PhilippinesWill the Pharmacies here Honor the prescription that is given by a Philippine doctor?
A pharmacist will not honored a prec written from a doctor from another country because the doctors DEA number must be verified in order to honored his prec. The DEA database do not have information on all doctors worldwide. Insulin is not one of the drugs that are listed on the $4.00 list at Walmart or Costco.

In order for a new doctor to write your mother a presc, he/she will have to do a new consultation, with the results from their own lab work request. This is a requirement per law and medical liability. You should have brought your mothers complete medical records from her physician in her home country. Note the medical records should have been translated into English, unless the new physician can read/speak the language.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-02-15 07:27:00
Philippinesam I cheap?

Too Bad your not like Me, I am full of Confidence, I am very Good Looking and Woman find me irrestable..........

Woman Want Me and Men Want to be like Me

It's Good to be the King Of Philippines

Posted Image

Not sure the point of your post, but he is trying to buy her to like him. He has an excused for all of her negative behaviors. AS he has stated it has been his fault, and at his urging.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-05-01 13:11:00
Philippinesam I cheap?

Some times, I feel it is my fault. I think I am the one trying to offer her things to make her happy. It is as if I am scared not to see her happy.

There is nothing wrong with her, the problem is you. You have a VERY LOW SELF ESTEEM ISSUE.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-05-01 12:55:00
PhilippinesBringing her Sister?
You can try a student visa, it probably won't be granted. You'll will have to wait the 3 years for your wife to gain citizenship, then she can file for her sister. Then you'll can wait the 23 years for a visa to become available.

Age of sister = 10
Wife's citizenship 3 years
Visa available= 23 years

Total age of sister to migrate 39 years of age.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-07-24 10:01:00
PhilippinesMedical Exam Kingston

I need help.. my finacee has his medical on Nov 9 and interview on Nov 21. he just realized he hasn't had the hepetitis shots. What is the best way to handle this, since I hear the shots must be done 6 weeks apart.

Just go to the medical and if he neeeds any additional shots, get then at the medical/physical.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-10-26 13:23:00
Philippineslost in space
So the question you need to ask yourself, would going back home be so bad. What do you want, is the question becaue he has told you what it is that he does not want.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-12-18 22:18:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting
For a fishing boat........
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-12-20 18:00:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting
So why are you taking your wife into the wolves den on a important date as Christmas, when the masses there will be against her. This is evil.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-12-20 17:42:00
PhilippinesMarrying girlfriend who is in US and pending annulment
So what happens if the father refuse to allow the kids to migrate?
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-12-27 12:36:00
PhilippinesSon Brought Illegally?
The grandmother has no legal rights. Just hope that the mother will try to stay in touch with the grandmother. Hope-ing not to be defriend from facebook.

Edited by LIFE'SJOURNEY, 12 February 2012 - 11:51 AM.

LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-02-12 11:51:00
PhilippinesSon Brought Illegally?
The plan backfired on them, they knew the only way that child was going to be able to migrate to the US was thru it's biological mother. The biological mother broke no laws. So sorry.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-02-12 11:38:00
PhilippinesSon Brought Illegally?

Begs the question as to how the Mother obtained physical custody of the child.

LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-02-12 01:48:00
PhilippinesAmerican Carry protection in Philippines
What can't this item be purchased in the Phil?
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-03-03 10:18:00
PhilippinesPregnancy issue for K-1 Visa

Hey guys I really need your help on this. My fiance K-1 Visa will be sent to her address within 5-10 days. Now, She's 2 months pregnant and she wants to come to the US before March 23 but I told her it would be convenient to fly her here on a third week of April just to get everything ready before anything else. She kept insisting that she needs to come a little early before she become 6 months pregnant based on what the Consular Officer told her? Is this a fact??? I just need some suggestion from you guys. Because all I know is that for K-1 Visa holder beyond 7 months pregnant coming to the US is not acceptable at all to travel?? I don't know yet just kind of curious. Everyone please help me on this I'm confused..

According to what you wrote if she is two months now,then in April she will only be three months,so both of those time frames are a long way from being six months. Don't understand the issue.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-03-06 21:53:00
PhilippinesChildren can no longer enter as K2?

April 5th, 2012

What's the date of your infopass?
When did you file for AOS?
Have you received your NOA for AOS ?

Edited by LIFE'SJOURNEY, 06 March 2012 - 09:42 PM.

LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-03-06 21:39:00
PhilippinesChildren can no longer enter as K2?
What is the exact date your children visa expires?
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-03-06 21:16:00
PhilippinesAdoption/petition niece frm philippines!!!!!
Niece is 16 ,spend the money wisley and educate her in the Phil so she can become self sufficiant,then she can help her parents.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-03-06 11:06:00
PhilippinesAcknowledged son..does he qualify under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000?
This is a situation where the DNA of the child is not the parent listed on the BC.

The Non-DNA parent is a USC, what they have done is created problems for theirself.

Lying to immigration will come to haunt them, if they submitt the BC as is.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-04-17 08:42:00
PhilippinesAcknowledged son..does he qualify under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000?
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-04-17 08:38:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.

Yup, after 4 years, she pulls this? time to go.

4 years is enough time to blossom into an adult. She's not done that. I never mentioned 'over-night' - that's yer label.

4 years is not a long time- maturity doesn't happen like that. What she doesn't have is the maturity level he now wants, it's not going to happen. Plus he has indicated a divorce or seperation is out of the question.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-04-01 12:46:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.

4 years of marriage, and she pulls this? That's where it came from.

So you are saying to throw the baby out with the bath water. You are COLD it is his child. He knew when he married her, he was marrying a child bride, so why do he want an adult over-night. He knew when he pregnated her, she was still in a child like stage so he thought being pregnant would chnage her. Well since this is April Fools Day, the joke is on him. Being married and having un-hibited sex doesn'r turn anyone into a responsible adult.

He may have to let her sit on the shelf, like a fruit or tomatote and wait until it is ripe. Being a good father doesn't require that the mother has to be good to.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-04-01 12:20:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
When you'll where in the Phil, she made you feel like the tall Rat, now that she's here in the US, she is making you feel like the small mouse. You are going to have to decide if you like the cheese or not, but as I stated before I have seen this, and their marriage has lasted over 20 years.

i say -

give her the keys to the car, after you purchased a ragged out (but working) volvo station wagon from craigslist.

Then - stop speaking to her.
Then - start cooking for yerself - clean up yer mess after yer done.
Schedule yer own time to wash yer own clothes.

If she speaks to you, never, ever respond.

It seems she's not there because she loves you - and you need to facilitate her transforming into a 'room mate with kitchen privledges' sometime this April.

Later, after the child is born, have ONE conversation with her -

to put the child up for adoption

. Once the child is gone, you need to move out of the house, start a new life.

[wait a mo, is this an April Fools Day post?]

WOW where did this come from?
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-04-01 12:07:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.
I have seen this kind of marriage before, she is NOT GOING TO CHANGE. You will needs to fiqure out how to live with this, the child will become a pinpong ball in this marriage. If she doesn't want to go to counseling, then you should go so you +1 can fiqure out how to survive this marriage.

Edited by LIFE'SJOURNEY, 01 April 2012 - 11:57 AM.

LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-04-01 11:56:00
Philippinesurgent reply
This is exactly

why it takes 23 years for a family to

bring their siblings to the US. Scams like this have made it immpossible for the US to know who is indeed natural siblings/children. This will only compound the situations and the time line could grow to 50 years.

Edited by LIFE'SJOURNEY, 11 May 2012 - 07:07 AM.

LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-05-11 07:06:00
Darren from reading your multi post, you have given others to believe that you don't understand how or what your marriage should consist of. Not quite sure if consist is the right work right now. But, you would benefit from some individual marriage counseling. You don't understand the expectations or what you should give or receive from within a marriage. Remember this is your 2nd marriage and you are asking about everyday situations that most would expect young couples to be having issues with in their marriage.

Cooking, a shared responsibility.

Throwing away of food, make the statement that this is unaccepatable.

Wife pregnancy, this is her first time, she has no idea what to expect.

Speaking in a forgein language when you are present, explain it is not acceptable in your home and present. You can't control other peoples home.

Reading to your kids, note those are your kids reading is YOUR quality time with them. If she wants to be present then that will need to be a decision wife will have to make on her own. Wife is learning many new things at one time, you must learn to be patient. gees

If you teach, she will learn, if you expect and demand of things she has no knowlege how can you complain.

Darren seek professional marriage counseling, or you will continue to make everyone un-happy.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-06-16 10:00:00
PhilippinesBringing Yaya ( Baby sitter ) in the US

So you are saying Eternal Love's Yayaya should apply for a J1?

That is after all the question.

This is what is going to force the consulars to start giving lie detective tests. :rofl: :crying:
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-08-13 22:58:00
Philippinestravel with expired greencard
BRING the orginal letter, not a copy.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-10-02 17:31:00

You're a K-1, you already have your 797 (NOA2) stating your are approved, you already have your MNL # and you have already scheduled the interview?

How can USCIS be issuing you an RFE? When did you get this letter if the deadline is Oct 24, 2012, USCIS give you 60 days to respond so you have it for a couple months?

Lastly she isn't divorced/annuled ?

Because the embassy has sent the case back to USIC for proper adjudication.

I was sent an RFE from the uscis asking for a copy of my fiance's divorce papers

Edited by LIFE'SJOURNEY, 06 October 2012 - 10:13 AM.

LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-10-06 10:12:00
I wouldn't wait for a denial, I would recind my request on this petition. I would ask USCIS to close my case and wait until I have clearly all required official documents to re-file.

Edited by LIFE'SJOURNEY, 06 October 2012 - 09:20 AM.

LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-10-06 09:19:00
Technically she is not free to marry you, your petition will be nulled and voided. You'll jumped he gun too fast on this one.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-10-06 09:12:00
PhilippinesJob Opportunities for immigrant visa holders
Finding a job, really depends on what part of the country you will find your self living in. If your husband lives in a small town,the jobs may be limited, if your husband lives in or near a large metro area than finding a job maybe a little easier.

Finding a job for everyone including USC, depends on their skill set, education, work experience,lack of transporation and their personality.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2012-10-14 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVACCINATIONS NOT AVAILABLE IN ANTIGUA!!!!!
Are you saying that the doctors, that the Embassy has indicated that he visit for the Medical do not have the vaccianations? If that is the case then it would up to the DR. to notify the Embassy that they could not complete the medical.

But if you are going outside of the Dr's that are reccommended, then that will be your problem, I can't see the Embassy excepting your excuses.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2010-05-17 06:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow much Time at JFK as POE
That would depend on the time of day and the day of the week. Two hours could be enough, if not then the connecting flight would book her on the next available flight out.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2010-06-13 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPolIce Certificate Process

ricardos on FB and I havent been sent a friend request???? shame shame.....

as for advice down the elsewhere if you dont like the reply....i wasnt trying to start anything....i was giving advice and input and I have been through this process of fiance visa already and unfortunately now going thru the CR-1 avenue.....i was trying to is what it is....but perhaps ur fiance lives near kingston and its no biggie to get there to do it again or u both have money to piss away so you dont care if you have to pay and start all over......ok let me stop cause i am heated.....

back to FB to await ricardos request :)

You were correct in your post, but at least there will be no unknown disclosure of facts.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-03-02 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPolIce Certificate Process

What are you people thinking..?
In a Rush?

This make no sense. A person who started the process 2 weeks ago have 8 more months to GO and already trying to obtain a police clearance - this is straight mad. Desperation.

Wait a minute everyone, getting it early for some people is a piece of mind. This way there are no surprises along the way. Yes, she will have to get another, but right now there is no hidden facts.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-03-02 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHaving a bad day....Need to get some clairfication

Hi All

Sorry for coming and posting in an upset mood. But I am worried. I am a Photographer, self employed, I have 1099 for some jobs through freelancing, but most my income comes from weddings, portraits, etc. I make since i have done this full time over the poverty level. But Someone has said because i am self employed the yearly amount is alittle more. I was informed to my tax returns and to line 22. this amount is below. Before these past 2 years i was in a retail manager position making 45,000 but now I am on this line of not knowing if Bahadir and I are at jeopardy with our visa. Should I find him a business/company sponsor? WHats the best way to go about it?

I have looked on I-864 p form as directed and I cant find any information about self emplyed amount. ANYONE who can help me with this...I am a emotional mess today.....

These questions are answered everday her on Vj, why don't you start with reading this post http://www.visajourn...31#entry4510531

Then do a search for topics about the I 134
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-03-01 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRandom processing...
"What I think" and "fact" should not be used in the same sentence. It's an "either" or an "or" structure. So if I am reading this correctly, the entire post is a what you think is happen.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-06-04 09:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTo all Members of the Visa Journey

Hello friend, we're not married yet, because in 2010, returned to Brazil and lost the K1Visa. My daughter needed surgery and returned to Brazil. And my Fiance, againissued a new K1 Visa in January 2011. thank you

Okay, you had stated that you returned the week of your marriage. It would have been better to have gotten married in Brazil and applied for a CR1, which would have given both you and your daughter a green card upon entry into the US. Oh well, too late now.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-06-09 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTo all Members of the Visa Journey
You are not getting another K1, you should be petitioning for a CR1 since you are now married. Better clarify this with your lawyer.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-06-09 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAre the USCIS processing times fair?

let me ask you something,what if it isnt?what do you plan on doing to change that?

Thank YOU for asking this question..... I am so tried of hearing every new member come on-board asking this question as if they can do anything about it. SO sue the government, everyone acts as if they just woke up yesterday,and heard that LIFE isn't fair.
LIFE'SJOURNEYFemaleJamaica2011-06-18 06:13:00