K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdding Proof of Relationship after NOA1

This guy knows what he's talking about. I will add though that if you are sending boarding passes as evidence of meeting, be sure the boarding passes are dated with the year. We sent boarding passes and photos as our evidence and received an RFE. On second look, all of the boarding passes were dated with only the month and day of the flight. USCIS needs the year too. If it isn't on the boarding pass, send also copies of the relevant passport stamp(s) or maybe a matching flight itinerary. Some airlines print the year on the boarding passes, but some do not, so be sure to look.

Yes, that's a good add. I was addressing the assertion that the complete passport copy was needed. It isn't. Yes, many boarding passes don't have the year and I would always include the passport stamps if available. In the case of a lost passport, I've seen boarding passes plus a matching itinerary used successfully when boarding passes didn't state the year.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdding Proof of Relationship after NOA1

Wrong again. A letter of Intent must be signed, you cannot add that later. You will get a RFE. (It is a basic requirement of the !-129-F) The G-325-A must also be signed attesting to The truth in your Petition.
But, lets keep the Peace. I would be really confused as a newbee reading your advice and say to myself. Whens my RFE Coming?

You need not sign a letter of intent DURING the in person meeting. "Later" means after the meeting but yes, BEFORE filing the petition. The G325a NEED NOT BE SIGNED by the foreign fiancee or spouse if not residing in the USA. But it too can be signed "later" (after the meeting but before filing)

You described a situation where two people would meet casually once and then fill out and sign a form and a letter during that meeting. It's a specious example BECAUSE the meeting only fulfills the "meeting" requirement. Letters of intent come after agreement to marry, as would a G325a, signed or not.

I advise you NOT to argue the foreigner's G325a must be signed. Them official memo stating otherwise is ready to be emailed to you on request and links to it have been posted here many times. I also know personally of several cases approved without the foreigner signing the G325a. Read Gary's interview with the Vermont Service Center Director. It will open your eyes.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdding Proof of Relationship after NOA1
Members often confuse "evidence of meeting" with "evidence of relationship". They are NOT the same thing by a long shot. Also notice the word is "evidence" not "proof". They are NOT the same thing by a long shot.

I agree with Gary completely, except to say that a photo together is NOT required evidence of meeting. If you have some photos, certainly include a few but they are secondary evidence of meeting.

The foreigner's birth certificate is NOT required with the petition. It's carried to the interview. The US citizen's complete passport is not required and neither is any page of their passport. Boarding passes alone are enough primary evidence of meeting if you flew to the beneficiary's country of residence. Submitting every page of the US Citizen's passport is an optional way of showing evidence of citizenship. If the US Citizen has a certified copy of their birth certificate or a photocopy of their Naturalization certificate, they need not send anything from their passport.

Yes, you could have met at a friend's wedding reception up to two years ago, and then later made contact and started a long distance relationship with no further in person contact or photos and still get the petition approved. Petition approval though, is NOT A VISA. Take your evidence of relationship to the interview fully prepared to present and explain it as well as answer any and all questions about the relationship and the petitioner's life, family, marital history and job.

Evidence of relationship is for the interview. Even front loaded evidence of relationship is FOR THE INTERVIEW. It doesn't help get a fiancee petition approved except in very rare circumstances where USCIS suspects fraud up front.
pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService Center

K-1 Visa Process: USCIS Service Center Jurisdiction

USICS Service Center: California
The California Service Center currently adjudicates petitions from the following US states and territories:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, or Wyoming.

USICS Service Center: Vermont
The Vermont Service Center currently adjudicates petitions from the following US states and territories:
Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Used to be this was written in stone but now the intake facility in Lewisville. Texas will send the case to the service center based on workload and other considerations. Even so, most likely the case will be assigned according to the (now) "guidelines" shown above.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-06 03:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdeclaration of having met

My fiance and I met last year, visited each other twice during 2010, and then in December I went to stay with him for a few months. So I've been in the US for 3 months now and am planning to leave before the 6 months are up (as a Canadian, I can be in the US for 6 months out of a year with no visa. They don't give you an I-94 either).

In our declaration, I described both short visits and explained my current visit. It ends with:
"It is now March 5th, 2011. Since [cananner], as a Canadian visitor, can only be in the United States for 6 months out of a year, she will be returning to Montreal before May, so that she does not overstay her US visit."

I guess I'm just paranoid that whoever reviews our case will read that and be like "NO RETURN TICKET?!" even though we've stated that I'm fully aware that I can't just hang out in the US for an unlimited time. Is what I've written okay?

Your statement is fine. Now concentrate on providing primary evidence that she is/was here. Since there won't be passport stamps, airline boarding passes, in country receipts for her credit card purchases or proof of life photo will do.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-06 03:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a annoyance - or is it?

Thanks. That sounds too much like practical, common sense to possibly work, no? ;) Is there precedent for that? Previous advice from VJ was to get original-ink signatures, thus our laborious process so far.

In paperwork to come, are there other situations in which a "we'll give you an original signature later" response is not going to throw a wrench in the works? Fiancee and I are very well connected by email, but of course that doesn't support original-ink.

This only works for a foreigner's G325a, when the foreigner is NOT in the USA or the Petitioner's signature on the G325a. No excuse for the petitioner not to sign though. It's the only exception to the need for actual signatures. Yes, there's an official USCIS memo to that effect. Here's the text from it. The one caveat, is that there's no guarantee all adjudicators are aware of this policy.

Interoffice Memorandum
From: Michael Aytes /S/
Acting Associate Director for Operations
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Department of Homeland Security
Date: November 1, 2005
Re: Guidance for Processing Pending Form I-129F Petition for Alien Fiancé(e) when
G-325A for Petitioner and/or Beneficiary is not Signed and/or Photos not Submitted.
To provide field offices with guidance on processing Form I-129F petitions when the accompanying G-325A is missing signatures and/or photographs.
A properly executed Form G-325A is required for all I-129F petitions. Previously it was standard practice to issue an RFE when the beneficiary failed to sign the G-325A and/or failed to submit photographs. From the date of this memorandum, an RFE should not be issued in instances where the beneficiary failed to sign the G-325A and/or failed to include photographs provided that the beneficiary is residing abroad. The beneficiary will be required to sign the Form G-325A and/or submit photographs at the time of visa issuance abroad. It is also not necessary to RFE for the petitioner’s signature on the G-325A, if the petitioner failed to sign it. The signature of the petitioner on the Form I-129F should be deemed sufficient for purposes of adjudicating the petition. Finally, it is important to note that the petitioner’s photograph is still required for the adjudication of the I-129F, so if it is missing, it must be requested prior to adjudication.
Questions regarding this memorandum may be directed through appropriate channels to Mica Pilz of Service Center Operations.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-05 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a annoyance - or is it?

So my Fiancee (beneficiary) has, on two occasions now, filled out G-325a's for the K-1 visa and mailed them to me, so as to have her required original-ink signatures on them. Well, there's always a lag time from when I talk to her to explain needed alterations, during which there are issues for her with printing the forms, then delays from international mailing, and then there's my own S**t-happens lag that keeps me from getting back into the paperwork...So anyway, the most recently-arrived edition of her 325a immediately preceded her move to a new part of her country - so now her address has changed, thus it doesn't match that on the revised I-129f I've done up. That's the only change now needed in the form, assuming I can just manage to get the whole package wrapped up before some other crisis intervenes. Options:

1) I'm thinking I could 'paper over' the addresses that she so carefully hand-wrote, with a note directing the reviewer to an addendum on the next page that would list all addresses with the most current appearing at top, as it's supposed to appear - seems consistent with recommendations for other addenda, though I have to cover or at least strike through the old info to do this right)

2) I could manually fill out a pre-signed blank she also sent me, but my handwriting is sloppy and looks nothing like hers and I wonder if it's likely to inspire some junior-detective-type questions about the difference between "her" handwritten entries as seen there vs. in other documents.

3) I could ask her for yet another revision...which will again reset our clock on this, as well as make her want to choke me...


My advice is to edit the PDF file so it is correct, print it and then type in the box for signature, "Will sign at Consulate". Really. This will be fine.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-05 00:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Relationship?

you don't need a lawyer, ask vj members for help and they'll guide you. your better off without one.i'm tired of reading the horror stories about lawyers on here.

Unless somebody is intimately acquainted with you, your capabilities and aptitudes as well as all about your case and relationships, they are not qualified form a meaningful opinion about whether YOU need professional assistance in ANY matter, much less an immigration matter. Most of us have done it ourselves but it's not for everybody.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-05 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Relationship?

Hello, I do not know if this question has been addressed in the forum before, but I do apologize for being redundant if it has. I have been carefully gathering my documentation for my K1 application and when I went to my Immigration Attorney to present it, they told me I will need some Affidavits of a Relationship. I did not find this requirement in the list of documentation from this website. OK I can get several of these so called Affidavits of Relationship completed by friends and family, but the real kicker is that the attorney is saying that the person who completes the Affidavit of Relationship will have to provide a Birth Certificate or a Passport to prove US Citizenship. This is ridiculous. This will take WEEKS to get from these people and not to mention that some may not want to provide this Affidavit if they have to go to the trouble of giving a Birth Certificate or copy of their Passport to some unknown Government Office for my benefit. Can anyone tell me about this bunch of malarky?

It's possible, your attorney sees and actual need in your case for such affidavits. Perhaps there are some red flags you haven't mentioned. Otherwise, yes, it's "malarky". No such affidavits are needed or even advised for a K1 visa coming from Ukraine. They are a strange request (the birth certificate or passport part) even for a spouse visa through the most difficult of consulates. Kiev is one of the easiest. You hired the attorney. If you don't like the service, you have the option of firing them or simply asking them to do without these superfluous affidavits.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere and how much?

Hi Rob/Slava,

There are so many nice and helpful people here that will help you through this process. So many, in fact, that it is sometimes hard to process all the information in a moment. I found it very helpful for me to purchase a hard copy book by Nolo entitled (Fiance' and Marriage Visas). Nothing new here beyond what all of us will tell you. It's just a way to sit and read the whole process (at your own pace) in lieu of looking at this visa elephant thru a microscope. It's step by step instructions with completed sample documents. A very simple and inexpensive tool.
Good Luck!

Just a caveat about any published book on any immigration process. The process is ever changing. "Books" often don't get updated to correspond with the current conditions on the ground.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-08 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere and how much?

Hi Ricardo, From what I've read on other forums, It looks like Vermont Servise Center and the fee is $170.00. Does that sound right?

No, it is not correct. You haven't downloaded and carefully studied the I-129F instructions. Doing so, will be critical to your eventual success. The fee is now $340, down from $455. The address in Texas where ALL fiancee petitions are mailed will be in those instructions as well as many other things you need to know including how to make out the check.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-05 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslittle problem with k-1 visa

To clarify, if she surrendered using the fake name, did the Japanese government ever know her real name?

It's hard to say. The police report will contain the answer. "What a terrible web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. To know "what will happen" we would need some experience or report of a very similar situation. I don't recall any.

No matter what the real answers are to these unknowns, the other unknown you need to be aware of is that the Consulate will be aware that your fiancee has already been willing to commit immigration fraud to live and work in one country. No matter how they deal with that specifically, there will be an unusually high level of scrutiny of your relationship bona fides. After all, the primary purpose of the interview is to determine whether the relationship is being entered into exclusively to circumvent the US immigration laws to obtain a benefit. She's done it once and they'll be wanting to make sure she's not doing it again.

Edited by pushbrk, 08 March 2011 - 05:23 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-08 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslittle problem with k-1 visa

just wanted to put out, my fiance wasnt arrested or deported in any way. after she surrendered herself, they interrogated her, and sent her on her way with all the paperwork handed to her. she continued to work in japan for a couple more weeks and bought herself a plane ticket to fly home to manila. i talked to some attorneys and they just told me to be upfront with everything, they never once mentioned about any automatic denials or anything bad. im still keeping my fingers crossed!

And you still haven't heard anybody or read anybody talking about "automatic denials". Your only viable choice is to be up front from the beginning. The devil will be in the details. One difficulty you're going to have is obtaining that Japan police report BECAUSE she traveled under a false name with a fraudulent passport. I don't know how she's going to get a US fiancee visa without that police report. You'll have to deal with the Consulate on that when the time comes.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-08 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslittle problem with k-1 visa

she is back in the Philippines right now. she surrendered herself at immigration in Japan with her name she used to enter Japan. i told her to keep that paperwork she received from the immigration office in Japan just in case she needs it at the possible interview at the embassy. she entered japan under a different name for the main reason to work. were thinking this was no crime against U.S. immigration so hopefully wont be so harsh. But yes, i want to talk to an immigration attorney and explain me and my fiance's situation. thank u guys for the ideas, it really does, help but if u have any questions about info please don't hesitate to ask!

At least now you know that US immigration cares about any criminal activity anywhere in the world, by those wishing to come "LIVE" in the USA. Certain crimes will disqualify the visa applicant. She committed a crime in Japan. I don't know what the consequences will be. When you DO speak to an attorney, I advise you to stop sugar coating the facts. Tell him she used a false passport or passport and visa to fraudulently enter Japan and work for five years, and that she later surrendered herself and voluntarily left Japan.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-05 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslittle problem with k-1 visa

im in the navy and i was stationed in japan from 2007-2011. i met my fiance in tokyo in october 2009 and we've been together ever since then. she is a Philippine citizen but lived and worked in japan for 5 years. im working on the K-1 visa package at the moment. i have plenty of proof that we met the meeting requirements and that we still have an ongoing relationship, working on the package is fine, but there is one problem that im worried about: she entered japan under a different name. my question is, will this have any effect on us applying for the K-1 visa? maybe an automatic disapproval of visa or any other consequences? if anyone out there has any info please do help! thank you!

The impact of using another name to enter Japan will depend on the reason she did so. She'll need a police certificate from Japan and yes, they ARE available. If that police certificate is in a different name than her current correct name, she'll need to document the name change. If she entered, lived and worked in Japan fraudulently, consult a qualified immigration attorney, as she would be considered a criminal. Criminal activity by the foreign beneficiary complicates things considerably.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-05 02:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A, bio for both or fiance only?

hey folks! My first post here. I've read over the K-1 guide til my eye's were ready to bleed but still have to ask a question. Sorry if I sound dumber than dirt, but for the G-325A, is one of the forms for my bio info and the other for my fiance's bio? or are both forms for HER biographical info and just needs one with my signature and one with her signature? I'm just now finding out that I have to have forms signed by her to add to the 129F packet. I think that and the letter of intent to marry is the only thing my fiance needs to sign. is there anything I missed that she needs to sign before i have her mail those things to me? this site and you guys are great, without it I'd be lost like 400 feet up a bullfrog's butt!



Asking questions and using the guides are both great resources and your question has been answered. However, failure to carefully study the I-129F instructions (where the above question is answered clearly) will put you in a position of potentially not having critical information you NEED but didn't know to ask about.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-08 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Finance Visa: Clarifications Needed!
You've got other good answers but let me clarify a couple things. You don't indicate the type of work she does. If she goes to work at a business address every day, I would use that. If the contracts to work in somebody's house, I would use the address of the nearest office of the contracting company.

For information that is known about parents, provide it. If it is unknown, indicate unknown. Interpret all questions literally and answer the question asked. There is no "Where did they last live?", question. If she doesn't know, she doesn't know.
pushbrkMaleChina2011-01-02 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused about my children for k1 visa

@ pushbrk ... I am applying visa for me and for my youngest one only cause the other kids are schooling here so do I need to show them 125% income even if its just me and the baby only ? Or do we have any option like getting married here first so we can count his parents income since if he file a spouse visa we can use i-864 form for additional income.

Anyways, thanks to all your reply i really appreciate it and it ease my mind somehow.

Children that are not immigrating are not counted in the household size. Yes, once you are married, the I-864 and potentially a second I-864 or I-864a can be used. Yes, it's 125% of the poverty guideline but only for the petitioner's current household plus the intending immigrants being sponsored at that moment.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-09 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused about my children for k1 visa

I guess I need to pursue filing the CRBA. Regarding about his parents income. AS far as i KNow his parents are receiving their pension and if I am not mistaken it is amounting to more than 24,000 in a year for both of them. Now the problem i have here is I don't know if US Embassy in Manila will accept I-864A since I will be holding a K1 visa which is non-immigrant visa. I am confused cause do I have to show 125% even if its just me and the baby who will go first ?

Since you're applying for K visas for yourself and three children, I would NOT expect Manila to accept any cosponsors. You fiance would be wise to plan on having enough income to qualify on his own. If he doesn't, then he'll need to upgrade his employment and income before you obtain any visas. The attorney should be advising him on this but sometimes they only collect a fee to file initial papers, then walk away from the process before the affidavit of support comes up. The petitioner needs to check into this thoroughly.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-09 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! Questions on K1 Visa Application Forms

My petition is under initial review as of this moment. But as i was reading up on K1 tips and guides online, I'm wondering if the items below will affect the processing of my approval --

1. On my G325A form, I failed to write NONE or N/A on the portion that says File Number and Alien Registration Number.
2. The fiance letter of intent that I submitted didn't have the USCIS address on its heading (but it was duly signed by me and dated properly)

Will USCIS be so strict about these things?
Please clarify.

Thanks a lot!

No problem but this has nothing to do with "application forms". Those come AFTER the "petition" is approved. Best not to confuse "application" and "petition" in this process.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMaybe someone can advise us something

Had an interview at US Embassy in Bangkok on 21st January 2011. Everything went completely fine and the officer was really nice. However, I am an Uzbek national and I live and work in Thailand. All the documents about me never being married, certificate of having sole custody of my son, my and my son's birth certificates and police certificate back at home are obviously from Uzbekistan. I did everything by the book, and since all the docs were in Russian, they were translated into English, notarized and then legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan. So, since Embassy doesn't know how exactly these docs have to look from Uzbekistan, they told me that they will send them to US Embassy in Uzbekistan, which is completely reasonable. Officer asked me if I can leave my passport with her, but since I work here, I have to notify Thai Immigration of my address status every three months and on 1st Feb is when I had to go, otherwise I will be fined. So she said, no problem, just make sure you will have two pages free for visas. No any slips, or anything has been given to me. Embassy still has all my original birth certificates and documents. We contacted Embassy and they barely responded, but when they finally did, they said that our case is under "administrative processing". So this is pre prehistory.

My fiancee is in the Army. Right now he is deployed in Afghanistan. His R&R was scheduled for March, since we thought by then visas will be granted. When we realized it's not gonna happen, he was lucky to switch with one of his buddies to April. It's already almost middle of March and still nothing. He tried to switch his R&R again, but he wasn't allowed. Now he needs to notify Army where he will be going on leave. The thing is his deployment will be over hopefully by Dec 2011/ Jan 2012. April 2011 is the only R&R he is going to have thus the only time frame we will be able to get married. Army will not allow him to take any extra days to come to US and marry me. We wrote to Embassy multiple times requesting to speed things up a little bit, my fiancee called there as well and nothing. Unfortunately, they didn't even acknowledge receipt of our messages or calls.

So question is:

Is there any other way we will be able to get married with me being on US soil and him in Afghanistan? OR Is it possible to somehow extend fiancee visa? OR Will it help if my fiancee will call to US Embassy in Uzbekistan? OR we are open to any suggestions.

Needless to say, we are both stressed out and I think if Embassy has just at least told us that don't wait up, it's gonna take even more months, but no.... Otherwise, we just sit and wait for God knows what. :(

The visa cannot be issued without the Consulate having your passport. If you need the visa issued later, just ask the Consular services at the Bangkok embassy to delay issuing the visa.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp

Please read the guides you missed everything that is included with the form. Good luck.

In addition to the guides here, it is critical that you download and carefully study the actual I-129F instructions. If you at least included the correct $340 fee, you should get a request for everything else. Get it ready now, so you can respond within the 30 days they give you. If you do not, they will deny the petition and you'll be starting over again with a new fee. If you didn't include the correct fee, your petition will be rejected and your package will be returned to you.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCorrect I-129F Fee?

I am a bit confused as to the correct fee for the initial K-1 Visa Application. I see $455.00 and then when I go to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services website, it says $340.00. I work for a state government and know how outdated we are on are website, so I am a bit skeptical on the US site, but nevertheless hopeful it has gone down. But I have never seen anything in government go down. Any insights anybody?

There is no "initial K1 visa application". You are filing a petition and the petition filing fee is $340. Later, after the petition is approved, your fiancee will "apply for a visa". The visa application fee paid locally in cash at that time is currently $350. Usually it's paid at a bank in the local currency equal to the fee.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Letter of Intent and Form G-325A

When my fiance and I put together our I-129f package we followed the guide here, and number 9 on the checklist is: 'G-325A filled out by the foreign fiance(e) signed and dated (see example).'
Also, if you check out the instructions for form I-129f you'll see that it is said there that you need to have "a completed and signed Form G-325A for you and a completed and signed Form G-325A for your fiancé(e)."
And while maybe there is such a memo, I just thought that it's always better to be one the safe side and follow the instructions they give you.

I agree with you about what's better. Nevertheless the fact is, a signed G325a from a foreigner residing abroad, is not REQUIRED. You said it was. It isn't, period.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-11 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Letter of Intent and Form G-325A

She has to sign the G-325A now, not at the interview.

This is NOT correct and the USCIS memo stating the foreign fiancee or spouse can sign the G325a at the Consulate has been posted numerous times here. That said, if the OP is having the fiancee mail a signed letter of intent, she might as well send a signed G325a in the same package.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Letter of Intent and Form G-325A

Hello all, this site indicates that we should submit a Fiance Letter of Intent and provides an example. I've never heard of anything like this required in the initial application. My finance is in Ecuador and I am getting ready to submit the initial application. I even looked at Nolo's guide and it mentions nothing like this. Is this required or absolutely necessary for a smooth process?

Second, this may have been covered but does my fiance need to sign the G-325A or can she sign this at the interview. No instructions on this either. Is there a memo on this or something.

Any insight, direction, etc., would be greatly appreciated.

All the best, Burk

Then the first thing you do is throw out "Nolo's guide" and read the I-129F instructions again. Study section 5 more carefully.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between I129F ans I130???

I think the OP was referring to this link

The information at that link refers to the I-130 correctly as a petition for a relative. The word fiancee is not used.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-11 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between I129F ans I130???

I think they are probably looking at the I-130 NOA2.

Case Status Information for Receipt Number: EACxxxxxxxxx
The last processing action taken on your case
Receipt Number: EACxxxxxxxxx


Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On xxxx xx, 20xx, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.


Yes, the boilerplate on many NOA2 notices says that but the OP has no NOA2 yet and a notice of action isn't ""

Edited by pushbrk, 10 March 2011 - 09:24 PM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between I129F ans I130???

Ok first of all dont speak down to me like I'm some ignorant uneducated person ,ok. For your imformation I submitted my petition back in September and did it all my lonely self and I have yet to receive and RFE. I was simply asking asking on USCIS.GOV it says "I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN". That is why I asked because it says Fiance in there.

So please don't come on my posting being rude and trying to treat me like I'm an idiot.

Don't know where you're looking or the context of your quote but on the petition itself, it says, "I-130, Petition for Alien Relative" and it is called exactly that at the link from which you would download the petition. No RFE is a good thing but you also don't have an approval yet. Getting a petition filed and approved is the easy part. The hard part is yet to come. Attention to detail and context will be critical going forward.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between I129F ans I130???

Oh ok. So then that would be the application for couples that are already married then.

No, neither the I-129F or I-130 are applications for anything. They are petitions, which when approved, allow the foreigner to apply for a visa. To have success doing it yourself for an immigration process, you'll need to be able to carefully read forms and instructions, then interpret them literally and respond accurately. If you are not capable of easily comprehending the difference between a relative and a fiancee, you MIGHT want to re-think your do it yourself ideas. It's not for everybody.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference between I129F ans I130???

What is the difference between and I129F and I130 if both are for alien fiancéAttached File  K BRINDIS.JPG   33.83KB   8 downloads?

No, they are not both for alien fiance. The I-130 is for an alien relative. A fiance is not yet a relative.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 weeks and still nothing?

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Seems some members here have too much time on their hands! It's a confusing process, and there is a lot of outdated and incorrect information around - even on this site!

I would call and ask how they would handle it if it's sent to the wrong address. I would think it would simply be re-routed ... probably without so much as a single condescending word (sometimes the USCIS is more sensitive than members here)!

The OP has already been told the petition would be rerouted. Are you really, seriously suggesting the member call the misinformation line? Seriously?

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-12 02:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 weeks and still nothing?

I don't know when this change took place, but when I filed I mailed to Vermont with no problems.
Attached is the guide I followed letter for letter and it is still within expiry dates.. til 2/29/2012. Clearly states to mail to Vermont if you reside in one of those states.
I hope that USCIS would honor this guide and accept your mailing to the VSC.
Good Luck!

You have attached the February, 2010 instructions. The current ones are from November, 2010, but the instructions for mailing were in the USCIS website several months prior to the publication in November. Only if you consider a delay to be a problem will there be any problem.

As you go forward with your process, ignore expiration dates for forms. They don't mean what you think. Always use the most currently "issued" form downloading it directly from the USCIS website. The expiration dates are for internal comment through the OMB, not a date after which the form cannot be used.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-11 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 weeks and still nothing?

I agree Pushbrk with you. But your addressing me and not telling the Original Poster what you think since you are better qualified than me I'm sure to answer the concern for the mistake. SO pushbrk, what is the best answer since you have so many miles on you in this matter. You know you understand this better than me. I agree, the I-129 seems simple to an experienced person as you. But, I admit it was overwhelming to me. So lets assume the OP did it perfectly and then mailed to the wrong address after all that work assembling their package.
With your experience and knowledge would it be safe to assume there is nothing to worry about except maybe a week delay? I don't know.
That was the question the OP was asking. Thanks ..... Your knowledge is sometimes HARD and Straight but appreciated by me.

I already gave the answer as to what will likely happen. The timing is anybody's guess, as per the usual with USCIS.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-11 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 weeks and still nothing?

Just my thought:

The member was not asking to be lectured about Mailing and may have made a mistake I see.
Apparently did not get a Confirmation that it was recieved by the USPO. Thus, no tracking.
It takes alot of hard time and work to assemble a petition.

I agree, they should have heard something by now. Even sent to the wrong Box. This member was not looking for someone to say: You did'nt read enough...

I think if the petition was properly done.. The Department of Homeland Security will cash the check. NOA1 Accepted. If not, the petition will be returned so it can be resent.

Don't worry.

I always think people come ask questions on VJ because, first and foremost, they are interested in getting the help they need to have a successful immigration process. When their questions indicate they've failed to carefully study instructions, I like to let them know how critical doing so will be to their eventual success. YMMV, but I've got a lot of immigration mileage from which to draw such a conclusion.

If you fail to study instructions carefully, asking questions won't save you because many times, like this one, you don't know what you didn't know and could have known until it's too late.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-11 03:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 weeks and still nothing?

Hmmmm. I have two different I-129F forms. One came from my local office and the other I downloaded off line. Two different address. One in TX, the other in VT. There is a website where you enter your zip code and it tells you where to mail your form. I did this and it told me VT. I am glad I read this topic before mailing my packet in.

You download both the latest form and latest instructions from All I-129F petitions for fiancee go to the lockbox in Texas and have for some time now.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-11 01:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 weeks and still nothing?

So what is going to happen to our paperwork?

And yes it is for the K-1 visa

The Vermont Service Center will most likely forward your package to Lewisville, Texas for "intake", after which it will be sent back to Vermont or to California. Heaven only knows what other issues will come up as a result of your failure to carefully study the I-129F instructions, that clearly state where to mail the package.

When you don't study instructions, you never know what you didn't know.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-10 08:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChinese girlfriend applying for F-1 visa with American student

Should I even have her apply for a tourist visa or would that mess things up for the K-1 if she gets denied?

It won't mess anything up except somebody's calendar and bank account.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-12 04:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChinese girlfriend applying for F-1 visa with American student

Would it be possible to get her a travel visa before applying for the K-1 or would that be very difficult since she is Chinese?

Virtually impossible. Plan on you doing the international travel for visits.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-06 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F question #11 - how do I recover that info?

I presume no one knows? I narrowed down the date to a specific week, but I don't know the exact day. Will that be good enough?

Even just the year would be good enough. Provide the information you know and if something is unknown, so indicate. If you have the A number, they can find anything else they need. Even both names and the year is enough for them to find what they need.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-12 21:34:00