K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPregnant and Filing K1
QUOTE (mommy2B @ Feb 15 2008, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum. I just have a few questions.

1) I know timelines are not always predictable but can anyone give me an estimate: I'm pregnant and would like to apply for my fiancee so that he may be here when I give birth, due date is in October. What are the chances he'll be here by then or soon after if I file ASAP? PS: He is in Jamaica and I am in NY.

2) I am an attorney and I'm capable of filling out the forms myself but simply do not have the time right now.. I'm swamped but I know the forms need to go out soon. How reliable are some of these sites that offer services to take care of the process, especifically I was considering
anybody use them?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Michele and welcome,

I'm also new to VJ and my fiance is in Jamaica. I filed my petition (on my own) without the aid of an attorney in January. I had considered hiring one, because I have a hectic work and personal scheduled. As you stated, you're attorney yourself and you know how important it is to have all your paperwork in order. I know attorneys are not the most organized person, but it's not that difficult. "Legal Secretary" I took one weekend to gather all my information, make my copies (2) and FEDEX the packet on Monday. The attorney I spoke to wanted $1795 (I said HECK no)...I'm a secretary, how hard could it be. Just take your time, fill out the paper work, stayed TUNED to this forum and take it from there.

I found so much help here. If you have a question, ask it. Someone will answer you HERE. As you can see, the people here a very friendly and very supportive; and I mean VERY, VERY SUPPORTIVE... your questions don't even have to be IMMIGRATION related.

I come here for SUPPORT...this is not an easy process (a lot of waiting) and that can drive the SANE...INSANE....

Welcome to the FAMILY my girl and I wish you, baby and soon to be HUBBY the best.

TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-02-15 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Processing Issues
QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Mar 25 2008, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As hard as it is to see people being approved befpore you, you are not outside the normal processing times and they cannot/will not do anything until you are overdue.

My advice...sit back and relax...this process is about patience.

That's why I don't even log on and check anymore. It just adds more stress to the process. I'll tell you one thing, patience is KEY in the immigration process. It doesn't matter what you're filling. Patience and PRAYER is key. Keep the faith babes.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-03-25 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone know any interview questions?
QUOTE (Gooden @ Mar 26 2008, 02:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Me and my fiance are awaiting an interview date. I'm nervous, he's calm. I like to quiz him on questions I think might come up, it relaxes me when he answers in what I presume to be the perfect response. Does anyone know of any questions asked at the interview, maybe there are some I haven't thought of. unsure.gif

Good morning, welcome COME ON OVER THE THE YARDIE THREAD and ask away. Don't be nervous and we'll add you to our powerful prayer chain. So, please come and join us. We'll be waiting.


TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-03-26 07:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOlder Woman Younger Man
QUOTE (Texron @ Mar 26 2008, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Mar 26 2008, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Texron @ Mar 26 2008, 08:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Mar 26 2008, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Mar 26 2008, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please don't freak out, Gooden. If you can go and you want to go, then certainly go. If you can't or don't want to, please do not feel obligated to go. There is no set formula for approvals or denials.......the recent denials in the JA embassy that I know of have been due to drug usage and insufficient evidence. It had nothing to do with an age difference.

Make sure he has every little piece of paperwork and evidence he needs and you will be fine.

I could not go to both the interview and the ride to the US. And, at that time, it was only a 4 day wait for visa delivery. Today, it is roughly 2 weeks.

Dang, JG-- I wonder why they stopped that.

Due to extra security checks with the fingerprints, that's why some take longer than others.

Yes, you can go into the Embassy. They may even ask you questions during the interview. Kingston seems to give the interviewee a harder time if the petitioner isn't there...not all the time but it does happen. Your presence is the best evidence.

Since you can't make it, just make sure your fiance is organized and well prepared for the interview.

That is a pretty broad and misleading statement about the hard time. I know many beneficiaries who went without the petitioner and have reported absolutely no problems. Most have stressed over not being able to go because of statements like this, almost to the point of making themselves sick, and found it to all be unnecessary.

If you can go, go. If not, so what? In the end, it is all about preparation for the interview. You can be standing right next to him professing undying love; but if the evidence is not up to par, it does not make a bit of difference.

Have all your ducks in a row and you will be fine either way.

As a side note, I've also known several petitioners who have attended with the beneficiary only to be turned down due to missing evidence and failed medicals.

QUOTE (Texron @ Mar 26 2008, 08:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Mar 26 2008, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Mar 26 2008, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please don't freak out, Gooden. If you can go and you want to go, then certainly go. If you can't or don't want to, please do not feel obligated to go. There is no set formula for approvals or denials.......the recent denials in the JA embassy that I know of have been due to drug usage and insufficient evidence. It had nothing to do with an age difference.

Make sure he has every little piece of paperwork and evidence he needs and you will be fine.

I could not go to both the interview and the ride to the US. And, at that time, it was only a 4 day wait for visa delivery. Today, it is roughly 2 weeks.

Dang, JG-- I wonder why they stopped that.

Due to extra security checks with the fingerprints, that's why some take longer than others.

Yes, you can go into the Embassy. They may even ask you questions during the interview. Kingston seems to give the interviewee a harder time if the petitioner isn't there...not all the time but it does happen. Your presence is the best evidence.

Since you can't make it, just make sure your fiance is organized and well prepared for the interview.

No, that's not exactly it at all. When we went through 2 years ago, everyone received their visa in 4 days.

Today, 2 weeks is the norm. Longer if there is a hurricane. It seems to be about the printing of the visas at the embassy.

Jomo's please read what I wrote....not all time but it does happen. It's not misleading. You are entitled to your opinion. I went through the process almost 4 years ago and know alot about the process.

Trust me, the Embassy has to run the fingerprints through a national database. They added extra security.

I guess that's why the visa fee went from $100 to $131. wacko.gif Oh, well.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-03-26 09:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOlder Woman Younger Man
QUOTE (Jomo @ Mar 26 2008, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please don't freak out, Gooden. If you can go and you want to go, then certainly go. If you can't or don't want to, please do not feel obligated to go. There is no set formula for approvals or denials.......the recent denials in the JA embassy that I know of have been due to drug usage and insufficient evidence. It had nothing to do with an age difference.

Make sure he has every little piece of paperwork and evidence he needs and you will be fine.

I could not go to both the interview and the ride to the US. And, at that time, it was only a 4 day wait for visa delivery. Today, it is roughly 2 weeks.

Dang, JG-- I wonder why they stopped that.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-03-26 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOlder Woman Younger Man
QUOTE (Gooden @ Mar 26 2008, 01:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone think my being 36 and my fiance 26 will be an issue at the interview? Everyone I've ever met does not believe I'm 36, I look much younger and I'm always asked for I.D. I won't be at the interview (since I can't go in, we're saving money for wedding) though but my pictures will. Also, this runs in both our families. My dad is with a woman 10 years older than him and my fiance's mom is married to a man 10 years younger than her. It's not a big deal to us or our families. I hope it won't be a big deal with immigration. wacko.gif wacko.gif wacko.gif

Great you found us. Girl please, that don't matter. I had the same concerns. We share the same age difference with our fiance. I've had a few friends that have gotten through with larger age difference and the male was much younger. Only one of them was questioned about it at the interview and they answered honestly. Welcome again.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-03-26 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresage gap question
QUOTE (william_wallace @ Apr 29 2008, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A friend of mine is in the same situation. He's 25 and shes 44. He's worried he will get denied due to the age gap, but i have told him they wont deny him.

No worries. My friend (male) married a 54 year old woman 2 years ago. He was only 24 when she filed for him. They're still married and they had no problems at the interview. The only thing the CO was (WOW! I can't believe you're 54 -- you look much younger) asked them a few more questions and wished them a happy life together.

I also share a large age gap with my fiance 13 years (I'm older USC -female). I was worried about it at first, but I'm over that bridge now.

One Love
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-04-29 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTraveling Applicant?
QUOTE (Jomo @ Jun 2 2008, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I doubt you have to do anything about it. Others have had the same thing listed. It's more a formality. Without a visa, he can't go anywhere anyhow.

At 19, he would have to file his own visa.

Hey JG --

Don't you age out at 21?
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-06-02 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestotal fees?
QUOTE (honeychild36 @ Jun 9 2008, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jun 9 2008, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fees for K-1 - $455

Non-Impiedment form - about - $100/US

Police certificate - $3500/3-day service

Visa Fee - $131/US

Medical $90 - $95/US depending on which facility used - SHOTS can cost up to $200/US (depending on requirements and your SOs age). Have you SO check with his doctor and see if he needs any shots (would be better if he had is vaccine card). My so got the needed shots at the clinic it was much, much less expensive. His physical is this morning at 8:30 this morning, so link me if you need anything.

Girl, so many other sure if you SO has a passport or the updated birth certificate. All this cost money. It never ends. Link me if you have more questions. I just did all this so it's fresh in my head. The ladies here all helped me. I would be TOTALLY lost without them. My interview is in 2 weeks, so, I'm ready. Not a bit worried. If you have any questions, feel free to link me.


Thanks Lawny,

Okay, now is the police certificate fee $3,500.00????? or $35.00, OH my. When i go to JA in July, i am going to have Dwayne, get his passport, so we can get the ball rolling. I will probably print out your post, which i greatly appreciate, so that i can keep track of what im going to be needing to spend. I guess i will ask him about his birth certificate as well, he was born in Kingston, but lives in Steertown, so do i need to tell him to see about getting another copy of his certificate???

Girl, you got me cracking up. It's $3500/JAMAICAN (dollars) about $50/US or so. I'm sorry I scared you. It should be easy for him since he's in Kingston. Make sure he has the new birth certificate. Let me find the post on getting the police certificate.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-06-09 08:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestotal fees?
Fees for K-1 - $455

Non-Impiedment form - about - $100/US

Police certificate - $3500/3-day service

Visa Fee - $131/US

Medical $90 - $95/US depending on which facility used - SHOTS can cost up to $200/US (depending on requirements and your SOs age). Have you SO check with his doctor and see if he needs any shots (would be better if he had is vaccine card). My so got the needed shots at the clinic it was much, much less expensive. His physical is this morning at 8:30 this morning, so link me if you need anything.

Girl, so many other sure if you SO has a passport or the updated birth certificate. All this cost money. It never ends. Link me if you have more questions. I just did all this so it's fresh in my head. The ladies here all helped me. I would be TOTALLY lost without them. My interview is in 2 weeks, so, I'm ready. Not a bit worried. If you have any questions, feel free to link me.

TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-06-09 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyers
QUOTE (LaL @ May 30 2008, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please guys - no one should be advocating *not* using an attorney. There are many circmstances in which an attorney is warranted - and even I would go so far as to advocate getting at the very least a consultation. Tell your experiences with your lawyer and how you chose to proceed but to straight out tell members not to is toying with their cases.

Likewise anyone sending immigration suggestions through PM is treading very dangerous waters and the recipiant should be wary of any information passed in this manner.

I don't think anyone is advocating NOT using an's your personal choice. Even if I had the $$$$$$ I still would not have used an attorney. If your case is straight forward...I don't see it's necessary. For some reason people have the misconception that using an attorney will SPEED or place your FILE on the top of the PILE. I have friends that have used attorneys because they have a busy schedule...they filed before me and we were approved around the same time. So, like I said, it's your personal choice.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-05-30 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslawyers
All the information and support you need is right here. Ask as many questions as you want. Never a silly question, just ask it anyway. I did. I started the process in Janaury (NO LAWYER)...and my interview is next month. The support you get here is tremendous. There's a wealth of info here from the VETS...

But it's your choice still....wishing you all the best.

One Love
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-05-30 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWHAT DOES THIS MEAN (SDO2008643012)
QUOTE (MOLEN @ Jul 29 2008, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (knewx01 @ Jul 29 2008, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

2008 = the year NVC receive your approved application from UCIS
643 = (Julian date code) 143 days in a year +500, = May 22nd, 2008 the exact date NVC receive your approved application from USCIS.
012 = Your are number 12 petitions disignated in that particular date.
SDO = Country code (Embassy)

I hope my addition is right!


I thought I was the only one figuring it out that way.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-07-29 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew with questions about K1 process
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Jul 30 2008, 01:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As the USC you must provide documents proving that your alien fiance will not become a public charge to the US. This means that you must earn 125% of poverty level to prove you can support your fiance. If you do not, then you find someone (usc) to co-sponsor your fiance with you.

At the Embassy stage of the process you will have to send a notorized I-134 and supporting documents to your fiance.

At AOS stage you will do the same with I-864.

It's all in the guides and faq's links at the top

I think the qualifying about is higher if you have children living with you in the household. I had to show that I could support 3 people. Me, myself and my son.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-07-30 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew with questions about K1 process
QUOTE (mrsladyd @ Jul 30 2008, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,

I am so new to this whole K-1 Visa.
-As far as proof that I can support him, is there a specific amount or bracket I must fall into?
-I realize this is going to cost money, but how much should I expect? No attorney, just us filing and doing all the work to bring him to California from Jamaica.

The info on this site makes the process much easier than I expected. So thankful for that. Thanks in advance for any answers or suggestions you have.

Hy Mrsladyd;

Welcome. Come on over to the yardie thread. I finished the process last month and I'm married now, so things are still fresh in my head. Yes, this is going to cost money and time and a lot of PATIENCE...but we're here to support each other along the way. Initially the filing fee is $455, but that's just the start of it. Your SO will need to come up with documentation from Jamaica and that's going to cost $$$$$$.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-07-30 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long have you known your fiancee
I knew my fiance 3 months before I filed for him
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-08-18 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone fly together back to US after K-1 visa granted
We were in the USC line...they processed my entire family all at once. We were all escorted to the back room together for ICE to complete the processing...10mins tops.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-08-19 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA-1 Arrived May 28 - What if I get married in the Phillippines
CR/1 is not quicker.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-08-23 07:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAirplane tickets! Help please!
QUOTE (Mocana87 @ Aug 28 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have the e-tickets for two of the 3 times I visited my fiance, they were saved on my email account. I cant find the 2nd one from last winter and I cant find any of the ticket stubs from the airlines. Does it matter if it is a e ticket or does it have to be the airplan ticket stub? Does my passport cover the ticket i cant find? I wish I knew then that I should have saved them sad.gif

I think the stamps in your passport are better evidence. I didn't save my ticket stubs or e-ticket receipts.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-08-28 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs age difference a rejection factor?
JG I'm stalking you
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-08-22 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs age difference a rejection factor?
Doesn't matter. They may ask about it at the interview (they never did at our interview) just address it then... We have a 13 year age difference. I know people with as much as a 22 year age difference and never had any problems. best of luck
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-08-22 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot tourism visa - JM
QUOTE (Ryon4life @ Sep 8 2008, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you, everyone. I will wait to see what will happen this week. I have also started the process for the fiance visa!

Come over to the yardie thread...we'll help you along the way.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-09-08 11:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot tourism visa - JM
QUOTE (Ryon4life @ Sep 6 2008, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
after finding this website, i know now that we have applied for the wrong visa. I decided aganist the fiance visa b/c the process appear longer. I feel as if i have directed my fiance into a losing battle. His interview is next week in Kingston and the odds are aganist him. I do not know what to say to him, do i tell him my fears and what i have recently learned? He thinks that i am so smart but i feel so stupid. His entire family is joining him on the trip to the embassy. My mind is racing - i need to do something to help the situation. I can't even answer his phone calls b/c he thinks that something is wrong with my tone of voice. i keep texting his phone "i love you, I miss you and I will c u soon! ". If i talk to him now, i will only kill his confidence. WWJD?

My girl,

Don't be so hard on yourself. You did what you thought was the best with what you knew. Wait and see what happends. If it does not work out, try the K1 route. Just wait and see what happens. It took my hubby and I a little under 6 months to get him here on the fiance visa.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-09-06 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPotential K-1 denial?
QUOTE (KAT&Allie @ Sep 15 2008, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everybody,

I just read a thread by somebody engaged to a girl from China who was denied K-1 visa at the interview partially because the CO didn't think sufficient time has passed from them getting together to meeting face to face.

My fiancée and I were not aware that length of time of knowing each other played a significant part in obtaining a visa or that it might be a reason to suggest it is not a bonafide relationship. We've only known each other for 5 months, met twice (would be more often had we both not run out of holidays crying.gif ) and got engaged last month. We've known within couple of weeks that we found our soul mate. The time or the geographical location could be very inconvenient but is irrelevant to falling in love. I read Mr Ellis' article and have now started to completely freak out. For religious reasons we cannot touch before marriage nor can we live together before it therefore, if the visa is granted you can bet we won't wait weeks to get married…it will happen in matter of days. It appears from the article that the government is considering the speed of getting married as well as staying with her/his relatives prior to marriage suspicious. There is really so very little we can do. I would need to stay either in a hotel or with his relatives until we get married; no other way around it I'm afraid. Married in this context means a religious wedding not a civil.

So my question to you all now is, do we actually stand a chance of getting the K-1 visa at all? Talk about panicking and we only just got our NOA1!!! My G-d, this process will take a decade of me before we are done!

Thanks a lot.

Now, why are you crying. I only knew my SO for 4 months before I filed for him.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-09-15 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBad News
QUOTE (puppies @ Nov 11 2008, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance the us citizen has been admited to hospital oringinally with a hernia but they had to operate and remove part of his intestine which was wapped around his bowels.We thought he was out of the woods but they have discovered internal bleeding.I am in such a panic,what can I do?? Would the embassy even entertain an emergency visitors visa, or can I expedite the K1 as he will be bedridden for months.There must be something he needs me now!!!!

So, sorry to hear that. Praying for a speedy recovery.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-11-11 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis this a scam? Please help
QUOTE (rdsey @ Nov 12 2008, 09:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
unsure.gif I was married by someone who used me for his Green Card. In another relationship, although I love this man I dont want this to happen to me again so I dot my i, and cross my t's and yes im guilty about allowing the past to hunt me. I do want to know if this is ok to do or if this is another scam to use me again. My frien asked me to set him reservation in a country that would freely allow him to come to USA. He stated that once he received reservation (invitation to come?) he would take it to the Embassy or Immugration Im not sure on it. They would allow him to go over then once there he can come to USA. Im not sure of the timeline on any of this.
Im wondering if this is a scam once he gets over, get what he needs and thats it. Please if u have info pleas share with me i dont want a repeat of my first husband.
Thank You Much!

TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-11-13 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer Recomendation?
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Dec 23 2008, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The OP stated the boyfriend WANTS to use a lawyer. If that's their preference there's really nothing wrong with that.

From the VisaJourney Home Page:

"We encourage all members to seek a qualified immigration attorney as this site is no substitute for the valuable help and advice a good attorney can provide! " they say it's totally up to you.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-12-23 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot denied on my interview b'coz of not having my decision yet at the court from my previous marriage
QUOTE (MadzCarl2008 @ Feb 6 2009, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[/size][size="6"]First of all i just wanna say hello to anyone there! i just really need your opinion right now,
i am not lucky like the usually people who got there chance to have a visa...

My Problem is i have my previous marriage before and now i am waiting for my decisions to come this month... But the woman in consul whose interviewing me today she's was denying my papers... she never give me a consideration to wait my decision this month...
So i just wanna know what is the best way that i can do once i received my decision..b'coz the embassy didnt give me an instruction to what i do then
if ever i have my decision from the court... if am i going to apply for new application for petition? or am i going to send the copy of my decision to the USCIS or Appealing for my case.... they we're just told me once my previous marriage not terminated they will never give me a visa thats it...and returned my passport, so no clue about any instruction..

My boyfriend and i we both deppresed about this things happen to us..please kindly give us some advise ..ill wait for your kindly feedback and reply
Godbless all!!

thank you..


So, you didn't wait for your divorce decree before filing the K-1?
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-02-06 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused!!! Need answers ASAP
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Mar 11 2009, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just to be clear... the beneficiary's birth certificate is not needed for the petition (I-129f).

It will be requested by the Embassy when the beneficiary applies for the visa and again at AOS.

Morgan; I was just telling you what we did. Just make sure you have the (newer version). The embassy in Jamaica will not accept the old birthcertificate (when it comes to the interview). If your SO doesn't not have a copy on hand make sure he starts working on it now or ya'll may run into problems down the road. A few people had issues with their SO obtaining their birthcertificate and I'm sure you know how difficult it can be trying to get documents in Jamaica. If you have any question send me a PM.

TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-03-12 06:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused!!! Need answers ASAP
QUOTE (Haymsmorgan @ Mar 11 2009, 01:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wacko.gif Ok so Im getting everything together for the I-129F (I am petitioner)...however from talking to other ppl I am getting confused....Someone informed me that I need my fiance birth certificate....but I am not sure and if this is the case then I will have to wait b4 i can send anything blush.gif

I submitted my fiance's birth certificate with the application. You will need his birth certificate and the newer one.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-03-11 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's the best option?
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ May 28 2008, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 28 2008, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you read the charges, Kimmy?

JG..mi no even try...cause mi ignorant when it come to charges and all mi can seh is get a lawyer to put her mind and ease ...i know it tough..but some ppl get visa mi affi u neva know..if she ave di money or he has the money..and want to try..go ahead

ok..mi si FELONY...


Kimmy u still a gain weight?
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-05-28 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's the best option?
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 28 2008, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's why I said qualified immigration lawyer. We know the Jamaican embassy, huh, Tre?

Yessssss and the deportation thing is not good. I would see what the lawyer said before proceeding. For example, my friend's little brother had a few robbery charges while he was here on a vistor's visa he was 17 at the time. He was deported, because he kept getting in trouble with the law. About 6 years later he was granted another visitor's visa. When he got to Baltimore they stopped him and he was arrested and deported again. His people spent so much time and money trying to get him straight. I don't know how he was able to get another visitor's visa since he had charges in Jamaica also.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-05-28 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's the best option?
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 27 2008, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is going to be very tough for them to approve him in Jamaica with any sort of record.

Even if his under 18 charges were expunged, would his deportation?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I've had friends with lesser charges that were not able to get through. Sorry babes.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02008-05-28 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf My Fiance Owns His Business and doesnt want
QUOTE (JOURNEE1125 @ Mar 25 2009, 01:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its not that we dont want to get married. I was just trying to figure out which would be best form him not being to stay in the US with no travel back to Jamaica until the entire process is complete. I am pretty sure a visitors visa will be denied and we have decided to get married by this fall. I am just looking for the visa option which will allow him to come to the state and travel back to Jamaica within a few months if need be. With out starting thie entire process over.

BTW. Thanks so much for the feed back!


Many of my family members that are married have a 10 year visitor's visa and they take turns going back and forth. My aunt's husband has been doing this for many years without a problem. He comes and goes. He has his own business in Jamaica and she's had a business here. They've been married for 15 years and this works for them. I also have relatives that are greencard holders and they live in Jamaica, but they come back to the states after staying 3 or 6 months in Jamaica. Another family member spends 6 months in Jamaica and 6 months in the states or she does 3 months here and 3 months there. You have to look into it they have restrictions even if you're a U.S. citizen. The other thing you have to consider is how this will work with your relationship, if you have kids, if you get sick or he gets sick...

It's not easy to get a vistor's visa from Jamaica, but he can try. My cousin has a 10 year vistor's visa...send me a PM and we'll talk there.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-03-25 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresage difference
QUOTE (EtherealVocalist @ Feb 24 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I am a Naturalized USC ( from Canada ) I am 38
and my husband is German and 27.

you think that 11 years in age difference will be a problem at the AOS interview?!
Now I am scared... Our relationship is genuine and wonderful!

Don't be scared and 11 years is nothing. If the ask you about it, just answer honestly amd like you stated ( your relationship is REAL)... You'll be fine.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-02-24 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
QUOTE (Sylvia_n_Joseph @ Jan 13 2009, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is acceptable for the man to be much older than the woman to the point that he could be her grandfather.
However if the woman is at all older than the man you are much more apt to have issues. All is not fair.

I (female-USC) is 13 years older than my husband. Never came up at the interview and I filed a few months after meeting him (never came up either), but that doesn't mean they can't ask about it at the interview.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-01-14 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2003 Drug arrest...
QUOTE (Thompson2B @ Jun 21 2009, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone!!

I'm helping someone do a K-1 and her fiance was arrested and put in jail for smoking pot in 2003. He works at a resort now, which I'm surprised they would hire him with an arrest record. Anway, does anyone know if this will disqualify him from coming to the U.S.? Any words of wisdom from someone that has been through this would be much appreciated.

He lives in Jamaica, if that matters.


Thompson2B....have him get a police report done then she'll know what's on it and take it from there. Her fiance knows what to do on his end.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-06-22 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenial of K1
QUOTE (atouloute @ Jun 24 2009, 09:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone

I know you knowledgeable folks will be able to help me answer this question. My fiance has a c1B visa and a B2 visa; we applied for the K1 visa we wanted to know would he be denied because of the C1b visa also known as a crewmen visa or the B2?

Thank you for your answers

Several of my friends and family members had both visa and had no issues when they applied for the K-1; the prior visas were canceled at the embassy though the day of the interview for the K-1.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-06-25 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisitors visa before a K2 visa
QUOTE (RegAl @ Nov 17 2009, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,

Can a visitor's visa ( b2) be issued for a k2 reciepient? For ex., I would like my fiance's daughter ( from Jamaica) to come visit the US before she moves here permanently via the K2 visa?

Thanks for any information

Reg; stick with the K2 -- my cousin tried the same thing and it was a bag a headache...her step daugther also 11 years came followed 5 months.
TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-11-18 08:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFees and length of time before your fiance obtained VISA in hand.
QUOTE (mexilus @ Dec 1 2009, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just want to be prepared for fees that, might be unexpected. Are they're any hidden fees, the fees I know of is the medical exam$85, the police certificate$80, and the fingerprint which I am not sure the fee for that. Also I would like to know how long did it take your fiance to receive the VISA in hand from the approval date.I was told that they use to give it to the beneficiary that same day if their appointment was in the morning. They would have to come back later that afternoon to pick it up. please share your experience Thanks in advance!

Hi and welcome...they have not done that in so many years I can't even remember how far back. on the fees, to cut the cost of the medical in case shots are needed have your fiance get his shot records and take it to the local clinic...the shots are cheaper there than having him get them at the medical...I can't think of any hidden of the most recent yardies who went through will answer you questions with the PC and fingerprinting....wait did he file for the non-impiedment form really need to get the PC now

Edited by TRELAWNY PARISH, 01 December 2009 - 03:11 PM.

TRELAWNY PARISHFemale02009-12-01 15:09:00