K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some k1 advice

Okay, that's fine. What are we supposed to do about our plans, though? Is it reasonable to expect a result in 4 months?

I dont think 4 mths is gunnu do it...

My fiance submitted our petition in Feb 2010 and our approval just came through on the 25 Mar....and that was after lobbying to everyone politician we could think of requesting expediation. I got to sell a house, leave my job, get kids in and out of school and because all this has taken so long - we have to cancel our wedding date and reset for perhaps September. its very difficult this process on everyone...I still cant tell my australian family when to expect an invite to our east coast usa ... flights from australia to usa can be expensive not to mention you need to organise time off work .... oh well....good luck....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-05-28 23:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot Pack 3 - Now wot do I send in and what do I bring to interview?
Thanks for your answer....but...

Should I be getting his medical/police report etc?

He is about to be recruited for the Navy so, Im in two minds on weather to pay for his medical $440, police report $156, flight to sydney to be interviewed etc....and in the end he will be in the Aussie Navy and wont be coming to live with us anyway....but....I dont want my son not being able to come live with me (even if he is 22) when he wants.... :blush:

I was thinking Ill just leave him off all the forms etc and he can apply later if needed...if he is able to ....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-06-18 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot Pack 3 - Now wot do I send in and what do I bring to interview?

Yeap...finally got the pack 3 off wonderful future husband....and filling out the addresses lived at since I was 16....geez...I cant remember some of not sure what to do with that.....Now they want this form back ASAP....yeah no worries....

but as for them other forms....including affidavit of support that fiance fills I send them or bring them along to they are requesting original birth marriage certs etc...?

I know there is a helpful link to all this but I cant find it....

and one more question....

if my son who is 17 doesnt come over with me this time...can he come over later...even after he turns 18 under similiar status as my other 2 kids?
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-06-18 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease help......!

I totally agree with that. It hit me just the other day - when I thought that Fedex had delivered our I-129F package to the wrong place - that these documents contain my fiance's and my complete life. Copies of passport, my bank account statements to prove that I have withdrawn money in the US while visiting him, birth certificates, detailed information on the forms about our families and ourselves etc. etc.. Talking about identity theft...if all this stuff gets in the wrong hands ANYTHING could be done with it. It's the most scary thought. I tried hard not to panic and after my fiance made some phone calls to Fedex we were assured that the stuff was delivered to the right place. In the meantime the check has been cashed so I suppose everything is OK - still waiting on the NOA1 though...

It is very disturbing to think that someone at the Embassy might have done anything wrong. Well, the sponsor should really talk to her bank, they can look in to it and should be able - at least that's possible in Germany - to get the money back. That's a really frustrating and embarrassing situation. Good luck and all the best!

yeap Bank fraud by the sounds of it....

As a banker, I would be advising your sponsor to discuss this with her bank as they will be able to tell where that money went...who or what withdrew it and if she had given permission to do so...if she did not give her authority then it depends on her bank what they will do...

Experience has shown that 99% of withdrawalls have been done with the account holders approval. In ten years of banking I have only dealt with one fraud case and it actually was a disgruntled ex employee and not the notorious russian crooks that were being blamed at the time....and my bank paid it back within the hour.....

good luck...... :thumbs:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-07-11 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance confused

Thankyou to all for your replies, help, assistance and for caring!

I haven't taken the whole thing well, especially considering I am now having to stay temporarily with relatives until I can find a home, car, job and income. I am having to start my whole life over again, as if I am 18 and have just left home again to become independant. I gave up all of these things to go and start my new life in the States with my fiance, because I truly believed that I was going to be there to be married to him and stay there. He too, believed that he was ready, until I arrived. I think that has been the hardest part, thinking about and planning for a future in the States, and planning our wedding and the immediate future after our wedding, for myself - looking for work and a car, and having it all taken away so quickly and easily. And being plonked back here in Australia to be living in the downstairs flat of a relative's house, has been harder on the emotions than I imagined it would be.

Thankfully I have a very supportive and caring family, who are doing everything they can to help me get back on my feet. It has also shown me who my true friends are - there are very very very few friends who have offered the practical help of a place to stay while I get sorted out, yet every other "friend" has offered to "listen" to me cry, as if they would like to be the first to find out my full story and spread it to as many other people as they can. The saying "True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare" is very true right now.

Just because this has happened, does not mean that I want to put my fiance through any more stress than what I am experiencing. It has been a difficult time for both of us, and a difficult decision for him to make, especially as he never wanted me to actually leave and go back to Australia, and has never wanted to actually end our relationship.

I hope that the visa process is a lot easier, and less painful for all of you who read this.

Thankyou all again for your answers and assistance.

You should be rewarded with the way you are handling this.

What a champion person you are....You will have good things come back at you over this.

I walked away from my now fiance 18 years ago as he had someone else although he couldnt give me up...she was a horror head to say the least and gave me a serve over the phone....I walked away even though everyone was saying fight for him, or they were saying 'revenge'....i just said to them all....I love him so much that I just want him to be happy, and if that happiness means to not be with me...than so be it...

Funny thing was he married the horror head and I married my own horror head here in Australia...he had 2 kids and I had 3. Now all these years later we are back together and Im going through this horrible migration process and in the process my eldest son looks like he wont be coming with me....If I had have fought for this man 18 years ago...If I had of allowed him to contact me easier if I had have told him exactly how I felt...we have both said we wouldnt have let each other go....

all that being said....I can also say how horrible it was to be married to the wrong person...and so too can my fiance...we both shiver at the agony we went through with these terrible ex spouses, and the agony we went through missing and praying to see each other just one more time again for 18 years....

remember....when your is just starting...and one of the best ways to get through agony of relationship break downs is to study....I wish you luck...and cannot wait to hear about wot happens in the greatful your not doing this breakup with a couple of kids in tow.....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-07-11 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance confused


I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but here goes.

I don't know also if anyone else has been in this situation, but I hope that there is someone that knows what our next steps could be.

My american fiance and I were successful in gaining me a K1 visa. 2 months ago I completely packed up my life and left my home country, relieved to finally be able to travel to be with my fiance, and stay there with him permanently. There have been 5 visits over 18 months to spend time together prior to this final trip.

Not long after I arrived, he decided he wasn't quite ready to be married right now. We had many many discussions on the topic and it was decided that he just couldn't go through with the marriage, even though he wanted me to stay with him, and hasn't changed his mind about our relationship as such. It was decided that I would leave the U.S. which I have done just this week. Needless to say I have come back to find myself jobless, homeless, car-less etc.

My fiance wanted to go somewhere and get married on the day he took me to the airport, having realised what he was losing by letting me go back to my home country. This was not at all possible as there were requirements in the state he lives that meant we would have to have waited 3 days etc.
He asked me yesterday if there was any way that I could go back again now and marry straight away. I believe I have read somewhere that I would have to be filling out paperwork and being given some kind of waiver to be able to go back, and I would have to be back there by the 90th day limit on getting married - which is only 27 days away now.

If i went this option I don't think that my family would be very happy with me.

So here are my questions:

1. Is it even possible for me to return within the next 27 days and how would this happen? what is the process?
2. If this is not possible, what do we need to do to let the USCIS know that I have left - is there anything we need to do?
3. How long before we could apply again for a K1 visa and is there a different process now we have already applied?
4. Would it be better for one of us to visit the other and marry while on holiday and return to our home countries and apply for the K3 visa?

Many thanks for advice and replies in advance,

Bloody Hell....

I would be furious!!! To Say the least!.....You sound like you have taken the whole thing quite well...I on the other hand would have kicked his ####### before departing and there would be NO WAY I would go back...

Im still in the process of this BS migration process and I must say, Im going round the twist! If I get over their and my fiance gives me the ####### you got....I would never let him contact me again! In fact I wouldnt be giving him my address details...I would partying big time aussie style...because it would have made me just feel so devasted that the only way I could get over this would be to not allow him to contact me - except maybe if he crawled accross the paciic ocean on his hands and knees - hmmm...hang on...I can remember being treated pretty rudely by my then boyfriend over 17 years ago...and yes...I never said bo or let him have anything to do for me for 17 years...and now...I propably regret not being so understanding....but you gotta keep your pride...makes them luv you more I think...

good luck...keep us posted...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-07-03 01:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelay the interview?

Normally four months from date of petition refers to the Expiration Date on the NOA 2 you received. That expiration date is four months from the date of approval. Based on your NOA 2 date in your signature, I think it comes out to November 6 based on 30 day months.

Good luck.

Welll the pack 3 will have a case number so write to sydney consulate and ask for a early interview....they were able to give me one within a week...but I did have a very good reason....and I had just sent all my information off to the sydney office requested in pack 3 at the time of writting.

and there is a way to extend the dates....obviously another form...but yeah your noa2 would provide the date.

good luck
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-07-20 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview
Interview Done...TODAY...

OMG I Turned up 20 mins late...stayed at the Meriton World towers apartment block last night- which was lovely - but we were given a 3 bed apartment on the 75th floor....Sydney views to die for....but rushing to check out this morning...the lift stopped at everyfloor on its way took 20 mins to get to lobby..

then I couldnt check out quick cos their were too many people in line checking out before me.. another 10 min too late to take the monorail then I grabbed a cab....well the wanker taxi broke down....####### cab driver kept trying to get his stupid car started again...telling me it will be ok..I was pannicking...screaming in fact, the end we bailed out and grabbed another this stage its 1058am and my interview is at 11am...we are about 6 blocks from the unknown MLC building...

searched my phone to send an email to tell consulate of turning up late...but couldnt find recent oh well...just suck it up and relax...not...I was a raving lunitical women going off my nuts...

then cab driver took us to the back entrance...I couldnt find the building....Kids were pannicking at this stage too...thinking their mum really has lost her mind....and praying that Im going to say stuff it lets not go...lets stay here in Brisbane and Ill re marry your dad again (well thats what all kids of divorced parents want)

eventually found the building, then the entrance then the lift....went to the 10h floor thru security etc...boring...but I had a bag full of evidence...they wouldnt let me take the large victoria secret bag with me but I could take it all in an i did...heaps of stuff too and it kept dropping...finally up to the 59th puts you in the lift thats used just for the american consulate...weird...

walked in took a number...(so too did my kids - they shouldnt have...poor things must have thought they were going to be interviewed too).

it looked like the queensland transport waiting room here in Brissy...except there wearnt anyone but me and the kids waiting here...well we were 20 mins late nonetheless

called up to the first officer who asks for your reciepts, passports, fix up the mistake on this form...give me your fiance tax then sat waiting for the next bit...the real interview...


is this your first marriage...and your fiance's first
what plans do you have for your wedding
how have you kept in contact
How often have you seen each other lately

tell me how you met....and that ladies and gentlemen is where and when I started crying.... cos it was so long ago and I can still see him wanting so hard to look so lovely for me...trying to catch my ey...- he so wanted to talk to me and I was such a ######....but his desperate look made me it still does today...Its the other reason Im marrying him...cos I just cant get angry with him....he makes me laugh when he tries so hard to talk me outa being crabby....

then...after I pulled myself together I explained everything how we met, how we tried to do this so long ago...etc...etc...

then asked how we found each other I explained I had been waiting for this man to call me back for over 17 years....and there was no way...I was going to call I just kept waiting...finally his sister made the call for him...and that was that...have called each other about 10 times a day since...txt about 40 times a day since...possibly emailed about 35 times a day daily...sms daily...

then...straight after that the officer (lovely american girl) says ok...alls fine...its all approved Welcome to America...I wish you both all the wonderful for you.

Hangon.....hey...'not so fast' I said...what about all my photos, eveidence, emails, txts, boarding passes....she said nah...I dont need to look at that...all this is fine....your good...this is will be a pleasure to have you come to live in our country and good luck....

I was confused....all this evidence that I had collected to show them...??? Our pics from 22 years ago....our pics from 19 years ago....our pics from last month, last year, 6 mths ago....

I tried to show the photos to her or maybe one of the girls out the back might wanna come and see.... but again...she said no....I guess I wanted to show her how beautiful my fiancce her the sort of man that makes one give up their house, dream job, country, family, furniture, plasma tv, car, caravan, life....and beautiful sth east queensland/fraser moreton go live in the USA....but she wasnt was all done as far as she was concerned and the file was closed...and...ill be getting my visa's in a couple of days....Done...

Ok...grabbed the kids and left...

anyway that was it....nothing to it really....

but it would have been nice if they could have given us stools to sit on during the meeting....and interview rooms rather than glass/mics etc to talk through....that bit reminded me of trying to purchase a ticket at the Brisbane central train station...I had heels on and my feet were aching at the end of it.....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-07-27 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravel during K1 visa process
yeah of course he can visit yah....

the only hassell youll have is once you get the visa...and then you enter into the cant leave for a while....well not until your married, and your status is changed,,,,so us aussies who live so far away need to sort whats needed completly.....

consulate said i could apply for something to leave if i had to ...but just knowing ill be stuck for a bit has made me prepare somewhat.... :thumbs:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-07-30 07:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE OK

Just arrived back in the USA after K1 interview and visa issued. Coming back was fine and customs was good. Opened my paperwork checked it out a little found the forms that he wanted to stamp and reminded me of getting matrried in 90 days and wished me the best of luck so it was quite a good experience. No problem at all. Get married on Saturday 11th so it's all systems go. Good luck to those coming over and getting married you will all be fine trust me.

Barbara, Did you need a SSN before getting married?
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-09-09 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust wondering...answer please!
aussies can have dual citizenship but must enter australia using their aussie passport...must be a tax thing I would say....

If I had my time again...I would marry on the visa waiver program by slipping to vegas...####### the k1..but if this is your first wedding/marriage...then I suggest you may want a bigger venue and all your family around to watch the event. However....the facts are Australia is a long way from America and a much different time zone...depending on what country you marry in...someones relatives are not likely to be able to attend. I think putting a big wedding on is great but be realistic and dont expect people from the other side of the world to attend.

the K1 visa took us ages..and now I sit in another country unable to work waiting for an expensive wedding that hardly any of my family or friends can afford to attend....once we marry, I then have to apply for an adjustment of my temp residential status another thousand dollars if you dont mind... which takes another 4 mths to come through. I think the non real resident status for both australia and usa is a strain on my characture and well being....I just want to knuckle down to work, buy a house, lease car, get settled just seems to take forever as you sit waiting feeling im 'not on the bus & Im not off the bus'

good luck
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-09-29 11:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAussie Citizen on K1 just married wants to go to Canada
Can someone tell me please...ASAP???? Does anyone Know?

Ive been in the States for 2 mths married just a few days ago....

We want to go to Canada for a couple of days as part of our honeymoon.....but my K1 visa says only one entry...but I didnt think I needed a visa to go to Canada...therefore....I wouldnt actually be visa way back into the USA?

So Can I go to Canada prior to adjusting my Status...????

Tar....we are looking on line for a hotel and want to leave tomorrow morning.
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-10-13 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLeaving the US for honeymoon
How sad you cant apply for a K1 multiple entry visa ....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-01-04 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInternet Chat Logs?
At work I filtered emails from Jerry which displayed 25 pages of just the subject line....I thought that would work as evidence ...

Then I had all the photos - some going back 22 years...some recent....

Then I had all the little cards he had sent the ones that were on the flowers or balloons etc...not to mention the one sent with the chocolate that was waiting for me in sydney

I also had evidence of our joint bank a/c, tickets to and from australia and usa, hotel etc etc....I had so much stuff they had to give me special permission to walk it all in with my folder...

In the end the officer asked how we met 22 years ago and I started crying and couldnt talk....(they dont have tissues in the sydney office) took a while before I pulled myself together....and then I had to talk about how we finally got back with each other after 17 years this stage I was dying to show her our pictures etc...but nope....didnt want to see a thing....not even the email subject lines....

In the end i was a little annoyed I had compiled all this evidence and no one wanted to check or look at it...

oh well...I think the officers will only check on this stuff if you hadnt seen each other face to face

Good luck and cheeers....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-01-04 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat is your experiance?

Im from Brisbane and mid Jan 2010 my american fiance applied for my k1.....he was told apprx 3 mths...

Well we ended up having to get the local member involved as it seemed to take forever and considering my position at work required updates of my intending too did my kids need to have some guidelines and idea...they had to start school here in the U>S .eventually we got the approval 25th of May 2010

Then I quickly gave 6 weeks notice at finished school and didnt start back at the new term, and i quickly booked flights on tigerair from gold coast to sydney rtn...I got a great price but tell your fiance not to take a suitcase cos youll be charged extra...the car parking at gold coast airport is cheaper too....

I stayed in a hotel not close to Martin Place - it was cheaper and the cab fare to the interview place was only 10 bucks or are best to fly down the day before....o'niting then attend interview the next day and I think the interstate interviews are all done late around 11am ish...They only conduct interviews on the tuesday and you cant take bags and stuff in with you so leave them at the hotel ask them for a late check out...

from the 25th may approval it took about 2 weeks before they got back to me and then i sent my bits and pieces down to them as quickly as possible....lots of running around required just to get to that stage...police reports can be started asap at the brisbane city watch house and take 2 weeks....but if you go to the federal police they are half the price and take 1 get fiance to do that...

the doctors in brisbane charge a fortune apprx 460 bucks where as the sydney ones are half that price...worth considering especially if your fiance is heading for sydney on business....

interview date was around early august and i came over mid august... so 8 months is what you should expect before you guys are together again....Good Luck
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-01-05 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Name Change for I-129F Packet
yeah both my husband and I had been married twice before and we had to show copies of both previous marriage certificates and both divorce certificates...I remember this distinctly as I was so annoyed because it meant i had to make a special trip down to Melbourne to the dead sh*t office to get the marriage certificates....and quite fronkly I did not want to sight them ever again in my whole life...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-01-09 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting with Visa Waiver Program during K1 processing
I came in and out the country many times with my k1 pending etc.....not one fiance (now hubby) came in and out of Australia too without any problems...

HOWEVER......Them wankers at aussie customs made me pay duty on my diamond enadgment ring coming back into Brisbane after a visit....P****ks

gift so therefore 10% gst required....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-20 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYoung Love and a Total Newbie at this..

Actually, as a guy, I read it that you were saying all MEN are dogs... just that some are better breeds than others.

hahaha.....thats horrible to suggest such a thing....funny but....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-22 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYoung Love and a Total Newbie at this..
Good Advice Barbara....I can certainly see how both of us Aussie Girls know them Aussie Boys and just cant help but give the girl some warning....its a bit like if you were shopping for a dog - some dogs behave better than others....not that Im suggesting for a moment that all aussie mens are dogs??? heaven forbid?? :D
Well Done Barbara on your lovely girls...wish I was at that stage....Im still struggling with the rebellious 16 17 and 13 year olds.....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-21 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYoung Love and a Total Newbie at this..
Hey I apologize....I shouldnt generalise like that....I must be still emotionally scared from many of the aussie guys I dated and married...maybe I just ended up with a bad bunch....

Theres other aussie women on this site and they propably had wonderful australian boyfriends/husbands....maybe it was just me and all my friends.... my sister my mum etc

And... I just thought I would warn you only because of you Being younger in life than many of us...I was just making sure you understand the USUAL Australian yobbo male just in case you have fallen in love with one of them....which obviously you possibly havnt because...

if he is actually calling you....and actually writting to you....then he obviously isnt one of them 'normal' aussie blokes....just hope he dont have any of them normal aussie mates ....


Good luck...and if you do get frustrated with him in the future...give me an email and ill give you a few hints on how to handle him.... :bonk:

lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-21 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYoung Love and a Total Newbie at this..
yeap....apply to go to university in Australia where you will get a world class degree unlike a lot of universities here where the degrees may not be as readily accepted in some countries.... :thumbs:

But as an Australian Girl....can I just say...I would think twice about getting too keen on any Australian bloke....OMG....they can be bad will eventually understand what I mean by that but needless to say they are very difficult to deal with when they get with their mates down the pub or go off to their footy....Ausssie blokes are either playing sport, drinking beer, watching sport with their mates, doing anything with their mates is their number one priority. Us Aussie girls just laugh at them and their attitude, but being from another country it can be really upsetting being left....again and again and again....just a warning for yah

I was married to two Aussie men....NEVER EVER AGAIN.... :dance:

might be best you eventually work on him living here....keep your sanity....

Good luck...and dont forget 'I warned yah'!!
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-21 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswait time for K-1

Just to assist husband applied Jan last year....and I finally arrived in USA 16 August..(so thats 7 mths later - I really dont think we cld have done it any quicker)

My interview at the sydney consulate was 9 August - so I was cutting it fine....we had to cancel our 17 july wedding plans and reschedule 10 matter who we knew in matter how many letters we wrote...we still couldnt get it moving any quicker...

looking back I just wish we had got married in the court house after my arrival - as per the 3mth visa conditions - and not said anything to anyone...which would have allowed me to stay here...then have more time to plan a more relaxed wedding for all to attend at a later date that was more convenient to both our friends & families...cos its all done in such a rush...

I remember that I booked my oneway ticket to the states once I received my sydney interview visa arrived about 2 days after sydney interview (interview was tuesday visa and passports were in mail by the Thursday) But until your up to that stage there is absolutley no pattern wotsoever to the various visa timelines....

oh and by the way....we had to get the governor on to my petition cos my fiance said it was taking way too perhaps it got pushed along a bit quicker in the end???

then once my petition went to sydney I was able to move things a little quicker in there by telling them how my kids needed to start school in America by Aug 30 and I needed to get over their to pick their school they were able to schedule me a quicker interview...lucky cos I was leaving a week later...

I hope this helps you to pre plan a little better...

The Governor in the USA do you mean? wow..

Nah the one for your state....I think....My husband did it ...It may have been the county??? who ever is the federal member for the area...and I think it shows on the website USIC who to contact if your not careful - make sure you have good reason to do so....and not just because your planning a wedding for a particular date....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-24 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswait time for K-1
Just to assist husband applied Jan last year....and I finally arrived in USA 16 August..(so thats 7 mths later - I really dont think we cld have done it any quicker)

My interview at the sydney consulate was 9 August - so I was cutting it fine....we had to cancel our 17 july wedding plans and reschedule 10 matter who we knew in matter how many letters we wrote...we still couldnt get it moving any quicker...

looking back I just wish we had got married in the court house after my arrival - as per the 3mth visa conditions - and not said anything to anyone...which would have allowed me to stay here...then have more time to plan a more relaxed wedding for all to attend at a later date that was more convenient to both our friends & families...cos its all done in such a rush...

I remember that I booked my oneway ticket to the states once I received my sydney interview visa arrived about 2 days after sydney interview (interview was tuesday visa and passports were in mail by the Thursday) But until your up to that stage there is absolutley no pattern wotsoever to the various visa timelines....

oh and by the way....we had to get the governor on to my petition cos my fiance said it was taking way too perhaps it got pushed along a bit quicker in the end???

then once my petition went to sydney I was able to move things a little quicker in there by telling them how my kids needed to start school in America by Aug 30 and I needed to get over their to pick their school they were able to schedule me a quicker interview...lucky cos I was leaving a week later...

I hope this helps you to pre plan a little better...
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-02-23 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployment Authorization Card
Hi All,

I have a quick question....

Finally after nearly a month since the kids and I had my biometrics done (oh and I had to ring up the USCIS and ask them to expediate my advance parole due to floods in Australia:-) ) we get our employment card...which is the new combo card - stipulates Advance Parole on the card....but my question is...why didnt my kids cards come with Advance Parole conditions as well??

Is there a valid reason? or has USCIS stuffed it up???

I definatley applied for them as well.....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-03-12 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntimate photos/ having sex while Fiance
Im just reading this and thinking to myself 'What a good Idea'????

Cos Im sick and tired of being considered as a fraudster....Ill give them photos of us having all kinds 'intimate' moments over a 22 year time line...and just wish they cld give me a hassell free quick residency/citizenship so I can live with my husband as normal - this whole process seems to label you as a liar before you even start applying.......and...Im sick of pulling out the big bucks
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-03-14 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing Interview
I took EVERYTHING....but our background on how we meet and feel in love and our times together spaned accross 17 years....I had so much stuff (cards, photos, emails, phone calls, skype records) that they wouldnt let me take it all into the room, as you need to go through the security pat down and you cant take a bag in there at just a few bits and pieces to prove a relationship should you not have sufficient background evidence that proves otherwise...for havnt met in the last 12 mths, or you dont know all your fiance's background and family...

Even though I tried to show the interview officer my pics..she wasnt interested in seeing anything....

Perhaps take your things but leave them with someone close by for just in case you have to run back and get them to them....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-09-26 12:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical examination - Sydney/ACT
Get in the car and drive to Brissy....

There were a couple of doctors at the Central Station clinic, just under the sheraton, who were qualified to do visa medicals.

I too was really pissed off when I was told only a couple of doctors were allowed to give me a medical...but I was more p'd off when they told me the price and how it wasnt claimable thru medicare or private health....incidently if you were applying over here the medical can only be done by certain doctors here, and its 700 bucks - estimate given for my son who was going to get his green card....- cheaper to send him back to australia...

The Doctor is basicllay filling out USA medical forms and conducting the examination under USA guidleines....for those wanting to come to Australia we too have only certain doctors they can use and similiar requirments...Go get all your shots if you can...saves having to pay and get them done at the visa doctor....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-09-26 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approval and Time until Visa in hand?
that twas me that asked....Thanks for the update...

Youll have a good time ova there as I believe there are lots of Aussies to help you feel normal on the days all the yanks look at you weird.....over on the East Coast most Americans have NEVA seen an Australian before, nor heard one talk and 50% of the time they think Im English...grrrrrr

To help keep your sanity....might be an idea to pack some pavlova magic, VB, and a few bottles of bundy.....dont forget your Vegiemite, chocolate ripple biscuits to make some choccy ripple cake, fantales, violet crumbles, chocolate bullets, good ole aussie jubes, licorice, hard gum, natural lolly backs, maltesers, learn off mum how to make pies and sausage rolls...mates up over on fb is a handy site...pack up to 10 kgs of lamb, put it in an esky with dry ice as you cant get decent lamb here....oh and bring about 2 kilo's of bacon...cos the bacon over here is shite!!!!

Ugg boots from oz are cheaper than here...and go get some RM williams boots....cos they are double the price here....dont bother bringing wine...there is heaps of oz wine here and its way cheaper...

send us an email and Ill be more than happy to help with anything ova the next few days....cheers
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-09-27 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approval and Time until Visa in hand?
Same as Barbara says....Interview was Tuesday and for me it was straight in and out....even though I was 20 mins late for the last interview time and they nearly shut the doors on me....I got my visa sent from Syd to Brisbane received it on the Friday BUT...BEWARE...

I was in and worries no hassells and all my stuff was there....unfortunatly MOST people I know who have gone thru this process have bits and pieces lost or something is not right etc...therefore I would be reading the fine print on your ticket to see how you can get out of that flight without penalty for just in case...

Good luck...where yah heading to?
lynJerFemaleAustralia2011-09-26 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRefusal of Entry
The owner of the post is Australian.....we are viewed differently by the border than citizens of other countries for a number of reasons....

In most cases....when USA citizens enter Australia...they too will get little privileges that other countries citizens wont....

That being said, anyone who is being a #######, carrying illegal substances or being a plain wanker...expect to be harassed....cos in my job....I never tolerated ####### heads well either....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-09 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRefusal of Entry
Wot the hell????

You are going to the usa to see your fiance....why would they refuse your entry???

Have you a criminal past or something...???

Maybe Im missing something.....??

I flew in and out of USA many fact after I was engadged to the yank...I flew in and out 4 times.....2 of them were done after we applied for the K1....which incidently is immediatly registered on your passport and airport officials can see that your applying for residency...

I knew most of the customs guys names - they would never bug me over my 6 bottles of aussie red, my cartons of vb,. vegemite, violet crumbles etc etc....GEEZ ONE TIME I ARIVED WITH AN ESKY OF KRYOVAC AUSSIE MEAT AND LAMB....


your an aussie....special treatment is allowed to you....believe me...youll be right!!!! :thumbs:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-09 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP
Im not real clued up on this but my husband had to send in his tax forms for the last couple of years.....

He has 2 children but the ex slag claimed for one and he the other words the CO specified they had joint legal custody but he paid her child support for both....why he agreed to have one of them live 100% with him without altering the CS Ill never know...but my point here is that I believe the income was worked out on him having one child...

Then he had to sponsor my 3 children as well as me once we arrived - even though only 2 of the 3 my children had visa's to reside...and we were fine...

so dont panick...if they ask for a guarantor Im sure youll find one...

lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-02-24 06:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTraveling last days of Visa Valid time and how much money am I allowed??

Oh! Thanks!! Unfortunately can't do what I was planning to... :( but at least I know the answer. I thought that the amount was personal, but it isn't, so if my son is accompanying me it still count as me, as long as money is involved right?? If i declare more than 10k will I have to pay some taxes for it?? Anybody?

I am a banker and the issue with carrying cash out of a country is this:

The Govt cant track it....

When the Govt tries to obtain figures to assess a countries wealth, a certain amt of cash needs to be accounted for...that is why, most countries dont let you take out large amts of cash...they cant detect where it is and it interferes with the economic statistics. (so does large amout of dealings in the second hand market)

Apart from that, the Govt of that country own the costs money to make it, and that country doesnt want to have to make more of it....and loose it to OS...then it goes to a bank there...and then the govt has to pay for it to be couriered back to the country its from....

There is also a warning that will go off if large amount of cash dollars are leaving, depositting, usually says that something 'unusual' is going on....i.e. drugs, terrorism, and other such 'seedy' arrangemtns.....

why does anyone need to carry large cash amounts around with them anyway....put it in the bank and hook up your visa to access it.... :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-03-19 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAustralian going for a K1a visa

Hi, it seems you have gotten most of the answers you need already.

I just wanted to mention, if you have strong ties to your home country; rent agreement, job to come back to etc that will help with CBP. I haven't read too many Aussies get denied and most never get asked any questions. (but this doesn't mean you wont). Maybe visit every 10 weeks instead so it is less frequent? I have been back and forth and few times now with no problems.

Also, you can always start your petition earlier than oct/nov to make sure you get approved by when you want. Once you are approved you have 6 whole months to enter the US.the general time lines show the K1 takes about 9 months, but what if you get a RFE or it takes you a long time to tether certain documents?

Gather eocuments* stupid phone.

Aussies dont get denied, so dont worry.....

Its them 'other' less fortunate countries citizens that will get the funny looks.....The immigration guys on your entry just love the aussie planes touching down...they usually put their feet up, have a chat and relax with you.....they know our country is better than they will leave you alone...

HOWEVER,......I believe there is something on the visa waiver conditions which states no more than X amt of days in one year can be stayed in the USA...

One other entry and exit from the country of origin determines the time you have utilised....wot I mean, you cant slip down to mexico for a few days then reenter the usa expecting to start another 3 mth term on the visa waiver.

I travelled 4 times in and out - staying each time for a month - over a 7 mth issues fact, the uscustoms guys got to know me and asked how my wedding plans were going? I got engaged the first visit over here....

There is this thing about INTENDING TO MARRY A USC WITHOUT THE CORRECT VISA....and yes....some have been done for that...but if you get drunk one night in vegas and then get married....its ok???

yeah weird aye? its like I can take a gun to a park here, but I cant take a bottle of wine to have with my bbq steak...! more thing....I said all along that if I had my time again, I would not have gone down k1 path....would have just got married then applied to migrate under the marriage visa....

K1 visa seemed to control our wedding plans rather than us doing the wedding the way and date we wanted .....
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-03-19 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAustralian Tax Return

Just a quick question for Australians leaving before the end of the financial year. How do we go about lodging our tax returns for the 2011/2012 financial year? Do we have to do an early one or can you just do it using their online system (I think its ETax) while you are in America?


My accountant told me to send it with my group tax next year....(well that was two years ago and I havent I changed my name and my name is still different in Australia and its just too hard for the 200 bucks that Im likely to get back)
lynJerFemaleAustralia2012-04-11 10:36:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Yo Bex - VAus is still on sale for the one ways. Don't despair ... Bris to LAX $619 in August. P4 in the morning? Check your email ... :star:

yeap....bris to lax allthrough august one way....600 bucks....come september it goes up to above $700, then all through October its cheap again - go figure???

flying to sydney for an interview is gunnu kill me as I got to take the 3 kids! Hmmm...perhaps I can put this through as a business trip expense....

lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-06-18 18:14:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Fantastic News Terri. CONGRATULATIONS :dance:

I have good news too. I got my visa delivered today :dance:

Re the blood test to check immunitys....I went to my doctor to ask for this test and she had no idea what I was talking about....she kept saying she needs to request what to test for etc...I had no idea...mind you I found he accent difficult to understand and she just spoke english....any ideas what to tell her?
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-06-08 16:56:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Married yesterday -- YAY!

Posted Image

:thumbs: both look great...

I suppose your on your honeymoon relax and good luck for your future together...

lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-06-07 07:15:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Hi James and Candice..

Just received my K1-Visa stamped in my passport this week so exciting..

Weve retained the services of Movement International, as im shipping over about one third of a container of stuff to Tennessee, and the cost for shipping is $5200.00 plus insurance which will cost approx 3.5% of the value of what you are moving. The have offices in all capital cities and move Door to Door as Im moving to the east coast our container will be shipped to NEW YORK and not as most do to the Port of Los Angeles.. Gary their Senior Business Delveopment Manager here was very knowledgeable has been with the company for over 25 years and they have all the accreditiation both here and in the USA [message me if you want contact details] you can look them up online there website is, having spoken to many of my clients who have moved to Australia from NZ, South Africa and other overseas ports thought the amount we were quoted was more than reasonable as they paid 3 times that amount some over $25,000 just for one container.. so check them out..
Wish you both well.. Kaye and Leo

Thank you thank you....Im moving some of my 'better' newer furniture...out door furniture and cos I am now going from 3 to 5 kids...I need my beautiful aussie redwood table that sits much stuff did you send over? lyndal.
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-05-29 20:24:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I've searched all over the website, and I'm surprised not to see a stickied thread on it... but of you Aussies, what are your experiences with international shipping of your assets to the USA?

I'm thinking about getting in early to get my stuff organised... so any help would be appreciated :)

Hey, I need to get at least a container shipped over...I have spoken to a few shipping companies but still nothing is organised....Yank finace wants me to bring over my camper trailer too....nah propably not!!!

My girlfriend from work is moving to fiji and has a list of what and what not to do on a budget....when I get it off her - propably next week - ill send it to yah oK?

where you moving from and to?
lynJerFemaleAustralia2010-05-29 20:18:00