noted that equity in the primary residence will not generally be considered (see note about automobiles) as to liquidate the primary residence would not be done WITHOUT undue harm... When using real property as assets on an affidavit of support, both evidence value (a recent appraisal) and mortgage balance (or evidence there is no mortgage) are required.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-09 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI cant`t provide a 1040 form

A consular officer always has discretion with any sort of evidence presented, and yes I'm aware that some consular officers have been ignoring home equity with I-134's, but some have also accepted it. I know someone who successfully did it less than six months ago, in Vietnam no less. They were a little less than $4000 short on income to sponsor two immigrants. They owed less than $100K on a home with a current market value around $300K. They had an open equity line of credit for $50K, with over $40K readily available at the stroke of a pen. They provided documents to prove all of this, and their affidavit was accepted.

A home equity loan is equivalent to borrowing your own money from a mortgage company. The only "adverse impact" is that it will either increase your payments or increase the term of the loan. A consular officer can certainly use their discretion to determine whether borrowing against your home would constitute a "considerable hardship". I haven't seen any evidence that they do so as a matter of policy. Through my wife's family, I've met a number of people who have sponsored immigrants. Several of them have successfully used equity in their primary residence to qualify.

If I were the Conoff, I too would have approved in the case you mention. It is very different though from the one in question here and from most cases with income shortfalls. I suspect there are more differences than you took the time to mention such as a history of higher income and good prospects of returning to a sufficient income. One reason I would approve such a case is that clearly the sponsor could have "downsized" their living arrangement without undue harm.

I did not mean to imply that equity in the primary residence would never be considered in any case or in any way. My thoughts were in the context of the case at hand, where the sponsor is disabled and on a long term fixed income. Chances of a home equity loan are slim and none.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-10 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI cant`t provide a 1040 form

The wording is somewhat tricky. The INA only says the assets must be available to support the immigrant, if needed. 8 CFR is a little more specific, listing some specific types of assets that might be considered (including real estate). The requirement that the asset can be made available to support the immigrant with 12 months notice is a matter of USCIS policy, and not a matter of law. The terminology USCIS uses is that "assets that can be converted into cash within one year and without considerable hardship or financial loss to the owner may be included". The phrase "converted into cash" generally means the same thing as "sold". However, it's possible to convert equity into cash without selling the entire property. This is why the I-864 instructions say "You may include the net value of your home as an asset". This is pretty specific, as they probably wouldn't use the term "home" if they were referring only to property you didn't actually live in. They would use a more general term like "real estate" or "real property" or even "house". If they specifically meant only a house you didn't actually live in then they would be specific about it, as they are with cars in the same paragraph.

This is academic and true but what is more important is what the Consular officer will decide. See bet your britches comment in my previous reply. We're dealing with real life here, not theory.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-10 02:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI cant`t provide a 1040 form

Gary, this is wrong in so many ways that I'm not sure where to start.

First, you can use the net value of your home as an asset. Yes, this means the home you currently live in. Please see the I-864 instructions, page 8.

The assets and income are not collateral. This is not a loan from the US government. This is also not the IRS. They cannot simply confiscate the assets you listed on an I-864 if the sponsored immigrant collects means tested benefits. They have to go to court to get an order to force the sponsor to pay anything, and it's up to the court to determine which assets, if any, would need to be liquidated in order to satisfy the debt. If the courts determine you need to liquidate your home, then you need to liquidate your home, whether it's listed on the affidavit of support or not. Please read 8 CFR, section 213a. Collection action begins with a written notice to the sponsor. The only role USCIS has is to provide a copy of the signed affidavit to the agency claiming reimbursement. Any further collection action requires a lawsuit in civil court.

The purpose of listing assets on the affidavit of support is to show that you have access to cash, within a reasonable amount of time (12 months), if needed to support the immigrant. It is not a form of collateral which a government agency will then have the authority to seize. It's presumed that a sponsor could cash out equity in a home, including the home they live in, with a home equity loan or line of credit, without having to sell the home outright.

While you make legitimate points, "can count" is certainly true with respect to filling out the affidavit, the final decision is made fairly subjectively by a consular officer and you can bet your britches THEY won't consider equity in the primary residence as reasonably liquidated within a year without adverse impact to the sponsor or their family. As a practical matter, this petitioner is going to need to do the last thing they want to do, which is to find a qualified joint sponsor. She can do it now or do it after the visa is denied.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-10 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT: Do I need a co-signer for my I-134?

My fiancé has a question:

I have a question about the income threshold for needing a cosigner for the I-134, as an American marrying a foreign national. I'm a graduate student and my income (for this and the next three years) is $28,000--I have a letter from the fellowship office to this effect. I also have about $55,000 in savings. One problem might be my 2009 income which was approximately 28,000 grross but appears on my income tax as only about $4,800 in adjusted gross income because the rest was earned outside the United States (before I started graduate school). I need to know if I'm going to need a cosigner for the I-134?

Document your current income and savings, and you should qualify nicely on your own.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-10 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestravel on expired K1 visa

She cannot travel outside the country unless she has either her AP (advance parole) finished or her green card in hand. If she travels before one of those two things are in place, she won't be allowed back in the US, and you will be back to square one, filing all over again.


Leaving the US without AP would be very bad. Fortunately, California is still in the USA. :bonk: The K1 expiration is meaningless because it's actually "DEAD". If concerned, carry the receipt notice for having filed AOS, and a copy of your marriage certificate.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-11 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does this mean? Anyone in the same boat?

This case is the case of my friend who filed their K1 last April 5, 2010 and doesn't get an approval yet. They got a letter from USCIS this first week of november telling them that they need another 6 months before they can decide on their case. What does this mean? There is no specific reason why they said that. They hired an immigration lawyer to do the process. Does it matter if they hired one or not? They called their congressman last october and the office of the congressman told them that there was a signature missing and when they asked their lawyer about it, their lawyer said that he was pretty sure that there was nothing missing in all the forms. The girl is older than the guy, does it matter? They've known each other since 2008 and decided to settle down this year. I can't think of anything that can make their process this long. Please give us some advices or answers fellow VJ.


It's impossible to predict the reason for delay without knowing the details of the case but I suspect it's something either in the past of the petitioner or beneficiary or in the past of somebody with the same name.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-12 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCredit Scores and Financial Impact on Visa approval

Do they do a financial credit check in the process? If so, does bad credit impact the decision making process? I recently came into some financial difficulty so my dept to income ratio is challenged. I have a few late payments and a home foreclosure on record. I am back on track and rebuilding my credit, but I was wondering if this will have an impact on a decision for Visa approval for my finance in Morrocco. My fiance does not have much income and would be considered low income.
Thanks for your feedback and any advise you can offer.

Credit "scores" are not an issue but an IRS lien would be.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-12 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease! Need Help with K1 Visa i-134 Form!

They are more likely to accept a co-sponser when the petitioner has just graduated school, a graduate has earning potential, rather than a history of low paying jobs. But your best bet is to send the child back to mom in the Philippines and get a JOB.

Exactly. :thumbs:
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-12 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOlder K2 a problem for K1 approval?

Yes, thanks I am proceeding with the I129f petition. I think I will post over at CFL as you suggest. Just undecided on the inclusion of her son's name on the form. However, given the circumstances, I am collecting affidavits/statements from both sides of the pond to try and address our red flag issues. I'm not in a big hurry to file, I think it's a good idea if her interview does not happen before the 1 year anniversary (7/22/2011) of her most recent divorce. We will have been together for over 1 year and I will have visited again. So I'm aiming at a Dec filing, meanwhile trying to line up the ducks as best I can.

As Don at CFL would say, WHOA! Including the name of ALL the beneficiary's children on the I-129F form is mandatory. It's just a question. Answer it accurately. It doesn't ask if they are immigrating. If she had 6 children all married and over 21, you would still list them ALL.

Always read carefully, interpret literally and answer accurately.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-12 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOlder K2 a problem for K1 approval?

Thanks Gary. Yes I think this is a jurisdictional matter. I believe there is some court precedence in the Ninth Circuit to allow >21 AOS approval. So it could work out since I am in that dist. But I'm not up for a court battle, been to that horror show, never again. The I485 would be sent to the Chicago lockbox. Technically however, the Nebraska service center would handle the AOS, as far as I can tell, for an app originating in WA state.
The word I got was that the consulate does not cite the older K2 as the basis for denial, they use something else for the basis. Usually the "failure to show a bonafide relationship" catch-all. Yes it seems preposterous, but from what I can see it would be in character for GUZ. Hence the concern, this topic, and this question:
Anyone go through the Guangzhou consulate for a K1/2, with a 19yo or older K2, in the last few years or so?
What was the result?

You might ask that question over at but in the meantime, I would file that I-129F instead of wasting time. It's what you're going to end up doing anyway and you'll never get this time back.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-12 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOlder K2 a problem for K1 approval?

In a recent topic I related info about my K1/2 situation. We do have some red flags, so I contacted a popular immigration attorney.
I sent an email relating our relationship timeline. When I talked to the atty, (I think it's best not to mention his name) he recognized the red flag issues, recommended we marry in China and persue a CR1 visa. Apparently he had not read my email. When I mentioned our issue of my fiancee's son (K2) being 19yo he made this comment -The Guangzhou consulate routinely denies K1 visas that have a K2 with age-out potential, they have been doing that for years- This news is significantly discouraging for us, it seems there is little hope for a K1/2 based on this alone. One strategy recommended is that we wait for one year to file for K1, however that strategy leaves the young man without a derivative visa/path to GC. So we were considering a more limited wait, 6 mos maybe, then going forward. Of course this would cut it close on the K/2 AOS before 21yo. We have also considered a K1 without her son, then she can file I130 for him when she gets her GC.

So I guess I'm looking for some feedback on the atty view that K1/2 are usually denied because of the older K2.
Anyone go through the Guangzhou consulate for a K1/2, with a 19yo or older K2, in the last few years or so?
What was the result?

Please don't move to the China forum.

File the I-129F now. The stepchild is not eligible for a CR2 visa if the marriage takes place after they turn 18. THIS attorney gave you VERY bad advice. While it may be true that Guangzhou denies K2 visas in similar circumstances to those you describe (News to me) USCIS will deny an I-130 petition for a stepchild when the marriage takes place after age 18, so CR2 is out of the question entirely.

Her filing for him after she gets her green card could take a very long time and he MUST remain unmarried.

Edited by pushbrk, 11 November 2010 - 07:34 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-11 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReally need information about the money situation

how about the consistency of her pay? i always assumed that the reason they require pay stubs for about a year prior is to make sure that the petitioner has a stable source of income,same about the three year prior tax returns.

You assumed incorrectly. While it is customary to provide as much evidence of a stable income above the required amount as practical, it is not required. Not even one tax return is required with the I-134, although I would advise including at least one. This petitioner can use her 2010 tax return, an employer letter and even ONE pay stub showing year to date income and will likely pass with flying colors. Consular officers are generally intelligent, intelligent enough to know that a recent college graduate with a new full time job, is likely to be capable of supporting their spouse. That's the standard to be met.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-12 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 Denials

I have noticed that you always responded with great comments and insights to K-1. Are you an AILA registered attorney? Just wondering...

I am not an attorney.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-13 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 Denials

yes i agree many us citizen men seek international woman for ki marriage,, there are all over the world internet dateing services,looking for american men, so i would say woman have more denials

Women have far more approvals too. This information is meaningless in predicting the outcome of any individual case as each case is INDIVIDUAL.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-13 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 Denials

Just wondering whether K-1 denials are more common to guys than girls...

Any thoughts on this or any patterns that support this?

I'm not aware of any such data. Far more K1 applicants are women though. I advise against giving even the least consideration to the statistics or "odds" and instead concentrate all your energy on making sure your case is a success. Think of and ask the questions, and read the information available that will assist you in being successful.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-13 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshaving two marriage licenses

Clarifying my earlier post:

If I marry my fiancée here in USA (i.e. have marriage license/register), can we do the same in her country (register and file marriage license) Ukraine to satisfy the parents and family?


Married is married. Usually, one must affirm they are free to marry in order to marry. For married people to affirm they are free to marry is generally referred to as "fraud", a crime in most countries.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-07 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinacee wants to return to Ukraine

I have two questions:

My fiancée is here with me in US with her K-1 set to expire on December 8th. I have everything lined up for the marriage ceremony on November 27th. The short story is her parents gave me their blessings for marriage when I visited them in Ukraine but now they are against us marrying. My fiancée was still ready to go through with the marriage but we had an argument a few days ago and now is bent on returning to Ukraine. The parents say the only way they will approve marriage is if we marry in Ukraine. Having her return to Ukraine, marrying in Ukraine and filing a K3 is not a smart move in my opinion. There is no guarantee they would issue a visa and it could take a long time. I am urging her to marry here and then we can return to Ukraine for a church ceremony with her family. Any advice please to get through to her?

Second question: If we marry here in USA can we still register in Ukraine to satisfy the parents and family?

The expiration date of her K1 visa has no bearing on anything once she arrives. She must either legally marry you in the USA within 90 days of her arrival her or leave the USA. K1 is a single entry visa. If she leaves for any reason before marriage followed by application for and receipt of advance parole (should be filed with adjustment of status) she will not be allowed to return to the USA.

These are the terms of the visa you petitioned for and she applied for and received. When you filed the petition, there would have been a signed letter of intent from each of you indicating your freedom and willingness to marry in the USA within 90 days of her entry.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-08 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisaless entry

Yes, they are US CITIZENS!!!!!!!!!! :bonk:

I get where you're coming from but just like not all residents of Vermont or Washington (thinking of our respective wives here) are US Citizens, neither are all residents of the territories asked about. That's why I already answered that those residents are already IN the USA. I have no idea exactly which of them are US Citizens.

Visas are used to enter countries. They are already "in".
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-13 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisaless entry

I am wondering if residents of countries like Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands are able to enter the US without a visa?

Residents of those locations are already IN the USA.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-13 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsorship agencies?

Yes, I didn't quite mean my co-sponsor to be an agency, but rather that one person from an agency or something like that would be the co-sponsor. Well, thanks for the info since we didn't quite understand that he is the sponsor in any case. It sounded like the sponsor would have to be someone who earns enough money (which isn't the case for my... fiance :D). Also, it didn't sound like the USCIS would accept saved up money, since the form you have to fill out as a sponsor doesn't really mention it.

Might I suggest you carefully read the form one more time. I think you'll find the statement in bold above to be false.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-14 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescannot find fillable DS-157 online

GUZ IV forms are here - http://guangzhou.use...and_packets.htm

Let me know if yer not finding the 'fillable' versions?

The DS157 with both languages is NOT fillable. Can you alter it so it is?
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-14 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescannot find fillable DS-157 online

I just sent you my email address to your email on your profile. hopefully you got it.



Just sent two versions.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-13 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescannot find fillable DS-157 online

Hi everyone,

I have read both DS-156 and DS-157 need to be filled online, and I couldn't find DS-157 the one has both English and Chinese.

Could anyone help me with this please?

many thanks

XH (beneficiary)

I tried attaching one but it's too big. If you'll PM me your email, I'll email one to you.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-13 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview in china for fiance

we have not filed K1 yet. will do so after second visit in january 2011. what i would like to do is be there for the interview with her. however, i need at least 2 months ahead to get time off from work for it. is it actually possible when they give you the date for interview that you can request a date further in the future???? it is important to know as i need to use the limited vacation time i have very carefually...thanks as always:-)...todd

Yes, you can request that the interview date be after a certain date. However, you can only be in the building on the fourth floor while she's interviewing on the fifth. US Citizen petitioners cannot actually attend visa interviews in Guangzhou.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-15 03:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm getting scared..Please Help

Hi All....I have been reading the forums for awhile and now that I am about to start my journey I am getting very nervous and scared and could use some advice!!

I just left my loved one last week after seeing him in Dubai for our engagement party and to spend some time together...I am beginning to start the paperwork for his K-1 and could use some help. I called a lawyer today to ask some questions and he said that the K-1 visa could take years for me to get because he is from Iran and it would have been better to marry. Is this true!?! I am starting to panic with the thought that I might have to wait years for him to be here with me!!!!

Is getting a K-3 better than the K-1??

Also, is there a much longer wait for those coming from Iran?

Any advice and encouragement is appreciated!!! Thanks

The wait can be a little longer from Iran but K3 is not the currently available spouse visa. K3 is dead. CR1 would be the immigrant spouse visa applicable to a newlywed. For what it's worth, my experience indicates the lawyer you talked to simply doesn't have a clue. Additional administrative processing after interview applies to fiance or spouse equally. How long it takes is case specific, not category driven.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-12 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need advice please! Thank you guys


A number = Alien Registration Number. If none, write NONE.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-15 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´ll change my name, ¿how long must my fiancee wait to send the I-129F form?

but i did change mi name, mi question is: how long must my fiance wait to send the form?, sorry for my english! i thing that was a mistake when i wrote

but i did change mi name, mi question is: how long must my fiance wait to send the form?, sorry for my english! i thing that was a mistake when i wrote

There is no need to wait, as long as you're certain the name change will go through with no problems.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-15 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious k1 visa
I didn't have any problem.
just make sure your previous application is cancelled. And have the copy of the cancellation notice.
But be ready on your interview though, they will ask you about it.

Ana1988FemalePhilippines2010-08-20 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage license requirements for K-1 holders
QUOTE (Robyn-n-Kris @ Apr 2 2008, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honestly all this varies from state to state, county to county. I know for where I am (and i've just recently checked into these questions) that for our marriage license all he has to produce is his passport. No SSN required. For his Driver's License... he will need to show his passport (to verify who he is with a pic) and his SSN # (which by the time we are ready to get his license he will have. He will also have to pass the driving and vision tests. Your best bet is to contact the county in which you will be residing.. explain to them your situation and status and they will be able to advise accordingly.

I'm actually surprised at how easy what we need to do will be to get done.... but that's a good thing!

I was actually wondering about Texas and couldn't seem to find any concrete info.. haha, how excited he'll be when he finds out he probably has to redo the driving tests!
Liam and SamFemaleAustralia2008-04-02 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNoa2 in 2 months!!

:innocent: Hello friends!!!!
Well . . i got a really wonderful news from my almost husband :D
We get our Noa2!! . . i feel happy but . . surprise . . i cant believe it yet . . i saw a lot of people waiting their Noa2 still . .5 months , 4months . . we apply in April 21 and days a go i post here because i was worried of when im going to get it . .
People said "when you get the Noa2 , all is faster from there" . . is this true in my case? . . .im going to wait more for the interview? . . :crying:
This is stressful!!! :crying: now i dont know if we are going to wait more . .

Somebody in my case? :bonk:

:crying: Can i feel happy? . .
:crying: Worried? . .

Thank you so much T___T :wacko: :wacko:

About two months is what I'm seeing lately for I-129F. It could change at any time.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-06-18 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my income goin to pass or will i need sponsor?

Just for my information, do you know why "they" sometimes don't consider a cosponsor in Manila. This seems pretty unfair.

There are a number of reasons but the keyword is "sometimes" so certainly not a "wive's tale". Where I've seen Manila pretty consistently consider cosponsors is with recent or near college graduates with good earning potential with a qualifying close relative as cosponsor. Where I've seen pretty consistent rejection is with low income or disabled petitioners using elderly relatives or friends as cosponsors. I think the primary reason is that either the IV Unit Chief or Consul General has no confidence the I-134 sponsor will later be willing to sign the binding I-864 after marriage but I'm not inside their head(s).

Don't confuse "equal" with "fair". There is no specific lawful or contractual provision for a cosponsor using the I-134. To allow it is completely discretionary.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-05-23 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my income goin to pass or will i need sponsor?

Hi pushbrk,

what do you mean exactly by "sometimes don't consider a cosponsor". We were planning to get a cosponsor for my case because my fiancée is currently at the university and will be next year too and isn't working right now.

Not a problem in France. In this case "they" refers to Consular officers in Manila where the OP will be interviewing.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-05-23 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis my income goin to pass or will i need sponsor?


50k to 60k a year is well above the 125% of the poverty guidelines that they require.

From what i read before (I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong) they just consider your current income and if it's likely to last after the fiancé(e) arrives. So based on that I'd say your OK.

In addition, if you haven't send your I-129F package yet, you don't need to shown your income yet. That part is only needed when the fiancé(e) goes to the interview. It's good to start thinking about it now though.

Good luck with your case

They consider everything except sometimes don't consider a cosponsor. However, current income is the most important, so make sure your current income is well documented with pay stubs, etc.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-05-23 08:32:00