K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1/NZ Fiance/Docs Not Sent

Both holds no difference for me and both supports each other when looking for facts.

The big difference is that without primary evidence of meeting, your petition gets denied. Without evidence of relationship, you just present that evidence at the interview. No evidence of meeting, no petition approval, need for evidence of relationship or any visa interview. Complimentary, yes. One is required but the other is not, at petition filing.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-04 05:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1/NZ Fiance/Docs Not Sent

Hello, how important are ATM/food/movie receipts to send along with the 1-129f for the proof of having met in person? ATM/food/movie receipts dont have names nor account number on it. Only the transaction no., the amount and date... Would that do justice at all? I am just curios since we did not include ATM receipts when we sent in our 1-129f.

They aren't important at all if you have boarding passes and/or passport stamps.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-04 05:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F/K1/NZ Fiance/Docs Not Sent

What qualifies as having seen each other in the last two years as opposed to proof of relationship?


Actual evidence of being in the same country at the same time is required to get the petition approved but says nothing at all about your relationship except that you met the requirement of being together in person during the two years prior to filing the petition. Primary evidence of meeting consist of passport stamps, boarding passes and receipts in country.

Evidence of a bona fide ongoing relationship is about the "relationship" not about the "meeting". It could be photos together, evidence of how and how frequently your communicate and evidence of how often and for how long you have actually spent time together in person.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-04 00:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthat pesky G-325A


Quick question: Just getting ready to print out the completed G-325A. My fiance (beneficiary) noticed the question "Applicant's last address outside of the United States of more than one year." Now we're confused. She's lived in Thailand her entire life and has many addresses where she lived for more than one year outside of the United States. Does this question really apply to her? Or, does it only apply to myself, the US citizen?
If it does not apply to her should she put 'none?' If it does apply to her I guess she would put the last address she lived in Thailand for a year?



It applies to the person whose name appears at the top of the form. Your Thai fiance will select the most recent address where she's live more than one year. If that's her current address, just enter "Current address above". If not the current address, skip down to the most recent for more than a year. If none listed were for more than a year, enter "the last address outside the USA of more than one year". It's just a question. Answer it.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-06 06:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich service center would i be in?

You didn't send the paper to the Texas service center, that was just the USCIS Lockbox Facility in Texas, then (according to your NOA1) your petition was sent to the Vermont Service Center, that is the center which is working on your petition. :thumbs:

Correct. USCIS has multiple offices in Texas, several of which are in the DFW area. Only one is the Texas Service Center and they haven't processed an I-129F in quite a few years.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-06 03:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresArranged marriage?

I still say the options are:

1) Have her come here to meet you, document it, have her return home, then file for your K1 visa. Once approved, she can come here, you two get married.


2) Have her come here to meet you, get married, have her return home, then file for your CR-1 visa. Once approved, she moves here.

I believe getting a waiver for having met in person is extremely difficult to get. Even if USCIS thought your medical condition is a good enough reason for you not to travel there... they probably will not accept it as a valid reason for her not to travel here.

Note that getting a visitor visa to the USA from India is no walk in the park either. Regardless, no waiver of meeting would be granted until all possible ways of meeting, including applying for a visa to visit the USA, are exhausted.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-02 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Address - Number and Street - Abroad

Aloha All

New Here - Here is my Introduction

My link

So close to sending out the I-129f - please advise

The addresses Im dealing with in the Philippines have no STREET NUMBERS. What should I do???

This is the address I'm using, and Ive asked multiple times for some number but to no avail

Name Name Name
Soong Center Mactan
Lapu-Lapu Philippines 6015

From what a I hear, if a courier comes he will go to the neighborhood and start asking about the family name until he finds the house.

These address questions are asked multiple times in the I-129f and the G-1145

Thanks Again


That address is fine. It's a common problem. However, I think you mean the G325a, as the G1145 doesn't ask for an address.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-07 18:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA background issue - to postpone or not to postpone?

At most Embassies if they keep the applicant's passport it's because they are leaning towards an approval. They probably just need to check further up the ladder to be sure that it doesn't trigger a waiver requirement before approving & printing his Visa.

Lima tends to be pretty straight forward in that way, but Conoff's leanings don't always get past the senior staff review. Hope for the best.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-07 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiancee visa vs. Cr-1/K1 visa

True, ROmania is not part of VWP...

As of now I am in Romania and I am weighing down my options.

It seems to me that Fiancee Visa would require more paperwork and more money...

Thanks agaain for your input and good luck to all of you.

Appears you're doing some sound thinking. Now see about the paperwork required to marry in Romania.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-08 05:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiancee visa vs. Cr-1/K1 visa

@ faust-yusov

you do not hae to get married outside the US, as I have married my wife under the VWP and we are now at the final processing stage before we will be assigned an interview date at the embassy in Frankfurt

Fair point but Romania isn't part of the VWP. It's unlikely a visitor visa would be granted.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-07 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiancee visa vs. Cr-1/K1 visa

Fiancee visa (or a K1):

+ Quicker to POE (can apply tomorrow, approval takes 5 months for CSC, 6/7 for VSC, + 1-2 months for other details and interview)
+ Allows you to marry in the US
- More bureaucracy (subsequent application for AOS [Adjustment of Status] required)
- Much more expensive (AOS will be upwards of $1k)

Spousal visa (or a CR1):

+ Cheaper (by about $1k, since AOS is not required)
+ "Stronger" and less bureaucracy (again, no AOS required, so 2-year Green Card and work authorisation on entry)
- Have to marry before you apply, and outside the US
- Slower to POE (takes 8-10 months, and you can't apply until you marry)

The math isn't quite right but good explanation. CR1 avoids a $1070 fee but the other fees are higher. The actual government fee savings is between 6 and 700 bucks. All this assumes, however that there's an upcoming planned trip during which a marriage could take place. If not, the time to plan such a trip and the associated expense of travel would far more than wipe out any savings in government fees, provided the couple ALREADY qualifies to file the i-129f petition.

Since it's highly unlikely the Romanian would be allowed to visit the USA, your comments about marrying in the USA are spot on for this couple.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-07 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get your Passport with child support arears?
I know this thread was pretty much put to bed last fall with the answer that you get your passport back only by paying the arrears, but it comes up from time to time, so while it's at the top I'll add a comment.

Please don't be judgmental of folks in this situation. Getting $2,500 behind can happen real quickly and for many reasons outside the control of the payor. In California, you lose your passport at $1,000 arrears. If this law were in place and being enforced in 1995, it would have been a disaster for me. I fell behind due to unemployment and illness and had been back on my feet paying 150% of my obligation to catch up for about a year and a half. I expect I was still 3 to 4 thousand behind when I got a nice new job offer that required me to obtain my first passport and travel internationally. If I had been unable to obtain one, or lost it at during that time, I would have lost my job and ability to pay all my child support much less the arrears. Fortunately that didn't happen and all that is well in the past. In this economy, I expect there are lots of women and men behind on child support, who are far from deadbeats and doing all they possibly can to support their children.

What I DIDN'T do when I was behind on my child support was to carry on a long distance relationship and remarry to a foreigner. I couldn't have afforded the travel or immigration expenses. My financial obligations and priorities didn't fit with such activities. Those behind in their child support, who complain about the impact on their new relationship or immigration process caused by losing their passports, may well benefit from some serious contemplation of or adjustment to their priorities. They really have no choice. The passport is gone until the arrears are reduced sufficiently to get it back. The impact will be whatever it will be. I'm glad it didn't happen to me. (losing my passport at a bad time)
pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-08 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get your Passport with child support arears?

I totally agree about the negative judgments...if you have read my whole story it clearly states that the reason why I was in arears is caused of layoffs and other issues like not have work for a short period of time through out the 7 year period, also...I work construction so that's where the no work come from. Having negativity in the situation does not resolve nothing. Oh, I'm not a BUM, nor a dead beat dad. I've been around my kids the whole time since they were born. The only thing I was trying to figure out was if I can get my passport, even though I owe on arears, cause me and Milena from Colombia have been talking for about 5 months every single day since the first day we talked, and I got a stack of phone cards. We totally fell in love with each other and can't wait to meet. But the darn government is making it very frustrating. Thanks for all of you for replying and especially the ones with the positive feed back. goes my question again. Is it possible to get my passport even though I'm paying on my arears?

You could ask the applicable state office but I expect they'll say no until your arrears are reduced to whatever their standard is for passport acquisition.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-10-29 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get your Passport with child support arears?

I think the problem with this rationale is that the law also prevents the delinquent parent from traveling internationally for business when their employer is picking up the tab.

I think a bigger motive is that they don't want the delinquent parent to leave the US in order to evade the debt.

Yes, that's the primary justification used to pass the law. You get around it by paying the back child support and no other way. Agree with the law or not, it's the law. Makes me glad I didn't need to travel internationally under this law during the short time long ago that I too was behind as my sales territory at the time was the whole world.
pushbrkMaleChina2010-10-28 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get your Passport with child support arears?

Pay your child support. I believe there is an amount it must be paid down to and the amount is $2500 or thereabouts.

Incidently, the amount of child support owed can be deducted from any income claimed for an affidavit of support.

It's usually about that amount but varies by State. I think California is as low as $1,000. The law that allows revoking or holding of passports in these cases doesn't care "why".
pushbrkMaleChina2010-10-28 00:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 and Honeymoon!

1) Niagra Falls (romantic)

The good view and honeymooning at Niagara Falls is all on the Canada side. Probably not a good option.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-06 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill government shut down affect K-1 visa and entry to USA?

If you have a visa and are planning to enter the affect. If you are in the process, yes it would delay things, wherever you are. Visa issuance is not an essential function of the government, border protection IS. They are not going to close PsOE.

Gary, would you mind confirming again what your acquaintances who work for VSC have told you about the impact on them? TIA.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-08 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support problem!

i recently moved back from thailand in january where i had lived with my fiance for the last three years. we decided to get married and return to the states so we could save money and move back to thailand. i had a very small business that made just enough for us to get by in thailand. i was not very smart and i kept all of my accounting on my computer. i had no hard copies of anything and never backed it up. as you guessed, my computer crashed and i lost everything. every single receipt, everything. all my accounting was done on quicken, all of my invoices were electronic and everything. i was not able to recover anything. essentially as im doing taxes now, i can only report an income for the last year as $0 because i dont want to lie, potentially get audited and then have no chance of getting my fiance over at all. on top of that, i would probably go to jail.

anyways, since returning from thailand on january 5th, i have secured a full time job and i am putting in overtime as well. i have a very insignificant amount of money in my savings account because i spent all of my money coming back to america on airplane tickets, moving, etc. i am making well over the poverty level but i am afraid that we will get denied because of the $0 for last year on my taxes, very little in my savings, securities, etc. besides money in savings, i have no assets. i am 28, just returned back from thailand and living at home, so i pretty much have no assets. i have heard from many reliable sources that thailand does not allow co sponsors so that concerns me as well.

i was going to have my parents photocopy their passport which states that their address is the same as mine. on the fiance visa i am putting my address as theirs and i have plans of putting my fiance's future address as the same residence of my parents and myself. my thought process is that it will show that she will have a place to stay that is reliable and that she will not risk being a burden on the government as they put it.

we have received the NOA2, have recieved instructions for the packet 3 and i am working as hard as i can to save up as much money as i can. i dont have a lot of time so this is the reason why i am writing.

my questions are:

1) what should i do about the affidavit of support/taxes?

2) have any of you had luck with co-sponsors with thailand?

3) should i do the whole photocopy my parents passport thing to show that they live with me and she would have a place to stay?

4) any other advice of what you would do?

please do not make comments that it was a stupid decision not to have my files backed up. i realize that and there is nothing i can do.

thank you to all that reply in advance!

Sounds like your current income will qualify you to sponsor on your own. Document it with pay stubs and/or an employer letter. When current income is sufficient, just leave all the asset questions blank on the I-134.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 04:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrevious Residences while working on a ship?

Me and my Canadian fiancee met while working on board a ship doing non-profit work around the world. I've 'lived' in 34 countries over the past 2 years. When filling out the G325A Biographical Information form, should we list all these countries? I definitely wouldn't consider them residences, but I also haven't actually lived in my USA residence for a two year gap, although I don't believe I ever gave up that official 'residency'.

Thanks for any help!


Sounds to me like you visited 34 countries. To "reside" in a country requires official residency status. Sounds like your residence in the US was maintained and that is the only residence you need to list.

As a point of reference, your foreign fiance will enter the USA and probably "live" in your home for several months before obtaining "resident" status in the USA.

Edited by pushbrk, 10 April 2011 - 04:52 AM.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 04:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 F

that she will :innocent: it was simple over site on her part, but should I just remain silent or is it better, I point out her mistake before then, to show no intention of lying ???

also if you can on many forms it asks for our service center address . which I think will be California.
But right now I send paper work to TX lock-box do I use TX or Cal address ??? on these form ???

Follow the latest instructions and send the form to the TX PO Box address. However, no form asks for the address of your service center. You couldn't possibly answer such a question because they'll make that determination in Lewisville, TX. The I-129F asks the city and country where your fiance will apply for a visa. A petition is not a visa application. (I-129F is a petition for fiancee.)

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 F

But she did already answer No on this form,So the Damage is done :bonk: April 2 before her flight had to fill out new ESTA form and she arrived here April 8 .. the new ESTA was necessary because her passport was due to expire. So i had her file for new passport.. this was just an over site on her part anything i can due to minimize any possible damage or are we :crying:

Hard to say if they'll ever put two and two together. If they do, it's probably a material misrepresentation. If they don't, then there's no later questions about whether you lied on an immigration form but there will be that same question again about being denied a visa. Of course, she'll answer correctly this time.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Citizenship Question

Thank you JustBob and Pushbrk. I really had the two of you in mind, was supposed to PM you to ask! Thanks for the answers!

You're welcome but please be aware that the management here discourages members from asking for or giving immigration advice visa PM. It's best to ask your questions in the applicable public forum, where others can benefit from the discussion.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Citizenship Question

He's a US citizen based on the naturalization of his parent or parents. I know this because babies can't really take an Oath of Allegiance, renouncing any and all loyalty to their country of citizenship. The answer on the I129F Part A # 10 therefore is "Parents" and where it asks about the certificate he answers "No."

Exactly, and as the petitioner his citizenship status is already established. Just do the above and get on with it.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 04:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Forms for the I-134

You mean 2010 tax forms. I doubt he has all the information needed in time for the April deadline. He can use his 2009 tax return then since he did not file his 2010 tax return yet. All he has to do is call IRS and request his 2009 tax return transcript. He can also request 2008 and 2007 tax return transcript.

Manila will want to see a 2010 tax return, so it should be there with the I-134 on the interview day. If self employed, line 22 is both 2010 income and "current income". If "employed", then annualize the pay.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 22:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about financial situation

He needs to count all children who are less than 18 years old. It doesn't matter who claims them for tax reasons. Any child that could end up requiring financial support is counted as fully dependant.

$32,237 is the minimum income requirement for a household of five. That's him, his three children and you.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me
You told us how long in your opening post. Did you read what you copied and pasted?
pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-11 02:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me


No, it is not NOA1. It talks about NOA1. When you receive the notice in the mail, that's NOA1. What you got was the response to your G1145. The result is pretty much the same, in that you have your case number and you know the petition was accepted.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-11 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTattoo Evidence?

In theory, it sounds like your argument makes sense. I just have never seen any case in which this happened. Give me an actual example.

How would you ever know what gets looked at or read? You won't and can't. But you can be certain that if you overwhelm them with paper, they'll be too overwhelmed to read it all. Even more and they will read little or none and only read or see what they choose. Nobody is going to allow a worker to spend their entire day or more reading hundreds of pages of emails. You choose. Is something sensible more likely to carry the day, than something outrageous?

Actually, we have lots of reports that indicate the couple thinks little if any of what they submitted was actually considered. They don't know either.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-11 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTattoo Evidence?

quite an astute observation, yes, i should have specified that you should only provide evidence which supports your case...but as long as it does, the more the merrier.

Then let me give you a REAL argument against your point. When you send to much to be read, you don't get the choice of what they read and don't read or whether they take the time to read ANY of your evidence. When you keep it concise and to the point, YOU get far more influence on what is seen and/or read.

Yes, too much is too much.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTattoo Evidence?

Rings don;t matter either. My wife never had and still does not have, an engagement ring.

Look, it is simple...evidence you can create yourself is secondary. Anyone can have a tattoo with someone's name. I can get one today with anyones name I want. So what?

However when I presented photos of our visits together and in some we (and other innocent bystanders) are wearing winter cliothes and in others we are wearing summer clothes...guess what?

Photos in winter and summer clothes accompanied by passport stamps and/or boarding passes with winter and summer dates, indicating travel to the country one of you lives in with are excellent evidence. Nothing wrong with evidence you create yourself, if it is corroborated by evidence you don't create yourself.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-10 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTattoo Evidence?

I have a question would a picture of me with my fiance's name tattooed on my chest count as evidence during her interview? I mean we have lots of picture and logs and other evidence but would the tattoo be taken into consideration as well?

For "her interview" a tattoo might help if it was on HER, not you. Hers is the primary intent being questioned.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-09 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAID for fiancée visa

To be honest, no-one can answer your question. You have no Timeline. Your showing a K-1 Application. How far are you into it? (NOA1? NOA2?) Your asking about a AOS which come after your finacee enters and married.,
The Affidavit of Support is never waived to my knowledge.
It will be up to the petitioner to provide Income Evidence, the beneficiaries don't count.
If your that much sure about the Marridge, and your Fiancee has that much money, then have them send you : $60.000.00 and deposit it in your bank in your name. Then you meet the income requirements for 2.
If you Update your Time-Line, members could advise you better than this.
Respectfuly, it's hard for Members to Comment with no information
Update your Timeline and members can help more.

See bold above. The OP's profile indicates K1 but not an "application". The I-129F is a "petition". In this context, AOS is "Affidavit of Support".

Timeline and complete profile data including the country would be extremely helpful but the Petitioner must still provide an affidavit of support. Yes, the easy and clean way to qualify is with sufficient income or assets in the petitioner's name but depending on the country and circumstances any large deposits that can't be explained any other way than coming from the foreigner, can be more of a fraud indicator than a financial qualifier.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-11 04:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support k1 visa

After reading your post again I think I assumed wrong. Your not Year Round at work and returning to School next month and will not be working. Also, you state: you just started a $14.00 an hour job. --- How long have been there?--- What your asking is: Is my housing allowance countible as Income on the K-1 petition ? This I'm not sure of.
So, lets assume you worked since January at $14.00 per hour.. To May ... Thats about 700 hours. That would be about $ 9,800.00 Year to Date.
If the Housing allowance is countable X 8 months (I see now where you got your math reasoning) Then thats where you got the $20,800.00 I don't know.
I don't know if the Housing Allowance is countable.

Hopefully, Pushbrk can answer this.

Looking at his math, "14x8x5x4x8 = 17,920." he calculated 8, 4 week months, so he calculated what he would make this year but did it wrong. He'll make more than that in 8 months because there are more than 4 weeks in a month. Regardless, the I-134 doesn't ask how much you'll make in 2011. It asks for an annual income. Clearly, he works 40 hours a week (14X8X5) so 14X2080 is the correct formula for current annual income.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-15 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support k1 visa

Hi guys,

Does it matter how much he ( USC )makes to sponsor her.. if so, how much would that be ...?

thanks again...

125% of the 2011 US poverty level. For two people, a little over $18,000 a year.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-15 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support k1 visa

I agree with pushbrk that the housing allowance won't matter as well. But, I don't see where you got the $17,920.00 figure from. Your gross income is much higher than that.

If you work full-time: $14.00 x 40 hours = $560.00 ...... Then times that amount by 4.3 = $2,408.00 is your monthly gross income. (some months of the year you recieve 5 paychecks instead of 4 on a annual basis, thats why banks use the 4.3) Then, times that by 12 months ... So your Gross Income is $ 28,896.00

Or another form of calculation Gross Annual Income is your hourly rate (x) times 2,080 hours per year ... In that case your Gross Annual Income is ... $29,120.00

This is Full-Time Calculations

The second method is correct for a 40 hour week. 40 X 52 weeks is 2080 hours.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-15 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support k1 visa

Okay, yes i didnt make it clear, but i start the petition next year and those will be my 2011 income. And will they also consider the housing income that i will get from Gi Bill. Thanks

I don't know if you'll be able to count the housing income or not but the $14 an hour full time is plenty for a household of two without anything added.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-04-11 03:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to file for K2 Visa?

I have a son who is 10 years old. Me and my fiance is going to file for K1 visa probably by April. Will my son be automatically included for my K1 visa and can come with me or after me if my visa is approved? Are their any forms to be filled up for my son to be included in the I-129f packet?

Please help me in this process. Thanks!

List the son's name on the I-129F as the foreign fiancee's child. After the petition is approved and the case arrives at the Consulate, both mother and son will apply for visas, get medical exams and go to the interview. If the mother's K1 visa is approved and there are no custody or other permission to immigrate issues from the father, the son will be granted a K2 visa.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C and K2 question

We recieved our NOA1 in the mail today. But under the beneficiary information it lists her country of birth as unknown. I have rechecked all the documents and it shows the Philippines on all of them. I was going to call on Monday but wanted to check to see if anyone else has the same listed on theirs.

The NOA1 also did not list her son. We also showed him in the I-129f document. Is this normal for the K2 at this point? I am just trying to make sure the USCIS has all the right info.


You could call, but I wouldn't worry about the country of birth. Children's names don't show on I-129F receipt or approval notices.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 03:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinance req's/k-1 guidance

Hi All -
This website is SO helpful; I'm so happy to have found it. That being said, I was hoping for some specific guidance on a few issues...Met my fiance last year and we are really wanting to be married, but I am not sure if I should even bother with a K-1. We tried for a tourist visa, so he could just come visit, but he was denied (presumably because the officer who interviewed him assumed he'd marry his sponsor - me - and wouldn't return to his native country). I know K-1s are approved a lot more frequently than simple tourist visas, and we DO want to marry...but I'm not 100% certain if ours will get approved because of the money I make (or lack thereof!).

I graduated from college a couple years back, and have been settling into my career since. I have taken time off to travel, etc. I am now working in a career I love, but I have only been there a little over a year. I don't necessarily have several years worth of tax returns stating that I made 125% of the poverty level (especially in college). I know my family will cosponsor him, but how does that work? Is that even possible? They'd make up for the difference financially, but would that be effective? I am so scared we're going to get denied again...

Seriously, anyyyy help/tips on any of this would be extremely welcomed and appreciated. I am totally overwhelmed by it all and feel like I'm feeling around in the dark here. Thanks.

You need current income that qualifies, not several years of tax returns showing a history of qualifying. If you've been together in person during the past two years, there's nothing stopping you from starting the process. If you haven't met, you'll need to travel to see him.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 02:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor for K-1...

I don't have the W2 from her's as he figured he only needed things that related to him. That's the issue here is that everything except the copy of the tax form and savings account is specifically him. She does not make enough to be able to support me as well without a doubt. Her income is mostly leisure income as she is part-time. So he is the only option here by the looks of it. He makes more than enough, so hopefully what we have is sufficient. As mentioned, his income stated on the I-134 states his specific income, not hers, which is the same on the tax form for business gains. It also states he is a contractor, so this would clarify that this portion of income is his, as it is on a separate line of the tax form. The assets are shared however, but impossible to separate.

If his income is enough, he should have simply left the asset sections blank. If they want tax return, they'll want a complete one but he could just scan and email what's missing and have you add it to the stack. If he stated more than his own income, just get a whole new I-134 without the asset information along with whatever is missing from the complete tax return.

pushbrkMaleChina2011-02-27 18:28:00