K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
You only need the divorce certificate. The Bai Rub Rong Sod is only for woman that have never been married.

Looks like you lucked out. That document is a SOB to get. The guy that gives them out in BKK got burned by a girl before and just does not want to do it.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-13 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I'll be able to tell you in 24 hours when Chada gets back to Bangkok. I'm worried...
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-13 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Thanks Danny.

Looks good! Of course, the checklist will vary based on each applicant's situation.
E.g. - in our case we needed change-of-name certification as well.

Btw - your new VJ profile photo of Chada is very distracting! Unless you want all us lonely guys drooling (maybe that's your intent?) suggest you switch to something a little tamer. She's smokin', man!! Wish you two all the best smile.gif

She had that on her MSN today. As soon as I saw it I said Send that to me! devil.gif

rotating it out of the lineup...

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-12 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Pretty quiet around here.

I spend the day working on the IM component for the Proof of Relationship attachment to Packet 3. It seems after I came back from my first trip in November I upgraded MSN messenger and it disabled my chat log history. Nice... So after pulling together files from 3 computers over 3.5 hours I have assembled a history showing 17,265 messages which is 267 pages in Ariel 8pt type with .3 top/bottom margins. Everything after 12/1 has been proofed for appropriate content. I'll probably have to spend 2+ hours going over everything before then. In case he wants the raw printouts I'm going to send Chada all the XML files on a CD. I hope to god he does not want the originals. There is nothing crazy in there but I would like to have some privacy and not kill a forest printing out 1200 pages.

BTW if you are using AT&T to track phone logs they did a system upgrade around Dec 20th that impacted the detailed calling reports. On my logs it shoes incoming calls from Chada as my cell phone calling myself. This is even though her cell phone number shows up on my caller ID every time she calls. I called AT&T and after 20 minutes of level 1 people telling me its her carriers fault and to call them I got escalated to a supervisor that said yes its their fault and happened at the exact time of a system upgrade. She promised to track down the issue and call me back. I guess you can imagine what didn't happen after that... Thank goodness Chada could pull detail billing off of her calling card.

Edited by Danny and Chada, 12 April 2009 - 04:34 PM.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-12 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Chada's in Chiang Rai for the holidays and didn't know what was going on in Bangkok. She did mention they ran into the red shirts when they were at a festival but didn't say anything else.

In reading the Bangkok post this morning it worried me as well. Besides the political turmoil 95 people have died in car accidents over the last few day. 30+% were due to drunk driving.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-12 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Your Google document is locked. It's telling me that I'm not granted permission to open it.

I hate it when I do that. It should be fixed now. Bangkok Embassy Packet 3 Checklist
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-12 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I've been researching and updating my Bangkok Embassy Packet 3 Checklist based upon the latest instructions from the Bangkok embassy. Can you take a look and see if I have missed anything?

I'm glad we were working on this over the last few months. This is ALLOT of work and organization to get this right the first time.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-12 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I did a date calculation from NOA1 to the "touch" yesterday. It was 109 days or 3 months and 19 days. It seems so odd that many, many other timelines I have seen have been almost the EXACT same processing time (within a day or so). It makes me wonder if they process the K-1's by due date as primary and FIFO as secondary. The reason I say this is 2 fold. Large companies are VERY dependent on stats / metrics to track operational activities. Secondly I remember reading the articles on VJ about the former USCIS employee. He indicated the top priority was meeting whatever performance metrix they had established. If you think about it the 110 days would give just enough time to process apps within any 4 month window which is what the metrix currently is.

I know not everyone gets it within that time-frame but if they just shoot for xx% that might explain the coincidence.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-11 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Guys thanks for all the info and support. I added the domain name in your post to our spam software so it will not get caught there.

About 4 months ago I was doing stats on IGORS and picked our place in line when we would be approved as 77. I know IGORS mean very little but I need data to crunch on to make me happy. Anyway we are at IGORS #75 today. Also Chada and I were talking and I told her we would be approved Friday (as in today). Man oh man I hope this happens.

How many times can I hit refresh button before my finger falls off?
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-10 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Anyone ever notice that date from approval date on the NOA2 to actually receiving an email notification? Is the email notification useless as well? Did you find out via email or US mail?
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-10 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Thanks for the quick answer and no one telling me to use the search button. smile.gif

Not sure if anyone else is like this but after my last trip to see my girl and having packet 3 completed we’ve both been sitting calmly waiting for the NOA2. Then today when I saw some activity with our case it kind of snapped me out of a "numb mode" and reminded me just how bought into the process I am. Man this is one h** of a roller coaster ride and we are not even around the first bend yet

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-10 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Thats what I thought.

If someone says I got a tear in my eye its just because of the pollen count.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-10 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Can I ask a favor? I checked my USCIS online case status today and saw the last updated box as 4/10/2009. I could have sworn every previous time I have check it showed 12/23/2008 which was my NOA1 date. Can someone confirm if it auto updates every day or only when something happens?

Thank you.

Edited by Danny and Chada, 10 April 2009 - 10:15 AM.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-10 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
You have a good point, but the loyalty and devotion on VJ is mainly from the perspective of USC, not from the beneficiary. It seems a lot less fraudulent cases by the people that post here all the time before and after they get their Visa, but a lot of them don't come back and say how things are going. Read some of the crazy stories in some of the other forums from guys and woman getting here and then abandoning their USC in some of the other forums. I get bored and browse some of them sometimes. It is interesting and insightful on the entire process, and gives a better understanding of why we are scrutinized so hard. It sucks, but unfortunately a fact of life with all the liars out there. I could go into a story about the girl that was at our medical with us, but I don't know if they are on here, and would rather let people find out truths by themselves.

For my own mental health I don't look for reasons (or other forums) to be skeptical about my SO's intentions. Our journey is difficult as it is and I'm cynical enough for the both of us. If she can pass my test thats pretty good.

The bottom line I had to accept is that she was going to come here on a work permit if we had not met. She's an RN and received her California Nursing Board acceptance letter during my first trip. During one of our more difficult conversations she explained she would not "be" and live with someone she didn't love just to get here faster. On her side she sees giving up her life, friends and family to take a chance on me being who I say I am. So as I see it we are both taking a leap of faith. I have lived in Dallas all of my life. During the last 15 years I have enjoyed a single life and also witnessed the desperate lengths people will go though to get a "catch".

My question to the embassy officer is how different is a bad Thai girl from the ones i meet everyday?

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-09 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I had 3 bad things happen in the last 24 hours.
1. Big layoffs just around the corner for my company. I'm not one of them but its 3 days off without pay for me and everyone still employed. The worst part is working with people who I have been told wont be around and not being able to tell them. That’s sucks...
2. The project I'm managing is 35 weeks behind schedule and there is nothing I can do to make it better.
3. Knowing everyone is having problems at the embassy and that my fiancé and I have no control over it. - The deal that’s different for us is we don’t have the length of relationship that others do and we don’t have as much proof as everyone else. We met online in July and I have made 2 long trips. We used to have much more communication with each other but between us both busting our a** at our jobs we don’t have the multi hour conversations, text and IM's going on. We talk at least twice everyday and more over the weekends but that’s pretty much it.

I'm climbing on the soap-box
I understand "The Man" is trying to protect us from ourselves and also protecting our country but I just wish I could do something to get the benefit of the doubt. I've lived a good life and learned quite a few lessons in the process. I also know what people think about marrying a younger Thai girl. I spent months going through every scenario and making sure I understood the consequences of my actions before I made a decision to go down this path. For me to have invested my emotions, 9 months of my life and $8,000 (to this point) should speak something to the commitment I have made to Chada and myself in the process.
Sorry, I'll get down now

Ok so since bad things come in three's our NOA2 should magically appear in my inbox right about... unsure.gif

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-09 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I emailed HYENA the other day. He is still around but very upset about the lack of NOA2 after the RFE. His situation sucks as well.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-09 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Sorry about not quoting... Its the birchbeer embassy do-over situation. You take someone who has been around for a long time and learned from everyone else. They go to the embassy and get turned away. That's VERY disappointing to me.

We have not heard what the reason was so maybe they have just missed something and I've jumped of the ledge...
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-09 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
**** <-Insert Profane Language Here, (extended RANT deleted)....

I am not a happy camper this morning. This is really upsetting.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-09 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
WOW you guys are great. This just saved me hundreds of dollars on Chada's future plane ticket! I had looked online at all the US sites and it was almost the same price 1 way or round trip.

Thanks again!
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-08 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
"It is crazy expensive, no doubt there. I make a good buck and I've had to adjust my budget to prevent myself from dipping into my savings. Not only that, I've essentially told my boss/company that my fiancee will probably have an interview in the next month or so, I don't know when, but I need to be there in case something goes wrong and I have to deal with the wonderful embassy, and I don't know how long I'll need to be there. I wonder how many employers would tell me to go fly a kite."

Many I think. After 2 long vacations to see Chada in the last 6 months my boss made it clear no more until the project i am managing is completed. That means my girl is on her own for the interview. She's smart so I'm hoping that along with the help of the people in this thread we can get through it.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-08 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I think I need a 2nd and 3rd job more than luck.

One question I have is how in the heck do people who are just above the poverty level get thought the visa process? When you factor everything it takes to make this work its just crazy. Maybe 15k covering all expenses to POE+ 12mo.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-08 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (magic girl @ Apr 8 2009, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
innocent.gif Glad to be your reference Danny
Here is the website :
Mostly member are Thai women there are few thai men they share and talk all kinds of US visa
Also interview experiences I used to be scared of THE MAN but after I study many cases I have more confident to deal with him.
Some say he is hansome only bald blush.gif can't wait to see what does he look like.
This site is very useful and easy to understand for your GF I already have some friends there also in Chicago,New York,New jersey,Texas just want to worn you guys coz our topics only Where is on sale?Where can i buy ...... ? Where is the best salon..........bra bra bra hope I don't scared you.
I won't feel alone anymore some people they have the same interview date so they can go together ,some they fly to the US.together Don't you think it s good for your GF that she can have some one who is being the same situation of her to talk and share the feeling with.

Hope you can get some good examples from the site

Does the word "BUDGET" come up during these shopping discussions? I think I need to learn the Thai word for that.

Bra shopping I have no problem with...
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-08 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
It's no problem. I just wanted people to be aware of that. Your wife can call my wife anytime. I have some fairly close friends that are Thai here that have treated her well. The casual Thais that we run into tend to look down on her because she doesn't speak English or drive a car. I'm learning as I go. I thought I knew it all living in Bangkok for 3 years. Apparently not. It was like pulling teeth to get it out of her. My American friend in Thailand that has lived there for 15 years warned me about this, but I just blew it off. Lesson learned.

That sucks, Chada is from Udon Thani... Maybe I can spin this as additional motivation for her to get her drivers license and improve the English. blink.gif

Magic Girl says there is a web site for Thia's who immigrate here that talks about places to eat etc in the various cities. Maybe she can share that with us.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-08 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Chada and I had nit noi good news today
IGORS shows its first NOA2 approval for an NOA1 with a 12/23 date. It wasn't us but that is the date of our NOA1. Watching IGORS up until now has been a fun little way to pass the time and play the guess what our number is today. That just changed...

If you see a guy walking little old ladies across the street thats me trying to build up some last minute good karma.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-07 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (uscandual @ Apr 5 2009, 11:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rsn @ Apr 5 2009, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (GeneT @ Apr 5 2009, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Apr 5 2009, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They do not allow electronic media inside the embassy. You have to print them.

Wow, that stinks... Oh well, I am going to kill a lot of trees! Thanks for your help!

I was thinking the same thing. I estimate that my proof of relationship packet will exceed 1000 pages (after going over my evidence today). This may be considered going overboard by some, but I don't want to take any chances.

I think that is going overboard, personally. Note that we have yet to have our interview, so I'm hardly the one to be giving 'expert' advice.
However from what I gather it's the quality of the evidence much moreso than the quantity that will get you through smoothly.
Have sufficient evidence of _mutual_ and _bidirectional_ communication, showing that you both initiate and respond to each other in your chosen communication medium. Having 1000 pages in which all contact is initiated by one party would be less valuable than 10 pages showing both parties equally participative. That's my understanding, at any rate.

Yes, What he said.

says the guy without an NOA2...
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-05 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
rsn I just saw your timeline and felt the pain of being slapped around by the VSC. It was bound to happen sooner or later I just hope I can get to sleep now... wacko.gif
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-05 23:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Magic Girl are you sure your not an English teacher in disguise? I know someone who needs lessons wink.gif

I'm happy you and the SO are out of NVC and wishing you well for the interview. You don't need any extra luck because you will do great. We will expect a detailed interview report.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-04 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (Nill @ Apr 3 2009, 07:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Reading this stuff is so disheartening. I wish you all the best of luck though. I am just now starting the process, so hello to all. I am pretty worried about the evidense of ongoing relationship, as we do not email or chat, but text and call. She does the call and hangup as well, so I call back... After reading all this, I am getting a bit worried.

Anyone else out there use Brain Wright? Or if you want to know what I think about him PM me...

Yes it is disheartening but at least we know and did not get surprised like some people before us. Good news for you as you are with the CSC and might get NOA2 really, really quick. You may want to have your SO get all over things for the proof of relationship. There is a phone service called V Phone that is 1b per minutes and has 6 months worth of online records. My SO uses it all the time and its great quality. I used it calling the states for conference calls while I was there and never had 1 issue.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-04-03 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
The post that says I'm bored out of my mind

On Saturday I will have been back in the US for 1 week. I have yet to sleep past 4am but am really enjoying the creature comforts and the calm of being home. This last trip to Thailand was to meet family, relatives, friends, friends and more friends... We also got 90% of packet 3 completed and are now waiting on our NOA2. We had a whirlwind trip and it was nice but looking back on it we had way to much work to do and people to visit.

The good news is my work situation is excellent. The bad news is my boss is lazy and has to do my job when I'm gone. Even though I still have 250 hours of vacation he told me no more time off until my project is completed in July or August. If we don't get hung up @ VSC or NVC that means my Chada is on her own for the interview / POE and will be here before I can visit her again. I'm certainly not complaining no0pb.gif it just means no trips to Thailand for about 2 years.

I don't miss Bangkok as the pollution really bothers me but I do miss the south the beach and ocean. We have plans to move back to Thailand in 10 years. We want to buy a house in the south like Koh Chang or something and for me to work virtually for 10 years for my company here in the US. At that point I would retire with 31 years at the same job. blink.gif Then me and my still beautiful Thai wife would enjoy living off of what we have built together.

Well its our dream anyway. Lets see if she wants to leave the US for Thailand after 10 years...

Anyone else have any plans to come back?

Edited by Danny and Chada, 27 March 2009 - 06:09 PM.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-27 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (ThaitoUSA @ Mar 27 2009, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancée called to let me know that the police certificate is still not ready, 10 days after she requested it. She is returning home from Bangkok now, so she'll have it mailed to her house, hopefully sometime next week. As soon as she gets it, we can send Packet 3 back. . .

She said "Good news is I got the international driver's license." She went to a station relatively near Mor Chit (JJ Weekend Market). The entire process took her about 20 minutes.

She was asked for:

1) Her 5 year Thai driver's license + her motorcycle license
2) a photocopy of her Thai passport
3) 2 photographs; she used the passport ones she had taken for the visa
4) a 500 Baht fee

She said "There were so many Thai/farang couples. It made me miss you sooo much honey!"

Or 6000 Baht if you dont have item #1 whistling.gif

Edited by Danny and Chada, 27 March 2009 - 02:26 PM.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-27 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
"Welcome home Danny, hope you will get Chada here in the US quickly smile.gif"

Thanks, It was a great trip but I'm glad to have the comforts of home again. smile.gif A funny thing has happened on my last 2 flights to Thailand. It seems like I get seated next to American guys who have married to a Thai girls. They had some great stories on what their lives are like and it was a great way to pass the time.

Hey if anyone is planning a quick get-away with their girl while visiting Bangkok I can highly recommend Koh Samet. Its a really nice / quiet island close to Bangkok.
200b each person / each way for a van. Drops you off at the pier
100b boat ride to the island
1400b a night bungalow on the beach
400b motorcycle rental
Lots of cheap seafood
Plus great picture taking opportunities for "The Man" to know we love each other wink.gif

I'll post a link to the pictures from my profile in the next day or so. Anyone heard from Hyena??

Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-24 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I'll bet the 4 - 6 weeks is just a form letter they send everyone.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-24 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I've been about 100 yards away from Cowboy (Asoke / Sukhumvit) for 7 days now. Cant say I even had an inkling to go. On the other hand all the beautiful girls walking around the Zen mall are something else. Good thing I'm in love. smile.gif

Its my last few hours in Bangkok. Chada and I are having lunch with a VJ / SO then we are heading out to Koh Samet. for 4 days. I like Bangkok but will LOVE to be someplace else. We come back Friday and I'll jump on a plane for Dallas. Sadly it will be the last time in BKK for 2 - 3 years. We agreed to do a combined a Thai wedding/sin sod/vacation on our next trip. The secret is we will be in Thailand for 4 weeks but wont be telling the relatives about all of it. This trip has been great but the relatives really came out of the woodwork. Its not about the money (dinner for 8 = 1200b). Its just night after night of entertaining...

During our next trip we will be real estate shopping. We are interested in buying a home in the south sometime in 2015. Our plan is to semi-retire in south Thailand in 10 years from now and for me to still work "virtually" over the net for another 10. I will be able to work for 50% of my salary and still be fine (US Income versus Thai living expenses). We want to get a newer 4 bedroom home so all my friends and relatives can come visit. They get a great vacation for airfare only... smile.gif Anyway thats our plan...

Can you guys tell I'm missing American conversation??? smile.gif

Edited by Danny and Chada, 15 March 2009 - 08:56 PM.

Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-15 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
LOL, the you tube thing is so funny. I went up to Chada's work today and all the girls were watching you tube "soap--opera's" as she likes to call them. She works in a building connected to a mall called Zen off of Chun Lit. Its a great mall with what I beleive is the most modern movie theater in Bangkok. The ultimate movie experience there is $20 a person. I'm going to check it out tomorrow but not at the $20 price... Anyway they were having a Toyota Yaris car demo with the female car models outside. WOW! The last 2 days the weather has been awesome in BKK. Partly cloudy and in the 80's i think.

Sorry to ramble so much...

Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-15 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Mar 14 2009, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Birch-Beer @ Mar 14 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Mar 13 2009, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading back a bit and there was a lot of talk about the 131 at the post office. Ive been in the Embassy a few times and if my memory serves me right, there is a post office "IN" the embassy. After you go through checkin, walk past the long line of seats and the girls table, where they organize your paperwork for you, in that far left corner, is a PO to pay the fee.

Yes there is a PO inside, however since you have to have the fee paid when sending in packet 3 that one is not going to work.

Went down to apply for SS# today, it was easy, they only needed her passport and Marriage Certificate, so we could get the card in her married name. Interestingly enough the lady said she was authorized on the K1 to work until it expired. We should have the card in 8-10 days.

Little by little getting paperwork done.

Well, need some input folks. Seems I screwed the P-3 up which they received in BKK on Friday.
I thought the postal fee was supposed to be paid at interview date. I didnt send it in with the P-3.
So, now I am concerned they'll send it back, put it on old till I pay it, whatever.....

I have an email into them, I guess I'll wait till Monday till I hear form them. I've found they're quick to respond to email inquiries and quite helpful.....ayeee....any thoughts folks?

I wouldn't stress about it to much. If it was me, I would go pay the fee, have the photocopy ready to send, and let them know you paid it but just did not send it in with packet 3.

I agree. Here is a link to a copy of the form. Bangkok Embassy Visa Fee Picture example
Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-14 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
The Visa Fee = 4454b was simple and can be done at any post office. Its just the one around the corner from the embassy does it all the time so they know what they are talking about. I took a picture of a sample form and will include in in my document.

The document translation was done across and just down the street (about 100 yards) from the front of the embassy. There is a sign out front and its on the 2nd floor. Its 300b each document and takes about 2 days.

OK, thats it for the checklist. Having my laptop / mobile Internet has been pretty invaluable during the process but without the help of several of you it would have been MUCH more painful.

Thank you very much for the help.

Danny & Chada
Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-13 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Aaron or dabozs do you have any tips on paying the visa fee at the post office. We went to one on Sukhumvit and they tried getting us to do NIV ones. We are planning on going to the one near the embassy but I wanted to ask you first for any tips. I'll include them in my checklist for everyone else.

Thanks in advance!

Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-12 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (ThaitoUSA @ Mar 12 2009, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I believe my fiancée shall have her medical at Bumrungrad this coming week. Is there a particular doctor that you'd recommend?

When filling out the vaccination chart, should she bring two forms and have both filled out; one for interview and one for AOS?

The preferred doctors name is in the document I posted. His name is in Thai... They will give you a copy of the vaccinations you received and the ones you will need to take a 2nd and 3rd dosage of in the ongoing months. Those cost more whenever you get them. They will also give you sealed documents you present at the embassy during the interview. It has an original of everything in them.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-12 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Wow we had a long day yesterday. The medical exam part was a piece of cake. They have a great food court area on the 10th floor so after the exam we had some food and they called her cell phone to pick up the results. Total time 2-1/2 hours.

The Never Married Form was another story. This is a big deal in Thailand. The beneficiary has to get 2 witnesses who will testify for them. If at any time after approval it is found out to be a lie then the witness have a mandatory jail term.
#1 Go to the same city government office that would be on the beneficiary's ID card. (IE. they live in Bangkok they must go to the Bangkok office)
#2 All persons submit their house ID cards and sign affidavids
#3 Then an electronic search is done to see if you have been married before.
#4 A government supervisor will heavily scrutinize all the paperwork. The reason I was given is that he receives no benefit from approving the form. On the other side of it he will have to go to some type of legal proceedings to explain why HE MADE A MISTAKE and approved it if the person was indeed married. Because the guy at the Bangkok office had to go through that ordeal once before he just doesn't like to approve any more of them.

I took a GPS photo of the building with my phone. When I figure out how to post it online Ill put it in my document.

After all of that we took a 30 minute water taxi? ride to meet Dad for the first time. We went to an older section of Bangkok where he is a driver for an open air van (not sure what to call it). Me, Dad, Chada and her brother had seafood and Chang beer at a restaurant on the river. Dinner for 4 /Beer for 3 (Chada doesn't drink) = 1000b smile.gif

We had a GREAT conversation about what things are important and our future lives together. We agreed to come back to Thailand to meet more relatives and have an official Thai wedding ceremony. Chada wants to come back in 2 - 3 years I told dad we would try to come back in 1 - 2. Chada and I talked and agreed we would need to save about 10 - 13k to pay for all the travel and wedding expenses.

Yesterday was a good day. We were 3-0 thanks to the tip about the NOA2/Police report. As soon as we got home we crashed for 10 hours. Chada is still asleep but thats my Thai girl for you. smile.gif

Hope everyone is doing well...

Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-12 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Ok, well we both chickened out on the Police Report. Our plan is form me to send over a copy of the NOA2 when we get it and see what happens. As for the Medical Exam the hospital is the nicest I have ever seen. Super modern, fast and efficient. Also there is a reason why the Thai girls like this doctor. He is what they call "delicate" meaning not a hard a**. Look like we will get out with only 2 vaccinations and it will cost around 1500b. I need some budget relief. I'm a walking ATM machine. smile.gif

FYI, I'm using 12 Call GPRS "Net SIM" service for a data connection from my laptop to my cell phone via bluetooth. The service is 100b for 1080 minutes. They use 2.5G (Edge) as the data technology but its been quite fast whenever I have used it. Its nice staying having something to do while I'm waiting around.
Danno2MaleThailand2009-03-11 21:36:00