IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe are on our way....

I am quite certain it will be over soon. Wishing you guys all the best

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-10-30 15:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe are on our way....

Just received my Waybill # and check, Status says out for delivery. I am more than grateful and elated at this point. Can't wait for him to come even though it won't be until after Thanksgiving. Either way, after all our roadblocks and disappointment, another month will not hurt.


I feel so blessed and appreciative of all the encouraging words from the Jamaican VJ members and most of all I must give all praises to the Most High God for stepping in right on time.


JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-10-30 14:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa in hand baby!!!!!
Let the celebration begins...less than one week after interview, he received his visa today...words can't express the overwhelming joy I feel.
JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-10-31 17:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPaperwork

Thank you.

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-11-22 08:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPaperwork
Thank you
JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 19:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPaperwork

Thank I guess that means I will have to re-apply for a new one since no copies were made.

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 11:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPaperwork

I have a question, does anyone whose spouse travel recently knows whether or not you get back all your records that you submit at the interview. Particularly the police record. If not, is there a way to get a copy or do I have to have my spouse re-apply for one. Reason for this is he has a interview with a hotel a few days after his arrival, and the manager told me that he would a criminal record would suffice along with other information (which I can get) since he won't have one here.



Thanks for all your help

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 10:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCR1 Approved Today!! Cautiously Elated...
Congrats BethAnn, you were worried for no reason....all the best to the both of you.
JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-11-26 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Stuck On Ready After Approval

BethAnn, I hope it changes soon so that you do not have to make the 2nd trip to travel with your spouse. After our interview on Oct. 25, it changed to ready later in the day and then Oct. 28 status changed to issue. He received his passport back with his visa on Oct. 30th. CO had told him he would have it in 10 days and it took less than 10 days. I am praying that something happens today...Best of luck

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-12-04 09:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaALMOST NO SEAT TO FLY COLOMBIA TO USA ... AIRLINE almost FULL
Jet blue or spirit
bc4012MaleColombia2013-12-10 21:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow they do it ?

I think they will e-mail packet 3/4.  I agree that the flow charts can be helpful but I don't think the Colombia one has been updated in quite some time.

P.S. how many days since you received the e-mail saying they transferred the case to NVC?

bc4012MaleColombia2013-10-19 08:34:00
CaribbeanBirth Certificates

Is it possible to order BC for children on the RGD website? If so what additional information will we need and if you know the cost? Havent done any research yet, just asking to see if anyone has gone through this...Thanks

I'd encourage you stay ON TOP of this agency. They are NOT known for their efficiency or being on time with their deliverables. Try to order the BCs well before time so you won't have to order express processing e.g. 7-days, because I can almost guarantee you it will NOT happen in 7 days. Keep the copy of your application and the receipt of your application status so that you'll have records if anything goes awry with your order.
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-12 16:18:00
CaribbeanJAMAICA: Starting Shots BEFORE Medical

Yeah, I guess you'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully you won't get stuck with any extras! Good luck islandlady and hope your interview goes smooth. :yes:

Thanks Trojam!
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-15 09:29:00
CaribbeanJAMAICA: Starting Shots BEFORE Medical

Hubby went with no card n got 2 shots. once u get ur interview date then schedule for the medical cuz u will need ur appointment le
tter to bring with u.

Oh for sure Princess... I'm IMPATIENTLY waiting for the interview date. If you don't mind my asking, what's your hubby's age group and what 2 shots did he receive?

congrats on your cc. my wife will get her second hepatitis shot on monday and have medical on wed 4/18. will keep you informed..


Yes, hep b is highly recommended and mandatory for some people in the US...but, for certain age catagories it is NOT mandatory for immigration purposes. It probably should be, but unless your wife is under 18, it really wasn't necessary for visa. This is the most recent schedule of vaccines I could find on USCIS website..maybe someone else can do better, but this is what panel physicians would have received and should be following (technically): See pages 7-10

I'm with you on this one trojam... based on my reading the shots required are age-based... but at the end of the day it's what the panel physician says/does, after all our speculating and research. I'm not seeing hep shots in the chart for my age range. I'll definitely wait for the medical to have them determine what shots I need.
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-13 10:06:00
CaribbeanJAMAICA: Starting Shots BEFORE Medical

This is strange, I have never heard of an adult whon had to take that many shots. If you would look at the sho5ts that are required most of them are required as a child so an adult would only be taking those that are requirements for an adult. Also, never knew anyone who had to take a series of shots, unless your wife showed signs of TB that would be different.

I'm thinking these same thing. Based on the info I read at this link - CDC - Technical Instructions to Panel Physicians re Vaccinations (scroll to the bottom of the page to see the table), I surmised that I would need 3-4 shots, depending on what's available here in Jamaica:
  • Tetanus booster
  • MMR (maybe?)
  • Varicella (available in Ja? Not sure)
  • Current 'flu shot (available in Ja? Not sure)

NO his regular GP did the blood test. He chose to have the titres done instead of getting shots, apart from Tdap which is a booster that we all are supposed to have every 10yrs. He knew he had MMR shot, and the chicken pox as a child...sure enough, his blood test showed immunity so he didn't have to repeat them.(i am a nurse so I knew this could be done instead) He hates jabs and deals better with blood draw?! :wacko:

Posted Image at the blood draw vs jabs!!! Thing is, I don't know that the titres are available in Jamaica either Posted Image

IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-12 08:13:00
CaribbeanJAMAICA: Starting Shots BEFORE Medical

Hi, just wait for the medical and get the shots. The dr's are now being very picky and they are not accepting the shot records from the clinic. Plus, the clinic may not have the shots med you will need so don't stress your self out before hand.

Thanks Life... that's what I've been hearing, which is why I posted the question. I don't understand the logic though: so they only accept the shots that they themselves give? Wow. I'm leaning towards the option you're recommending - I don't want to spend twice the time and money for immunizations.

my wife had the same issue. lost her vaccine card and could not find records in buff bay, so she took them again. its about 4 or 5 shots. there is one that has a 6 week period between first and second shot. my wife will get the second in 2 weeks. you should start right now...

Your wife's interview has just been scheduled, right? How soon will she be doing her medical? Has she spoken to anyone at the facility to find out if they will accept the shots that she's gotten already?

Edited by IslandLady, 11 April 2012 - 11:22 PM.

IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-11 23:21:00
CaribbeanJAMAICA: Starting Shots BEFORE Medical

Really? That's a shame...if you have documentation that you've had the shots, it shouldn't matter where or when you get them. Did you call the visa medical facility where you will be going to ask about this?

I'll be calling them tomorrow.
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-11 16:11:00
CaribbeanJAMAICA: Starting Shots BEFORE Medical

At your age you should only need Tdap, MMR & Varicella. The Varicella vaccine is not available in some countries, so check on that. My husband had a blood test (titres) done for proof of immunity to Measles/Mumps/Rubella & Varicella (instead of re-doing shots), and only received the Tdap vaccine at his local doctor. You can have vaccines done by the panel physician but they charge quite a bit usually. If you can get some for free at your regular doc. I recommend saving yourself some money. Their are other optional vaccines but most are recommended for ill, elderly, or children.

Thanks Trojam227. I've been reading some posts from Jamaicans that say sometimes when you get the shots on your own within 4-8 weeks of the medical, it causes a problem and the panel physician re-schedule the medical - which of course effectively delays the whole process. That's why I want to find out the experiences of people here in Jamaica. As you've pointed out, if starting the shots on my own means saving money and time, then that's what I'll do. But I don't want to unnecessarily risk any delay in the processing of my case.
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-11 15:29:00
CaribbeanJAMAICA: Starting Shots BEFORE Medical

Your Dr. should know what shots you may need. There is no problem in getting them done now. This way when you go for your physical through an required Dr through the embassy you will not have to get them then. It may say you money in the end. I had my husband make sure his was all set just knowing in the end that he is going to need them on record.

Thank you Posted Image

IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-11 14:08:00
CaribbeanJAMAICA: Starting Shots BEFORE Medical
Question to Jamaican filers who've gone through this before:

I'm approaching the end of my NVC processing. I figure that at BEST, I'll get an interview date for at LEAST one month away. Should I start getting my shots now, or should I wait on the medical? I have no vaccination records from school days, so I'll have to start all over again. I'm in my early 40s ( I'm told that age determines what shots/boosters are needed).

Edited by IslandLady, 11 April 2012 - 11:15 AM.

IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-11 11:14:00

Sitting at work and text message received. Was like what now! YES NOA2 APPROVED!!!!!!!! Cant Stop shaking!! Called my husband and he is so excited! Still Shaking!! Trying not to cry here at work! Just under five months. Praying does really work! Thank you Vermont Service Center for continuing being fast processors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now for NVC... and be sure to read and follow the shortcuts... they work! Check here: NVC Filers - May 2012, read the 1st 2 posts in that thread, and be sure to have all your paperwork sorted out and ready. God willing, once you get your NVC case number, it's possible for your case to be completed and ready for scheduling in 1 month.

IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-05-04 19:00:00
CaribbeanJamaica Filers - Police Report

Hello - again

I can't locate any recent topics on this subject for JA filers. Can any of you tell me how much it costs for express? And can you do this in St. Mary?


This process is so fun!!

The cost for 5-day express service is $2,000, which you can pay at any tax office. There's a processing office in Pompano Bay St. Mary where you can get the fingerprints done, and you can collect the certificate in 5 business days. Here's a link to the information, from the Jamaica Constabulary Force website: How to Obtain A Police Certificate
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-05-11 23:09:00
CaribbeanRe US Embassy in Kingston: BLUE SHEET vs YELLOW SHEET

My co-worker got a blue sheet and it wasn't a refusal, I was a request for more evidence. The sheet has many different options. As far as I know the white sheet is what you get for refusal. I saw that when I was there, a lady got a white sheet and was told that her file would be sent back and the application denied, she wasn't being honest. The yellow sheet has the same options as the blue sheet, i saw mostly kids getting that one though. Don't think the sheets are refusals at all though, they just need something from you when you get that sheet.

Thanks kelad! Sounds as though the blue and yellow sheets are very similar. I got a yellow sheet asking for AOS from Joint Sponsor. All the other options on that sheet seem to be related to sponsor/income/citizenship proof/ marriage documentation.
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-06-26 17:31:00
CaribbeanRe US Embassy in Kingston: BLUE SHEET vs YELLOW SHEET
To the Jamaicans who have been through the US embassy process recently... does anyone know what difference is there, if any, between the BLUE refusal sheet and the YELLOW sheet? As far as I know they're both asking for more information before processing the petition further; does anyone know anything else?
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-06-25 14:17:00
CaribbeanAny Idea How Long?

Hello. Just send an email to . Include your case number and the name and just simply ask for the appointment date. They will let you know the date and may attach the actual letter. Good luck!

Does it work that way for IR1/CR1 cases, or just for K1 visas? I thought that for the IR1/CR1, the appointment scheduling happens through the NVC, without the applicant emailing the embassy...?
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-07-12 12:32:00
CaribbeanAny Idea How Long?

Does anyone (preferrably people dealing with the Jamaican consulate)Know how long the nvc takes to get an appointment date sent out? how has the time frame been for the last 3 months to now? i am really hoping to have atleast a late august, first or second week of september interview for my husband. Does anyone think they would go over into october or would that be way too late for them to assign one seeing that they finished my case last week?

I think the NVC has been taking about 2 weeks to 1 month to assign interview dates for Jamaican applicants. VERY generally speaking the interview dates for the Kingston embassy have been roughly 2 months from the 'case complete' date at NVC. My case was complete in mid-April and I got a late June interview. In your case I think a September interview is a realistic expectation. On the other hand you have to be open because you're gonna get the date you're gonna get, you know what I mean? You should probably search through the Jamaican portal and look at the timelines of IR1/CR1 applicants with interview dates assigned.

All the best and I hope your husband's interview gets assigned real soon. The waiting can be the worst part; just encourage him to take the time to be prepared for the upcoming steps.

IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-07-09 19:36:00
CaribbeanHome With Hubby at Last

Welcome to the US and congrats :) :dance: :star:

Thanks!!! Posted ImagePosted Image
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-06-29 19:57:00
CaribbeanHome With Hubby at Last
This chapter of my visa journey is done. Last night I POE'd in Ft. Lauderdale with my hubby, who had made the trip to Jamaica with me to be there for the interview. I'm so thankful to God, to hubby, and to VJ. This journey has been VERY eventful, but God's hand has been in it through the ups and downs. I'm starting a new life with my beloved now and I'm SO grateful that we're able to live together... Skype and Magic Jack are gonna miss us BIG time!!! Posted Image
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-06-29 19:50:00
CaribbeanMy Medical Exam at Andrews Memorial Hospital, Kingston, Jamaica

Thanks for the info... Will definitely pass it on to my fiancé.

You're welcome!
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-05-23 18:27:00
CaribbeanMy Medical Exam at Andrews Memorial Hospital, Kingston, Jamaica

Wow, that's a long process. Thanks for the update. It's really helpful. Now I know I'll have to get there early when my medical time comes around.

...don't forget the book! Posted Image

Oh, and one other thing: space in the waiting area is limited, so adults accompanying other adults are asked to wait in the main lobby area of the hospital, to free up chairs.

IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-05-22 13:36:00
CaribbeanMy Medical Exam at Andrews Memorial Hospital, Kingston, Jamaica
I had my medical today at Andrews Memorial Hospital in Kingston. It was an ALL-DAY process! I've detailed the process below, but here's the summary:

  • Carry a good book, a snack and a drink/water. I was there from 9:05 am to 3:25 pm.
  • COSTS: JAD$17,650 / USD$202.88
  • Medical - JAD$9,900
  • Tetanus vaccine - JAD$4,80
  • MMR vaccine - JAD$1,200
  • Varicella vaccine - JAD$1,750

I got there at about 9:05 am. They had told me on the phone that they do visa medicals from 10-12 a.m., and it's on a first-come-first-served basis. So I thought I'd be early. Wrong! There were MANY people there ahead of me. One lady I spoke with, told me that she was told they do visa medicals from 8-10 a.m.

They directed me to the main office where I gave my name and they registered me. The agent instructed me to write my name on the back of all 4 photos, verified that I had a filled-out medical exam form, my passport valid for at least 6 months, and my visa interview letter, then told me to wait outside and listen for my name.

At LEAST 1.5 hours later (!!!) I was called back into the office. Another agent took my paperwork, passport and photos and gave me paperwork and instructions for my labs. I was to do a blood test and a chest x-ray.

The blood test was done pretty quickly. I had to then go BACK to the main office area, wait AGAIN for my name to be called by a nurse, who took my vitals... weight, height, blood pressure, temperature. Then I got more paperwork and was sent off to the radiology dept. for my chest x-ray.
In that department, I gave the agent the paperwork and my passport, and was, again, told to wait. After another 20 minutes, I was sent to another waiting area, where I WAITED for about half an hour before I was called to do the x-ray.

X-rays took about 20 minutes to get done, and I made my way back to the main office area, where I WAITED for over an hour to be examined by the doctor. She looked at my history, filled out paperwork, looked at the additional records I had brought and asked me some questions, then did the exam. It was routine - eyes, ears, mouth, breathing, knees, lymph nodes, feet, breast exam, etc. Then we discussed my history (I've had measles twice, never had chicken pox, I'm in my 40s - and sent me to get the tetanus/diptheria, MMR, and varicella (chicken pox) shots.

I had to wait for at least 45 minutes to get those 3 shots... then I was done. At 3:25 pm I was walking out of the hospital.

IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-05-21 19:56:00
CaribbeanBOOM!!! Yardie Pardie ova here!! Positive vibez ONLY
OK so honestly... I've checked on this thread several times but I guess nobody STAYS here because there's no focused discussion on any issue, visa-related or otherwise. It's just 'whaapn, waagwaan?' That's a very quick convo... not a lasting thread.
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2012-04-13 11:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Questions
They know the length of stay from your I-94 records - the little card that's detached from the immigration form you fill out and give to the officer when you enter the USA.

That's why it's so important that you make sure the check-in agent takes your I-94 when you're leaving the USA. If you've ever had to renew a visitor's (B1/B2) or any other kind of non-immigrant visa, you've probably been asked what's the duration of your longest stay in the USA. And they already know the answer.
IslandLadyFemaleJamaica2011-10-29 13:20:00
CaribbeanVisa Issued and awaiting pick up @ DHL

Congrats...really wonderful news.

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-08-27 07:06:00
CaribbeanCase Under Review at NVC

Hi BethAnn,


I would say the whole process with NVC takes about one month to a month and a half. When I did the process, everything went fairly quickly. The sooner you get the requested forms and information to the them, the faster the process. In you have your KGN case # you can check the status online at https://ceac.state.g...ker/Status.aspx.


1. AOS

2. Invoice to Pay IV Fee

3. Choice of Agent Form

4. Checklist and information for DS-260.

Once they get the DS-260, it takes about a week or 2 before the schedule the interview. I hope this helps.



JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-08-30 12:48:00
CaribbeanVisa Approved! God is great!!!

Congrats...dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif and all the best on the rest of your journey.

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-09-09 07:56:00
CaribbeanForms to bring to CR1 Interview Kingston

Well I believe it is all about being well prepared and confident on that day. Don't give them anything to second guess and both of you will be ok.

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-10-03 12:37:00
CaribbeanForms to bring to CR1 Interview Kingston

That's about it, the medical is sent directly to the embassy, unless it changed recently. but prepare a folder with as much info as possible for him to bring to the interview.


Wishing you guys all the best on that day.

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-10-03 12:27:00
CaribbeanForms to bring to CR1 Interview Kingston



The beneficiary still needs to bring proof of an ongoing relationship, phone records, email log, photos and anything that is relevant to show that the relationship is real and ongoing. Don't rely on information sent to the USCIS to be enough. I did and our case was denied because they said we did not have enough proof of ongoing relationship. Now we are awaiting a second interview after re-affirm case.

JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-10-03 12:16:00
CaribbeanAm i the only one missing Air Jamaica's flights

Thanks BeanCamp, just downloaded the app to my phone.



JamaicanshortyFemaleJamaica2013-11-01 14:42:00