United KingdomCEAC - Case creation

After you're approved, they recreate the case as a Non-Immigrant case (as that's what the K1 is in the eyes of the DoS) with the same number as before. So what happens next is you have a "new" case which will go from Ready > Admin Processing > Issued. That last one is the important one, it means they're ready to hand off to the courier and you should be getting your visa soon.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-13 06:03:00
United KingdomPacket 3

What's the best way to check what address the embassy has? Thanks!


Go here: http://london.usemba...ntact_form.html


Select "My inquiry regards immigrant visas..."


Fill out the fields as needed. In the actual "enquiry" box, make sure you put your LND case number at the top and then just put your current address in there and ask them to confirm they've updated it.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-13 08:07:00
United KingdomPacket 3

Packet 3 is only the checklist and a letter saying they're ready for you to begin getting everything together. It's not a big deal if you don't get it but I'd certainly check the embassy have the right address and everything so you don't have any issues with Packet 4/Interview Letter.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-12 23:25:00
United KingdomQuestion about the visa payment site

Interesting. Maybe they haven't even registered that he's been to his interview yet. :/ I got in touch with someone today at the embassy (shockingly) and he was very helpful. He tried looking it up in the system but it just says issued and he said it was strange because they were so on top of the deliveries as of late. Then he emailed all of our information to his "manager." He said she would look into it herself and get back to us via email. Maybe it was that boss lady you were taking about earlier??


Possibly. It might be someone else, like a higher-up in the Visa Unit itself rather than the actual Deputy Chief of Mission who oversees the entire embassy. But you're now getting somewhere hopefully. Keep the pressure up.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-17 18:42:00
United KingdomQuestion about the visa payment site

For all those who were approved, issued and received their visa (or tracking number)...did your "profile" on the visa payment site update, as well?  It still states "Attend Interview" on his status and on the print receipt does not include the date.  Does anyone have any insight on this? 


Mine did. Where it says "Attend Interview" or something along those lines, mine says "Tracking Number: xxxxxxxxxx" instead.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-17 16:14:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message

Hi there. Fiancee interviewed on Dec. 16 (this past Monday) and today the CEAC site says "Administrative Processing." She's freaking out about that but I'm thinking it's just a part of the normal process. Am I right? AM I RIGHT? Anyway, I'm giving it until Friday and I hope by then it says "issued" or "ready" or whatever.


She's freaking out. AP is a normal part of the process. It usually switches to "Issued" soon after which means the visa's in your passport.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-18 10:41:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message

And it's here at 11:45am. Package contained my passport with visa, the brown envelope with casefile, and a slip reminding me of the terms of the visa (e.g. must be used within 90 days and once it's used if I leave the country I would need to refile unless I had AP or my GC).

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-18 06:57:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message

Interview: 10th Dec

Admin Processing: 11th Dec

Issued: 12th Dec

Courier Email: 17th Dec

Delivery Date (according to tracking info): 18th Dec


Looks like I'm having a day in then.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-17 16:06:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message

You know what is really annoying? Starting in the summer, London (and the others I guess) added this automation and contracted a third party to take payments and schedule the delivery. It has been a big mess. Their online software is anything but intuitive, even though they tweaked it a few times. K1s don't know whether to pick immigrant or non-immigrant and they tweaked that too I think...going from one to the other. Instead of streamlining the process, it is worse. London couldn't be saving time because of all the confusion and mistakes people make then bombard them with questions and re-dos. Before summer, you used to interview then walk to the courier desk in the lobby and pay them directly. They gave you a tracking number. Within two days, the courier would text that your visa would be delivered next day. There was no contractor middle man sending emails or getting between you and the SMS delivery people. Most visas arrived a week or less after the interview. Progress indeed. We thought it would get the kinks ironed out and all would be better than before. Half a year has gone by and it is very inefficient.


You know what's funny Nich? They still have the courier desk in the Embassy somewhere according to some of the reviews of the others here. So if you changed your mind and decided you did want it delivered on the day, you could ask to be directed to where they are and get it all sorted there and then apparently. I don't mind paying the fee online and now they've made it a bit clearer on the AIS site (Go to Immigrant, put your details in, and then when you add applicant you pick the K Visa option and put in the rest of the details like your appointment time and all that).


Still, I too wish the courier part had remained the same.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-16 11:32:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message



 Just like you claim.  I don't know you.  I don't know your case.  And YOU do not know me or my case.


First step - It does no good to send multiple "emails/contact forms" to the embassy with the same thing.  It just clogs the system.  We've been in contact with the embassy themselves,the DOS, the NVC and the courier service...all of whom point the finger at the other saying that the other has the visa.  I will say that they've all been very polite and helpful.


Second step - I've already been in contact with a Congressman and he has already responded with some assistance. 


Third step - As I've mentioned...that's been done.


Fourth step - We have not considered this action yet.


As for me not "taking charge"...try again.


So, thanks for being blunt.  Good luck with your life.  Congrats on getting your visa/passport sooner than some. 


Now who's not reading? I haven't got my passport back yet. It could all still go wrong for me as well especially with Christmas coming up.


With the Embassy, I'm also thinking there's one last shot with them you could attempt as well as speaking to the OIG. And that's to get hold of this woman:


She's essentially the boss of the day-to-day stuff at the Embassy. Looking at some of the tougher consulates around the world and the advice given to deal with them, you may have to get a letter to her, mark it "Private and Confidential". Explain that you have spoken numerous times to all parties and they are all passing the buck. Say this is keeping you two apart, make it damned clear this is completely unacceptable. If the people at the bottom give you no joy, you go to the top.


I'm also curious as to whether you've explicitly asked for a tracking number for the visa, or whether anyone's offered to give that to you. Surely if they have sent it on to the courier then they have to have some kind of record - e.g. the tracking number.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-14 04:56:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message

That makes me smile/cry...I'm happy that you have your visa/passport because the wait is painful but sad because I don't understand where ours is.  sad.png


Okay, I'm going to be dangerously blunt here. Instead of constantly going around saying "woe is me, my visa is lost!" - TAKE CHARGE AND DO SOMETHING!


First step - Email the embassy every single day until they get off their backsides and either find your passport/visa or give you concrete evidence as to what they've done with it. Contact form is here: http://london.usemba...ntact_form.html


Second step - Get in contact with your Congressman/Senator. Give them all the details of your case, explain the Embassy has potentially lost your visa, that neither the Embassy nor the Courier is accepting responsibility and you're getting absolutely nowhere. Make it clear that this is keeping you two apart.


Third step - Speak to the DOS Visa Team on (202) 485-7600 and explain the same as above in Step 2.


Fourth step - If all of the above fails, get in contact with the Office of the Inspector General: - Contact them on the grounds that what is happening is mismanagement.

Edited by Wheatley, 14 December 2013 - 01:55 AM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-14 01:46:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message

That wouldn't happen to be the IVR number?

My status is still on 'Attend Interview'...


No, that's just a number assigned to you when you sign up to pay your MRV fee and sort the courier out. No doubt it's used to get into your account if there's a problem or something.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-13 18:27:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message

From another thread:



Well we checked the visa info website and found out about the tracking details. It's the same site you should have used to pay the visa fee.


Their web address is:


Either that or whoever Sharkano's other half talked to doesn't know what the Data Protection Act is.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-13 18:05:00
United KingdomDecember Interviewees Please Post If You Get Courier Message

Will do. Interviewed 10th, AP 11th, Issued 12th myself. So might be on its way next week.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-13 12:41:00
United KingdomConfusion on forms and contacting the embassy in the uk

I think people just ignore it, and many don't even know it exists.


I reckon when we get questions if we linked to the wiki (or the specific section of our guide) as well as some copy and pasting from it, it might encourage more use. Could always try.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-19 20:11:00
United KingdomConfusion on forms and contacting the embassy in the uk

I have been somewhat busy...two separate youthful (16 and 21) visitors (niece/nephew) from England for 8 and 13 days we kept entertained and cleaned up after. Exhausting! The niece left Monday. In between we took a road trip to New Orleans and I was also really sick for about 10 days. But mostly I am so frustrated by the inonsistencies at the embassy that I am not even motivated to try to summarize a new "guide". When you think they have settled into a pattern, the pattern changes. The payment sight changes. The DS-160 link on their sight goes to a different looking page than it first did. If you write up one of those, it will be invalid in a few weeks.

I haven't seen a copy of the latest instruction letter. They seem to link people to this http://photos.state....w_checklist.pdf which does not mention the Readiness for Interview form. Do they still want that? It is still on their web instructions, although you have to click "read more" to find it. Nobody bothers to read more of anything so that is missed. Can you get an interview without it? The OP seems to have or was the lawyer making that up? Does the latest instruction letter still direct people to ??

Who wants to specialize and write up everything CEAC says and the details of what to choose to use it. I haven't even bothered to look at it lately. Are there drop down choices to be made?

Who wants to focus on the payment and courier site and how to navigate it? I know it has changed appearance from when some of the first ones used it.

Does the interview letter still refer people to IV-19? Is that appropriate to add to a guide? This one http://photos.state....appt_letter.pdf

Who is new and lost , but can scan their recent instruction letter as a contribution? Or interview letter?

Wheatley and Sharkano, you seem to have a good grasp of the process and a clear way of explaining. What parts will you write up? Do you plan to stick around and help? Many really good people come along, are smart enough to synthesize the scatter bits and pieces into the big picture, then they disappear. I just keep on when I am ready to drop out because I feel sorry for a new batch coming along and nobody is answering their questions. So Uk forum posts get answered incorrectly by someone going through Manila. I don't really intend to be a Queen Bee to this forum, I just feel sorry for people who can't read and think it through for themselves so try to help them.

So let's make a group effort to summarize some of it in one place. Lost_at_sea and I collaborated on the DCF guide and tweaked it in PMs before posting. She did the writing and ran it by me for clarification on a few points since DCF is like K1s in many ways because of skipping the processing at NVC. Who is in?? Maybe we can shoot for New Year/New Guide.


Assuming all's well with various things (for example, I don't get banned or something for being outspoken) I don't have any intention to disappear. As for what parts I would take on.. well, I'd take on whatever, really. I tend to have a detailed memory for the important stuff (see my interview review for an example) if that would help with assigning tasks/sections.



I have a question - why aren't we using the wiki?


I've been bummed lately that I couldn't edit my guide with everything that's changed since August, and that no one reads the long threads (particularly once they get older), so I worry that people miss stuff. etc.  But, if we actually utilised the wiki here, we could keep stuff fresh and there'd be a single URL to point people at.


I was planning to move my guide over there while I'm on down time over the Xmas holidays, and then perhaps also rejuvenating the FAQ for London. Could a K1 guide live there too?  Am I missing some really obvious reason why the wiki doesn't get used (does it not work in the search or something?)?


I don't know. But I'm useless at editing Wikis. That said, given we get locked out of editing posts after a set period of time on the forums and getting threads stickied tends to be a death sentence for the thread with at least one mod (e.g. if it gets sticky status, it also gets locked) it would be better to make a wiki guide specifically for London that we can keep updated.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-19 20:09:00
United KingdomConfusion on forms and contacting the embassy in the uk

Nich-Nick, this "I missed the interview" stuff is becoming an unfortunate refrain at this Embassy.  I know you have been on here a while and been a great help to many.  If you could do a post that they would PIN that warns people how once they submit their readiness form they must watch and contact CEAC regularly so they don't miss their interview it would be a great help.  Lots of people just seem to wait to hear from the Embassy, which for many is fatal.  If you can, thanks!  (I would do it, but don't know if they would pin it.)  


Nich and I sort of discussed opening a new NOA2-Interview thread for 2014 with all the changes that have happened this year. I believe she's got a draft ready but I think she's been busy. Something we can look at again now things have settled down a bit regarding all the changes.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-19 05:22:00
United KingdomConfusion on forms and contacting the embassy in the uk




It would probably be easier to tell you a little story than try to explain my situation. So after I received a letter from the us embassy explaining that I should start filling out the appropriate forms and directed me to a the embassy's website. After filling in the DS-160 and attending the medical I filled in a contact form for the embassy to check on the status of my case. The correspondence simply re-linked the same web address and stated that the medical was received but forms were missing, I noticed I'd missed a "Notification of applicant Readiness". After filing this form and submitting I fired another contact form to the embassy but 1 month later have received no reply, I've tried the phone numbers numerous times and the few times I've been able to talk to a human they've been unable to help, most in fact simply dismissed me to the website again.


I need to know if there is a way to contact anyone who can check individual case files and see exactly what is missing or needs amending. Or if this is a common mistake/happening in this process.


Appreciate any guidance on this.


You must have missed the part after you filled out the Notification which states they won't give status updates by email or by phone. You've been waiting 1 month, they're taking 6 weeks so I reckon you'll probably hear something in January. If you're lucky it'll be at the end of December but with Christmas coming up I'd say its unlikely.

Edited by Wheatley, 18 December 2013 - 12:18 PM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-18 12:18:00
United KingdomPacket 3 London embassy. What forms will need to be filled?

I took Amy's last three IRS transcripts and a letter from her employer detailing when she started working for them, her job title and her gross wages per year. They took the employer letter from me and weren't too worried about the IRS transcripts.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-21 21:01:00
United KingdomPacket 3 London embassy. What forms will need to be filled?

Yea I would rather not lie at all during this whole process even a little one just in case. I got my police cert in September so that's all sorted .


There's a second reason you should wait until you have the letter. It means London are aware of you - so when they get the medical results, they can add them to your file. If you go too quickly you run the risk of the medical results not getting put in your file (basically London gets a set of results with no matching case file and go "Huh?") and then that can wreak havoc.


So, yeah. Always best to wait until you have Packet 3 in hand just to play it safe.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-21 19:50:00
United KingdomPacket 3 London embassy. What forms will need to be filled?

Ok thank you both so much. So best thing for me to do is wait until I receive a letter from London embassy? I thought I could do the medical before that once I get the number from the NVC?


You can indeed do this, but if the receptionist at Knightsbridge asks whether you've got your letter from the embassy yet, you need to lie and say you have it else they won't make the appointment. You also need to make sure you have your Police Certificate for this as they will ask for it (mainly to look for certain kinds of offences e.g. drugs/alcohol). They'll tell you everything you need on the phone.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-21 19:08:00
United KingdomPacket 3 London embassy. What forms will need to be filled?

1) We have a forum for the UK where we have all this kind of information. Look down. Asking up here may give you inaccurate answers.


2) As for forms you need to fill out? There are two:


2a) https://ceac.state.g...IV/Default.aspx <-- DS-160. You need to print the confirmation page of this off at the end (the one with the barcode)

2b) http://london.usemba...iness_form.html <-- DS-2001. You need to fill this one out after completing DS-160 and once you have everything else completed (So Medical, and you have your Birth Cert + copy, Police Cert + copy, I-134 and Evidence and anything else you require as per your situation).


3) Once you've done that, begin ringing the Department of State once a week to see if your interview's assigned. London is sketchy with interview letters at the moment and we are seeing a lot of people get their letters late or even after the interview was due to take place.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-21 18:43:00
United KingdomANGER yet relieved

The courier service has had my fiance's visa/passport since Dec 4th.  They had it under the wrong name AND they had the wrong email.  We confirmed many times with the courier service and embassy all of our information, including his email address!  UGHHHHH.  I cannot describe the joy I feel yet the pure, hot anger with the company. My fiance will be picking up the visa/passport tomorrow and paying a hefty price to fly in before Christmas.  I hope that everyone gets theirs on time and that they don't have deal with this ridiculous situation.  Happy holidays.


Thank the Maker you managed to get this sorted. I'm chuffed for you. I sorely hope you gave DX a good ear-bashing.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-18 11:36:00
United KingdomUS mother, UK father, applying for UK passport for US-born baby, supporting documents

Thanks v much. Yeah I think a same-day service is the way to go once we go back.


According to, same day for a First Child's Passport is out of the question. You can do the one week service, though.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-29 15:12:00
United KingdomUS mother, UK father, applying for UK passport for US-born baby, supporting documents

 Wouldn't you be dealing with the UK embassy in DC  ?   Usually such things are pretty quick. 


They stopped that some time ago. Now you have to send the application all the way back to the UK, and once it's done they return it via DHL.


As far as actually registering the birth abroad itself? That's still done at the Embassy in DC. But the Passport has to be done either via mail or in person like Nich suggested.

Edited by Wheatley, 29 December 2013 - 11:35 AM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-29 11:31:00
United KingdomLetter of intent to still get married (expiring i797) handwritten/ Interview Date?



humph. Thanks, at least I found out now, before it is too late. Seems a bit ridiculous considering all the forms, and payments we have made for this process, that they would need this letter to be notarized. I am guessing I shouldn't get her to sign and date it until the day after my NOA2 expiry?


She takes the letter unsigned and undated with her to the Notary Public, wherever she chooses to go. She signs and dates it with them watching her, and then they do their thing as well. So long as this all takes place after the expiry date, you're fine.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-30 07:34:00
United KingdomLetter of intent to still get married (expiring i797) handwritten/ Interview Date?

And without trying to sound too much like a numpty. Notarized means it has her signature on it? (Which it does)



Nope. Notarized means it has to be signed in the presence of a Notary Public and they also sign/stamp it. It can be done at most banks and some UPS/FedEx stores.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-29 21:37:00
United KingdomLondon Consulate - Petitioner may have wages cut, but still within poverty threshold


Aww, you're both being helpful.


Thanks for your responses. I was up until 3am last night freaking out over this. I think because I read so many of the MENA-origin posts, I get paranoid and forget I'm not dealing with the more difficult consulates blink.png I feel a little more relaxed now. I mean, even if they DID tell me his income is too unstable, they at least give us a year or so to find an additional sponsor. I need to stop being so pessimistic...


You're right, compared to the others London is a piece of cake. Manila doesn't accept joint sponsors, for example. The thing with tax transcripts and employer letters (in fact most, if not all financial documents) is that they're a snapshot in time. They're not looking for data that's correct to within a day, they're looking at the entire last year. So when you offer them the 2013 tax transcript, it's going to show $31,000 and they'll most likely nod, put it all into the file and move on.


Trust me, I psyched myself up so much that I didn't get much sleep the night before the interview. In the end, when I got into the Embassy the same thing happened when I used to get on stage for plays and things - my nerves disappeared and I just got on with it all. Just try and let it all come naturally, the pieces will fit into place and next thing you know you'll be on the plane.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-30 07:28:00
United KingdomLondon Consulate - Petitioner may have wages cut, but still within poverty threshold

On top of that, my information holds. They're above the 125% so they are clear regardless of the visa type. The only difference is with K1s they're a bit more lenient on the I-134 whereas with the I-864 for CR/IR-1s they are absolute.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-30 06:35:00
United KingdomLondon Consulate - Petitioner may have wages cut, but still within poverty threshold

CR1 not K1


Limits are still the same and London will still look it over one way or another, even if it's sent as part of the NVC stage. Do actually try to be helpful for once in your life.

Edited by Wheatley, 30 December 2013 - 06:13 AM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-30 06:12:00
United KingdomLondon Consulate - Petitioner may have wages cut, but still within poverty threshold

Hi all


My husband works an hourly shift type job. Throughout 2013, he made killer overtime and earned around $31,000 which is more than enough to satisfy the 125% poverty rate of $19,387.


Due to an incident at work, he has been stationed at a different site and the overtime is now severely lacking. As a result, if the hours don't pick up, we can expect to see his annual income fall from $31,000 to around $21,000 in 2014.


This is still within the poverty threshold, but as you can see, it is quite a big pay cut.


This is never an absolute thing - but would the London Consulate be likely to accept this as it does still satisfy the poverty guidelines?


We do have multiple people we could ask to become a joint sponsor, but we would very much rather not place this financial burden on someone if we can avoid it.


To actually answer your question - so long as it's over the 125% rate, you're okay. As I said in a previous thread. London are usually a little lenient anyway, if you were under 125% they'd probably accept it and tell you to have it sorted ready for AOS because USCIS will stick to that limit without exception. But as you're over, you'll be fine.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-29 21:41:00
United KingdomJust for fun--a quiz

So I'm moving to New England from the south/south-east of the UK and I get Houston, Jackson and Baton Rouge. Huh.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-25 18:52:00
United KingdomHow long before I hear anything after sent from NVC?

For K1s and for Direct Consular Filing at London - London issues us with the interview date when we have completed our medicals (and they have them logged) and when we submit the online Readiness form on the Embassy website.


The CEAC site is generic and covers multiple different visa types. Some of the other types get issued their interview date by the NVC (IR/CR1's for instance). Ignore what the blurb says and focus on the Case Updated field and the actual status (e.g. In Transit).

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-02 10:24:00
United KingdomHow long before I hear anything after sent from NVC?

Hey guys, first time posting in this section, my approved K1 petition was sent off from the NVC on December 27th, how long does it usually take before I get a letter informing me that it has arrived, I've already got all my documents together and completed the DS-106 and have the confirmation printed, but i'm waiting to hear from the embassy to say they've got my petition.


It could be a week or two to get Packet 3 but allow extra time because of the holidays. An easier way to check is to go to, check your immigrant visa status and put in your LND number if you got it from the NVC or DOS. Check the "case updated" field - if it's recent, that means London's done something.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-02 10:04:00
United KingdomCEAC changed to "Ready"

As I've just explained in another thread:



First off, the Readiness thing is an online form found here: http://london.usemba...iness_form.html - You can fill that in after you've had your appointment on the 9th.


London will then book your interview themselves and send you a letter to confirm, though given London seems to be losing letters frequently at the moment it's a safer bet to be checking your CEAC status on a regular basis - once the "Case Updated" field changes, ring the Department of State and ask what the update was for. If it's your interview date, they'll give it to you over the phone there and then,


Once you have your interview date and time, you then go and pay the visa fee on


To clarify, London won't book your interview date until they have the results from Knightsbridge Doctors and the Readiness form submitted.

Edited by Wheatley, 06 January 2014 - 07:40 AM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 07:37:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

Got an appointment for next friday the 11th. This is just so strange why he needs to go back for another medical. I can't find any information about this. Guess we are in uncharted territory. Wish us luck. 


All I've seen recently is sometimes if they suspect an issue with the X-Ray they'll call you in for a second one or something. Odd that they haven't explained why, either.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-01 17:39:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

Hey guys

A few of you messaged me good luck and thank you for everyone's kind words.

Unfortunately we were Refused because of the condition of my passport. They said it looked like it had been tampered with. Also they were dubious as to whether my birth certificate was the original so they want a new one of those too .

Honestly I was nervous about my passport because its curling up round the edges so i should have erred on the side of caution and renewed it before I started this process. I have no one to blame but myself. The lady who interviewed me couldn't have been more pleasant about it sad.png

Rang mum she went in action-mode and I have a birth certificate landing on my doormat tomorrow morning from the birth certificate people (whoever they are) and a new passport will be in my hands this Thursday at 1pm.

The courier company will collect them from me and take them to the embassy.

Feeling poo sad.png


It's okay. This is just a minor setback, you've got everything in motion to have this fixed ASAP. You'll get there.good.gif

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 04:35:00
United KingdomPackage letter from the NVC never received


You don't *have* to wait until after the medical appointment to send that form. It asks that you have scheduled one, not that you've already had it.  Before it switched to the online form, folks use to send the physical DS-2001 before or after the medical - it didn't seem to make much odds (similarly, probably won't make much odds when the online form is submitted). 


Fine, whatever. Getting real tired of people treating me like a ###### retard on these forums recently.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 14:20:00
United KingdomPackage letter from the NVC never received

I have done the ds-160 and booked an appoitment for the medical exam.

I also have all the other documents (criminal records, birth certificate, my history of vaccines, the i-134 and proof of U.S. federal income tax returns of my partner).


I have 2 questions.


What´s the readiness thing mean? Is is a form that I need to complete? I have no idea what that readiness mean. I´m sorry.


Also, my appoitment is for next thursday 16th of january, can I call the embassy and book an appoitment and pay the visa fee now? Or do I need to wait until the embassy gets my medical exam result and they will call me or let me know to book an appoitment after that?


Thank you so much. This forum is saving my life at the moment.


First off, the Readiness thing is an online form found here: http://london.usemba...iness_form.html - You can fill that in after you've had your appointment on the 16th.


London will then book your interview themselves and send you a letter to confirm, though given London seems to be losing letters frequently at the moment it's a safer bet to be checking your CEAC status on a regular basis - once the "Case Updated" field changes, ring the Department of State and ask what the update was for. If it's your interview date, they'll give it to you over the phone there and then,


Once you have your interview date and time, you then go and pay the visa fee on

Edited by Wheatley, 06 January 2014 - 07:35 AM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-06 07:34:00
United KingdomDo I need to be there in person with ID to collect Passport/Visa from courier?

Ok...well I work internationally so i have my passport, drivers license and bank cards.....


I guess she can produce my birth certificate and a nice smiley picture of me?!


I have a mail redirection from my house to theirs so she has utility bills, bank statements will have to do


It'll have to be enough, aye. I suspect if they produce a combination of those things, perhaps with their own passport or driving license to prove they're your parents, the courier might be alright with that. I know the one who delivered my stuff wanted to see my ID, but others may be a bit looser with the rules. For example, when I had to get my passport replaced, the DX Secure guy then didn't worry about my ID, it was just a case of signing on the dotted line and that was that.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-08 15:21:00