CaribbeanMedical exam done....question? Dominican rep.

Well that was not listed in the instructions to the consultorios de visa website, that you have to pay banco popular first and take your receipt to your medical exam

Excuse me, the girl was wrong, now she explained me , that her fiance only paid 320 at consultorio de visas, nothing else.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-06 19:28:00
CaribbeanMedical exam done....question? Dominican rep.


Hello I sked to someone that ger fiance did his medical exam , and she said yes.
And she says that at the interview they are going to,ask for the recipt

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-06 16:45:00
Caribbeanstill awaiting interview date / Santo Domingo DR

Any news?? I'm concerned w how this process moves so ambiguously! :(

Read a lot , that was I did.
Read about the first steps, and you will understand the process.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-10 05:32:00
Caribbeanstill awaiting interview date / Santo Domingo DR

Any news?? I'm concerned w how this process moves so ambiguously! :(

Well my friend welcome to the process, you are just starting.
So be patient, you need go learning step by step, so you need to read about noa1, noa2, case number, packet4 , medical exam and intwrview.
So read a lot to learn about the first step, because if you go to another step without know about the first you will be confuse. And arent going to understand
Here there are a lot of information about each step

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-10 05:29:00
Caribbeanstill awaiting interview date / Santo Domingo DR
My date was updated yesterday dec 23.
I dont know what's going on.
I hope this year bring good news

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-24 16:28:00
Caribbeanstill awaiting interview date / Santo Domingo DR
My case arrived on november 20 and unpdated on november 21, 27 and last update december 12.
I am waiting interview date too.
My case has been updated 3 times after arrive, i hope things are going to move quick

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-13 04:02:00

What is the status if your cases? I've just mailed mine out and OMG it's like torture and worse as I read how long your process is taking! Any news? Your timeline stops at paperwork at consulate but that's 4 months already!!! :(

You reading the wrong post.
You need to read about noa1, noa2, nvc case number, packet 4, medical exam and interview.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-10 05:55:00
Caribbeanmedical exam time frame
For the medical exam is good 2 weeks.
People that go one mobth prior cant do the medical exam, and they have to come back another time.
So it is better go 3 or 2 week before interview.
My ibterview is march 18, and I will do my medical on february 28.
I will go 11 bussines days before.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-05 18:11:00
CaribbeanDominican Packet 4
Dominican need to fill out ds-156k and bring it to the interview with the others papers.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-25 19:09:00
CaribbeanDominican Packet 4

The only form included in the packet 4 was a DS-156K, which only males have to fill out. No other forms were included. It is simple the letter showing your appointment, a list of items that cannot be taken into the consulate and then a list of items you need to have before you come for the interview.
The DS-160 fopr the K-1 Visa is done online a

Ds-156k isnt only for male.
Ds-156 was only for male, ds-156 and ds-156k are two diferents forms.
All aplicants for k1 in dominican republic need fill out ds-156k.
I am a woman and I need to fill out the ds-156k.
My interview is march 18.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-25 17:04:00
CaribbeanSanto Domingo Appointments
I hope they give her a good explanation oon frayday.
She is going to go to the consulate on frayday.
I really feel bad for that, because everybody here know what stressfull is this process, and a one week from your interview that they change to 3 months that hurt.

Edited by Ilovemyman, 27 February 2014 - 05:47 AM.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-27 05:46:00
CaribbeanSanto Domingo Appointments
Cross fingers everybody, that they dont send e-mail to us changing the interview date.
A friend of mine supose to have her interview on march 6, yesterday they sent her an e-mail changing her interview to may 27, she has to wait 3 months now.
I am praying

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-27 05:38:00
CaribbeanDR interview date !

Hey guys , i hope all of you are well.
My interview is this month in about 3 weeks. everything is set EXCEPT for the forms :( 
I kept taking peoples advice to not fill them out right away and then when I was going to fill them out the last week of febuary i got sick with pneumonia.
Now i am starting to get worried because i dont want to fill them out by myself , i wanted it to be a proffesional so i didnt mess it up.
I want to know how many days before the interview should I-160 and DS-156 be filled out ??
I dont want this to be the reason I have a set back 

The ds-160 you summit before interview 2 or 3 weeks before or you can summit it imediatelly you get your case number and interview date, the important is bring the confimation page to the interview.
The ds- 156 you sumit it the day of the interview, at the first window where you summit the passport, confirmation page ds-160, papel de buena conducta, birth certificate, photos,

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-03 20:25:00
CaribbeanDR interview date !

Hey guys, my interview is March 27 @ 6:45am. I've got most of the things set. However, i want to know how much the physical is and where. I called the old clinic and they gave me the new clinic number  but they never picked up. And I want to know if he has to pay the clinic in dollars or if pesos is ok

You can pay in pesos or dollar.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-14 19:27:00
CaribbeanDR interview date !

Hey guys, my beau received packet 4 last week on Tuesday . Makes it all so official lol. 
Im glad he didn't have to go get it

My interview is on mach 18 and I havent received my packet yet.
I hope get it this week.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-21 14:27:00
CaribbeanDR interview date !

Hi can anyone tell me how an interview is scheduled in santo domingo. Does the embassy supply a date or does the petitioner get to pick an available date off a calendar or something?

You can e-mail the consulate , they answer in 2 bussines days.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-20 03:20:00
CaribbeanDR interview date !

Hi can anyone tell me how an interview is scheduled in santo domingo. Does the embassy supply a date or does the petitioner get to pick an available date off a calendar or something?

The consulate tell you when is your interview.
You wait for your date.
You can e-mail them to know if they have asigned an interview date to you. Or you vam wait that they send the packet 4( instructions ) to beneficiary .
I got interview date by e-mail one month later when nvc sent my papers to DR.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-20 03:11:00
CaribbeanDR interview date !
Of course I will post how my interview was.
I trust in God every thing is going to be fine

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-31 10:56:00
CaribbeanDR interview date !
Congratulation my friend, I am so happy for you.
I dont know how they asign the interview date, tour case arrived than mine.
Mine arrived on nov 21 and my interview date is march 18, your case arrived nov 14 and got march 27.
Who know how they asign the interview date.
But congratlations, it supposse your interview date be before mine

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2013-12-31 10:29:00
Caribbeanacta de buena conducta
Your fiance goes to banreservas and pay 330 and after goes to fiscalia and get it.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-04 11:45:00
Caribbeanacta de buena conducta
No , only you get it at the palacio de justicia and just it all
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-04 11:36:00
Caribbeanbusones by the clinica abreau

Hello! Congrats to all! I called today and was told the case was complete and even better that an interview date had been set as well, for april 16. Anyone who has had thier family member get the medicl done can tell me how much is it now.? Or does this vary by petition type? Its my husband petion his mother. Thanks in advance, and when does she have to get her analysis done?

Well, I did my medical on february 24 I payed 320 dollars.
My interview will be on march 18, it is better go 15 bussines days before interview, bussines days mean days without count the weekend.
March 24 to march 28 is good time for her medical.
They need time to send the result to the consulate.
Dont go one month in avance because they dont let you do the medical one month before the interview

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-01 03:27:00
Caribbeanbusones by the clinica abreau
When I arrived rhere was a police in front of consultorio de visas, I didnt see buscones.
I was ready to give them a good boche jajaja and tell them that I was going to call tge police, but I didnt have the luck to see buscones , I hate them.
At the consulate is the same they are aroud trying to get money from people.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-25 12:34:00
CaribbeanSdo- as good dominican, pray please to God
El poder esta en la oracion y la voluntad de Dios.
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-07 00:14:00
CaribbeanSdo- as good dominican, pray please to God
No se todos los detalles de porque le cambiaron la cita a firegirl1788.
Pero ella fue hoy a su entrevista como estaba pautado, y su visa fue aprovadaaaaaaaa
A Dios sea la honrra y la gloria.
No se lorque le cambiaron la cita para mayo, luego k era para marzo 6, ella fue en el nombre de Dios hoy, y vaya que Dios es grande visa aprovada.
Ella dara leugo los detalles, por si a alguien le cambian la cita , no se desanimen confien en Dios.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-06 17:11:00
CaribbeanSdo- as good dominican, pray please to God
Amen , eso espero ella esta en su cita hoy con su novio , espero que la atiendan, y la aprueven.

Edited by Ilovemyman, 06 March 2014 - 11:45 AM.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-06 11:45:00
CaribbeanSdo- as good dominican, pray please to God
Espero que en el nombre de Jesus tu sea atendida manana y tu visa aprovada.
Dios es grande.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-05 18:19:00
CaribbeanSdo- as good dominican, pray please to God
This is post to ask every dominican that read this post to pray to God for one person that the consulate change her interview from march 6 to may 27.
Without an explanation.
She is going to go to her interview tomorrow even if they have changeed to may 27.
She wants to know why thay have change her interview.
Everybody that read this please pray to God for this person, God is powerfull and can make a miracle and they can make her interview tomorrow and no on may 27.
Todo dominicano que lea esto por favor haga una oracion a Dios para que Dios haga un milagro manana en la entrevista de una joven.
Su cita es para marzo 6 y el consulado la cambio inesperada mente a mayo 27.
Esta persona va a ir manana de todas manera a su cita, a ver que sucede y a ver que explicacion dan ellos.
Dios es grande y escucha las oraciones, asi que seamos solidarios y pidamosle a Dios el milagro.
Dios conoce esta persona, nosotros solo nececitamos pedirle a Dios que obre en esta persona.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-05 18:16:00
CaribbeanMedical appointment

320?? Pensaba k lo analisis eran 160 ??

320 analisis y vacunas.
Junto con las vacunas hacen 320, examen medico, mas los analisis y las vacunas.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-17 04:11:00
CaribbeanMedical appointment

i printed the p4 emailed to me and it was fine. went payed 320 and seened quickly. they say go from 3 to 2 weeks before interview, we went 3 weeks before. friday is out interview. everything went fine


Did they at consultorio de visas give you a paper saying that you need to pay 15 dollars at banco popular?
IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-12 05:16:00
CaribbeanMedical appointment

Can you get your medical with the packet sent via email, or do you have to have the actual packet sent via the mail system? I hate the generic responses from the consulate in the DR. I ask them if and when they had sent the packet 4 to my fiancé. Their reply - If you don't receive the packet by March 1, 2014, email us and we will send one set via email.

That mean that if your fiance doesnt have his packet 4 one month before your interview, then e-mail the consulate and tgey will send you the packet by e-mail.
You print it and pay a banco popular and do your medical.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-10 06:01:00
CaribbeanDominican Republic windows 28/29
Good luck to your fiance tomorrow.
I prayed God for him, I am sure everything will be ok.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-16 17:44:00
CaribbeanDominican Republic windows 28/29
Maybe he didnt sign the ds-156k.
That happened to someone, and he came back to he consulate singed and his passport was delivery one months later.
I wish the best

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-15 06:26:00
CaribbeanSdo-interview on march

Congrats and Good Luck...I too have my interview for March 18th @6:45am :-)

Fue un placer verte en el consulado, eres muy agradable.
Dios hizo un milagro conmigo, me aprovaron sin mi novio.
El señor que estaba a mi lado no era mi novio, yo estaba habla que habla con el.
Dios es grande

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 10:18:00
CaribbeanSdo-interview on march
Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.
Alzo mis ojos hacia los montes , de donde vendra mi ayua?
Mi ayuda viene de Jehova que hizo los cielos y la tierra.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 02:04:00
CaribbeanSdo-interview on march
Bueno aqui esta el gran dia.
Son las 2:59 am estoy en el hotel jardines del teatro, me acoste a las 11 y creo que he dormido 2 horas. :)
No estoy nerviosa gracias a Dios, pero no tengo sueño.
Mi consul sera Jesus, asi que confio en el.
Dios da siempre lo que conviene.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 02:01:00
CaribbeanSdo-interview on march
Here we are, march is here.
Aqui estamos marzo comienza, bendiciones para todos.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-02 17:15:00
CaribbeanSdo-interview on march
From here in one month I will have my interview.
I am sure God is with me and will be with me that day.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-02-18 05:55:00
CaribbeanSdo-interview on march
God bless all who have their interview date for this year.
Specially all people who will have our interview on march.
Desde ahora les deseo a todos buen resultado a todos.
Que marzo venga con lluvias de bendiciones para todos nosotros.
I am macrh 18 at 6:45 am.

Edited by Ilovemyman, 08 January 2014 - 12:26 PM.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-01-08 12:24:00
CaribbeanI will go with God to my interview
Gracias mia amigos por sus buenos deseos.
Somos una familia que nos damos energias positivas.

IlovemymanFemaleDominican Republic2014-03-18 10:15:00