K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting for K1

YUP ...they just ask for pics ............... none of ours had the dates on them ............ they just want to see you two :whistle:

The photos are a good idea but USCIS doesn't request any photo except the passport photo. Petitioners should send primary evidence of meeting which would be passport stamps, boarding passes and receipts for purchases in the beneficiary's home country. Itineraries, emails and photos together are not evidence of meeting. You can buy tickets without using them.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-21 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I be worried???

so its been 33 days since our NOA1 and with my SO back in Comoros visiting his family for the next two months, i have alot of time to sit around and procrastinate (instead of working on my thesis). So i've been doing some research about Comoros and visas to the US and here is what i found out:

1) since 1992 only 23 immigrant visas issued
2) Since 1992 only 10 immediate relative visas


3)Since 1997 only 2 (yes thats right only 2) K-1 visas

in my mind im kinda freaking out a bit. why are there such small numbers, are they being rejected? are people just not applying? i mean really, i feel like I cant be the ONLY US citizen (or at minimum the 3rd) to want to get married to a Comorian.

Should I be worried? or should i go back to writing my thesis lol.

this is what the waiting game does to people i guess

Do some more research if you can. You might find the number of applications exactly matches the number of visas issued, meaning it's 100%. Unless you have all the numbers needed to paint a picture, there's little use for a partial set.

More importantly, each case is decided on it's own merits and you and YOUR loved one are in control of the merits of your own case.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGive me your opinions or Facts.

I don't want to get into a debate, because I agree with your premise (and I have a great deal of respect for you and the help/advice you have freely provided for a long time). But, I missed nothing; I excluded it from my agreement for the following reason:

Many people are not in a position to go to the interview. I believe that while letting a VO know you're there (which we did), as long as the visitation requirements have been met, it would not have a significant effect on the outcome. If the position of VJ is that not being there will diminish the chances of success, the result could be people quitting jobs and putting themselves (and by extension their fiancees) through unnecessary hardship.

About passports:

I could have mailed my passport to her (and would have if I could not have been there and thought it would help). That just doesn't seen sufficient as proof.

What I did give her as evidence was my international air tickets for that period of time, a copy of my Chinese visa showing the date of entry stamp, and the Chinese domestic air tickets for traveling to Guangzhou. <edit> : Copies of the air tickets - never hand over your originals.

Something is getting lost in translation here. You wrote... "I agree with Jim, the VO will never know if you're there or not." Jim didn't say that. It's only part of a sentence. The VO WILL know you're there if you make a point of letting them know. You aren't agreeing with Jim. You're making your own valid statement while using a portion of Jim's statement out of context.

By "air tickets" do you mean "boarding passes"? Buying a ticket is not evidence of travel but boarding passes and passport stamps are.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGive me your opinions or Facts.

I agree with Jim, the VO will never know if you're there or not.

You missed these words in Jim's sentence. "...unless your fiancee makes a point to let them know."

The most common way to make this point known is to hand over the US Citizen's passport to the Consular officer when handing the applicant's own. Another way is, when asked about the petitioner's visits, simply indicate that in addition to previous visits, the petitioner is waiting nearby. It's called "interview preparation". I highly recommend it to all.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGive me your opinions or Facts.

Jim, I hired an attorney in HCM, I'm sure you know who. What can he do for me if i'm not there? My work has a lot of government and defense contracts that need to be full filled, the market so competitive it would be devastating if I was to be replaced. I might be able to get a week off. thank you

Now, weigh those thoughts against the personal impact to your future happiness if the visa is denied. This is HCMC, not Kiev, London, Montreal or Paris. It makes a difference. If you're there and the visa is issued, you'll never know whether being there made a difference. If your'e not there and the visa is denied, you'll never know if being there would have made the difference.

I would have been there if I could. I couldn't and all was well anyway. Others have not been so blessed.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 02:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat evidence is sufficient

The instructions suggest boarding passes, hotel receipts, etc... We met in person in 2009 and I do not have my boarding passes. However, I can print out my itinerary, activity from my frequent flyer account. I can send copy of my passport with the visa for going to vietnam. As far as hotel receipts, for one week I was in a 'hotel' near her house, but it was a very small, pay cash, no receipt type of hotel. Then I stayed with a friend in the city for the rest of the trip.

I visited again for the engagement this year and I think I have all the boarding passes. I also have a receipt for the hotel this year.

I understand that in Ho Chi Minh city VN they ask for a lot of info at the consulate, but I've been told not to overkill on the I-129f itself. What evidence should I send? Has anyone had success without having boarding passes? Should I send any photos at this point? Phone records? Chat records? Or is all that only for the consulate? (It does say it's ok to add any other information that can prove a bona fide relationship.)

The copies of passport stamps in and out of Vietnam would be your primary evidence of meeting in person. Nothing else you mentioned would be actual evidence. Do plenty of reading regarding front-loading of petitions and tailor your evidence to your case circumstances. There is no easy answer or goal line to cross.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-22 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 fees go down 11/23/2010 ???

Hi All,

Is this correct??? (couldn't post the table version)

I-129F Fees

I was going to mail my I-129F today...should I wait til tomorrow and take a gamble that this is correct?

Form No.

Application/Petition Description
Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)

Existing Fees (effective through Nov. 22, 2010

Adjusted Fees (effective beginning Nov. 23, 2010)

No need to wait. When they get your package mailed today, the new fee will already be in effect.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-22 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho do I write the check to????

I probably have asked some very obvious questions myself, but do some of you guys even put the slightest attempt to find information yourselves? I don't mean to be rude, but it's a little perplexing to me. :bonk:

This is the 129F instructions.

Under the "What is the filing Fee" section it states "make the check or money order payable to US Department of Homeland Security." Anyhow, the above document will answer more potential questions regarding the 129F.

Exactly. More to the point, the OP's question indicates they did not yet carefully study the I-129F instructions. Doing so is critical to their ultimate success.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 01:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy employer did not pay my Taxes to the IRS
I don't actually know but I suspect the following scenario intimately familiar to me is what is happening.

The restaurant owner is withholding no income tax because the checks are small and he knows the tax computation will indicate that. He intends to do the tax calculation and pay the taxes when his accountant produces the W2 forms. The checks represent only the minimum wage. (and perhaps tips included on credit card payments but perhaps those were given in cash already) The only taxes the employer will pay is social security and medicare. Any further taxes on tips not included in the W2 will be the responsibility of the employee. This scenario is common.

The OP simply doesn't yet know the employer's policy or plans because she hasn't asked. Now is a good time to ask.

To the OP. Those cash tips you carry home after work are part of your "income".

Edited by pushbrk, 22 November 2010 - 01:09 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-22 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy employer did not pay my Taxes to the IRS

he didn't give her any form of stubs or documentation for hours worked or taxes/ss/unemployment deducted, she stated all she has is photocopies of the checks

I read that but while you may find it "unusual" or even improper, I do not. He may be treating her as an independent contractor or as an employee. She's asking about a tax return. The employer doesn't need to provide her with a 1099 or W2 until January 31, 2011. When he does, she can file a tax return. It's really as simple as that.

On the other hand, if she asks him his intentions and his answer indicates illegal intentions, that's another matter. She hasn't asked yet, so doesn't know. If she doesn't know, we certainly don't either.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-22 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy employer did not pay my Taxes to the IRS

Wonder why we get an extra day to issue W2's in 2011.

Personal checks are just that, drawn on a personal account. Business checks are generally drawn on a business account. Though a sole proprietor may use a personal account. The checks may look the same, or not. Some of my accounts have smaller checks that look just like my home checks. They just have the business name. Other business checks are larger and an employer may use the memo line to show the gross pay, deductions, etc. if there isn't a stub available.

A sole proprietor may use any check they desire including their personal check from personal account. Since the OP has only worked this year, she isn't entitled to a W2 form or 1099 yet. The "employer" is required to provide one or the other by January 31, 2011.

The OP will need to sort out her sponsorship issues before the interview, which apparently will be AFTER January 31, 2011. I don't see any statement by the OP indicating anything illegal or even unusual has occurred with regard to her job or the owner of the restaurant where she works.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-22 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello, I'd like to introduce myself...

My name is Arwen and I've been lurking around in the background for quite some time now, mainly gathering useful information that I'm going to need very shortly ( I hope)
First of all, a great big thankyou to all you people who make this site what it is. You all are such a huge help to all those thousands of anxious, paranoid people out there who are sweating out the visa process. You are all very much appreciated :thumbs:
I am a British citizen who has been living in Italy for the past 19 years and finally after 4 years of doing the long distance thing my partner I have decided to take the plunge. Now, we are right at the beginning of our visa journey and to be honest I'm starting to feel very daunted by it all already. It all just seems soooooo overwhelming! We filed 19th of August and they received the packet and cashed the cheque. We are now just waiting..... In the meantime I have been preparing the documentation that I will need to take to my interview (when it happens) I have already obtained police certificates and I have an appointment for my vaccinations very soon. I was vaccinated as child, but the records got lost along the way, so I had an antibodies blood test done. I will take all this evidence with me to the medical examination and hopefully I will not need any further vaccinations.
Please allow me to ask a question, stupid as it may seem, but can someone please clarify the meaning of 'copies' of documents, ie police certificates/bith certificates/ Italian residency certificate. Does this mean photocopies or some kind of certified copy? I'm kicking myself now because when I sent off for my police certificates, I only asked for one copy, Duh! As for my birth certificate I have the orginals, both long and short with the beautiful cursive handwriting they used long ago. When you hand over these orginals, do they give them back when they are done with them? I'm a bit nervous of parting with orginal documents... I don't care about the police certificates, but I obviously do about my birth certificate....
So, will they accept photocopies? I will show them the originals at the interview.
Many thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to read and answer my post.

Unless a "certified copy" is specifically requested, you send a "photocopy" sometimes a photocopy of a certified copy. Your question indicates you have not yet carefully studied the I-129F instructions. Doing so is critical to your ultimate success.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMessed up the G-325a

Probably not a problem.

Not a problem. The instructions for the G325a indicate there's actually no need to duplicate information already on the I-129F, but its customary to fill it out completely anyway.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease share your experience about this

my fiance and i met once only, and do you guys had experience about once meeting only on interview at US embassy ? what did your answer when the interviewer asks "how many times your fiance has visited you?" and when u answer "once", what did the interviewer say?

It's not that simple. Start studying the threads about interview preparation and read reviews of the applicable consulate.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing K-1 Petition

wait till tomorrow so you only have to send in the $340 fee instead of the $455 fee

No need to wait. The new fee applies to cases they receive on or after 11/23. Now already the 24th, so no matter.

I would NOT send it certified. I recommend Priority Mail and to the PO Box. Delivery to their office isn't going to get your approval any faster. It's a months long process. Saving a day, is of no consequence. They'll be closed over the holiday anyway and pick it up on Monday.

Edited by pushbrk, 24 November 2010 - 11:48 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmore K1


I have not filed yet, but I'm trying to understand what causes a k-1 denial if short courtships and 1-visits are OK, but recent divorces may be red flag in China.

My fiancée's divorce was finalized in August, and mine will get a court hearing in December, and I am planning on filing the day or day after I get my divorce decree.

I've know my fiancée for 3 years. I came to know her when she was in the US on a J-1 visa for 11 months, then she went back to China. I got to know her during her first month in the US, and we have been in touched since.

I visited her in China last Summer, and will be visiting her again early next year.

I believe we have a good story and enough evidence (photos, visa, passport stamps, air tickets, credit card statements, phone call logs, etc) to show that we have a "bona fide relationship", but I'm still concerned that our recent divorces may cause us trouble. I'm planning on writing an EOR to go with my initial filing to "front load" the application.

What do you think?

Sounds good. Realize though that all the above story can work both ways because you met in the USA when you both were still married. The "moral" issue is not the concern. It can look like an arrangement instead of a relationship and you have to be prepared to deal with that. What is her province in China?
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmore K1

i met liu online at the end of july 2010.
i went to see her and her daughter sept 14 to sept 24.
i am returning January 3, 2011 to January 14 2011.
will return in mid april.
we have all of chats and emails. plane boarding passes, etc.
we will file in late january.
i figure interview by July 2011?
if that is the case, we would have known each other a year by the time of the interview.
that seems like a good amount of time to me?
what do you guys and gals think?

How long you've been acquainted is not much of an issue. GUZ sees lots of cases where people became engaged on the first relatively short visit after a brief online courtship. That you've been there twice is good. Sounds like you're on the right track.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the possible problems with marrying a non-US national if she is planning to apply for an F1 Visa?

Dang, I messed up my original post. It should be :

"She is studying at a school that has an option to study with a F1 visa after graduation. She is currently in her last year of school and if she gets an F1 visa, she can come to the US to study. The problem I see with this is that we started the relationship after she already declared her intent to the school to want to study abroad."

I originally had K1 visa instead of F1. The school she plans to apply to doesn't have an option to study with a K1 visa. Sorry about the confusion.

I agree that 2.5 months isn't enough to how a person, but from what I've read I need to get this stuff documented pretty early. It would be at least a year before anything would be done.

My friend really likes me and wants me to be a part of his family. He tried to introduce me to another relative of his who is already an American citizen, but I thought we weren't compatible. So I don't think he's doing it just for a visa for her.

How long is long enough for anything between two people is their own business, not the business of strangers.

Based on the circumstances you describe, I would just have her go ahead and come here with an F1 visa, continue the relationship as you wish and then if you later decide to marry, simply so so. She can then adjust her status to legal permanent resident. (Greed card holder)
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnew w/ some general questions

I am in the same situation, I am registered at my father's place but want the information sent somewhere it's ok to put another address in the "present address" box than the address that I'm registered at and which is also listed in my passport?

In the US we don't register our address with the government as a matter of general policy.

What I would do in the OP's situation is fill out the G325a accurately as to physical address but use the parents' address on the I-129F. I would then put a sentence explaining he's using the parents' address for mail because he plans to move. This gets the biographical information correct and prevents any possible misrepresentation.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

I think your in more danger by crossing as a visitor and marrying hands down but that's just me. I don't know how stating that your waiting for a K1 and going for a visit can be a "misunderstanding". Your being clear and truthful about your immigration path and it's considered the right way to do things in USCIS's eyes.
Why bother applying for the K1 if your not going to wait to come marry on that visa to begin with this makes no sense to me or I would imagine to USCIS.
I would think they would appreciate you taking the right path more than anything because everything is on the table and in order. You will just need to provide ties to home if it comes up at the border. If the K1 is denied I can see crossing being a problem or having some explaining to do or your intent. I would just like to add I received my EAD a month and half after we filed.
pushbrk I honestly don't know why your suggesting they do something else or how the K1/CR1 is somehow at a disadvantage to this situation when it's their best and safest choice.I also don't know why you suggest there is such long time they can't work as being a discouraging factor to take this route.
I also don't understand why USCIS would issue K1 visa's just to deny people entry especially If they have been spending time together already and your being discouraging on this front as well. This is the path USCIS wants people to take.We can only speculate about the individuals back grounds and yes there is a chance any immigrant at any time can be denied entry. However it still doesn't make the K1/CR1 the wrong way especially compared to marrying on a clandestine trip.
It my opinion it doesn't help to discourage them from this route any way that's just my opinion.

There's probably a lot you don't understand particularly when it comes to WHY and that's why we're disagreeing. However, as a result of extensive experience with these matters over several years, I actually do know and although your opinions are reasonable they are not based on the correct set of facts. There is nothing "unsafe" about marrying in the USA while visiting and doing so is not the "wrong way" in any way. A fiancee or a spouse of a US Citizen have the same level of immigrant intent and have the same entry requirements during their visa processes.

Couples are wise to carefully consider all their priorities and circumstances first and then chose the immigration path that best fits those priorities and circumstances. There are advantages and disadvantages to all the options. When couples understand them and weigh them against their priorities, they usually make the best choice for them.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

Yes they would have to prepare for that potential 3 month wait to work.Working is a mute point if they are denied because of intent. I still think the K1 is the safest route. If they were to marry after one month or sooner they could work sooner. The bottom line is they plan to marry. I would not even entertain and I would not take the chance of being denied because of immigrant intent when there is no need to put yourself in that situation.

This is a common misunderstanding, actually two misunderstandings. First, the danger of being denied entry to the USA for immigrant intent is the same for a spouse or fiancee BECAUSE they actually both have immigrant intent. Each entry is a separate decision by a CBP officer and the fiancee of a US Citizen has the same level of immigrant intent as does a spouse of a US Citizen.

Second, it is not just a three month wait to work. The K1 cannot leave the USA and get back in OR work until three months after filing AOS, which cannot be done until a marriage certificate is in hand.

The appropriate visa will be the one that fits the couple's needs, plans and circumstances. Neither you or I know enough about those things to know what's best for their situation but, SAFETY, is not an issue either way.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

There is no mention of travel or working internationally. Traveling back and forth as visitor from Canada to the US and back is not affected by applying for a K1 it actually strengthens the reason to be traveling back and forth.If they were allowed to be working in the US what's the point of AOS your post is confusing matters. There is no indication in the post about working internationally.
The K1 is not the worst choice it's the best and safest choice compared to traveling back a forth and getting married on whim. I don't think it's responsible to indicate other wise or even suggest it's the worst scenario it actually quite to contrary to this.

I'm talking about the time between the single entry on the K1 visa and three months from filing AOS that the foreigner must remain in the USA without authorization to work. If they leave the USA before they have Advance Parole (three months from asking for it) they will be stuck outside the USA. There's more to the process than getting the visa.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 20:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

The safest thing to do is apply for a K1 finance visa and you have 90 days to get married coming in with that visa. You can visit while that's being processed.
It really is the best and safest route.
If you have ties in Canada now it's the best thing to do it takes all the doubt out of it.
You roll the dice coming in as a visitor then getting married.The K1 really is the most empowering route.
I married as a visitor and there is a lot of added stress and doubt going this route.
If you have the means and your in Canada already with a job and ties do yourself a favor and go the K1 route.

Whether the K1 route is the most empowering is a matter of opinion and will vary with the circumstances. When working or international travel are priorities, K1 is the worst possible choice. The OP has at least preliminarily indicated a need to travel back and forth between the US and Canada. If that is the case, K1 is a bad choice. Since marrying in the USA or Canada is allowed without any permission from either country's immigration authorities, marriage first and the spouse visa process are probably better for this couple. Visiting in either direction during the process has the same issues for fiancee or spouse.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?


I really would love to tell you what I really think, but Kathryn would just delete my post and probably send me some message telling me to be nice, so there's no point.

Again, entering the USA with intent to marry is not fraud. You said exactly that. It is wrong. If you meant something else, feel free to explain what you meant. When false statements are made, it is incumbent on anyone here who knows it's wrong, to correct it. This is a common error. It has now been corrected. Can we please move on.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

On the Other Hand...What if we are married in Canada and then move to the US?
How long would that process take to get her here with me?

Where you marry isn't the issue. The spouse visa process through Canada now is taking about a year because after everything else is complete there's a five month backlog waiting for an interview. You haven't even peeked at those guides yet, have you?
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

So it turns out that it was implied......

It was not implied in the statement I corrected. The OP more than implied the intention. Two separate issues.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

right...trying to do a direct file AOS in the U.S..
and us moving back and forth between US and Canada is ok...we each have family in these countries.

Can THIS be done....a direct file AOS in the US?

Not if you're going to be going back and forth, no. Actually read the AOS Guide and the CR1/IR1 guide. It will save you a lot of questions.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

What she said isn't wrong simply because she forgot to mention the "and stay in the U.S." part as it's implied. He is asking about circumventing the visa process and to do a direct file AOS in the U.S..

I disagree that "and stay in the U.S." is implied." "Honey we're pregnant." implies that the male "honey" is the father. Leaving out that it's her boyfriend that is the father is "misleading" and give the "wrong" message.

This is a common false statement we correct pretty regularly here. It's now corrected. Can we move on please?

Edited by pushbrk, 23 November 2010 - 05:00 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Canadian with passport just come to US and decide to marry US citizen?

No, you have to live by the same rules of immigration that the rest of the world does, it doesn't matter what kind of passport you have. You also can't enter the US with the intent to marry - you would be committing fraud and that comes with a ban.

Read the guides, they are there to help you!

The above is just flat wrong. Entering the USA with intent to marry is not fraud. It's the intent to BOTH marry and STAY based on the marriage the COULD be considered fraud.

If while IN the USA, you decide to marry and the stay and adjust status, that IS allowed but if the status adjustment is denied after entering on the VWP or Canada Visitor Privilege, there is no appeal. This is a tricky proposition filled with DETAILS of which you must be very much aware.

You do not apply for a visa from within a country. Visas are used to ENTER countries. The OP's situation would require an adjustment of status from visitor to resident. Citizenship is optional and comes years later.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

Along with not being all equally edumacated on the immigration stuff, we are also not equally diplomatic on how we say things.. We all have our own personalities.. One thing about the internet, people involved here are from all parts of the globe, so that brings diferent backgrounds, culture, experience, and personalities...


........Happy Thanksgiving...

The thin skinned who over-react have a tough time with this process. I'll take straight talk over fluffy maybes any day. Different strokes for different folks but the advice here is free, so it's wise to take the strokes you get.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-25 01:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

oh yeah I totally agree that correcting false statements of law that may induce others to commit painful mistakes is important. I'm just saying that sometimes the way certain comments and replies are written is rather annoying. after all this is a DIY site of people who are going through the same process and may have a different degree of knowledge depending on their own journey and the stages they've already been through. it's not a contest of who the biggest know-all smartass of the web is, there's no rewards whatsoever.
that's it, no grudge and happy Thanksgiving to all.

So then, anybody who doesn't really know what they're talking about should leave it to those that do, to provide the help instead of guessing wrong. That way, nobody would get their precious panties in wad about being corrected. Happy Thanksgiving.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

i hope you also realize that this is a DYI website,meaning people give advice,they are here to seek and give advice.more often than not high ranked members suggest that the petitioners read USCIS instructions and guides first and then come to this website for help and the end of the day people are going to commend and give the advice they think is correct,but making the final decision is up to the OP

Of course, but I have no idea what this has to do with the discussion. When false information is given, it needs to be corrected with clear and direct true statements. The member's success in the process is far more important than the feelings of the person unknowingly making false statements and certainly far more important than how a reader might feel about somebody else's false statements being corrected.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

PS: If I may add a personal opinion, and I speak in general terms because it's a thing that I've noticed quite a few times in several threads, it's annoying to read comments the intent of which is exclusively to point out that other people are talking bullshit.

While that may be understandably annoying, hopefully you also realize that providing incorrect information that people then act on has a much more far reaching impact than a brief annoyance.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

I flew international united, mine have ddmmyy as well.

Sometimes they show the year and sometimes they don't.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

I did not include copy of my passport too. Should I send a copy now to the service center office or should I wait for the RFE?

A copy of your passport is not specifically required. What DID you send as primary evidence of meeting in person? If enough, there won't be any RFE.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

Can videos sent via e-mail be used as proof? I already have my Passport with stamped dates, 2 pictures, receipt of engagement ring, and itinerary. (I will be adding the boarding pass copy after reading this.)

Proof of what? Regardless, the answer is no. All evidence submitted must be on "paper".
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtremely important for newbies K1 visa

I've never heard of anyone having issues with hand dated pics.. mainly because it's so easy to manipulate the digital date on the pics it's kinda silly to digitally put it there anyway, either way yes, photos are secondary evidence.

Flight itineraries are fine if send in conjuction with DATED boarding passes (showing you actually check in), and the stamp from your passport shows that you landed in the US. I'm sure there are threads about this somewhere because it's constantly talked about.

I'm sorry you got the RFE but proof of meeting means you need to prove WHEN you met. Sending undated boarding passes, hand-dated pics, and that's all is worthless. Chat logs etc aren't required until interview because all they need NOW is proof that you met in the last two years. You need to think like someone who isn't you. Show it to a friend, does this prove we met in the last 2 years? Pics? No. Undated passes? No. Dated passes? No. just proves you checked in. Passport stamp? Proves you landed in US. Put passport stamp, boarding passes and pics together and it's closer to proof you've met in person.

We sent boarding passes (x 6), 4 photos, flight itinerary and stamp from my passport (plus biographic page). no problems.

"Film dated photographs" do not come from a digital camera.

You, and commonly others, have confused two separate issues. The instant context here is evidence of meeting in person within two years. For that purpose, photographs that are not film dated, flight itineraries and communication evidence are worthless. All boarding passes are dated. USCIS accepts copies of boarding passes as evidence of meeting in person if the flight landed or took off from the country of residence of either the beneficiary or petitioner. Common sense would tell you that passport stamps are better evidence but in many cases, the stamps don't actually appear on a page that also contains the name of the traveler.

Evidence of the relationship is not mentioned by USCIS at the petition stage because they aren't asking for any in a fiancee case. People include it so the Consular officer is likely to see it prior to the interview. It's a tactic, not a requirement.

Edited by pushbrk, 23 November 2010 - 10:39 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-23 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP PLEASE TODAY

what a joke.k-1 is a " one way" visa so to speak,why would anyone buy a round ticket?

In many cases round trip tickets are less expensive. Caution though, the traveler must use the first leg of a round trip ticket or the whole ticket gets cancelled. Don't ever plan to just use the return leg of the ticket. Yes, people make this mistake. For example, if you buy through Orbitz, the they only sell tickets where the departure leg originates in the USA. Only people IN the USA already can use those tickets.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP PLEASE TODAY

I am leaving for Morocco tomorrow to bring my fiance back to the U.S. on Nov. 30th. Today, he was visiting a friend that works at the Embassy, his friend told him that he may not be able to leave Morocco on a booked/paid for by me a "ONE WAY" ticket. He said that they do not consider a K1 a permanent visa and he would have to have bought a round trip ticket. I find this to be just impossible as there many do not book round trip tickets as they would lose that money and it's not cheap.

Is there any truth to this????? Do I need to re-purchase another ticket tonight for him to return to Morocco? OMG the night before I leave and I get this bit of information.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

You got bad information. K1 visa holders travel on one-way tickets quite frequently.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-24 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes USCIS offer Phone help

Does I USCIS or NVC offer individual support service by phone ? ? I have some detailed questions I need to have answered regarding the K-1 I filed. I realize I can ask questions on this board but I`ve gotten several different answers. I appreciate the responses but need assurance from the USCIS or NVS. Any info you can pass along would be appreciated

USCIS has a "misinformation line". If you're not into doing it yourself with the help available here, I suggest you hire professional services. USCIS doesn't provide assistance, nor do the grant or issue visas.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-28 17:05:00