Caribbeanthis waiting make me sick
You are better situation than me, my status is in ap from monday 24.
One week in ap, and who knows when they will work on mine.
W&R had their interview the same day than me, and his visa is issued and in hand, I dont know how they work.

Edited by Ilovemyman, 28 March 2014 - 03:46 PM.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-28 15:44:00
Caribbeanpacket # 4 is only one envelope with 4 different information?

my fiance went to the Medical Examen today and they found that one of his lungs is not working good. now he has to go 3 days respectively to the consultorio  to make more tests. ...DO you think guys it could be any problem to get the visa?  :cry:  :reading: also they asked him where he wants to put the vaccine in the dominican republica or here in the United State. he decided here in the UNITED STATE. i didnt know nothing about that option. 

Vaccines is better take here.
At usa are expensive.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-31 19:25:00
Caribbeanpacket # 4 is only one envelope with 4 different information?

Okey..but the transcript is the W2 with the 1040 ...?? Sorry por la ignorancia...

Yes tax transcript is 1040 with w2.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-28 23:38:00
Caribbeanpacket # 4 is only one envelope with 4 different information?

So tax transcript and the form I-134 are different?? Cause the person that gonna fill out told me tjat i dont need it nor my cosponsor.. im confused...

Tax transcript and I-134 are fiferents.
Tax transcript is the litle notebook when you fill out taxes, and i134 is a form of affidavit of suport.. That you fill out and sing and you co-sponsor too.
You sing your own I-134 and your co-sponsor his or her own too.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-28 21:20:00
Caribbeanpacket # 4 is only one envelope with 4 different information?

Ilovemyman...dime algo tu llevaste una transcripción de los taxes?? Aparte del I-134??

Yes I had copy and original tax transcript 2011,2012,2013.
And form I-134 but they didnt ask for that.
But you need to have it just in case.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-28 19:16:00
Caribbeanpacket # 4 is only one envelope with 4 different information?
At tge packet 4 you dont get dieections about medical exam.
I did my medical exam with 2x2 pictures.
And they acepted.
Do the medical exam 15bussiness days before intervie.
Be carefull outside the consultorio de visas, when you arrive tgere are buscones, people who try to make money with you saying that you need this or this...
You need 3 photos.
Passport, cedula and packet 4.
When I did my medical I paid 320 dollars.

Hi all,
I just got back last night from spending a week with my fiancé and the family and while there he received 2 identical letters.  His packet 4.  Why 2 with the exact same information, I don't know. 
We were kind of confused too because there isn't anything there that is specific about the medical exam, only to check the website for Consultorios de Visa.  Luckily, we had already watched the You Tube videos (3) that they've produced (pretty informative-recommend) so we have a good idea of what's expected.  
We did go have pictures taken that are required for the interview and for his medical appointment. My fiancé lives in San Pedro, and the photography place we went to told us that the size of the picture for the medical appointment is not 2x2 inches like the consulate's website dictates. We checked the website for Consultorios de Visa and they ask for what looks like "1.25â x 1.5â (pulgadas)"  That's exactly copied from their website.  What the extra symbols mean, I don't know, but we did go with the photographers advice and got the size they suggested.
Does anyone have any opinion on this? did you take 2x2 pictures to the medical exam or did you get a smaller picture?
Oh and I checked my mail yesterday, no packet #4 for me.  Maybe they accidently sent him my packet too, that's why he got 2 identical white envelopes with the 4 pages listed above? oh well. he has his, we have a sure appointment date. dancin5hr.gif

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-26 18:00:00
Caribbeanpacket # 4 is only one envelope with 4 different information?

Bob dear, i havent receive our p4... i will the embassy...because everyone is getting their p4 ... i am worry...

You can e-mail them one month before your interview.
They will send it by e-mail.
You print it and make the medical 15 bussines day before interview.
You dont need to go to the consulate to pick up, tgey send by e-mail.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-20 03:54:00
CaribbeanIs Administrative Processing normal two days after the interview ?
Yes rhat is normal.
I was approved on march 18 and my status is on ap from march 24.
i am waiting that my status change soon.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-02 11:44:00
Caribbeanhow long does it take after issued on ceac / sdq

What day was it issued by ceac? It should be ready 4 days after that

Sometimes that time work, but sometimes doesnt work.
Firegirgirl1788 her status says issued from march 25, but yesterday the consulate called her because they missed her bc., the day of the interview they didnt ask for it.
So sometimes they update issued and the visa isnt print.
Patient is the key.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-02 05:46:00
Caribbeanhow long does it take after issued on ceac / sdq
Be patient a friend of mine, her case says isdued from march 25, and today she got a call from consulate asking for her birth certificate, they didnt ask for it , the day of her interview.
She was approved on march 6 and still waiting.
I was approved on march 18 and still on ap from march 24.
So this process is have patient.
Tell him that is normal, some people get their visas quick, but others need to wait.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-01 11:48:00
Caribbeanstill no passport beenn in issue status 5 days now

On ceac states issued
Domex sez tranisto de consulado
I leave early saturday and wanted h I'm to come with.
I thoight if it stated issued on ceac that the visa would be ready 4 days after

Sometimes it is ready after 3 or 4 days after say issued, but sometimes says issued but really isnt ready yet.
So be patient.
I dont know how they work but I know that sometimes they dont work right.
They do a lot of mistake.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-04 02:02:00
Caribbeanstill no passport beenn in issue status 5 days now
Dont be worried, that is that they havent printed the visa.
Dometimes thay update the status but they havent print it.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-03 17:22:00
CaribbeanAPPROVED!!!!!! Finally!!! After 70-days in AP
Congratulations :).
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-27 11:37:00
In Dominican Republic they ask by the petitioner, t I went alone , and I was approved. :)
Everubody say that was a miracle because they dont do normally.
People say that if the beneficiary goes alone they give an open appoinment, that mean that your case is open until the petitioner can come and show up at the consulate with the beneficiary.
Anyway, my fiance couldnt come to my interview and I went alone, God made the miracle for me.
You can read on my consulate review or one post that I typed. My post is:
SDO-alone in my interview.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-23 00:22:00
Caribbeanxray cd
Yes, he has to present that at tge poe.
With the brown envelope,
He will get a packet, in the packet there is brown envelope that he cant open.
He present that at poe.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-09 04:51:00
Caribbeanstill no visa

Called domex and nothing once again.

Be patient and trust in God,
God's time is perfect all arrive in the exact time.
Look to me, I was approved on march 18, but I am in administrative processing from march 24 and last update april 7, but I am waiting that is all you can do.
When you call or e-mail them sometimes you drive more crazy because they say diferents things.
So best option is wait.
I am waiting in Jesus'name.
I know that everything arrive in God's time.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-08 17:18:00
CaribbeanHave one of you received Package 4 via email?? K1-DR
Yes many people get by e-mail, if you write to the consulate one month before interview they send by e-mail.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-14 04:21:00
Caribbeanwe went to the interview today but Iam confused
Congratulations :)
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-21 18:09:00
Caribbeanvisiting my fiancee DR

well here i go again! on the plane Friday to see my love again! This time i am bringing my sis with me who has never been out of the country should be fun  :joy:

Enjoy and have fun with your sister and fiancee.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-23 08:50:00
Caribbean129F Application: Alien Fiancee's Mailing Address

In other words, they'll take care of it on their end, as they know (much more than we do, of course) the issues with the postal system.  And just to confirm, once we email the embassy, they will be able to send all previously mailed correspondence to us via email, correct?  That is very efficient and reliable, if that is the case.  Thank you for your responses!

Once you know your interview date, once month before interview you e-mail them and they send the packet 4.
when you get the case number from nvc, one month later you can e-mail the consulate to see if they have asigned an interview date.
So your fiancee can be waiting the packe 4 , and it doesnt arrive, then e-mail them one month before.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-28 06:27:00
Caribbean129F Application: Alien Fiancee's Mailing Address
They know how to find every adress here.
the only time that the consulate will send somthing to your fiancee is when send the appoinment letter.
But just in case that the letter never arrive, one month before interview you can e-mail the embassy and they will send the letter by e-mail, your fiancee print it, do tge medical and pay at banco popular with it.
Dont worry about adress , they find it.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-27 11:28:00
CaribbeanAfter NO2 whats next for santo domingo

4 months to wait for the appointment???? Omg. I'm going to cry.

Yes 4 months.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-29 17:44:00
CaribbeanAfter NO2 whats next for santo domingo
Now they cant give you information, because your papers arent at DR.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-23 17:03:00
CaribbeanAfter NO2 whats next for santo domingo
I filled out the ds-160 one month before my interview.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-23 09:21:00
CaribbeanAfter NO2 whats next for santo domingo
You need wait at least 2 week to call nvc, to see if they have your papers there and if they provided case number.
Sometimes the servicenter dont send the papers inmediatelky to nvc.
you need be patient.
In my case, my fiance called to nvc 14 days later of our noa2, and they gave him my case number .
The case number start with SDO for dominican.
You dont need pay nothing at usa.
Once you get the case number from nvc, one month later you can e-mail the consulate at DR to know your interview date.

you need to wait that the consulate send the packet 4 to the beneficiary with the interview date, if the letter never arrive you can e-mail the consulate and tgey send by e-mail.
With that letter the beneficiary goes to banco popular and pay the visa fee. 260 dollars and 15 dollars.
You will get 2 receipts.
Then 15 bussiness days , dont count the weekend, before the interview the beneficiary goes to consultorio de visa at santo domingo to make the medical exam.
I advise you be patient, because this take a litte long.
First you need the case number.
You need to wait 14 days to star to call nvc.
And the wait 4 months that the dominican consulate give an appoinment date.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-23 09:18:00
CaribbeanAfter NO2 whats next for santo domingo
Now your case goes to nvc, and then to dominican conculate, you need to wait 3 or 4 months to get your interview date.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-23 08:52:00
CaribbeanWE were given our interview date in Santo Domingo!!!

amiga, no te desepere...sabemos que la espera es dura...aunque yo se estamos en AP y tenemos motivos pero tambien estamos asustados porque no sabemos con que nos vayan a salir....tu confia mucho en DIOS...POR FAVOR NO PIERDA LA estara bien...ya lo veras... te recuerda que yo adivine que te habian visado sin aun tu haberlo comunicado?...tambien se que te van avisar pronto..ya....relajate un poco...solo DIOS sabes cuando nos da los que nos toca recivir...

Gracias por tus palabras, yo se que todo pasa por una razon.
Dios sabra.
Pero esta espera desespera.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-08 05:03:00
CaribbeanWE were given our interview date in Santo Domingo!!!

Wow, so sorry..pero y porque tanto tiempo. .. Dios mio, espero que cambie prnto a issued... mi novia fue el 23 de abril y el 25 estaba issued, el viernes 2 ya tenia su paquete y en la noche de ese dia llegamos a NY...

Porque a algun idiota le complace joderle la vida a las personas.
Porque yo nunca he tenido problemas con justicia o policia, todos los papeles de nosotros estan en orden, mi novio no vino y le presente pruebas que no podia venir, y ni siquiera la consul se quedo con el certificado medico y la carta que el envio, solo la leyo , y le devolvio.
Y me aprobo sin problema, y ahora me ponen en ap.i
Algun idiota del consulado le esta dando la gana de fastidiarnos la vida.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-06 19:42:00
CaribbeanWE were given our interview date in Santo Domingo!!!

Did your status changed on ceac??

no friend, i am still in ap.
This is terrible feeling.
My fiance and me, we died everyday that pass, we feel very sad, deppresed, inpatient, a lot of bad feelings.
We know that God has the control, but we are human...

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-05 18:15:00
CaribbeanWE were given our interview date in Santo Domingo!!!

Thanks for all your help!!! We have everything ready... I hope.  How do I post a new topic??? I

Thanks for your help! It was really helpful!  How do I start a new topic??? I can't seem to figure it out :( I think we have everything ready ... .. I hope.  Do we need to pick up medical results or are they automatically sent to consulate???

They send the results to the consulate.
When you arrive to consultorio the visas, be carefull with the buscones. People who try to get money saying things, dont listen them.
You need passport , 3 photos , cedula, and the money.
To pay the medical exam

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-04 14:28:00
CaribbeanWE were given our interview date in Santo Domingo!!!

what its the best time to go the medical examen...and do they can eat before? my fiance has to go with the kids 7 years ald.

14 or 15 days before, dont count the weekend.
Busdiness days.
Be carefull with the buscones, person outside the consultorio the visas that they try to get money from people saying thing and lies.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-24 17:47:00
CaribbeanWE were given our interview date in Santo Domingo!!!
Yes get passport, you need it.
Medical do it 15 bussines days before interview.
I went to my interview at 5:45.
When go to do the medical dont listen people outside the consultorio de visas, they are buscones they dont work for consultorio de visas.
For medical you need 3 photos passport style.
The passport and the packet 4.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-24 05:52:00
CaribbeanGot my NOA2, waiting for NVC process, I have some questions.

I got the acta de nacimiento inextensa, i was told it does not expires unlike the police cetificate. Personally i'm getting my own medical checkup, i don't want any surprise the day of the medical interview.

The medical exam is very easy.
The take ray-x, after that they take blood for the blood test, and a doctor make you questions without wach you.
You answer and thai is all.
I thought that they were going to make an examination in your body and wach you very well, but no only the doctor ask if you smoke, if you have tuberculosis, if you have any venerial ill, and that is, without wach your body.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-13 17:20:00
CaribbeanGot my NOA2, waiting for NVC process, I have some questions.

I have a question. recent does the beneficiary Acta de nacimiento inextensa have to be?? I have one from November that one ok to take to the interview? ?? Any help will be greatly appreciated. ...I am also waiting on our interview date...I received notification of my SDO case # yesterday. I want to be as proactive as possible. ...thanks

If the acta is legalizada is good.
Only the police certificate is good for one month.
Congratulation for your case #, now wait the interview date, keep in mind that will be in 4 months :(.
This waiting kill

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-13 17:15:00
CaribbeanGot my NOA2, waiting for NVC process, I have some questions.
1-to get an appoinment date take 3 or 4 months in DR.
2-for the papel de buena conducta ( police certificate ) is matter the date.
This papers is only good for one month.
So you need get it 20 or 15 days before interview.
You can get the others papers now.
3-yes bring that record.
4-the only form you need is ds-160 and ds-156k, I submited the ds-160 one month before my interview.
The ds-156k you submite the day of the interview.
Dont sing ds-156k, you sing in front of the consul.
You dont need translate any documents.
You submite them in spanish.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-27 03:22:00
As I told you before if you can take tthem, just in case.
But they dont ask, but it is better be prepered.
Because if they want they can ask.
I was in my interview alone without my fiance and I thought that they were going to ask for every papers , I was prepered with all the papers, but they didnt ask.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-13 17:11:00
Everybody here can tell you , about that they dont ask for that.
Read the dominican consulate review here.
Everybody here can tell you , about that they dont ask for that.
Read the dominican consulate review here.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-13 11:40:00
If you can get them, get them, but really the day of the interview they dont ask for nothing.
I went to my interview and they didnt ask for nothing.
I had my I-134 , pay stubs , bank staments and employment letter.
They didnt ask for nothing.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-13 11:36:00
[quote name="liz&Ivan" post="6955655" timestamp="1397920544"]

Your interview was a day before mine. I was put in AP and i wasnt missing any documents either did they return your fiances passport?

No , they keep my passport.

Your interview was a day before mine. I was put in AP and i wasnt missing any documents either did they return your fiances passport?

We weren't missing any documents

They keep my passport.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-19 12:49:00
I am in ap, but I didnt miss any documents.
I dont know why, and they only say that is internal process and that nothing is required by me or my fiance.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-19 08:22:00