CaribbeanSdo- Got interview date by e-mail
I am so happy I got my interview date , by e-mail.
Today I e-mailed the dominican consulate in the morning and they answered me in the afternoon with my interview date for march 18.
My case is in santo domingo from nov 21.
I hope everybody that is waiting get their interview date soon.
You feel better knowing your interview date :)
God bless you all who are waiting.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-30 14:48:00
Caribbeandominican republic visa
In 5 or 8 bussines days, all depends where you live
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-09 05:23:00
CaribbeanInterview updated list
I got my interview date e-mailing the consulate today, I sent the e-mail in the morning and they answered me in the afternoon.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-30 21:33:00
CaribbeanInterview updated list

My fiance called to 202 485 7600 I think, and they told him call to santo domingo. :(

202 485 7600 that was the number that my fiance called, but they told him call to santo domingo, maybe he didnt know to ask correctelly
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-27 22:55:00
CaribbeanInterview updated list

I love my man y didn't u call dos?

My fiance called to 202 485 7600 I think, and they told him call to santo domingo. :(
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-27 22:53:00
CaribbeanInterview updated list
I e-mailed the dominican consulate, I hope on monday have answer, they have answered all my e-mail very quick
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-27 18:24:00
CaribbeanInterview updated list
They dont update at the end of the month like they say at the wedsite.
The list online has almost 3 months without updating.
I hope for january they are going to update,
They have to, because the list is already old .

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-27 02:29:00
CaribbeanInterview updated list
Mine is there from november 21, I e-mail them almost every week and nothing yet.
I hope next year bring good news.
January is here.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-26 20:00:00
CaribbeanInterview updated list
Who knows, let's cross fingers that they update at the begin of january, I am waiting interview date.
My papers are at the consulate after a month.
Peoples says that they update at the begin of the month but that hasnt passed the last 2 month I guess , I check the list every week and it is the same from october.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-26 19:48:00
Caribbeanwaiting on sdo interview date

I see that a lot of people that were approved around the same time as me (October 24) got interview dates . Congrats to all of them. I was not going to think about interview dates until mid January since everything is so slow right now, but now in hopeful that I might get it before January ! I just emailed the embassy since I don't really trust the list and DOS is closed. I never call NVC because they never know anything lol -.-

Wish me luck. I'd be super happy if it was for March since that is his birthday month so it would just be great ?

I wish the best luck .
But I have noticed that all people that our papers arrive to dr on nov, got interview date for march.
Maybe you are lucky and het it earlier than march.
One person that was approved the same day than me, got her interview date for march 31, and I got mine for march 18. I was lucky got mine days before.
I guess that january and february are full.
Good lucky

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-31 04:20:00
CaribbeanPacket 4 Dominican Republic
But dont worry about packet 4, you just start the process.
Be patient and pray God all the time, this is a streesful process

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-31 12:56:00
CaribbeanPacket 4 Dominican Republic
Form sd-160 and form I-156k only that
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-31 12:53:00
CaribbeanInterview Dates

Whats anyones advice about the chance of them possibly giving our cita when im too close to my due date. Cancel and reschedule our cita? Have him go alone and explain? Yikes I know. But???

Send your question to the dominican consulate:
They answer in 2 bussines days, or the same day sometimes

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-01 14:59:00
CaribbeanInterview Dates

Whats anyones advice about the chance of them possibly giving our cita when im too close to my due date. Cancel and reschedule our cita? Have him go alone and explain? Yikes I know. But???

You can calcel and reschedule, but you can send medical papers to show that you cant travel.
Any way they arent going to cancel the petition, if they dont approve they will give him an oppent apoinment until you can come, but if you send doctors papers I think he can go alone and be successful

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-01 14:46:00
CaribbeanInterview Dates
The messagevthat you get from nvc on ceac, it is a general message, tgey type that message to everybody about the interview.
Here in sdo you have to wait tgat the consulate asign the date.
You can see diferents timelines, and ckeck that after the case arrive to dr , they schedule the interview for 3 or four months after arriving.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-31 04:11:00
CaribbeanInterview Dates

Thanks to all that replied. I will email the consulate in about 10 days.

My case arrived to sdo on nov 21, and they asigned my interview day just yesterday dec 30.
So you need to wait more than 10 days to get your interview date, anyway you can e-mail them , they answer quick.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-31 04:06:00
CaribbeanSdo- supongo que asi asignan la cita

I thought maybe you would want help from anyone on vj. It does help to get the help from a broader audience. IJS

Thanks I thought that was in bad way, because maybe you dont like people that speak in spanish.
Excuse me.

Thanks I thought that was in bad way, because maybe you dont like people that speak in spanish.
Excuse me.

Thanks for take the time and translate

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-02 06:25:00
CaribbeanSdo- supongo que asi asignan la cita

Eso estaba queriendo saber yo. Porque si el mio llego primero, estoy taaaan despues de ti jjjj . Pero me imajino que es por el orden alfabetico d el que esta solicitando. O sea yo , y no el. Porque mi apellido es con P y el d el con D .

Pero como tu dijiste, lo bueno es que tenemos cita :D estoy super emocionadaaa. Ya comiensan los preparativos

yo creia que era por el apellido del beneficiario, pero ahora que dice que el apellido de tu novio empieza con D , tu cita seria antes que la mia porque mi apellido empieza con G, pero tiene razon cuando dices que es por el apellido del peticionario, tu apellido empieza con P y el de mi amorcito con M,

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-02 06:21:00
CaribbeanSdo- supongo que asi asignan la cita

Hello everyone and happy new year, and God let us get together soon with our loved one, and family.
in this time of waiting cites thinks all, I know all of us in this process we do the same , think and think and re- thought , we searched and searched and read information .
I thought them to assign appointments allocated by the arrival to the consulate , so when I saw a person whose case came with mine , he was assigned an appointment for March 31 , I thought my serious date that date and who arrived on the same date November 21 , but to my surprise my quote was they assigned before March 18 , then I saw another case that came to the consulate before mine and the event was assigned after mine , but another if I arrive in December , we then say of us, have an appointment in early March .
As I began to think how they were doing that, and looking at the initials of the name makes sense that they order the appointment by alphabetical order , not the date they arrive at the consulate , ie to sort appointments each month is by SURNAME , not which came first.
The important thing is to have our quotation does not matter if at the beginning or end of the month , God bless us, every day of our entrevisa . :) :) :) :) :) :)

I posted in spanish, because at the regional forums we can type in our own lengguage.
That are the rules, in regional you can post in your home country lengguage

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-01 10:30:00
CaribbeanSdo- supongo que asi asignan la cita
Hola a todos y muy feliz año nuevo, y que Dios permita que pronto nos reunamos con nuestro ser amado, y familiares.
en este tiempo de esperar la cita una piensa de todo, yo se que todos los que estamos en este proceso hacemos lo mismo, pensamos y pensamos y volvemos a pensa, leemos y buscamos y buscamos informaciones.
Yo pensaba que para asignar las citas ellos la asignaban por la fecha de llegada al consulado, asi que cuando vi que a una persona cuyo caso llego junto con el mio, le asignaron su cita para el 31 de marzo, yo pense que mi cita seria para esa fecha ya que llegaron en la misma fecha nov 21, pero para mi sorpresa mi cita fue asignada antes marzo 18, luego vi otro caso que llego al consulado antes que el mio y la cita se la asignaron despues de la mia, Pero otro caso que llego en diciembre , es decir luego de los de nosotros , tiene cita a principio de marzo.
Por lo que me puse a pensar como ellos hacian eso, y mirando las iniciales de los apellido tiene sentido que ellos ordenan la cita por orden alfabetico, no por la fecha en que llegan al consulado, es decir para ordenar las citas de cada mes es por los appellidos, no por cual llego primero.
Lo importante es tener nuestra cita no importa si a principio o a final del mes, que Dios nos bendiga a todos el dia de nuestra entrevisa. :) :) :) :) :) :)

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-01 10:04:00
CaribbeanUS Embassy in Sto. Domingo sends the packet 4 electronically???
They send packet by mail.
But if you dont receiv it one month before yout interview, then they send you by e-mail.
You need to e-mail them one month before your interview and notify that your packet hasnt arrived.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-03 22:49:00
Caribbeanletter of intent
Dominican consulate doesnt ask for new letter of intent.
If you want you can bring it, but in the instructions letter they dont ask for that

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-07 15:50:00
Caribbeantranslating inextensa bc/ DR peoples plz help

I am in process of getting my fiance bc translated but I understand that at time of the interview the bc has to be within 30 days from cita date but I have a bc from april 2013 I am trying to get translated now so I can use for the cota but I am going to get an updated bc for the cita. My question is it ok to use the old bc for translation puposes? Or should I wait??

You can use your inextensa that you have.
The only thing that need to be update within 30 is the police certificate.
I have my bc from november .
My interview is on march.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-09 17:57:00
Caribbeantranslating inextensa bc/ DR peoples plz help

Why are you getting his birth certificate translated for the K1 visa interview? Its not needed. You only translate for the AOS process after marriage while you're America. Everyone at the Consulate speaks and reads in Spanish. 

good answer
In dominican republic you dont translate documents for interview

Edited by Ilovemyman, 09 January 2014 - 05:53 PM.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-09 17:52:00
CaribbeanSanto Domingo Embassy moving
I received one e-mail from dominican embassy , they say that the consulate will be in a new location but no in february, they say that the date will be diferent to february.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-10 11:36:00
CaribbeanSanto Domingo Embassy moving
Dont be worried for the new location.
everybody here is aviable to go to another planet to the interview to be with our love :). Hahaha.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-04 20:55:00
CaribbeanSanto Domingo Embassy moving
Dont worry, the new location is to 17 minutes from the actual location.
So everybody that have booked hotels can stay there and take a taxi to the new location.
I know in the old location you can go walking, but there isnt nothing that we can do if they move before our interview just only go.
New location is at ave: Republica de Colombia almost coner with ave Jacobo Majluta Aza, Arroyo Hondo Sto. Dgo.,
You can look at the map and see that isnt so far from the old location
I think to stay in at hotel near the actual location and take a taxi.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-03 11:21:00
Caribbeanfolliw to join
You pay at baby's interview.
No in your fiance's interview.
Now you pay only for the person who is going to get the visa.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-10 06:22:00
Caribbeanmedical exam Dominican republic

what papers do I need for the interview?
cedula, pasaporte, fotos (3), and HOJA INFORMATIVA???? this is what the embassy sent me.
Im having my vita on monday . 

All that is correct, good lucky in your medical.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-10 16:43:00
Caribbeanmedical exam Dominican republic

Hey guys can anyone tell me the exact price for the medical exam in Dominican republic I heard they changed the price and on the website I don't see anything

I e-mailed consultorio de visas asking by the prices, they answered me saying that the last line is for pregnant.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-07 05:56:00
Caribbeanmedical exam Dominican republic

do you see the row showing a price of $250 for those "19 o mas" also including vaccinations? That is the part i was confused by. But it appears people are paying the 19-64 price of $350.

I think that the last price is for pregnant, because there is another square that shows in the last line for prenant.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-06 05:46:00
Caribbeanmedical exam Dominican republic
Remember it is better go for the exam, 2 weeks bofore interview.
Dont go one month bofore.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-05 11:43:00
Caribbeanmedical exam Dominican republic
19 -64 years old price is 350 with vacinations inclusive

i found the chart with the prices, but not sure how to read it.
19 o mas OR 19-64 ??? Someone else know that answer because the price is $100 different?

This prices are clear.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-05 11:41:00
CaribbeanApproved K-1 Visa. How long is the wait for his passport?
I think that is taking lobg, because the consulate onky was clossed 25dec, 1jan , and 6 jan.
If your fiance is from Santo Domingo city It should have his passport already.
Call to Domex to see if they have the passport.
Or e-mail the consulate to see what they say.
In the subject type your case number and in the e-mail type petitioner and beneficiary's name and birthday of both.
Consulate e-mail:

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-10 20:55:00
CaribbeanApproved K-1 Visa. How long is the wait for his passport?
But if you have to go back tow usa without your fiance, you dobt need come back here to flight with him.
He can flight alone, I know that maybe he never have taken a plane but many fiances flight alone

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-10 20:48:00
Caribbeaninterview visa aproved, administrative processing, ready now administrative processing again?
I have red many people that their status change diferent times like your.
But after change to issued.
Ap mean that they are reviewing his backgrown.
I wish you the best.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-14 12:06:00
Caribbeanvisa pick up

can she still elect to go pick it up or do we have to wait for it to come ??

No she has to wait for it, the option for pick up is the day of interview when you pay in domex.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-11 20:09:00
Caribbeanvisa pick up
At the moment you paid to domex you could choice pick up the passport.
Shes was liying, because you have the right to pick up the visa, and pay less to domex.
There are a lots of people that pick up their visas.
And the paid for domex is a litle less.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-10 21:21:00
CaribbeanSanto Domingo WAITING LIST
They sent me an e-mail , they say that they will be in a new location but no in february.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-14 18:19:00
CaribbeanSanto Domingo WAITING LIST
Congratulations, you will have your interview date soon.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-13 12:15:00