United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!

This is coming from curiosity only, and I don't mean any offense, but was it something you said? Did you get a question wrong, or did they just feel like the file from USCIS didn't already have what they considered "enough" evidence?

It's just sort of blowing my mind that kittylondon breezed through and you had so much trouble. I'm wondering what they consider enough.

It could have been something I said, only the CO could tell you that.
Enough evidence for the petition approval is not necessarily enough for visa approval, I get that.
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-30 15:15:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!

Yes, unprecedented in London for sure. Can you describe the interview person? I wonder if you and orangedesk had the same person. Same for the others like Kitty who wasn't asked. Maybe a new person joined the team.

The passport expiration is on their webpage so that's not new.

I'm pretty sure it's the same one kittylondon had today, at window 16. I would have said 30's, longish straight brown hair, glasses...Kate?? same one??
Yeah I was just trying to point out that they wanted the passport back too and what the blue form said really.
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-30 15:06:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!

Bad news - yeah, sucky and time consumiing

Good news - not a denial

Fix it, I am sure you have the evidence, maybe just didn't submit it?

Turn it in and you'll be fine, not a denial

Good luck

Exactly!! Thanks :thumbs:

God I am so sorry :crying:

But next time be more prepared and it will be better =)
As you can see my Husband is from England too, i hope his goes well.

Oh they will be getting a truckload :thumbs:
Good luck to your fella!

What is going on with London right now??? I thought they never asked for stuff like that! Did you have anything besides the photos as proof of your ongoing relationship? I have my interview next week and I only have a couple of photos of the two of us :S

Nope just took the 4 extra

Wow, yeah and the word on the street was that London cared less about extra evidence. I'm glad I'm making Julian take a bunch, just in case. Now after reading this, I plan to send more!!

Hang in there and just give them as much as you possible can....they asked for it!Posted Image

Indeed, she asked for it and will be getting it, and some :thumbs:
I asked her if she really wanted 13 months of chat logs? "the more the better"

Edited by Stu4Lee, 30 July 2012 - 03:02 PM.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-30 14:59:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!

Whoa. :( Sorry to hear this and DEFINITELY a new thing for London for what is a straightforward case. Glad to see you have a positive attitude about it though and that it's going to be easily overcome.

Why were they talking about lifetime bans? Can you give any context?

The implication being that it was all a sham, so was reminded of the oath I swore to, and that we both signed the forms as true and accurate etc and the consequences for me could be a lifetime ban from the US

Well it's not a sham and 13 months of chat logs will prove it, that's another tree gone then.

Got back from London this evening to find my pkt 4 letter on the doormat, made me laugh anyway.

Edited by Stu4Lee, 30 July 2012 - 02:57 PM.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-30 14:54:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!
Took a battering and a grilling at the interview, even got the "lifetime ban" tactic thrown at me.
Was re-called twice to the window!!

All I took was 4 additional photos to the ones submitted with the original petition, these were apparently "not demonstrative" enough though.
No tongue action I guess :blush:

So got the blue form for my trouble.

"You may be able to overcome a Section 221(g) refusal by submitting additional evidence to this office"

You must supply the following additional documentation -

Passport valid for at least 6 months after the expected date of entry to the US

Evidence of relationship, correspondence (cards and letters), emails, phone records etc demonstrating ongoing personal contact consistent with relationship

Down but definitely not out :no:

Edited by Stu4Lee, 30 July 2012 - 02:21 PM.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-30 14:20:00
United KingdomQuestion about medical ?
Pay on the day, it's the last thing you do at the medical, the only painful part :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-11-11 21:04:00
United Kingdomurgent- Interview at 8 AM ( mobile phone)
Open at 7:30am :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-11-12 17:34:00
United KingdomHere's where we are up to...
12 months for police certificate

6 months for medical

Now your case is at the Embassy you don't need to worry about NOA2 expiring. The expiry date is only for the petition to get there.
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-11-14 19:49:00
United KingdomI-94 Question
In Paris they were handed out at the boarding gate... "You don't need one you have a visa" OMG :bonk: :bonk:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-01-12 12:31:00
United KingdomTime between 221(g) reponse and receipt of visa
Of course everyone is different but ours was 16 days between courier collecting evidence and returning with passport and visa.

Good luck :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-10-23 10:51:00
United KingdomUK Police Records- mailing records back?
They will mail to an international address.
The standard fee includes return by 1st class UK or "standard airmail"
Other mailing options are set out on the form itself.
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-02-14 20:00:00
United KingdomWhat if I don't receive my interview letter in time?
I received no notification of my interview, I only found out by calling DOS who confirmed an interview was scheduled.
Good job I did too, my interview letter was on the doormat when I got home from the Embassy. I did actually lol when I saw it :lol:
I had no problems getting in without the letter, I was on the interview list outside security.
Good luck :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-03-01 21:40:00
United KingdomTo copy or not to copy

There was always a lot more to the case than Brit meets Yank and they want to marry.

Sorry but that is simply not true.
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-03-04 21:10:00
United KingdomSSA experience
It came in the post today :D
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-04-19 18:49:00
United KingdomSSA experience
Ended up having to wait for EAD as out of time on I-94.
CBP at RDU had no problem finding me so....go figure.
Got the same clueless clerk as first visit, she remembered me, I remember you too ffs!!!
Need the actual card for DMV so back to stalking the postman :yes:

Edited by Stu4Lee, 15 April 2013 - 12:23 PM.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-04-15 12:21:00
United KingdomSSA experience

i've written a bit about this - please see

Wish I had read this before I went, oh well thanks :thumbs:

My SSA experience wasn't as bad as yours, but it took a bit longer for my guy to get the card than originally expected. It did take the full four weeks. I've attached the first letter we received, which is probably the same as yours.

It's exactly the same letter :yes:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-01-12 23:00:00
United KingdomSSA experience

Clerk was wrong. Some clerks think that once you become married you are a K-3, but that is just wrong.

Go back and ask for a supervisor.

You are cutting it close though, how many days left do you have on your I-94? If less than 2 weeks, then you'll have to wait for EAD (looks like you have a couple of days at most).

I thought so.
I-94 expires Feb 25th, so still got 6 weeks
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-01-11 16:58:00
United KingdomSSA experience
Finally got around to getting down to the SSA today.

Hello, came on K-1 visa and applying for SSN card.
Are you married now?
Have you notified DHS you are now married?
Errrr nooooo, it's not a requirement
Your status has changed you need to notify them.
My marital status has changed, not my immigration status.(in my head I'm thinking ugh #######???)

Checks the system....we need verification of your status from DHS.

You mean 6 weeks after POE I'm still not in the system?
No sir.

Hands me the receipt/letter, may take up to 4 weeks to verify blah blah :bonk:

As Balotelli would say, "why always me" :whistle:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-01-11 15:36:00
United KingdomFree DMV practise tests
Just sharing a link I used for free DMV practise tests.
There is no registering required, take as many as you like and it's free :thumbs:

Just click the link and select your state.

Free DMV practise test
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-04-23 16:58:00
United Kingdompolice report

Even with a "no trace" you could still have been arrested, convicted etc as certain offences committed before 1996 were not recorded on the PNC.


Question 38 on DS-156 specifically asks "Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offence or crime even though subject of a pardon, amnesty or other similar legal action?"......"


So you could have a "no trace" police report in your possession yet still have had an arrest and conviction.


It is down to the conscience of the individual whether or not to admit it in answering that question.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-06-11 22:33:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

Not suggesting anything. It was just a question because I couldn't come up with a reason I had researched where they would know.

Your questions at the medical were because of the alcohol. They are charged with determining mental health including addictions. That is specifically why they ask to see a police report and look for drug or alcohol related offenses. Had you said you were arrested for letting the air out of tires or driving without MOT, they wouldn't have been so interested.



They wouldn't know, it is simply a question of conscience.


Yes, I know why they were asked, that wasn't the point. They were only asked because I answered "yes" to the arrest question.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-07-25 23:34:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

Well, without having to tell us details, what happened?  


If you have a police certificate with "No trace" then you're clean and you shouldn't have anything that requires disclosure.


If you get "No live trace" then you have something on the records that you should declare (and get a subject access report for).  Lying about having no record then coming back with a "No Live Trace" certificate would be tricky.

Not true. I don't know where that "myth" started but it is frequently spouted on this site.

Your point about a "no live trace" is absolutely correct.


But I did get a fine, so it did. What I am after is not speculation, but info from someone who has done it. I know people have "no live trace" so they have to say something, so I am not worried about the conviction as it was minor and 33 years ago.

I have seen one guy here who had no trace but told them he had a conviction for driving with no insurance, they didnt care. But I assume he had been to the US on ESTA or visa but I do not know that.

I am not speculating, I have done it.

I admitted to having been arrested and convicted when asked at the medical. The doctor didn't say, "oh I see you have a "no trace" there is no need for me to ask this question"  The question was asked and I answered truthfully.

I also answered yes to Q38 on DS-156.

I had a "no trace" too but with a DD conviction from 1984, I went to court and was fined and banned for 12 mths.

When I received my Police cert I fully expected it to be on there but it wasn't. I called ACRO to see if there had been some mistake.


see here http://www.visajourn...16#entry5470947


I was questioned at the medical about my "drink problem", not the conviction, several times during it too.

At the visa interview first window, where docs are handed over, I was asked why had answered yes on the DS form but had a "no trace" Police cert. I explained what ACRO had told me and it was pretty much shrugged off by the person who took the docs to be honest and not even mentioned by the CO, she had another agenda though.

No SAR was asked for or given.

ACRO had told me it wouldn't be on a SAR in any case. Looking back now I guess took a chance not having it as back-up evidence. 


I am in no way advising anyone in similar circumstances what to do here.  You must make your own judgment call.



How does anyone (Embassy, ESTA, CBP, USCIS) know about it unless you tell them? There is no written record.

Are you suggesting that folk should lie at the medical (because the question is asked there too) and to Q38 on DS-156 ?


I guess it's one for the individual consciense.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-07-25 22:16:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Visa approved! I will post a review of my interview shortly. Good luck to everyone that has an interview coming up, and thank you so much to NichNick and everyone that has helped me along the way!

Congrats :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-02-07 23:47:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I don't think DOS gives out dates or if the actual date is even recorded.

Yep they do, that's how I found out my interview date, by calling DOS.
The actual pkt 4 letter was on the doormat at home the very afternoon I returned home from the interview, would have missed it if I hadn't called :bonk:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2013-01-15 23:46:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Which number do you call for information about your interview date? (earlier in this thread people mentioned calling and finding out that they're interview eligible)

Paul had his medical October 9th and sent his readiness packet on October 12th and we still haven't heard anything, I realize there is still time before I should start freaking out lol but on the packet's cover letter we told them that our wedding date was set for november 23rd (and I also realize that they don't have to pay attention to that lol) but I keep waking up at night thinking omg what if they booked the interview before we got the letter!? (meaning the interview is set for the 4th and we get the letter on the 6th)

Call DOS and ask if your interview has been confirmed and that you are on the list.
You can get into the interview without your letter, they will just check the list outside asking for passport ID.
When I got home from London the letter was on the doormat, if we hadn't called DOS I would have missed the interview.
Good luck :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-11-07 07:20:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Does anyone know why the CO has asked us to provide an I-864? We brought the 134 and tax transcripts to the interview and I make well above poverty, thoughts?

Have you actually seen the scanned blue form yet?

It's a generic form that mentions I-864 all over it, has it been mis-read to you perhaps?

Other than this curve-ball, you already have everything else you need to submit to satisfy the refusal, more than enough from what you have told me. You just needed to fill in the gaps between June and interview date, you have that covered already, no need for another trip in my opinion.

Edit - my 221(g) form was quite clear on what was needed for evidence, the CO wrote next to the Other ticked box "evidence for relationship - correspondence, emails, phone records etc demonstrating ongoing personal contact consistent with relationship"

Edited by Stu4Lee, 27 October 2012 - 08:45 PM.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-10-27 20:35:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Well you spent about as much time together as we did, how have you maintained contact since Feb?

Gather together anything and everything that you have ever sent to each other..
Chat logs (plus screenshots)
Phone records
Skype records (plus screenshots)
Cards (birthday, Xmas, Valentine, missing you, thank you, good luck, anything etc)
Letters (does anyone send these still?)

Possibly consider getting letters from folk that know and have met you both, and would swear to your relationship, if possible a dated photo with that person also.

It's a difficult one, especially if cash is tight and then him possibly getting turned away at at a US POE, even a tourist visa won't guarantee entry, especially now. (sorry I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer here)

The most important thing is to get your evidence together asap and get it submitted, there is still time before Christmas to get approved.

I don't know if it's relevant to you, in that you want to generate more evidence, but what I submitted was only up to the date of interview.

Edited by Stu4Lee, 25 October 2012 - 05:10 PM.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-10-25 17:09:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Stu does the NO2 expire or anything? Will he have trouble coming here on a tourist visa to visit. I'd love to have him here for Christmas to spend time with me and my family. I think that would really help!

Your 221g has given you a year from date of interview, NOA2 is pretty much irrelevant now you have been given that.

He has a tourist visa?? or did you mean using VWP ??
I doubt anyone can answer that for sure though, either way I would have thought he would have more trouble than normal.

Is this trip for generating evidence?
Sorry, I don't know how many times you have met and for how long, or how you have been maintaining your relationship.
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-10-25 16:25:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Sorry to hear that Mary...

First of all don't panic, as you rightly said it's not a denial, all is not lost, it can be overcome.

You have a year to get the evidence to them, just be aware of your medical and police certificate expiries though.
(It tells you that on the 221(g) blue form)
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-10-25 15:04:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Hi, I'm seeking an answer to the prior post above but can't seem to find it. If I (US Pet) called an paid the MRV fee and now we have the PDF receipt, and he is the applicant who signs, do I need to sign at all? This is confusing and don't want to send him off without the signature if it's needed.

He answered it in Post 71, signed it himself :thumbs:

Edited by Stu4Lee, 18 October 2012 - 09:12 AM.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-10-18 09:11:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

If there's anything I've missed, please let me know!

Don't forget a card to pay the courier :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-31 09:11:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Thanks. I don't have a wedding date but don't think you need to put that down. I have all documents apart from the i134 which I will collect from my fiance when I visit her in 3 weeks and photos which are easy to put together. Will also have a small bit of relationship evidence (photos, boarding passes) to take after last weeks interview.

I am sure I always read that I only needed 1 US passport photo for the it seems it require 3. Could someone clear that up?

Photographs: Three color photographs which meet Department of State specifications. These photographs must be full-face and taken within the last six (6) months. Note: Of the three photographs, two (2) are required for the visa and one (1) for your medical examination.

Yes that what I did. Aslong as you have your affidavit of support, pay slips, tax transcripts etc from your fiance.

You also have to send a covering letter, giving your email address, phone number, date of wedding (if known) there's an example on here somewhere.

Ditto this :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-28 10:39:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread


Off to Selfridges for champagne!!

Congrats on your approval!!
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-28 09:09:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
If you have asked for a short notice interview on your cover letter, it is worth calling DOS (202-663-1225) on a regular basis to see if an interview date has been allocated. Your pkt 4 letter may not arrive in time for your interview and you would not know otherwise.

Yes I am in that boat, my letter will now not be here in time for the interview on Monday, so as frustrating as it might be to keep hearing the same response, keep calling them.
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-28 09:06:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Stu4Lee i think Nich Nick and others advice is not "Do not under any circumstances bring evidence" its more "Don't waste your time putting a disatation together"

Most of us will have photos with our partner and it takes 10 miniutes to print of a some photos at a small cost.

Its not difficult to keep some boarding passes, hotel receipts and and old phone cards so thats what I will take along with photos just in case.

I hadn't planned on taking anything to be honest. It won't take long to throw a few bits together.

That's a very good question. We did include photos with the I-129F package, but not that many, maybe only 5 or so. Maybe the interviewer wanted to see pictures to show that we've visited more times since we filed, the relationship is still ongoing, etc. We did bring different photos than what we included in the I-129F, my hair was longer, different seasons, etc.

Glad you had what you needed with you anyway :thumbs:

Hey everyone!

Update on the question I asked about not having anyone to sign the photo for the police certificate: We called ACRO, they said they don't have to know you for 2 years they just have to know of you for 2 years and if you don't have anyone on the list you have to try and find the closest thing, ie: don't know a nurse but you do know a radiographer (someone who takes X-rays) ect. I'm glad though because we got all that sent off today just came back form the post office :)

I found them to be quite flexible, good news you got it sorted out :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-26 11:36:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

The biggest and most unexpected thing is that the interviewer asked my guy for pictures of us. Luckily, we came prepared with a binder of itineraries from all the times we've met and had about 15 or so pictures of us (2 from each visit). The interviewer then spent time actually looking at the pictures, asking him to point me out in the pictures, where we were, who other people were in some of the pictures, etc. This was obviously no problem to explain, but definitely unexpected considering all the other reviews of people saying that they don't ask for evidence of that sort of thing.

Congrats on the approval!!!

Got me thinking, considering what has been said here before about interview evidence, did you send in any photos with your I-129F package??
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-25 14:04:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
I had to call them with a proof of address query, they are very helpful :thumbs:


I don't know anyone from the list of endorsers. Who can sign my photograph?

Please contact ACRO Customer Services on 0845 60 13 999.
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-18 07:26:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Dave was charged with interference with a vehicle(when he was 18) and theft from a vehicle(when he was 19). He's 46 we understand it, w/2 charges of "moral turpitude" a denial is mandatory. :( He has to prove he's rehabilitated. :) He's had no trouble since those charges, so I'm hoping, praying we get the waiver approved.

Sounds like they have no discretion :(
I'm sorry I don't have any advice to offer you, hope you get a fast resolution :thumbs:
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-15 16:29:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Oh my, sorry to hear that Sherri.
What were the 2 offences?
Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-13 11:50:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

went to download the police form today and it says

"ACRO are introducing a new version of the Police Certificate application form on 6th August 2012 in support of a revised pricing structure. The application form will be available to download via the links below, and hard copies will be available on request from the Customer Services team at ACRO.

As a result of this change, ACRO will only be able to accept the new version of the application form (Version 18 August 2012) from 31st August 2012. After this time, all previous versions will be rejected and ACRO will require a new form to be submitted before an application can be processed."

I won't be having my interview until September...does this mean I need a new certificate.

No, it's the application form that is changing, not the certificate.
Looks like the prices are changing though, sure to be going up right, get it in now :thumbs:

eta - replies just like buses :lol:

Edited by Stu4Lee, 05 July 2012 - 09:48 AM.

Stu4LeeMaleEngland2012-07-05 09:44:00