K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan't find certificate of citizenship

I'm trying to file a K1 visa application (form i-129). One of the requirements to submit a copy of a certificate of citizenship (if naturalized citizen) or a birth certificate (if born in US). I'm a naturalized Citizen and I can not find my certificate of citizenship. To replace a certificate of citizenship, USICIS is charging $340. Is a valid unexpired US passport be good enough instead of certificate of citizenship? Will USCIS reject my application for lack of evidence by just submiting my US passport?

Your question indicates you failed to carefully study the I-129F instructions, which clearly state you can provide a photocopy of every page of your valid US Passport as evidence of citizenship. Careful study of the instructions is critical to your ultimate success.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-20 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in non-home country?

Dear VJ members,

My fiancée is currently working in a country other than her home country and could possibly still be working in that country when it comes time for her interview. I am wondering, would she be able to do the interview in that country rather than having to fly to her home country for the interview? If so, what would be required for that (aside from the obvious work permit/visa) and what differences might be expected?

I appreciate your time to respond to my question, thank you!

Request the file be sent to the country of residence and show evidence that's where she legally resides presently.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-22 00:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

IMO its not as much playing with fire as you're making it out to be. We don't know further details about this situation, only that at this time, the sponsor they have lined up is having 'cold feet' due to a belief that the I-134 is contractually binding. Its not up to us to comment on their "confidence" because there isn't enough information by the OP about that. At a minimum their need to find a suitable co-sponsor is a few months away, during which time the parameters can change, as I stated. You're entirely discounting the possibility that the USC secures a sufficiently incomed job to not need a sponsor. And even if they don't have a sponsor by the time they're married and ready to AOS...the foreigner is not an illegal alien, he/she is just out of status, but afforded the opportunity to apply for said status at any time that the financial requirements are met.

Now you're discussing the degree of risk and the timing of becoming an illegal alien. I don't disagree that precise conclusions about the actual level of risk or how long it will be before the foreigner could become legal and work would be beyond our current knowledge of the situation. That's why I didn't attempt to quantify either. It's for the couple, how close they wish to stand to just how big a fire. I'm pointing out clearly that there is a fire and where.

The OP in this case is who I'm referencing, and as the thread title indicates, they were blue slipped for a cosponsor at interview so it's a here and now issue.

Edited by pushbrk, 22 December 2010 - 09:34 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-22 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

But this gives the couple what they're seeking in the short term, that visa enabling the beneficiary to join his/her petitioner and marry, and gives them additional time to either have suitable employment for the USC to sponsor on his/her own or to find a co-sponsor that is willing to sign the I-864. Its not unheard of to wait some time after marriage to AOS.

Of course. It also gives the couple the opportunity to be reunited and married in the USA followed by failure to secure a sponsor. They are then faced with the foreigner becoming an illegal alien or leaving the US to live abroad. Without confidence they will have a qualified sponsor, it's playing with fire. Of course, it's their risk and their decision.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-22 01:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

It depends which sponsor document you are signing. The I-134 is not legally binding. The I-864 is legally binding.

That's true but you still don't sign an I-134 and then some second document that releases you from the obligation. After arrival and marriage SOMEBODY who is qualified is going to need to sign the I-864 or the K1 visa holder will never have work authorization or a green card and will become an illegal alien. Some distinctions ultimately make no difference. This is one of them.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-21 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

Thank a lot for guys who gave an opinion my fiance found a new sponsor but unfortunately when the co sponsor checked the website she changed her mind right away because she is afraid of the responsibility when she have read that she should be responsible for me for 10years support in case and everyhting that's why she wouldn't do that I just hope there's a possibility of the sponsor to get something like an agreement to stop the validity of her sponsorship as soon as I get to the US.She wanted to get an official document to invalid the sponsorship once I get to the US. Is there any idea someone here please. Please I need your opinion again..please

Not possible. The sponsorship is required in order to assure the rest of us taxpayers won't have to support you once you get here. Sponsorship that ends upon your arrival would be useless.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-21 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

wow you guys really like to bash people. not a friendly atmosphere.

Nobody got bashed. I disagree with you. If you can't deal with being disagreed with, nobody is forcing you to post.

It is my opinion that you are at a place in your immigration learning curve where you would be better served by reading, than posting opinions.

Edited by pushbrk, 21 December 2010 - 12:56 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-21 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

Push, I think those two will be looked at the same, actually. I don't think they are looking at "credit-worthiness" which would be the only distinction between the two. In fact, the young waitress might have more potential because she is just starting out. In any case, I'm wondering if having CDs or something else would be better than having cash in the bank or if its all the same.

Hadn't thought of the fraud aspect of recent cash acquisitions. We're all human tho, I hope not to let the conspiracy theory take over in my mind. I can only present the real evidence as it exists.

You're entitled to your opinion but my experience causes me to believe as I stated. Credit worthiness is NOT the issue. It's the ability to earn an income. History of doing so, is no guarantee but is better than no history of good income and no evident near future ability to do so.

There are probably MANY things you haven't thought of, that those with more experience have not only thought of but experienced or observed. You would be wise to bear that in mind.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-21 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

There are three requirements for assets to be considered:

1. Proof of ownership.
2. Proof of value.
3. A reasonable assumption that the assets could be converted into cash within 12 months without undue hardship or financial loss to the sponsor.

With cash assets in a bank account, you've got requirements 2 and 3 nailed. Requirement #1 is a little more ambiguous. The fact that the cash is in your bank account means you have control over it, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's your money which you're free to dispose of. As I said, consular officers have seen every trick possible, and there have been no shortage of petitioners who have had mom and dad slip them $10K or $20K just so they could show sufficient assets to qualify.

If the money was received as a series of gifts then it's certainly your money, but the consulate isn't required to see it this way. Remember that they have wide latitude when considering an I-134. They could simply choose to ignore the assets, and go strictly by your income. If they end up asking you for bank statements going back six months or one year then I recommend you get statements from the people who gave you gifts attesting to the fact that the money is yours and not simply a temporary loan. You can back this up with copies of the canceled checks.

Good counsel. Also, it is critical to understand that the Consular officer is required to make a reasonable determination that the intending immigrant will not become a public charge. As such, the financial guidelines are not a goal line that if you technically cross, you score a visa.

Cash in a bank account is a liquid asset but unless it's been there a while it is also often considered "immediately disposable" for such things as travel, automobile and wedding expenses, (in a K1 case) so may reasonably be deemed as of no value in actually providing support for the immigrant over any long period of time. Consular officers are trained to consider the totality of the circumstances. A 22 year old waitress at Denny's with $30k in a savings account is not going to be evaluated the same as an underemployed factory worker with a long term history of good income with the same $30k in their account.

Another consideration in the case of a recent influx of cash is that the foreigner is paying the petitioner to help them get a green card. I've seen numerous cases where the US Citizen has been asked for detailed bank statements going back a year or more, just to investigate that particular angle. Beware.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-21 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureski 221(g) asking for co sponsor

you really need to stop giving people much money you have in the bank IS an issue when you dont meet poverty guidelines.
from the information op has given,it seems like they went forward relaying pretty much only on the petitioners savings.
if thats the case,then its obvious,for every dollar your short of meeting the poverty guidelines,you have to have 3 in assets/savings.
also NO SPONSOR OR CO SPONSOR is required to provide 3 years prior's tax return,that depends on the consulate and its not a requirement.
also a sponsor supports a beneficiary until they become a US citizen,not until they leave the country.
you really have no clue what you are talking about

I think the problem is you both only have a clue to a different part of the whole story. There's a long list of things that would end the sponsor's obligation that include both becoming a citizen and leaving the USA. There's even a potential for the sponsor to be liable until either the sponsor or sponsored immigrant dies. It's far more complicated than either of you have described.

The OP's petitioner needs a cosponsor and should consider himself extremely fortunate that the interview was not in Manila.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-21 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Fear

I think you are good. If you don't get your NOA2 exactly by teh mark of 5 months, contact teh sentor next day in your state and have them follow-up with them. You ahve almost 8 months until 5/1/11. You are good. Don't cancel anything. My two cents...

That date is just four months and 11 days from now, not almost eight months.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-20 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Fear

Not the most helpful post Yuanddan. Quite obviously, with hindsight a wedding date would not have been fixed but this isn't the situation we are in!

Actually, Dan's post was THE MOST helpful for two major reasons. One, others will read this later and learn from your mistakes. Second, you now can face the fact ONCE that you made this mistake, cancel the wedding plans, then make no more plans that require non-refundable deposits until the visa is in hand. This inconvenience is part of the territory when planning to marry a foreigner after obtaining a K1 visa. Join the club. Every other member here either went through it with a fiancee or spouse.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-20 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325A- EMPLOYMENT QUESTION


I'm in the process of applying for the K-1 visa, which includes the G-325A form. When filling out my information it was pretty simple; however my fiance brought up a concern when it came to his information, which has me wondering. Do we have to list his volunteer work information on the G-235A in the employment section if he listed it in his travel visa application?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Technically, volunteer work is not employment but because the G325a is biographical, you would show periods of unemployment to fill in the time. If some of the period of unemployment can be shown as doing volunteer work and you wish to show it that way, it's fine to do so.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-22 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp With My RFE

Sorry, yes I understand that. We have a couple different documents from different government agencies in Spain documenting that he was in Spain when I was. One is his address registration from the city government where he lived and the other is from a library registration certifcate, stamped, signed and on official letterhead. We both went and got library cards together so I too have the same certificate showing that I got a library card the same day as he did. I wanted to be sure that my evidence of being in Spain, since I have more, is well documented. My passport stamps span 9 months so I was just wondering if the bank statements along w/the stamps (since the stamps aren't from Spain but rather other EU countries) and my explanation would work effectively together? He doesn't have passport stamps because he came to Spain through extremely non-traditional means of travel. I have since gone back and visited (November 2010) and have a lot more well documented evidence for the both of us including his Spanish police record (we got it while I was visiting in preparation for the interview), school registration certificate, and my passport stamps (point of entry in Spain this time) and boarding passes. I am hoping that we will not have to refile the petition but if we do we have much better documented evidence of us both being there. Oh one other question, we lived together for 5 months, and in our original submission for the petition we submitted a letter from our landlord, but it wasn't notarized. I see now that this was only secondary evidence but will they still consider it along with the new evidence I am submitting for my RFE response or should I resubmit it again? Or is it worthless b/c it wasn't notarized? Its the only proof we have that we lived together b/c we paid cash, neither of us had a bank account in Spain.
Thanks for the response!

The only evidence of meeting they will consider is evidence of meeting in the two years prior to filing the petition. Evidence of visits after filing is helpful in obtaining the visa but not in getting the petition approved.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-22 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa

I posted this a while back. People, feel free to elaborate if I forgot anything...

A brief run through of the necessities:
-Cover letter w table of contents
-G325A for you both, signed and dated
-Passport photos (US size) in colour from you both (2 each I believe)
-A copy of your birth certificate (front and back) or all pages of passport
-A letter from each of you stating intent to marry (Basically a letter saying you are engaged and will marry within 90 days of her entry into the USA on her K-1 if approved). Signed and dated
-Proof of your meeting in the last two years in person. You will want to have enough here to give your case validity, but not toooo much. I included 6 photographs from varying times within the last 2 yrs, phone records, passport stamps, flight itineraries and boarding passes, emails planning our visit, receipts from a trip to disneyland we took together with both our names on it.

Depending when you file, the cost will be different. Check the USCIS filing fees on the day you send the form to verify the amount of the check for the I-129f.

You forgot to mention actually reading the I-129F instructions. :thumbs:
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-16 01:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfew questions about G-325A and proof

the USCIS does NOT routinely request originals anymore and unless specifically requested, regular photocopies of the requested document is acceptable.

True for supporting documents but not for official forms like the G325a, petition. Some newbies don't yet distinguish between "forms" and "documents" like we old hands do. :thumbs:
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-16 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthis can't be happening!!!!

This was my thought exactly after thinking it over...that we'd be able to still attend the interview, but just be delayed getting the visa due to this situation. I'm still sickened over it.

It's certainly worth asking but generally the passport is used as ID to get into the Consulate for the interview.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-05 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthis can't be happening!!!!

I am crying my eyes out right now. Marcel went to pick up his passport at school to receive his resident permit renewal and the woman can't find his passport!! Our interview is in two weeks. We are sickened and I am devastated. I am speechless and I want to just throw up...ANYONE please scream suggestions.....Can he get a letter from the school stating they lost his passport and use travel documents from them etc...I am just throwing immediate ideas out there...We are lost right now....

You find the passport or replace it. If necessary, the interview can be rescheduled.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-05 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChild on K1 application

I disagree... if the father's name is blank on the birth certificate then the father is "legally" unnamed\unknown... Why put a name on the DS-156? What purpose could it possible serve other than to make the visa petition/application process uneededly more complicated. The applicant could put Santa Claus.

There is no question on any form that asks what name appears on the birth certificate as the father. The questions simply ask the name or name + of the father. Unless the name is actually unknown, to answer "unknown" would be a lie. Never lie on an immigration form. Listing "unknown" for the father of the child of an immigrating fiancee or wife would raise the issue of prostitution. Trust me on this, really. It is quite rare for a non-prostitute to be unaware of the name of her child's father. There are other exceptions, like rape or just promiscuity but you get the picture.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-16 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChild on K1 application

Sorine and I did the same;

"For our situation..the father was a dead beat that didn't claim his paternal rights"

Sorine did not include him on the birth certificate.
All our papers we have filed for our K1 did not mention the father.

At our interview last week I don't even remember anyone asking anything about her son... I think the key here is that the birth cert states NONE for the father...


All children have fathers, whether their name is on the birth certificate or not. In the "visa application" process, particularly when the DS230 or DS157 are used, the visa applicant (Children apply for their own visa using visa applications.) is asked for their parents' full names and on the DS230 even more. Unless the father is truly unknown (such as in the case of the mother being a prostitute) the father's name will need to be disclosed and the local laws will need to be complied with regarding taking children out of their country of residence.

So, know your own circumstances and the specific requirements of your country. For some countries, (China for one) full court ordered custody is sufficient. For the Philippines, if the parents weren't married when the child was born, the father has no rights. Get a country specific and circumstance specific answer well in advance of the interview or filing any "visa applications".

Again, petitions are not visa applications.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-16 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChild on K1 application

I listed my fiancés 9 yr. old son on our K1 application.
What documentation does my fiancé need from his ex-wife to bring their child to the US to live with him? She currently has full custody. Is a letter stating she (the mother) grants permission for the father to have full custody and to take the child to the United State to live with him enough documentation? Of course he would have her notarize the letter. Will this type of letter be enough for the embassy to approve his son to come with him to the US? Also, does the K1 application need to be mentioned on the letter? Thanks!

You need a Bahamas specific answer for custody but the child will need their own visa application. You would have included the child's name on the I-129F petition for your fiancee but a petition is not an application for anything.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-14 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot two opposing statements from local attorneys..

Hi everybody! I have another question and therefore start another topic. This board is awsome, I got plenty of input and good ideas on my previous and first post.

Now to the point! My main plan of action is still applying for a K-1 for my girl and I got somewhat contradicting info after visiting a few law offices in the area. My situation is that I, myself, got the US citizenship not too long ago, august of '09 to be exact and one of the responses that I got was that basically a certain amount of time should elapse before I can try to get someone else into the country. I was told that a minimum of 5 years must pass from the day my greencard was approved in order to be successful in this undertaking. The lady said that I could still apply but the application would really hit the red light and I would be asked to bring a proof that my previous marriage was not a fraud if I applied before those five years elapsed. I got the greencard and the citizenship through the marriage with a US citizen. Is that true? Thanks againg, I appreciate all of your help!

There is no waiting period between Citizenship and your right to file a petition for a fiance or immediate relative. You will not be applying for any visa. You'll be filing a petition, which when approved, will allow your loved one to apply for a visa.

Do expect some additional scrutiny.

Edited by pushbrk, 16 November 2010 - 01:33 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-16 01:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate for I-129F

A good question that was raised, and maybe you can help answer it is: if USCIS requires the "long" form, why don't the instructions say that? For everyone's benefit, this a direct paste from the instructions PDF on the USCIS site for the I-129F:

"A. If you were born in the United States, give USCIS a copy, front and back, of your birth certificate."

Nothing about what kind of birth certificate they're looking for.

I could only speculate on the reason USCIS instructions are incomplete but this is not the only instance of such. For what it's worth, only a few US States issue anything other than what would be considered a long form birth certificate, so it's not a common issue. "British Empire" countries are where this issue comes up most often.

Another pet peeve is that USCIS doesn't explain exactly what they mean by evidence of meeting in person except when they issue an RFE for having submitting evidence that isn't sufficient. Seeing those RFE's are how we know their expectations.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-16 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate for I-129F

It sounds like you sent them what they need then. In my 11 months on VisaJourney, I've never seen anyone say they were RFE'd for their birth certificate so you should be just fine. :thumbs:

I've been here longer and seen more. Yes, there would be an RFE if a short form BC was all that was sent as evidence of US Citizenship. Sound like this BC was just fine though.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-15 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate for I-129F

I have a question regarding the birth certificate for the I-129F. I just read on another post the USCIS requires the "birth certificate long form" for proof of citizenship. Is this true? I sent them the regular certified birth certificate, front and back. I had an extra one so I sent them the original. I hope this will be sufficient.


Long form it is. If you don't have it, get it. Alternatively, have a copy of all pages of your passport ready to respond to the RFE.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-15 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129

He came in as a K2 and after 5 years of green card holder, he is now a US Citizen. So on the parents.. it means I am the one? so have to fill in my US Certificate #. Is that right?

Thanks for answering.

quote name='marriedtomrg' timestamp='1290096039' post='4298189']
How old was he when he received citizenship? Did he apply for it himself or as a derivative of yours?

No. If he obtained citizenship after a K2 arrival, he Naturalized and has his own naturalization certificate.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-18 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCredit History

Credit, or lack thereof, is not a consideration at all.

Unless there's a tax lien, that is correct.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-18 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp - A sad tale of a change of heart :-(

I will cut to the chase, because of circumstances I do not know if I wish to follow through with the K-1 interview/marraige :( .

Just yesterday she received from the embassy in Bogota, Colombia the documents to put together for the interview/medical/etc. so the question is - What happens if we do not do any further processing with the embassy in Bogota? I imagine that the NOA approval expires (it reads "Valid from 10/20/2010 to 02/19/2011"), should I or do I need to notify the embassy?

Curious if this will have any impacts should, in the future, I wish to apply for another K-1?

Thank you for your comments and suggestions!


I would be in no hurry to do so but if you are not going through with the visa process, you'll want to send a letter to USCIS "withdrawing" your petition and send a copy of that letter to the Consulate (by email is probably ok followed by a paper copy) and let them know you won't be pursuing the visa.

Yes, this will have impact (minimal) in the future in that you will need to ask for a waiver from USCIS if you file another petition within two years.

Please note you never have and never will apply for a K1 visa. You are a US Citizen. You filed a petition for your fiancee who is now allowed to apply for a visa. She cannot successfully do that without an affidavit of support from you.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-17 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTraveling after applying.


I am a UK citizen and am wanting to marry a US citizen. We are planning to start the application for the K1 fiance visa in Jan.

I am concerned because i had planned to go back over there in March and i'd heard that you can't enter the USA while the visa is pending.

It seems like an unclear area and i am finding it hard to get information on the topic.

Any help will be much appreciated.



You'll file a petition, not start an application. No visa is pending until applied for. Usually applied for visas are issued within days and during those "days" the visa applicant's passport is in the hands of the Consulate, meaning they couldn't travel if they wanted to.

Filing a petition is not applying for a visa.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 02:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease be concern about the papers!!

Why does everything have to be kept? Simple enough to show it and then let them give it back if they don't want to file it. We want our chats for our own reasons not just to make life pleasant for a DOS employee.

They will decide what to keep and what not to keep, from what is presented to them. They might not keep or even look at your chats, logs or emails. If you're printing them for yourself, that's an entirely different matter.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-19 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease be concern about the papers!!


I was printing all the phone calls history, skype chat history, msg history, I could literally make 3 books out of it.
and the situation made me concern about how much paper we are actually wasting through this process. And sadly, how many trees we're killing here?? After this process, all those paper goes to the garbage can.Have anyone thought of this?

So I'm suggesting here that please use the both side of the paper for all your phone calls history, chat history, and msg history. I'm sure that visa officers would understand that, and would actually like it because they know people like you would saving american's resource when you start living in the States.

Its not the money issue, you know, it's not like trying to save couple dollars, is just nobody likes to pay to cut those trees down to waste.


Far better to print only examples of how and how frequently you communicate. Anything they keep, goes in two-hole punched file your loved one will carry back to the US when they come. One page of chat log per month or every other month is plenty, along with maybe one chat transcript or email for each month. Save the trees by using examples, not printing on both sides. They'll hate you for making them stand on their heads to read your file.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-19 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 to marriage service

I applied for k1 visa in U.s embassy Islamabad they put my case in admin process and 12 months they declare that embassy doubt you guys married thats why denying and file marriage visa again.

I live in Karachi, My fiancée coming soon we will marry and then we want to file marriage visa. One of my friend due to violence here in Karachi suggested that if we want there is U.S citizen service in U.S embassy Islamabad for marriage, we can also marries in U.S embassy Islamabad, does any body knows about it or tried ever?

Embassy already wasted our time by saying u guys are married i want t marry in embassy so that don't have doubt about marrying.

Another thing can we file case in Islamabad embassy after marry there are certain conditions to file, does any one know about it ?

If we marry in Islamabad embassy is there any problem with our case b/c our family will not be there but definitely they know we are getting marry there.

The decision about granting a spouse visa is not based on whether the Consular officer believes the couple is legally married. The decision is based on whether they are convinced the relationship between the husband and wife is genuine as opposed to having been entered into for the purpose of obtaining an immigration benefit for the foreigner. Married is married. WHY you married and what kind of relationship you have is the issue.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone heard of being Denied at Point of Entry?

Correction. ICE is under Dept. of Homeland Security

Correct. ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is not part of Customs and Border Protection but IS part of Homeland Security.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-21 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone heard of being Denied at Point of Entry?

Yes, CBP (border patrol) has the final say on who comes in. If they deem you to be inadmissable, even after allllll the paperwork and consular approval at your interview, they can revoke your visa. Its quite rare and usually for a HUGE reason.

CBP stands for Customs and Border Protection. We do commonly call the offers Border Patrol but that is not the name of the agency.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone heard of being Denied at Point of Entry?

This is true, Customs and Boarder Patrol makes the ultimate decision wether to let you through or not, so even if you take a 24 hour plane ride you can still be denied entry...

Each entry into any country is a separate decision. When entering the USA, the agency responsible for this decision is named US Customs and Border "Protection". (not Patrol)

Any denial of entry for a fiancee or spouse of a US Citizen with an appropriate visa would be the result of NEW information indicating the applicant was not eligible.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo they interview k2

I guess I should have qualified that. Yes, you need to submit the proper documentation and it is basically a duplicate of the K-1s documents plus or minus a couple things specific to the consulate. They do not interview a K2 for the purpose of establishing a "relationship" as they do with a K-1.

The only thing you have to "prove" is that they are under 21, never married and the child of the K-1 beneficiary. This usually requires a birth certifcate and visa application. SOME consulates may require a DNA test or a statement of never being married. Again, having the right documents is key as you state Pushbrk.

Guangzhou and perhaps some other Consulate have been wanting to see even more than a birth certificate. They are asking for photos of the child through their lifetime.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-21 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo they interview k2

Depends on the consulate. Our 13 year old (at the time) was not interviewed. Our 18 year old K2 to follow was interviewed but they really didn't ask anything pertinent. Neither were interviewed for the AOS. K2s are derivitive of K1s, if the K1 is approved the K2 will be also.

This is not entirely true but it is generally true as long as the applicable paperwork and permissions are in order and the parental relationship has been adequately established. Even when there are questions about the parental relationship, the K1 visa is usually delayed until they are cleared up. In cases where the K2 will follow to join there's far more possibility of blue slips for inadequate documentation, since the documents are presented "later".
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-21 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Question 10

I'm supposed to put the number, date, and place that a U.S. birth certificate was issued? Like the city, state, and some number on it? Or is that question only for naturalization?

I only assume that the question is only for naturalization because I was not advised to fill it in, but it seems to me like it is for both. ?

If born in the USA, check born in USA and enter N/A in the other fields asking for numbers. Those are for those NOT born in the USA.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-20 02:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting for K1

Send the photo's. They may not be dated but at least they show you were together

Photos together bolster the evidence of a bona fide relationship but do not serve as evidence of meeting in person. They are two separate issues.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-22 00:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting for K1

YUP ...they just ask for pics ............... none of ours had the dates on them ............ they just want to see you two :whistle:

The photos are a good idea but USCIS doesn't request any photo except the passport photo. Petitioners should send primary evidence of meeting which would be passport stamps, boarding passes and receipts for purchases in the beneficiary's home country. Itineraries, emails and photos together are not evidence of meeting. You can buy tickets without using them.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-11-21 10:51:00