CaribbeanI will go with God to my interview
Gracias mia amigos por sus buenos deseos.
Somos una familia que nos damos energias positivas.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 10:15:00
CaribbeanI will go with God to my interview

espero todo lo mejor para ustedes.....ESTOY 100% segura que ya te me grifaron los bellos de la piel y asi lo senti....

Gracias por tu deseos y asi fue.
Una obra de Dios, me visaron con du poder.
Sabes los mad grande fue que yo fui sola mi novio no pudo venir, no podia salir del trabajo porque si no lo perdia.
En realidad no fui sola porque fui con Diossdsssd
Gracias a todos por sus deseos, me visaronnnnnnnnnnn.
Luego les cuento en un post.
Fui sin mi novio porque no pudo venir, y me aprovaron es un milagro.
Dios es grande.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 10:12:00
CaribbeanI will go with God to my interview

Mucha suerte. Con dios adelante todo salga bien

Thanks you.
I am on the bed up, I am no nervous but I cant sleep.
God is powerfull and he knows what is good for everybody, he never arrives before or later, he is in the right time

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 01:57:00
CaribbeanI will go with God to my interview

Trust in God, con Dios delante VISA APROBADA!!!!!!!

Thanks my friend, God know I need have my 2 babies.
Dylan and Sheena.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-17 22:29:00
CaribbeanI will go with God to my interview
Of course I will go to post everything.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-17 22:26:00
CaribbeanI will go with God to my interview
Thanks, God never is wrong.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-17 22:11:00
CaribbeanI will go with God to my interview
Well my interview is here.
I will be there with God protection.
Tomorrow I acept what God wants for me.
I am in your hand God, I trust in you.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-17 20:50:00
Caribbeansupport papers

So I don't count my fance and his child janet?
Do I use 2013 transcripys or 2012

Use the last 3 years.
But I went alone and even for that they didbt ask for that to me.
They didnt ask me for any evidence.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 20:14:00
Caribbeanhow long take packet 3 and 4 to arrive after interview scheduled

ok thanks
and good luck on your soon interview.
I am worry about mine interview because maybe you have read that i lost my job.
but this forum is helping me a lot but still still I cant stop feeling worry.

Thanks for you best wishes for my interview.
And yes I red that you lost job, but dont worry you have a co-sponsor.
So dont worrry.
Relax and wait your interview date arrive.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-26 10:44:00
Caribbeanhow long take packet 3 and 4 to arrive after interview scheduled

just i want to know how long take packet 3 and interview letter to arrive either one country or another .. my interview is for 04-21 the case was updated on 02-12 .I called Dominican consulate today 02-25 and they told me me they sent on 02-12 but still and not received nothing neither my fiance...
and good luck for everybody 

If thay told you that they sent the packet on february 12 just wait.
If dont arrive , on march 4 you e-mail tge consulate and they send you the pacjet by e-mail
Tge benefixiary print it and do the medical.
Dont worry just wait,

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-26 05:19:00
Caribbeanhow long take packet 3 and 4 to arrive after interview scheduled

There is no Packet 4 in the Dominican Republic. To understand the process better read the NOA2 Page.

You try to say tgat there isnt packet 3.
At DR there are packet 4.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-26 05:17:00


Thanks, and I can tell Godis wonderfull

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-20 17:12:00

congrats love Im extremely happy for ypu guys...mines is next week wish us luck lol

Thanks , I hope everything go good with you.
Pray to God all the time.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-20 17:09:00

Felicidades, you were granted a very very rare miracle thank you for the review!! Que felicidad me da por ti!!

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-20 11:46:00

My fiancé is 58 years old and I am 34 years old, I was alone at the interview and I was approved, here is the story:


I went to Santo Domingo from Santiago on Monday 17, I stayed at Jardines del Teatro Hotel.

I arrived at 7: 00 pm, when I was at the office hotel I met @firegirl1788.

It was a pleasure met her, also I met her baby and her mother.

I talked with my friend @firegirl1788 until 11 pm, she helped me a lot, explain me the interview process. I went to bed but I couldn?t   sleep, I only slept 2 hours.

I wasn?t nervous but I couldn?t sleep. I woke up 2:00 am and I couldn?t come back to sleep so I get up and started to prayed to GOD. I was praying until 4: 00 am, then I started to get to order everything, I took a shower and got ready to go.

At 5: 00 am I called my fiancé, he was very nervous but I said him: don?t worry GOD IS WITH US.

At 5: 42 I went to the consulate and at 5:45 I was there, the hotel is very close from to the consulate.

When I arrived there were 154 people. ( I know that because my number was 155 J ).

In the line for resident visas and fiancé visa everybody was with their spouse, husband or fiancé there, I guess that I was the only one without the fiancé, but I said to myself: I have the best company next to me: GOD.

At 7: 00 am I was in the building. Into the building I sat down and I started to read the Bible,

I red the psalm specifically,  psalm 40, 41, 108, 35 and others.

I was waiting long time until I saw my number in the screen , 155 to window 21.

I stand up and said: GOD you are with me in this.

I went to the window and a Dominican lady took my forms, passport , ds-160, ds-156k, my photo and popular receipt.

She asked me: WHERE IS YOUR FIANCE? I said hi isn?t here.

She asked me: do you have children with him? I said no.

I said to myself : it doesn?t matter what she thinks about that my fiancé isn?t here, the important is GOD s opinion.

I went to pay to window 14 and then went to window 16 to give the receipt there.

When I passed the receipt I saw the packet that my fiancé USCIS with a green card over , when I saw that I said I am approved, the green paper mean that you are approved.

I said thanks GOD, I  knew that I need wait until the interview with the consul.

While I was at window 16 I saw to @W&R A VJ member, it was very nice met another VJ member, we wish each other good luck.

After that I sat down again and waited for the fingerprint.

 Number 155 to window  15 for fingerprint. Sat down and wait for the interview.

Number 155 to window 23 for interview, I went trusting that I was approved.

At the window was a young lady and very friendly , I saw that she had my packet with the green car on top.

She put me to sing the ds-156, and then here is the conversation:

Consul: why isn?t your fiancé here?

Me: because he was sick on January from 7 to 15 and he was off from job.

And also on February by the snow storm he couldn?t go to work so now he cant get time off from job, if he doesn?t go to work he loses his job.

And if he loses his job: how is he going to support me when I live there? I asked to her.

Consul: I understand.

Me: my fiancé sent a letter, do you want read it?

Consul: ok

She red my fiancé letter and gave me back the letter.

Consul: how did you met?

Me: in at resort at Punta Cana.

Consul: did you work there?

Me: no I was there in vacation.

Consul: after the first time that you met, did he come back to visit you?

Me: yes on September 26 to October 8, I have picture here, do you want to see?

Consul: yes

She saw the pictures and gave me the pictures back.

Consul: does he have children?

Me: yes one girl, she is adult now, she was born when he was 19 years old.

Consul: do you meet her?

Me: no

Consul: where does he work?

Me: in Amazon warehouse

Consul: what is his occupation there?

Me: he is warehouse associate

Consul: does he have family here at DR?

ME: no

Consul: ok, sit down and I will call you in 10 minutes.

I thought that another consul was going to interview me again because I was alone.

I wasn?t nervous anyway I was sure of my approve.

I sat down and they called me again, I went to the window 23 again, for my surprise there was the lady that made my interview before.

Consul: have you been arrested?

Me: no never

Consul: have you been in another country?

Me: no

Then she said the magic words: congratulations your visa is approved. Go to pay domex.


My breath stopped and the tears come out in my ayes.

I said give me one moment I cant walk,

She said take your time.

I went to pay domex saying thanks GOD , ALL THE TIME.

When I was out the building I raised my hand thanks giving   to God, and then I put my hand on my heart and a man thought that I was getting a heart attack.

The man came to me and asked me: are you sick? Is your heart wrong?

I said no , I am so happy because at the consulate approved my visa without my fiancé present.

He said that was a miracle they don?t do that, my brother s wife couldn?t come and they gave an open appointment to my brother until his wife could come to the interview.

I said yes I know God make a miracle with me and my fiancé.

All the time GOD managed this process.







Edited by Ilovemyman, 19 March 2014 - 06:48 PM.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 18:41:00
Caribbeanafter the visa is approved how long consulate take to send the passport to the house
I dont know why, but now I see that they are taking more of 10 days.
I see people here that are waiting january, february or from beging of march.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-20 17:26:00
CaribbeanK1 Visa Interview Approved More than 3 weeks ago
OmG I hope that they dont take so long.
Mine was approved on march 18,

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-20 17:24:00
At the ds-156k you dont mention travel date.
Mybe you try to say Ds-160?
for fiance visa you only need fil out ds-160 and ds-156k.
Wich one you try to say?

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-22 19:20:00
CaribbeanSdo-alone at the interview

Congrats again. I think I saw you there and asked myself "did she come alone ?

I was with a blue blouse and black pants
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-24 11:37:00
CaribbeanSdo-alone at the interview
I am almost finishing my review.
I am almost finishing my review.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 18:00:00
CaribbeanSdo-alone at the interview

Any chance of posting in English for those of us that don't speak Spanish?

Yes I will post in english

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 17:57:00
CaribbeanSdo-alone at the interview

Felicidades mujer. Llevaste mucha preba ??? Congrats. Yay

La consul solo miro las fotos que lleve y una carta que envio mi novio.
Ella las miro porque yo se la ofreci, yo le prefunte que si queria mirrarlas, y ella dijo si.
Pero despues ella no pregunto por nada.
Hoy voy a escribir como fue mi entrevista en el review del consulado y voy a hacer un post.
En mi hora libre en la escuela.
Espero que mi post ayude a los que estan en mi misma situacion , que su pareja no puede venir.
Para que le sirva de esperanza.
Yo por mas que busque informacion en internet de alguien que fuera solo no encontre a nadie, solo negacion o cita abierta hasta que la pareja viniera.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 12:39:00
CaribbeanSdo-alone at the interview

Felicidades...Dios es grande y poderoso con fe todo se puede. Fue un placer conocerte seguiremos en contacto.

Gracias, para mi tambien fue un placer conocerte.
VJ es como una gran familia.
Me alegre mucho que te aprobaran,.
Yo estaba orando en todo momento, y Dios estuvo ahi.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 12:33:00
CaribbeanSdo-alone at the interview


Thanks, I so happy

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-19 11:35:00
CaribbeanSdo-alone at the interview

Felicidades!  That is great news!  
I am curious, they didnt question or give you are hard time for him not being there?  Did they ask a lot of questions?  Can you give more details on how it went?  

I will give you details, by the moment I am busy praying to God. And thanks ti him.
I will give all the details, dont worry.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 16:11:00
CaribbeanSdo-alone at the interview
God approved me.
I went alone to my interview and I was apprved thanks God.
My fiance couldnt come. He cant get time off from his job.
I told that to the consul , she was very nice.
Thanks God I was approved.
I dont have words to thanks GOD YOU ARE POWERFULL.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 11:08:00
CaribbeanDoubt, Do i need to pay 15 dollars again?

Thanks for your answer, i am super confused, this is for every type of visa? My husband petitioned for his mom, is this aparte de los 165 k hay k pagar despues k la visen?

That is for fiance visa, maybe for that kind of visa is diferent

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-24 11:40:00
CaribbeanDoubt, Do i need to pay 15 dollars again?

I keep reading diferent info everywhere. Can someone tell me what are the fees that need to be paid thru this process? We r waiting fir mother in law interview on april 16.

Medical exam 320
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-17 04:14:00
CaribbeanDoubt, Do i need to pay 15 dollars again?
Thanks for the answer.
I had th same doubt.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-15 02:33:00
Caribbeanam I ready / santo domingo
Visa aprobada in Jesus'name.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-21 17:55:00
Caribbeanam I ready / santo domingo
You are perfect and ready.
God bless you next tuesday.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-21 11:32:00
Caribbeandivorce decree
The best thing is be preper.
And stay safe just in case. Who knows what will happen if you dont have it.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-22 19:27:00
Caribbeandivorce decree
Yes they have the copy, but you know maybe they can ask for it.
But to me they didnt ask

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-21 17:57:00
Caribbeandivorce decree
my fiance is divorced and they didnt ask for that.
But I had a copy just in case.
It is better be safe.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-20 17:28:00
CaribbeanTimeframe from k1 visa issued until domex receives it
Congratulations :).
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-28 11:43:00
Caribbeanvisa aprobada

Domex still hasn't recieved it

You are in best situation than me, I am in ap from march 24.
I trust in God that this week change.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-31 19:19:00
Caribbeanvisa aprobada

Ceac sez issued so I should call domex manana

Waooo that is fast!!!!!! :).
People say that take 4 or 5 days to be in domex.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-28 11:47:00
Caribbeanvisa aprobada

It states administrative processing. So hopefully know something soon

Same status for me from monday, I hope change soon.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-27 18:43:00
Caribbeanvisa aprobada
Congratulationssssss :)
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-26 17:22:00
Caribbeanthis waiting make me sick
You are better situation than me, my status is in ap from monday 24.
One week in ap, and who knows when they will work on mine.
W&R had their interview the same day than me, and his visa is issued and in hand, I dont know how they work.

Edited by Ilovemyman, 28 March 2014 - 03:46 PM.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-28 15:44:00