K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing times.....
ive been looking at the timelines from a year ago, onwards just now, and petitions filed last jan and feb only seemed to take a couple months before noa2 in most cases. Like everyone is saying it seems June onward is where it has slowed down. Ashley and I are sending our petition in first week in Jan, so im hoping that last years trend continues! Maybe because very few people take any vacation in the first few months of the year so everywhere will be fully staffed :~) sounds logicalm but im sure it doesnt actually work like that haha!!
BenAshleyMaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-28 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos in Application
Hi guys,
Really quick one. We're just assembling the final file now, and have got everything in an order but dont know how to file the photos. W'e got 6 pics, and we have some plastic a4 sleeves which we were just gonna put them in. But should we put one in each or just them all in together in one?? And seal the top shut?? What did everyone else do??

BenAshleyMaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-01 03:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCitizens Birth Certificate
Hey everyone.
We're just adding in the last bits before filing and noticed it says to send both sides of the BC. But it only has one side? Im pretty sure its the long form one as it has the citizens parents places of birth on ??

Any help much appreciated..

BenAshleyMaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-07 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInternet Chat Logs?
We have just put in the skype log that shows when we called on what dates for how long. I didnt focus much on logs because they dont actually prove we met, so focussed more on boarding passes, passport stamps, luggage claims, visa reciepts from hen we stayed in london a couple nights (i paid for hotel, ashley paid for food there)
But if i as using logs, i think id jut send in a page each month and pick pages which show a half decent conversation.

However, i do believe more and more, that there are no right and wrongs, its just totally luck.

BenAshleyMaleUnited Kingdom2010-12-01 03:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS help from lawyer?

List your income for current income, and show proof that you receive that income. (1099, bank deposits) List your assets, which much be liquid and 3 times the 125% poverty line. Provide documented proof of the assets you list.

Yaaay! Thanks for the help. You've done more than just make snide comments and for that I thank you. That's all I was really wanting. Once again thanks!
LostandFoundFemaleNetherlands2011-07-30 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS help from lawyer?
I'm just asking for some help because I haven't seen any examples of how to fill out the affidavit with only assets...
LostandFoundFemaleNetherlands2011-07-30 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS help from lawyer?

Why would you need a lawyer to help you fill out I-134? There are example forms for I-134 and its quite a simple form to fill out.

I recommend doing it yourself instead of paying crazy fees for someone to fill out a 1-2 page form for you...

As I said, my situation is unique. I do not have a job, but I have more than enough assets and I also have income that is not counted as earned.
LostandFoundFemaleNetherlands2011-07-30 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS help from lawyer?
Now that we've finally got our NOA2 I've started gathering things for our affidavit of support. I'm in a bit of a unique situation with it, however. I'm thinking of asking for help from a lawyer, but don't know any good ones in the Dallas area. Does anyone have any recommendations?
LostandFoundFemaleNetherlands2011-07-30 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresESTA still needed?

I know this is probably a silly question, but I thought I'd ask here and make sure. I just got off the phone with the airline that I was booking my fiance's ticket to the USA on. During the process the lady seemed rather confused and told me that to get a one way ticket I would need a visa, which of course we're getting the k-1 visa. Then, however, she told me I would also need to get an ESTA for him. I ended up booking a round trip for him since it was cheaper. We'll just cancel the return trip.

We shouldn't need an ESTA being that we already have a visa, right? None of the ESTA options apply to him anyway.

Thanks for the help!
LostandFoundFemaleNetherlands2011-10-20 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescsc inquiry

I am glad you significant other rented a place for you in Cebu. My finance, her whole family and relatives live in the village area. Nothing is safer for her then to stay with her family. I send them money to help out as needed, get her shots, and be ready. Such as it is. the senator's office called me today. The CSC is sticking to the original decision. Nothing has changed. We talked for a while on it and the decision. I told the office I really expected no change. I really did not expect them to bend. Then I asked how to change it legislatively. He said draw up an idea. a bill, a way to reform. I told him I am here to stay to fix the issue. I have learned a lot, and the more I learn, the more I wonder why the legislation which was written for families has been ignored, in favor of those coming to work. The legislation was for families first. He said, it all starts with just one person. You may be that person. So over the next couple of weeks, I am going to do much, much research. Draw up the plan and submit to my Senator. Then ask each person here to write this senator as well, plus their senators. I will contact each and every senator and member of the house of representatives.

You rock man... I've written to both Sam Johnson and Kay Bailey Hutchison in the last 3 weeks but am still waiting. I think if we keep it up enough they'll have no choice but to reform. Good luck...
dmd.netMaleThailand2011-04-29 22:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancée vs Spouse Visa at VSC
Absolutely correct. I got my NOA2 today (only took 191 days:). If I knew ahead of time that it would take this long, I would've moved abroad, got married, and done a I-130 DCF . It really hurts to be apart this long. VSC has picked up big time though so yours probably won't take as long.
dmd.netMaleThailand2011-05-04 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust venting about fee increase

If you think the K visa fee hike is bad, take a look at the AOS one. I-485 is over $1000! crazy...

Yeah... looking at that looming ahead, too! Good luck with your filing, though, psiprez. You generally will find lots of support here!
Dan&TiffanyFemaleEngland2007-06-11 06:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo NOA2 rec'd (but approved) - question
Hello all,

I got a letter a few weeks ago from NVC saying that the I-129F was approved and since then my fiance has received Packet 3 & we are making sure we have everything together for the interview that will be in January. Reading the guide for K1, I see that I will need a copy of my NOA2 to put with all the other paperwork...only problem is I never received an NOA2. On the USCIS website it still says "initial review" and I never got an email, text or hard copy NOA2.

Anyone have any idea what I can do about this? I want to make sure we have everything...and we may even need that copy down the line for something else!

Thanks for your help smile.gif
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2009-11-11 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequest for Evidence Mitting in person within two year period
Also something I used was bank statements showing ATM withdrawals in my fiance's country, bus tickets that had both of our names on it, hotel receipts with both of our names on it, etc.

I highlighted and/or put post it notes on every piece of evidence I turned in to tell them what I was trying to show with that piece of evidence, regardless of how obvious it may have seemed to me. I would resend what you already sent with clarification of what you were trying to show, plus any other evidence you can think of!
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-01-26 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 steps

Ah he didn't make copies.... *runs around in circles

Did he keep the originals of all of your proof that you've met in the last 2 years/that you're in a relationship? If so you should be ok - it's easy enough to recreate the other forms since you should know all the answers on them, and you shouldn't be asked for that stuff anyway - they already will have it at the consulate.

They WILL need to see proof that you are in an ongoing relationship (pictures of the 2 of you together, emails, letters, phone records, etc. If you read through posts on this board you will find lots of examples of things you can use.) Start gathering all of that now & for heaven's sake make copies this time :)
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-01-31 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresletter from family member

Hi...have not been on in quite a while. My fiance is waiting for her interview appointment in Guanzhou. All I need to do now is send her the packet for her to take with her. A friend I met on this site has already gotten his fiance here from China as well. He had his mother write a letter stating that she had talked to his fiance on the phone many times and was looking forward to her coming to the states...etc.etc. From what I hear the Embassy was quite impressed with that. I am having a family member do the same. My fiance has talked to my Aunt and my best friend many times over the past months. Should I get these letters notarized or just send them as they are? Thanks in advance. Jeff

I did this and had my family notarize them (I had one each from my parents, brother & grandfather.) Can't hurt & your bank will usually do it for free or a nominal fee.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-01 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner is losing his JOB before the compeletion of K1 Process

Sorry, I'm a newbie and forgot to fill-in the timeline.

Anyway, in our opinion, if (hypothetically) I will be scheduled to an interview sometime February, my fiance is still working at that time, we can still meet the requirements - we can still provide Employment Certificate, Affidavit of Support and Pay Stubs.

But what are the chances? What are the things to expect in this kind of scenario?

It's so overwhelming and crucial to be pressured about your career and financial status, and now even our life together is at stake. All of our built dreams together, family, love and life will be shattered in one big boom. Sorry, I'm sounding out. But I hope anyone can enlighten us.


If your fiance has a job at the time of your interview and can prove it with current pay stubs & an employment verification letter, then you will probably be fine. I would think this would be the case even if your fiance SUSPECTS that he will be laid off shortly - he hasn't been yet, so he still has an income. If your fiance is laid off and hasn't found new employment by the time of your interview, you will have issues if your consulate doesn't accept co-sponsors.

You'd probably benefit from posting this question in a region specific forum so that people who have gone through your consulate will be better able to advise on what kind of questions they ask about the I-134 - I'm sure it varies.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-01-31 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgetting k-1 visa
Definitely possible - I submitted paperwork beginning of September and my fiance's original interview date was to be December 8. We postponed the interview until January because I wanted to be present, but if he had gone Dec 8 & was approved he could have been here in a little over 3 months from the time of filing!
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-05 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCopy of I-129F question

Alright, just about to send the last stuff to my fiance for her interview...Tho I'm a little panicky...Might not of been smart of me, but I send USCIS the original copy of my birth certifcate. Of course I haven't gotten it back yet. I ordered a new one...But won't be here in time for me to mail all the stuff to my fiance with her interview on the 18th of this month...Is not including an entire exact copy of the i-129f to her for the interview a "Do or Die" thing...Very worried here. >_>

They shouldn't need your birth certificate at the interview - don't worry. They will need HERS but not yours. The CO will have the application you already sent in, and yours is in there. (So is hers of course, but they will need her original again - at least they did at my fiance's interview.)

Edited by katie & sifa, 06 February 2010 - 09:00 AM.

katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-06 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Supporting evidence questions
Check with people who have gone through Brazil - this varies by consulate. At our interview paycheck stubs and an employer letter were sufficient, but at others they will want to see tax returns. Best thing to do is see what your consulate in particular looks for.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-15 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresU.S. Peace Corps Volunteers & K1 Visa (El Salvador)

Thanks for all the feedback, everyone!

I think the biggest problem for me will be the El Salvador Embassy. From everything that I have read, they are VERY strict about financial requirements (probably because El Sal is a 3rd World Country with lots of illegal emmigrants heading to the U.S.)

I've read that they refuse to accept joint-sponsors, but I've got my fingers crossed that they will accept a statement from my current employer stating that I'm making above the poverty line - even if I only made $4,000 on my 2009 tax-return after working full-time in the Peace Corps last year.

We'll see what happens. :whistle:

Thanks again!

I would think that it wouldn't hurt to have a co-sponsor lined up in case they have issue with the fact that you didn't make enough last year, but I think you'll be ok with your current job. I have always heard that the consulates are more concerned with CURRENT and ongoing income than they are with what you made last year, 2 years ago, whatever. Especially in a situation such as this - it's not like you weren't doing anything last year, you have proof that you were a PCV. I went with my fiance to the interview and as soon as he mentioned that we had met when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer the CO smiled & said that he knew lots of former PCVs who worked for the Embassy - it's not an unknown agency to them, of course. I think you'll be good - but if you're worried, line up a co-sponsor and give them that information if they tell you/your fiance that they have problems with your income. Good luck!

Edited by katie & sifa, 21 February 2010 - 08:21 PM.

katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-21 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresU.S. Peace Corps Volunteers & K1 Visa (El Salvador)
Hey there - fellow RPCV here! Have you already COS'd? Do you have a job in the states now? If so - no worries. Use your current paycheck stubs & a letter from your employer. I sent a tax return as part of the I-134 but noted that I was in PC for part of the year (which was backed up by the fact that I had included a copy of my DOS and work visa that was in my PC passport as proof that we had met in the last 2 years) & only worked a few months in 2008 at my current job, and there were no issues.

Edited by katie & sifa, 20 February 2010 - 07:08 PM.

katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-20 19:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntent To Marry? For K1 Peition?

I can't seem to find that link again could someone link me ? Thanks :D

katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-24 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntent To Marry? For K1 Peition?
I sent actual copies of photographs (they were all digital, so it was easy & inexpensive to make several sets at the drug store.) Everything else I made color copies of & sent those, and brought the originals to the interview.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-23 07:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntent To Marry? For K1 Peition?
Hello :) Deep breaths! Read the guides & all will be well.

1. You will need a letter from both the petitioner and beneficiary just stating that you are both legally able and intend to marry when your fiance gets to the US. No letters from friends/family required.

2. No, you don't need to include proof that you intend to marry (other than the 2 letters.) The only proof required for the initial petition is proof that you've met in the last 2 years in person. Your plan to legally marry when your fiance arrives & have a bigger celebration later is completely fine!

3. Mine didn't have anything on the back either - I made a photocopy (color) of the back and included it. You don't need to (and shouldn't!) put anything on the back.

4. The I-134 (the proof that you are going to support your fiance, or when you provide information about a co-sponsor if that's the route you're going) comes during the interview stage. You don't need this yet! Just be honest when filling out the G-325A and when it asks about current employment you put unemployed. That's it. Co-sponsor comes into play for the interview.

I know it's stressful, but try not to freak out too much! Up at the top of the page you will find a link to the guides, and that is probably where you found the checklist you can't find anymore :) Good luck!

Edited by katie & sifa, 22 February 2010 - 08:02 AM.

katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-22 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmedical exam causes of failure
HIV is no longer a cause for denial. That ban was overturned by Obama in January.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-25 15:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPakistani Fiance and I Are Meeting in A 3rd Location Soon...
Also if your fiance has any evidence of your first meeting (mine had some hotel receipts and bus tickets with both of our names on them) it would be good if he brought that so you can include it as well.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-01 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresduplicate of I-129f package
Your fiancee will need an original birth certificate, and I assume they will want original divorce decrees (didn't have that, so someone else may be better suited to answer.) They didn't ask for my birth certificate or passport (I am the USC but accompanied my fiance to his interview.) I had my birth certificate with me and of course my passport, but they didn't need them.

In response to your original question, I took a duplicate copy of our original petition with us to the interview. It came in handy once - some of our photos were only in the original, so we used those along with the ones I had brought specifically for the interview when the CO asked for pictures of the 2 of us together. Plus as others have said it's good for your fiancee to study it.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-11 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill we be able to use the I-864 form for the K-1 Visa?

I asked because on the I-864 can use your Fiance's assets and income, but on the can't use your fiance's assets or income. Have you looked at the differences in the forms? There is a difference.That is why I was asking. If the I-134 is not approved. Then the whole K-1 Visa will likely be disapproved. We will probably try the K-3 Visa at that point.

P.S-You don't have to be rude. I was just asking a question. Why would I purposefully delay it..Duh?

The beneficiary's income and assets cannot be used for a K-1 visa (unless that person's income will continue after they arrive in the US, which would be unlikely). The petitioner must either meet the financial requirements on their own to sponsor the beneficiary or you need a co-sponsor. Either way you would use the I-134.

Edited by katie & sifa, 11 March 2010 - 12:34 PM.

katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-11 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican embassy or consulate

Study the AOS guide and do your homework before taking this path but it appears quite viable to me.

Here's a link to the guide if that's the route you decide to follow:
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-11 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAmerican embassy or consulate

So there's absolutely no way for her to stay here with me while we wait for approval?

After the I-129F is approved she would still have to go back to Canada for the interview - the approval of the I-129F does not mean the visa is on its way, just means that the initial petition has been approved. Then comes the interview. The interview MUST take place in Canada - not in Louisiana or anywhere in the US. She will also have to get a medical exam done in Canada by a doctor the Embassy has chosen (check the Canada forum/portal for more info on that.)

You don't want to have her overstay and run into bans and problems down the line, so she should go back home before her time in the US is legally up (6 mos from entry.) If she wants to try to come back in while you're waiting for the NOA2, you can try - there's been lots of threads on VJ about Canadians who do this/want to do this. But she would have to go back to Canada first then try to come back in (and be prepared to show lots of evidence of ties to Canada.) Then she would go back to Canada for her medical & interview.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-11 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa

Does anyone know if previous visitor and student visa denials can affect the K1 application. We want to start filing from next month. Thanks

My fiance was denied a student visa in 2008 & there were no issues with the K-1. It wasn't even mentioned at the interview.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-11 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much time between the interview and actual visa

Ok. I guess a more precise question is: once you pick up the visa, what is the longest you can stay in the home country (Russia) before you HAVE to enter US on the visa? Or, in other words, how long does the visa stay valid, once issued, if not traveled on immediately?

The visa is valid for 6 months from date of issue. Then once you enter you have the 90 days to get married.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-14 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresscheduling k-1 interview

Can anyone tell me how to schedule an interview for my fiance if no one answers the phone or email at the Nairobi Embassy? Her medical exam is in early April and they told me her results will be available the next day. She lives in Uganda so I would like for her to stay for her interview during that time. Otherwise she has to fly back to Uganda and to Nairobi again for the interview.

This whole process was rather simple until our case got to Nairobi.

When you call you need to dial 0 for the operator - do NOT press the extension they tell you to press for the visa department. No one will ever answer. When you get the operator, explain that you are calling from America & that you need to speak to someone in the visa department - they will connect you to someone. If no one answers the first extension they dial, call back and ask again. The operators are usually pretty friendly - you may have to call a few times but they'll find someone eventually. Then you can schedule the interview - they let me pick whatever date I wanted for my fiance's interview.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-22 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhysically putting the package together?
I paperclipped the individual sections together then clipped the whole thing with a big binder clip (like the ones shown above.)
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-25 07:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I the Petitioner have to fill out this form?

My fiance filled out his own DS156 and DS156K... he is the one applying for the visa, it makes no sense to me to fill it out myself and just have him sign it. I don't know all his details, he does. This thread baffles me.

I guess it would depend on if your fiance speaks English well? My fiance also filled out his own paperwork. I looked it over for mistakes, but he checked everything I filled out for the initial petition (and the I-134) over for me as well. Two sets of eyes are better than one, in my opinion.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-23 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceived receipt notice
You (the US Citizen) will receive the NOA2, which is another form kind of like the one you just got (the NOA1) which will say if your petition has been approved. A little while after that you (the USC) will receive a letter from the National Visa Center saying they received your approved petition and they are sending it on to the Embassy.

From then on any correspondence from the embassy will go to your fiancee at the address you provided in the I-129F. She will get some paperwork in the mail, and will need to complete her medical exam, etc. You can call the embassy if she doesn't receive anything within a reasonable amount of time (probably a good idea to check with others who have gone through Afghanistan to see a rough timeline of when they received things & how the consulate/embassy works there.) Packet 3 usually has the medical forms & some additional paperwork she will need to fill out for the interview. After that she will get an interview date (sometimes called Packet 4 here, but that varies by Embassy - you may need to call & set an appointment, or they may set one for you. Check with others who have gone through Afghanistan!)

Hope that helps :)
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-02-18 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPregnancy
If the baby is born before the visa is issued or she can't fly and has the baby after the visa is issued but before coming to the US (like TracyTN said, the visa is valid for 6 months after issue so she should have ample time no matter what happens), the birth needs to be reported to the US Consulate in Ghana so that the baby can get US Citizenship & a US passport. You won't have to get a visa for the baby because he/she will be a US Citizen since you are a US Citizen.
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-30 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat am I waiting for exactly?
The USC will also get a letter in the mail from NVC soon that says they received your approved petition, your case number is xxxx whatever, and that they are sending your petition on to the Embassy where you will be having your interview. Mine came a little over a week after NOA2.

Edited by katie & sifa, 01 April 2010 - 07:14 AM.

katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-04-01 07:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! Question - K1 Evidence
We included letters like that - my fiance & I met when I was a Peace Corps volunteer teaching some classes in the hospital where he worked. I had a letter from Peace Corps saying I worked in that hospital as part of my volunteering, and he got a letter from his employer stating that he worked in that hospital during the same time period. I don't think it can hurt!

We included letters like that - my fiance & I met when I was a Peace Corps volunteer teaching some classes in the hospital where he worked. I had a letter from Peace Corps saying I worked in that hospital as part of my volunteering, and he got a letter from his employer stating that he worked in that hospital during the same time period. I don't think it can hurt!
katie & sifaFemaleKenya2010-03-31 07:08:00