K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor for K-1...

I don't have the W2 from her's as he figured he only needed things that related to him. That's the issue here is that everything except the copy of the tax form and savings account is specifically him. She does not make enough to be able to support me as well without a doubt. Her income is mostly leisure income as she is part-time. So he is the only option here by the looks of it. He makes more than enough, so hopefully what we have is sufficient. As mentioned, his income stated on the I-134 states his specific income, not hers, which is the same on the tax form for business gains. It also states he is a contractor, so this would clarify that this portion of income is his, as it is on a separate line of the tax form. The assets are shared however, but impossible to separate.

If his income is enough, he should have simply left the asset sections blank. If they want tax return, they'll want a complete one but he could just scan and email what's missing and have you add it to the stack. If he stated more than his own income, just get a whole new I-134 without the asset information along with whatever is missing from the complete tax return.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor for K-1...

Will get Birth certificate and passport.

Okay, so I am totally confused about the forms. Here are the details:

Fiance's dad is self employed, his mother works retail. They have a combined income over 90,000 a year. They filed their taxes jointly (I have a copy of their 2009 return - form 1040) and the form shows their incomes separately (hers as "wages" and his as "business income or loss". It does not, however, state whose income is whose. It simply shows both and the grand total. It shows on the back that the person filing the return (dad) is a contractor and his spouse (mom) is a clerk, but that is the only differentiation.

I also have a year worth of bank statements from their joint account, which shows more than enough income and savings for all three of us (she is not a 'dependent', but she is the spouse).

So with this taken into consideration, what do I need to adjust to have this all make sense? As mentioned, I-134 has been filled out by dad only. It shows only his income, but shows both his and his wife's assets and savings. I can have them resubmit the forms if necessary, but I believe the tax forms are all they have for me along with the bank statement. What would be easier to accomplish - getting info with just his name on it (he is self employed as mentioned before and we only have tax forms from him, no W2 or stubs, or letter from employer) or having his mom and him file as co-sponsors together? Sooo confused. Any help appreciated.

If you have a complete tax return, you have the wife's W2 form showing which income is hers. If hers is enough, it would be simpler to get the I-134 from her. If his is the business income, then that may also be evident. The key is to get an I-134 from an individual cosponsor, stating and documenting THAT individual's income. Combined income doesn't help you here.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 05:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor for K-1...

Just read a thread on here that mentioned you need the birth certificate of the sponsor and co-sponsor for the I-134's... is this correct?

Also curious about another thing. On my fiance's father's tax form (he is our co-sponsor) his wife's name is also present. Her name is also on the bank account records. Does she have to fill out a separate I-134? Is his name sufficient on this form? My fiance just visited and gave me all the info for the interview, but I just noticed this issue...

The Petitioner's citizenship is already established but you'll need a birth certificate or passport copy for the cosponsor. Only one person is acting as the cosponsor and should stated only their personal or individual income, not the joint income. Provide at least one complete tax return, (not a transcript in this case) so it's clear which income belongs to the individual. If the cosponsor's I-134 states current income as joint income and both Mom and Dad had income, you'll need a new I-134 just stating Dad's income.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 03:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSponsoring 2 different people

Hey my friends just got married and He is from Italy and she is from the states. She is sponsoring him but also said she would co-sponsor me so i can move to the states and get married to my wife. Is this allowed and if so is it a lot more work to figure out ? what are the details ?

Start by reading the I-134, I-864 and associated instructions. Sure, it's allowed if her income is enough. The "details" depend on the circumstances, so start with the reading. Actually it would be best of the two US Citizens involved, did the reading too.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresResponse to Intent to Deny

Actually according to what they sent me their exact wording: "FOREIGN DOCUMENTS: Any document written in another language other then English (including any and all admission/departure stamps in passports) shall be submitted with a full English language translation. The translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate and that he or she is competent to translate. NOTE: The requested foreign language document must be submitted with the English translation."

So they did specifically stated that it includes any and all admission/departure stamps in passports. I guess my question is, what do they mean that the translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate, and that he or she is competent to translate?? Are there any agencies that they are specifically looking for to translate?

They mean have somebody who is competent to translate, add a sentence to the bottom of the translation indicating they "certify that the translation is complete and accurate and that he or she is competent to translate Arabic to English" and then provide their full name and signature.

I would look closely at the passport stamps though. Most have enough English, like Country and date in Roman Alphabet. It's kind of an international standard but not universal.

Edited by pushbrk, 28 February 2011 - 04:43 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-28 04:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresResponse to Intent to Deny

You do not need a waiver. Even if you did, there is no form for a waiver request. You would just write a letter asking for the filing limitations to be waived, and explaining why you think the limitation should be waived. In your case, you should write a letter explaining that you've only filed one I-129F in the past, and it was for a K3 rather than a K1 visa, therefore the filing limitation is not applicable.

I would add a sentence to the letter indicating the previous relationship ended in divorce and that (if correct) the previous petitions were withdrawn. Add one more sentence asking that the previous petitions be withdrawn if not already on record as such.

The IMBRA law is one of the worst worded idiotic laws ever passed up to that point in US history. As I recall, the law makes no exception for an I-129F filed in behalf of a spouse. You certainly still had to answer the criminal questions whether filing for fiancee or spouse.

The practice of requiring a waiver for the second petition isn't according to how I read the law either, Jim, but it's been the consistent practice of USCIS since they finally started enforcing any portion of IMBRA.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-28 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 or bust

Omg!My fiance is about to file for k1-visa petition. If NOA2 might be approved, he might have a co-sponsor. Would it be slimmer chance for me to get a visa?

Much slimmer, yes. The most frequent exceptions are recent or soon to be college graduates with a parent or other close relative as cosponsor. Unfortunately, there's no way to be sure. For a spouse visa, (CR1 is the currently available spouse visa. K3 is dead.) Manila MUST accept a joint sponsor.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-28 07:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 or bust


Thank you for the replies all:

We didn't find out about the K-1 approval until after we were married. If we apply for a CR1 we would be looking at 9 month $. Can't it be worked out with another way, or with a lawyer ? Sound like it won't be overlooked... hmm.

No, it will not be overlooked. If your wife were to enter the USA using a K1 fiancee visa, A lawyer would be needed to fight and probably lose the deportation order and lifetime ban once the fraud was discovered.

Nothing will change the fact that you are now married. Take the visa back and have it cancelled. Then start over with a CR1 spouse visa process. No other options exist for her to legally enter the USA.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-28 02:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-1145

I sent mine two weeks ago and didn't pay for a post office tracking slip. Now I'm frustrated because I was thinking the G-1185 meant they would let me know when they got it, but apparently, it means something else.

Yes, it means they accepted it, assigned it to a service center and assigned a case number. Usually pretty fast though.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-28 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much is too much?

Thanks! This is very helpful.

Our question 18 is a bit complicated because it wasn't just me going back and forth on trips; we have both moved countries throughout our relationship. I actually lived in BF during 2 separate periods, which also included some short trips to neighboring countries for work. In the middle of my second stay, he moved to France for grad school and since then I have visited him 3 times in Paris, the first time while I was still resident in BF, the second two times from the US. I'm submitting copies of my entire passport plus itineraries and I just want to make sure that there are no questions as to why there are so many entry and exit stamps or why some of my itineraries are US-Ouaga, some Ouaga-Paris, and some US-Paris. I forgot to say that we will also include photocopies of his passport to show when he moved to Paris. Also I am in international health and travel A LOT so I have lots of visas and lots of passport stamps - just want to make sure the dates and evidence for the relevant visits are clear amidst all that!!

The question isn't complicated. You're just complicating your answer. You were somewhere together beginning on one date and ending on another. It doesn't ask for a biographical account of the evolution of your relationship. It asks how and, where and when you met. You SHOULD be able to condense the actually relevant information into the space provided, yes, really.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-28 19:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFIANCE VISA DENIED

Congratulations; please construct your VJ timeline.This is almost certainly poppycock, friend.

Maybe, but success rate at what? If for getting petitions approved, as many advertise, it probably IS true. That's the easy part. A recommendation is a recommendation, so a positive thing but a claim is not a fact, just a "claim". Regardless of the success percent, there are no and can be no guarantees of success. Success in overcoming a denial is an entirely different matter than managing a successful process from beginning to end.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-01 08:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFIANCE VISA DENIED

I'm sorry i shouldn't have said something like that since you haven't provided us enough information here to make a judgement of anything, I withdraw what I said above, let's say you have your fiance registered here and come give us information in detail so we can asssit you guys in the right way ok? Peace!

Clearly, we do not have accurate and complete information. Why may or may not be important.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-25 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFIANCE VISA DENIED

hi friends ,well am so disapoint :crying: ,my fiance visa was denied by the nvc
they did cuz in the past my fince was sponsor of a ex girlfried,which now is ilegal
ofcourse she just used him!!!
they told us we can apeal,or reply or get married in my country

please tell me somebody how many takes they give an aswer for an apeal????? :unsure:


Never heard of NVC denying a visa. That happens at Consulates.

What did the denial notice say, exactly?

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-25 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of meeting and ongoing relationship stuff

Thanks for the responses. Ok, so the proof of meeting and ongoing relationship is really for the meeting in her country. I think I am going to not send in the boarding passes. I think it is much more organized with the spreadsheet of all of our flights, along with my passport stamps to confirm I really went on the trips, 2 pictures from each trip, and a hotel invoice from each trip.

I'll then take all the boarding passes with me in 8 different envelopes for each of the trips, so if they want to see them all I have to say is "Which trip?"... and then hand them that envelope. Or is that too late. Ie. They wouldn't just deny us stating they needed those up front, correct? 100% sure I will go to her interview, so I'll bring the envelopes with the boarding passes with me.

Does this sound like a good idea?

No, they won't deny you based on not providing boarding passes at all, provided you gave primary evidence of meeting within two years.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-01 00:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of meeting and ongoing relationship stuff

Sounds good except the flight itineraries. They have no significance. They don't prove that you actually got on the plane. The boarding passes are what you really need. You should get the ones that are legible together and organize them. This is not my opinion; just what I have read here on Visa Journey. The passport stamps will be great. Do you have emails and Video cam logs? They can help especially when the case goes to the Consulate. Good luck.

In and of themselves the flight itineraries are worthless but with the spreadsheet and corresponding passport stamps, they are a good combination. I'd skip the boarding passes and maybe all but one hotel receipt for each trip.

I'm a STRONG believer in the harmful impact of OVERKILL. If you send a reasonable amount then you're in more control of what they actually read and consider prior to the interview. The bulk of what you're sending is not important at all for petition approval Front-loading is for the Consular officer to review prior to the interview. Overload them and they'll probably review very little if anything.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-28 06:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI must make HOW much for K1

I am self employed

Then you state your current income as it appears on line 22 of your most recent tax return.

Gross income before tax and after deductions.

Huh? Maybe a typo from Dan here but no, for employed people it is gross income before tax or deductions.

For the self employed it is line 22 on the latest tax return.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-01 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures60k annual income. Will this be enough?

I dont know if this poverty line should be based on his annual income or whatsoever. Frankly speaking, I dont know much about this :blink: . He already gave me his pay stubs and w2 for supporting documents that we will be needing soon and I just wanna know if his annual income of 60k enough to show that he can support me and my son?

Unless he has about 8 other kids of his own, it's more than enough.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-02 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo emails and chats need to be translated?

i sent all my emails in spanish and didnt have any problems..I think is anything like an official documents needs to be translated and in my case i sent in my fiance birth certificate..good luck

That's correct. USCIS won't read your foreign language chats and emails. They may even discard them as superfluous. Make sure you take to the interview anything in French, you want the Consular officer to consider.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-02 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresimpact of previous K1 marriage

Looks like I will have to build a strong case for this new K-1 application. Is knowing your fiancee for 5 months with 2 international trips in between(spending 3 weeks together during each trip) good enough for USCIS? I really have no idea what they would consider normal; would it be necessary to wait a bit longer (maybe add another trip) before filing K1 application?

Also, should I provide tons of evidences to explain that my previous K-1 marriage (lasted 7 years) is legitimate & truthful ?

I am really worried that my new K1 application will be denied because of my past marriage. :( I am running out of my vacation days for this year already (I was in China with her family during the Chinese new year) and need to take unpaid leave for any extra trips. Not too sure how to make my case appear stronger to USCIS.

OK, slow down and pay attention this time. USCIS is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. USCIS doesn't issue visas. Getting your petition approved only requires meeting minimum requirements like freedom to marry, intent to marry, evidence of your US Citizenship and primary evidence of meeting in person during the past two years. YOU will never apply for a K1 visa. Your Chinese fiancee will apply for a visa based on your approved petition. It is at the Visa Interview, that she must convince a Consular officer your relationship is genuine. YES, the two trips and likely more will help a lot, since the strongest evidence of a bona fide relationship is the time you spend together.

Take your time, study the guides and form instructions and make your life decisions with regard to when and where to marry. Then take the immigration path that fits those decisions. Study "front loading" the petition.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresimpact of previous K1 marriage

Just updated my profile with more information. The country is China. I am 33 years old, my girl friend is 32 and she works for an international firm with a few offices in United States. Her company will not relocate her job to U.S. but they are willing to send out invitation letter from US offices and help her getting a business (B1) Visa coming into US.

That's why I wondering if K1 is the best choice for my case (since I have already done it once 9 years ago for a different person.) However, I heard getting married then staying in US for status adjustment using B visa is very bad from USCIS point of view. That's why I am considering marrying her here when she is on her B visa, let her return to China and then get her into US again using K3 instead?

Just not sure which way is safer.

There are many advantages to the spouse visa over the K1 but the currently available spouse visa applicable to your situation is the CR1. K3 is no longer available. See extensive discussion on that issue in the K3 forum. Where you marry has no real impact on the CR1 visa process but if she can get to the USA, the marriage will be easier particularly if she doesn't live near a US Consulate in China.

Yes, entering the USA with a B visa having the intent both to marry and remain in the USA is visa fraud. If you marry, then she leaves without overstaying her allowed visit, no problem. Marriage in China is somewhat more cumbersome but if she can't get a visa to the USA, you going there is quite practical.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-02 19:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresimpact of previous K1 marriage

I brought my ex-wife into US using K1 visa 8 years ago. Legitimate marriage and we stay married for more than 7 years. Divorced last year due to some irreconcilable differences. No one broke any laws and she has not even filed for US citizenship when we divorced last year. (Not sure if she will continue stay in US or not)

Now I am engaged with another woman out of US and thinking about using the K1 process again. However, I am scared to death that my 'history' will taint my application this time. How badly will USCIS view cases like this?

Also, I am wondering if using other route instead of K1 (such as entering US with B visa, get married here, returning home. Then try to bring her in US using K3 process) going to help much?


A lot depends on the country but USCIS won't care at all. They don't issue visas. The impact will be at the Consulate stage. So, please complete your profile so we can give country specific answers.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-02 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 question about form I-129f

thank you so much for the response, i just wanted to clarify it because i did try to research about this matter online before posting here
yet i cannot find a similar situation.

As you move forward, bear in mind that unless a form asks a question in the past tense, the question is asked an should be answered in the present tense. "Have" is not equal to "ever given birth to" or "ever conceived".

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 01:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 question about form I-129f

Well I suppose the answer to that is easier thought of as if you were a surrogate parent. You gave birth to the child, but you didn't keep it. Another way would be to think about if (god forbid) the child had died. While you HAD a kid, you don't any more so the answer to the qn is no, you have no children.

You are correct though that you can tell the doctor that you had a child and gave it up for adoption but technically you don't HAVE a child. which is what that question is asking.

That's correct. You "have" no children. No worries.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-02 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprocrastinating...

Hello everyone.

I have a few question that have been bothering me...I'd appreciate answers to these...

my fiance filed k1 visa for me and the NOA2 validity is 06/11/10 to 10/11/10...
my interview schedule which was supposed to be last Sep 15, 2010 was postponed and instead from Sep 15,16,17 I had my sputum culture was found in my culture test early week of November that I'm positive of TB, and St. Luke's contacted me and wanted me to report immediately. As to the extent or status of the Tb I have no idea if it's active or latent...Works hinder me from going there, though I really have plan of pursuing the visa but things are not that easy for me to just leave and go there for the treatment, it wouldn't just jeopardize my work, also it's been almost 4 months now from the time we learned about the result and I am procrastinating, it does jeopardize my health lol...

Now my questions are:
does it disqualify me to continue my treatment in St. Luke's since it has been 4 months now since the culture result and I never had reported there from the time they contacted me...
I read somewhere that once k1 visa petition is approved it has only 4 months validity to process and obtain visa, does my fiance need to file another petition again? or does the consulate re-validate the validity period automatically?
what's gonna be my status now as to about my treatment at St. Lukes, will they provide it free for me when I go there for the treatment.

I am just so confused and tired of this, it's the most unexpected things, so horrible for me...
it's sick and tiring...

thanks to anyone who would extend their ideas...
God bless everyone

The Visa unit in Manila will extend the validity of the petition if you remain in contact with them so they know you still intend to pursue the visa. If you haven't contacted them in four months, contact them now. If they will extend the validity, stop procrastinating. If they won't, you'll start over with a big red mark against you that will most likely be interpreted as lack of a bona fide relationship. This is a big deal. Time to get on with it or get out of it.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 04:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Member, hello. QUESTION!

Hello all, I am new here and wasn't planning to join until after I filed my I-129F petition. I'm Matthew, call me Matt. My fiancee is Carolina. She's from Brazil and I'm petitioning to bring her here to marry and live our lives together in love and complete happiness. So I'll cut to the question. I want answers only from people who know for sure please. My petition is almost completed and ready to send. I had been waiting for her passport style photos, G-325A form signed by her, and letter of intent to marry, to come in the mail.
Well, it finally came today... AWESOME right? Well, would be... but here's the kicker now. I had read about documents needing a full translation from the foreign language, to English... and something something blah blah blah about why the person who did the translation is qualified. I used the example letter from here on visajourney, for my letter of intent. I assumed my fiancee did the same and made it in english either way. She knows english fairly well. On the same token, I feel like a moron for not letting her know, to be safe...

Anyhow... FROM HERE? She's tired of waiting, we'll wait another several days and she'll spend more money lol. Anyone ever had this trouble? Should she just send me a new one in english? Can I send this one anyway?(probably not) Nothing in the instructions says that the translation has to be signed by my fiancee, and it does not say that I, the petitioner can't find somebody to translate it from here. Can I do this? Will that be okay? I'd like some kind of helpful answers ASAP so we can get the ball rolling on our journey! Nice to meet you all, hope all is well.


Write it for her in English including a date, have her print it, sign it and mail it back to you. Simple stuff. Don't complicate things. Manage the process. Take charge. This is a do it yourself site, so somebody has to take charge of the DO and the YOURSELF part. That's you.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 07:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance's child

I am putting together documentation to send the I-129F packet. I have written my fiance's daughter's name where it asks for children of fiance. Is there any additional information or documentation required at this point for her to have the possibility of a K2, aside from putting her name on the form?


The I-129F calls for more than just a name but if you provide all the information the form requests, that's all for now. The suggestion to include a birth certificate and 2X2 photo is wrong for the child of a K1 beneficiary.

her childs Birth certificate and her 2x2 picture

This is wrong. Dead wrong.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 03:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting Evidence

Nope, no need. Our I-129F was prepared by a lawyer, who never requested anything like that. They actually couldn't care less about that. All they want is yours proof of employment (hence tax returns and pay stubs and a letter from your employer that you need to include in the package). Hope that helps!

All financial documentation like tax returns, pay stubs and employment letter come later, AFTER the petition is approved. While your lawyer may have requested you send those things, they are not part of the petition package. The Consulate will need updated documents for all financial and employment information on the petitioner at interview time. What you already sent will not cut the mustard.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 04:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting Evidence

For the k-1 visa, if the beneficiary indicated past and current employment in the form G325. Does the USC need to provide evidence of employment of beneficiary together with the form I-129F?

Evidence, no. A G325a for each of you, yes.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 04:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBlack and white copies? All passport pages?

I copied the photo page and the pages with immigration stamps in color, and then all the other pages in black and white (to save money).

More: Cross Border Marriage



What did you include as evidence of US Citizenship? Context is everything here. You only need to include all pages of a US passport when it's being used as evidence of citizenship, NOT when it's being used as evidence of meeting in person.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-04 07:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBlack and white copies? All passport pages?

You all, thanks for the help and the replies.
I guess not everyone read when I corrected the original post: we´re using his Naturalization Certificate as proof or US Citizenship.
Copies of NON US passport are proof of having met. (All stamps there, but we don´t think we need to send copies of the blank pages for that matter, do we?).
There are no stamps in his US passport. (So we don´t have to send any of it).

You got it.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-09 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBlack and white copies? All passport pages?

How do blank pages provide evidence of citizenship?

May be easier to just send in a copy of the birth certificate and skip the passport?

I don't think they do, but USCIS requires every page when using the passport as evidence of US Citizenship. Yes, if you have a certified copy of your US birth certificate, it makes more sense to use that as evidence of citizenship. Bear in mind though that many US Citizens were NOT born in the USA.

Now, I know this is going to sound really "high falutin" but next time you see me give advice that seems odd to you, you might want to consider that it ain't my first rodeo and there's probably a reason you haven't learned about yet, that explains it. Instead of contradicting with the wrong counsel, just ask me why and learn something. Just a thought.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-09 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBlack and white copies? All passport pages?

Bio pages and stamped pages will suffice. Color is good but not necessary.

Color generally assures a legible copy. Bio pages and stamps alone are fine for evidence of meeting but not for evidence of US Citizenship. Context matters. Please keep it in mind when you post.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-09 02:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBlack and white copies? All passport pages?

I´m sorry I can´t see how to edit my question which was incorrect...
All stamps are in the non US passport. Only thing on US passport is the last US entry.

So, questions:
1- For evidence of having met, are copies of all the pages in the passport needed or just the bio page and the ones with the stamps?

2- Do we need to send copies of the US Passport too?

3- Copies (passport and naturalization certificate) have to be in color or will black and white copies do fine?

I would send color copies of the photo page and all those with applicable passport stamps for the foreign passport.

If the US passport is used as evidence of citizenship, copy each and every page in color.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-12-08 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle name on all documents?

Write as in one letter at a time. I suggests to write the name all Capital Letters as it is easy to read on the back of the photo. Don't forget to include the Alien Number as well.

This is a language issue. Many foreigners use the word "write" for what we Americans refer to as "printing". "Writing" is when we use "cursive" versions of the Roman alphabet. Part of it is my fault for not writing "hand print...." instead of just "print". There's "printing" and there's "cursive writing" both of which are done by hand. In most cases there will be no Alien number but even when there is, it's far less important than the full name. They whole purpose is to match the photos to the file if they happen to get separated.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-04 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle name on all documents?

How can I print it? with a computer? that would be kind of difficult. Can I just use pencil?

Or a pen, yes. Don't press to hard. "Print" as in not "cursive" writing.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-04 06:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMiddle name on all documents?

I'm in the process of filing a I-129F application. Do I need to write my middle name on the Fiance letter of intent and also the back and plastic bag of the passport photos? For example, on the Fiance letter of intent - Should I write first name, middle name, last name or is middle name initial OK as well? Or can I just use my first and last name?

Print, not "write" the full name lightly on the back of the photo, not the plastic bag.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-03 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresColor copies of american passport okay?
Because often black and white copies of documents containing other colors often are not as legible, I always recommend a color copy or scan and print when any color, even if just a red stamp is involved.
pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-04 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdding Proof of Relationship after NOA1

You are right. I stand corrected. Civility, courtesy, and good manners all have no place in this forum. They may be the basic tenants of western civilization, but they won't get you a visa, so we should abandon them.

Sorry you felt scolded. Really. Have a nice day :no:

When it comes to right and wrong answers, this is a self-policing forum. If people are scolded for giving wrong answers, so be it. No need to carry the scolding on to complaining about those doing actual harm to others are treated as a result.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-03-04 06:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdding Proof of Relationship after NOA1

Thanks to Everyone!!!!
The following is what I sent. The boarding passes did have dates and highlighted and receipts too.

4 photos of us together, her and her brother, me and her brother and father, and her parents and I

itinerary with boarding passes, to and from

passport stamps, and receipts from ukraine

my phone bill, showing me calling her before I went, and showing I made calls from there

5 different PARTS of chat--- this is what got me worried, because I felt later I should have sent more.

More than enough. No worries. Take anything else you want to the interview.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-28 01:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdding Proof of Relationship after NOA1

This guy knows what he's talking about. I will add though that if you are sending boarding passes as evidence of meeting, be sure the boarding passes are dated with the year. We sent boarding passes and photos as our evidence and received an RFE. On second look, all of the boarding passes were dated with only the month and day of the flight. USCIS needs the year too. If it isn't on the boarding pass, send also copies of the relevant passport stamp(s) or maybe a matching flight itinerary. Some airlines print the year on the boarding passes, but some do not, so be sure to look.

Yes, that's a good add. I was addressing the assertion that the complete passport copy was needed. It isn't. Yes, many boarding passes don't have the year and I would always include the passport stamps if available. In the case of a lost passport, I've seen boarding passes plus a matching itinerary used successfully when boarding passes didn't state the year.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 20:18:00