Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa Received in Hand
Congratulations to you both. kicking.gif Enjoy the rest of your life together. God Bless You!

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-09-14 10:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAPPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to you both and God Bless you on the rest of your journey together. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-09-13 10:08:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanmoon1968
I can only imagine what you are going through. I will pray that both you and your husband will stay strong througout this entire ordeal. You have each other and that is going to be very important during this time in both of your lives. Keep the faith and know that God has already worked this out for you both.

Much Love

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-09-21 17:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVISA IN HAND!!!
Congrats and many blessings to you both. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

LadyLove smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-09-21 17:48:00
QUOTE (LovinLiberia @ Sep 4 2007, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
awwww, thanks! wub.gif I'm so nervous!!! crying.gif

P.S. I hope he doesn't to resort to using the helicopter or the speedboat, ROFL.

Congratulations to you both and God Bless!!

I know that you are extremely excited to see him again.

Keeping you both in my prayers.

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-09-05 07:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa in hand
Congratulations and God Bless you both. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-09-21 17:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTAUREAN
Wonderful.... God is truly AWESOME!! I am so glad to hear that things are coming together for you and your fiance. God Bless you all and those persons that were there to assist your fiance and his daughter.

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-10-03 20:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDocuments not yet arrived to Fiance for interview!
I am so sorry to hear that this is happening. Hopefully he will get the documents before his interview.

I remember when I used to send items to my husband in Nigeria and it would take months for them to get there, and I thank God that they would arrive although not when I wanted them to, and this was using the USPS. I would always do an investigation through USPS and normally the packages would arrive the following week after the investigation was done. I thought that was interesting.

When my husband had his interview in August, I again, sent the documents through USPS, for one reason, it was alot cheaper and two, he told me that I should, to save the money. We both knew what could happen, and we believed God for the best. I remember I sent it out on July 20, 2007 and I was told that it would take 8-10 business days. I had heard that before, anyway, this time, the documents arrived a week before his interview, August 13, 2007. We were both pleased about that.

If it helps, you may want to call and have an investigation done to find out where the package could be.

I will be praying for you.

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-10-04 11:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband Is Coming Home!!!
smile.gif Hi Everyone: smile.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

The wait is almost over and my honey is finally coming home to me. He is scheduled to arrive in Atlanta on Sunday, October 7, 2007 and I will be waiting with BELLS on.

God's Timing is the best. I have missed my husband since leaving Nigeria in May and I must tell you, that we will have some major celebrating to do as soon as he arrives.

I thank all of you for your support and guidance throughout this part of our journey. Much love to you all.

Amazingly I still have some house cleaning to do. laughing.gif

I will keep you posted.

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif

P.S. To my friend Renee, I will see you in Atlanta. Love Ya Girl
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-10-05 08:09:00
Congrats on the interview date. I will be praying for you both.

God Bless!!

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-09-13 10:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband Is Finally Home...
Hi Everyone:

Just wanted to update you all.

My honey is finally home and adjusting very well kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif . He is getting used to eating all of this food that we have over here and his favorite so far is Hamburger Steak, with gravy and Fried Chicken. I am sure there will be others as the days roll by.

The climate over there is alot different from where I live and he has been cold, so I have to adjust the thermostat for the AC so that he can be comfortable. laughing.gif We laugh about it because I was so hot when I visited him in Africa and one night he forgot to get fuel for the generator and we had to sleep outside under the stars. laughing.gif

We cooked dinner together last night and he made one of my favorite dishes- Coconut Rice- Absolutely loved it.

Looking forward to a long and prosperous life with my sweetie. I know that there maybe some rough days ahead and as long as the good days outweigh the bad and as long as we have God and we pray, love and respect one another, everything will work out fine.

Keep us in your prayers always.


LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-10-09 13:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThis is for ara
God Bless you Ara on the upcoming interview. You both are in my prayers.

Give God Praise!!.

Love Ya!!

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-10-30 14:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUPDATE AFTER ARRIVAL...
Hi All: smile.gif

It has been awhile. I am enjoying being with my husband and he is adjusting very well. We live in a small town and he is not used to not seeing awhole lot of people around. Coming from a place of millions of people, I can understand how he feels smile.gif . He loves most of the food here and I have become Little Mrs. Betty Crocker laughing.gif I haven't cooked so much in my entire life and I am loving it and he enjoys my cooking as I do his.

We are so happy together and I know that things are going to get even better. The only major obstacle that we are facing now is the fact that he doesn't have a job(until we file the paperwork and it's approved) and as a man, it is getting to him and I am being very supportive in this area. He wants to take care of us. Oh yeah, by the way, we are expecting our first child in January. I didn't tell you guys. I wanted to wait until he arrived. While I was in Africa the last time, smile.gif we conceived and we are going to be very proud parents soon. God is truly AWESOME!!

November 9, 2007 will be our 1 year anniversary. Can u believe it? Wow!! that time has really gone by. There is so much to celebrate and I would like for all of you to keep us in your prayers, as we desire your sincere prayers. I will continue to pray for all of those waiting on their loved ones to arrive and for those who have their loved ones by their side, Hold on and keep the faith.

Love you all.

LadyLove2006 heart.gif rose.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-10-30 11:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYAAAYYYY
Hi and Congratulations:

I am so happy for you both. "Praise God from whom all blessings flow". I will keep you both in my prayers.

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-12-07 12:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBe Thankful for what we have.
AMEN!! Thanks for the prayer Angel.

God Bless!!
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-12-27 11:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband Received EAD!!!
Hi All:

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. We are wishing you all a very blessed and prosperous NEW YEAR kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif biggrin.gif

I will keep you posted on any new developments as the days roll by.

Continue to keep us in your prayers.

Much Love

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-12-27 11:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband Received EAD!!!
Hi All:

Just wanted to share the news that my husband received his EAD in the mail today. What a wonderful Christmas gift. We are so excited and he is ready to begin working ASAP. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

God is truly AWESOME! and we give Him all the Praise and Glory.

We thank God for all of you as well. I will keep you posted on exactly when he gets a job.

Keep us in your prayers always.

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2007-12-23 00:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Recap - Lagos
Congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-01-10 21:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
Hi All:

Just wanted to update you all like I said that I would. So many good things have happened since my last post. I give God all the Praise and Glory for the things that He has done for us. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

As you all know in my last post, my husband received his EAD card in December. Not too long after that he applied for his Social Security Card and received it the second week of January and applied for his Driver's License and received it the same week. After receiving all of this, he began looking for work and he was called this week and he started work on yesterday. God is truly Awesome!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

All of the above is really good and the most wonderful news is that our baby daughter was born on January 13, 2008. This is truly Awesome and she is beautiful and she is already spoiled by her daddy. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I thank all of you for your support and encouragement throughout this journey. We still have a few more miles to go. If I don't come around as much, please don't take it to heart. I really do appreciate you all and this site. I thank you and my husband thanks you as well.

Be Blessed!

LadyLove2006 smile.gif heart.gif rose.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-01-24 08:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCount down!!!!
smile.gif The wait is almost over. I pray the best for you both.

I want to hear the good news.

Much love to you.

LadyLove2006 heart.gif rose.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-03-04 12:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisitor's Visa For Mother-in-Law
Hi All:

Thanks for the helpful information. We are certainly going to begin the process and I will let you know when she will be arriving. Have to speak positive in this situation. It would mean a lot to all of us to see her here.

Love you guys. heart.gif

LadyLove2006 heart.gif rose.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-03-06 10:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisitor's Visa For Mother-in-Law
Hi all: smile.gif

I have a question and I know that this has probably been asked elsewehere. Please forgive me for asking again.

We would like to invite his mother to come from Nigeria. We recently had a little baby girl and we really would like for her to visit us before she gets too big. We would like for the others to come too and we know that will be asking too much from the US Embassy. In any case, We definitely would like for Mamo to come see the baby and care for her as she so desires. This is her first and her only grandchild right now and it would be a joy for her to be here.

If you all have had success in bringing someone from Nigeria or any other country for a visit, please let us know and provide us the steps that we would need to take to get the paperwork done.

I pray that this will be done. I so look forward to seeing her here in the States before we visit Nigeria again.

Thanks in advance for your help.

God Bless!!

LadyLove2006 heart.gif rose.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-03-04 12:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAOS Interview
Congratulations and God Bless. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

LadyLove2006 heart.gif rose.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-03-06 10:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGot the phone call!!!!!
Congratulations and Many Blessings.

Don't stop Dancing. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

LadyLove2006 heart.gif rose.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-03-06 10:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUploading Pics To Gallery
Either it's not showing up on my computer or my eye sight is really, really terrible. smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-17 14:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUploading Pics To Gallery
QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Apr 17 2008, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gallery ---> Upload file


Go to your profile ---> My photos ---> Upload file

I don't see the link that says upload file.
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-17 14:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUploading Pics To Gallery
I don't see the link that says upload file.
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-17 14:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUploading Pics To Gallery
Thank you Zee
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-17 14:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUploading Pics To Gallery
Hi All:

I was trying to upload some pics to the gallery and have not been able to find the link to where to do so. Please let me know what to do. helpsmilie.gif

I also want to take the time to say Congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif to all of those who have been approved to receive their Visas. To those that are waiting, hang on in there.

Thanks a bunch

LadyLove2006 rose.gif heart.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-17 13:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCongrats everyone!!!
congratulations and God Bless kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-17 12:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa Approved
congratulations and God Bless kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-23 16:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThank Jesus
Congratulations and many, many blessings to you both. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-24 08:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFinally Home..
I am happy for you both. May God Bless you and your family.

LadyLove2006 heart.gif rose.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-06-06 19:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa in hand!!!!
Congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif I am so happy for the both of you. Enjoy each other for the rest of your lives. You both deserve the best. God Bless You.

LadyLove 2006 heart.gif rose.gif smile.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-06-06 19:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
Hello everyone:

I hope you all are doing fine. I haven't had much of a chance to come here lately. I do want to update you all.

My husband, the baby and I are doing well. He has recently been promoted on his job with a raise and we owe God all the praise for that. We have recently moved to a bigger city and finally settling in. Our daughter is growing so big and so fast. She already has two teeth and she is crawling and standing on her own. If what they say is true, "she is moving out of the way for the next one." and this is true. We are expecting our second child in February 2009. WOW!!. We are praying for a son. And if God says otherwise, we will be happy. We are so blessed and so thankful for all that He has done and is doing in our lives.

I will try to post new pics. smile.gif

Continue to keep us in your prayers and we will do the same.

Much Love

LadyLove2006 smile.gif rose.gif heart.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-08-10 11:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDENIED at 2. interview
"Never Give Up". You both are in my prayers.
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2008-04-23 16:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdates
Hi VJ Family: smile.gif

Oh my God!! It has been a long time since I posted here and a lot of things have taken place since my last post. I want to stop right here and give GOD ALL THE PRAISE!! for the marvelous things He has done. He is so WONDERFUL and AWESOME, not only for what He does, but for who He is. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Where should I begin with the updates? Actually let me take this time to thank all of you who helped me along this long visa journey. God knew exactly what we needed when we needed it. I thank God for this site. It has helped me on so many occasions.

The Updates:

For some of you who don't know, and for those of you who do, our second child(son) was born on February 24, 2009. Now we have a boy and a girl and we are so happy and we thank God for our children.

We have since relocated to the wonderful state of Texas in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area and we love it here.

My husband is working in the medical field and he is making more money than he has ever made since he came to the US and on top of that, he loves his job.

We joined a wonderul ministry and our Pastor is an awesome man of God.

I am now in school and working part-time and loving every minute of it.

On September 22, 2009, my husband had his AOS interview and was approved. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif WooHoo!! and he will be receiving his ten year Permanent Residency card in the mail in a few weeks. No more USCIS until a few years from now when he applies for Citizenship.

God is so Failthful and He will do just what He said He would do.

Although everthing that I mentioned is good and very good, we have had some struggles along the way and we still thank God for everthing. The good as well as the bad.

Thanks again VJ Family and God bless all of you.

LadyLove smile.gif rose.gif heart.gif
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2009-09-30 22:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNames To Use On Forms?
Hi All:

I have several questions in regards to the forms that I am about to submit for K-3.

My fiance' and I got married on November 9, 2006 and I am getting ready to send the I-130 and the documents that go along with it, and at this time I am petitioning to get my birth name changed(First name only). I filed paperwork with a lawyer in September and it has gone through the newspaper and not the Superior court and at this time I have not gotten a new Birth certificate.

What should I do? I have a copy of the petition and the newspaper clippings. Should I use my Birth name that's already on my birth certificate or should I use the name that I have petioned for. I am really confused at this time.

Also, because I am married now, should I use my married name now or should I use my maiden name until I get all of that changed?

Someone please enlighten me :help: . If I have confused you all, please accept my apology.

LadyLove2006 (F) (L)

Birth Name: Charolette
Name Petitioned For: Charlotte
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2006-12-05 09:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A for K-3

Welcome to the chat boards !!! Congrats on your marriage to an Nigerian man. I bet your husband showed you a really good time while you were there with him for that month. What your about to do for your husband may cost you more then you can imagine.

Hi and thanks: :)

And I am really confused about that last statement you made.

LadyLove2006 (F) (L)
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2006-12-05 08:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A for K-3


Welcome to VJ :jest: :jest: :jest:

I filed K-1 so I am unsure of the specifics for filing the K-3, I did copy this link from a previous post samples of the G325A forms. The only specific thing I can remember about filling the forms is that your husband should fill out and sign all 4 of the forms, I don't know if you had this done during visit. I hope you did as this will prevent from him having to print and send you these documents via courier service. I am sure you will get more great advice on what you need to file for K-3. The best advice I can give to you is spend sometime on VJ getting accquainted as this site has so much valuable info. Wishing you a speedy visajourney!!!!!!



Thanks so much for the information. :D

I did have him complete during the visit and I wanted to make sure it was completed correctly before I submit it. I don't want any mistakes to delay his coming. :(

LadyLove2006 (F) (L)

Congrats on your marriage. When I started my journey in Aug of 5 The first place I hit was ther headers on the top of the page.. The one for guides has a very detailed description of the K3 process. Make sure that you make 2 copies of everything.. It will pay off in the end. The Visa Faq header is also guud it answers some basic questions like this one:
|10.2)...How do I prepare the I-130 package to start the process for a K3?
A..Please see the K-3"Step-by-Step Guide". In short though you will require the following forms:

I-130 Petition for Immediate Relative
G-325A Biographic Information -- 2 required. One is filled out and signed by you, the other is filled out and signed by the spouse.
A copy of your birth certificate, passport, or Certificate of Naturalization (you have to prove you are a US Citizen).
A certified copy of your marriage certificate.
A photo of yourself (see note) with your name printed on the back of the photo.
A photo of your spouse (see note) with the spouse's name printed on the back of the photo.
A copy of the divorce decree, if you were previously married.
A copy of the death certificate if your marriage ended due to the death of your spouse.
A copy of the divorce decree, if your spouse was previously married.
A copy of the death certificate if your spouse's marriage ended due to the death of their spouse.
A check or money order for the required fee.

I used the same G-325 guide you have there and on the bottom instead of I-129 I put K3 Spousal Visa and they will infer the rest. If you have any more questions feel free to email me. Again Congrats and Good luck on the rest of your journey!

Hi and thanks so much for the information.

I am sure this will be valuable information for me as we go through this process.

Congratulations :dance: on your marriage and I pray that you will have a wonderful and successful life together.

LadyLove2006 (F) (L)
LadyLove2006FemaleNigeria2006-12-03 12:51:00