Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
just droppin by to say yo... Congrats on jobs and babies
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-17 14:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Nice pics JAE... Thanks Mrstee
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-16 16:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Just dropping by. Been busy with the volunteering and job-hunting (Got EAD this week). BOA sent me some jobs so applyin to them...

Tee, glad ur bro is doing well... ttyl
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-15 17:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

That's not what meanie butt ShaNette and Dillon said :rofl:

love ya besa

Wuv u too (L)

No lol so someone (JaP) wont take it the wrong way lol (darn it i did it again lol)

LOL..that's true, but after that and she showers I want to take her somewhere.

Tee- How's your brother?

Besa- Congrats!!

Why is it soo slow?? If I can keep up then you all aren't talking enough.

Thanks mama...

JG, we missed u hon. Keep up the faith, you'll get a job really soon. postitive vibes coming ur way
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-13 07:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Not like that ms sensitive
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-12 18:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Im not dancin til I tell hubby and apply for the job BOA send me Wednesday :)
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-12 18:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Thank ya mama... Much love and respect lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-12 17:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

lol thats not cool besa... you losing cool points with me too hmph

oh yeah... congrats on the ead :dance: :dance: :dance:

Wait, that was you who said this JAP :blink: Don't feed into dillon and besa's negativity ugggh lol

BAJAN YOU GOT THIS SISTA!!! Dontcha know we said a massive yardie prayer for you mama! Stay strong, stay encouraged!!!(F) (L)

Losing cool points??? What'd I do??? :innocent:
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-12 17:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
lmbo... u guys sayin har cyar a obea.. lol...

Mrstee, sorry fi u mishaps dem ya and hope u bredda get betta soon.

Had mi 1st day today- 9 1/2 hrs :blink:

But on to good news:


Document production or Oath Ceremony

On July 12, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-12 17:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Something compelled me to get up early this morning, so I started playing scrabble on the computer and I decided to check the USCIS website because our I-485 hadn't been touched since 5/12... We FINALLY got a touch so I believe we should be getting the GC this week... I hope so. We can finally take a small break from this mess.... Thank God... :yes:

Things are going extremely well for us. Hubby is liking his job and adjusting to working as well. His co-workers appreciate him. They take him to lunch and one even gave him a bike. We live close to his job, but having a bike means he doesn't have to get up quite as early. We are so thankful for all the love our families have shown us on both sides :) This has been quite a journey for us!

On another note, Im so looking forward to my Bahamas trip which is only 11 days away!!! My auntie is having a bus trip to Long Island, NY for the day. Wine tasting and a lobster feast. Hubby will be going with her, my brother and sister while Im gone. So at least he won't be bored while Im gone... We are happy :)

WOW, very good news... Its a coming lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-11 08:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Tell me about it. Im so sick of it. I started the process of looking for a new car but I still owe a substantial amount on the one I have because its been a year and a half since Ive had this one.... just irks me! :angry:

hush ya mama... Just take it one day at a time.

And yes mi man chat tu much. A nuh likkle time we have argument and him call and broadcast wi business to every likkle body and most a dem nuh care nor help gi him advice. He wont learn its not good to give ppl ammunition against we and we need fi keep sometings btwn us alone. Let me stop lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-10 14:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

LMAO @ you trying to keep him in line by saying you are going to tell me. When you come down we should take a pic of me and him with me pointing my finger like no, no,no and of couse it will be like at his waist , he is soooo tall.

You must put up pics of your kitty. I like the name Reese. Steve is just being a drama queen claiming to be in 4th place now.

Wow JQ that sure does seem like a whole lot of extras. No wonder Finesse's bill was sooo high. You're lucky because you have your boys and your little girl coming THIS month so it doesn't matter what your baby is.

1Luv- Where are your baby pics?? I thought everyone found out this day and age the gender, so glad to see someone else is going to hold out too. Well, we'll see if I can. I'm thinking of doing a Jamaican themed nursery so that way it could really be for either.

LOL @ I know that "at last" feeling all to well. You know they really love us. :devil:

How are you going to say meeting Tee and Steve is not a major event? :bonk: J/K. So Steve was telling you that you had a good man. Where you not in agreement? He never told me I have a good man?

Always- This heat and pregnancy just can't be a good combo. I need to plan to somehow avoid this summer heat when pregnant. When it happens, it happens though.

Sorry for the laides going through the baby mama drama. I can't even believe how some of these so called "mothers" act. The men are always getting a bad rap, but now I see it's the females sometimes too. I'm just glad for the kids sake you all and their father are on board and there for them.


lol... I agree but like I said, hubby chat too much and a mus somethin him tell dem.. A cant tek him blabba mout sometime lol...

Steve is mad tall though lol and really funny. Darn it I forgot to take pics :bonk:

Birthday shout out to missus, JQ, DW hubby, and Steve

Congrats on your approval Besa.

Thank ya baby lol

Congrats Bessa!

Happy belated Birthday to those who I have passed.

Thompson-The heat is killing me my GOD between that and the sickness JESUS! LOL

JQ- We find out Friday the 16th I cant wait. I love your pics they are awesome.

Anything else I am forgetting sorry, I will blame it on my memory not being up to par these days.Have a GREAT WEEKEND

Bless up mama
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-09 19:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Aww another mini yardie link up. I love it. I am disappointed that Besa and hubby were NOT matching. What happened guys? I thought it was the usual?? Oh and Bessa, why was Steve lecturing you? Did you eat something bad??

Tee- That man of yours is straight of crazy, but I have to give him props for getting the waitress to switch drinks. usually its too bad, too sad. He has a way with the ladies I see.. Oh wait it wasn't a male waiter was it?? :rofl:

Zee- CONGRATS!!! You did good flying alone and going through all of that. I was with hubby and know how nerve wracking it is. Now relax and enjoy finally being together forever!!!

JQ- I'm LOVIN' the baby pics. I see in one s/he is doing some kind of flip or upside down on s/he head. Wow that child is crazy already. Get ready to put some running shoes on once s/he can walk because they will be running and flipping all over for sure. BTW do you know what you are having so I don't have to keep saying s/he? I want to find out but hubby doesn't so for atleast the first i'll let it be a surprise. It's going to kill me though because I'm dying to know what you're

Sasha- I know you got approved today! Come tell us the good news.

Always- Glad the meds are helping some. How are you doing in this heat?? Staying in the AC as much as possible, I assume.

DW- Mi tink mi know what you talking to Tee about. :rofl: :devil: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh and Matt, you know you are REALLY in love when you like getting cussed out. I love it. It's just been us ladies for so long that I love hearing how in love the man is too.

Have a good weekend everyone!!

We only do on major events; church, the interview lol. Let me stop. Steve: That I got a good man but I think hubby chat too much

Happy BDAY missus

Edited by besaangel, 09 July 2010 - 03:30 PM.

besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-09 15:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Good morning everyone.. Matt it was nice to see Kaci and your parents getting along so beautifully! :crying: How sweet...

I think Im going to the MD thingy. Seems like its going to be (in the words of Quana, noiiiiiiiice) lol

Had dinner last night with Besa and her husband.. What a nice couple!!!! To dispell the myth: NO THEIR OUTFITS DID NOT MATCH :rofl: but they were fun to be out with.

Happy belated birthday Den, Miss and JQ (F)

Brooke: Let me tell you about YOUR friend Steve, he didn't even mention to the folks that it was his birthday... :blink: But he did harrass the waitress. He asked for orange juice, but they told him that their were no free refills. So he convinced her to switch it to gingerale (which they gave free refills)!!! So his rass drank 1 glass of oj and 2 glasses of ginerale and they only charged for the orange juice, boallllllll can't take his rass no where!!!! Im afraid to see what tricks he has up his sleeve when we come to florida! LOL

Have a nice day folks....

:whistle: You guys are just loving me, arent ya'll... We had a blast with ya'll even though Steve was trying to lecture me lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-09 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Thanx for the love guys... still on vacay... She was a lil too curious. It was kinda like a friendly conversation with a nosey person, rather than, what date this and when ya'll that and why this or why not that. The questions pretty much stemmed from the previous one kinda like a convo...
Finesse, leave mi alone lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-08 15:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Thanks honey

Forgot to mention that she took my I-94 and said they dont wanna give out stamps anymore
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-07 18:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
So our appt time was to be at 11:05 am but dealing with my rush, rush hubby, we got to Philly at 9:45 and had to kill some time til at least 10:15. We entered and went through the security scan (joked a lil with one of the guards- she was a sweety) and made our way up to the waiting room on the 3rd floor. Of course there were no clocks so we didn’t have a clue how long we were waiting but the room was ¾ filled with AOS, ROC and Naturalization people. I walked to the front desk and handed the lady behind the glass window my interview letter and was told to have a seat and wait to be called.

At least 3-4 couples were, in my opinion, given the Stokes interview as the IO sent one spouse back to the waiting room while they interrogated the other spouse. Funny thing is, the ones who were given such treatments, had attorneys present while the others who didnt, including us, were never separated. We were the last to be called in before lunch (so to speak) at about 1. We were interviewed by an Asian lady, Ms. Cho. She was very polite yet got straight to the point since they were obviously runnin behind schedule.

She asked us if there were anything we wanted to add to the file and even though I had an enormous amount of stuff, I just let her look through our photo albums, joint bank accounts, lease, benefits enrollment form and pics (of which, only the photo albums were new evidence cuz she didn’t ask for any of our insurance cards since we already submitted info regarding the enrollment). She then went straight into questioning us.

Hubby’s questions
She spent a good 5 mins doing so and started to inquire about who went to the wedding (12). (Hubby named every single person but ticked me off by telling her how his mom didn’t approve even though she didn’t ask him all that lol)
When did we get married?
Where was it held?
What we did afterwards?
When did we start going out?
Where did we go on dates?
How long was it before we decided to get married?
Asked hubby visa am I on?
Where I lived in Detroit? (too many places so she by-passed it
What school I attend, and what school I got my degree from?
What is my major here and in my degree?
When was I last enrolled?

My questions
When and how did we meet?- Then if we still went to that church.
What did/do we have in common?
How often did we see each other during school?
What activities did we do when I visited?
Where hubby works?
How many times I visited the US? Too many to count
When did I enter on my student visa?
Has he ever taken time off to come to Detroit?
When did he visit and what did we do?
Oddly, will I go back to school in august?
What was our first movie? (too long ago) so she asked what was our last movie together? Made small talk as to her wanting to know about it.
Then asked about the I-130 questions

And if we’re married?
What do we know about each other’s parents? Age, Job, Name, Address
Then, asked us to verify our own and each others’ Age, Job, Name, Address.
What do I want to do as a career?

After that, she asked, again, if I wanted in include anything. I gave her the most recent 3 pay stubs and employment letters from both jobs and to make a copy of my I-20. She then said thanks for coming in and that we’ll get the letter in about 30 days as they have cut down on giving out stamps (even though she said sorry and we‘ll have to wait to take hubby to JA). She asked us to stay in the wait room until she made copies and when she came out, I told her about my EAD touches and said if I get it I coud use it but I might get my GC before that.

God is good. Posted Image
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-07 17:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!


aaahhhh bwoy lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-07 16:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

aint been on in a minute. Happy birthday to the hubby's and all the wifey's. Its my birthday on friday too, and its a big one. the big 4 O. lol nonetheless. the week is turning out good. I passed my driving test today, so hopefully i'll be able to be autonomous ( relatively). its as hot as the balls in Michigan at the moment, it just makes you wanna sleep and roll over like some fat cat. I kinda like it.

I hope you all are enjoying the heat... lickle more.


I'll never get this phrase, especially since they are the cooler part of the body :whistle:

Tee- There is no stopping him so I figure instead of being defeated I'll join in. lol

Bessa- I'm LOVIN all your color coded files and the matching outfits!!! Sometimes I see what hubby is wearing if we are going somewhere and then wear something that kind of goes with it, but isn't too obvious. I figured he would think I was nuts if I said I wanted to be matching. I say good for you and hubby though!!

JQ- Happy early Bday!!

DW- Happy Birthday to Mr. Gold Suit. :rofl: :rofl: Sorry just had to do it one last time.

Finesse- It sure sounds like you and hubby are the life of the party with infants and all. It seems everyone wants to party with you all no matter where it is. Thinking we need a yardie link up at your house. lol

Blessings to all!

Oh and happy bday to MissusM. Knew I was forgetting someone!

LOL... Im a match freak and hubby dont care what I iron... I see u tryin to be sneaky with it :unsure:

Happy bday DW hubby

Hi everyone, been MIA for a minute, trying to do what needs to be done at my job because there are alot of teachers being laid off and I don't wanna be one of them.

Happy Bday to JQ!!!!

Tee, I hope Steve is liking his job!!!

And Besa, best of luck on your interview mami!!

Later y'all and stay cool in this hot azz weather!

Thanks ma... Besos

Later loves... Te amo (L)
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-07 06:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Shhhh...we all ignore you but it is a secret. LOL!

fire burn u enu lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-06 15:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
love how the one finesse a ignore me... lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-06 13:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

mi wan see picha a dis tuh!

OMG... u really want me find all a dem deh lol :innocent:

Good luck Bessy!

Thanks mami...

Sorry for the sporadic log-in, im doing my hair..

Hope finesse nuh want a picta a dat to :whistle:
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-06 11:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

OMG not only are you matching the folder but hubby too!!!! :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: you need help for real.

lol... we are so corny- we pretty much always match when we go to church lol :help: :help:
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-06 11:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

mek mi si picha a u outfit..

lawd a massi... u see weh u interested inna lol...

Hey dillon... I dont think Im organized at all, well maybe a lil. I just have a lot of clothes and love shoppin :whistle: so hubby & I are wearing black and white... our pants are pin-striped on black :D
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-06 10:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Thanks DW (L)

Everythng will be in a single huge folder that'll match my outfit lolAttached File  Photo-0573.jpg   6.97KB   6 downloads

1. (Black folder) containing all letters from the USCIS, Passport, MC and BCs
2. (Red folder)I-864: Original Employment letters, W-2s, Transcripts, and Pay stubs from December
3. (Yellow folder) I-130: I have the evidence that was sent to the USCIS in their original forms (lease, joint account statements, Insurance, Letters, Cards, receipts)
4. (Purple folder) "new evidence" (pink picture book, loose photos for IO, photo album & Affidavits that weren't included in original packet)
Attached File  Photo-0572.jpg   11.92KB   6 downloads

Will also be including another folder packet with all the forms that were submitted; in case they lost something.
Attached File  Photo-0574.jpg   11.61KB   6 downloads
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-06 10:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Posted Image set it off... Thanks quana
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-06 09:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Good morning ladies, hope everyone had a great 4th... :thumbs:

:innocent: We set off fireworks... And not in the way ya'll think ;)
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-06 08:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I'm so sorry to hear things are not working out with the link-up. I'm sure that some of us a re still interested in linking up so please holla @ us when you're in MD and lets see what we can make happen.(L)(L)Tell hubby happy birthday 4 me and I hope you both have a wonderful day.

How yuh so likkle and bad?

What did i do??? :o
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-05 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Spoiled brat.. yes I did lol

Ohh and our caucasion friend Matt too!

Me, a brat??? not at all :whistle: Where on earth did u come up with such an outrageous accusation :angry:

Speakin of Matty, I think homeboy gettin it in Posted Image
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-05 11:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Thank you Kelly, my days of getting linkups together is over. I still want to meet people though. I think its a nice support system for our jamaican/hispanicc hubbies :)

I will wish hubby a happy bday from you. I just made him breakfast. He slept late lol.. Im looking for a restaurant to take him too...
Brooke this time he can't fake his birthday lol

Thank you for including my man :P ...
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-05 11:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Sorry to hear bout that failed MD link-up MRStee...

Please tell Steve that we love his wife and happy bday (L)
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-05 10:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Hope u get better soon MRStee...
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-04 12:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hey Bessa sounds like you have a nice little getaway planned. Plus soon the interview will be behond you and you will be clear for almost 2 yrs. That stinks hubby lost his ring. I always think my hubby is going to lose his because he takes it off to shower and work out. I never take mine off. Men, men, men.what can we do with them?

Shanette- Love how cheery your post was after your sexy party. I'm always happy to hear about one and Finesse is always asking people about plans for future ones so I don't think it was TMI.

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday weekend!

Yeah, we're lookin forward to it lol... I've misplaced mine at home and found it again, but his was at work, so I pray it turns up. I dont know how but God'll work the ring issue out, thanks hon.

Again with the sexy party dem lol
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-04 02:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Interview only 4 days away and Im thrilled... I usually do my own hair but this time I'm gettin my hair washed, pressed and curled, mani and pedi and french manicure for Tuesday (some places close on Mon, ugh). I gotta have our packet in order (perfectionist :blush: ) and have to pack cuz we booked a three-day/two-night stay in PA so I got losta packing to do. Plus Im meeting up with another AOS couple from JA too. Hubby finally got two days off from both jobs so he wont have to be at work until friday evening which should give us ample time to enjoy ourselves. And bad news time: HUBBY LOST HIS RING YESTERDAY; poor thing is soooo mad :angry: . I told him it was ok (though it wasnt) cuz its just the devil trying to distract us from the events ahead. We're gonna get him a band tonight or tomorrow. Im so excited and blessed to be in this situation, as bad as it is.
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-03 16:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Bless up TAMH

sounds nice. not in the best mood today.. had some bad news. I'm so tired of michigan. Nonetheless everyone have a nice holiday.

Sorry for the bad news hon...

Mrstee, enjoy urself at the place in chester hon...
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-02 16:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Why the heck did I get like 6 or 7 phone calls from people last night telling me how they have no plans for the 4th and want to know "what is going on at my house"...telling me that so and so has no plans everyone is suggesting that we have a party..NOT!! i am not budging this time...

mi keep b-day party for hubby in couple weeks and mi no wan no bag a people over mi yaad before dat...cho

YES no partying so we can sleep sunday night :D
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-02 09:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
What a unruly likkle pickney lol :shocked:. Thats a long ways to go for the due date though :clock: ... :idea: I'll teach him how to play football
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-01 18:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
5 ppl an nobady nah chat... A lie lol :whistle:
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-01 18:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

mi neva knoa seh yuh live next door to wi...

Lmbo... u a mess..

Sus u a trip too

MRStee a fi u mistake lol

Edited by besaangel, 01 July 2010 - 04:25 PM.

besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-01 16:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
PPL mi need fi go get ready fi go look pan apts. Our neighbors are ghetto and have 50 million ppl over at nights... so lata

My sister learned that the hard way when the oldest nephew told his teacher to go f*** herself - he was 3! After that, the house had a potty jar, every swear cost $1! After 5 boys - they bought a second house, lol :rofl:

:o A lie....

My sister learned that the hard way when the oldest nephew told his teacher to go f*** herself - he was 3! After that, the house had a potty jar, every swear cost $1! After 5 boys - they bought a second house, lol :rofl:

:o A lie....
besaangelFemaleJamaica2010-07-01 13:28:00