United KingdomPost-medical at Knightsbridge... now what?

Basically got in the embassy sat down for ages got called to the desk where an American guy took all the paper work explained a few things and told me to take a seat and wait to be called back again. Then I was called and this time I had a very nice American lady she asked me where I met Jessica, when did we decide we wanted to marry?, have I met her family?, do she have a brother? Is her older or younger? How did you propose? I just suggest you don't lie to them cause they are very nice.


You don't lie full stop. I don't need to explain the consequences of lying under oath to a Consular Officer, do I?

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-29 14:42:00
United KingdomPost-medical at Knightsbridge... now what?


As this seems so out of kilter with other people's experience, are you absolutely certain that you have been scheduled a K1 visa appointment and not a visitor's visa?  Did they e-mail you confirmation?


I'm echoing this. That line is known as the "Misinformation Line" for a good reason.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-21 13:57:00
United KingdomMedical appointment done but not complete

1) No, the Embassy will not notify you. You will only know when you see a CEAC status update (look at the date updated field, it will be roughly 3-4 days after you fax this GP's letter to Knightsbridge).


2) If you read this: http://www.visajourn...uide/?p=6741239 you will see that you do all that when you have your interview date so long as you've completed every step in Post #4.

Edited by Wheatley, 06 February 2014 - 10:36 PM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-06 22:35:00
United KingdomFiance's interview tomorrow/tonight

There's a link in the London K1 guide to my detailed review of the London experience. Have a read.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-06 22:29:00
United KingdomBirth Certificate - London Interview HELP

I took my backpack in with no issues. In fact they told me to put my belt and such in there instead of giving me a plastic bag. Have you even read the K1 guide, or the link to my review contained within?


The four hours thing.. well, that's not typical. But if you're last in line regarding Immigrant Visas, it can happen. I was in and out within the space of an hour, all told.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-12 11:22:00
United KingdomPhotos for the Interview

It's fine, no worries.


I remember taking the entire sheet of 4 I got from Sainsbury's (as you used to have to have 2 in the old days where they'd put one on your file, and one on the visa itself) and being told by the gent at the window you only need 1 now as they scan them in. No harm in being prepared. I'm an ex-Scout leader (and will take that back up when I have a driving licence here in RI) and of course the Scout motto is "Be Prepared". tongue.png


So it's up to you how you do it, but as long as you have them you'll be alright. As myself and Nich have said - London wants to approve you, unlike say Lagos where they're looking for reasons to deny you.

Edited by Wheatley, 23 February 2014 - 08:19 PM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-23 20:17:00
United KingdomPhotos for the Interview

I know they are not exactly necessary, but I am thinking of bringing a few extra to the interview.


Would it really matter that much if I just printed some photos on normal A4 paper? 


Other than that I am good to go hopefully. 


I have all my documents, birth certificate, police check thing, medical results, and the affidavit of support with a bunch of evidence for that.


I don't have any pictures yet, or proof of flights other than old emails, but my thinking is that the i-129f was when we should have submitted our "proof of relationship", and they would have sent out an RFE if they needed more. Am I right in thinking the interview is just to make sure that the finances are in order, you wont be a public charge, and an opportunity to physically talk about the relationship.



I am sorry, but it is 5 days until my interview, I am not really nervous, as the one thing I am confident about is our relationships validity smile.png I just don't want to get tripped up by not dotting the i, or crossing the t.





As long as you take 1 US-Sized Passport Photo (and if you'd read my "Interview Day" part of the K-1 guide, you'd have known that) whether you get it at a photo booth in a supermarket, at Gould's just before your interview or printed out yourself then you will be fine.


Read the "Interview Day" section of the guide. Post 5. And read the nice, detailed review I linked inside it. Just ignore the section on portable electronics as you can now take those in.


You people worry too much ... content ... not quality gets it done. Use your photo printer, that's what it's for.


Take your attitude elsewhere.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-23 17:25:00
United KingdomAnybody Stateside Watching "90 Day Fiance" Stateside?

Who you calling a mong, mong? tongue.png

Good to see you back, Daymo.


I thought you were taking a week off as protest because you were forced to remove/edit your sig due to the new family-friendly tosh? :P

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 12:38:00
United KingdomAnybody Stateside Watching "90 Day Fiance" Stateside?

http://www.visajourn...01-alankirlyam/ - Alan and Kirylam


http://www.visajourn...-louis-and-aya/ - Louis and Aya


They did attempt to get members for Season 2, but the mods axed it.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-23 22:47:00
United KingdomAnybody Stateside Watching "90 Day Fiance" Stateside?

Registered.. not active, to my knowledge. I believe some of them *have* posted in the past, but certainly not since the show started.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-23 22:23:00
United KingdomAnybody Stateside Watching "90 Day Fiance" Stateside?

Believe it or not, some of these couples are registered on these very forums..

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-23 22:20:00
United KingdomAnybody Stateside Watching "90 Day Fiance" Stateside?

I only frequent 1-2 threads myself, tbh - though I said that mainly as a heads-up. This might get merged into that one if you're unlucky. :P

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-23 19:49:00
United KingdomAnybody Stateside Watching "90 Day Fiance" Stateside?

There's a thread in Off-Topic about it, Daymo.




But the answer to your question is "Yes". Though not me personally.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-23 19:08:00
United KingdomVisa Approved

How long K1 VISA is valid?


Ask in your own forum, not here.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-27 15:26:00
United KingdomWhat airline do you guys fly with?

I went with US at Thanksgiving, and United for the immigration trip. I prefer US over United - on my flight from LHR-EHR one of the flight attendants was openly rude over the tannoy regarding electronic devices. Haven't flown any of the others bar Virgin about 5 years ago and they were stellar at the time.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-06 23:21:00
United KingdomThank You


VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-28 18:36:00
United KingdomPotentially stupid passport photo question

I think the photos you bring to the interview are the ones that will be on your green card. So do you want to look shaggy, or trimmed on your id for 2 years?


Bzzt. WRONG.


Look at the guy's profile at the side of his post. K-1, not IR-1 or CR-1. So the picture he provides will go on his visa, not on the Green Card.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 12:07:00
United KingdomPassport (Am I worrying too much?)

This won't affect your application. When you go to your interview and they notice the passport numbers don't match between your DS-160 and the new passport, you can explain you got a replacement due to the old one being damaged. Others have done this with no issue.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-16 12:16:00
United Kingdomevidence of support

Then yeah, the LSE is fine. Just think of anything confirming his income, that plus a tax transcript and the w2 if you have it would more than suffice.


No problem, people helped me not long ago, just paying it forward.


Nice, but this user should fill out their timeline and fix their profile.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 12:07:00
United KingdomDoes anyone have experience of flying from Dublin recently?

Okay, just done a search for it. According to Wikipedia (and therefore take this with a huge dose of salt) so long as your bags are checked through to your final destination in Montana, you are safe - they will be transferred from your Dublin-Dulles flight to your other ones. So it should just be a case of getting to your gates.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 16:05:00
United KingdomDoes anyone have experience of flying from Dublin recently?

I'm not 100% sure on this one, truth be told. While my understanding of pre-clearance is that your customs and immigration is done at Dublin (so your K1 stuff is done there and then in Ireland - in fact there's even an officer who offers to shred your paperwork if you're having second thoughts), I am not sure at all regarding the security aspect.


Now based on what Rhirhi has said, as you go through security once you might not have to do so again. But whether you have to get your checked bag(s) and re-check them again, I don't know.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 16:00:00
United KingdomWill a return flight affect my Immigration process



First? Stop cluttering up the forum with your constant worrying. It's getting tiring, and frankly speaking if you'd used the search function at the top of the forums you'd have found at least 2 recent topics discussing this (one of which where I broke it down) and 3-4 others in the past.


Secondly, the others have said it well. You can cancel the return leg without issue after you touch down. I did, and I got a 450 quid refund from United. The reason you do this is because sometimes the airlines make a mistake where they don't update their manifests and it flags you as leaving on the plane - this info works its way back to USCIS somehow, and when you file AOS you get a denial because they thought you'd left meaning you'd abandoned your entire process.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 12:03:00
United Kingdomregistering with the courier

Read the guide pinned at the top of the forum. Detailed instructions for this kind of thing (and your interview day prep) are there.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 12:02:00
United KingdomMedical Records - How far back do they need to go?

Sorry for hijacking your thread, but what if the childhood stuff was pretty serious, like hospitalizations for pneumonia and ear surgery? I was planning on bringing discharge letters, but I wonder if it's necessary to ask for a letter from my GP.


Childhood stuff tends to get overlooked. Unless you're a child of course.


Problem is while the US standards are.. well, standard.. each doctor in each country may take a different view on bits and pieces. Childhood stuff like having tonsils out is just a fact of life with Knightsbridge and they aren't worried. Lifelong conditions though such as diabetes will need something from the GP confirming the stuff I've mentioned previously. Same with recent operations. If you've had a recent operation, when they ask you to take your kit off and see scars they will ask what was done to cause it.


Though in my case, they didn't notice the scars but I did mention my recent gastric band surgery. My discharge notes/papers were NOT good enough, they wanted a letter direct from the surgeon who carried it out.


Obviously, YMMV because it's Croatia rather than the UK.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 12:00:00
United KingdomMedical Records - How far back do they need to go?

Yeah - Childhood stuff is usually just glossed over. They were more interested in my recent Gastric Band op than my Tonsillectomy.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 11:54:00
United KingdomMedical Records - How far back do they need to go?

Ok, thank you for the responses, so i don't need to show any record of any operations I've had?


Well, put it like this. If you've had a recent operation, they're going to want a report from your consultant/surgeon about what it was for, your prognosis, future care.. that kind of thing.


On the other hand, if it was a long time ago (and the scars are healed to the point where they won't notice them during the examination), you might be alright. I personally wouldn't risk it and get something either from the consultant or the GP to say what it all was.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 12:36:00
United KingdomWhat vaccinations do I need?

See first post in this thread for what you need: http://www.visajourn...-complete-guide




Amazing how people just don't read these days and want everything spoonfed to them. What's going to happen when Nich, Lost and I aren't here to guide people through the next steps?


Read. Learn. Understand.

Edited by Wheatley, 07 March 2014 - 07:05 AM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 07:05:00
United KingdomRenewing passport, have questions (split topic)

A Google search would have sent you to which then would have told you what you needed to know. Which is that you can now only mail passport applications all the way back to the UK.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-04 19:17:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Weather's been insane full stop.. was -10C this morning in RI. I would like for these winter storms and such to kindly sod off out the door and not return until 2015.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 10:06:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

Got to agree with srv on this one. I only miss a few food items and my friends/family.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-07 07:07:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

As far as Indian Takeaways/Restaurants go, there are thankfully 2 in North Providence/Pawtucket which have them (and one of them I went to on Sunday, was much like back in England). Fish and Chips though.. that's a different matter. There's one locally which I haven't been to yet but I might try and convince Amy to take me there one day.


Then again.. Rhode Island is known for seafood, so it probably isn't too hard to find them. Question is whether they're a proper chippy or not.


Something I do miss, though. And that's proper chocolate. None of this Hershey's heresy, or the stuff they claim is Dairy Milk.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 13:34:00
United KingdomHow long does the POE normally take?


Oh! This has happened twice to one, once at Chicago and once when I was flying from Newark back to Manchester, basically when I came through the walkway off the plane there was someone stood there with names on a board (I remember in Chicago, they were on a wall) and I noticed my name and I got handed an orange slip which let me skip the queues! 


Ah, now at Newark they were directed to a specific line that was usually reserved for Diplomats and Officials, and they tended to get waved through. Not sure about the actual Customs part though, probably something similar.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 12:42:00
United KingdomHow long does the POE normally take?

I'm a little concerned about the POE interview, does anyone know how long it takes?


How long is a piece of string?


It depends on various factors. Which airport is the POE? Is the flight you're on busy? Are any flights arriving at the same time as you?


Personally, I was done within about an hour to an hour-half from getting in a queue to leaving secondary. But I left about 5 hours between my LHR-Newark flight and my Newark-Providence flight just to play it safe.

Edited by Wheatley, 23 February 2014 - 05:17 PM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-23 17:16:00
United KingdomEmail address for IV unit at Embassy in London (split topic)

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe, you can e-mail the local USCIS team in London at:



The USCIS email is only helpful if you're doing DCF. According to the OP's profile, they're doing the normal IR-1/CR-1 route.


The only official way is the webform, and they're usually prompt (especially if you put in your LND case number).

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-10 16:04:00
United KingdomWatching 6 Nations Rugby in US

*cough* I clearly meant Hola. I've only just woken up.


You saw nothing here. :P

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-08 11:25:00
United KingdomWatching 6 Nations Rugby in US

My husband hasn't been successful finding much rugby on TV, but I think the satellite company DirectTV plays the most rugby of any provider. 


My husband uses the internet to watch, and then hooks his computer up the TV.  He says to try:



I advise against the use of DirecTV seeing as they're gits who cut the Weather Channel (one of the most useful channels ever especially if living in a storm/tornado area) off without warning, and then charge you massive cancellation fees for wanting to move elsewhere.


If it's being broadcast live on one of the terrestrial channels (BBC1, BBC2, ITV, C4) you can consider watching it online and live using Hola, an addon for browsers which pretty much lets you watch anything from any corner of the world.

Edited by Wheatley, 08 March 2014 - 11:25 AM.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-08 11:18:00
United KingdomInterview at the US Embassy in London

~Moved from K-1 Process to UK Regional Forum~

~Inquiry is country-specific~

(organizer hat off)


Welcome to the forum.


Take a look at the great pinned thread, located at the top of the UK Forum Page, for great information about the London embassy process.


Good luck on your visa journey.


This says it all. Though I unfortunately expect that despite reading the guide, questions will be asked which are covered in the guide...

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-10 16:00:00
United KingdomWhat is Packet 3 & 4?

Correct. Your other half in the UK will get P3 and P4, and you just need to get the I-134 and supporting documents over.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-11 11:26:00
United KingdomCan I choose the date of Medical Exam?

Hi all


I have been searching and can't seen to find an answer to my question.


Myself and my fiancé currently live in Mexico and started the K1 visa process but everything has happened quicker than we thought as I know need to arrange my medical in London but I don't leave Mexico until June! So my question is do I arrange the date of my medical myself and can it be in a few months time? I understand that when it comes to the interview I will need to bring a letter from my fiancé restating that he still wants to marry me as it will be past the deadline. 


Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. 


For what it's worth, I believe they only book a maximum of 4 or so weeks ahead. Have you actually tried ringing Knightsbridge and asking? The link to their Visa Medicals site is in the London K1 guide, after all.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-11 15:32:00
United KingdomWrong Birthdate on paperwork

Speak to a supervisor. It's a typical NVC tactic to fob people off. They took over 2 weeks to reply to an email of mine and in it they basically told me to sod off and contact the embassy.

VanitasMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-12 16:16:00